HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate...

HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate your garden, local park or woodland to search for wriggly and crawly creatures! Take photos or draw any mini beasts you find. Create a graph to show how many of each mini beast you find and identify the most popular habitats. Visit your local library and find stories, poems and non-fiction books about mini beasts. Write a review of your favourite book. Find out about the Borneo walking stick, the longest insect in the world, and the Goliath beetle. Make a poster to display amazing facts that you can show your friends at school. Watch ‘Antz’, ‘A Bug’s Life’ or ‘Epic’ with your family. Make a comic strip that shows part of the film or write a review. Write a list of adjectives to describe what spiders look like and a list of verbs to describe what spiders do. Use the lists to write six facts about spiders and make up a story about a spidery adventure. Create a table to collect information about mini beasts, including their name, body parts, legs and wings. Identify whether or not each mini beast is an insect. Create a mini beast word search containing all the mini beast names you have learnt. Give it to your family and friends to solve! Write a letter to Miss Muffet and explain why she shouldn’t be scared of spiders. Look for information online and in non- fiction books to support your ideas.

Transcript of HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate...

Page 1: HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate ...ayresomeprimary.co.uk/.../Year-2-curriculum-leaflet-Wriggle-and-Craw… · Go on a mini beast safari with


Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate your garden, local park or woodland to search for wriggly and crawly creatures! Take photos or draw any mini beasts you find.

Create a graph to show how many of each mini beast you find and identify the most popular habitats.

Visit your local library and find stories, poems and non-fiction books about mini beasts. Write a review of your favourite book.

Find out about the Borneo walking stick, the longest insect in the world, and the Goliath beetle. Make a poster to display amazing facts that you can show your friends at school.

Watch ‘Antz’, ‘A Bug’s Life’ or ‘Epic’ with your family. Make a comic strip that shows part of the film or write a review.

Write a list of adjectives to describe what spiders look like and a list of verbs to describe what spiders do. Use the lists to write six facts about spiders and make up a story about a spidery adventure.

Create a table to collect information about mini beasts, including their name, body parts, legs and wings. Identify whether or not each mini beast is an insect.

Create a mini beast word search containing all the mini beast names you have learnt. Give it to your family and friends to solve!

Write a letter to Miss Muffet and explain why she shouldn’t be scared of spiders. Look for information online and in non-fiction books to support your ideas.

Page 2: HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate ...ayresomeprimary.co.uk/.../Year-2-curriculum-leaflet-Wriggle-and-Craw… · Go on a mini beast safari with

Wriggle and Crawl

Year 2

We begin each of our topics with a memorable experience to excite the children and make them want to find out more.

This term our memorable experience will be a visit to the Ironstone Museum, Skinningrove. We will be finding out about things that flutter and things that buzz.

Here is an outline of the subjects we are covering this term

Page 3: HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate ...ayresomeprimary.co.uk/.../Year-2-curriculum-leaflet-Wriggle-and-Craw… · Go on a mini beast safari with


We will be reading a range of stories by the author Eric Carle.

We will be reading; The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider and The Bad Tempered Ladybird.

As part of our work on these exciting books, we will be describing characters, writing fact files about our favourite mini beasts and writing a persuasive letter to a very bad tempered ladybird! At the end of the topic, we will be creating a mini beast of our choice.

Below, you will find a checklist of things your child should be working on at home to help improve their writing.

Working towards the expected standard Used some capital letters and full stops correctly

Some words are spelt correctly Lower case letters formed correctly

Lower case letters correctly sized in relation to one another Used finger spaces between words

Working at the expected standard Most sentences correctly punctuated with capital letters and full stops

Used some ? ! Used different sentence types (statements, questions, commands and exclamations)

Used some expanded noun phrases Used past/present tense correctly

Used and, or, but Used when, if, that, because

Most spellings correct Used contractions e.g. can’t

Used suffixes -ment, -ness, -ful, -less, -ly (some) Used joined up handwriting (some)

Used capital letters which are the correct size compared to lower case Used finger spaces that match the size of the letters

Working at greater depth within the expected standard Used the full range of punctuation taught at KS1 (mostly correct)

Used commas to separate items in a list Used apostrophes to mark singular possession in nouns

Most common exception words are spelt correctly Most words spelt with contracted forms

Used suffixes -ment, -ness, -ful, -less, -ly (most) Used joined up handwriting (most)

Page 4: HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate ...ayresomeprimary.co.uk/.../Year-2-curriculum-leaflet-Wriggle-and-Craw… · Go on a mini beast safari with


This half term, we are going to be developing our mathematical skills. We will be developing our number skills and using this knowledge to solve problems. We will be solving addition and subtraction problems using the partitioning method. Another area of Maths that we will look at will be capacity, let’s hope we don’t get too wet!


In Science, we will be researching a range of habitats that mini beasts live in and why they live there. We will also be thinking about the food that certain mini beasts eat and what their favourite food may be. We will focus on life cycles too.


In RE, we will be learning about why Easter is important to Christians and why Pesach is important to Jews. We will be talking about our own experiences and feelings when celebrating our own special occasions.

Art and Design

We will be drawing a range of mini beasts and thinking about the patterns that we can see.

Design Technology

We will begin by making our very own army of Ants. Then, we will finally use our knowledge of all the mini beasts we have studied and create our very own made up mini-beast.


All areas of learning will be enhanced using computing as children have regular access to iPads to learn new skills and find out about areas of their topic. The children will use programming skills to investigate mini beasts.


Page 5: HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate ...ayresomeprimary.co.uk/.../Year-2-curriculum-leaflet-Wriggle-and-Craw… · Go on a mini beast safari with

Our new PSHE topic is ‘Healthy Me’. We will be learning about being healthy and relaxed. We will also be learning about medicine safety and enhancing our knowledge of healthy eating.

You can support your child by encouraging them to read a range of texts at home. To support your child with their writing, please encourage them to write interesting sentences using adjectives and then read their sentences to make sure they are grammatically correct. Finally, please help your child learn their 2, 5, and 10 times tables.

Page 6: HOMEWORK IDEAS! Go on a mini beast safari with your family. Investigate ...ayresomeprimary.co.uk/.../Year-2-curriculum-leaflet-Wriggle-and-Craw… · Go on a mini beast safari with


Go on a minibeast safari with your family. Investigate your garden, local park or woodland to search for wriggly and crawly creatures! Take photos or draw any minibeasts you find.

Create a graph to show how many of each minibeast you find and identify the most popular habitats.

Visit your local library and find stories, poems and non-fiction books about minibeasts. Write a review of your favourite book.

Find out about the Borneo walking stick, the longest insect in the world, and the Goliath beetle. Make a poster to display amazing facts that you can show your friends at school.

Watch ‘Antz’, ‘A Bug’s Life’ or ‘Epic’ with your family. Make a comic strip that shows part of the film or write a review.

Write a list of adjectives to describe what spiders look like and a list of verbs to describe what spiders do. Use the lists to write six facts about spiders and make up a story about a spidery adventure.

Create a table to collect information about minibeasts, including their name, body parts, legs and wings. Identify whether or not each minibeast is an insect.

Create a minibeast word search containing all the minibeast names you have learnt. Give it to your family and friends to solve!

Write a letter to Miss Muffet and explain why she shouldn’t be scared of spiders. Look for information online and in non-fiction books to support your ideas.