Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1913-03-06 [p 10].€¦ · 10 WANTED- Your Ut to lw cleaned...

10 WANTED - Your Ut to lw cleaned at Roman's Beretanla 8t; TeL 4026. T ' Everyone with anything for.aale, tr , "Play Safe." Considering the fao tort of sales, success In planning an ad Is more satisfactory than know lng "how It ' happened" afterward. Star-Bulleti- n Want Ads. ,Brin Horn the Bacon every time. ' . 639Mf. ' Partner, with 1 some business experi- ence and 31200'' oc more, capital to take working interest in an estab- lished business. Address ner," this office. - 0t55-i- u - All layers of music to develop talent i by taking lessons from Ernest K. I KaaL 68 Young Bldg, TeL 3687. I - Lady partner for. Interesting business. "; Capital needed 11,000. Apply A. B., this Office. , 5486-3- L - - . To buy acreage lots In Palolo Valley. 3 Write P.C Box 65. 5339-tf- . SITUATION WANTED. Experienced chauffeur wants a po- -' sltlon . with private family. Ad- dress 1371-Llllh- a St 5486-6- 1 Experienced night watchman' wants - position. Best references. Address - ."CL W this office. : ; ; 6470-lm- , dresses. k5434-6ra- . as chauffeur (repairing and Erne8t r. Young Bldg., 5) for Private Tel 3687, guitar, ukulele, ' - y 5485-- 1 w. j0 ther, cello and vocaL . HELP WANTED- - Young man with some knowledge of - to assist in office pay two prices; that Is what work.: .Address H. W., this office. you do when you buy j clothes.---Ge- o. -- Martin, The Tailor." Young lady with some knowledge of ' bookkeeping to assist in office work. Address D., this 585-3- L 178 8. Beretanla! TL " 1. 1637. lf&ssnr. baths, Bright boys with bicycles to carry ' the EtaBulletln. - Apply -- Business Or::;e, Alakea, SL ' 5344-t- f . AGENTS WANTED. . V I2.B0. per day paid one man jor woman in. each town to "dlstribat free dr-cula- rs and take orders for concen- - trated flavoring In tubes. ent .position. J.. S., Zlegler Co, 4 4 9-- Dearborn SLY Chicago, lit, "j .' '.' 5484-9- L . :." . til iu AERATED WATERS. A- Ccx Cola .Works, 34 A N Beretxnlai TeL z:n qhaa. E. Fmherr&gr. v . ..k-62S0-- ly ' ANNOUNCEMENT ', , K. Sato, S. Beretanla SL,' Agent for the famous English bicycle, - made at- - Bartonon-Humberj- n brake a front and 'rear wheels; pedal 'coaster. ' ,; 468-6m- .. -- The American Tailoring Co.- - Suits made to order 315 up. Guar- anteed to flL Suits sponged and pressed "while you wait" by can'tallora. VI: W". TVeinberg; Mgr; 225 S. Hotel SL, opp Haw'n. Hotel. TeL 3814. : 5475-t- f. vThe Goeas Grocery. Ltd Is now es--J tabllshed the ne.w Excelsior i BuIldlng,TorL SL, Tel 4138. Our cus-- ' tomers and their friends are cor- - dially. Invited to call and inspect our handsome new quarters; R. B. Irwin, Mgr. Home Candy Co., has opened a branch retail store at ' Kaimuki' Terminus. Road, Awhere high grade, candles, pure Ice cream and his famous "Mixed Drinks" are .to be had. k539a-3- m. Our Household Department cor-- . dially Invites jou to call, and in-- .' ' spect our splendid stock. Always a pleasure to show goods. E. O. Hall & Son Ud. k5411-3m- . Chauffeur D. McMillan has ered his connection with the Young Auto ' Stand and is now at Auto Livery, ,cor. Union and HoteL Phone 1326. 54751m. AUTO SERVICE City Auto Stand, opp. Catholle Mis- sion, Fort SL Phone 3664 or 1179. Has Packard and Stevens cars your service night and day. . K37Q-- ti " ;", Honolultt Anto 8tand. Tel. 2999. Best rent cars. Reasonable rates. Leave orders for. trip around the Island. ; -- : 277-t- L Coyal Hawaiian Garage. Most up-t- o- . . date la town. Experiences . cnaur-lenr- s. Telephone ? 1910. - 5277. Two mors passengers for "round-the-island- ''. Auto Uvery, TeL 1826. I read It In . the Star-Unlletl- n. It be'.". v . : PROFESSIONAL CARDS CIVIL ENGINEER. R. Munch Civil engineer, surveyor and draughtsman. 1008 Alakea SL Kapiolani Bldg.. nr. King St. ; 5345-tf- . ! MODISTE. Miss NelUe Johnson, 1119. Union SL Evening gowns, lingerie ' MANDOLIN ORCHESTRA Domingo's Filipino Orchestra. Tel. 3643. Union & Beretanla. Furnish music for dinners, dances, etc. - . ... HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA .; Honolulu Glee Club, A. C., Tim Sin. Mgr., Tel. 4166 Hotel Delmonlco. Music furnished for dinners, dances, receptions. Hawaiian melodies. . 4 ' ' 5438-l- y. VOICE CULTURE. 1 Miss Annie L. Weiss, 490 S. Beretanla. Tel. 3969.. Melbourne University. MUSIC LESSONS. G. " Domingo lessons on violin, . man dolln, mandola, guitar,' cello, uku- lele and clarinet- - 175 Beretanla, Cor Union. Tel. 3643. k5356-6- m Position Kaal, 69 Tel ?!!, ""Si mandolin-- , ban-383- 9. ; violin, vs MERCHANT TAILOR : bookkeeping Don't ready-mad- e 6485-3- t MASSAGE. ' It. office. Hashimoto, . " tnsnlctir. - j Perman-- i . ' - v. ' 22 . . . . in - . k542o-t- f. Waialae ; on at . nnst ; 1 t ? HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. Jaa. T. Taylor. Ill Stanrenwsld Bldg. Cossnlting civil A hydraulic engineer. AUTO TIRES. X5 discount on Imperial Auto Tires. Nearly all Standard sizes. Entire .' Stock to be cleared ouL Call 3481. E, O. Hall & Son, Ltd. r k5411-3- ' AUTO STARTER. ; ' Erer-Read- y Starter Easily attached to any machine, .no cranking, start d on motion ' of fooL ; Queen A Richards. Tel 3636. - 5359-3- m AtJTO REPAIRING. a O. Eellogg, 875 South SL, nr. Hns-tace- . Phone 3393. . Flrst-da- u re- pairing.. All work guaranteed. BAKERIES "Vienna Bakery ' has the best : home- made bread, German Pumpernlckle, Pretzels , and Coffee Cake. 1129 ; Fort St phone 2124. 