Hookworm Disease is Common in the Moist Tropics and Subtropics

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  • 7/28/2019 Hookworm Disease is Common in the Moist Tropics and Subtropics


    It is common in the moist tropics and subtropics. It affects about 1 billion people worldwide. In developing nations

    the disease leads to the death of many children by increasing their risk for infections that their bodies would

    normally fight off. It is a condition caused by roundworms that affects the small intestine and lungs.

    There is very little risk of getting the disease in the United States because of advances in sanitation and waste


    Hookworm is a leading cause of maternal and child morbidity in the developing countries of the tropics and

    subtropics. In susceptible children hookworms cause intellectual, cognitive and growth retardation, intrauterine

    growth retardation, prematurity, and low birth weight among newborns born to infected mothers. In developedcountries, hookworm infection is rarely fatal, but anemia can be significant in a heavily infected individual.


    The disorder is caused by infestation with the roundworms:

    Necator americanus

    Ancylostoma duodenale

    Ancylostoma ceylanicum

    Ancylostoma braziliense

    The first two roundworms affect humans only. The last two types also occur in animals.Necator can only be transmitted through penetration of the skin whereas

    Ancylostoma can be transmitted percutaneously, orally, and probably transplacentally.

    Disease Transmission

    Transmission of this infection is similar to other soil-transmitted helminths in which the individual walks

    barefoot or plays on soil or sand when the eggs or baby worms are present there. Proper disposal of animal feces

    will lessen the risk of human infection as pets such as dogs and cats can acquire hookworm infection and deposit

    the eggs in soil.

    The larvae (immature form of the worm) get into the skin. The larvae move to the lungs via the bloodstream and

    enter the airways. The worms are about 1/2 inch long.

    After traveling up the windpipe, the larva are swallowed. After the larvae are swallowed, they infect the small

    intestine. They develop into adult worms and live there for 1 or more years. Adult worms and larvae are released

    in the feces.

    Life Cycle Stages

    The life cycles of hookworms species are similar. Parasites are dioecious, with male and female organs in separateindividuals. They mate in host's small intestine and the females produce eggs. Following copulation, female lays

    her eggs.

    EGGusual daily output of eggs for single female hookworm is between 10,000 and 30,000 eggs; eggs are passed

    to the environment with feces



    LARVA 1(L1)rhabditiform larvae hatch from eggs in a warm soil (~48 hours); it feeds on bacteria and other


  • 7/28/2019 Hookworm Disease is Common in the Moist Tropics and Subtropics



    LARVA 2(L2)rhabditiform larvae first stage molt to rhabditiform larvae second stage by third day

    FILARIFORM LARVA (L3)rhabditiform larva second stage molts to filariform larva (L3); this is infectious non

    feeding stage of the hookworm; the larvae migrate to the grass blades and "stand up" on their tails ready to stick

    to the passing host; the larvae survive for several week without feeding until they exaust their metabolic

    reserves; they adhere to the host on contact and penetrate skin causing so-called "ground itch"

    IMMATURE ADULTswept by blood stream L3 larvae in about 10 days after entry reach the heart and then, lungs,

    where they rupture capillaries and ascend the alveoli, bronchioles, bronchi, and trachea; the host coughs up the

    larvae and swallows them; when the larvae reach the small intestine, they settle, start feeding, and undergo two

    additional moltings

    MATURE ADULT after 2 moltings the parasites mature into adults and mate; intestinal blood loss begins just before

    egg production and continues for the life of the worm (up to 5 years); to ensure blood flow, adults release

    anticlotting agents (the agents were isolated and applied in therapeutics to block blood coagulation in several

    diseases); adult females: 10 to 13 mm (A. duodenale), 9 to 11 mm (N. americanus); adult males: 8 to 11 mm (A

    duodenale), 7 to 9 mm (N. americanus)


    Adult hookworms reside in the human small intestine, where they attach themselves by gripping intestinal lining

    with their mouths. They ingest blood and cause bleeding at the attachment site.


    Abdominal discomfort

    Blood in the stool

    Bloody sputum ( COUGHING OF BLOOD)





    Itchy rash

    Loss of appetite

    Nausea, vomiting

    Pale skin

    Most people have no symptoms once the worms enter the intestines.


    Treat complications of anemia (Taking in iron supplement or rich in iron foods)Improve nutrition

    If the number of hookworm eggs in your intestines is large enoughmore than 2,000 eggs per gram of stoolyour

    healthcare provider will assume that the infection may cause anemia and start treating you.

    Parasite-killing medications such as albendazole, mebendazole, or pyrantel pamoate are usually prescribed

    Ivermectin, used for other worm infections, does not work for hookworm infections.

    Possible Complications

    Iron deficiency anemia caused by loss of blood

  • 7/28/2019 Hookworm Disease is Common in the Moist Tropics and Subtropics


    Nutritional deficiencies

    When to Contact a Medical Professional

    Call for an appointment with your health care provider if symptoms of hookworm infection develop.

    Prevention and Control

    Hookworm vaccine are given

    If in an area where hookworm disease is common, or where human feces may be in the soil or sand, you:

    Should not walk barefoot on the soil or sand

    Should not touch the soil or sand with your bare hands.

    Health Education on proper excretion disposal

    Animals should also have a proper way of excretion as much as possible.

    Vegetables should not be eaten raw.

    Improvement in sanitation measure


    In chronic (lasting a long time) hookworm infections, if the number of parasites becomes great enough, you candevelop serious anemia (low red blood cell count). This is due to blood loss from the worms attaching themselves

    to the intestines and sucking the blood and tissue juices. When this situation is combined with poor nutrition,

    pregnancy, or malaria, the anemia can be severe.

    The incubation period is 40 to 100 days or two to eight weeks.

    Also it is largely dependent on the number of hookworm parasites with which an individual is infected


    Kazura JW. Nematode infections. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine . 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders

    Elsevier; 2007:chap 378.

    Maguire JH. Intestinal nematodes (roundworms). In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles and Practice of

    Infectious Disease . 7th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2009:chap 287.

    Genus and species Necator americanus Ancylostoma duodenale

    Common name New world hookworm Old world hookworm

  • 7/28/2019 Hookworm Disease is Common in the Moist Tropics and Subtropics


    Etiologic agent of Necatoriasis, Ancylostomiasis,

    Infective stage Filariform larva

    Definitive host Human

    Portal of entryUsually via skin penetration rather than


    Usually via ingestion rather than sk


    Mode of transmission Skin > mouth Mouth > skin


    Small intestine (jejunum,ileum) Small intestine (duodenum, jejunum

    Pathogenic stage L3 Larva

    Maturation time in host (days)[59]

    4956 53

    Mode of attachment Oral attachment to mucosa by sucking

    Mode of nutrition Sucking and ingesting of blood


    Larva ground / dew itch, creeping eruption

    Adult IDA Microcytic, HypochromicAnemia

    Laboratory diagnosis Concentration methods and direct fecal smear

    Treatment Albendazole,Mebendazole, or Pyrantel Pamoate

    Length of adult hookworm (mm)[60]

    59 for males; 911 for females 811 for males; 1013 for females


    Head curved opposite to curvature of body,

    giving a hooked appearance to anterior end

    Head continuous in same direction as


    Egg output per female worm per


    5,00010,000 10,00025,000

    Blood loss per worm per day (ml)[59]

    0.03 0.150.23

    Temperature at which 90% of eggs

    hatch (C)[59]

    2035 1535

    Diagnostic feature adult Semi-lunar cutting plate; bipartite dorsal ray Male Tripartite dorsal ray
