Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) Residential Security ...

Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) Residential Security "Redlining" Map Area Descriptions Akron area, Ohio (including Silver Lake, Cuyahoga Falls, Barberton, Fairlawn Heights, Tallmadge) 1939 Area Descriptions for Akron area, Ohio, 1939. Home Owners' Loan Corporation, box 13, City Survey Files, Record Group 195: Records of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, National Archives II, College Park, Maryland. City Survey Files, compiled 1935 - 1940 ARC Identifier 720357 I MLR Number A 1 39 Textual Records from the Federal Loan Agency. Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Home Owners' Loan Corporation. (07/01/1939- 02/24/1942) National Archives at College Park- Textual Reference (Civilian), College Park, MD Series from Record Group 195: Records of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1933- 1989 Restrictions and Copyright: This collection is "Unrestricted," according to the Archival Research Catalog for "ARC Identifier 720357" on the NARA website: http://www.archives.gov/research/arc/

Transcript of Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) Residential Security ...

Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) Residential Security "Redlining" Map

Area Descriptions Akron area, Ohio

(including Silver Lake, Cuyahoga Falls, Barberton, Fairlawn Heights, Tallmadge) 1939

Area Descriptions for Akron area, Ohio, 1939. Home Owners' Loan Corporation, box 13, City Survey Files, Record Group 195: Records of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, National Archives II, College Park, Maryland.

City Survey Files, compiled 1935 - 1940 ARC Identifier 720357 I MLR Number A 1 39 Textual Records from the Federal Loan Agency. Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Home Owners' Loan Corporation. (07/01/1939- 02/24/1942) National Archives at College Park- Textual Reference (Civilian), College Park, MD Series from Record Group 195: Records of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1933-1989

Restrictions and Copyright: This collection is "Unrestricted," according to the Archival Research Catalog for "ARC Identifier 720357" on the NARA website: http://www.archives.gov/research/arc/

Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives








Sumn~ry of Survey • • • • •

Explunution of Mcp r.nd Aror:, Doscripti0ns, ••..••

Roforonco to Strout Index •

Security .'rotl Doscripti'Jns, listed u1ph!1boticr:,lly a.nd numorico..11y •••••.•

I'rcpc..rod by:


• 1-A

• • 2-}.


Divisi0n of Rusonrch c..nd Statistics FEDERAL HOME LO.AH BANK BOllRD With cooporntion of tho Appro.iso..l Dopn.rtmont of tho HOME OWNERS' LOj~N CORPORJ.TION

1\pril 25, 1939


G?Y1 BY THE DI'UIS ION OF RESEARCH & STATISTICS ~ . Field Report Dated 'November 22, 1935


While Akron enjoys a certain amount of commercial nnd industrial diversifi­yatiorx, it is essentia.lly a. one-industry city.1 Extensi\ro expansion in tho rubber ir.~dus~!'y resulted in a. mushroom growth from· 1910 to 19301 during which period . the popula.tion increa.sed from 79,ooo·to 2551 000e2. Four of tho largest rubber companies in .. the country ... Goodyear, Firestone, Goodrich a.nd Gonornl .;. aN loca.ted in Akron. Other less prominent indu~trios are milling a.nd clny products; also many indirectly connected with tho manufa.cture of rubber products.3 ·va1uo of: o.ll industrio1 products deqlin6d from $598,000,000 in 1929 to $236,0001 000 in 1933, with n decrease in number of wo.ge enrnors from 67,000 to 43,000 for tho sa.mc period.4 Employment shows a.n increase of 20,000 between 1932 o.nd 1934, but tot&l wages po.id remained a.bout the same. This condition hns resulted in a. labQr dispute in the rubber industry'S but serious conflict hns been averted through intervention by the Department of Labor. 6 With fe'l(l exceptions wngo sco.les in tho building trndes a.re the same o.s 1929.7 There hns been n decline in the number of co.ses on relief rolls.S

Note 1 .. P• 1 ·- Type Note 5 .. P• 3 .. Po.yrolls II 2 .. P• 8-A - Population II .s ... P• 5 ~ La.bor Situation " 3 ... p, 2 Industri a.l Activi-ties . ' " "7 .. P• 6 Wa.go Sca.les " 4 .. P• 2 - Industria.l Activities " 8 - p.- 6 - Rolief. •


Real estate sa.losj a.s indica.ted by recorded transfers, show a. dooroa.se from 17,~~000 in 1929 to 7,809 in 1933. Transfers rectlrdod since 1933 show- in­creased sa.los with 8.1.137 recordings during the first, ten months of 1935.1 Records indico.te tho. t the tott:l.l number of foreclosures for tho first ten months of 1935 exceed the tota.l in o.ny previous yeo.r, developing this yoa.r a. t tho rate of 140

, per month_.2 The· peak in new construction wa.s bei;;weon 1925 and 1929. In 1929 building permit$ tot.a.l~d 6 1 147 with tJ. vo.luo of $21,~86;000. In 1933 the totnl of 1,216 permits·· had· !X_ ;value of $7541 000. Ton monthi> of 1935 show 1,660 permits with value of $1,250.1000.. Dwelling permits dropped from 2~>159 in 1927 to 31 in 1933, o.nd.increns<lld to 83 for the-first ton months of 1935.3 The concensus of .opinion of lending realtors a.nd building and loo.n officials is. tho.t the shrinko.gc in rea.l estate va.lues between 1929 a.nd 1935 is 40% in the "A" or best a.rea.s• nnd fr.oin 50% to 60% in tho less desirable areas,4 There ho.s been n rccotlt approcia.-

. tion in so.lo'S~ price of 15% to 20% in the bottGr areas, o.nd nbout 10% in tho poorer districts.5 A survey by the Real Esto.te Boa.rd on Mny 15, 1935 shows a. renta.l 'va.cancy of 1.8%, a.s compa.r.od with 2.3% in December 1934, a.nd 8% in 1931. It is estimated that present va.co.ncios will run 2% .to 3%. Construction costs have not declined a.pprcoia.bly a.nd nrc genera.lly estimated to be only 10% or 12% below 1929 level •. Union wnges in the building trades hnve hnd virtually no reduction;6 Tho chief detrimonta.l influence to real estate is the presence of rubber reclaim­ing plants in the southwestern portion of Jucron.7 Approxima.tely 5,740 foreclosed properties with n total do11a.r volume of ~17~500,000, are in the hnnds of the nino largest holders. Potential foreclosures nrc cs't;imn.ted at 3,600• Lack of · co6peration nmong holders, nn'd indiffereno·e to· the haznrd of this overhang~ constitute n distinct mennce to the real osta.tc market.B Rents declined 40% to 45% from the 1929 penk i_n ,the ,bettaz::.nren~, :w:J.t.h a. recent 25% to 301o apprecio.tion from tho.t "low point; ond doclint:ld 55% to 601o in tho less desira.ble: nreo.s;, with a. 20% to 25% appreciation. 9 While some n'Ow construction might bo absorbed, it is genera.lly felt by reo.l estate men thnt there is no a.ctunl need of new housing ..

·and that rehnbilitntion of existing units Would be more in order,lq Tax o.ssess­ment is based on 70% of thG nctual selling vo.lue of the property.lt Tho 1935 tnx ra.te is ~26.40 per $11 0oo._l2 According to a. tabulation of compa.ra.F ve tnx rates of thirty-six largest cities for· 1934"1 c'ompiled by tho Detroit Burqau of Govern­mental Research, Akron's ,a.djustod rate is $13.90 per $1,.0001 thG· lqwest of nny city in·the United Sto.tos.l3 The bonded debt of tho city is a.ppro~imatoly $4o,ooo,ooo or ~157.00 per capita,.l4 .

No to 1 -P• 8 - Roa.l Estate Transfers Note 8 - p~ 11 Overhang

" 2 -P• 8 .:.. Foreclosures 11 9 -P• 13 .. Rental Advo.nces

" 3 ... P• 8 ... Nc:rvy Construction II 10 - P• 13 -Housing II 4 •· P• 9 Vnl"~.ta.tion Shrinkage 11 11 .. p,. 7 .. Taxation II 5 - P• 9 -V a.luo. ti on Shr inka.ge n 1'2 -P• 7 - Taxntioni ll 6 - P• 10 -New Cons·t-rti!cti on II 13 • ExhiQit in Knns~s City Report II 7 .;. p ... ll ... Detrimentnl Influences " l4 -p.,.- 7. '"' M~~cipa~ Finnnc:e.

~.r ··;; Ak:ron, Ohio


Mergers and reorganizations over the last ton year period hnvo reduced ' banks and trust companies from a total of fifteen to the four which are now

opel:"ating.l The First Central Trust (reorgo.niza.ed) is tho only one presently active in the mortgage lending .field. It has made 363 ioo.ns on residential property, totaling ;~1, 352,000 since its reorgo.nizo.tion in Ja.nuary 193,41 50% of which were straight loo.ns. It has ~400 1 000 in new applications now under consideration. Present lending is limited to 50% of appraisal based on today's vo.luntion, except in case of F.H.A. loo.ns wherein tho institution will go to tho SO% mnximume2 Tho interest rate is 6% for o. ton-year periods and where loans are amortized thoy provide for 1% monthly payment. There is no commission, charges being limited to nctunl expenso.3 Liquidation of tho assets of tho old First Central Trust Company will .und!)ubtedly place a heavy burden on the real estate market, Liquidation hgent reports 400 parcels of roo.l osto.to owned which are baing· cari"ied o.t ~3, 7481 000, In o.ddi tion they ho.vo 1,006 mortgages to~ling ~9, 7131 0001 one-half of which are in litigation, Tho potential a.c .. quisition of those properties constitutes a Illllterio.l i'o.ctor·in future overhang,4 Voluroe of real estate owned by functioning banks is too small to be a considera• tion, nnd ~hey ho.ve practically no pending poreclosures.5 However, a total of

, $4,0401 000 in ncquired property is held by banks in liquidation, constituting qpproxime.toly 25% of present overhang. Tho three principal mortgage companies in .Akron arc tho Rerberich-Hall-Harter Company (largest), Esselburn-Ellis Compo.ny,. and Tho Banker.s Guarantee Title rm.d Trust Company. All three hav.e funds available for lending. Such funds nrc a.t present almost entirely from life in­surance companies for which tho respective institutions are agents~ but due to strict requirements imposed on borrowers, few loans are being tnnde. 6 These three

.mortgage companies ei thor own or control a. combined total of 21 090 po.rcels in acquired property carried at·approxima.tely $7,763,000. Tota.l in pending fore­closures is estimated at 900,. value approximately 03,ooo,ooo.7 The Herberich· Hall-Ha:rter Company controls the major· portion of this overhang with 11 600 parcels va.l.ued in excess of $5,0001 0001 o·f w·hich app,roxi:ms.toly $2_. 380 1 000 is in 680 properties e:cquirod by them for the Wayne Building and Loan Company and the Peoples Building cmd Loa.n Company both of Wooste,r, Ohio, for both of whom the Her.berich~Hall~Harter Company nets in the capacity of lending agent~ The nggre­go.to loans serviced' by the Iterborich-Ho.ll-Ha.rtor Company for those two institutions is approxilllCdJely $n,ooo,ooo. It wo.s estimated by Mr. Hcrberich that o.bcut 500 o.ddi tiono.l properties will be foreclosed for tho Wayne and Peoples Building and. Loan companies, and another 500 for their three subsidiary compnnios't accounts. Tho Herborich-Ho.ll .. Ho..rte;r Company hns not only been an active developer of subdivisions, but has· dono much construction throut;h subsidiary companies and has loaned more money on real estate than any group in this vicinity. Tho prin­cipal insul:"ance compani os roprosontcd by this company are tho Ohio No.tiono.l of Cincinnati, the Midland Mutual of Columbus, and the Columbia. of Cincinnati.s Based upon the information obtained, a tremendous amount of additiono.l renl estate will »avo to be acquired and disposed of before Akron can again be in a heal:thy. condition from a mortgage lending stCI,lldpoint. A very hazardous situation might dovol9P• (Mr. Fergus' memorandum to the Chairman, December 141 1935 - copy to Board Mbmbers.} .Additional insurance companies lending money in this area thro~gh correspondents are:

Prudential Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Equito.ble Life Assurance Society Sun Life Assurance Company of Co.no.da Western and Southern Lifo Insurance Compony

·Prudential has 21 500 residential loans in this area. serviced through its Cleve .. land District· offic~. Lending ter.ms vary from 120 to 240 months maturity, interest rate 6%, 3% commissions and all expenses borne by the botrowert9 Tho Matropolito.n has o.bout 1,000 loo.ns in ;~ron carried at appro~imately 03,50o,ooo. Tho cliart;Qs borne by their borrowers include a 3% comm;i.ssion, exp~nsos for making the loo.n, !lnd a servicing fee• · The Equitable has about 600 loans I carried o.t $l,BOo,ooo, and the Sun has Sl,ooo,ooo in loo.ns.ll Because of thGir rigid require­ments insurance companies aro lending very little money in ~\kron ~t the present time. Tho building o.nd lonn o..ssociations in ~u(ron have. boon virtually deposit companies paying 5% on deposits nnd lending at 7%. There nrc no Federal Savings o.nd Loan Associations in J~ron, and-the present state institution~ o.ro not functioning in tho lending field• Thcroforo, competition is so:lc:fy botwo.on tho insurance companies .and tho banks. With tho exception of tho F'irst Central Trust Compo.J:).y, there ..is no institution in Akron adcquntoly meeting homo financing requiromonts-.+2

2 -


~}· ',ii,_i

Akron, Ohio

No to 1 - P• 13 .. G~ora1 Histoty Note 7 ... P• 17 • Volume of Rca.l Esto.tc Owned It 2 .. P•

It 3 .. P• If 4 .. P•

P• n 5 .. P•

n 6 .. P•

14 • Mortgage Activity 15 • Landin~ Policies 64 .. A • Mr. c. w. Enyart 74-A -· Mr. Frank Krauso 15 - Pending Foreclosures

Raul Estate Owned 14 - Mortgage Activity

II 8 - P• 72-A - Interview with Mr. Horberich

11 9 - :Q• 19 .. Insurance Compa.nies 11 10 .. P• 20 Insurnnco Compo.nics 11 ll • P• 2! ... !nsuruncc Companies 11 12 - P• 21 - Landing Institutions


A, Fuvora.blo

1. Low percentu~o of rental va.cuncy. z·. Recovery of 10% to 20% from low point in sa.le price of'

roo.l csta.te. 3. Recovery of 20% to 25% from low point in rentals•

·4. Lowest adjusted ta.x rate of uny city in .tho United Stutes,

·B. Adverse

1. Decline in the basic industry, with attendant loss of employtltl1ltt:o.nd waste volume.·- .

2 •. Increase in foreclosures and heavy potential volume of' snme. 3. Substantial overhung of acquired properties, with no protective

policy of disposal .. definite dumping hazard. 4. Inactivity of building nnd loa.n associations, und inadequacy

of mortgage lending facilities in general, 6. Relnti vely high construction costs.

Rev. 11-14-36

-- 3 -



The purpose of the Residential Security Map is to reflect graphically the trend

of desirability in ne:i.ghborhoods from a residential view-point. As indicated by the

legend, four classifications are used, namely: First, Second, Third and Fourth

.grades with corresponding code letters of A, B, C and: D, and colors of Green, Blue,

Yellow and Red respectively.