5472-tf- . BAKERIES. Home Bakery, 213 S. Beretanla. Fresh cakes and doughnuts every day. Boston baked beans and brown bread on Saturdays. BICYCLES. II. Yoshinaga. 1218 Emma. Wheels boughL sold and exchanged, bicycle tires and supplies. Repairing. k5432-ly-. '"-i- ' 8. Miyamoto, 182 N. King; TeL 2656. Bicycles and motorcycle supplies. Liberal allowance on old wheels. . ' - - BOARDING 8TABLE8. Splendid care taken of horses In our charge. - See ' us before making ar- rangements to board horses. City BUUes, 121 Beretanla; Phone 1I2L S24S-6- m' ' ; ... HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N HUKSDAY, MAKCH 6, Star-Bullet- in Story of Results The popularity of a newspaper as an advertising medium is judged by its CLASSIFIED COLUMNS. The fojlowing "results have been reported to the STAR-BULLETI- N CLASSIFIED DEPT. and are only a fraction of the ACTUAL number of ad- vertisers who have more than received their "money's worth: Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 FOUND SOLD RENTED SOLD FOUND HELP SECURED FOUND Jan. 31 FOUND Feb. 4 Feb. 8 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 POSITION SECURED FOUND HELP SECURED RENTED FOUND FOUND , 1913. A valuable horse advertised as lost, a days. A $14,000. Home advertised in classified "Real Estate for Sale co umn only three times. A House at 350. per month, advertised twice. A $1,500. House. Snapped up after being seen in "Classifieds" three times. . A high-cla- ss Sal ;s Manager for a large concern, one insertion only. The right kind o. man, as driver. for prominent firm in .:town. ; A cottage for foir, which filled the bill. The adver- tisers had b en looking for a long time for what they wanted before advertising in STAR-BULL- E- TIN CLASSIFIED. Results in Two Days. A book contalninj valuable records. Brought to STAR-BULLET- IN office, finder having seen "ad" in the CLASSIFIED. :.. A clerical position. Young man had worn the soles off ' his shoes tranping around to the different places that he "tho ight" might want him. Somebody told him to adverJse in STAR-BULLETI- N CLASS- IFIED; now his room rent Is pafd and he has a "pie - card" In his vest pocket. Valuable horse, which had strayed from home. The right man f r. manufacturing concern, 3 times. House at Kaima'd, advertised three times. Envelope contain ng Money Order. Brought to STAR-BULLET- IN of fice.the same day. Result: happiness. An heirloom, peraaps 'of trifling Intrinsic value but with prlceles j associations and memories. A CLAS- - SIFIED, only foar days old, broughrttack a trin- - ; . ket a hundre 1 years old. "'-- . .. If CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING can benefit others; why not try - , it yourself? - - FOR SALE At "Bargain Counter" Price. A Kai- muki Home, on Waialae Avenue, near Liliuokalanl school and end of car line. Buildings practically new, substantial and attractive in finish and location. Corner lot 75x137 feeL Will sell unfurnished or fully fur- - " nished as owner, and occupant is called home to mainland. For. pr-tlctila- rs see ."Pratt the Landman, 101 Stangenwald. 5481-t- L Desirable property In the center of town. Area 11,000 sq. feeL Price 4 reasonable. For particulars Inquire of David 'A. Dowsett, Kaanumahu r SL - : ' . ; ' : 7476-t- f. Wireless apparatus. Complete sets or separate instruments. Will sell cheap for cash. , G. Hook, box 957. ' .. ;:' 5484-l- w Special. Sale: Fjoor coverings, Chi- - nese grass rugs, mattings and lin- oleums TeL 1261. V Lewers k Cooke, LtcL, King SL y-.v- k398-t- L Two good milch cows. Apply at cor- ner Laimi and Nuuanu aves., or at Mrs. E. M. Taylor's flower store on " Hotel SL 546-6t- . One share ' Hldalgor rubber and coffee ; of 190l,; bearing dividend this year. Address "Rubber." Bulletin office, , 1371-- tf v.-- Paying store business. If you have $500 cash and mean business, ap- ply to M. S, this office,, 5486-3- t Furniture of '6-roo- m housed Including new piano, will sell lot or. separate. "A.jG. P., this office. ; 5484-l- w Cocoanut plants for sale; Samoan va- riety. Apply A. D. Hills, Llhue, KauaL " - 6277 Inter Island and Oahu Railroad ship- ping books at Star-Bullet- in office, tf The Transo envelope s time-savi- ng Invention, No addressing necessary In sending out bills or receipts. Ho- nolulu Star-Bullet- in Co Lt3L,;sole agents for patentee. - tf POULTRY FOR SALE Live, healthy, laying hens. White leghorns, at $13.00 per dozca dell w ered. Nelson B Lansing, Waverly Bldg., phone 3879 il7a-lm- . ' NEW LAID EGGS FOR SALE. 40 cents per dozen. Harry? Rob- erts,. 