Honors & Awards Program - 2013 Annual Meeting

Honors & Awards Program - 2013 ANNUAL MEETING Annual Meeting Honors & Awards Recipients Hyatt Regency Atlanta, GA June 16 - 20, 2013 2013

Transcript of Honors & Awards Program - 2013 Annual Meeting

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Annual Meeting Honors & Awards


Hyatt RegencyAtlanta, GA

June 16 - 20, 2013


“Next Generation Nuclear Energy: Prospects and Challenges”

8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.Centennial Ballroom III/IV


Opening Remarks & Welcome Michael L. Corradini, PresidentPresentation of new ANS FellowsPresidential CitationsOutgoing President’s Plaque of Appreciation

Presentation of National Awards: Paul J. Turinsky, Chair Honors and Awards Committee

Arthur Holly Compton Award in EducationLandis Young Member Engineering AchievementAwardSpecial AwardStandards Service AwardDon Miller Award

Verbal Recognition:Scholarship Recipients

Awards Previously PresentedHenry DeWolf Smyth Nuclear Statesman Award Rockwell Lifetime Achievement AwardMeritorious Performance in Operations AwardWalter H. Zinn Award


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Introduction of Speakers Stephen E. Kuczynski, General Chair 2013 ANS Annual Meeting

Kristine L. Svinicki Commissioner, Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Stephen E. KuczynskiPresident and CEO, Southern Nuclear

Daniel RoderickPresident and CEO, Westinghouse

Edward MosesPrincipal Associate Dir., LLNL, NIF

Christopher M. MowryPresident, Babcock and Wilcox mPower

Eugene GrecheckVP Nuclear Development, Dominion Generation

Closing Remarks

George F. FlanaganDistinguished R&D Staff Member,Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For his leadership in the field of nuclear safety especially in the area of liquid-metal-reactor safety, space reactor safety, and the safety of research reactors, employing applications of PRA .

Ali Mosleh Professor,Nuclear Engineering Program,and Director of the Center for Risk and Reliability , University of Maryland For his original contributions to the theory and practice of probabilistic risk assessment and reliability engineering.


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Thomas M. SuttonConsultant Engineer,BMPC-Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory

For his original contributions in the development and application of advanced mathematical techniques to the solution of nuclear engineering problems, including the advancement of computational methods for reactor physics

Mark S. TillackResearch Scientist and Lecturer,University of California -(San Diego)

For his pioneering contributions in the field of fusion nuclear technology, including his research contributions and leadership activities in fusion nuclear technology R&D in both magnetic and inertial fusion energy.

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This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding effort in some manner for the benefit of the American Nuclear Society and/or the nuclear community.

presented to

Joyce ConneryDirector, Nuclear Energy Policy Office of International EconomicsNational Security Council

For excellence in communication and collaboration between the various instrumentalities of the federal gov-ernment and the nuclear community aimed at strengthening U.S. nuclear safety, security and trade policies.

presented to

Leslie BarbourDirector, Legislative ProgramsNuclear Energy Institute

For serving as an effective facilitator and communicator between the nuclear science and engineering academic community and the nuclear industry in developing ongoing outreach to policy makers and other stakeholders on the importance of nuclear energy and its benefit to society.

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This award, administered by the Education, Training, and Workforce Development Division (ETWDD), was established in 1966 in honor of the late Arthur Holly Compton to recognize and encourage outstanding contributions to education in nuclear science and engineering.

presented to

Nicholas TsoulfanidisProfessor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering, Missouri University of Science & Technology and Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Chemical & Materials Engineering, University of Nevada-Reno.

In recognition for his outstanding contributions to the Nuclear Engineering Education through his teaching, research and the writing of two very useful textbooks.


Previous Recipients:

1967 Norman Hilberry1968 Samuel Glasstone1969 Manson Benedict1970 Raymond L. Murray1971 Thomas H. Pigford1972 Irving Kaplan1973 Harold K. Forsen1974 William Kerr1975 David J. Rose1976 Charles F. Bonilla1977 Terry Kammash1978 Kent F. Hansen1979 Mohammed M. El Wakil1980 John R. Lamarsh1981 Merril Eisenbud1982 Nunzio J. Palladino1983 Dieter Smidt1984 Arthur B. Chilton1985 James J. Duderstadt 1986 Gene L. Woodruff1987 Alexander Sesonske1988 Pietro F. (Pete) Pasqua

1989 Richard T. Lahey, Jr.1990 Herbert Goldstein1991 Glenn F. Knoll1992 Elmer E. Lewis1993 Karl O. Ott1994 Michael M. R. Williams1995 Neil E. Todreas1996 Edward W. Larsen1997 Gerald C. Pomraning1998 John J. Dorning1999 Harold L. Dodds2000 William E. Kastenberg2001 Jeffrey D. Lewins2002 James S. Tulenko2003 Yassin A. Hassan2004 Paul J. Turinsky2005 George E. Apostolakis2006 Noel R. Corngold2007 Sheldon Landsberger2008 Brian K. Hajek 2009 Robin P. Gardner2010 Kenneth D. Lewis 2011 Daniel G. Cacuci2012 Michael L Corradini

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In memory ofMr. John W. Landis01.01.1917 - 03.16.2013

John Landis bioANS WEBSITE

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This award recognize outstanding achievement in which engineering knowledge has been effectively applied to yield an engineering concept, design, safety improvement, method of analysis or prod-uct utilized in nuclear power research and development or commercial application.

presented to

Benoit ForgetAssociate Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In recognition of his outstanding contributions in revitalizing of the M.I.T. Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering and developing efficient, scalable Monte Carlo reactor physics analysis tools.