In classifying an area, such factors as these were cohsidered: intensity of the

sales ~nd rental demand; percentage of home ownership; age and type of dwelling; eco~

nomic stability; social status of the population;. sufficiency' of public utili ties,

accessibility of schools, churches and shopping centers; adequacy of transportation;

topography; and the restrictions set up to protect the neighborhood. The price level

of the homes was not the guiding factor ~ desirability from a residential viewpoint


Tho First grade or·A areas are, in nearly all instances, now, well-planned soc-

tions, not yet fully developed, and almost synonymous with the areas where good mort-

gage lenders with avniluble funds are willing to muko their maximum loans to be rumor-

tizod over a 10•15 year period. They are homogeneous and in demand us rosidontiQl

locutions in 11 good timos 11 or "bad"; hence on the up-gro.do. Tho Second r:rade orB

o.roas, as a rulo, nro completely dove loped. Within recent years they have rco.chod

their peak, should continuo to be static for c. number of years c.nd ro:rnc..in desirable

plo.cos in which to live.. The Third grude or C arcus nro often chc.ractorizod by o.gc,

obsolosconce, and chango of styloJ expiring restrictions or lack of them; infiltrc.-

tion of n lower grudo population; tho prcsonoo of influences which increase sales

rosist•mcc such us inc .. dequuto transportation, insufficient utilities, heavy spocinl

assessments, poor mnintonunce of homos., otc.. "Jerry" built o.rous uro included, as

woll us neighborhoods lucking homogeneity o.nd those within such n low price or rent

ns to nttro.ct nn undosirc.blo element. Gonoro.lly, those a.rous have roc,chod tho trunsi·

tion period, having soon their bost days. Tho Fourth grndo or D areas represent thos

neighborhoods in which the things that o.ro now to.king plc.co in the C. neighborhoods

have o.lroo.dy happanod. They o.ro cho.ro.ctorizod by detrimental influc;ncos in a pro­

nounced degree, such ns undesirable populntion or un infiltra.tion of; it; often a. low

porcento.go of homo ownership; poor muintono.nco of homos; possible vnndulism; unsto.blc

incomes which often make collections difficult; etc. Those urons c.re broudor thnn

tho so-cnllod slum districts~


~ .... ·;;

E:x:plnno.tion Akron, Ohio

This map und tho urou descriptions hnvo boon carefully chocked vnth compotont

local real ostuto brokers and mortgage lenders, and tho result roprosonts u fnir und

composite opinion of those best qualified. In preparing the mntoriul, there is no

implication that good mortgages do not exist or eunnot bo mnde in the Third und

Fourth grudo areas, but it is felt that thoy should be made and serviced on n differ-

ont basis than in the First and Second grudo arcus.

The urea descriptions nrc arranged nlphnboticnlly according to tho code letter

und numerically.

The following locnl persons collnborntod with the Field Agent in the preparation

of the map und tho nrou descriptions.


A. R. Ritzma.n

Frank S. Carpenter

Ford Curpontor

John J. Guintor

Walter Horbcrich

John R. Lo.ymo.n

E. L. Mo.rtin.g

Prosi~ont, Tho Homingor-Ritzmun Qompcny (Formor President of tho Akron Raul EstEtto Bon.rd o.nd of the Sto.to Associnti•Jn of Real Estnto Board) ·

- President, Tho Bunkers Guarantee Title o.nd Trust Compo.ny

~ Vioo-Prosidont. Essolburn and Ellis Co. (Ronl Estc.to Brokers)

- Apprnisor and Ronl Estuto Broker

- President, Tho Horborich-Ho.ll-Ho.rter Go. (Ronl Estate Brokers)

- Roo.l Esto.to Broker

- Prosidont, Tho E. L. Marting C0mpnny (Appro.isors nnd Roo.l Estnto Brokers)

A stroot index will be found on tho mo.p.


1. POPUtATION: }.71 lnerea.ring~~~--.IDJ.~~JY; .... --·····-···- Decreasing .. __________ ................... _ ... ____ Static ........... - .. .

b. Class and· Occuparion _____ J~z.e.c.u.ti:m.s_a.wL;pr.o.t:~a..L-____________ ~··········-···--

c. Foreign Families ... _.Q. __ ~ Nationalities ........................................................................... -.............................. d. Negro_ ..... Q .... _'k e. Shifting ·or ln{iltfllf:ion __ .. ,_ ............ - .............................................. ,. .. ___ ...................... - ............. - ............. _ ............................................... ..


a. · T'Ype and Site

b. ConstrUction

c. Average Age

d. ~paiT

e. Occupancy

. f. C>wneT-occkpied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h.: 1937 Price Bracket

i. ..J.an. ... ! . .39 ....... ,Piice Bracket

"j. Sales . Demand

k. Predicted· Price TTtnd (next·.· 6-12 months)

l. 193S Rent BTacket

m. 1937 Rent BTacket

n. .... .Jan .... ! .. 3.9 ..... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand·

p. PTedicted Rent Trend· (neXt 6-12 ~nths)

PREDOMINATING 90 % 2 .. storySin@;Te·-· ................ .. .. ~:'!!~.~!~!5..~----~----~:!. ................. - ... .

Frame ~-----.. ~-------.. ·-~~-·-···----·-····,.····-·----·--·····-...

....... l:§ ... Y!:!t! ....... _ ............. - ........ ____ ..

........ Y.~!:Y..._g_~Q~ ............... - .................... .

........ J:Q9lf .......................... - ..... - ........... __

............ ~.!?.% ..................................................... ..

~-1QQQ.:J~ .. QQQ_ .. ___ %...~M~g-~. ~ .. - .... _ ......................... ___ %..E~~S£.

t~.9.9.Q.:.?..£ .. .9.QQ ........... - .. ±.?..9.: .... ~ ~-......... - .... ·-·--··-·-.. ·-.. -· . . ....... : ...... ~

~ •. £l .. QQ.Q.::?.Q .... Q.Q.Q........... ..::l?. ..... %. !_ _______ .... _ .. ___ .. _______ 1:

___ E_§..:i.I ........... - .......... _ .... - ..................... _

.... .F.itm. ................................................. --..

l.4!L~lQ ... ____ .. ___ ~.£.~~ ~-.. --.............. _____ 1..£.~~~~

~ ... fi.Q .... :::-.... 1.3li. ...... -' .. --.. . .... ±.2.6.%. $. ........... -.................................. .. .............. %.

~.§Q ..... : ... l?..§. __ .. ____ ...... ::19 ... ~ $................................................. .. .......... _.~

..... Ligb.t ......... - ............................ - ........... ..

__ fir.m ... -·--···-·--·-··--·--

3. NEW' CONSTRUCTION (past 'JT.) No ..... 1 ............. T~ S Price ___ tJ:g_.QQ.Q ........... Row Selling ... E.f&..tL .... ~--··

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ .............. .Q....................... b. Institutions._ ........ _ ...................... _ 3-31~39

S. SALE OF HOME. PROPERTIES ( ......... ,r.) a. HOLC ................ Q....................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-.. -~J?l~ .................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... e .. ) $_g_§.,..§.1: ....... ___ __


This excellent, highly restricted area is built around Silver Lake, considered the most beautiful lako in Summit County. Although platted in 1917, the o.reo. wa.s not reo.lly developed until a. bout 192 7 i~fter romova.l of a. run~down amusement park located on tho shore of tho lake. Now, this district is 25% built up, tho fino winding streets a.ro lined 1with maple troos, and tho whole a.rea is artistically landscaped. Pridoi of ownership is naturally very evident and trend of neighborhood is dofinitoly upwnrd. The present prioo range overages from $8000-206 000, although! sovora.l pro­perties a.ro considerably above tho highest figuro quoted. School fnoilitios and tronsportation a.re good. ·

Property, if noquirod, should bo hold for a. fair market vnluo.

A.-REA .. DESCIW,>'l10N '•·' '' ·.·. '·., ,. : ·.. .....

Securltf. Map of ___ .. .Akr.~m.,.. .. .Qhi~l ...... -····-···-··-···r·-·······-• 1 ,'1 ,,.._ ' ; '

1. POPULATION: J!1 I~asing_ ....... - ... ;!;..Y.e.s.......................... Decreasing. ..... - ... - ........................... - ..... _ .... Static .......... - .. .


b. Class and Occupation ___ Ji~.Q.~J!~j:r.E_~ .... ....h.:i.t4.L.9J.~§.§_.of f!9.~L!f.QrkQL§..JID.!LmQ.9hmi.M.. ....... _ ............... .

t:' • t:' ·u ·o ~ c. roretgn ramt es ................ _ Nationalities ..................................................................... _,................................... d. Negro ...... Q ...... -~

e. Shifting or Infiltration-.. - ...... - ...................................... R9.m9.inJP.-,.g,_h.i.gh ... Q1P:.§.§. .... - ..................................................................... ..


a. Type and .Sk;e

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. Rtpair

e. Occupancy

f. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. J.o.n. ... ! . .3.9 ....... Price Bracket

_j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend . · . (next 6--U months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. .Jan. ... ~.Zt9 ........ .Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

PREDOMINATING 90 ~ .,.2.:StO"ri .. silig1a-· ................ .. .. f~.nx ... .?..~§. .... t:!I!!L ......................... .

. ........... li:r....l!!!.Q .............................................. ..

____ ..... !E. ... YJ:JJ~--........................ _ ......... .

.. .......... g.Qg_g _______ ., ................................... ..

................ ?.% .......... - ........................................ .

.. .............. §§~ ................................................. .

~ ...... ~.§QQ~~QQQ_ ..... - ~-~!~~K.~ ~ ......... - ........................... _.... f?..~~~g!E

~-... .!if2QQ.=.l.l,.QQ.Q ...... - ... :t 2 2 .... %. $. ...................... _, ____ ............ _ . __ .......... 1§.

~ ..... Ji.O.QQ:-l.O.,..QQQ....... .. .. "":: .... 9 .... %. ~ .............................. _, ___ ..... .. ............. ~

-...... G.a.o.d.. ... _ .. _., ...................................... .

.. ....... Up ... .3~t-............. -............................ .

!. __ .3.0_.':"_ . .6.5._ .. _.......... %..~~!!8.~ ~ ......................................... _ ~.£.~~8.~

t ... §Q_ .. :_'L§ ........... _...... ...:tg1 ... %. $................................................. . ............... %.

t ..... ~.§. ... = .. 2.Q______ ... : .... lt. .... %. ~................................................ .. .............. %.

. ........ Q:Q9..~L.~:t ... $..~.!L.: .... 9..Q ................ .

. ...... JIP.. ... ~.-:.9~--------· .. ----·---·

3. NEW CONS'm:UCTION (past yr.) No .. J.9. ............ T,pe & Price --~-~-~-9.9.. ................ .How Selling ..... Q:.9..Q.g ______ • __ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPER11ES: a. HOLC .................. ~...................... h. 1nstitutions ..... N.9.ffi..~~-t .......... .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~.) a. HOLC ................. 1...................... b. Institutions ..... ~~Y..Iil.r.~J ........... .. 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:..!~~.1fl:.1?1~ ... J?.!:: 7. . . . 6% TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193!? ..... ) $ . ..2.1 .... 6.0 ........ - .... ·-


This area, well landscaped by nnture, o.djoins two beautiful public purks. and by virtue of its existing price range from $5000 to $10,000, enjoys a relatively heavy occupancy demand (20 homes in $8500 class built here last year). Now built up 70%, this section wo.s origirmlly plu.tted between 1916-1920. The averc.ge lot: fronta.ge is 55 feet a.nd the whole district is clean a.nd free from detrimental influences. Only a few outlying streets·remo.in unpaved end special a.ssessments on the ba.lo.nce ar6 prncticnlly a.ll po.id by now~ Tro.ns­port4tion is excellent u.nd a.rea. is convenient to schools, churches, cmd stores. Sc.les o.ctivity in district hc.s peen good c.nd a.t fair price. ·

Property, if a.cquired, should be held for its just vc.lue. (Vehicular tra.ffic is heaviest on Brond Street.

Duncan, Hoyles and Broa.~beok Allotments

9. LOCATION ... Q.Y.IP.:h.Qgg_FaJ.l.§~ .... QhloSECURITY ORADE. ....... A. ...... AREA N0 ..... -.. 2. ........ DATE!.eb ..... !..3e

-A'REA, PESCRIPTION ~ SecuritY, Ma~-oL-~k:'r.!?.t.h. .... Qh.i.Q ......................... -----······-

1. POPULATION: a. Inl!Tea.dng_ ......... ~_gg_l?::!!J...Y.: ... _ ............... Decreasing _______ ........................... ---·-·· .. Static ................. ..


b. Class and Occupation .................... ~~~E.~~.!~~~~---P-~.?.£~.~llJ:.2.~J--.--·-···---·--·--·-······------·-·····--··-·-···-·

c. Foreign Fanrilies ... Q. ____ ~ Nationalities ........................................................ :................................................. d. Negro ........ Q ........ ?.?.

e. Shifting or. lnfiltratiot•.---·····-···-··················-·-······························-········--····················-····---··--·····-·-······-·········-··········-····-···-···-···-·-··


a. T'Jpe and Size

b. Construction

c. A~age Age

d. «epair

e. Occupancy

' f. Owner-oceupiea

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .J.an .... !.39 ......... Price Bracket

- j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months}

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 ~t Bracket

n. .... Jan....},;3JL ... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 100 'fo ··-;r-ro.oms··-e:-;1;r·u-p--- ················-

---~~·ht!~o!a~~----········-··············-········ ·--~~~~~--~-<?.!.'f ............................................ .

·--~.2 ... ~;-Y.!-~~----················--·······-········--·

·--~-~~-~-g~P.::L ........................................ .

. ..1-.9.~--------·-··--·-···-··-··-···---···-·········

....... ~-~------····-··················--·--····················· ~ .... @.QQQ.:.~.!? .. A.QQ.Q.___ ~E~~R~

~_1_±-A_QQQ.:.~.Q.A.QQQ..... .:tg~t ... %.

~19..,.QQQ.:~:Q.~_Q.Q.Q..... .:l:J: ...... %.


.. ..§:t.~~-~.9. ......................................... - ........ .

$_90 .. : .... l?..P.____________ %..£.~~~~

~ .... .? .. 0 .... :: .. .1§9.................... . ... :!:gf:t ... %

~ ..... 7.§ .... : ... H-9 ....... - ... - ... :::. ... L%..

....... Li&h.:t ..................................................... .

p. Predicted Re:n~ Trend ___ .s..t.Q.ti.o .... _, ______ ............. ---···

--~-~~---~--·-···----... ---···--·-····-----···········-·······--··

~---····-·--·-·····----···-·-······· ~E~S!: $................................................. .. .............. ~

~---············-····-·-----···---·· ········-···-'?!

~---···········---·-·---·-·-····---- %.'.~-~~

$................................................. . ............... %.

~----············································ ···--····-·'!£

(next 6-12 J!IOtlths) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION. (past ,r.) No ....... § ........... T-ype & Price _$J9: .... 9 .. lliL .. J.UL.How Selling ......... §.lmc. _______ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOMB PROPERTIES: a. HOLCh .......... Q ........................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (._ ...... ~r.) a. HOLC ............ 9 ............................ b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-.. --~E~-~----··---.. ··-· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.f'-... ) $...2. .. a .. 9..Q ....... -----

8. DESCRlPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: This is the finest, newest residen­tial section in the city. Originally developed in 1920 as an ultra-exclusive district, separate from Akron, this area was named the Villnge of Fairlawn. Howevm the severity of .the 1930 decline in hon¥3 construction in this rapidly developed urea:, due to its very exclusiveness and unwarranted size, oa:used:the promoters to petition for a-nnexation. This wo.s npproved by the City of Akron 'in 1932. The :mo.in pa.rt, containing the most beautiful and expens.ive homos (o. few cost as high a.s $70,000) lies 'south of' the Akron-Medina Rood on an a:rtistioclly landscuped, heavily wooded plateau. (Since plateau rises approximately 100 feet above the A. c. Y. ra.ilroo.d c;t south end, there is littlo if a.ny influence by this usual detrimorit.) 1he lots average 70 foot frontnge and o.ro tra:~ersed,by excellent winding streets (70% :iin c.retl po.ved) •. Tho aroo. is now built up 3f)%--formerly, the minimum improvement restriction was $15,000 but now hns been rod4ced to $12,500 Six homos from $14,000 up wore built i~ nr.cn lc.st ye~r. Due to the oityts woa:k f'ino.ncio.l condition,· instnllo.tion of utilities ha.s boon slow nnd [has delnyod dovolopmont of' c.roo.. How·ovcr, o.ll utilities now ha.vo boon insto.lled except gas o.nd eloctrio:i.ty in 50% of nroo. (mostly undeveloped) •. Schools, churches, o.nd stores are convoniont, trnnsporta:tion is only fair, but not important to this type of rosidont. North part surrounds tho excellent Fnirltwm Golf Course.

