1 HOMEMAKER HERALD Winter 2016/2017 Calendar of Events Presidents’ Leer 2 Family Living Agent’s Leer 2 Execuve Board Meeng Minutes 3 - 5 Fundraising Events 5 - 6 Membership Dues 6 New Execuve Board 7 Recipe Corner 8 Fun Facts 9 HCE Scholarship 9 - 11 State HCE Scholarships 12 - 19 Jan 1 Happy New Years! It’s 2017!! 3 HCE Executive Board Meeting, 10 a.m., Room 713, East Hall, UW-R 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Feb 2 Groundhog Day - Shadow? No shadow? 7 HCE Executive Board Meeting, 10 a.m., Room 713, East Hall, UW-R 12 Lincoln’s Birthday 14 Happy Valentines’ Day! 20 President’s Day & Washington’s Birthday 28 Mardi Gras Mar 1 Ash Wednesday 6 HCE Executive Board Meeting, 10 a.m., Room 713, East Hall, UW-R 12 Daylight Savings Time Begins - Spring ahead 1 Hour! 17 Happy St. Patricks’ Day! 20 Spring Begins! 25 Garden Expo, UW-Richland Daylight Savings Time! Remember to turn your clocks ahead 1 hour March 12!




HOMEMAKER HERALD Winter 2016/2017

Calendar of Events

Presidents’ Letter 2

Family Living Agent’s Letter


Executive Board Meeting Minutes

3 - 5

Fundraising Events 5 - 6

Membership Dues 6

New Executive Board 7

Recipe Corner 8

Fun Facts 9

HCE Scholarship 9 - 11

State HCE Scholarships 12 - 19


1 Happy New Years! It’s 2017!!

3 HCE Executive Board Meeting,

10 a.m., Room 713, East Hall, UW-R

16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day


2 Groundhog Day - Shadow? No shadow?

7 HCE Executive Board Meeting,

10 a.m., Room 713, East Hall, UW-R

12 Lincoln’s Birthday

14 Happy Valentines’ Day!

20 President’s Day & Washington’s Birthday

28 Mardi Gras

Mar 1 Ash Wednesday

6 HCE Executive Board Meeting,

10 a.m., Room 713, East Hall, UW-R

12 Daylight Savings Time Begins - Spring ahead 1 Hour!

17 Happy St. Patricks’ Day!

20 Spring Begins!

25 Garden Expo, UW-Richland

Daylight Savings Time! Remember to turn your

clocks ahead 1 hour March 12!



Hello, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Executive Board for allowing me to serve you as your County President. I am looking forward to working with you and for you for the next two years. Let me tell you a little about myself. I have been a member of the Yuba Homemakers for over 10 years. I have served as Yuba Homemakers Secretary, Vice President, and President. It has been an amazing journey with a wonderful, fun group of women, who are dedicated to making a difference in this world. I am married with 5 grown children and 9 wonderful grandchildren. I live in scenic Champion Valley, just outside of Yuba, on a small hobby farm. I love to cook, sew, and quilt. Although I am a transplant from Texas, I have been in Wisconsin for 18 years. I am retired now and have the time required to learn this new job. I really enjoy planning dinners, working to help raise money for charities such as HOPE in Hillsboro. I help every year with the kids to make a vest during Cesky Den, which is sponsored by the Yuba Homemakers. I like to work the food booth at the HOPE walk with other homemakers to help raise money for this charity. I planned the 1st Yuba Homemakers Luau Picnic which was unforgettable and a lot of fun. I am looking forward to working with all of you and promise to fill Bonnie’s shoes, which will be hard to do! I would like to thank Bonnie for all the time and dedication she has put into our organization. She has done an Amazing job!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Sincerely,

Yvonne Chapman President

Hello everyone,

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I enjoyed having a white Christmas and (for the first time in a long time) not having to drive anywhere! Looking back, 2016 was a busy year.

I have now completed 2 years at UW-Extension as your Family Living Agent, so maybe I am hitting my stride? My uncertainty is because the community is always changing and Extension is tasked with responding to the changes. In 2016, I had new partnerships with A Child’s Place homeless shelter, the Foodshare Employment and Training Class, and the UW-Richland dormitories to offer financial education at these venues.

