Home Watch newsletter K8 and K9 11-24 July

Home Watch News Letter Our Official Website: www.Boltonhomewatch.co.uk Email us on: [email protected]. uk



Transcript of Home Watch newsletter K8 and K9 11-24 July

Page 1: Home Watch newsletter K8 and K9 11-24 July

Home Watch News Letter

Our Official Website: www.Boltonhomewatch.co.uk

Email us on: [email protected]

Page 2: Home Watch newsletter K8 and K9 11-24 July

1 – Operations update

2 – Bolton South Overview

3 – Bolton South Update

4 – Bolton West Overview

5 – Bolton West Update

6 - Other News

7 - Letters of thanks

8 - Upcoming events/Police surgeries

Page 3: Home Watch newsletter K8 and K9 11-24 July

Operation Viking and Thor continue this week to reduce burglary offences in Halliwell and Farnworth respectively and continue to be very successful.

Operation Galileo is also underway. Officers stopped 627 vehicles in

a day of action targeting criminals using the roads and motorway

networks across the county.On Wednesday 5 July, more than 160 specialist

Operations and divisional police officers and 42 Specials

Constables were involved in a crackdown conducting

roadside checks at numerous sites across the force area. As a result of the operation 23 arrests were made for offences

including burglary, theft of motor vehicle, metal theft and drugs offences.

Also as part of the operation, 49 cars that were being driven without insurance or road tax were seized. A total of 290 fixed penalty notices were issued together with 269 drivers receiving advice for various road traffic offences.

Superintendent Craig Thompson, from GMP’s Specialist Operations Branch, said: “The operation was geared to disrupting the illegal activities of criminals using the roads in Greater Manchester. Criminals tend not to be over concerned about ensuring their vehicles are insured and pose a real threat to other road users. By targeting them in this way we are able to get them off the roads, make our highways safer for everyone and harder for offenders to commit crime.”

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Operation Safe 4 Summer Launches

This is a multi-agency operation aimed at tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) during the school summer holidays. The key message is that there are lots of fantastic activities taking place this summer for young people of all ages. A full list of all these activities can be found at www.bolton-life.com

However, the summer holidays can also be an opportunity for young people to put themselves at risk or get themselves into trouble. We therefore encourage all young people and parents to look at our safety advice website on www.safe4summer.com

We aim to prevent any rise in ASB by providing dedicated local patrols to tackling this issue, particularly on Friday and Saturday evenings.

We will also be conducting a variety of dedicated work to reduce ASB. This includes:

• Conducting events in Victoria Square promoting our key messages and the Safe 4 Summer website. This supplements road shows that have already taken place in many local schools.

• Conducting a test purchase operation at Off Licences and on licences around the Borough to ensure children are not being served alcohol.

• Conducting a 'proxy sale' operation preventing adults from buying children alcohol from Off Licences.

• Conducting street surgeries in at least 1 street in every ward where we speak to everyone on a street and deal with their issues with our partners. This will continue after the summer!

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The South Team have focused on delivering Operation Thor this past fortnight. This Operation proactively tackles criminality in the Farnwortharea, however the emphasis is on stopping burglary and bringing those responsible to justice. The operation was launched in mid June with dedicated staff working around the clock in plain clothes and uniform.

The operation is multi facetted with criminals being targeted on a variety of fronts. Every effort is made to maximising intelligence and act quickly to make actions effective. On 9th July 2012 a burglary occurred in Great lever where a television was stolen from a residential address. Thor officers executed a search warrant on Green Avenue locating the television from the burglary only a few hundred yards from where it had been stolen. The offender was arrested and charged to appear at Bolton Magistrates.

All efforts are on reducing burglary and the month started with a day of action on 5th July with early morning warrants being executed across Farnworth. Addresses were targeted where it was believed stolen property was being taken. In total seven people were detained during the day of action for a variety of offences.

Inspector Lister

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Thor officers work in a mixture of plain clothes and uniform, patrolling the hot spot areas and challenging known offenders. These offenders are also being visited at home and checks conducted on their associates. Those businesses who deal in second hand goods are visited daily and are linking in with officers who provide details of what property has been stolen in recent crimes.

The Farnworth town centre has seen increased numbers of officers patrolling the area as the town has been locked down. Criminal have been stopped and challenged to explain their presence. Dedicated intelligence officers have been brought into identify offenders and direct other officers to known criminals.