Fairlawn Heights 9. LOCATION ...... l!kr.Q1.1....._ . .Qhi.Q ______________ . SECURITY. ORADE. ... ~A.......... AREA· N0 ....... 3_........ DA TE..?..::.S.iL ..

AREA/ ·DEsCRIPTlON ... Se ;·;., -M'. , . £ Akr · Oh • cutity_ · ap · OL----··--.2.P.: .. _. _____ a,g ________________________________ _

1 •. POPULATION: ~iil a. !$\-easing .:..... ....... .§.fi.gh:!{.!Y. ........... _., .... · Decreasing..:. .. :.. ____ _, ..................................... - Static·--·---····-···

b. Class and Qccupation ............ - .... l?.r.Q.f.~.ui.Q1),Ql,.._'QJ.W.:iJ.l.!~-LHL.t;LA<Lm9.r.QhQ.n.ta. _____________________________________ _

c. Foreign Families _____ Q_1 Nationalities ............................................ _ ................................. _......................... d. Negro ..... .Q ......... 'f:.

e. Shifting or Infiltration-----·-··-··············-·······-························-···-···--·--······--·-·-·--·····-····-······-·-···-··-··-··-······--··--·-·····-·--··-·-···-········-··--·


a. T,pt and Si~e

b. · Con.stncction

c. Atrerage Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

' f. Owner-oCcupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h.. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. JAn. .. ! . .39. ...... Price Bracket

• j. ~Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next. 6-12 months)

t. 1935 Rent Braeket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. Jn.n. ... !.3.9 ........ Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

--~----f~~~~Y. .... ~---~~-~---~P. ................. ..

............ f..!'£:1!!~---···-····----··-···-············--______ J.?..::.!?. ... .lt.§..!..: ...... - ................... .

........... Q .. <;>g_g_ _____________ , ................................ .


·-··-·-··-~-~----·······--······-·····--·--········--····--······· ~ .... 1:.QQQ::::.flQQQ________ ~£~~S~.

t.?.Q9.Q:::~.§.Q.Q ............... ~' ... :!:gl ... %.

~--~!?.QQ.~-~.QQ.Q................. . .. :: ... 1.. ... %.

... J?,.Q_Q.g_ ____________________________________________ _

...... F.ir:m. ....... --------··------···-------·--····-···-·

$_.3_5_:-___ _60______________ %..~-~~$.~

t . .45. .... ~ .... XtL.................. . .. :t.2.6 .... %.

~ .... 4Q ... .: .... :w__________ .. .:: ... a. ... '%.

..... ..Light ...................................................... .

. p. Predicted .Rent Trend .. J:ir.m. .. -----------------

__ QTI:!ER _ _!TI£____ _ ______ .1_

! __________ ............................... '%..£~~~!:

~--···---·--··--·--·--···--·-·---······ ··--··-----~

~------·---------------- ---~-.'!!

~---·····-···-.. ·----------- ~.£~~!{~

~-------··---------····----·--·--··----··· ................ %

~------·-·---··---·--·····-···---········--··· ·---·-··-··1?.

(next 6-12. months} 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,r.) No ......... l?. ...... Type & Price ____ .l_EU5_QQ .. _ .......... How Selling ______ M.o.o.d_ ______ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIEs: a. HOLC ............. J ......................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~.) a. HOLC ... - ........ Q......................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_ .. Mm?.12 ...................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193a ... ) $ .... .2.8 .... 9.Q __________ _

8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF A.REA: This a.rea. vro.s developed in 1920 o.s o.n a ttra.cti ve loco.tion for the medium c la.ss buyor who desired to li vo in this po.rt of tho city but could not o.fford to puroha.se homos in tho o.djoining highly restricted o.roa.s• Tho following progress l~s boon ma.de since tho a.roa. wns lo.id out in 50 foot lots; built up 40%; stroots pa.ved 30% (bo.lo.nco well gro.dod o.nd cindered, with comontod sidowo.lks); utilities 100% ip.sto.llod. Sc:t_J.ools~ stores o.nd churches are conveniently noa.r (commorcio.l ~eotion centra.lly looa.tod on W. Market Stroot). Tra.nsporto.tion is good in po.rt ecst of Hawkins Avenue, but only fo.ir in bo.la.nco of o.reo.·. .Although minimum improvement restric• tion is $4500, o. few homos in tho $20,000 cla.ss a.ro loca.ted in o.roo. prinoipo.lly a. long W • Mo.rkot Stroot (north side h Twelve ho:m.cs in $6500 ola~s wore construc­ted tHong Hnrcourt Drivo during yoa.r·. Tho Ho.rdesty Pn:rk, loco.tpd in southca.stor11 po.rt·, was formerly reserved but is now being filled o.nd g:t"c.ded by W.P.A. Smoke, dirt a.nd noiso from trQ.vorsing A. c. & Y. rQ.ilroo.d only pa.rtin.l;ly affects area. (abutting proportios) sinoo but two trnins run do.ily. Genoro.l 'outlook for district is good a.nd property, if a.oquired, should be hold for -fo.ir price .•

Fo.irlawn Rosorvo nnd old Hardesty Pnrk

9. . LOCA TION .. Alrr2J.h ..... QhiQ~ ..... - ...... _.:...... SECURITY GRADE.. ...... A....... AREA N0 ...... 1.-........ DA TE..F..ab.._.!.Z

1\.REA\.DESCI\li?TION .... Securitt,,¥ap· oL-~r_Q!l-~. ... Qh19.. ................ - ... ---·-····--

1. POPOLA TION: J?fi Inqeasing_ ......... ~~.!s.l?:~J.Y_ .......... _...... Decreasing---·-·········-··-··-··········--·-·- Static .................. .


b. Class and· Occupation ..................... --.. --~!:.~~~al an~-~xe~~~-t'~~~-·---------·------·--···-·------·--··

c. Foreign Ft1milies__2 ___ %., Nationalities ................................................ _ ............. -......................................... d. Negro .. 9. ........... _%..

e. Shifting 01 Infiltration~--······--·-·-··········---·--···-····-··-··--·····-------·-··-··-·-··-·----·······---···---·-··-·····-··-··-.. --.............. ·-··------··--·····--·


a. T.,pe and Site

b. Construction

c. At1e1age Age

d. Repair

e. Occupancy

f. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .Jan. .... !.39 ........ Price Bracket

_j, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6#12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent -Bracket

n. __ Jan...~;.39 ...... Rent Bracket

o. · Rtntal Demand

p. Predicted Rent Trend (next &:12 months)

-~.;~};.r;~~Y. ... J..:§ .... t~-~-----··

. ........ .EE.~~-§.~---·---····----···--·····-·-

··-·----~2-... F. .. ~.!; ...................... - ........... _.

. ......... 9.-.~.£~ ................................................... .

........... ~:?% ... _ ................ _ .................. _ ....... ..

. .......... ~9.7~ ...................................................... ..

$. ...... ?..9.9.Q::2..Q..~.-Q.QQ........ ~-~~~~~- ~--··---···-·-··-···-·-··-···---- ~~~~~~ ~----~Q.Q.Q.::~.?..£§.Q.9. ........ ' .:t.?.1-..... %. $. ..... - .................. ·-··-··-·-······ . . .............. !f.

~ ..... @QQ.::-.. ~.!?.# Q.Q.9......... ..: ... § ..... %. L_. ______________ .......... .. .............. %.

... J.~Jr ___ ............................................. .

........ S.t.~12 ............................................... ..

L ... ~o ... .:-_JJiQ__________ %..~~~g~ ! ...... -..................................... ~-~~~-~~

~ ..... §fL.::: ... l§Q.................. ..!:.2.4 ..... %. $................................................. . ............... %

$. .. _4.fL.::-.... l.7.l2_________ .:::_.f!J ...... %.. $................................................. . ............... %..

....... Ligh.t .................................................... .

----.Eair~.:fir.m.._ _______________ _

3. NEW CONSTltUCTION {past <Yr.) No ..... 9. ............ T,pe & Price _ ... J.lQ~OOQ ............. How Selling ...... .FJA.ir .................. -

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ................ ;L .................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES , ........ ~.) a. HOLC. ............... L ................. - b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31·39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: ___ ...... A!!m±.~ ................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 .. 6. .. ) $ .... 2.B. ... 9.Q ........... __ _


This very desirable residential area, surrounding the exclusive Portage Country Club (Golf and Tennis) and bordering the beautiful Metropolitan Park System, was developed between 1922-1929 as a highly restricted dj_strict averaging 65-70 foot lot frontage (except northwest corner part containing smaqer lots and cheaper homes). Many large estates abu"tt or are located in this area (Firestone Seiberling, etc.). No attempt w~s made to ev~luate or include these luxurious homes in the above price brackets. The topogro.phy of the areo. :i,s level to rolling and excellent wooded (some -virgin), affording scenic view, Only slight disturbance is caused by the traversing:}.. c. & Y.. Ro.ilrond sin(le but two tro.ins pass each day and the·roo.dbod lias considerably lower thnn surrdunding territory. At present the urea is built up 25 per cent; homos average 50-ft set back from the well-paved streets; boulevard lighting throughout; good transportation; ex­cellent schools (King Gra.de School .. finest in city); store center is rather distant but this is not importa.nt to type of rosidont. Tho cheaper area lying off Garman Road immediately north of the Country Club will improve nnd tend to conform with standard of aron when more fully developed. Six homos were built in this district la.st yenr.

Merr·imon Hills ond _ . 9. LOCAnON.N.R.r.ib __ EQ.r.~ .. fu:tb. . .; .. SECURITY GR.ADE. .. ; .... A ....... AREA. NO ......... Q. ......... DATE....EgJL.!~

District1' .Akron1 Ohio

MEA DESCRIPTION Securit'¢ Map oL_.i.Jg:Q.n.,. .... QJli.Q. ___________________________ _

1. POPULATION: (;,)1

a. Insrta..ring ........... ~.l!l!:h:P.tv. ........ -............ Decreasing.. .. ___ ......................................... -... Static ................. ..

b. Class and Occupati(>n .................... - .... J2.\J§l~~~~-----Q.f.J.:i.Q!!!.~~.n ...... gn.d .. _t9 .. t!~.hgn__ _________ ................ _. ___ _

c.. Foreign Families ...... ? ......... ~ NatioMlities ......................... : ............................................... _.............................. d. Negro .... .::: ......... :!?.

e. Shifting or Infiltr<Uion .................................................................................. ,_ ...... - .................................................................................................... .

2. BUILDINGS: ....... QI!"JE.~ ... JYPE_..... --·---~

a. T,pe and Site -~-~-~€i.~P-.. ~!?.~?..~ ..... § .... ?:~.~ ............... ..

b. Construaion ........ _ ... J~~!~-2 .. _ ....................... _ .... - ... ..

c. Average Age ................. J.~.:-1.~ ... F...~.! ..... --...... - ......

d. ~pair .. ............... .t!..~9.~ ................................ _ ........ .

e. Occupancy _____ ........ ~-~ ............................................... ..

'f. Owner-occupied .. ................. 7..§.:-.?.Q~ ...................................... .

g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ ....... 1.QQQ:J..Q .... Q.Q.Q ..... - ~E~g_~ ~ ........................................ ____ %.E~~R-~

h. 1937 Price Bfacket ! ..... §QQ.Q.:l~.~..§Q.Q ....... '- .. :t.?.JL.~ $. ............. ,,_.............................. .. ............. ~

i. .. J.c.n ... !.39. ....... Price Bracket ~ ....... M?.QQ::l?..,..QQQ........ . .. ~ .... 2 .... %. ~.-................................... -... . .............. 1? . j. Sales Demand . ....... .r~ . .r. ...................................................... . k. Predicted Price Trend

(next 6-12 months)

Static to slightly .................. Q..Q~.:r..d .............................. ..

l. 1935 Rent Bracket t ..... 3Ji .... :._'ZQ ...... _____ %..£.~~~ ~ .......................... _ ... _............ ~-~~~&.~

m. 1937 Rent Bracket ~ ...... 1\:.Q ... ::: ... ito .......... -........ .. .... ta4.%. ~................................................ .. .............. %.

n. ..... J.o.n ... ! .. 3.9 ..... Rent Bracket ~ ..... Q§ .... : ... liO ....... _.___ ...... -:.l.2 .. %. $................................................. .. ............. 1?.

o. Rel\tal Demand ........ G.O.Q.d ..................................................... .. Static to

P: Predicted Rent Trend ._ . .....sl.igh..t~_d.aw:wD..r.d ... __ .............. _ ................................ _ .. _____ , __ _ · (next 6--12 months) About

.3. NEW CONSTRUC'fl()N (past ,-.) No ...... ~ ............ T~pe & Price __ $_R,QQQ .................. How Selling ..... a:~t.e.r.c.g.~ ....... _._

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ................... J ................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~.) a. HOLC-................ Q .................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_ ....... hll.P.l~L ............ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... 8.) $ ..... 2.8 .... 9.0 .... - ..... ..


The plateau, on which this restricted o.ren wns developed in 1925-1930, overlooks n doop scenic gorge carved by the Cuyahoga. River through solid rook. Tho High Level Bridge across this ravine is the urea's (nnd nbutting districts) only outlet to the north. Tho mP.in trnversing arteries (Mo.in Stroot & N. Howard) begin nt this bridge. This neighbor­hood is o.pproximn.toly 76 per cent built up; high price bro.okot homes nrc principo.lly loonted on N. Hownrd Stroot, lots nvornging 55•60 floot fronto.go; cheaper homos on Mnin Stroot (80 foot road-bod) nrc detrimentally affected by heavy vehicular tro.ffic although they o.ro well sot ,back on lots averaging 45-50 foot frontage. Stores, schools and churches arlo fo.irly convenient and transportation is good, However, area. appears to have roached its poo.k, o.nd trend will be sto.tic to slowly downward.

Property, if o.cqu:i.:rod. should be sold for fair value.

North Howard High Level Bridge District

9. LOCATION ........ ~.?n' ... 0h:!~--~-.. M ....... SECURITY GRADll .... A ........... AREA N0 ...... 2 ........... DATE..f.£J .. 1?. .... ~ . .99

S ,., .M· .. L'Al.. 0 ecurltt ap · o .AP..X:o.n.,_ .. JU.Q~ ............. _ ........... _. ______ _

~.?1 Sli h 1 1. POPUlATION: a. lnG'l'ecising .:..... .•.. ~---·gx-~--Y-......................... Decreasing.;.... _______ .................... ___ .,_ Static .................. .

b. Class and Occupation_ ___ .. ______ ~,.11-*..!?.QU ti ve~Lt_l!ll'!~.9..h..rul:t .. L!m.!L2.f..U.Q.!Lm.t:ke.r.s ______________________ _

c. · Foreign Families .... ~C?..---~ Nationalities ............... -.......................................................................................... d. Negro .... Q. ... ___ %._

e. Shifting or Jn{ilt:ration __________ ................................................................... - ..................................................................... _ ................................... .


a. T;ype and Size

b. . Construction

c. Average Age

d. JiePair e. Occupancy

'f. OWner-ocCUpied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .JC\.n. .. J...3.9 ......... Price Bracket

• j, Salts "Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next (5..12 months)

t 1935 Rent Bracket

n'L 1937 Rerit Bracket

n. ....Jo.n .... t:ZS ...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

y. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

.Er..!?:ffi§l __________________ .............................. -

.. ....Jl ... YJ'_f!t~-------·---·--···----·--··--··---

.... 9.9..c?..9-.......................................................... .