I took on a leadership role with the Small Savings Build Big Dreams (college savings) statewide team and authored several newsletters, fact sheets, etc. on the topic, including a lecture aired on Wisconsin Public Television’s University Place. My connection to university resources helped Richland County when I worked with Richland FIT (Fitness in Total) and the HAWCs (Health Assessment and Wellness Commission) on the Community Health Needs Assessment.

I offered 3 sessions of Raising a Thinking Child for parents of children ages 4-7, and I learned from each experience. Food preservation education was expanded to include hands-on classes on “tomatoes/salsa” and “pickles/relish,” as well as “Food Preservation for Holiday Gifts.” And, of course, I helped organize the annual Get Real! financial reality day for area high schools, now scheduled for its 12

th anniversary edition on March


, 2017.

Through it all, it has been strengthening to know the good work that HCE is doing, both statewide and in all of your local projects. I look forward to assisting with the statewide convention to be held in Wisconsin Dells this year and the Southwest District meeting, which it is Richland’s turn to host in Fall 2017. I look forward to learning more about you and HCE this year, so don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

Wishing all of you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

PS—My son Donnie is now 18 months. He is quick on his feet and loves goofing around. Mom & Dad are exhausted, but that is normal, right?



HCE Executive Board Meeting November 1, 2016

The Richland County HCE Executive Board met Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at East Hall, UW-Richland at 10:00 a.m. for the November Board meeting. The meeting was called to order by President, Bonnie Clift.

The U.S. Flag Pledge and Homemaker’s Creed were recited. Roll call was taken. Pennies for Friendship were collected.

The October minutes were read by Secretary Eileen Eberle. Motion to approve was made by Cecile Haugh, 2nd, and carried. The Treasurer’s report was presented by Cecile Haugh, approved as given, and filed.

The December meeting will be December 6, 2016 at East Hall, UW-Richland at 10:00 a.m. and there will be a pot luck dinner, installation of officers, picture taking for the paper, and packing of Passages sacks.

The Reading Grandparent’s Program is continuing at the Richland and Riverdale School districts. Any members who want to be readers, please call Eileen at 608-583-5544. This is along with Delta Kappa Gamma.

Cecile Haugh, Kathy Fanta, and Eileen Eberle attended the State Conference in Eau Claire in September.

Members gave updates of their club activities. Richland County HCE members are making gift bags for Passages for battered women. These will include such items as combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, washcloths, deodorant, lotion, etc. Items needed for overnight time away from home. Cloth bags to be made by members. These are very nice and a great community service. Many have been made. More are being done.

Clubs are teaching skills of parents to others, making blankets for Nicaragua, caps for babies at the hospital, having craft days at Senior Centers, and helping so much in our communities.

Three members: Bonnie Clift, Cecile Haugh, and Eileen Eberle, all attended the Southwest District meeting in Poynette, WI on Wednesday, October 6, 2016. They gave a report on this meeting.

HCE Executive Board Meeting December 6, 2016

The Richland County HCE Executive Board met Tuesday December 6, 2016 at East Hall, UW-Richland at 10:00 a.m. for the December Board meeting. The meeting was called to order by President, Bonnie Clift.

The U.S. Flag Pledge and Homemaker’s Creed were recited. Roll call taken. Pennies for Friendship were collected.

The November minutes were read by Secretary Eileen Eberle. Motion to approve was made by Charlotte Page, 2nd, and carried. The treasurer’s report was presented by Cecile Haugh, approved as given, and filed.

The January 2017 meeting will be January 3,2017 at East Hall, UW-Richland at 10:00 a.m.

The Reading Grandparent’s Program is continuing at the Richland and Riverdale School districts. Any members who want to be readers please call Eileen at 583-5544. This is along with Delta Kappa Gamma. Some funds are coming to this program in memory of people or to honor people. Great to work with other organizations in community activities and such a treat to read to these groups.

Members gave updates of their club activities. Mittens, blankets, baby caps, etc.

The fundraiser at Culvers’ made over $200.00. We would like Chelsea to see about getting another time to do this.

A motion was made by Eileen Eberle to nominate Yvonne Chapman to be President of the Richland HCE for the coming two years. It was 2nd, and carried. Yvonne accepted the position. The officers are now completed.