Previous Recipients:

1980 John R. Gilleland1981 Everett E. Bloom1982 Mohamed A. Abdou1983 John H. Bickel1984 Kenneth C. Gross1985 Theodore M. Besman1986 Kord S. Smith1987 Ronald M. Gilgenbach1988 Dan G. Cacuci1989 John A. Bernard, Jr.1990 Michaell L. Corradini1991 Glenn E. Lucas1992 No Award Presented1993 Mitchell E. Cunningham Thomas M. Sutton1994 Hussein S. Khalil

1995 Yousry Y. Azmy1996 Douglas C. Crawford1997 Jacquelyn C. Yanch1998 Timothy E. Valentine1999 Rizwan-uddin2000 James Paul Holloway2001 Takashi Hibiki2002 Todd R. Allen2003 No Award Presented2004 Truc-Nam Dinh2005 Mark H. Anderson2006 Jeremy T. Busby2007 Bradley T. Rearden2008 No Award Presented2009 No Award Presented2010 No Award Presented2011 Jacopo Buongiorno2012 W. David Pointer

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This award recognizes outstanding and statesmanlike contributions to the many aspects of nuclear energy activities.

The American Nuclear Society and the Nuclear Energy Institute jointly present this award to

Richard A. MeserveManaging Director,The ND2 Group, LLC

For sustained outstanding statemanshipand contributions to the national and international civilian nuclear power arena, promoting the development of safe and economic nuclear power, establishing policy and options to enhance the deployment and operation of nuclear facilities, used fuel disposition, and the scientific and legal structures needed for effective use of nuclear energy.

This award was presented at the May 2013 NEI: NuclearEnergy Assembly.

Previous Recipients:

1972 Henry DeWolf Smyth1974 Chet Holifield1976 Sigvard Eklund1978 Gerald Tape1979 Manson Benedict1980 Andre Giraud1982 Glenn T. Seaborg1983 Chauncey Starr1984 Takashi Mukaibo1985 Lord Walter Marshall of Goring1987 Morris Udall1988 Hans Blix Keith Glennen1989 Walker Lee Cisler1990 Remy L. Carle1991 William A. Lee1992 Bertram Wolfe

1993 W. Kenneth Davis1994 Eugene P. Wilkenson1995 Jean-Claude Leny1996 John W. Landis1997 John W. Simpson1998 Ambassador Richard T. Kennedy1999 Joseph Farley2000 Senator Pete V. Domenici2001 Corbin A. McNeill2002 Zack T. Pate2003 E. Gail de Planque2004 Joseph M. Hendrie2005 Neil E. Todreas2006 C. Paul Robinson2007 Edward McGaffigan, Jr.2008 Nils J. Diaz2009 Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr.2010 Richard J. K. Stratford2011 Dale E. Klein2012 Aris S. Candris


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SPECIAL AWARDAdvancement of Beyond-Design-Basis-Accident Analysis and Management

This award recognizes an individual or individuals for especially meritorious contributions in research and/or developing understanding in important areas of current activity. A different topic is determined annually by the ANS Board of Directors based on recommendations from the Honors and Awards Committee. Each topic is selected because of the importance to the issue with regard to the peaceful application of nuclear technology to all mankind.

presented to

Richard S. DenningProfessor,Ohio State University

For his ground-breaking effort in the understanding of light water reactor accident progression and its consideration in a probabilistic context.

Previous Recipients:

1962 Alberto F. Thompson, Technical Information Services1963 Leon O. Jacobson, biological Effects of Radiation1964 V.P. Guinn, G.W. Ledicotte, R.M. Walter, P.B. Price, and R.L. Fleischer, Novel Applications of Nuclear Energy 1965 Benjamin Lustman, Reactor Materials1966 Jack Chernick and Mark Nelkin, Outstanding Contributions to Reactor Physics since 19551967 Warren R. Gromes and Paul Cohen, Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Reactor Chemistry1968 W. Wayne Meinke, Outstanding Achievement in the Area of Industrial Applications of Radiation Techniques1969 Arthur G. Ward, Fuel Burn-up Predictions and Measurements

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SPECIAL AWARD / Previous Recipients (Cont.)