1503 Houghtailing Road,-Pa-lam- a. " 54534m. BARGAIN. New 1912 Indian 4 H. P. Motorcycles . .cut from $220 to $190 fo rcash, guar- anteed for one year. Will be sold on installments. E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. 5395-ly- . BAMBOO FURNITURE. The Ideal furniture for the tropics. We submit designs or make from your plans. - Picture framing don. - 8. EalkJ. Ill BeretanU: Phone 1417. ; I24S-f- m Ohtani, 1286 Fort; TeL 3741. Bamboo fornltnx made to order. , " BUY AND 8 ELL. Diamonds, watches and Jewelry bought, old and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort St. t. FOR RENT Desirable houses In various parts of ' the city, furnished and unfurnished, at $18, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40 and up to $125 a month. See list in our of- fice. " 'Trent. Trust Co., Ltd.; ." Fort St., between King and MerchanL - . ' : ; , r 5462-t- f. ' ,"v A- - :'r . We rent easy-runnin- g automatic sew- ing machines complete with attachments- .-Household Dept. TeL 348L " SL- - O. Hall & Son Ud. k53981y. ;. : Beautiful house; all modern conven- iences, 181i' College". St, Punahou DisL " RIrig.3381 for particulars. - - ; . . ' 5449-tf- .. :: :. Furnished cottage, 5 1 rooms, $25; tel- ephone 1087 HA.:. 6482-t- L COSMETICIAN. Consult us about your hair and skin troubles. Doris E. Paris Hair Dress- ing Parlors, '1110 Fort, near Hotel SL; Phone '2091 for appointments. . 5450-6m. CARBONATED WATERS. Hon. Soda Works, 34 A N. Beretanla; Tel. 3022. Chas. E. Frasher, mgr. CONTRACTOR. AND BUILDER. Oeerge Tamada, general contractor. Estimates furnished. 208 UcCandless v Bldg.; Phone 21S7. . i Sanko Co., 1346 Nuuanu; TeL 3151. " Contracts for building, paper-hangin- g and cement work. Cleans vacant lots. v H. Nakanishl King, and Kaplolanl; Phone 32M. General contractor and 1 Tsullder; painting, paperhanging. :, K. Nakatanl, King and Alapal; Tel. 3149. Building, painting and paper-hangin- g, , Work guaranteed. Yokomizo Fukamachl Co., Beretanla, nrMaunakea. TeL 3986, Home 3167. ' k5382-6- m K. SegaV 672 S. King; Phone 1236. Building contractor and house mover. 6246-1- 7 :s : A N;f Kanal, 1358 Fort SU Contracts house building only. Tel. 1027. - ' . 5437-l- y. TKobayaahl, general contractor. 2034 S.JUng; Phone 3365. r CARD CASES Business and ' visiting cards, engraved or printed, in attractive Russia leather cases, patent detachable cards. Star-Bulleti- n office. r' 5440-t- L rFdr?c:ii&YQUTiis 7 Baii'- - 3 jaaai 'jfggiaaaig IV III! 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $3000 Cor. lots Six elegant lots on ' WaValae Road.' cor. of three streets; these lots will, soon bo worth six thousand ' dollars; fine view of the ocean, ?2000 Cor. Ninth Ave. and Kaimuki; lot ; 200x150; fine , panoramic view, must be seen to be appre- - elated. $3000 Beautiful corner lots 200x1124 Cor. Kaimuki and Tenth ave-- ; nues; cars will soon pass by these lots. -- $ 450 Lot 75x150 on 18th ave.; easy terms; $50 down and $10 per month. $1850 House and Lot; size of lot 50x116, situated on Firth ave., near Palolo. $3300 Beautiful building site; cor. lots 350x350, Kaimuki; all water piped, fenced; small, house on the loL A magnificent view; house and grounds now rented. $ 800 Lot 150x100. cor 6th and Kai- muki aves.; fine view; look a: y. this at once; It is worth more money.' - $1300 House . and lot .100x120; . aH modern improvements ; plumb- ing, water, gas, fruit-bearin- g and palm trees; a perfect little para- - dise. & CO. - Kaimuki Locators Phone 4266 " . End of Waialae car line. ' : Samuel II. Dowsett. 842 Kaahumanu SL, Tel 3968. Call and see him for anything in the - real estate line. 5452-lm- .' Bargains In real estate on seashore, plains and hills.' Telephone 1603. -- Pratt- 101 Stangenwald Bids.. . 5277 ' V- Lot 50x137; $250; terms; 10th Ave:, Kaimuki 896 Prospect SL ' '5463-t- L v CREPES.' X.. - r Finest Qualities Japanese Crepes.- - . H. Mlyake, '1248 Fort, TeL 3238. .': 5453-6- " CAFE. "The Eagle- ,- BetheL bet Hotel and King. A nice place ' to eat; fine home cooking. Open night and day. The Hoffman," Hotel SL, next . the Encore. Best meals' for prica in town. Open day and nighL The McCandless, Alakea, nr. Mer chanL Regular meals or ' a la carte. . k5382-6- m New Orleans Cafe, Cor. Alakea and MerchanL Meals at all hours. 5359-tf- . - ; CLOTH ES CLEAN ING. Alert Clothes Cleaning Co., Masonic Temple. ' New sanitary equipment. TeL 4380. A. A. Long Manager. Try the "Star"; TeL 1182. We press, clean, mend and deliver , within 24 hours ' , k5375-6m- . Quick Dealer Co., Beretanla, nr. Nuu- anu. Cleaning, dyeing and tailoring, k53S2-6- m i Sunrise Dyeing House, 1346 Fort; TeL 1027. We clean, press, mend and deliver. - ' 5264-3- m S. Harada, Pauahi and Fort; TeL 3029. Expert clothes cleaner. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ' r New stock Perf ectos, Ixindres, Victo- rias. Tim Kee, cor. Alakea & King. - k5356-3m- . ; THE INVATERS. The best blend of the finest Havana tobacca Mild and sweet Fltzpat-rlc- Tr Bros., aaents. R277 DRAYING Island Transfer Co., 229 Merchant SL Day phone 3869, night 3891. . FURNITURE MOVINa Union Pac. Transfer, 174 S. King. TeL 1875. Moving household goods a specialty. 5411-- 3 m. FIREWOOD. Yokomlao, Fukamachl Co., Beretanla, ,. nr. Maunakea. Contractors. Tel. 3986. Home 3167. k5382-6- m "FLORIST. S. Harada, Pauahi and Fort; TeL 3029. Delivers any part city. - 1 eiassiPed 5 FURNISHED ROOMS Large, airy rooms; electric light; low rent. Territory House, 546 A- - King. 5484-lm- . ., Large, airy rooms; electric light; low . renL Territory House, 546 S. King ; 5436-l- . " The VCla, 12 (t Fort; Phone lllf. AD lanal rooms, $12 month. ' LOST A brown marabou neckpiece on Mon- day between the Colonial hotel and Governor Frear's residence. Finder will obtain reward by returning same to this office. R. 10..' 54S6-3- 1 Saturday, Feb. 22, 1 gold necktie pin with ruby surrounded by small dia- monds. Liberal reward if returned to 34 Pauahi streeL 54S2-6- L A lady's gold watch and pin, between Cottage Grove and Thomas Square. Suitable reward lor return to this ' office. -- -- 5477-tw- . ."j E EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Y. Nakanishi, 34 Beretanla, for good cooks, yard boys. Phoae 3899, Res- idence Phone 3899. V ; 5246-6- Do you need a cook, yardman or gen- eral servant? .Call 1420. 200 Bere- tanla.. G. Hiroaka. ' Kinau Employment Office 1249 Kinaa SL, between Keeaumoku and PiikoL - Phone 1914. V v. 5450-lm- .' Japanese rCmployment oace Ito. Ber- etanla :CU r- - FtachTeowL'- - Phone .. Utl A ;- . -- -. 1123-- tl Japanese cook, waiter, yard boy. Mot-Timot- o, 1124 Union. , TeL 1755. vr.- 5070-tf- -. - EXPRESS. Union Pact., Transfer. 174 S. King. TeL 1875, If this busy ring 1874. c k5411-3- m - , . Island Transfer Co 2i5; Merchant Ct Day phone 3869, nlsht 333L . ' . : s , , Kallhi Express Stand. Beretanla and Smith SU.; TeL 2698. . All kinds of txoreau and draying.- - Charget joit k5385-6- m f Gomes Express, Tel. 2298 Reliable reasonable, prompt and efficient , k5354-l- y " A- - G GLEE CLUB. Kaal Glee Club, 69 Young Bldg., TeL 8637, furnishes music any occasion. , ; GENTS FURNfSHINGS. Kara Chong Co., Fort & Beretanla, Xmaa goods vat bargain - prices. Hats, caps, trunks,- - suit cases and .hand bags. . '5417-t- L GARLAND STOVES The world's ' best bakers, for cash or installment plan. .Call 3481 and 'ask for Household Dept E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. Photo-Engravi- ng of highest grade can be secured from the Star-Bullet- in PheUEnaravinflr Plant ; , 0 0?Tjl- - ROOM AND BOARD" -- 2030 Nuuanu- - Beautiful grounds, cool and restful; .large cool rooms, hot and cold water. Use of phone. 5462-lm- . For gentleman, nice location, walking distance from central section. .904 Lunalilo St. Tel, 925?. 54S3-5- U , The , Granville, Mrs. Geo. Turner, Propr., 1054 S. King. Everything new and up-to-dat- e. k5414-6m- . ' The Melva- ,- 1708. Nonana Art, Beantiful grounds; everything nei . The Argonaut Room with or withomS board. Terms reasonable. Phons 1303 ; 627 Beretanla Are 5271 The Han Tree, 2199 Kalla RL, Wal . klkt First-clas- s private. Beach Ho- - . teL - v ;..;.k-6372-C- a The Nuuann, ' 1UI , Nuninu; . ricss 1423. Cot tarts, rooms,, Uhla fcczx2. " The Roaelawn, 13 St Sing. Eeaut . grounds., running ' water every roca, : Tho Alcove, 1345 . Emma.': Tet.lCST. ; Centrally- - located, cocL, i:!3Ct ' .. k54C3-t- f. L. ' FAMILY HOTZL. The Cassldy, only hcas tctcL Wal-- : kikl Beach, conslata cf Iiilriiu v cottages and slngla rooms. Cu!i!i , excellent, 1,000 ft prcacrxda r ! :r at the end of-whic- 1j trlsi'l bathing pool and beautiful TijT, 2005 Kalla Road, TeL 2370. Terzj reasonable. ; i ' HAIR DRESSING. The most np-toda- te establishment in the city, i Shampooing, hair dress-- , lng, maflicuringl Hair work, llilr Goods. Doris E. Paris Hair Dressing parlors, 1110 Fort, nr. Hotel SL; 1 phone 2091 for appointments. ' t . : 5450-6- 1. : HAWAII'S f.'UCIC Ernest & Kaal,4 63' Young Elij., Tel. Ca7 tAcLcj" ocI J aUX LLztrcA t"l. ' HOUSE MOVING. Gomes Express, TeL 2233. Furniture and piano moving. Storage facili- ties. ' - k5234-ly-. HORSS CHCZH. r. A. Hnaes, King and AlapaL 2 1 jtzrt 39rlac in Hawaii as tensiissr. JAPANESE SILKS. Scarfs. Dollies, ' Table Corers, Etc H. Mlyake, 1248 Fort. TeL 3233. . " 5453-6- m. ' KIMONOS. Lovely Kimonos 31.23 to 18.44 H. Mlyake, 1243 ; FprL, TeL 2233. ' : ' 5453-6a:- x " ' " LIVERY, 8TACLE. . , , rirst-cla- ss livery turnouts" at reason- able ratVa. tirtry i .Territory, CiaMs, .148 Kmg: phone IMivt 1 , . y v .. m tin v- - , wm'" '. A THE ONLY DEED FOR HER He was a man of deeds, from many a fray. : Ana ycr sne loved nlm not; For it seems a chap came along one day With a deed for a house and lot. Had the larky rhmp. ; -- J ' AXSWKR TO YESTERDAY'S PtTZZLS, L.rfi ildf iIohb, la mil' fcedL v j I 1