Following the Homemaker’s Prayer at 11:25 a.m., President Bonnie Clift adjourned the meeting.

Present included: Bonnie Clift, Yvonne Chapman, Cecile Haugh, Charlotte Page, Kathy Fanta, and Eileen Eberle. (Buena Anderson absent)

Happy Thanksgiving to all…… Sincerely submitted by, Secretary Eileen Eberle



Richland County HCE members are making gift bags for Passages for battered women. These will include such items as combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, washcloths, deodorant, lotion, etc. Items needed for overnight time away from home. Cloth bags were made by members.

These are very nice and a great community service. Cecile delivered many of these to Passages so they were there for holiday gifts for Passages to give out. Many people are involved in helping with this project: making the bags, getting the supplies, putting together the sacks, and delivering these to Passages. Great cooperation for a much needed community service. Some were put together at this meeting.

The membership enrolment cards will be distributed to the clubs for 2017. Cost to belong to HCE for a year is $10.00, with $1.00 remaining in the club treasure. Clubs to collect dues for 2017.

The calendar books for 2017 will be available at the February 2017 meeting of the Executive Board for the area clubs.

Richland County HCE hopes to put up a county display at the 2017 State Conference as we are doing some great activities in our communities. Please save pictures and bring a picture to show at the January meeting.

Chelsea Wunnicke, our F.L.A., gave a report on her activities .Some changes haven’t been announced as yet for extension service area.

There was the installation ceremony for the new officers for the next 2 years and this conducted by retiring president, Bonnie Clift. Sworn in as President was Yvonne Chapmen; sworn in as treasurer was Cecile Haugh; sworn in as secretary was Eileen Eberle; sworn in as club representatives were Charlotte Page and Kathy Fanta for Yuba HCE; sworn in was Ann Cunningham for County Line HCE.

Other board members include: Bonnie Clift is the Past-President and Cultural Arts; Membership is Ann Cunningham; International is Kathy Fanta and Charlotte Page; Community Outreach is Eileen Eberle; Five Points Gals representative is Buena Anderson; and Town and Country representative is Lynette Schwichenberg.

HCE Executive Board Meeting January 13, 2017

The Richland County HCE Executive Board met Friday January 13, 2017 at East Hall, UW-Richland at 10:00 a.m. for the January Board meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Yvonne Chapman. (The meeting was changed from the regular date due to the area ice storm.)

The U.S. Flag Pledge and Homemaker’s Creed were recited. Roll call taken. Pennies for Friendship were collected.

The December minutes were read by Secretary Eileen Eberle. Motion to approve was made by Cecile Haugh, 2nd, and carried. The treasurer’s report was presented by Cecile Haugh, approved as given, and filed. Cecile also presented the 2016 financial report and the 2017 proposed budget for Richland H.C.E.

The February meeting will be February 7, 2017 at UW-Richland, East Hall at 10:00 a.m. The Reading Grandparent’s Program is continuing at the Richland and Riverdale School districts. Any members who want to be readers, please call Eileen at 583-5544. This is along with Delta Kappa Gamma.

Blankets are being made for Nicaragua and 2 people from Yuba area are going with these supplies for that country.

Gifts of blankets were given by President Bonnie Clift to all members of the board, FLA Chelsea Wunnicke, and support staff Jennie Silver. Scrubbies given to all present by Eileen Eberle.

Following the Homemaker’s Prayer, there was a motion to adjourn the meeting made by Cecile Haugh at 11:00 a.m. and President Bonnie Clift adjourned the meeting.

The group had a pot-luck dinner of many wonderful foods and enjoyed a holiday gathering. Jennie Silver joined us for lunch.

Present included: Bonnie Clift, Cecile Haugh, FLA Chelsea Wunnicke, Charlotte Page, Kathy Fanta, Yvonne Chapman, Ann Cunningham, and Eileen Eberle.

Have a Happy and Blessed Holiday Season.

Sincerely submitted by, Secretary Eileen Eberle



Members gave updates of their club activities. There is much being done for our communities. The Yuba Club is making blankets for Nicaragua and 2 people from their area are taking these to Nicaragua in the spring. County Liners made 10 baby blankets for the Richland Hospital and are doing a craft day at Greenway Terrace in February. Five Points Gals made many of the bags for Passages and baby hats for the Richland Hospital. Others are doing good deeds.