1970 Ely M. Gelbard, computer Methods for the Solution of Problems in Reactor Technology1972 Lenell E. Steele, Neutron Damage to Reactor Materials1973 G. Robert Keepin, Nuclear Materials Safeguards Technology1974 Walter Meyer, Public Understanding of Nuclear Energy1975 Edward G. Struxness, Waste Disposal and/or Management1976 Norman C. Rasmussen, Assessments of Nuclear Power Reactor Safety1977 J.O. Biomeke, F. Culler, D.E. Ferguson and R. Wymer, The Fuel Cycle1978 Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-II) Project Team, Outstanding Contributions in Power Reactor Operations and Analysis1979 Yankee Atomic Electric Company, Outstanding Achievement in the Production of Electricity by Commercial Nuclear Power Plants1980 Cyril Comar, Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Radiological Environmental Protection Control1981 D.O. Campbell, A.P. Malinauskas, W.R. Stratton, and Loft/ Semiscale Project, Advancements in Nuclear Technology in Response to Three Mile Island1982 Allison M. Platt and Team of R. Bonniaud, N. Jacquet-Francil lon, A. Jouan, F. Laude and C. Sombret, Outstanding Advancements in Nuclear Waste Isolation Technology1983 Jack E. Vessely and John M. Armaral; Team of Leonard Reichle, Benjamin Tenzer, Bertrand Mazo; Honorable Mention to Maurice G. Silk and Team of Gary Daue, William J. Collins, Mohamed Behravesh, Distinctive Quality Assurance Achievement in the Nuclear Energy Field1984 Michael E. Phelps; Team of Thomas F. Budinger, Stephen E. Derenzo and Ronald H. Huseman, Distinguished Achievement in Nuclear Technology for Medical Diagnostics1985 Milton Levenson; William R. Stratton; Edward Warman, Distinguished Achievement in Developing Recognition of the Significance of Improved Knowledge and Accuracy of the Nuclear Accident Source Term1986 Glen J. Schoessow, Alfred C. Tollison, Jr. and James D. Vandergrift, Reactor Operator Training1987 John O’Sullivan, Innovations in Reactor Plant Maintenance Methodology

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1988 Bruce D. Kenyon, Elements in Enhancing Plant Operations as Measured by Plant Performance Indicators1989 Louis Saint-Lebe, Radiation in Food Processing1990 Jean Francois Pineau, Allain Rannou and Mari-Christine Robe, Radon Measurement and Control Technologies1991 H. Peter Planchon and John I. Sackett, Innovations in Design of Passive Safety Systems for Advanced Power Reactors 1992 Eric McFarland, Outstanding Advances in the Use of Nuclear Technologies for Medical Applications1994 Jerry D. Christian, Innovations in Long-Term Storage of Spent Fuel1995 J. Neil Burger, Application of Nuclear Techniques in Food Production1996 Bernard L. Cohen, Linear Dose Model vs. Other Models for Critical Dose Values1997 Bruno Sicard, Herve Bernard, Jean-Paul Chaudat and Jacques Bourges, Non-Proliferation Issues Concerning Pu Disposition1998 Raymond W. Durante, Food Irradiation1999 Bertrand Tavitian, Nuclear Techniques in Medical Diagnosis and Treatment2000 Barth Doroshuk, John Rycyna, Marvin Bowman, Donis Shaw, Life Extension and License Renewal for Nuclear Power Plants2001 Richard Rhodes, Nuclear Energy’s Role in Sustaining Quality of Life2002 Charles W. Forsberg, Advanced Nuclear Power Generation Concepts2005 David I. Poston, Terry Kammash, Space Nuclear Power2006 Chien Chang (Johnny) Lin, Radiochemistry in Nuclear Technology2008 Terry L. Schulz, Inherent and Passive Safety Features in Advance Water Reactors2010 Dr. Ernest D. Eason, Dr. G. Robert Odette, Dr. Randy K. Nanstad, Dr. Takuya Yamamoto, Ms. Joyce E. Wright, Advances in Predictive Science for Design and Analysis of Nuclear Reactors2011 Mario D. Carelli, Innovations in Small Modular Reactors2012 Margaret E. Harding, Media and Communications: 2011 Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami.

SPECIAL AWARD / Previous Recipients (Cont.)

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Previous Recipients:

1988 A. Dixon Callihan Ralph G. Chalker Miles C. Leverett1989 Walter H. D’Ardenne1990 James F. Mallay1991 David K. Trubey1992 J. Ed Smith (posthumously)1993 Joseph T. Thomas1994 George L. Wessman1995 Hugh K. Clark1996 TawfikM.Raby1997 David R. Smith1998 Marilyn D. Weber1999 Dimitrios Cokinos

2000 William C. Hopkins2001 Michael J. Wright2002 Francis M. Alcorn2003 Wade J. Richards2004 Charles H. Moseley2005 James F. Mallay2006 Robert J. Budnitz2007 William L. Whittemore (posthumously)2008 Donald J. Spellman2009 Calvin M. Hopper2010 Allen L. Camp Thomas P. McLaughlin2012 Patricia A. Schroeder

This award recognizes outstanding achievement by individuals in the generation and use of ANS standards in the field of nuclear science and engineering.

presented to

Elizabeth Briggs Johnson2012 (posthumously)

In recognition of her pioneering work in the conduct of criticality experiments and the collection and dissemination of associ-ated data and for significant contributions as a founding member, and quarter-cen-tury participant and secretary, in ANS’s nuclear criticality safety standards program.