The Farnworth business community has been brought together in a business watch partnership. The partnership has been linked together through a dedicated radio system joining the Police, CCTV and the business community. Regular meetings and information sharing protocols now allow the sharing of information between the Police and businesses. Information passed on the last meeting on the 20th July meant that when a smartly dressed professional female shoplifter walked into Tesco on Longcauseway she was instantly recognised. As a result of this recognition she was observed on CCTV as she stole from the store, she was arrested and later charged with theft.

To date twenty six people have been arrested as a direct result of operation Thor and the emphasis will continue to arrest and stop burglary offenders.

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Farnworth and Moses Gate

There have been 7 burglaries over the past 2 weeks. On St James Street, Greenhill Avenue, Cawdor Avenue

and Stevenson Close; the offenders entered thepremises by forcing entry through windows or byremoving them. On Westland Street and BuckleyLane the offenders have smashed windows toenter the premises. On one occasion the alarmactivated and the offenders fled not taking anyitems. Finally on Carlton Street the offendersentered via an insecure front door.There have been 3 theft from motor vehicles thisweek on 2 occasions the offender stole the frontand rear number plates. The other occurred whenthe offender forced entry by first trying the door,after failing the offender smashed the window,entered and stole items.There were also 2 thefts of motor vehicles wherea motor cycle and a car were taken byunknown means.

Please advise residents to always ensure their doors arelocked and secure when the premises is empty. Alsoensuring any alarms are set as these are great criminaldeterrents as you can see from above. To help preventtheft from motor vehicles always ensure windows anddoors are locked and secure setting alarms. Neverleave anything valuable in your vehicle.

Farnworth Town Centre and South

There has been one burglary over the past 2 weeks,here the offender took a tub of paint from inside aninsecure shed. There have been a small number of theft from motorvehicles this week. On these occasions the offendershave removed the front and rear number plates fromvehicles and also the wing mirror from another. There has also been a case of vehicle interference,here on the victim hearing his car alarm going off hasgone outside to his car and seen damage and thennoticed the fuse box and wiring have been tamperedwithin the front nearside foot well.

Please advise residents to always ensure they have asecure lock on their shed if they keep anything ofvalue in there. Also to help prevent number platethefts, if possible park your vehicles in a garageovernight. Always setting your car alarms if they havethem.

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Little Lever/Darcy Lever

The main issue in this area is vehicle relatedcrime. There have been 5 theft from motor vehiclesover the past 2 weeks.In three of the cases the offenders have gained entryby forcing vehicle doors or smashing windows.Another occurred when the offender reached underthe vehicle cutting the locking mechanismhousing the spare wheel, taking same. Finally anoffender has taken the front and rear number platesoff a vehicle.

Please ensure residents are vigilant with vehiclesecurity. Always ensure vehicles are locked andsecured with any alarms set. Also ensure that novaluables are left in the vehicle over night or when thevehicles empty. Furthermore making sure thevaluables are kept out of sight. If possible keepingyour vehicle in a secured garage overnight will help toreduce vehicle crime.

Great Lever

There has been 3 burglaries these past 2 weeks. The first onCrescent road ,here the offender smashed part of the lowerback door, reached in and then opened door with keys leftin lock. Once inside offender activates alarm and leavestaking nothing. The other occurred on Parkfield Road, herethe offender smashed the rear window but no entry gained.Finally on Richelieu street the offenders have smashed thewindow but failed to gain entry. Offenders have then forceddoor with bodily pressure, entered and stolen property.

There have been 4 theft from motor vehicles in one case theoffender has smashed the window to gain entry and stealitems. Another where the offender has taken both the frontand rear number plates. Another has occurred were theoffender has cut the wire securing the spare tyreunderneath the vehicle taking with them the same. Finallyanother offender has made a hole underneath the frontoffside door barrel to gain entry. Once inside offender hastaken items. There has also been 3 theft of motor vehicles.On 2 occasions the vehicle has been taken via unknownmeans. The other occurred by the offender smashing thewindow to gain entry to the vehicle taking same.

Please advise residents to always ensure their doors arelocked and secure when the premises is empty. Alsoensuring any alarms are set as these are great criminaldeterrents as you can see from above. To help preventTheft from motor vehicles always ensure windows anddoors are locked and secure setting alarms. And neverleave anything valuable in your vehicle.