Richland County HCE members made gift bags for Passages for battered women. Cecile delivered these. The county HCE gave poinsettias to executive board members Bonnie Clift, Buena Anderson, and Eleanor Poole for holiday gifts.

The membership enrollment cards were distributed to the clubs for 2017. Cost to belong to HCE for a year is $10.00, with $1.00 remaining in the club treasury. The Program Books for 2017 will be available to members in February.

The Family Living Agent for Richland County, Chelsea Wunnicke is busy with programs and gave us some dates for this year of various activities. We will participate in the Garden Expo at the UW-Richland on March 25th. Plants and bulbs are needed for this activity. Let any board member know if you have some available. This raises funds for scholarships. Some have seed packets, others have cards, and Eileen donating a lawn ornament.

“Get Real” is March 22nd at the Richland Center High School. We will work at this program. High school students from area schools learn about life skills in banking, housing, cars, food, day care, etc. A really good life experience.

The May Spring Fling will be held in Yuba and date to be announced as soon as set.

There will an HCE Fund raiser Wednesday April 5th at Culvers to raise funds for scholarships. Help if you are available.

The Spring District meeting of HCE is April 20th in Lafayette County. More on this later. The Fall District HCE meeting will be held in Richland County.

The 2017 HCE Cultural Arts Show was set for July 11th with a pot luck dinner and the regular monthly meeting of the board.

Richland County hopes to put up a county display at the 2017 State Conference as we are doing some great activities in our communities. Please save pictures and news items of your activities and get these to President Yvonne Chapman.

Yvonne mentioned various programs available in HCE and stressed we keep track of volunteer hours and tabulate these for the state. We need to get a program going again such as “Vial of Life” with the information of our meds, etc. on the refrigerator door for emergencies.

The 2017 State HCE Conference is September 10-13th in Wisconsin Dells at Glacier Canyon. Our FLA, Chelsea Wunnicke, is presenting a program at this conference. We will be working at this and are helping plan the conference. We are getting the goody bags together for this conference. Any suggestions, contact members of the board. There will be a district planning meeting in February.

Following the Homemaker’s Prayer, there was a motion to adjourn at 11:50 a.m. and President, Yvonne Chapman adjourned the meeting.

Present included: Yvonne Chapman, Kathy Fanta, Bonnie Clift, FLA Chelsea Wunnicke, Cecile Haugh, and Eileen Eberle.

Sincerely submitted by, Secretary Eileen Eberle

Culvers’ Share Night!

April 5, 2017

4p.m. - 8p.m.

This helps us raise funds for our scholarships.

Please come out and help us serve!

Richland Center Culvers’

2405 US Hwy 14 E

Richland Center, WI 53581



It is that time again!

Enrollment time for HCE!

Annual Membership—Club or Individual $10.00 per year!

If you are a club member, please pay your club treasurer. If you are an individual, please send to:

Richland County Extension Office c/o Cecile Haugh

1000 US Hwy 14 West Richland Center, WI 53581

2017 Master

Gardener Expo

March 25, 2017 9 am - 4 pm

“We Need Your Plants” The Richland County HCE will be

hosting a booth at the

2017 Garden Expo Show

this year as a fundraiser.

There will be very many unique

displays and hopefully the weather

will cooperate for our plant sale.

Additional plants/bulbs are welcome

for March 25.

Call Yvonne at 528-4334

“Get Real 2017”

The financial reality event will be held at the Richland Center High

School on

March 22, 2017.

Thanks to all of the HCE

members who have

volunteered for this very

worthwhile event.



From Left to Right: Chelsea Wunnicke, Family Living Agent; Eileen Eberle, Secretary, Community Outreach, and Program Coordinator; Cecile Haugh, Treasurer; Yvonne Chapman, President; Bonnie Clift, Past-President; Anna Cunningham, Membership/Marketing; Kathy Fanta & Charlotte Page, International.



Homemade Cream of Anything Mix! Mix: 2 TBSP dried onion flakes 3/4 c cornstarch 2 tsp Italian seasoning 2 c dry powdered non-fat milk OPTIONAL: Add 1 tsp of dried crushed basil and 1 tsp dried thyme for all soups if you like it spicier.