Transcript of Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1913-03-06 [p 10].€¦ · 10 WANTED- Your Ut to lw cleaned...

Page 1: Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1913-03-06 [p 10].€¦ · 10 WANTED- Your Ut to lw cleaned at Roman's Beretanla 8t; TeL 4026. T ' Everyone with anything for.aale, tr, "Play


WANTED -Your Ut to lw cleaned at Roman's

Beretanla 8t; TeL 4026. T '

Everyone with anything for.aale, tr, "Play Safe." Considering the fao

tort of sales, success In planning anad Is more satisfactory than knowlng "how It ' happened" afterward.Star-Bulleti- n Want Ads. ,BrinHorn the Bacon every time.


. 639Mf. '

Partner, with 1 some business experi-ence and 31200'' oc more, capital to

take working interest in an estab-lished business. Address

ner," this office. - 0t55-i- u -

All layers of music to develop talenti by taking lessons from Ernest K.I KaaL 68 Young Bldg, TeL 3687.I -

Lady partner for. Interesting business."; Capital needed 11,000. Apply A. B.,

this Office. , 5486-3- L

- -

. To buy acreage lots In Palolo Valley.3 Write P.C Box 65. 5339-tf- .


Experienced chauffeur wants a po- -'

sltlon . with private family. Ad-dress 1371-Llllh- a St 5486-6- 1

Experienced night watchman' wants- position. Best references. Address- ."CL W this office. : ; ; 6470-lm- ,


k5434-6ra- .

as chauffeur (repairing and Erne8t r. Young Bldg.,5) for Private Tel 3687, guitar, ukulele,

' - y 5485-- 1 w. j0 ther, cello and vocaL.


Young man with some knowledge of -to assist in office pay two prices; that Is what

work.: .Address H. W., this office. you do when you buyj clothes.---Ge- o. -- Martin, The Tailor."

Young lady with some knowledge of'

bookkeeping to assist in office work.Address D., this 585-3-L 178 8. Beretanla! TL"

1. 1637. lf&ssnr. baths,Bright boys with bicycles to carry' the EtaBulletln. - Apply -- Business

Or::;e, Alakea, SL ' 5344-t- f


I2.B0. per day paid one man jor womanin.each town to "dlstribat free dr-cula- rs

and take orders for concen--

trated flavoring In tubes.ent .position. J.. S., Zlegler Co,

4 4 9-- Dearborn SLY Chicago, lit, "j.' '.' 5484-9- L . :." .

til iu



Ccx Cola .Works, 34 A N BeretxnlaiTeL z:n qhaa. E. Fmherr&gr. v

. ..k-62S0-- ly



, K. Sato, S. Beretanla SL,'Agent for the famous English bicycle,

- made at- - Bartonon-Humberj- n brakea front and 'rear wheels; pedal

'coaster. ' ,; 468-6m- ..

--The American Tailoring Co.- -Suits made to order 315 up. Guar-anteed to flL Suits sponged andpressed "while you wait" bycan'tallora. VI: W". TVeinberg; Mgr;225 S. Hotel SL, opp Haw'n. Hotel.TeL 3814. : 5475-t- f.

vThe Goeas Grocery. Ltd Is now es--J

tabllshed the ne.w Excelsiori BuIldlng,TorL SL, Tel 4138. Our cus--'

tomers and their friends are cor--dially. Invited to call and inspect ourhandsome new quarters;

R. B. Irwin, Mgr. Home Candy Co.,has opened a branch retail store at

' Kaimuki' Terminus. Road,Awhere high grade, candles, pure Icecream and his famous "MixedDrinks" are .to be had. k539a-3- m.

Our Household Department cor--.dially Invites jou to call, and in-- .'


spect our splendid stock. Alwaysa pleasure to show goods. E. O.

Hall & Son Ud. k5411-3m- .

Chauffeur D. McMillan hasered his connection with theYoung Auto ' Stand and is now atAuto Livery, ,cor. Union and HoteLPhone 1326. 54751m.


City Auto Stand, opp. Catholle Mis-sion, Fort SL Phone 3664 or1179. Has Packard and Stevens cars

your service night and day. .

K37Q-- ti " ;",

Honolultt Anto 8tand. Tel. 2999. Bestrent cars. Reasonable rates. Leaveorders for. trip around the Island.

; --:

277-t- L

Coyal Hawaiian Garage. Most up-t- o-

. . date la town. Experiences . cnaur-lenr- s.

Telephone ? 1910. - 5277.

Two mors passengers for "round-the-island- ''.

Auto Uvery, TeL 1826.

I read It In . the Star-Unlletl- n. Itbe'.". v . :



R. Munch Civil engineer, surveyorand draughtsman. 1008 Alakea SLKapiolani Bldg.. nr. King St. ;

5345-tf- . !


Miss NelUe Johnson, 1119. Union SLEvening gowns, lingerie '


Domingo's Filipino Orchestra. Tel.3643. Union & Beretanla. Furnishmusic for dinners, dances, etc. -


Honolulu Glee Club, A. C., Tim Sin.Mgr., Tel. 4166 Hotel Delmonlco.Music furnished for dinners, dances,receptions. Hawaiian melodies..

4 '



VOICE CULTURE.1 Miss Annie L. Weiss, 490 S. Beretanla.

Tel. 3969.. Melbourne University.


G. " Domingo lessons on violin, . mandolln, mandola, guitar,' cello, uku-lele and clarinet- - 175 Beretanla,Cor Union. Tel. 3643. k5356-6- m

Position Kaal, 69 Tel?!!, ""Si mandolin-- ,

ban-383- 9.