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This award, administered by the ANS Human Factors, Instrumen-tation & Controls Division (HFICD), recognizes an individual or team who has made contributions to the advancement of one or both of the fields of nuclear instrumentation and control or hu-man-machine interface through individual or combined activities. It is named after Dr. Don W. Miller, Professor and distinguished Program Chair at the Ohio State University Nuclear Engineering Program, a prior member of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, and past ANS President.

presented to

Dieter H. WachGesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)

In recognition of his outstanding accomplishments in the field ofnuclear power plant instrumentation and control technologies.

presented to

Julius J. PersenskySr. Human Factors Advisor,Idaho National Laboratory(posthumously)

In recognition of his outstanding accomplishments in the field of nuclear power plant human-machine interface

Previous Recipients:2010 Robert E. Uhrig2011 Rafael B. Perez

08.23.1944 - 04.20.2013

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This award, administered by the Radiation Protection and Shield-ing Division (RPSD), recognizes long-term or lifetime achievement in research, technology development, or education in the fields of radiation protection, shielding or dosimetry.

presented to

Richard E. FawProfessor,Mechanical and Nuclear EngineeringKansas State University

For numerous contributions over the last 50 years to the practice of shield-ing, shielding analyses, skyshine method-ology, the education of students through teaching and research, the training of professionals through short courses, the publication of textbooks and technical articles, the creation of standards, and service to the profession.

This award was previously distributed to the recipient in May 2013.

Previous Recipients:

1986 Theodore Rockwell1987 Arthur B. Chilton1989 Herbert Goldstein1991 David K. Trubey1995 Norman M. Schaeffer1997 Wilbur L. Bunch2004 Robert W. Roussin2008 Enrico Sartori2010 Nick Tsoulfanidis


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In memory ofDr. Theodore Rockwell06.26.1922 - 03.31.2013

Ted Rockwell, Atomic Pioneer and Tireless

Campaigner for FactsANS NUCLEAR CAFE

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This award, administered by the Operations and Power Division (OPD), recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of nuclear reactor operations. The award is intended for licensed and unlicensed personnel who comprise an active part of the operation of a nuclear facility and who have performed these duties in an exemplary manner

presented to

Oak Ridge National Laboratory High Flux Isotope Reactor

For significant improvement in reactor facility operations, plant maintenance and reliability as a neutron source for irradiation and scattering programs.

This award will be presented at an upcoming OPD function.

Previous Recipients:

1983 Peter Martin1985 Charles R. Dietz (Carolina Power & Light Co., Brunswick Nuclear Project); Team of Roland N. Smith (Argonne National Laboratory, ID) and William H. Perry (EBR II); Team of Efford H. Pierce (Yankee Atomic Electric Co.), Edward A. Walsh, Edwin R. Taylor, Donald B. Vassar, Karl E. Jurentkuff1986 Richard J. Cashwell (University of Wisconsin); Harold W. Keiser (Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.) 1987 FFTF Reactor Operations Management Team of R. H. Davis, G.B. Griffin, D.G. Hamrick, L.E. Harville, C.P. Wick, D.J. Swaim; John C. Merritt, Jr. (Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co.); Team of Shuh-Ji Tsuei (Taiwan Power Co.), Shoei-Jin Liao, Neng-Fu Shih1988 Donald R. Harris (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); William A. Haller (Duke Power Co.); Richard M. Smith (Carolina Power & Light Co.). 1989 James E. O'Sullivan (Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.); Team of C. Chiu, W. Frick, B. Woods, J. Tate, S. McMahan, D. Niebruegge, V. Fisher, J. Salazar, B. Duncil, C. Elliott, W. Wilczek, M. Gutell, J. Moore, R. Waldo, G. Holloway (Southern California Edison Co., San Onofre Trip Reduction Task Force).

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1990 Patrick Tierney and Edward L. Watzl (Northern States Power); Henry D. Hukill, T. Gary Broughton, and Michael J. Ross (GPU Nuclear Corp.); Robert M. Brugger, Don M. Alger, J. Charles McKibben, and Chester B. Edwards, Jr. (University of Missouri- Columbia). 1991 Graham M. Leitch (Philadelphia Electric Co., Limerick Generating Station); W. T. Ullrich (Tennessee Valley Authority, Browns Ferry Unit 3 Restart). 1992 George C. Fullmer (GE Nuclear, San Jose - retired). 1993 Leo B. Holland (Martin Marietta Energy Systems); Louis F. Storz (Toledo Edison). 1996 Brookhaven National Laboratory1997 Howard Maxwell & the Arizona Public Service Predictive Maintenance Team. 1998 FFTF Operations, Maintenance, and Engineering. In recognition of disciplined defueling operations and storage operations of spent mixed oxide fuel. 1999 Louis F. Storz2000 Yuichi Hayashi, KANSAI Electric Power Company, Inc. (Ohi Power Station, Japan) 2001 Peter Martin, Superintendent at Wolf Creek Nuclear Station2005 B. Ralph Sylvia (posthumously)2007 Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory (NETL) at the University of Texas at Austin2010 Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center, University of Florida Text Reactor, Purdue University Reactor, Oregon State University Washington State University Nuclear Reactor, University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor, and Neutron Radiography Reactor


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This award, administered by the Operations and Power Division (OPD), recognizes outstanding contributions to the advancement of nuclear power. It honors Walter H. Zinn, the Society's first president.

presented to

Loyd A. WrightManager, Regulatory PerformanceSouthern California Edison

He has dedicated his greater than 30-year career to activities that have supported the advancement of nu-clear energy and nuclear science and technology. He has been a leader in the American Nuclear Society for most of his career and has excelled in several leadership roles at the San Onofre Nuclear Plant. He has taken on new leadership responsibilities and laid the foundation for future success.