This equals 9 cans of soup.

Variations: Cream of Chicken - Add 1/4 c Low Sodium chicken bouillon granules.

Cream of Beef - Add 1/4 c beef bouillon granules

Cream of Mushroom - Add 1/4 c beef bouillon granules, add 1 c dried mushrooms (1/2 oz.), 1 TBSP thyme, 1 TBSP basil, 1/2 TBSP pepper, 1/4 TBSP parsley, and 1/4 TBSP garlic powder

Cream of Broccoli - Add 1/4 c minced or chopped broccoli

Cream of Celery - 1/4 c minced or chopped celery

Cream of Asparagus - 1/4 c minced or chopped asparagus WHEN YOU ARE READY TO USE JUST ADD: 1/3 c of dry mix 1 1/4 c COLD water Whisk until blended. Cook and stir on top of stove or microwave until thickened. Add thickened mixture to your casserole as you would a can of soup. Submitted by Yvonne Chapman

Homemade Finger Lickin’ Carmel Sauce Ingredients: 1/2 c corn syrup 3/4 c brown sugar 3/4 c sugar 1/3 c butter 2/3 c whipping cream Makes 2 1/2 cups. In a medium sauce pan combine sugars, syrup, and butter. Cook over medium heat stirring occasionally until mixture comes to a full boil, about 5—6 minutes. Remove from heat and cool 5 minutes. Stir in whipping cream. Pour into a jar, label, and store in refrigerator. It will thicken when cold. Great with apples!! No preservatives! No chemicals! Submitted by Yvonne Chapman

Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk Ingredients: 1 c powdered milk 2/3 c sugar 1/3 c boiling water 1/4 c melted butter 1/2 tsp vanilla Makes 8 ounces. Mix all ingredients in blender. Store up to 5 days in an airtight container in refrigerator.

Submitted by Yvonne Chapman



Fun facts!

Honeybees retreat to their hives and form a winter cluster to keep warm when it drops below 50 degrees.

Shalloon is a lightweight twilled fabric of wool or worsted used chiefly for linings of coats and uniforms.

The first successful modern photograph was taken in the 1820’s.

Aleksandr Scriabin wrote music for a keyboard that played colored light instead of sound in 1911 titled, Prometheus

Soyal is the winter solstice celebration, including, purification, dancing, and gift-giving, of the Hopi Indians of northern Arizona.

All facts were found in Encyclopaedia Britannica.


1. A letter telling about herself or himself.

2. Two instructors, counselors, or similar persons to write a letter of recommendation. (One must be from the school.)

3. Must be enrolled in Family Living or a related course of study. (Examples include but are not limited to: consumer economics, social work, child care, nursing, accounting, education, cosmetology, etc.) This scholarship award is available for a student attending a technical college, two-year, or four-year college who are entering their first or second year.

4. Must be a resident of Richland County; OR have a parent/grandparent who is a member of a Richland County HCE if living outside of Richland County; OR must be a Richland County HCE member him/herself.

5. One $150 scholarship will be awarded for each school year.

6. Applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2017.

7. The winner will be notified in April and acknowledged at the HCE Spring Banquet.

8. Scholarship winner will receive his/her $150 scholarship during the 2017-2018 school year upon submitting a copy of their grades for the first semester (Fall 2017) and proof of enrollment in the second semester (Spring 2018).

9. Return applications to: HCE Scholarship Richland County UW-Extension Office 1000 Highway 14 West Richland Center, WI 53581

10. This form may be duplicated or additional copies picked up at the Richland County UW-Extension Office.

The Spring District Meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 20, 2017 in Lafayette County.

More information will be mailed out once it becomes available.

Members of the Executive Board putting together bags for Passages, toiletries and items needed for time away from home.




(When necessary to expand any item beyond the space provided below, use and attach a separate sheet.) NAME DATE OF BIRTH PARENT(S) ADDRESS _____ STUDENT’S SCHOOL ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER A. Schools Attended(ing) College _______ Anticipated Graduation Date______

Program Enrolled in:

High School ________ Graduation Year

B. Experience in Family Life Education

Family and Consumer Science classes, F.H.A., etc.