; violin,vs


: bookkeeping Don'tready-mad- e

6485-3- t


' It. office. Hashimoto, .

" tnsnlctir.



Perman-- i.

'- v.




. ..

in- .

k542o-t- f.






nnst ;





Jaa. T. Taylor. Ill Stanrenwsld Bldg.Cossnlting civil A hydraulic engineer.


X5 discount on Imperial Auto Tires.Nearly all Standard sizes. Entire

.' Stock to be cleared ouL Call3481. E, O. Hall & Son, Ltd.

r k5411-3-

' AUTO STARTER. ; 'Erer-Read- y Starter Easily attached

to any machine, .no cranking, startd on motion ' of fooL ; Queen A

Richards. Tel 3636. - 5359-3- m


a O. Eellogg, 875 South SL, nr. Hns-tace- .

Phone 3393. .Flrst-da- u re-

pairing.. All work guaranteed.


"Vienna Bakery ' has the best : home-made bread, German Pumpernlckle,Pretzels , and Coffee Cake. 1129

; Fort St phone 2124. 5472-tf- .


Home Bakery, 213 S. Beretanla. Freshcakes and doughnuts every day.Boston baked beans and brownbread on Saturdays.


II. Yoshinaga. 1218 Emma. WheelsboughL sold and exchanged, bicycletires and supplies. Repairing.

k5432-ly-. '"-i- '

8. Miyamoto, 182 N. King; TeL 2656.Bicycles and motorcycle supplies.Liberal allowance on old wheels. .

'- -


Splendid care taken of horses In ourcharge. - See ' us before making ar-rangements to board horses. CityBUUes, 121 Beretanla; Phone 1I2L

S24S-6- m' ' ; ...


Star-Bullet- in Story of ResultsThe popularity of a newspaper as an advertising medium is judged by

its CLASSIFIED COLUMNS.The fojlowing "results have been reported to the STAR-BULLETI- N

CLASSIFIED DEPT. and are only a fraction of the ACTUAL number of ad-

vertisers who have more than received their "money's worth:Jan. 21Jan. 22

Jan. 22Jan. 23

Jan. 24

Jan. 26

Jan. 29





Jan. 31 FOUND

Feb. 4

Feb. 8Feb. 10

Feb. 11Feb. 18

Feb. 20





A valuable horse advertised as lost, a days.A $14,000. Home advertised in classified "Real Estate

for Sale co umn only three times.A House at 350. per month, advertised twice.A $1,500. House. Snapped up after being seen in

"Classifieds" three times. .

A high-cla- ss Sal ;s Manager for a large concern, oneinsertion only.

The right kind o. man, as driver. for prominent firm in.:town. ;

A cottage for foir, which filled the bill. The adver-tisers had b en looking for a long time for whatthey wanted before advertising in STAR-BULL- E-

TIN CLASSIFIED. Results in Two Days.A book contalninj valuable records. Brought to STAR-BULLET- IN

office, finder having seen "ad" in theCLASSIFIED. :..

A clerical position. Young man had worn the soles off' his shoes tranping around to the different places

that he "tho ight" might want him. Somebody toldhim to adverJse in STAR-BULLETI- N CLASS-IFIED; now his room rent Is pafd and he has a"pie - card" In his vest pocket.

Valuable horse, which had strayed from home.The right man f r.manufacturing concern, 3 times.

House at Kaima'd, advertised three times.Envelope contain ng Money Order. Brought to STAR-BULLET- IN

office.the same day. Result: happiness.An heirloom, peraaps 'of trifling Intrinsic value but

with prlceles j associations and memories. A CLAS--SIFIED, only foar days old, broughrttack a trin- -

; . ket a hundre 1 years old. "'-- ...

If CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING can benefit others; why not try- , it yourself? - -


At "Bargain Counter" Price. A Kai-muki Home, on Waialae Avenue,near Liliuokalanl school and end ofcar line. Buildings practically new,substantial and attractive in finishand location. Corner lot 75x137 feeLWill sell unfurnished or fully fur--

" nished as owner, and occupant iscalled home to mainland. For. pr-tlctila- rs

see ."Pratt the Landman,101 Stangenwald. 5481-t- L

Desirable property In the center oftown. Area 11,000 sq. feeL Price


reasonable. For particulars Inquireof David 'A. Dowsett, Kaanumahu

r SL - : '.

; ' : 7476-t- f.

Wireless apparatus. Complete sets orseparate instruments. Will sellcheap for cash. , G. Hook, box 957.

'.. ;:' 5484-l- w

Special. Sale: Fjoor coverings, Chi- -

nese grass rugs, mattings and lin-oleums TeL 1261. VLewers k Cooke, LtcL, King SL

y-.v- k398-t- L

Two good milch cows. Apply at cor-ner Laimi and Nuuanu aves., or atMrs. E. M. Taylor's flower store on

"Hotel SL 546-6t- .

One share ' Hldalgor rubber and coffee; of 190l,; bearing dividend this year.

Address "Rubber." Bulletin office,, 1371-- tf v.--

Paying store business. If you have$500 cash and mean business, ap-ply to M. S, this office,, 5486-3- t

Furniture of '6-roo- m housed Includingnew piano, will sell lot or. separate."A.jG. P., this office. ; 5484-l- w

Cocoanut plants for sale; Samoan va-riety. Apply A. D. Hills, Llhue,KauaL " - 6277

Inter Island and Oahu Railroad ship-ping books at Star-Bullet- in office, tf

The Transo envelope s time-savi- ng

Invention, No addressing necessaryIn sending out bills or receipts. Ho-

nolulu Star-Bullet- in Co Lt3L,;soleagents for patentee. - tf


Live, healthy, laying hens. Whiteleghorns, at $13.00 per dozca dell wered. Nelson B Lansing, WaverlyBldg., phone 3879 il7a-lm- . '


40 cents per dozen. Harry? Rob-erts,. 1503 Houghtailing Road,-Pa-lam- a.

