Home remedies for deep vein thrombosis

Home Remedies for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) Deep Vein Thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms in one or more veins located deep inside your body. These are usually develop in Legs but can occur in other areas also. It forms when blood don’t circulate properly in the body. Symptoms It includes swelling, cramping pain, the affected area may feel warm than others and sometimes also skin color changes. Sometimes it may be life threatening if blood clot in the veins break loose, travel through blood stream and can reach the lungs. Home Remedies Garlic

Transcript of Home remedies for deep vein thrombosis

Page 1: Home remedies for deep vein thrombosis

Home Remedies for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)

Deep Vein Thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms in one or more veins located deep inside your body. These are usually develop in Legs but can occur in other areas also. It forms when blood don’t circulate properly in the body.


It includes swelling, cramping pain, the affected area may feel warm than others and sometimes also skin color changes. Sometimes it may be life threatening if blood clot in the veins break loose, travel through blood stream and can reach the lungs.

Home Remedies


Garlic as an anti-thrombotic which does not allow blood to clot and even keeps blood pressure down.

Eat two/three raw garlic cloves before your breakfast or use cooked garlic in your meals as often as you can.


Page 2: Home remedies for deep vein thrombosis

As we know garlic is natural blood thinner which blocks Vitamin K which is responsible for clotting of blood.

Try to have few cups ginger tea in a day to avoid disease.

Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Vitamin C maintains a proper vascular state, which means body’s blood cells

Eats lot of fruits which contains Vitamin C so that it prevent clotting of blood.

Cayenne Pepper

It is popular natural thinner and also reduce vein thrombosis. With high content of capsaicin, which enhance circulation of blood and reduce blood clot.

Pour half spoon of powder cayenne in spinach juice, add salt and consumes 3 to 4 times daily.

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