4-H Club Work – Years as a Member, Junior Leader, Projects taken, etc.

C. Other Activities in School, Community, Church, etc. in which you participated.



D. Have two letters of recommendation (one from school). Send these to:

HCE Scholarship Richland County UW-Extension Office 1000 Highway 14 West Richland Center, WI 53581 E. Applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2017. Send to: HCE Scholarship Richland County UW-Extension Office 1000 Highway 14 West Richland Center, WI 53581 F. Along with this application, attach a personal letter telling about yourself. Applicant’s Name Date



WAHCE Awarded Scholarships

Ardith McDowell International Scholarship:

The Ardith McDowell International Scholarship ($250) was established to honor Ardith, a long-time member of the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, Inc (WAHCE), as retiring Letter Friend Coordinator for Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) for eight and a half years.

During that time Ardith matched 648 women to write to each other from 230 societies in 42 countries all over the world. This scholarship is available to WAHCE members only, for travel to a WAHCE supported international project. It may be received only once in three years, and is to be used for travel expenses. The application is due April 1st to the Scholarship Chair.

Memorial Leadership Scholarship The Memorial Leadership Scholarship was established through a memorial from the Betty Hilbert estate and the monies from the WAHCE Legacy Fund. Two $200 scholarships are to be used to encourage members of WAHCE to seek leadership training so they may become capable, willing and enthusiastic leaders in the organization. This scholarship is available to WAHCE members only for registration to a leadership program. (Members of the WAHCE State Board are not eligible.) The application is due

June 30th to the Scholarship Chair and may be used for leadership opportunities during the previous months from the last Scholarship, as well as to upcoming leadership opportunities. This scholarship will continue as funding allows.

Ruth Buxton Sayre Scholarship

Ruth Buxton Sayre was known as the “First Lady of the Farm” and inspired millions of rural women around the world to improve themselves and their communities with her practicality, humor, decency, and common sense. She earned high posts in state, national and international organizations and served as ACWW President from 1947-1953. Country Women’s Council USA, offers up to 4 - $500.00 Ruth B. Sayre Memorial Scholarships each year to a woman who is a resident of North or South America, who shows a financial need, and who has the ability to complete her education. The Scholarship recipient or recipients shall be paid up to the amount of $500 for a year’s period of study, the money to be sent to the educational institution she is attending for tuition and/or books. Deadline for submission is March 1st to: WAHCE President.

All of these applications are on the WAHCE web site: www.wahceinc.org . Applications are sent to the current Scholarship Chair.



Ardith McDowell International Scholarship

Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, Inc.

$250 Scholarship – Information -- 2017

Purpose: The Ardith McDowell International Scholarship was established to honor Ardith, a long-time member of the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, Inc. (WAHCE), as retiring Letter Friend Coordinator for Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) for eight and a half years.

During that time Ardith matched 648 women to write to each other from 230 societies in 42 countries all over the world.

Eligibility: This scholarship is available to WAHCE members only, for travel to a WAHCE supported international project. It may be received only once in three years and is to be used for travel expenses.

Requirements: Complete the personal data and the questions on the application form. This application should be no longer than two pages. Upon completion of travel, recipients are to report to the WAHCE Board of Directors on this experience.

Stipend: The stipend will be awarded upon return by submitting a letter to the WAHCE Treasurer and a copy to Scholarship Chairperson.

Deadline: Application must be postmarked by April 1st and mailed to Scholarship Chair:

Lylene Scholz, 2017 Scholarship Chair

2207 Virginia Drive, Manitowoc, WI 54220



Ardith McDowell International Scholarship

Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, Inc.

$250 Scholarship – Information -- 2017



State, Zip Code

Address Telephone

Number of Years an HCE Member:

District: County: Club/Individual Answer the following questions. If you need more space, add only one more sheet to continue your answers, and number each answer on that sheet.

1. Which country do you wish to visit?

2. Why do you want to visit this country?

3. List specific details about what you will do there.

4. What international projects have you been involved in; when; what did you do? (Teach, promote understanding, or other)



5. List why you think that you can make the necessary adjustments to a different culture, different food and lodging, effects of poverty, changing circumstances, and/or job expectations.