" 54534m.


New 1912 Indian 4 H. P. Motorcycles. .cut from $220 to $190 fo rcash, guar-

anteed for one year. Will be soldon installments.

E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd.5395-ly- .


The Ideal furniture for the tropics. Wesubmit designs or make from yourplans. - Picture framing don. - 8.EalkJ. Ill BeretanU: Phone 1417.

; I24S-f- m

Ohtani, 1286 Fort; TeL 3741. Bamboofornltnx made to order.

, "


Diamonds, watches and Jewelry bought,old and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort St.



Desirable houses In various parts of' the city, furnished and unfurnished,

at $18, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40 and upto $125 a month. See list in our of-

fice. " 'Trent. Trust Co., Ltd.; ." FortSt., between King and MerchanL -

. ' : ; , r 5462-t- f.' ,"v A- - :'r .

We rent easy-runnin- g automatic sew-ing machines complete with attachments-

.-Household Dept. TeL 348L" SL- - O. Hall & Son Ud.

k53981y. ;. :

Beautiful house; all modern conven-iences, 181i' College". St, PunahouDisL " RIrig.3381 for particulars.

- -; . .

'5449-tf- .. :: :.

Furnished cottage, 5 1 rooms, $25; tel-ephone 1087 HA.:. 6482-t- L


Consult us about your hair and skintroubles. Doris E. Paris Hair Dress-

ing Parlors, '1110 Fort, near HotelSL; Phone '2091 for appointments. .



Hon. Soda Works, 34 A N. Beretanla;Tel. 3022. Chas. E. Frasher, mgr.


Oeerge Tamada, general contractor.Estimates furnished. 208 UcCandless

v Bldg.; Phone 21S7. . iSanko Co., 1346 Nuuanu; TeL 3151.


Contracts for building, paper-hangin-g

and cement work. Cleans vacantlots. v

H. Nakanishl King, and Kaplolanl;Phone 32M. General contractor and

1 Tsullder; painting, paperhanging.:,

K. Nakatanl, King and Alapal; Tel.3149. Building, painting and paper-hangin- g,

, Work guaranteed.

Yokomizo Fukamachl Co., Beretanla,nrMaunakea. TeL 3986, Home 3167.


k5382-6- m

K. SegaV 672 S. King; Phone 1236.Building contractor and house mover.

6246-1- 7 :s : A

N;f Kanal, 1358 Fort SU Contractshouse building only. Tel. 1027.

- ' . 5437-l- y.

TKobayaahl, general contractor. 2034S.JUng; Phone 3365.



Business and 'visiting cards, engravedor printed, in attractive Russia leather

cases, patent detachable cards. Star-Bulleti- n

office. r' 5440-t- L

rFdr?c:ii&YQUTiis 7

Baii'- - 3 jaaai 'jfggiaaaig



$3000 Cor. lots Six elegant lots on' WaValae Road.' cor. of three

streets; these lots will, soon boworth six thousand ' dollars; fineview of the ocean,

?2000 Cor. Ninth Ave. and Kaimuki;lot ; 200x150; fine , panoramicview, must be seen to be appre- -

elated.$3000 Beautiful corner lots 200x1124

Cor. Kaimuki and Tenth ave-- ;

nues; cars will soon pass bythese lots. --

$ 450 Lot 75x150 on 18th ave.; easyterms; $50 down and $10 permonth.

$1850 House and Lot; size of lot50x116, situated on Firth ave.,near Palolo.

$3300 Beautiful building site; cor.lots 350x350, Kaimuki; all waterpiped, fenced; small, house onthe loL A magnificent view;house and grounds now rented.

$ 800 Lot 150x100. cor 6th and Kai-muki aves.; fine view; look a:

y. this at once; It is worth moremoney.' -

$1300 House . and lot .100x120; . aHmodern improvements ; plumb-ing, water, gas, fruit-bearin- g andpalm trees; a perfect little para- -

dise.& CO. -

Kaimuki Locators Phone 4266"

. End of Waialae car line. ' :

Samuel II. Dowsett. 842 KaahumanuSL, Tel 3968. Call and see him foranything in the - real estate line.

5452-lm- .'

Bargains In real estate on seashore,plains and hills.' Telephone 1603.--Pratt- 101 Stangenwald Bids.. .

5277 ' V-

Lot 50x137; $250; terms; 10th Ave:,Kaimuki 896 Prospect SL


'5463-t- L v

CREPES.' X..- r

Finest Qualities Japanese Crepes.--

. H. Mlyake, '1248 Fort, TeL 3238..': 5453-6- "


"The Eagle- ,- BetheL bet Hotel andKing. A nice place ' to eat; finehome cooking. Open night and day.

The Hoffman," Hotel SL, next . theEncore. Best meals' for prica intown. Open day and nighL

The McCandless, Alakea, nr. MerchanL Regular meals or ' a la carte.

. k5382-6- m

New Orleans Cafe, Cor. Alakea andMerchanL Meals at all hours.

5359-tf- . -;


Alert Clothes Cleaning Co., MasonicTemple. ' New sanitary equipment.TeL 4380. A. A. Long Manager.

Try the "Star"; TeL 1182. We press,clean, mend and deliver , within 24hours ' , k5375-6m- .

Quick Dealer Co., Beretanla, nr. Nuu-anu. Cleaning, dyeing and tailoring,

k53S2-6- m i

Sunrise Dyeing House, 1346 Fort; TeL1027. We clean, press, mend anddeliver. - ' 5264-3- m

S. Harada, Pauahi and Fort; TeL3029. Expert clothes cleaner.

CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ' rNew stock Perfectos, Ixindres, Victo-

rias. Tim Kee, cor. Alakea & King.- k5356-3m- . ;

THE INVATERS.The best blend of the finest Havana

tobacca Mild and sweet Fltzpat-rlc- Tr

Bros., aaents. R277


Island Transfer Co., 229 Merchant SLDay phone 3869, night 3891.