....... l?..§% ........................ - ................................ .

-------~-g:g; ___ ....................................................... .

~----4:9..Q.Q::?.Q~Q.Q_ %. .. ~~~g~ ~-----------------··----·---····---- ~-~~~~ ~ ..... QQQ.Q.:::2.!2.,.QQ_Q _____ . - .... :t.2.2. .. %. ~-----·--········-···------------···-·--··· ···--···---~ ~--.59.9.0.:::2.2.,..5.00......... . ... ::: .... 8 ... %. ~--·--·---··--···---··------· .... ~ .......... %.

·~·F.o.i;r .... ______________ ..................... _ .. __

... _.Eir.m ...................................................... .

!_35....::....11.5................... %..£.~~'~ ~----------------·-·····-....... -- l(_~~~R.~

t ... 5.Q....-_l.3,fi .......... ----- .±.2.5 ..... %. ~................................................ . ............... %.

~--4.0 .... ::....1..2£ ....... -- :.11 ...... %. ~---·········--·--............................... -----·-----~

....... ~;l,gh:!i. ....................... - .......................... .

... ..l:~rn. ..... _________________ ~·-

3. NEW co~sTitucnoN (past,-.) No •... ~ .............. T;ype & Price. __ .J.1.50o ............ How Selling ............. E,gir. _________ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES! a. HOLCk ................. ?...................... b. Institutions_ ................................... .. 3•31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... yr.) a. HOLC .................. !..................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-.-~:e.!.~ ...................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 .. ~ .. .) $-.... ?.Jl~_Q ______ _


Prior to the development of the Portage Pnth District (cbutting on north) end annexntion of Fnirlcwn Heights (Aren A•3); this wcs the finost nnd most desiro.ble now residential section in Akron. Development on this slightly rolling ureu begnn in 1920 nnd thorough plnnning resulted in lots averaging 50-ft frontngoJ boulevard lighting, nnd good pnvQd streets. Tho highly restricted improvements nrc locntod north of Dolin Av;onuo. HomDs grndunlly lower in prico from Stndolm~ Avenue to tho south. Tho aron is built up 66 par cent nnd convenient to stores, schools nnd ohurohos. Eight now homos wore constructed hero lust your. Pride of ownership is vory evident nnd tho prosont dosirt~.bility of this district ns ~ homesite should maintain its high rt~.ting for tho noxt l0•2q yours. Vohiculo.r tro.ff'ic is hor.viost on Mo.rkot Stroot (EW) nnd fnirly }+ot~.vy on Dolin Avenue (EW) nnd Ho:wkins Avonuo (Ns) .•

Property, if noquirod, should bo hold for ft~.ir vnluo~

Sunset View nnd 9. LOCATION ... ~~~-~~..!~1~?.~~~~-~--- SECURITY GRADE. ..... :~ ......... AREA N0 ....... 7 .......... DATE..E.a:b .. ~.a9

· Akron, Ohio

~REA DESCRIPTION SecuritY' Map· of~r;nl.._~Ohi~L-.............. -·------

1. POPULATION: ~j'j a; Im!ieasmg _____ .l;l.ti.&ht.ly ................. _ Decreasing._ _______ .................... - ............ Static .................. .

c. Foreign Families .... .Q ... _.~ Nat:ionalities ................... _ .............. _ .................................. -............................... c:L Negro ........ D ....... 'I!.

e. Shifting or InfiltTation_ .. _ ................................................................... -····----······-······--·---····-·--····--···-.................... _ ........... - ........... ..


a. T,pe and Si~

b. Con.stTUetion

c. Average Age

' f. Owner-ocCupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. ..J.a.n. ... ! . .39. ........ Price Bracket

~ j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. ....lt\n ... .f39. ....... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

.. ~J~g±_2 .... f~J*.Y. ... 2 ... nn.~ ............. .

.......... l'IQID.Q..· ____ .. _____ ......................... ..

- ...... JQ ... .Y.r_$ .. !. ... - ..................... _, ___ _

........... g.Q.9.9. .......... _ ..................................... .

·------~-~---·····--···-·--·······-·····-··-··-··-·" ............ 9.Q% ...................................................... .

~ ...... 3..0.Q.Q~9.QQQ_____ ~-~~~~

~ ..... M> .. Q.Q .. ~U,.QQ.Q ....... - .. :!.2.6 ..... ~

~ ....... 3..2.QO.::.J.Q.,.QQQ....... ---~~Q .... %.

__ .F.nir: .. __ , ___ ............................ ___ _

...... ..Eirm. ......................... - ......................... .

t_su. .. ~.oo ...... _______ %..£.~~

t .... ~CL~ .. ..'Z.CL._ ..... ___ .. ±2.2. .... ~

~ ...... 55. .... -=-.6.5. ... _____ . .::-_JL.1.!

........ f..Q..ir. .................. - ............... - ............. ..

p. Predicted R~t Trend ... _Urm. _____ . --------

~--·---·--·--··----· .. ·--·---····· %. .. ~~~K~ ~ ............................... _.............. .. .............. ?.&.

~-------··----··--·-·-- ................ %.

~ ...................... -....................... .. .............. %..

~................................................ .. ............. 1.!

(next 6-12 months) .3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No ..... J.Q .......... T,pe & Price _t.G.OO.Q ................. How Selling ....... F..o.i.r ....... _ ......... -

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ............... 3 ....................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES( ......... ~.) a. HOLC ................ l ................. _ ... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTOAOE FUNDS:_ .. _Amp.i~L ................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.8 ... ) $.~.!-~.9 ........ _ .. ___ _

8. DESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Development in this cloo.n medium­priced section of 45-foot front lots boga.n prinoipo.lly in 1922, a.lthough northern· most po.rt (conta.ining ssvoro.l 2-fo.mily homes, 3 per cent, on Ma.dison o.nd 1"/hittio:ri) o.nd oo.stol''n 11hook'i projection (conto.ining finest homos a.butting Perkins Perk) wo:r7c dovolopod oo.rlior.· P.rido of mmorship is ovidont; lots a.ro well lo.ndsco.pod; 75% of stroots a.ro po.vod a.nd bo.la.noo (western part) ha.rd surfo.co. Ton homos wore : built in o.roo. lo.st yoo.r. Sovcra.l o.pa.rtmonts (high rent) o.nd small roto.il ontor• piisos a.ro loor.tod on Copley Roo.d (ma.in tra.vorsing o.rtory), principally botv•won Wildwood - Morcor Avonuos a.nd R0slyn Avenue - Frederick Boulovo.r:d. Prosonco of store structures is cansidorod o. shopping o'mvonionco by rosidon;ts; a.nd npo.rtmontr duo to high typo ocoupa.nts1 do not a.ppoa.r to dotl'imonta.lly a.ffoo't surrounding hom( vo.luos. Tho o.roil is now 60%' built up and should ma.inta.in its p:riosont sto.nda.rd.

Property, if a.cquirod, should commo.nd a. fnir vo.luo.

Copley Roo.d District 9. LOCATION .... .-~9-~L .. .Q!l:!-.. ~.--................. SECURITY GRADE. ..... ..!~ ........ AREA NO ........ § ........ DATEF.QP-.... ~.;3:

AREA DESCRIPTION Securitf' Map of ........ ~_Q.P.-.L ... Qhi9. ...................... ~-·-·----·-

1. POPULATION: a. lnttea.ring_ ........ .Sli.~tb: .... - ............. Decreasing_. __________________ ............... _ ....... Static .............. -

c. Foreign Families ....... 9 ___ ~ Nationalities........................................................................................................... d. Negro ....... a ........ ~

e. Shifting or Infiltration ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... .


a. Type and Site §1P..z..+.!? .... f.£m.i1.Y. .... 9 ... .r..m~ ............. .. Brick 50%

b. Om.struction .Jl' .. r.s.ffi9 __ §9f.~ ..................................... ..

c. Average Age .... l.!? .... y:f..~t ...... , ........................................... ..

d. R£pair . .. 9:9..gg, ......................................................... ..

e. Occupancy --~-~---·-···--···------·-·-------·-·-··-··--··-----·-" .. .... !... ................................................................. .

.f. OwneT-occUpjed .. J3.fi.%. ............................................................ ..

g. 1935 Price Bracket ~ .... 3.0.QQ::.6.6.0.Q .. _ .. ___ ~E~~R.~ ~................................................ '%. .. £.~!!~.~.

h. 1937 Price B1"a.clcet t ... 3.60.Q!':100.0............... . .. .±.24 ... ~ ~................................................ ._ ........... %.

f. ... J.nn .... ! . .3.9 ...... Price Bracket ~ ..... Q.2.QQ.~_QQQ................ . ... ~12 ... %. ~............................................... .. .............. %.

"j. Sales Demand . ..... F.I:\.i.:r. ____________ ................................... ..

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

.. .... F.irm ...................................................... ..

l. 1935 Rent Bracket $... ... ~.CL::...1!L................... %.E~~~ ~-----·--·-··---·----·-·-·------ ~-~-~~~~

m. 1937 Rent Bracket t .. 1.Q .... :. ... !iJ~....................... . ... ±.2..7. ... ~ $. ........................... _.................. . ............... %.

n. ... Jnn. .. ~ .. 3.9 ...... Rent Bracket ~-.QQ ... :: ... .RQ ...•.. _._____ .... ::ll..~ ~................................................ .. .............. ~

o. Rental Demand ...... L.ig.ht ..................................................... .

. __ E.ir.m. ........ - ..... ----·--·-·-----p._ Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 ~ndu)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past :yr.) No ... :: ............... T.,pe & Price _________ :_ ___ ......... How Selling ............... F.Air. ____ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ............... Q ........................ b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERnES ( ......... yr.) a. HOLC.. ............. ?.......................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-........ ~lQ ............... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.a ... ) $..2.a.-.9.Q.. __________ _

8. DESCRIPTION AND CH.A:RACTERI5nCS OF AREA: This quiet, wooded o.roo. lies on the highest pnrt of Goodyonr Heights. Although n portion of tho lnrgo development of tho Goodyear Tire nnd Rubbo~ Compnny, most homos hero wore privo.toly construct­ed nnd tho neighborhood is now 70% built up on lots o.voro.ging 50-ft fronto.ge. One of tho city's Motropolitnn Pnrks nbutts this nron's northeast bou~dnry. Duo to tho surrounding influoncoof slightly chonper homos nnd tho lessening dosirnbility of the ontiro enst sido of oity in the eyes of high type oooupo.nts, this nron hns ronohed its ponk, but will remnin more dosirnble thrm the surrounding "Bluo" territory, since only ngo will nffoot its superiority. Stores, so~ools o.nd churches o.ro convenient; o.ll stroots po.vod; boulovo.rd lighting throughout; good trnnsportntion. Vehicular trnffio is hecviest on Newton Street (EW).

Property, if ncquirod, should be hold for fair vnluo.

,.;,: •. ,,.

.t. ?(>~JLA:flON: ~';\'1 · su' htl . · · a. Im!r!~ng _________ !;_ ........ .Y ....................... Decreanng __ . ········-············-···-··----- St¥ZUc ........ ·-·-···


b. Class. and .~tion ..• - .... ;.QifiQ.Q~~Z.Q..~:l!..~i.Y!l.§...A~r of~_ssi .. Q.tM;\1 ____________________ ............... --

c. Foreign_ families .... .9. ... _~ Na;ionaUties.-........................... _ ............................... -....................................... · d. Negro ...... O .... ---~

e. · ·Shifti.ng or Infiltr~---··-·····--····--······-------------··--·--··---------·--··--··-·----·-··-····---................................................................................................ ..


a. T,pe and Site

b. Construction

c. Aveorage Age

d. ~pair

e . Occupancy

. f. Owner-occUpied

g. 1935. Price Bracka

h. 1937 Price Bracket

t. -Jt:m---!~ ........ Prlce Braclcet

·j. Sales Demand

"' Predicted Price Tr~ (next 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. .J.tul .... ! .. 3.9... ...... Rent Bracket

o. ~Demand

?.~;.P.QM!!i~'!'mQ .J..Q .... .1 2 story- singlo

.. fo.tnily._6 ... r..O.Olt\Jit ........................... ..

______ .E:c.c.me. ............................................... .

_______ 12.~,.---·---····-·····----------

. .......... G.Q.Q_g ____ .............................................. .

----------~-~-----··------··-----······----···-···---" ........... JjJ?.%. .................................................... ..

~ ....... 2.S.QQ::~JiQQ______ ~E~~{~

~----- 3..6.00.::ll.,.OO.Q...... ...t..lfL.~

~ ...... 3.QQQ.~l.O.,.QOO........ • .. ~1.0. .... ~

.. ... _.F.a.ir.. .................................................... ..

_ ..... F..irJ:n.. ____ .................................. _ ..... ..

t. ... 2.5..-"!...5.5--·-·---·· %. .. ~-~!!~~

~--~·:30 ... ~.-6.5.................... . .. ±.19 .... %.

:fo.. ..... G.L.: .. J~Q_________ ...... :lL.~

....•. .JJo.Qd.._ .................................................. .

p, Predicted Rent Trend ___ f..irm... ..... ---·--·-··--··--------··-

~--···-·------··--·-·--·----·------·- %. .. ~~~'!

~ .......................... -................... ·--·--··--.. ~

~----·--··------·-·-·--·--··-- ............... '1:

~................................................ . ............... %.

~---·-·--···--··--····-········--·-···--···-- .............. 1

(next 6-12 months) 3. ·NEW CONsritlJCTION (past ,-.) No ...... Q ............ .T-ype & Price ____ $.!500~Q.. .. _ ........ How Selling .... F.rJ.ir. ..... ______ _

.4. OVERHANG OF HOMB PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .................... 1 ................... b. Institutions .. _ .................................. .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC .................... i ..... -.......... b. Institutions_ .................................... .. 3•31•39

.6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_ .. ~!.~L .................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .. 8 .. ) $ . .2Jh.~Q ........ _ .. __ _

8 . .QESCRIPTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AREA: Tho Firestone Tiro & Rubber Compcmy, through its Lr~d Compnny, lc.id out this ~ron us an ontiro community for its junior executives and office workers in 1918. Tho lund for tho churches und largo gro.de school was donr.ted by Hnrvoy s. Firestone Sr. The city's finest and second newost high school n::~od Gnrfiold (onrollmont 2700) is locutod in this c.ron on c. spncious lnndscnped city block plot which includes its football stadium. Tho grade school is o.lso on n plot this size nnd fronts on n lnr~o po.rk donntod by Firestone for tho .community's rocrea.ti0n (tennis and baseball). This area also contains paro­.chial schools (corner Brown and Wilbeth Street). The commercial area is concen­tl"ated on Aster Avenue (by restriction - within two bl~cks) facing the renr of the F·irestone Park gro.de school. The finest~. newest homes (some $,30,000) o.re located on F.irestone Boulov.o.rd where it brunches to border the recreation pnrk. This olean, quiet neighborhood is 80% built up on lots avero.ging 50-ft frontage •. The stre.ot's o.ro o.ll paved (except eo.st of Brown Street) a.nd light~d by underground system. Restrictions o.re uniform except in southwest borde:r (highest on Firestone Boulevnrd). The ohoa.p nomos in southwest were built prior to development. The section north of Brown Street wns dovolopod by the Horborieh·Ha.ll-Hnrter Company· in 1926!"1929 .•. Tra.nsportntion is good a.nd vehicular trnffio is hoa.vy on Brown st., Aster Avonuo, Firestone Boulovo.rd nnd Wilboth Roa.d •.. Property, if r.cquirod 1 should cotntna.nd a. fa.ir vol uo, .

