Home study

Body massage level 3 Half term work


Revision and research tasks

Transcript of Home study

Page 1: Home study

Body massage level 3

Half term work

Page 2: Home study

Learning outcomes

You will learn to …….1. Identify characteristics of body types endomorph,

ectomorph and mesomorph2. Compare types of fat; soft, hard and cellulite3. Identify and analyse postural defects4. Locate and explain types of synovial joints and their

movements5. Differentiate between axial and appendicular skeleton6. Explain position and action of muscles of the back7. Practice body massage routine

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Over to you ………..Postural defects Body Types Types of Fat

Name and explain 3 main defects

Name and explain 3 main types

Identify and explain 3 types of body fat

Identify other postural defects

General characteristics of each

How to recognise them

How to identify them within figure analysis

Celebrities you can identify within the categories

Causes of the conditions

Impact on clients and treatments

Dietary advice Most effective treatment plan

Effects of good versus bad posture

Impact on client and treatment

Any other information

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Skeletal diseases and disorders• Arthritis; inflammation of the joints• Gout; form of arthritis can occur in any part of the body, often

affects big toe• Osteoporosis; calcium deficiency• Slipped disc; weakening or tearing of one of the discs

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Arm massage

1. Effleurage to whole of arm, supporting at wrist x 82. Support clients elbow deep effleurage to upper arm x 83. Finger kneading to upper arm to include bicep, tricep and

deltoid x 3 4. Single handed picking up to bicep, tricep and deltoid x 35. Light hacking to upper arm followed by effleurage x 16. Finger kneading around elbow joint x 37. Thumb kneading to elbow joint x 3

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Arm massage

8. Move onto lower arm effleurage forearm x 39. Thumb kneading to forearm x 310. Circular frictions to carpals x 111. Flexion of wrist supporting clients hand x 212. Thumb knead between metacarpals x 213. Thumb kneading to palm of hand x 314. Effleurage whole arm to finish x 8

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Abdomen massage

1. Superficial effleurage, from pubis to sternum out to sides of trunk, in diamond shape x 8

2. Deep stroking follow same direction pulling in slightly at waist x 8

3. Circular kneading following direction of colon x 34. Wringing on sides and front of abdomen if enough tissue x

35. Picking up waist where possible, walk round couch to

repeat on other side x 36. Light hacking following digestive tract x 37. Effleurage as in step 1 to finish x 8