This award will be presented at an upcoming OPD function.

Previous Recipients:

1976 Walter H. Zinn 1977 Dixy Lee Ray 1978 Aubrey J. Wagner 1979 Chauncey Starr 1980 William S. Lee 1981 George A. Vendryes 1982 John W. Simpson 1983 W. Kenneth Davis 1984 John M. West 1985 William G. Morrison 1986 William J. Cahil, Jr. 1987 Nunzio J. Palladino 1988 Floyd L. Culler 1989 Solomon Levy 1990 Bertram Wolfe 1991 Frank Bevilacqua 1992 Glenn A. Reed 1993 John J. Taylor

1994 Charles F. Jones 1995 Byron Lee, Jr. 1996 Bernard L. Cohen 1997 Howard J. Bruschi 1998 Eugene P. Wilkinson 1999 Corbin A. McNeill, Jr. 2000 Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr. 2001 William R. Stratton 2002 Henry E. Stone 2003 Walter A. Simon 2004 Harold B. Ray 2005 Margaret (Marge) W. Asprey2006 William Cavanaugh, III 2007 Leonard J. Koch 2008 William F. Naughton2009 Harold R. Denton2010 No Award Presented2011 Edward L. Quinn

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The ANS commitment to education of the future nuclear energyworkforce - the ANS Scholarship Program - again recognized theacademic excellence of graduate and undergraduate students for the 2013-2014 academic year. ANS awarded $234,000 in schol-arships to 86 recipients, representing 26 academic institutions thanks to generous donations.

INCOMING FRESHMAN CATEGORYPresented to graduating high-school seniors who are pursuing science, mathematics and/or technical courses with an interest in working in nuclear science and technology.

Anna Marie Malcom – Johns Creek High SchoolColton Jacob Oldham – Hurricane High SchoolKeeton Thayer Ross – Grosse Ile High SchoolNina Colby Sorrell – Graystone Academy

UNDERGRADUATE CATEGORYPresented to undergraduate students of nuclear science and engineering in recognition of outstanding efforts and academic achievements in pursuit of a college education.

Michael Taylor Brand – Texas A&M UniversityKeith Ryan Sponsler – Missouri University of Science & TechnologyAlyxandria Lorraine Wszolek – University of TennesseeDaniel Robert Abercrombie – Pennsylvania State UniversityMorgan Rae Byerly – University of FloridaLouis John Chapdelaine – University of IllinoisAlexander Rich Clark – Idaho State UniversityLevi Daniel Gardner – Utah State UniversityMichael Gilbert Gionet – University of Wisconsin-MadisonHannah Rose Hale – University of TennesseeAaron Miguel Holgado – Texas A&M UniversityKirk Constantine Liberty – University of MichiganDaniel N. Mena – Pennsylvania State UniversityDaniel J. Metz – Virginia Commonwealth UniversityDaniel Nunez – University of MichiganCatherine McCook Perego – Pennsylvania State UniversityDylan Ray Rittman – University of MichiganJonathan David Rolland – University of IllinoisJacob Alexander Rosnack – Pennsylvania State UniversityRui Lin Tan – University of IllinoisRichard Manel Vega – Texas A&M UniversityMichael Charles Young – University of Wisconsin


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Angelo F. Bisesti Memorial ScholarshipGregory Michael Borza - Pennsylvania State University

Raymond DiSalvo Memorial ScholarshipPaul Michael Johns – University of Florida

William R. & Mila Kimel Nuclear Engineering ScholarshipCody Stephen Wiggins – University of Tennessee

Human Factors, Instrumentation, and Controls Division ScholarshipVictor Brady Lollar - University of Tennessee

Robert G. Lacy Memorial ScholarshipDerek Man Hon Hung – University of Michigan

John R. Lamarsh Memorial ScholarshipRachel Sophia Bielajew – University of Michigan

Robert T. Liner Memorial ScholarshipAnant Singhal – North Carolina State University

Robert L. Long Memorial ScholarshipKalin Rose Kiesling – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Accelerator Applications Division ScholarshipMikah Ray Rust – University of Tennessee

Decommissioning and Environmental Sciences DivisionUndergraduate ScholarshipLarinda Nichols – Idaho State University

Operations and Power Division ScholarshipCody Joe Gilbert – North Carolina State University

Charles (Tommy) Thomas Memorial ScholarshipThomas Jonathan Chrobak – University of Wisconsin


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GRADUATE CATEGORYFor academic excellence and outstanding achievements to a full-time graduate student in the field of nuclear science and engineering.