6. Explain specifically how, when, and to whom you will report to WAHCE on this experience. (Oral presenta-tion at state conference, written report for Update Newsletter, presentation and report to state board, presentations at district and county meetings, show photos, other).



Completed application must be postmarked by April 1, 2017, and mailed to

Lylene Scholz, 2017 Scholarship Chair

2207 Virginia Drive, Manitowoc, WI 54220



Memorial Leadership

Scholarship - 2017 Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education, Inc.

A $200.00 Scholarship to attend a Leadership Opportunity

A memorial from the Betty Hilbert estate and monies from the WAHCE Legacy Fund are

being used to fund this scholarship.

Purpose: To encourage members of WAHCE to seek leadership training, so they may become capable, willing and enthusiastic leaders in the organization and their communities.

Eligibility: This scholarship is available to WAHCE members only, for registration to leadership training. Members of the WAHCE State Board are not eligible.

Requirements: Complete the personal data and questions on this application form and attach a

copy of the leadership registration form. This application should be no longer than two pages. After attending, recipients are to report to WAHCE on their experience.

Payment for Scholarship: Payment of scholarship will be made after proof of attendance at workshop or WAHCE State Conference registration has been submitted to the Scholarship Chair.

Deadline: Application must be postmarked by June 30, 2017, and mailed to the Scholarship Chair: Carol Medchill, P.O Box 772, Cushing, WI 54006.

Name E-Mail Address Address Telephone

City, State, Zip Code Number of Years as a WAHCE Member

Your District Your County Club/Individual Answer the following questions. If you need more space, add only one more sheet to

continue your answers, and number for each answer on that sheet. 1. What offices, if any, have you held in WAHCE?

A. County ___________________________________________________________

B. District ___________________________________________________________ 2. How might you use some of what you would learn to benefit WAHCE?

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

- Over -



3. How do you plan to use your leader training in your community? ________________________________________________________________________
















This memorial scholarship of $500 is offered for the purpose of fostering educational development of women.

Applicant’s Name

Present Address

City, Street, Zip

Phone Age

Marital Status Dependents

Occupation or business of parent(s) if single

Your occupation

Spouse’s occupation

What will be the source of your funds? ie: Family income, scholarship, grants, Pell grant,

savings, parents, or other

How much is available

Have you received this scholarship before? Yes No

Revised 2007


1. Applicant must be a woman and a legal resident of the USA who shows financial need and the ability to com-plete her education.

2. Application with attachments must be submitted, reviewed and signed by the state society president/chairman of the affiliated ACWW/CWC society.


a. Attach the following IN ORDER INDICATED to the completed application: Two character reference letters, b. Official transcript of high school and college courses completed. c. A one page summary of your participation in school and community, work experience, education

goals and financial need. d. Picture of applicant.




Institution’s Name

Institution’s COMPLETE Mailing Address

Course of Study

Degree Sought

Expected Date of Completion

Amount of Tuition/Fees per Semester $

Amount of Other Fees per Semester $

Date Payment MUST be made?

Have you been admitted?

Revised 2007


Should I be selected as winner of the Ruth B. Sayre Scholarship, I grant the Country Women’s Coun-cil USA the right to use, publish, and copyright (including audio, moving image, or photograph) for educational programs and publica-tions, web sites, and promotion of Country Women’s Council.

Print name of Parent or Guardian

Parent or Guardian must sign if subject is under age 18

MARCH 1ST. TO ACWW/CWC State Society President/Chairman

Joan Staffon, WAHCE President E9537 County Highway E, Merrillan, WI 54754

Signature of Applicant

Date application completed

Sponsoring State ACWW/CWC Society

Signature of State ACWW/CWC Society President/Chairman



RUTH B. SAYRE Scholarship Applications shall be POSTMARKED TO CWC VICE CHAIRMAN BY APRIL 1st



Please Place Photo


Using Rubber Cement



Richland County UW-Extension Office 1000 Highway 14 West Richland Center, WI 53581 Phone: 608-647-6148 Fax: 608-647-9116 Email: [email protected] http://richland.uwex.edu/

University of Wisconsin-Extension provides

equal opportunities in employment and

programming, including Title IX requirements.