9. LOQATION ........ ,~.2&-?E!L .............. SECURITY ORADE. ........ ~ ....... AREA NO .... J.Q ........ DATE.F.~b .. ' .. 3.l)

AREA DESCRIPTION securitY Map .• oL~1:9..B.t-9h.~.9.. ______________________ ......

"' -~~

1. · POPULATION:: :t lneoreasmg:.._ .... aliih.t.l.Y-..... _ ...... -..... Decreasin&--·-··-····-············----··- StatU: .................. .

b. Class and Occupation . .:._ ....... - .. ..Et:.o.fQ aaiglltl.l.J.l.n.d....b.~!J~-l'!l~.n..--.. -···----···-·--·--··----····----·

c. Foreign Families:. ... Q ..... -~ Nationalities-.......... -·················-·--······-···························-·························-·· d. Negro ..... Q .......... ~

e. Shifting or ln/iltration .......... - ..................................................................... -·-·-·········· .. ············-······-·-·····-···-··--·-··-....................... _ ............ ..


a. T:ype and-Site

b. Construction

c. Average Age

c1. ~pair

e. Occupancy

' f. Owner-occUpied

g. 19,35 Price Bracklt

~ 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. Jg.n. .. .!.,3g. ....... Price Bracket ·

'j, Sales Demand

k~ Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent· BracJc.et

n. .. ... J.lm .... ! .. 3.9 ..... Rent Brac1cet

o. Renraf Demand

p, Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

~~Q.QM!N~Illi.Q ... JW .... ~ 2 story one family

........ 6.::-.. 'l_.r...o..Oll\"'··-··--··--... -.................... ..

.... -.F.X:Q.lti.Q ........ - ... - ......... -................... _.

....... .l.2 .. $S.Jl ......... - .............. _ ... ., .... _ .. .

........ G.oJJ.d. .................................................... .

........ ~.6% ...... ---··--···--···--····--..................... .

··-···.9.0%. .... - ................................................ ..

~-~.50 .... :: ... 15 .. 00 ... --- ~E~~~ ~---···-.............................. _,__ ~-~~~~-

~ ... 4:QQQ:: ...... 9.00.0 ........... - .. ±Z.L ... ~ $................................................. . ............... %.

~ .. ]..§9..9.: .. - .. ~.QQQ........... ..::}-.~ ..... %. ~------··-·--··---··"·--···"· ............... 1: ....!:.Q.!!. .. _ ... _ .................................. -... ·-

... .!. .. ;!'1l.t ....................................................... .

$ 27_~_§2....::: ... §.§.._______ %..~!!{~

~--~.9 ... .:: ... .?..?. .•. -.-.............. . .. :.?..'! .... %. ~ ..... -.......... - .................... -...... .. .............. %.

~..SJ? .... : .... §§. .. _________ .. :::11 .... ~ ~................................................ .. ............. 1?.

..... 1.i.&.ht ................ _ ....... - ... -........ - ......... . Firm to

__ ..§1..1-.ght..U..~...r_q_ ______ _

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,-.) No ...... ~ ............. T:ype & Price -~.§.Q9:Q~12.9.9. ..... How Selling ........ E~~-~----......... _

4. OVERHANG OF HOMB PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ................. 9....................... b. Institutions ........ ---·-.................. .. 3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~.) a. HOLC •. - .......... 9....................... b. Institutions_ ...................................... . 3 .. 31-39

6. MORTGAGE- FUNDSt--... ~.P..~~ ................ 1. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .. ?..) $.-?.g_d.Q ............... ..


This is the best rosidentiul nron in Barberton, surrounds the nttrnctive Tusoorn (rooroutionnl) Pnrk, nbutts the Anon Donn Golf Course, und lies on un elevation overlooking tho bulnnoo of the oity. This nron wns lnid out nbout 1919 and is now nbout 60% built up; 50% of streets paved (bnlnnco woll grnded nnd graveled) comontod sidownlks. School fncilitios nre very good nnd trnnsportntion is fnir. Trnffic on Tusonrnwns Avenue is fnirly honvy~ Tho trend for this soction is slightly upwnrd.

Property, if ncquired, should be hold for fnir vnluo.

Bc.rbei-ton 9. LOCATION ... ~.9J!:J_Q!l,i.Q _______ .......... SECURITY ORADE. .... .A .......... AREA NO~ .... ll. ....... DATE..F..e.b .. ~~

... I'~ I'"

~REA DESCRIPTION -.. Security ·Map of .. -~rQ!h ... .9hl.9 .................................... -......... .

1. POPULATION: ~='7 a. Int*easing ... _ ..... ~li.gb.:tl.Y........................ Deaeasing ___ ......... - .................... ----- Static--··---··-

b. Class and Occupation ............ --····--··Qffi~..Q...lnfln.._. __________ ........... ______________________________________ _

c. Foreign Families ..... 0 ... -.'1:. Nationalities............................................................................................................ d. Negro ..... Q. ......... 'fo..

e. Shifting or Infiltration ______________ .......................................................... -··-·-····-··-····-·---····--·······-····~---··············-··-·····-···-·····-············


a. T,pe and Si~e

b. Constntction

c. AWTage Age

d. ~paw

e. Occupancy

. f. Owner-oceupied

g. 1935 Price B.,-acket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

·· j, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (ne~ 6-12 months)

I. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. ....Io.t~. ... !..3.9.. ...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p. PTedicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 mon,ths)

~~§Q.Q_M!Nf\TI.~Q . .J .. Q. •.•..•• ~ ...... .Q.lli~.! .. TYPE -· __ g.Q .... ..J.~ 2 story single fnmily 1 story r.nd

.......... .fL.;r.o.9.tn.§ .................................... - .. - ...... QJ.l):_!g;_g,),._Q}.!§ ••.•. _ ................................. .

........ ...F..z:tJID.e ......................................... - .. . ......•..... f.'.t:P..m9. ............................................... .

____ .. ..lJ5 .. ..:y.r..s ...... ----·····-····--·--···- ............ lJi ... yr.a ......................... - .......... _ ..

........... G-.o.o.d ................................................. .. ...........• Y..o.o.d ............................................... _ .

........... .9.7$ ...................................... -·-·-·-··~ .... 1.. ..... 9.7%-.................................................. .

............ 1Q1.9.... ................................................... .. ··-···--··1Q% ................. - ....... - ...................... .

~ .... 3..7.6.Q::7 .. QQQ .......... __ ~£~~£~

~--~QQQ.~.e.QQQ ................ - ... "!"..ii ... %. ~ ....... ~.7.P..Q:2.Q9..Q.............. . _:tllL . .%.

~ ... :lO.QQ.~1.6.0.Q................. ..::: .... 8 ..... %. ~ ...... Ql?.Q.O .. :-.Q.Q.O.O ........ -... ..: .... e ... .%.

...... F.!:l.~ ......................................................... . . ....... .F.£\.:i.r. ................ ---··-----·--·---Firm to Firm to

___ .aligb.tly ... u.pwP..r..d ...................... . . ........ J!.1.ig,h:t1Y. ... ~l2!ffi.r.9. .................. .

!_.QQ ... .:: ... 9..6 ....... ___ ,_____ %..£~~ ~ ....... Q.Q ..•. -:: .... ~.9 ... -.............. ~-~~~-~~

t .... 3.lL.:-.... 6.lL................. . .. i"Z .. O .... 'f: ~ ....... 9..9 .... ~ ... 42.................... ..:t.Z.;$ ..... %.

t_ss.o .... ~ .... 5.Q. ...... ______ •. .=1.1...'1:. ~ ....... 3.0 .... :-:: ... 42 .• P..O........... ..::: .. 5L'f:.

........ G.aa.d ......................... - ......................... . . ....... G.o.o.d .............................................. -. Firm to Firm to

_____ s.ligh.tl.y....Jl.Pl«.Q..r.d..... _____ _ ........ .sllgh_t~ .... up.wlr.d.. .......... __

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No ......... !?. ......... Type & Price __ $ .. 9.QQ9_ .............. Row Selling .............. E.~J.r _____ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ............... ..!L ................... b. Institutions._ ................................... .. 3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... yr.) a. HOLC ................. Q....................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31•39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-......... AmP-1!1 ................ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (1938 ..... ) $-.2.6 ... .5f.l:. ............. _


This section, known o.s Silver Heights o.nd Silver Lo.ke Highlo.nds, is briefly ooverod o.s follows: plo.ttod1 1917; o.vero.go lot, 60 feet; built up, 6a,1o; prioo ro.nge, $3500•7500; streets pC'~Vod, So% (bo.lo.nco cindered); tro.nsportntion, good; school fo.cilitios, good. Vohioulo.r tro.ffic is hoo:viest on the Cuyahoga. Fo.lls-Kent Rond o.nd the Spring­field-Stow-Hudson Roo.d. This is o. clco.n outlying residentio.l district o.nd o.lthough not uniformly ro&tricted throughout, Will impro"te (trend upt.vo.rd).

Property, if o.oquirod, should bo hold for fnir vo.lue.

A f~ homos fronting on tho Cuyuhogo. Fo.lls-Kont Roo.d o.ro priced from $10,000-12,000 with lot frontage of 90-150 feet .•

Silver Lo.ko Highlands 9. LOCATION ... 4!!!. .. 9.!l...t_.QJlig_ ________ ....... SECURITY GRADE. ........ J?. ....... AREA NO~ .... l. .......... DATE..Eob.! .. 39

~ DEsCRIPTION Sectiriif Map of_4!q_Qn....:...Qh:"i:.9. ...................... - .... - .. -···~·-

1. POPULATION: G::<J ' a. Inereasing -·······-~-: ........... _ ....... --.......... Decrea.sing:... ..... - ..... .'X.Qll ........................ - .... - Static ........... - .. ..


b. Class and Occupation ............. 13.u.sino.s..a...lll.Qn~ ... c~~k.~Lrul.UQ..'Q..QJ:!?.~.L.:::~. mo dium ii}Q91lJQ ........................ - ..

c. Foreign. Fa,-ml:ies-.9 .... _ .. %. Nationalities.-............................................................. ___ ................................... d; Negro ..... 9. .......... ~

e. Shifting cw Infiltration._, ___ ................................................................. _ ........................... - .................................................................................. .


a. T,pe and Site

b. Constnlction

c. A"erage Age

'd. J!epair

e. OcCupancy

' f. Owner-oceupjed

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. JQ.n ... !$ ........ Price Bracket

• j, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent .Braclcet

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. .Jnn...! .. 3.9 ........ Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p. Predicted Rent Trend (next &12 mo,.ths)

PREOOMINATING 9 5 1o ·2-·stor;Y .. 6-r'Oom··- ................. . . ...... Q~~ .. ~....... . ....... --~

.... .r.~~!9.:~!l~-~.!'? ...................................... ..

.,._ .. Jf.!'.ill!l.£ ..... - ................ _ .................... .

' -···-~Q ... Y!'..§.~ ............ - ......... _ ............. ..

.. ......... F.9..i.r .................................................... .

........... l? .. §~----·"'"'''""'"''''"'"'"'"'''"'"''""'"

. ........... §9.1.'L ................................................... ..

! ..... ~.QQ.Q.::§.OO.Q .. _......... ~E~!!£~. ~ ......................................... _..... ~-~~~J~

. ~ ....... ~§9..9.::9.§Q~L.......... • .. :t.U ..... ~ ~ ............................................. ~ ................ ~

~ ....... ~.QQ.Q::.R.QQQ.............. ...~.lQ .... %. ~ ................................. ____ ,. . .... _,_'%.

......... Ea~.--......... _ ................................ -.

........ D.o:wn .................................................... ..

~...:_]JL.:: .... 4:5L ............. _. %.? .. ~.~~8.~ $ ____ ...................................... ~-~~~-~~

t .... ~-:.: .... !?.!2.................... ...:t:J§ .... tf? $................................................. .. .............. %.

t .... g§ .... : .... Q.Q ............... _ .. .:l~-.1-i $................................................. .. .......... _1! ........ G-.QQ9, ..................................................... ..

.. --~tt;>,:ti.c.. .......... ___ .......... ____ _

3. NEW CONsTRUCI'ION Qwt :Yf.) No .......... ~ ......... T-ype & Price - .... t~OOQ ...... _ ........ How Selling ........ ;r..9.9!. .............. __

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .............. ~Q...................... b. lnstitutions_ .. .JX~~Y.Y.: .............. .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. ....... :yr.) a. HOLC ................. ?........................ b. Institutions ......... ~!g;h.'!;; ................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: ........ ~12.1.9. .................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193lL) $_1.7.,..§.9 ............... ..


This nroa, originally overplatted due to control of the Keenan interests (specu­lative builders) in Highlnnd Viow, is n good, clean, restricted neighborhood, but wo.s laid out in 1917-22 covering 200 aoros whon 60 noros would ho:·vo been sufficient. As a result, although improvements are in tho ma.jor.ity woll built and woll kQpt, tho area (north pert) suffers from overexpansion (no gas linos north of Pierce and Franklin Avonuos; built up 35-40%; 25% streets paved, balance woll gra.dcd nnd cindered) • Another fo.ctor which seriously nff'octod ·this section wo.s the di scontinunnco of tho Clevoland & SW nnd Yqungstown-Wnrron intorurbo.n linos o.nd romovo.l of their shops hero in 19 25•26. AP,proxi:mn. tely 300 fo.milios wero loft unomploy'od. Although o.vorage lot frontnge is, 45 foot, the southenst part r:Jf' urea ( contni:1ing m'lioh bettor homes) has 60 foqt front lots, pa;rod streets ond all utilities oxcept gns. Transportation is f'o.ir nnd nron is convonient to storos, schools .and churches. Foreclosures have boon heavy (along Ka.therino /lvonue). It was roportod tho.t approximately 30 homes ;built in 1928-1929 on this o.vonuo with finnnoing by the Ashland So.vings.and Lonn Company wore almost all acquired through dafo.ult to tho.t Association. Opinion of examiner is thnt.nroa is slowly declining nnd property, if aoquirod• shoUld bo sold for fo.ir vnlue.

, . CuYo.hoga Falls 9.· LOCATION ......... ~~-~- 01-~!2. .. - ......... : S£CURITY ORADE. ...... JL. .... AREA NO ....... ?. ........... DATE.EQ.'b .. ! .. ~.9

AREA DESCRIPTION Securit-9'; ·Map of_. Akro1~-'---~lli-J.9 ......... - ... ··-·-··---··-····-

1. POPULATION: a~1 I~ng-.... S.ugfitly. ....... --··---··- Decreasing__ _________ ............... ·---- Static .... ·-·-----


b. Class ar,ul Occupation .. _ ....... ;§.illn§..ruL.ID..Q.TJ._, ___ Q...l,Qtl;§. . .JID.4_villitc . ..tl.,_:J...l.P...r.9_g _____________________________ ...... ..

c. Foreign .Families .... Q ___ ~ NaticJraalities ____ , .................................................. ~............................................... d. Negro ........ O ........ ~

e. Shifting or In{iltrlltion .. ----·-·--···········-·······-········--................................... _ ...................... _. ____ ................. _ .................................................... ..


a. T~ and Site

b. .Constncction

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

j. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Brad~t

'h. 1937 Price Bracket

f. .... Ja.n .. J.39. ..... Price Bracket

·j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

.L 1935 Rent .B,-acket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .... Jnn. ... ! .. ::R ..... Rertt Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p._ Predicted Rent TTend (next 6-12 months)

PREDOMINATING 9.6 % --'!-·--···---------···· .................. . l2 nnd 2 story ~~-M1.~ .... fflmU.Y. ... 9..~.9 ... .t:m§. ....... .

··---·----..F..!'.9:m9 .......................................... ..

_____ ... ?.!2.$..1? .. t. ............. ----·-·-···-···

. ............... F.Q..ir. ............................................. .

____________ 9_Q%_ ............................................. ..

.. ................ 6.0% ............................................... ..