Lauren M. Boldon - Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteSamuel O. Brinton - Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAlexandra L. N. Burja - University of MichiganJames P. Carr, IV - Virginia Commonwealth UniversityAndrew R. Cartas - University of FloridaJonathan D. Coburn - North Carolina State UniversityPeter E. Collins - University of TennesseeChristian D. Di Sanzo - University of California, BerkeleyMicah J. Esmond - Virginia TechPeter R. Fiflis - University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignEric C. Forrest - Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMatthew J. Gidden - University of Wisconsin-MadisonThomas V. Holschuh - Oregon State UniversityAaron J. Holzaepfel - University of FloridaMatthew J. Jasica - University of Wisconsin-MadisonAlexis C. Kaplan - University of MichiganJoon Kwak - University of MichiganDerek M. Lax - Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyBrian J. McDermott - Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteNatalie A. McGirl - University of TennesseeJohn K. Polack - University of MichiganJoshua G. Richard - Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyWilliam J. Sames - Texas A&M UniversityRosemary M. Sugrue - Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDaniel D. Wooten - North Carolina State UniversityJonathan L. Wormald - North Carolina State University

Everitt P. Blizard ScholarshipRyan Patrick Kelly – Texas A&M University

Robert A. Dannels Memorial ScholarshipJesse Curtis Holmes – North Carolina State University

Decommissioning and Environmental Sciences DivisionGraduate ScholarshipAlyse Marie Scurlock – University of Florida


Allan F. Henry/Paul A. Greebler ScholarshipTimothy Patrick Burke – University of Michigan

Saul Levine Memorial ScholarshipEthan Allen Bates – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Vern R. Dapp ScholarshipMark Andrew Norsworthy - University of Michigan

Nuclear Criticality Safety Pioneers ScholarshipMadison Elizabeth Martin – University of Florida

John Randall Memorial ScholarshipVanessa Elaine Holfeltz – Oregon State University

James F. Schumar ScholarshipThomas Christopher Winter – Virginia Commonwealth University NEED SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS For disadvantaged students who have both exceptional financial needs and demonstrated academic potential for success in fields related to nuclear science and engineering.

John and Muriel Landis ScholarshipsYasar Ay – North Carolina State UniversityBryan Jerard K. Ennis – Texas A&M UniversityMolly Jean Glass – North Carolina State UniversityZulqarnain Jamal – Georgia Institute of TechnologyJuliusz Aleksander Kruszelnicki – University of FloridaSeth Thomas Langford – University of TennesseeNicholas Alan Mohammed – University of Texas at Austin

Delayed Education for Women ScholarshipRita Jeanne Roy – University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth

Community College/Trade School Scholarship Awards Cheramie Renee Fontenette – Baton Rouge Community CollegeReuben Derrick Watson – Cape Fear Community College


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Pittsburgh Local Section Undergraduate ScholarshipMegan Ashley Doerzbacher – Pennsylvania State University

Pittsburgh Local Section Graduate ScholarshipTimothy Patrick Burke – University of Michigan

Washington, DC Local Section Undergraduate ScholarshipMax Bogatyrev Carlson – Georgia Institute of Technology


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Ohio State University

Askin GulerPraneeth KandlakuntaErik LahtiGarrett PriceBenjamin ReinkeJinghui Wang

Purdue University

Peter DevietienVictoria Noe-KimZachariah T. KoynChristopher MackeAnna MosierPatrick OchynskiFsidal OdebNam PhanJason Young

South Carolina State University

Altheia V. BarnwellTerrance BrimfieldCrystal Ann GreenArthur MillsNkemakonam OkoyeMarian E. TerryKwadwo Adu Twum

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Neal E. DavisDaniel T. DeboldDaniel T. ElgAveek KapatChristopher A. KuprianczykXianochun LaiXin LiPawel PiotrowiczMonish SinghRiu Lin TanJan P. UhligMatthew J. WeberskiXu Wu

University of Utah

Dallon BoydJoshua ChidesterChris DancesCan LiaoGregory MoffittBrooklyn Ann NobleJesse Lee ReevesAndrey Aleksandrovich RybalkinIan James SchwerdtAndrew VoylesTristalee Williams

University of California-Berkeley

Ryan BergmannSven H. ChiltonChristian D. Di SanzoAlejandra JolodoskyDaisuke KazamaDavid KrumwiedeXudong LiuBoris Tszkiu LoAlbert F. MagyarBrian PlimleyEric J. SmithParker R. TuanNicolas Zweibaum

The objective of the Alpha Nu Sigma Society is to recognize highscholarship, integrity, and potential achievement in applied nuclear science and nuclear engineering among outstanding students by means of membership in the Society.

The following individuals were inducted into the Alpha Nu Sigma Society since the 2012 ANS Winter Meeting:


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ASaid I. Abdel-KhalikMohamed A. AbdouI. K. Abu-ShumaysCyrus H. AdamsMarvin L. AdamsMartyn G. AdamsonEdward A. AitkenRobert W. AlbrechtRaymond E. AlcouffeTunc AldemirDon M. AlgerRufard G. Alsmiller, Jr.H. Ward AlterGeorge E. Apostolakis

Joseph S. ArmijoSteven A. ArndtW. Howard ArnoldYousry Y. Azmy

BHarry BabadAlbert L. BabbJ. Paul BaccaAhmed BadruzzamanCharles C. BakerLouis Baker, Jr.Randal S. BakerRussell M. BallSanjoy BanerjeeRobert A. Bari

Seymour BaronBertrand R. BarreDonald A. BeckerMartin BeckerEric S. BeckjordArden L. Bement, Jr.Harold BergerJohn A. Bernard, Jr.Theodore M. BesmannFrank BevilacquaJ. Robert BeysterSamit K. BhattacharyyaStephen E. BinneyR. E. Blanco


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Pennsylvania State University