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Harper Green

Over the past 2 weeks we have hadtwo burglaries, both occurring viainsecure windows and or doors. Theburglaries occur on Robin Close andLever Edge Lane, items were takenfrom both properties.There have also been two theft of motorvehicles. The first occurred with a vehicleparked on a public highway. Here the keyswere in the ignition with the enginerunning which was required to operatethe washing equipment in the back. Whilethe workmen were engaged in the rearyard the offender has approached thevehicle pulling the equipment from theworkmen's hands and making off in van.The other occurred when the offendersmashed the window on he vehicle to gainentry taking vehicle in an unknown way.

Please advise residents to ensure windowsand doors are secure when the property isempty or overnight. Especially duringperiods of warm weather.

Image showing the success of Operation Thor and Operation Viking

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The West Neighbourhood has had some particularly successful arrests in the last fortnight,

this means that some of the offenders we target have been arrested committing crime, the

Majority have been denied bail which means few offences are committed. Some examples of

this include:-

In the early hours of Wednesday 25th 2 males were arrested on Wigan road having

committed burglaries and vehicle crime in Lostock and Ladybridge.

On Monday 23rd a vehicle crime offender was arrested stealing from a vehicle in Morris Green.

Last week 3 offenders were arrested connected with several burglaries and theft from motor

vehicles in the Smithills area, enquiries are ongoing into how many crimes they have committed.

An offender has recently been arrested and has admitted numerous offences of burglary in the Westhoughton area.

Along with arresting offenders the West neighbourhood staff are working in a variety of ways to reduce crime. One example of this is in actively trying to recruit new Homewatch schemes, these are seen as vital in the fight against crime.

Visits are also taking place by PCSO’s around the area of premises which have been burgled, this is to gain intelligence and offer security advice. We ask all residents to report anything suspicious, be vigilant, secure your property, don't leave windows and doors open. Never leave valuables in vehicles, or on show in houses close to windows and doors

We will continue to drive down crime but need the support of residents .

Inspector Evans

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Westhoughton North

There has been 2 burglaries over the past 2 weeks. Both have occurred via offenders enteringback gardens via insecure gates. The firstoccurred on Manchester Road, here the offendershave entered the rear garden, approached theinsecure shed and removed items. The otheroccurred on Buckthorn Close, here the offendersentered back yard and forced padlock on theshed, taking items from within.

There has also been 3 accounts of theft of leadflashing from properties around this area.

Please advise residents to ensure that theirproperties are secure. This includes locking anywindows and doors and also any side gates as thismakes access into your property easy for thieves.Also please be more aware of workmen workingon roofs in this area and if you notice anythingsuspicious please report it, by calling 101.

Westhoughton South

There has been one burglary this weekwhich occurred on Wigan Road. Here theoffender has entered the rear garden viaan insecure gate. Once inside the gardenthe offender has approached insecureground floor window standing on plantpots beneath the window to reach in andtake jewellery box left on window sill. Theoffender then takes the jewellery frominside discarding the jewellery box undershrubbery in the garden.

This crime could have been prevented ifthe back gate and window of this premiseshad been locked and secure. Don't makeyour home a target for opportunist thieves.

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HultonWe have had 3 burglaries over the past two weeks. The firsttwo occurred on Garthmere Road and CherrywoodAvenue. Here the offenders have forced entry by breakingwindows or by kicking in back doors. On one occasionnothing was taken as the kicking of the door disturbed thevictim. The other burglary occurred on Rutherford Drive bytwo offenders. The first offender knocked on the front door,on hearing this the victim exits side kitchen door makingway to the Front of the house. As she does so the secondoffender enters the property via the insecure kitchen doortaking victims handbag. When victim gets to the front, findsthat there is no one there.

There have also been two theft from motor vehicles. Thefirst occurred when an offender has taken the front and rearnumber plates. The second occurred when the offender hastried to force the driver's door using bodily force tobend it back. On doing so offender has shattered windowand reached in unlocking door. The offender has thenconducted a search setting off the alarm, disturbingoffender who makes off with nothing.

There has been one case of vehicle interference where theoffender has gained entry into the vehicle by removing thebeading around the window. Once inside offender opensand goes into bonnet but is disturbed by the victimsbanging on window.

The theft of motor vehicle occured as the vehicle wasparked in a car park due to it being SORN. The offendershave towed the vehicle off the car park taking same.