~ ..... . ~E~~g~

~-.2..7.!iQ.~§jOQ.Q............. . , ..... :tl.$. .. ~

~ .... .2.5.00=. ..~lQ ..... %.

___ l'.oor. _____ .................................... -·-··

....... D.o:wn. .... - ............................... --.. ------

~-...2.0.-::...30 ____________ .. %..£.~!!~

t ... 2.Q .... ~ ... :1Q ...... -........... ..:1:.2.0 ..... "-:

! ..... ?.Q .... : .... \?.Q...................... .:::_8 ...... ~

....... .G.o.od ................................ - .................. .

__ ...s.to.:.tia. ______________________ _

~---·---·-·····--···-·-·····----- ~-~~£'=.

~--··--·---···-·-·········-----·-·····-- -···-----~ ~ ......................... ________ --------~

~-------·-···-·-·-·-·-- ~-~~~8.~

~ ...................................... -...... .. .............. %.

~................................................ -·-·-------~

3. NEW coNmucnoN (past ~-) No •... P .............. T-ype & Price ------------·----···--···How Selling ....... IhQr. ________ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPER TIES: a. HOLCh ........ 'l.............................. b. Institutions_ ... lie.o.'3cy: ............... _ 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME ·PROPERTIES ( ......... ,r.} a. HOLC ......... ~ .............................. b. Institutions ....... N.omino..l ......... .. 3-31 .. 39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-... -E.G-lr ..................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..8._) $._ ... 2.7 ... ..6Q ______ _


The subject nren is n clonn well kept district platted in 1913 nnd known ns Tho Schiller .. Allotment; nvorngo lot frontngo, 50 feet; built up, 25%; transportation good; utilities nll installed; school fncilitios, good (Cuynhogn Fnlls High School hero); stores nnd churches convenient; streets pnvod lo% (bnlc.nce well grudod rmd cindered).. ./;roc. suffers from voltnne of 11 For So.lo11 signs o.nd iu some instances nppet1.r to bo cnusod by forced liquidation -- spccinl nssossments 0n vnco.nt lots (nppro:x:imo.toly 1000) rom::dn mostly unpo.id nnd consti tuto n city problem. Foreclosurt?S are hoc.vy in northern po.rt of nrec. (this po.rt o.lso suffers from bnck-up diffi­cult;r with sowers -- $Wnmp is locntod nt northern edge of o.reQ). Howovor, nren·throughout, bocnuso of jmprovemonts und lnck of usuo.l dotrimontnl influences, vmrro.nts n fo.ir blue ro.ting.

~roperty, if ncquirod, should bo sold for n fo.ir vo.luo.

Cuyo.hogo. Fulls 9. LOCATION ....... _l!.kr.o.n.....Qhio..-........... SECURITY GRADE. ......... !?....... AREA N0-_ .... 9........ DA TE...F..o.h.!.Z9

.. A'REA DESCRIPTI .. ON 1 .... '. \ • . ••

Se • ~i". M .· £· A1. Ql.·' 0 cunty . . ap. o ...4*-~r..Qn ......... ::.u.~-----····-·····-~----·-··---!i;~~

1. POPULATION: a. lnf'lleasing _______ .:__~----·-················----- Decreasing------··········-·············----·- Static ..... J~.!t ..

1::' • " 'l' 0 % c. rore~gn ratm res ___________ _ Nationalities ..................................................................................................... -.... d. Negro ..... .Q ......... ~

e. Shifting or ln/iltration. ___ :!:w.Q .. J?Il!~J1 ... ~~-Q.]~.Qn§ ..... !.:t.~U!!..n. .. ~rJ:.Q.~J~.9..:rn ................................ --......................... .

2. . BUILDTh,lOS:

a. T'Ype and Si~e

b. Construction

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

, f. Owner·occ:Upied

g, 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Piice. Bracket

i. ...Jan .... ! . .3.9 ....... Price Bracket

k. .Predicted Price Trend (next 6·12 months)

L 19~5 Rent Bracltet

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n, ... JatJ. ... !. 39 ...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 90 % -I-f:2·--·story-·sing.le _ .............. ,

.... .!.~.!!-~3~P.:9.~ .. ~ ..................................... .

......... -E~1r. ...... - ................................... ~

______ g.? .... Y:£ .. 1?..~ ....................... - .............. ..

............ F.g;tr. ................................................. ..

·-------~-~ ..................................................... .

........... ..!?.9%. .................................................... .

. $. .............. 9..Q.9_Q_-::§§Q.Q....... %..~~£~

~ ............. 9..?..!?.9.:9..QQQ...... . - ... :tl!L%.

~ ............. Q.QQQ.~_§QQQ....... ...::: .. .JL.%.

.............. .ll.l.oYL ........................................... -

............ -.S.te.tia ....................................... ..

$_2 .. 6. ... :: ... 10. ___________ .... %.E~!!8.~

~.3.0 ....... ::: .... 5.0 ............... --- .... :1:.2.3 ... %.

~-.2.8. .... ~ . ...4.6 ...... ---·· ... .:.1.3 ... 1.:

..... Jl.o.o.d ......................... - ............................ .

p. Predicted Rent Trend ___ S.m:tilL ... ------------.. ·-·--·

~----···--····"'''""'""'"'_______ ~-£.~~£~ $_, ________ ............................ _ -··-··· ...... %.

~----------------·-·-··-- __________ %.

~ ..................................... _____ '!.>..~~!!«~

~ ........................................... _.. . ............... %.

:!............................................... .. ......... _1!.

· (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCI'ION (past yr.) No ....... 9 ........... .Type & Price ... _$.~.§.Q9 .. " .. _ .......... How Selling ...... Q.1Qw. ... _., _______ _


5. SALE OF HOMB PROPERTIES (.. ....... ~.)

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: •. !!.~J!.~P.J~ ... -~ .. 7.

a. HOLCb ........ J.? .......... -............ b. lnstitutions .... .1.~-~.r.1~ ... h~-Et.'YY 3~31-39

a. HOLC ............... ?. ....... ~................ b. lnstitutions ...... J:..ight.. .............. __ 3-31-39

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.§. .. .) $ _ _g_z_,_§Q ___________ _


This area~ free from detrJmental influences, surrounds one-half of the most desirable residential section of Cuynhogn Falls. Improve­ments are uniform, though on comparntively smnll lots, and owner­occupancy is high. Area is described as follows: built up 35%; transporto.tion good; schools, churches and stores convenient; 2o% streets paved (bnlanoe well graded and cindered); Gorge. Park abutts south end of a.rea. The better homes o.:re located along Porto.ge T:ro.il, Third St., Fourth st., o.nd Mo.y Avenue (older homos on Second,, Third, Fotirth and Fifth Streets vnry considerably in price range). The northw~stern port of thi.s oren is. mostly vncc.nt but due to restrictions wiill con­tinue to re~~in fairly dosirnble wh~n normnl building is resumed.. A good clo.ss of. Italians occupy the southernmos-t part of a.reo. •. Vehicu-lo.r tro.:ffio i,s heaviest on Broo.d Stroot, F:ront Street o.nd Porito.go Tro.il.

This o.ren should mo.into.in its !:>resent level for several yeo.rs and property, if o.cquired, should be sold for a fnir prico,

Cuynhog;o. Falls 9. LOCA TION .... -.Ak!' .. QlL.~..O.ll.i~t.-.:-... -.... - SECURITY GRADJL .. JL ... ,... AREA N0 ...... ~ .. 4....... OA TEJ.QJ:t.~3.9

AREA -DESCRIPTION Securit¢ ·Map of _____ Ng-.Qn ..... _9.h~~L-.. -.. ·-·····--·---··-


a:'1 lnorta.ring -·--··---~--~---··-·--·······-···-······· Decreastng ____ ~1;1gh:HY-............. --- Static .................. .


b. Class and Occupation ................... -LJ:l..P..Q!'..or s n.:Q..9.__g,__j'..QYL.Qt:f..~.9J'L$.1J..PJ..Q.Y.~.-s -··-···----·--···-----·----·-······--·

c. Foreign Families_Q ......... ~ Nationalities ............................. ~9J.:i9..Q.J!.................................................... d. Negro .. JL ........ f::.

e. Shifting· or Infiltration .................. _ ............................................................ - ... -...... _ ................ - ............................................................... - .............. .


a. Type and Site

b. Constnwtion

c ... Avetage Age

d. R;Patr e. 0CCI4pancy

_1. Owner .,occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Brac~t

i. .. V.:t~.n .... ! .. 3$. ..... : .. Price Bracket

·j. . Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6" 12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. ..ll.!!lL.!..~fl-...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p~ Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

PREDOMINATING 90 % -·-2-s.tor"Y-·siili:to· ................. . ....... f..~.!Y. ... §.:.§. ... ?::P.!!? ..................... -

__________ F.r._t;) ... ~ ........ _ ... , ........ ----·-··-···

____________ .Q9_ .. Y.r.§.! ............... _ ......... _._

.................... f..Q.2:.r. ..• t .. Q .•.. J>.9..9.!' ................. .

........ - ....... ~.l?i ..................... - .................... .

............. -...... 9P~ ............................................. .

~.-.2..QQQ.~Q.QQ ...... _..... ~£~.'!£~

~ ..... 2.213.0.=.4..7-fiQ............. . - .. :!:lf ... %.

~----~9..Q.Q:1:.?.9..Q ......... _.. ..:: .... '!. ..... %.

__ .!.9.2.!:.. ........................................... - ...... .

Sto.tic --------"-·"--···-···----·······-····-.---~------------·--·--

L? .. C2_.:..~ .. ?..! .. ~9______ %..£~~~~

~--~-~ .. ~~9.._: ... ~~-........ ·-~-~.?. .... %.

~ ....... ?.Q .... :-.... !9 ___ .. _____ .. :.~-~----~

........ Qg_!?.~ ........................ ---·-·--······· .. ·······"·

~-.............. _ .................. _____ ~-~~~!~

~ .......................... _................... .. .. ---··-~

~---------··---·-----·-.. . ... - ....... %.

~----· .. -·--·--.. --------··-- ~-~-~~-8.~

$................................................. . ............... %.

~................................................ . .............. ~

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,-.) No ........ .9 ......... Type & Price - ....... -·-------···----.. How Selling ..... ~.!?!. ....... ---·-·-

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ................. ~Q................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3•31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES(... ...... ,..) a. HOLC .................... ~.................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:J..9:~.J:Y. .... ~~Pl~ ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19.Y.L.> $ . ..? .. ~.!.§9 ........ - ..... -.


This section (northern h~lf-old) is gradually shrinking in desirability but proximity to downtown business centcr 1 65% owner•occupnncy, nnd better homes on High, Curtis, School Streets o.nd po.rt of Tnllmo.dgo Avenue will roto.in tho district's present level for the next fow yoo.rs. This section hns no dotrimentnl influences such us Foreign or Negro occupnnoy but is partially nffoctod (western border) by smoke o.nd dirt from nea.rby Ponnsylvnnin o.nd B & 0 Rnilronds, Southern part of o.roa., is only spnrsoly built; 7% uf stroots pnvod, bnlo.nco woll cindered, homos of ohoo.por construction. Aroa. wa.s dovolopod nbout 50 yonrs a.go but r.esidontinl trond continued westwnrd on other side of' ro.ilroa,d. This district surrounds Seo.rle Horst Golf Course o.nd lies on o. iplntonu o.pproximntely 50 feet higher tho.n o.djnoont "Yellow Aren11 oontr~±;ning the Cuyo.hoga. Rive~, smo.ll industrios o.nd railroads. Tro.nsportntion good; school fo.oilitios poor (only school recently condemned - this increo.sed snlos rosistnnco.)

CuyO.hogo. Fnlls 9 •. LOCATION ...... l\Kr.Q.n,._Qhi.Q.. ...... _ .. ____ ..... SECURITY ORADE. .... .IL. ....... AREA NOh ........ 5 ........ DATE..E.e.h.! . .39



· a. Insteanng~ __ _£).jght.l.Y. ... - ..... ___ Decreasing_ ....... ---.... -.......... ---- Static ..... ______ _

b. · Cl4i.ss and Occupation ________ ,_ 9Ui.Q.e m~n o.nd....whi..m ... il!l.l.lA:c.ad .. -------···--··--··

c. · F01eign Families._Q. ___ 1 Nationalities ......................................................... - .......... -................................... d. Negro .... Q ........... ~

e. Shifting or· Infiltri:uion _____ , ............................................. - .................. _ .................... _ ... _, ___ .......................................... _. __ .. ______ , ...... ..


b. ConstrUCtion

c. Average Age

d. ~r

e. Occupancy

, f. Owner-ociuPied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. .. J:.o.n .... ~.39.. .... Price Bracket

• J. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend. (next 6--12 months)

l 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. ... Jun. ... !.39 ... -Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

P.· Predicted Rent Trend (next . &-12 . months)

r.!!J?.QM!~~~q ..... ~Q-... ~ 2 story sine;lo

__ f..txmily. ... Q ... :r. . .O.oml:1 ........................... .

_____ .f..r.llln9. .......... - .... --.. -· .. ··-------·

____ l.a ... ~ ....... _ ............. ________ _

............. <l.r.to.d. ........................................ _ ... .

............. aa~ ........................ - ........ ·-··-····-....... _ .... 7.0$ .................................................... .

~--QQQQ.: .. E?.§.Q.Q______ %..£~.~8.1! ! ________ ,_________ 1?-~~!l:g_~

~ .... 2..~.§ .. Q::~.7.fiQQ ... _ ......... ' .±l~~ ..... %. ~--··'"""'""""-·---------·-· ......... _ .. ~ ~-.QQQ.Q.~-'l .. QQQ................ .::: .... 7. ...... %. !., _________ .. .,.,_ .. __ 1:

___ §lg_w._ ... ______ , ................. _ .......... __

. ...... ~.'t.Qj;;i,.Q .................. _ ....................... _.

U.Q_::: . .J\JL_______ %..£~~¥.!:

t ..... 2.7 .•. !i.O.:::.fi6._______ .... ±l.a ... %. ~ ............................. - ............ -. . ............... %.

! ___ 2.tL.:::-.6.Q___ ... .::.tl $. ........................... _.................. ·····---~

.......... Y..o.od. ................................. _. _____ ,,. ..

,_...S.ttl.t.ic ______ _

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No~ .. -~ .......... T,pe & Price ·---~---·-· .... How SeUing _____ SJ.Ollr_ ......... _


5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES C ....... ~.) Avtl.ila.blo

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:.-ID2 ... !J.Q_.§Q~ ........... 7.

a. HOLC ..................... Q.-.............. b. Institutions-.................... _ ......... _ 3-31-39

a. HOLC... .................. Q.................. b. Institutions .. - ................................ -. 3-31•39

TOTAL TAX RATE. PER $1000 (193.lL) $ ...... ~ ... Q.Q ... _


This district wa.s la.id out in 50 foot front lots in 1925 a.nd is now a.pproxi­:mtl.tl"lly 20% built up with homes ranging from $3000-7000. Sections of this terl"itory, ensteri1 pnrt fronting on Hawkins Avonuo o.nd southorn pnrt border­ing Munioipa.l Golf Course, lio slightly higher thun ba.lo.noo of, a.roa. (rcolnimcd from Copley Swamp by construction of ln.rgo running sovror o.long. North Hnwkihs Avenue to Sand Run cr·oek in 1927) • Howovor thoro nro mnny spo:bs in north con.tra.l pc..rt whoro tho surfo.co romo.ins soft. All utiHtios insta.llod; 10% streets pa.vod, convenient to schools rmd community storos. Vohiculo.r traffic is hqnvy on Hnwkins Avenue. Tho moro exponsivo h~os nro loon~od on Scudder nnd AUton Avonues~ Progress in this a.roc will be slow for n fow yenrs until proper dra.inage hr.s occurred. liowovor, duo to genornl oxcollonco·of surround­ing nroa.s this neighborhood will rotnin its present level nnd possibly improve.