David AbercrombieKelsa BenenskyMark Biery IIMathieu BrenerKevin Cannon Edward Di CosmoBrendan EnsorChristian ErkMichael FoxeMichael GavalekDavid Griekspoor Jr.Jason HouKassia KellyIan KnechtAmanda Majcher

Kelly McClureZachary MehareyDaniel MenaBrandon Michael PalladinoCatherine PeregoNicholas Scott PlateAlex PunziAdam RauRachel ShapiroEkatherina ShaportovaBryan ShearerAditya ShivprasadNicholas S. SomersNicholas SpadacciniIan Younker



CDan G. CacuciJack R. CalhounJames D. CallenMax W. CarbonMario D. CarelliRemy Louis CarleBengt G. CarlsonAnnick CarninoB. Stephen CarpenterJohn M. CarpenterStuart G. CarpenterLeland L. CarterIvan CattonRalph J. CerboneSoon Heung ChangYoon I. ChangYung-An ChaoDouglas M. ChapinRobert A. CharpieAmares ChattFan-Bill CheungVirinder K. ChexalRen-Tai ChiangBryan Allen ChinWilliam ChittendenChong ChiuNam Zin ChoKunMo T. ChungHugh K. ClarkPhilip R. ClarkThomas T. ClaudsonE. Duane ClaytonRobert G. CochranCecil O. CogburnE. Richard CohenKarl P. CohenDimitrios CokinosWilliam R. CorcoranNoel R. CorngoldMichael L. CorradiniCarl M. Cox

John L. CrandallRobert J. Creagan

DMario Dalle-DonneMonte V. DavisStephen O. DeanDeslonde DeBoisblancL. Walter DeitrichJean-Marc DelhayeJohn A. De MastryP.J. De MeesterRichard S. DenningE. Gail de PlanqueRobert W. DeutschVijay K. DhirGeorge E. DialsDavid J. DiamondNils J. DiazPaul W. Dickson, Jr.Felix C. DifilippoCharles J. DivonaGary E. DixHarold L. DoddsJohn J. Dorning, Jr.Thomas J. DownarMichael J. DriscollOctave J. Du TempleDonald J. DudziakRaymond W. Durante

EDonald T. EggenJuan EibenschutzGeoffrey EichholzRobert E. EinzigerCharles M. EisenhauerMohamed S. El-GenkM. M. El-Wakil

Thomas S. EllemanMargaret B. EmmettEugene A. EschbachErsel A. Evans

FHans K. FauskeRichard E. FawGianfranco FedericiFrank FeinerAudeen W. FentimanHarry M. FerrariRoyston H. FilbyPhillip J. FinckGeorge F. FlanaganMario H. FontanaCharles W. ForsbergHarold K. ForsenNorman C. FrancisBrian R. FrostEdward D. FullerRalph R. Fullwood

GBarry D. GanapolRobin P. GardnerB. John GarrickA. J. GauvenetRobert J. GehrkeNasr M. GhoniemMichael W. GolayJerome H. GoldbergEli I. GoodmanTsahi GozaniJ. Nelson GraceJohn GrahamGlen A. GravesHarvey W. Graves, Jr.Robert R. GreenbergBrian K. GrimesEmmanuel Grison

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ards Program

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Martin L. GrossbeckElias P. Gyftopoulos

HWolf HaefeleAlireza HaghighatBrian K. HajekWilliam H. HannumKent F. HansenLuisa F. HansenOtto K. HarlingWilliam O. HarmsDonald R. Harris, Jr.Yassin A. HassanAhmad Hassanein Stanley R. HatcherP. N. Haubenreich, Sr.John S. HendricksJoseph M. HendrieHans H. HenniesCarl D. HenningJ. Steven HerringDavid L. HetrickTakashi HibikiK. HikidoDavid J. HillCalvin M. HopperMasao HoriJeffrey S. Horowitz

IDaniel T. IngersollHerbert InhaberMamoru Ishii

JJeffrey D. E. JeffriesWayne H. JensAlfred A. JohnsonW. Reed JohnsonBarclay G. JonesAlf I.R. Jonsson

Walter H. JordanClyde P. Jupiter

KTerry KammashRatib A. KaramWilliam E. KastenbergWalter Y. KatoAlain J. KavenokyMujid S. KazimiCharles N. KelberWilliam KerrGuenther KesslerHussein KhalilMunir A. KhanChang Hyo KimJong H. KimJ. Howard KittelDale KleinDaniel KleinEdward H. KlevansRonald A. KniefGlenn F. KnollLeonard J. KochBilly V. KoenWilliam E. KregerThomas S. KressFrank E. KruesiPaul KrugerGerald L. KulcinskiJay F. Kunze

LRichard T. LaheyJames J. LaidlerJames A. LakeRobert LallementJohn W. LandisSidney LangerEdward W. LarsenKaye D. Lathrop

Harry LawroskiLeo G. Le SageLuiz C. LealJoseph A. LearyPierre LecocqChang Kun LeeJohn C. LeeWayne K. LehtoWitold P.S. LepeckiMilton LevensonLeon LeventhalAlan E. LevinMelvin M. LevineSamuel H. LevineSalomon LevyJeffery D. LewinsElmer E. LewisKenneth D. LewisMichael J. LineberryRobert C. LittleWinston W. Little, Jr.Walter B. LoewensteinRobert L. LongAdolphus L. LottsSudarshan K. LoyalkaGlen E. LucasPeter B. Lyons