Please advise residents to be vigilant with home and vehiclesecurity . Making sure windows and doors are locked andsecure when the premise and vehicle are empty and alwayssetting alarms.

Horwich North and East

There has been one burglary over the past two weekswhich occured on Carr Road. Here the offender entersvictims home address without consent Or permission.The offender then asks victim if he has any work goingto which the victim says no, escorting the offender offthe address. A couple of minutes later whilst victim isunaware offender returns again enters property andsteals two bags situated In the front room offender isthen disturbed and makes off from scene still Inpossession of property and after small foot chasedetained by members of public. Offender is thenarrested and cautioned.

There has also been a few cases of lead flashing theftthis week from various properties from this area.

Please be more aware of workmen workingon roofs in this area and if you notice anythingsuspicious please report it, by calling 101.

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Horwich West, South and Blackrod

We have only had one burglary over thepast two weeks and it occured on EskdaleAvenue. Here the offender has entered aninsecure garage taking property fromwithin.

There has also been one account of theftof lead flashing from a property this week.

Please advise residents to ensure that theirproperties are secure including any side gatesand or garages. Don't make your property aneasy target for opportunist thieves. Alsoplease be more aware of workmen workingon roofs in this area and if you noticeAnything suspicious please report it, bycalling 101.

Smithills North and South

There have been 3 burglaries over the past 2 weeks in this area.The first occured on Beechfield road, here the offendergained access to the rear of the property via an insecure gate.Once in the garden offender smashes glass in rear door, reaching inremoving a key and using same to open door. However the offender was disturbed by the victims dog and nothing was stolen. Another occured on Barcroft Road, here the offender removed aglass pane to enter. Once inside offender activates housealarm taking items from the kitchen and leaves. Finally, on Riefield an offender has attempted to force a rearground floor window, the glass cracks but offenderdoesn't gain entry. There have also been two more burglaries onTemple Road, here the offenders have gained access to sheds takingitems from within.There have also been 4 accounts of theft from vehicles. Three ofthem have happened due to the vehicles being left insecure andthe forth occured due to the offenders smashing a window. On alloffenses property was taken from within. Finally there has been one theft of motor vehicle here the motorcycle was not chained to anything and has been taken viaunknown means.

Please ensure your premises are always locked and secured ensuring allwindows and doors are locked. On the above offenders have entered rearof the property via insecure side gates, please ensure these are secureand also any garages, sheds or outdoor buildings. Also please ensure

your vehicles are secure as three of the above thefts have occured due toUnlocked vehicles.

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Heaton and Lostock

There have been 5 burglaries over the past two weeks. The firstoccured on Tudor Avenue. Here the offender has entered via an insecure door which the victims have left open before going tobed. On hearing noises downstairs the victim goes down and findsback door ajar and items missing. Another occured on Camelliaclose here the offenders smashed a window to gain entry, takingitems from within including victims car keys and car. On Heaton mount the offenders have attempted to enter premises by prisingthe rear Door, but failed to do so. On ravens wood theoffenders threw a stone through the patio, smashing sameclimbing inside stealing property. Finally, on New Hall Laneoffenders have again smashed a window reaching in taking a toiletbrush and air freshener. Offenders have then attempted to forcerear patio door but failed. Also on this road offenders haveapproached a shed in a rear garden using an unknown implementto open same taking a pedal cycle from within.

There has been one theft from motor vehicle this week here the offender approached an insecure unlocked vehicle opening the door and taking a sat nav then searching the boot taking items from in here too.

Please advise residents to always ensure their doors arelocked and secure when the premises is empty. Alsoensuring any alarms are set as these are great criminaldeterrents as you can see from above. To help preventTheft from motor vehicles always ensure windows anddoors are locked and secure setting alarms. And neverleave anything valuable in your vehicle.

Chief Superintendent Hull with Pippa the Panda

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Armed Forces Day is a National Day and the intention is to show support to our Armed Forces. On Saturday 23 June 2012 officers and staff from Bolton Police Station took part in the Bolton Commando Run to raise money for Help for Heroes. Event one involved running 6.9 miles from Winter Hill to Victoria Square in Boots whilst carrying 36Ib. This run replicates the standard that was required in the second worldwar as entry to undertake the initial training for the Commando's. Event two was a little more strenuous and involved a 30 mile Tab/Yomp whilst carrying 30Ib and wearing boots. This event involved running from Fullwood Barracks in Preston to Victoria Square where the course takes in both urban and rural landscape which goes up the back of Winter Hill. As part of the event officers and staff competed against members of Bolton Fire and Rescue Service, Bolton Mountain Rescue, the Prison Service and Local Authority. On this occasion the winning team were Bolton Police Station and the BAFD trophy was collected by Chief Superintendent Hull, Bolton Divisional Commander.