Union Pac. Transfer, 174 S. King.TeL 1875. Moving household goodsa specialty. 5411-- 3 m.


Yokomlao, Fukamachl Co., Beretanla,,. nr. Maunakea. Contractors. Tel.

3986. Home 3167. k5382-6- m


S. Harada, Pauahi and Fort; TeL 3029.Delivers any part city.

- 1 eiassiPed


Large, airy rooms; electric light; lowrent. Territory House, 546 A- - King.

5484-lm- . .,

Large, airy rooms; electric light; low. renL Territory House, 546 S. King

; 5436-l- ."

The VCla, 12 (t Fort; Phone lllf. ADlanal rooms, $12 month. '

LOSTA brown marabou neckpiece on Mon-

day between the Colonial hotel andGovernor Frear's residence. Finder

will obtain reward by returningsame to this office. R. 10..' 54S6-3- 1

Saturday, Feb. 22, 1 gold necktie pinwith ruby surrounded by small dia-monds. Liberal reward if returnedto 34 Pauahi streeL 54S2-6- L

A lady's gold watch and pin, betweenCottage Grove and Thomas Square.Suitable reward lor return to this

' office. -- -- 5477-tw- .



Y. Nakanishi, 34 Beretanla, for goodcooks, yard boys. Phoae 3899, Res-idence Phone 3899. V ; 5246-6-

Do you need a cook, yardman or gen-

eral servant? .Call 1420. 200 Bere-tanla.. G. Hiroaka. '

Kinau Employment Office 1249 KinaaSL, between Keeaumoku and PiikoL

- Phone 1914. V v. 5450-lm- .'

Japanese rCmployment oace Ito. Ber-

etanla :CU r-- FtachTeowL'- - Phone.. Utl A ;-



1123-- tl

Japanese cook, waiter, yard boy. Mot-Timot- o,

1124 Union. , TeL 1755.vr.- 5070-tf- -. -


Union Pact., Transfer. 174 S. King.TeL 1875, If this busy ring 1874.

c k5411-3- m - , .

Island Transfer Co 2i5; Merchant CtDay phone 3869, nlsht 333L

. ' . : s , ,

Kallhi Express Stand. Beretanla andSmith SU.; TeL 2698. . All kinds oftxoreau and draying.- - Charget joit

k5385-6- m f

Gomes Express, Tel. 2298 Reliablereasonable, prompt and efficient

, k5354-l-y" A--


Kaal Glee Club, 69 Young Bldg., TeL8637, furnishes music any occasion.

, ;


Kara Chong Co., Fort & Beretanla,Xmaa goods vat bargain - prices.Hats, caps, trunks,- - suit cases and

.hand bags. . '5417-t- L


The world's ' best bakers, for cash orinstallment plan. .Call 3481 and'ask for Household Dept

E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd.

Photo-Engravi- ng of highest gradecan be secured from the Star-Bullet- in

PheUEnaravinflr Plant ;,


0?Tjl- -


--2030 Nuuanu--Beautiful grounds, cool and restful;

.large cool rooms, hot and coldwater. Use of phone.

5462-lm- .

For gentleman, nice location, walkingdistance from central section. .904Lunalilo St. Tel, 925?.

54S3-5- U ,

The , Granville, Mrs. Geo. Turner,Propr., 1054 S. King. Everythingnew and up-to-dat- e. k5414-6m- . '

The Melva- ,-1708. Nonana Art,

Beantiful grounds; everything nei.

The Argonaut Room with or withomSboard. Terms reasonable. Phons1303 ; 627 Beretanla Are 5271

The Han Tree, 2199 Kalla RL, Wal. klkt First-clas- s private. Beach Ho-- .

teL - v ;..;.k-6372-C- a

The Nuuann, ' 1UI , Nuninu; . ricss1423. Cot tarts, rooms,, Uhla fcczx2.


The Roaelawn, 13 St Sing. Eeaut. grounds., running

'water every roca,


Tho Alcove, 1345 . Emma.': Tet.lCST. ;Centrally- - located, cocL, i:!3Ct '

.. k54C3-t- f. L. '


The Cassldy, only hcas tctcL Wal-- :kikl Beach, conslata cf Iiilriiu

v cottages and slngla rooms. Cu!i!i, excellent, 1,000 ft prcacrxda r ! :rat the end of-whic- 1j trlsi'lbathing pool and beautiful TijT,2005 Kalla Road, TeL 2370. Terzjreasonable. ;



The most np-toda- te establishmentin the city, i Shampooing, hair dress-- ,lng, maflicuringl Hair work, llilrGoods. Doris E. Paris Hair Dressingparlors, 1110 Fort, nr. Hotel SL;

1 phone 2091 for appointments.' t

. : 5450-6- 1. :


Ernest & Kaal,4 63' Young Elij., Tel.Ca7 tAcLcj" ocI J aUX LLztrcA t"l.



Gomes Express, TeL 2233. Furnitureand piano moving. Storage facili-ties. ' - k5234-ly-.


r. A. Hnaes, King and AlapaL 2 1 jtzrt39rlac in Hawaii as tensiissr.


Scarfs. Dollies, ' Table Corers, EtcH. Mlyake, 1248 Fort. TeL 3233.

. " 5453-6- m. '


Lovely Kimonos 31.23 to 18.44H. Mlyake, 1243 ; FprL, TeL 2233.

' : ' 5453-6a:-x " ' "


rirst-cla- ss livery turnouts" at reason-

able ratVa. tirtryi .Territory, CiaMs,.148 Kmg: phone IMivt

1 ,. y v ..m tin v- - , wm'"

'. A THE ONLY DEED FOR HERHe was a man of deeds, from many a fray.

: Ana ycr sne loved nlm not;For it seems a chap came along one day

With a deed for a house and lot.Had the larky rhmp. ; --J

'AXSWKR TO YESTERDAY'S PtTZZLS,L.rfi ildf iIohb, la mil' fcedL v j