MJohn H. MacMillanFred MaienscheinWilliam D. ManlyMarvin M. MannBernard ManowitzLouis K. MansurJose March-LeubaGail H. MarcusJair Marques De SouzaWilliam R. MartinEdward A. Mason


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Robert Bruce MatthewsWalter J. Mc Carthy, Jr.Norman J. McCormickJack L. McElroyHarold F. McFarlaneJames M. McKibbenThomas P. McLaughlinRobert V. MeghreblianGilbert B. MeleseDavid MeneghettiDaniel A. MeneleyAndre F. MichaudonJohn T. MihalczoGeorge H. MileyDon W. MillerWarren F. MillerWilliam H. MillerMohammad ModarresDade W. MoellerRalph W. Moir Michael S. MooreJim E. MorelKarl Z. MorganDavid L. MorrisonGregory A. MosesAli MoslehRussell D. MostellerL. Manning MuntzingThomas E. MurleyPeter MurrayRaymond L. MurrayK. Linga MurtyFred R. Mynatt

NFarrokh NajmabadiRandy K. Nanstad

Joseph A. NaserMichael NatelsonLawrence A. NeimarkPaul NelsonRichard B. NicholsonRichard E. NightingaleJean-Louis NigonWarren E. Nyer

OKeran O’BrienCarlos Velez OconGeorge R. OdetteSeung Jong OhM. Jack OhanianDavid OkrentDonald R. OlanderKarl O. Ott

PBernice E. PaigeThomas F. ParkinsonCecil V. ParksImre PazsitKenneth L. PeddicordRobert W. PeelleFrank L. PeishelRafael B. PerezAlfred M. PerryPer F. PetersonBojan PetrovicDavid A. PettiK. K. S. Pillayde Puyster PitcherH. Peter PlanchonMichael Z. PodowskiDouglass E. PostRichard F. PostJohn W. PostonRobert W. PowellDana A. Powers

Mark A. PrelasJoseph A. PresteleAnil K. PrinjaWilliam A. Pryor

RRichard C. RagainiFrank J. RahnFarzad RahnemaVictor H. RansomJean RastoinPiero RavettoJohn A. RedfieldCordell ReedForrest J. RemickJoy L. RempeAlbert B. ReynoldsCharles M. RiceCorwin L. RickardRobert L. RitzmanJ.T. RobertsTheodore RockwellKenneth C. RogersPaul L. RoggenkampYigal RonenMurray W. RosenthalA. David RossinGeorge J. RotariuRobert W. RoussinThomas H. RowDonald S. RoweDavid N. RuzicJohn M. Ryskamp

SJohn I. SackettPradip Saha Boris SaitcevskyMax SalvatoresRichard SanchezGary M. SandquistMohamed E. Sawan

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ards Program

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Norman M. SchaefferRobert E. SchenterLoren C. SchmidFrank Schroeder, Jr.Paul F. SchuttJames L. ScottRobert L. SealeBal-Raj SehgalBobby R. SeidelAlexander SesonskeWilliam T. ShaZalman M. ShapiroJohn SheffieldBharat S. ShiralkarJ. Kenneth ShultisJoseph SilvermanRonald L. SimardRalph M. SingerNathan O. SiuRudolf E. SlovacekAlan B. SmithCraig F. SmithKord S. SmithLance L. SneadJorge SpitalnikDavid SquarerDaniel S. St. JohnWeston M. Stacey, Jr.David StahlKarl E. StahlkopfMichael C. StauberMeyer SteinbergDon SteinerHugh B. StewartRonald C. StinsonRoger E. StollerEdward A. StrakerWilliam R. StrattonJames F. StubbinsThomas M. Sutton

TToshikazu TakedaRusi TaleyarkhanJames T. TannerGerald F. TapeJohn J. TaylorT. G. TheofanousJoseph T. ThomasMark S. TillackBernard TinturierMichael TodosowNeil E. TodreasHans TofferLawrence W. TownsendLefteri H. TsoukalasNick TsoulfanidisJames S. TulenkoPaul J. Turinsky

UNermin A. UckanYasuyuki UedaRobert E. UhrigCetin UnalBelle R. Upadhyaya

VGeorges A. Vendryes

WEugene L. WachspressDavid C. WadeJohn C. WagnerRichard F. WalkerIan B. WallLynn R. WallisAlan E. WaltarLeon C. WaltersR. B. WaltonDavid A. Ward

Edward A. WarmanGary S. WasA.R. Frank WazzanLynn E. WeaverBernard W. WehringRuth F. WeinerJoel WeismanR. Michael WestfallEarl J. WheelwrightG. Elliott WhitesidesDaniel R. WilkinsJ. Ernest Wilkins, Jr.Alan K. WilliamsMark L. WilliamsM. M. WilliamsThomas G. WilliamsonRobert E. WilsonNed WogmanClement P. WongDonald E. Wood

XX. George Xu

YGeorge YadigarogluShimon Yiftah

ZC. Pierre ZaleskiEdwin L. ZebroskiSteven J. ZinkleNovak Zuber


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