On 20th July 2012 Borough of Bolton council have issued a DPPO, Designated Public Places Order. The Order allows a police officer, police community support officer and persons accredited through a community safety accreditation scheme to control the consumption of alcohol within designated public places. If they believe that someone is consuming alcohol or intends to consume alcohol they can require them to stop or they can confiscate the alcohol. Any Persons who fails without reasonable excuse to comply with an officer’s request under this provision may be issued with a fixed penalty notice for disorder or may be liable to prosecution . For example; if a couple were having a picnic in the park drinking a bottle of wine then this would not be a problem and they would be allowed to continue. However if a group of 18 year olds where drinking alcohol in a children's playground then they would be required to stop and if they fail to do so the alcohol would be confiscated.

We hope you like the new layout of our newsletter and we will be making changes again over the coming weeks. We will be sending the letter out now bi-weekly sending it out to Bolton Central and East and the following week to Bolton West and South. The newsletters will cover crimes over a 2 week period. This is the only newsletter that is an exception to this.

Armed Forces Day is a National Day and the intention is to show support to our Armed Forces. On Saturday 23 June 2012 officers and staff from Bolton Police Station took part in the Bolton Commando Run to raise money for Help for Heroes. Event one involved running 6.9 miles from Winter Hill to Victoria Square in Boots whilst carrying 36Ib. This run replicates the standard that was required in the second worldwar as entry to undertake the initial training for the Commando's. Event two was a little more strenuous and involved a 30 mile Tab/Yomp whilst carrying 30Ib and wearing boots. This event involved running from Fullwood Barracks in Preston to Victoria Square where the course takes in both urban and rural landscape which goes up the back of Winter Hill. As part of the event officers and staff competed against members of Bolton Fire and Rescue Service, Bolton Mountain Rescue, the Prison Service and Local Authority. On this occasion the winning team were Bolton Police Station and the BAFD trophy was collected by Chief Superintendent Hull, Bolton Divisional Commander.

On 20th July 2012 Borough of Bolton council have issued a DPPO, Designated Public Places Order. The Order allows a police officer, police community support officer and persons accredited through a community safety accreditation scheme to control the consumption of alcohol within designated public places. If they believe that someone is consuming alcohol or intends to consume alcohol they can require them to stop or they can confiscate the alcohol. Any Persons who fails without reasonable excuse to comply with an officer’s request under this provision may be issued with a fixed penalty notice for disorder or may be liable to prosecution . For example; if a couple were having a picnic in the park drinking a bottle of wine then this would not be a problem and they would be allowed to continue. However if a group of 18 year olds where drinking alcohol in a children's playground then they would be required to stop and if they fail to do so the alcohol would be confiscated.

We hope you like the new layout of our newsletter and we will be making changes again over the coming weeks. We will be sending the letter out now bi-weekly sending it out to Bolton Central and East and the following week to Bolton West and South. The newsletters will cover crimes over a 2 week period. This is the only newsletter that is an exception to this.

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Please feel free to visit any of the places below to discuss any issues you may be having in your area. Your local neighbourhood officers will be there to offer advice and listen to any problems you may be having in your neighbourhood in the following drop in sessions:

Bolton Central


31st July, Morrison’s, Mornington Road, 14.00-17.00

Bolton East

Bolton West

21st August, Westhoughton Police Post, 18.00-20.00

Bolton South

28th July, Asda, Brackley Street, 13.00-15.00

31st July, Farnworth Cricket Club, Lavender Road, 10.00-12.00

4th August, Asda, Brackley Street, 13.00-15.00

6th August, New Bury Community Learning Centre, 10.00-12.00

6th August, Farnworth Market, King Street, 10.00-00.00

7th Aug, Farnworth Cricket Club, Lavender Road, 10.00-12.00

14th August, Farnworth Cricket Club, Lavender Road, 10.00-12.00