Proporty, if noquirod, should bo sold for fnir vnluo.

9. LOCATION.-... -~::::5. Ohio ............... SECURITY GRADE. ..... ~ .......... AREA NO ...... _§. ...... DATE...E~lt~.9..9



1. POPl)LATIQN: a.'' Increasing_ ......... ....:.~---···-·········-·-·-·-···· Decreasing __ ·--·---·-·-······-······---··-- Static .. ! .. ~!!. __ _


b. Class and Occupation--..... _ ... »..1!§.iB.Q.§.[_.!!!£B.._.m..~.ch~?:.~~L£n!!._qf._!:;2..~-.!fOrlf.grL ______ ......................... .

c. ~oreign F,amilies .... i-... ~ Nationalities~ ......................................................... -............................................... d. Negro .... .9. .......... ~ Very light int'iltrution of Hungt>.riuns o.nd Itulir..ns

e. Shifting or In{iltraticm,....fl..J...9..P:g ... 'W-£Ht"!t .... Q.t\4 .... 9J! ... G.r.;:;P.g .... ~!.~ .... P..Q.U~.-~YQP.-,gQ_§_ .................................. - ........ _ ............. .


a. T,pe and Site

b. C~n

c. Av~age Age

d. R£pair

e. Occupancy

,f. Owner~

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. J.~n .... !.3.9 ........ Price Brae~

j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 mo)'lths)

l. 1935 Rent. Bracket

m .. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. !T..!ltL.!.3lL .... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p •. Predictlld Rent TTend (next 6-12 months)

··----~;:~----·-·-.. ··-·····-·---····-·--

-··--?..~!?.! .................................... - ...

. .......... !!.!?.Q.!!..._ ........................................... .

--······-~7% ________ , ....................... _ .. _______ .

. ........... 1~ ..................................................... .

t .... :4.Q.QQ::l.~.!?.QQ........ '!£~!!£~.

~---§QQ.Q::.:J.1 .... QQQ...... . ' .. ::t.J.§~ .. -~

~ ..... ~.~Q.Q.:.!.~~..Q9.9......... . .. : ..... f}. .... %.

Fo.ir ----------------------.-.---·-·-··"""-------.-............. --......... ~."!?.£~:!;.:t~ ................................... _ ........ .

$ __ ~..§...:_.§§._ .. ____ .. ___ %..£~~~~

! ..... ~P. .... :-.. J&Q ....... -....... . .. :!:? .. ~ .... ~

!__~ .... :: ... ~9-·-··---- .. .:1-.Q __ %.

Good ··········-········-···-·-·····-·-·--·-"--.. ·---~··-········

... --~.~~-U.Q ... - ... -----.... -.. ----

:fo.. ......................................... _.. ·--· .. ··---~

~-----------·-·-··--· ··---····-'!:

~--·--'-··-------·----·-· ~-~~~-~~

~ ......... -.................................... . ............... %.

$................................................. . .............. ~

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,..) No._ . .2 ........ -.T-ype & Price ·-·---·-·--·-·-·-·········How Selling ....... !. .. ~i.~·-·-·--·-··

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ................. ~....................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3•31•39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. ....... ,r.) a. HOLC ................. ?........................ b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31•39

6. MORTGAOE·FUNDS:_ .. ~E.~~ ...................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .. !?..) $_?..?..!gQ ... - ......... ..


This o.roo. (eo.stern end developed in 1908) is still vory dasirnble but trend along W. Market Street (NE border of o.roo.) is to high-clnss o.po.rtmonts o.nd stores; balo.nce of ureo. is zoned residontiul. Lo.rge old oxpensivo homes o.re prinoipo.lly loco.tod on o.nd close to w. Mo.rket Stroot thDugh mo.ny o.ro sco.ttered throughout district (some of these are in form of minor esta.tes). Western po.rtwo.s developed in 1920 t>.nd whole nrel'l is now 95% built up; excellent streets o.nd trun:sporto.-tion; convenient to schools, churches o.nd stores •. The terro.i~ slopes gently towo.rdthe downtown district; lots o.voruge 50-ft fronto.'ge (ex­cluding tho minor esto.tos). Vehiculo.r truffio is very hen~ ~n w.Mo.rkot Street ondW. Exoha.nge Stroot (city's mo.in EW thoroughfures) o.nd heo.vy on Portage Po.th und Mo.dison Avenue (o.roo.' s mo.in NS thoroughfo.r;es). Trend of nreo. will remo.in static during next few yeurs but o.reo. is O:lmost fully built. up o.nd slow decline will set in •. Property should bring ,o. fo.ir price.

Ha.ll.Po.r.k.Addition 9 •. LOQATION-...... !19:.~.-2h.~.2-............... SECURITY ORADE.~.JL ....... AREA NOh ... .1_ ........ DATE.E.eh.!.39

AREA ·DESCRIPTION Se . · ;:; .. M· £ .,.... 0"'" CUflty ap 0 .. ....t'~ •• Q.D._,_ ..•• .A. ... 9-........ ___________ _

1>1'.1 t POPULATION:· a .. In.:teasing_ ......... ~...::. .. - .............. - ............... Decreasing _________________ ................... __ St.t1tic ..... J.~JL


b. Cktis ancl Occupation _______ fr..2.f. .. ~_§.§ion __ gJ_.mlg_..:Qy_f!i!J.2M .. m.~ ........... ___________ ~---····-·········-·····-··--

c. FbYeign. Families-9.. ..... 1 Nationalities ........................................... - ........................ -................................. d. Negro ........ O .... _.tfo..

e. Shifting or lnfiltration~.--·-·---···--···-·-··-~.Q!m.2.dY. .... ~.nf.U~!£!tJ..Q~ .... 9L..hith .... 9lg._§.~ .... J.m.eh ............. _ ............. .


a. T,pe· and Si:ce

b. ~n

c: Average Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

' f. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bradt£t

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. ..... J.a.n.. ... !.3.9. .. J1'ice Bracket

$ j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. _J.o.n. ... t:ill ..... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

P.· Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months}

PREDOMINATING 90 % -:rstorY' .. siiigro-· ................. . ....... QI!!~~ . ..TYP~--- ____ _1.

.!:.~EY.. ... §.:::.!. .... ~~---.. ·············-·· .. --·-

--~~-~-~ .. E!J..9k ________ ........ _

•. ___ ?.9.. .• E.I? .. ! ................... _ .................... .

_______ g_QQ!i .................................................. .

......... -~-~----·-···----··------··--·····-··----··· . ... .l. ............... - ..... _ .............. -·----·-······----··-

............ §.§%. ...................................................... .

$. ...... !?.QQ9..:J.~_,__QOQ____ ~E~~~~- ~---·····----··-····--·--·----- '%..~-~~g~ ! .... §.§QQ::U .•. !?.QQ ........ - .• !.ll ..... %. ~ .................................. _........... ._ ........... J.f

~-QQ.QQ.~J;2.,_QQ.Q......... ..::lQ. .... '%. ~----.. ---------··· ________ %.

- .... .QnJ.~ ... t.:£\ir. ..................... _ ........ - ...

........ S.to.:hi.<L ...... - ................................... ..

LM/ ... .:::_6.6. .......... ______ ~-£.~~~ ~--·-·---------··-·---· ~-~~~-~~ t ... fiQ .... :: ... lQQ.~................ ..±20 ..... %. $................................................. . ............... %.

~-42 ... ::: ... 9.0 ...... _.___ .. ::1.0 ... ~ ~................................................ ·--······---~

........ G.aa.d._ ............... - ............................. .

__ ...s..to.:.ti.o. _________ , .. _____ _

3. NEW CONSTifUCTION (past ,-.) No~ .. .9 .............. T'Jpe fJ Price ·~----·------............ How Selling ..... ..Eo..ir.. .......... -·-·-

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .......... iL ........................... b. Institutions..-................................ _ 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~r.) a. HOLC ........ 2.. ................ _......... b. lnstitutions.4 ................................. _. 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_ ..... ~\\PJ& .................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..8...) $ . .-f.§_,_)LQ ___________ _


Until o.bout 15 yeo.rs o.go this wns one of the best r0sidontia.l sections in Akron a.nd is now a.lmost fully built up,. Homes. a.re well-kept; a.vera.ge lot fronto.ge 50 feet; convenient to schools, stores. tmd churches; streets po.ved .. 90% .(streets a. butting Akron-cnnton ·and Youngstown ro.ilroa.d a.ro cindered or gro.veled). Northwest 'oornor of a.rea. is within onc•ha.lf 'block of the e;x:clu­si ve P6rto.ge Country Club o.nd Golf Course} a. row of high r


o.po.rtmonts is loco.tod on Portage .'Avenue (a.lso 'in this po.ri:i) .• Expensive ho~s a.re soo.tterod through o.roo. (oxo.mplo • hom~ of P. w. _Litchfield, President Goodyea.r Tire and Rubber Comp~ny). Beginning in ~a.te 1929 a. gro.dua.l influx of high typo Jowis,h occurred in this o.rea., flowing NW on Morrimo.n Roo.d1 sho.rp ibo.r­go.ining tondod to dri vo down higher bro.oket prices a.nd· ho.s1

a.froctod recovery of o.ren. Vohioulo.r tro.ffio ·is hoo.viest !on w. Mo.rkot Street nnd Porto.ge Po.th, o.nd fo.irly henvy on Mo~rimo.n Rond. Proporty, if noquirod, should be sold for o. fo.ir prioo.

9. LOCATION" ............ AttQn.,_,Q.h.~---··--· SECURITY ORADE... ..... fJ ......... AREA NO .... ~~JL .. DATE....F..QJ/~~~9

Al.tEA DESCRIPTION SecuT;ity~Map of._ __ .AJ~r.o.n.,. .... Ohi.o.. ................ -·---·-·-

~ . M 1. POPULAUON: a. '" lt1CI!tuing _________ : ... ~---·-··---······-···-···· Decreasing ______________ ................ _____ Static ... pr..aaont

•b. Class .and .. Qccupation .............. _____ Q • .f.i~!Ll'f.9.r.lwn . ...JW.Q....whi.:t;.Q....Q.Q~~-~.l~r.A. ..... _ ......... - .......... ..

c. Foreign Families._J~_'%. Nationtil.ities ................................ It.a..lio.n...................................................... d. Negro ...... Q ....... J:. e. Shiftjng_ or .. lnfiltration ............. .JU.mv. ... int:i.ltr.r:.:ti.on ... o.t: ... lt.o.lilln.S .. ..f.r..om. .. Ar.ru:L.G::~IL ........................................... ..

2. ·BUU.DINGS: !'J~:~!?..QMJ.!i~TI..~Q ...... ~9 ... %. 2 story singles

a. T_,pe and Site ......... §_.*.9.!?J!l..!L .......................................... .

b. Gonstrucf.ion . ........ t:r.~Q ______ ...... _ .............. -·-·

c. Average Age __ ... ?..Q.'::?JLY.L§•-·····-............ ·-·---

d. Re_P.air . ....... E.Q..i.r. . ..]Q ... .g.Q.Q .. Q. ............................ .

f!. Oc~paJ:lC'J ... -......... 9...6%_ .... _ ................................. _, .. .

f. Owner~~ .. .............. 7rt$. .................................................. .

g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-2.2.5.Q~.fi5iliL ... -....... ~£~~~ ~ .............. _............................... ~E~~~~~

h.. 1937 ~ Bracket ~ ... 21.60.!::6fi00................ . ~ .. ±.19.~:.'-? $. ................. _ ....... _ ........ _....... ·-......... 1 i. .. Jnn. ... .tss ....... Price Bracket ~...2.5o.a~.aoo.o................. ...~ .... a .... ~ ~---·-.................. ----·--··· ________ %.

j: ~Demand ..... .S.J.J:mr.. ..... _ ............... - ........................... ..

k.· Pr~d. Price Trend (~ (5..12 months)

..... St.o..ti.c .................................................. .

l. 1935 Rent &-acket ~_l_Q __ .::_!Q .......... _ .. _ .. __ ~-£~!!:~~ t ____ ..... -... -.... ·-·--·--··- ~-~-~!!:~~

m. 19.37 Rent Bracket ~ .. .?..?.~.!?.Q.:.§.Q..................... t..?.l ........ %. ~................................................ . ............... %.

n. _Ag.n....! .. 3a ....... Rent Bracket !.~.? .. t...~.:-1.§ __________ ., ': ... 1. ...... ~ ~ .................................................... -........ ~

o. Rental Demand ........ G.'2o.Q.._ .................................................. .

p. _ Pr~dicted Rent. Trend ___ §;J;,g.tj,Q_ ________ ,. __ .,_~·-

(ne~ 6-12 months) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past yr.) No ..... 9. ............. T,pe & Price ---·---------......... How Selling .......... ·-·-·------·--

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ................. ~.7..................... b. Institutions ... - .............................. __ 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .......... yr.) a. HOLC~ ................. g.................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3 .. 31 .. 39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:---~1?.~.'? .................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .. 8 .. ) $ ....... 2.8 .•. 9.0 ... _ ........


The subjoot area consists of several mnall allotments (tho eurliost plutted about 1910) und.is naw almost fully built up. Tho averngo lot frontage is 45 feet; streets. pnvod - 90% (many ho.vo sho.do trees); transportation - good; convenient to sohools, storo.s and churches. Northern pc.rt borders south o.nd east boundaries of dosiro.ble. 11 Groon11 n:rea nnd in conjunction nbutts one of Akront s lo.rgor metropolitan po.rks. On tho whole, urea. O()nsists of tho more dosirnblo older part of 11 N0rth Hill," is well mninto.inod c..nd pride of owner­ship is more evident thrul in. surrounding "Yellow" neighborhoods~ Itnliun nnd other foreign infiltration is slowly occurring into southern pnrt of oren.

Property, if acquired, should bo sold at fnir valuo,

Chulkor Landing Allotment 9. LOCATION .. _ .. ~!,.on, 91£2.-............... SECURITY ORADE..: ....... B ...... AREA N0-.. ..9. ......... DATE....Re.bJ~9

·A'RBA DESCRIPTION · Se~ritf· M,~p .oL.Jlo!o~.Qhia. ___________ _

1. .PO:PULA110N: ~]I ' a. Inerea.ring ____ SU'gh:tly.________________ Decreasing_. ______________________________ Static~-------

b. Class and Occupation_: ... M.or..ch.c.n:ts ... Qf'fi co workors-fncto:cy ymrkars ond...me.cho..nic.s.---··--··---

c. .Foreign. Familie&.-..li.-~ Nationalities .. _______ .Hungo.r..io.n ... c.nd_Ito.l.ion.. ........................ · c1. Negro ... J) ........... ~ Slight eo.stvro.rd mo-vomont of foreigners along Courtlnnd o.nd

e. Shifting .or, lnfiltration___B.oJ.la:ma ... .A.v.enu.a.s .. ..i.nto. .. w.o.s.tarn ... b.o.r.dar . ...o.L.aaotion ................ - ... -.. -----------


a. · T-ype .and · Site

c. At~erage Age

c1. .ft,A:~r

e. . Occupancy

,·f. Owner-occUpied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. · 1937 Pnpe lhacket

i. ..J:P..n. ... ! .. 3.9 ..... -Pri~:e · Bracket

·J. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend {next 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937.Rent Bracket

. n. ..J.a.n .... ! .. 3.9 ........ Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

!' .. ~~-QM!~A_!INQ ..... !iQ~.1 2 story singlos

........ § .. .r.rl.om ... h2Y!l.~Ji ... _ .................. ..

__________ f:tJ:Un.Q ________________________________ :

............ ...2.0 __ -y.r_.a_._ ___________________________ _

.............. F.n.ir ......... -----------------·····-·----------

.............. 95::( __________________________________ _

.............. so%. ................................................. ..

