Homeostasis Crossword

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Transcript of Homeostasis Crossword


Name . B4 Some Homeostasis Key Words

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1. Strenuous exercise will cause this factor to change very quickly

4. Found all over your skin and inside your body, they monitor your environment

6. This is produced by respiration in cells

9. Apart from high temperatures, a change in this will also cause an enzyme to denature

12. This partially permeable membrane found in cells allows only some molecules thru it (2 words)

18. An artificial device that regulates the temperature in an incubator; and in a house

19. A gas that is moved by diffusion into cells and is essential for respiration

21. At a high temperatures this to happen to an enzyme

22. This process moves water molecules in and out of cells

23. The essential working part of any enzyme (2 words)

24. Moving molecules will do this more often with an increase in temperature

25. This feature is unique for the active site in all enzymes?

27. A process that keeps an organisms internal conditions at the correct level

30. This model is used to describe how enzymes work. (3 words)

31. Receptors detect these

32. The outer most parts of your body which cool down the fastest

33. A cell transport system that moves molecules but requires energy to do it

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2. In a human homeostasis control systems they are always muscles or glands

3. The coordinating and processing centre in humans

5. This bodily process will help you stop getting hyperthermia in a desert

7. In a control system will always return any changes back to normal (2 words)

8. These change in diameter during vasodilatation and vasoconstriction (2 words)

10. A person suffering from hypothermia will be losing this too fast

11. A process that moves molecules from high to a low concentrations. Eg CO2

13. Effectors are always either glands or ....?....

14. It refers to two effectors working against each other

15. A device that detects temperature changes in an incubator

16. This part of your body generates heat and must be kept at 37oC

17. The brain is also given this name when involved a control system (2 words)

20. The final sequence in a control system that is caused by an effector

26. It happens to cells put in pure water and can be seen with a microscope (2 words)

27. The part of the brain that detects the blood temperature and water levels

28. The name given to the ideal temperature or pH that an enzyme prefers

29. A piece of medical equipment use to keep newborn babies at a constant temperaturetemperature sensor incubator temperature enzymes active site response optimum brain thermostat processing centre negative feedback receptors effectors denature collide get bigger shape lock and key sweating heat hypothalamus blood capillaries Homeostasis stimuli antagonistic diffusion cell membrane active transport energy

temperature osmosis oxygen pH collisions extremities core muscles temperature sensor incubator temperature enzymes active site response optimum brain thermostat processing centre negative feedback receptors effectors denature collide get bigger shape lock and key sweating heat hypothalamus blood capillaries

Homeostasis stimuli antagonistic diffusion cell membrane active transport energy

temperature osmosis oxygen pH collisions extremities core muscles temperature sensor incubator temperature enzymes active site response optimum brain thermostat processing centre negative feedback receptors effectors denature collide get bigger shape lock and key sweating heat hypothalamus blood capillaries

Homeostasis stimuli antagonistic diffusion cell membrane active transport energy

temperature osmosis oxygen pH collisions extremities core muscles temperature sensor incubator temperature enzymes active site response optimum brain thermostat processing centre negative feedback receptors effectors denature collide get bigger shape lock and key sweating heat hypothalamus blood capillaries

Homeostasis stimuli antagonistic diffusion cell membrane active transport energy

temperature osmosis oxygen pH collisions extremities core muscles temperature sensor incubator temperature enzymes active site response optimum brain thermostat processing centre negative feedback receptors effectors denature collide get bigger shape lock and key sweating heat hypothalamus blood capillaries

Homeostasis stimuli antagonistic diffusion cell membrane active transport energy

temperature osmosis oxygen pH collisions extremities core muscles temperature sensor incubator temperature enzymes active site response optimum brain thermostat processing centre negative feedback receptors effectors denature collide get bigger shape lock and key sweating heat hypothalamus blood capillaries

Homeostasis stimuli antagonistic diffusion cell membrane active transport energy

temperature osmosis oxygen pH collisions extremities core muscles