Homework Response Six

Annotated Bibliography Grimm, W., & Grimm, L. (2014, February 20). Interview by J Grimm []. Credit card information hacked. I conducted an interview with William Grimm and Lisa Grimm about the Target credit card information being hacked during Christmas time. They were not too happy about that happening. When they went to the bank to cancel their credit cards to make sure they would not have a problem and the banker told them if they did not get a call from Target they should be 95% in the clear. So they thought nothing of it. They would check their bank accounts every day and did not notice any change. Until a couple days ago, their bank account was negative. Someone took Lisa’s credit card information and spent $190 on GoDaddy.com. They called GoDaddy’s service line and told them that they did not buy anything from their site. The GoDaddy’s call rep said that they thought it was a fraud, so they will refund them their money. Lisa said that she has not used that credit card since using it at Target when their system got hacked. The bank thinks that when Target got hacked someone took their information. They said that they are having a hard time coping with this because William has been unemployed from a while and they do not have enough money until he starts his job in the next week. Grimm, W. (2014, February 20). Interview by J Grimm []. Social security number hacked. In this interview with William Grimm, I ask him about how his Social Security Number got hacked. He said that he had to do taxes for the state of South Carolina because he worked for a business where they worked in that state for a month or so. Several months later, he saw a news story that shared the department of South Carolina’s IRS had a security leak. He was able to get free credit monitoring for 12 months. So with knowing that someone has hacked his social security number, he

Transcript of Homework Response Six

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Annotated Bibliography

Grimm, W., & Grimm, L. (2014, February 20). Interview by J Grimm []. Credit card information


I conducted an interview with William Grimm and Lisa Grimm about the Target credit card information being hacked during Christmas time. They were not too happy about that happening. When they went to the bank to cancel their credit cards to make sure they would not have a problem and the banker told them if they did not get a call from Target they should be 95% in the clear. So they thought nothing of it. They would check their bank accounts every day and did not notice any change. Until a couple days ago, their bank account was negative. Someone took Lisa’s credit card information and spent $190 on GoDaddy.com. They called GoDaddy’s service line and told them that they did not buy anything from their site. The GoDaddy’s call rep said that they thought it was a fraud, so they will refund them their money. Lisa said that she has not used that credit card since using it at Target when their system got hacked. The bank thinks that when Target got hacked someone took their information. They said that they are having a hard time coping with this because William has been unemployed from a while and they do not have enough money until he starts his job in the next week.

Grimm, W. (2014, February 20). Interview by J Grimm []. Social security number hacked.

In this interview with William Grimm, I ask him about how his Social Security Number got hacked. He said that he had to do taxes for the state of South Carolina because he worked for a business where they worked in that state for a month or so. Several months later, he saw a news story that shared the department of South Carolina’s IRS had a security leak. He was able to get free credit monitoring for 12 months. So with knowing that someone has hacked his social security number, he will have to monitor his credit record ever so closely now. He will probably have to watch it for the rest of his life. He is worried that if someone does use his social security number, they will open up numerous amounts of credit cards which will lead into a decrease in his credit score. Thankfully, he has not had any unauthorized activity on his credit record.

Kloet, J. (2007). Digitisation and Its Asian Discontents: The Internet, Politics and Hacking in

China and Indonesia. First Monday, 7(9), n/a.

In this article, Kloet talks about how the Chinese and Indonesian governments feel about the Internet. He also talks about how the hackers will sometimes challenge the government. Hacking is not new to Indonesia; it has been around since the early 1990s. One major hacker from Indonesia is Wenas. Another example is Cbyerjihad. These hackers are against national state. He talks about the cyber war. The Chinese blocked some of the U.S. websites in April 2001. He talks about the viruses that were used, Code Red Worm and Lion Worm. The cyberwar is happening all over the Asian countries. Kloet states that in October 2001, there was a hacker that replaced all the content of the government web sites with pornography. He also talks about the new widespread of hacking credit card numbers in Indonesia. Cyberjihad frame

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their activities strictly into the account of the country. Indonesia was banned from e-Bay because of a hacker manipulating sellers.

Blum, J. (2005, March 11). Hackers Target U.S. Power Grid; Government Quietly Warns

Utilities to Beef Up Their Computer Security. The Washington Post, p. 2.

In this newspaper article, Justin talks about how hackers try to pass the cyber-security of Constellation Energy Group Inc., a power company in Baltimore. Although, the hackers have not caused any damage to the nation’s power grid, their efforts have increased concerns. The power companies fear that a terrorist could engineer an attack that causes a widespread blackout or cause the power plants to be damage, leading into an outage. The chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Patrick H. Wood III, told top electric companies that they need to focus more heavily on cyber-security. Companies have said they are concerned with their security and are taking the steps to make sure their systems are protected. Yes there are many cyber-attacks across the industries in the U.S., but the government’s biggest fear is the threat to the country’s power supply. Joseph M. Weiss says that viruses and worms have caused problems in companies’ security system.

Smith, B., Yurcik, W., & Doss, D. (n.d.). CiteSeerX — Ethical Hacking: The Security

Justification. CiteSeerX — Ethical Hacking: The Security Justification. Retrieved February 24,

2014, from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

Anyone can be a hacker. This paper defines what a hacker is because there are many conflicting definitions. The authors talk about the difference between “ethical hacking” and criminal interruption dates back to the first Internet virus. Ethical hackers are using their knowledge to improve the security systems. Ethical hackers are good and unethical hackers are bad. Most software today is tested for virus or bugs. When security flaws are found by beta testers, they might not fix the bug because it is not a high priority. Some firms offer testing or ethical hacking services. When evaluating the system’s security they focus on three questions: What can be seen by an intruder? How can the information be used? Can anyone at the target system notice the intruder’s failures and successes? The problem with ethical hackers is that they are doing the same thing unethical hackers are doing, but they are getting pay. Basically they are being hypocrites, saying they will pay ethical hackers for doing a crime, but send unethical hackers to prison.

Grimm, J. (2014) Assignment one. Monroe, NC (I do not know how to cite my assignment one)

During my assignment one, I observed the characters in Fast and the Furious series. During the movies, they hack phone lines, safes and police stations. Tej is the man to go to when you need something to be hacked into. During Fast 5, they rob Reyes of his money that he has in a safe. Tej is able to figure out what needs to be done to break into the safe. He tells the crew that they need Reyes’ handprint. Gisele said she would be able to get it. After they take to safe

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and bring it to their safe house, Tej uses the handprint and the safe opens up. Also during the movie, Santos and Leo tap into the police station cameras by cutting wires and installing a device. During Fast 6, Tej hacks into the phone lines to stop Shaw from telling his crew to kill Mia. Without him being able to hack into stuff, Mia would be dead.