

Transcript of Homelessness

Page 1: Homelessness


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The message in this advert created by VITAE, comes across clear ‘help so no-one has to come here for food’ it gets the point across straight away. It has a simple image next to it of a woman opening a dustbin - they have thought about the layout well, the image with the text would draw the readers attention first and then they would look over to the other image.

The colours used overall in the advert are all on the same kind of level – all dark which makes it more serious compared to using bright colours. The text is clear it is eye catching due to bright lettering and being in capital letters.

The overall tone of the advert is dark which makes it come across serious. It brings the message across clearly and everything in the advert fits together well – they have appropriate images connected with the text (message they want to get across) and the overall tone of the advert – like I said before sets a more serious tone.

Page 4: Homelessness
Page 5: Homelessness

This advert is quite simplistic they have used the same overall tone throughout the advert, as when you compare it to the first advert which looks professional and well thought out then there is this advert which yes, it overall is ok the image fits well with the message it wants to get across but I just think it’s a bit simplistic and they could have been a bit more adventurous with it such as using different colours so the text stands out more and that it doesn’t take up half of the advert – they could have laid it out better.

The image which is used is simple but it fits well with the message. The overall layout is ok, they could have made it better – been more creative but its easy to

understand but like I said before the layout and the colours used makes it look not as professional and eye catching as the other adverts.

The overall tone of the advert is the same, they have used the same colours throughout and haven't experiment with different colours – the text stands out as the size of text is big which makes it easy to read and its in a colour which stands out it also draws the readers attention straight away.

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Page 7: Homelessness

This advert looks professional as it is well laid out the overall tone of the advert is the same – the image they have used is dark and so this sets the tone of the advert, the darkness sets a more serious tone for the advert as there's no bright colours which would make the advert meaning less serious.

The text is basic – basic font and size however it is clear and noticeable and isn't crowding the image (like image two), the text is in a colour that stands out but it doesn’t take away any attention from the image it just all fits well together.

The overall layout is well set out – like I said the text isn't taking away attention from the image (like image two) you can see all of it the image is also appropriate for the message they are trying to get across.

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Page 9: Homelessness

SASH’s old logo used to be red – which is not an inviting colour, it could make people no feel safe as red isn't a very welcoming colour and is represented with danger. They soon changed their logo of which is now green, a more inviting colour, making people feel more welcome and safe when they see it. Their logo is simple and there isn't much use of colour but it fits well with all of their other leaflets/hand outs etc.

There website is the same – it uses the same colours through out and has a simple layout. The overall tone – the colours they have used on the website makes it come across calm and welcoming, on the website and logo they are both simple- they aren't crammed with lots of information, everything is spaced out and even. On the website everything is separate, the amount of content isn't overwhelming but they still have a good amount of information.