~-----2500.~5500.,_....... ~E~!!£~

~----~9.9.9..:§.!?.9.9.............. ' .. ::.~-~: ... ~

~----~I§Q::.§.99..9............... . .. : .... ~ ..... %.

------~:1;._~------------------------------------·-______ §~fl..:J:!.!Q .............................................. ..

!_ _ _?.Q .... :: .. !?..,..§Q_______ %..£~!:':~

t __ g? .. ,_QQ.:_ __ f?_Q__________ .. :t.l7. .... %.

~--?..Q ... :: ... ~J..l.?.Q___ .. ::. .. .'L.~

________ (t_Q.QQ. ................. ~---------------·--------·

__ ,_Q~_!t ~--- __ £~ Cottages c.m

_____ h~ngg._l..QY.'r.§ _______________ , ____________ _

. ............. .f..r..~ ....................................... - .. -

._ ........... 2Q. .. .y,r.Jl.-.. _____________________ __

.............. F.~_ir ....................... ---------------·

______ , _____ g_~--------·---·----··-----·-------·----

-----------fi0$1'------------------------------~--2D.UQ!:.3.7.5Q.._________ ~~M~~

t .. ?.?.?.9..:~§.9.Q................. ...!.!.!. ... ~

~_?OOQ:1;.Q9..Q._____ . .::!1.. .. ~

__ .21:.9.!!. ................ ______________ _

----~Q;:l?.!.9. ................................................... .

~--J:.L~.!?Q=.~Q____________ :(_~-~~-~~

~ ... ?.9 ..... : .... ~.!?... ......... _......... ..!1.9 ..... %.

~ ... 1$. __ : .... ~.?......................... ...:.J.L .. %.

--~QQ..r;'L .......... - ..................... _ .. ______ _

p. Predicted Rent Trend __ _§._i;.g.t_;j,g _________ ,____________ _ ___ §j;g_t.t9. ........................................... ___ _ (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW coNsmucnoN (past ,..) No ..... 9. ............ .T,pe e Price ___________ : ............... How SeUing ..... f..f'l:r .......... _______ _

4. OYERHANO OF .l:fOME PROPERTIES: .a. HOLC~----·---------~----------·--·---· b. lnstitutions ..................................... -3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME ·PROPERTIES ( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC ........... , ..... ~....................... b. Institutions ....................................... . 3-31-39 .

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: ___ ~PJ!?. ________________ 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... §.) $_.?..~-•-~-Q .... _ .. __


This Clroc._, originally the southwestern city limits until annexation of Kenmore (bordering southo.rn boundary) a butts the very desirable Copley Road ;residential distri.ct lying to tho north. The elevation of area. is considerably higher in, northern part end tho better homes li;e in northern­most proje,ct~on o"t o.ren, beginning .o.t Pn.ckc.rd Drive and Dio.gono.l Road. Smo.l;t. homos onQ. bl;lnga.lows a.ro mostly in southwestern part. )The o.roa is approximately 70% built up~ a.vera.ga lot fronto.go 40 teet; 60% streets po.ved (balo.nco well-graded .o.nd cindcrod,with oemont sidewaU;s): tro.ns­porto.tion good; convenient to schools, churches and stores. • Northern part of o.roo., excepting wast border, Should improve, but so~thoastern part is slowly declining due to age c.nd encroaching; 11Yollow11

' nroas. Vehi~ulo.r traffic is hoo.vicst on WooBtor &: Ea.st Avonues a.nd ,heavy on Diagonnl Ronq.;

Property, if aoquirod, (south of Diagonc.l Roo.d) should be so'ld since incenti-ve in this ~rt :is to s_ell.-


~ . a " 1, POPULATION: a. Incl'tasing -···---~:-·-··-·--····---········-· Decreasing... ___________________ ........... ------- Static .. .P.r..~.§-~n t


b. Class and Occupation .. - ... ~~si n~~-~~~ it ~ .. .9 .. Q);]:._g_~c;1.~.~~~2.a .. .J£.q!'ke_:r.J!. al)._g_JA'!?.9.r§l .. :r...§ .. __ _

c. FMeign Families_l:9 .... ~ Na.tiona.li~-----·······!!~g_~~:h~~---:' ... §.JQ.Y-~-~-.... ·-·············--····· d. Negro_ .. Q ..... -.f?.

e. Shifting or Infiltrcuion----·················-·············--···-···············-····--·-···-··--·········--·----······-··-···-··-·--··········--·-·····-··--·······---··--·---······--·----


a. T,pe and Ske

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. Rejxiir

e. Occupancy

,f. Owner-occUpied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. J.an .... ! . .39 ........... Price Bracket

1. Sales Demand

k. Predicted ~ Trend (next 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. __ Y._g,n ... ! .. ::i~ ..... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

~~~R.QM:!~~TI~.Q ... ?..'! ....... ~ 2 story singles

.J?..:1. .. ,r.Q.QID§ .......................... - ............... .

_ ..... Ji:r§Y!l~---··----·--·----·-···········-·--··-·-···

___ l.5 .. -::2.Q . ..yr.s .............. - ... -------

.. ____ F.~.r ... .:to .... g.o.o.d ........................... ..

........ .9 .. 6% ..... _ .................. ____ ....................... .

.. ....... 6.5% ......................................................... .

~ ...... .21.QQ.~Q.Q_______ %.£~~~~-

! .... .?. .. 9.QQ.::.l?.§QQ............. - .. ±.le.: .. %.

~ ...... 2.2.5.Q~J:iQ.O.O.............. . .. ~l.Q .... %.

. ...... Jilaw_.:to .... fo..ir ..................... _. __

........ S:t.a.tic ..... t.o ... f.ir.m. ..................... .

t.~--::._~§___________ %.~~!!8.~

~----~-§ .... :. .. 1.§. ... _ ...... -..... ..:!.?.~ .... %.

~--~?..~9~~-q________ .. ::: ... ~-~

........ G.o.od ...................................................... .

___ .Q.!!iE~.~£- ~Q_----~ Cottages

_____ Ja.n.cl .. J;m.ng.a..law.s .................. _ .. _

............ F.r.me ............................................... .

.... - ..... 2.0 .... ¥-t"..S·"------·--··-----···-·

. .......... .Paar .... t.o ... .f.air. ........................ ..

····-·'·--·95% .................................................... ..

............ .60%.---------·-----------·------·--·-··--·---·

~ ... 2.QQQ.~.3.7.5iL ...... -... '&E~~~!:.

t.2.2.J3Q.'!415.00 ........... _.__ . -·+:.17. ... ~

~ .. .2.0.Q0:::40.0.0_ .. ______ .~D ... .%.

...... S.law. ............. _________________ _

...... §.:t~:l:i.t.9. ...................................... _____ _

!.l7~&.Q::Q9_________ ~E~~~

~---~-Q .... : .... ;?.!L ............. -.... ..~.l.~ ..... %.

~)..§. .... :: .... ~.?......................... ..:: .... ~ ... 1


p.. Predicted Ren~ Trend ........ e~~i.Q:...i~ .... f1~----------·-·-- .... §.~~t.JQ ........................ ------------· (next 6-12 months) .

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past,-.) No ..... § ............ T,pe & Price_ ... t.§§OO ................ How Selling .......... F.!±ir ................ .. bungc..laws

4. OVERHANG. OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ....................... ?J.............. b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME,PROPERTIES ( ......... ~.) a. HOLC ...................... ?. ................. b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE·FUNDS:----~1?!~ ................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 .. ~ . .) $._2..fJ.a.9.0 ...... - ....... .


This district wns a part of the city of Kenmore until annexation by the City of Akron in 1929. The earliest development consisted of cheap small homes by owners attracted by the cheapness of lund and encouraged by the lack of restrictions and absence of utilities. Later development and in­stallation of utilities brought the building of better type homes. The subject area surrounds the short business district of Kenmore which lies on Kenmore Boulevard between 11th and 18th Streets. The average lot fro~tage is 40 feet; built up 50%; transportation fair to li~ited; schools, churches and stores convenient only to southern nnd eastern parts of urea. The best homes and most desirable section of tho urea lie infthut part cast of 13th Street between Indian Trail and Montana - Viewlund Avenues. This sootion, situated on a plateau and known as Overlook Allotme*t, wns platted into n first•olass residential district of 50-foot front lot$--is now 75% built up and will improve. H~ovor, general outlook for bal~nce of area is only fnir and little hope exists for improvement of oontr~l western part due to cheapness of homos and low locality.

Fo~erly Kenmore " 9. LOCATION~ ............ ~.Qll~.hiQ... .. _ ..... SECURITY OR.ADE. .... JL ...... AREA NO ........ :.~l ... DATE.J'..c.b.!_39


1. POPULATION: ~?Zl a. IMteasing ___ §l.X.ih.]:l.Y. .......... ---····-· ·Decreasing ____ , ......................... -- Static··-···-·····-

b. Class and Occupation ............. - ... -~f.;f'i oo X>.rk.Q.T.JLQ.rul.:w.hit..Q....~Q.lll;i.r .. o.d..._ ______________________________ _

c. Fomgn Families ......... ~-~ Nationalities_ ....... ..HY.P..&.Q..r.i.® ... ld.nd ... ±:t.o.l.io.n............................. d. Negro ..... O .......... <J:. · Slow infiltrntion of Itnlinns nnd Hungarians in

e. Shifting or Infiltration .... -Y.P.P.§!: ... n.Q.r.th ... Qn.d ... o.t: .. Jl.r .. o.a....f.r..cm ... C . .:::lQ ... .a.nd.. . .D.-=.7. ........................................ _ ... _ .......... .

2. BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING 95 % ·-2"-storY.--si·ng;J:c;··-· ·····-······-·· a. T:ype and Site ... J'E:m.t~ ... § ... rffi.~---···-·-···········-·--

c. Average Age ............ ~.Q ... x.r..?..•----·--·········-·-··-···-···--·

d. ~ .......... .f.n.ir. .... to .... g.Q.Q.Q. .•.•..•...••..• _ ....... .

e. Occupancy ......... J}.J2% ....................................................... .

.. f. ~ner-occupied ........ __ 7.§~ ...................................................... .

g. 1935 Price Brac1f£t L .. J~-~9.Q.:....6QQ.Q............... ~E~~~-~

h. 1937 Price Bracket ~ ...... 3..~_Q.Q.~.7.QQQ............. ' ..... ±is .. %.

i. .. .. .Jo.n ... .!:.&L .. Price Bracket ! ..... 3Q0.0.~65.0!L.......... .. ... ::: .... 1 .. %..

-j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. --~fl-IL~-~ ...... .Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

........ S~OYl----.............................. _ ........... .

_____ .sto.tic ............................................... ..

t_.?.E. ... ::: .. -1§...______ %..£.~!!~~

~ ..... ?.1.!.§.Q~§!? ...... ___ .. _ .. !.l?. ..... %.

t ... .?.£ ... : ... 2.Q .. ~--.. -- .. ':'-~--~

...... _g_C?.Qg_, ...................... - ....... _ .. ,_ ............ .

f:'t Predicted ~t Trend ·-¥--~-~~~-~L--·-·-----------·-· (next 6-12 months)

~--.. ··-----... - ........... -.... %..E.~~£~

$................................................. ··-·-·-----~

~---.. --------------·--··· _____ .:!:

~-----·---......... - .......... _ ~-!:~~~~

~ ............................. -................ .. .............. %.

$.. .............................................................. ~

3. NEW CONS'fiucnoN (past ,-.) No ..... § ............. .T:ype & · Price __ j~4 7 50 __ ........... How Selling ....... SLow._ ............. -

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ............ J.sL..................... b. Institutions .. _ .................................. .. 3•31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (.. ....... ~.) a. HOLC ................ ~ ........................ b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:--.--.--~1:-~ ........... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 {193 .. 6 .. .) $--2.8 ... 9.0 .. ______ _


This oren wns laid out.in 1917 and comprises tho major purt of Goodyear H~ights •. Tho entiro Goodyear Hoights Allotment wns promoted and developed by the Goodyonr Tiro nnd Rubber Company to tho interest of their employees. Well restricted, the aron is 70% built upJ nvorage lot frontngo:45 feet; all improved streets except thoso bordering Eastlnnd Avenue.; good trnnsportntion; very good school fncilitios; convenient to smnll shopping districts nnd churches; rolling torrnin •. Vohioulnr traffic is honviest nlong!Nowton st. (E-W),. Brittain Road (N-S) 1 nnd Enstlnnd Avenue (NE•SW).. The southwestern pnrt of nren is within short walking distnnco to industry. The:north section skirting Enstla.nd Avenue consists mostly of chenper homes of frt?mo "single" construction. The southwest part of nron is partio.lly nffootcdiby smoke ond dirt from the Goodyear fnctory and nbutting railroa.d. On the w~olo, tho nren should :mnihto.in its present level for severnl yonrs provided th4t tho Goodyenr Tire nnd Rubber Coopo.ny (from which most residents of this soct~on derive their income) stnbilizes itself •,

AREA DESCRIPTION Securitj:· ·Map·· of_.f!l.<;r_rJn.,. .... O.bio .. _ ............... _________ _

1. POPULATION: Gi':i I . · . Slino'htb~ De i S . a. 1'1Cil'eaSiftB-··--··-··-····--~!'.. ..... .r--·-········. cret2$ ng--·--··-·-···-··············-····-·-··- ttltiC --···-····---


b. Class and Occupaaon ......... ~ ..... _¥..Q.!'.QD~.t.!i.a..J?.tn.Q.Q...Y!.Q!:k~ ....... Q:m . ..E..lQ,.PeLm2Ah!l!li.Q.§.. ............... --.--

c. Foreign Families-.. -~ ........ ~ Natumalities ............... .S..9.Y.Q.r.Q.l .............................................. -...................... d. Negro .. 9 .............. %..

e. Shifting· or In{iltri'Jtion _____________ ~J..QW ... J.nf..il.t.r..Q.:t.t.P.n ... .Q.f ... i:Q.r.9.is;n. ... Ql9 .. JJ.lQ.n:ti .............................................. _ ............. .


a. Type and Si~e

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. RePair -~ ...

e. Occupancy

f. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bradcet

i. ..... Jo.n. ... ~ . .39 ..... Price Bracket

.j, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. ...J.Illl .... !..3.9 ..... Rent Braclcet

o. Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 70 % -2"--:s·:t;z:y-"Srngic;·- .................. . ..... !!?:~.t~_§. ___ !]!~ ....... _ ...................... .

..... ~!':9:mQ .. - ......... __ ........... _ ................ _ ..

... J~Q ... Y.J..".§.!t ••.. -----·-----·----··------·-·--

.... .M9.9:.i.Ym .................................................. .

----~-~t ................... _ .............................. -.... . ...... ~!?.~ ........................................................... ..

~ ...... QQ.Q.Q.~Q.QOO ............. 'f?..~~~~

~-.. --~ .. Qf2Q.~9.QQQ .............. , .. :tlfL.%.

~ ...... 3.2.R.Q::.OOQ.O............... ...~ ... 8 ..... %.

....... .S.low ............................................... _ .... .

--..... S:b.a..ti.o ............................................... ..

~-2.6 .... ~ .... 40 .. __________ %..£.~~~

~-.. .2.1. ... 50.~.6.0 .. _________ , .. ±.19 ..... %.

l_.2.fi ... ~ .. A.6 ............... _.. ..::-~Q __ _%.

....... .L.ig.ht ............................... - ................. .

OTHER TYPE 30 % .T ... s.t";cy. single- ---·-·-·---J.§ ..... ~.?..2.. .. Q9 .. '!1.t~gQ._? _____________ _ nnd bungt:~.lows

. ..... ..f.r..fl:mQ ............................... _ ............ _ ..

......... ?.Q ... Yt.§ .. t ...... - ............................ _.

. ....... M.Q.\ii'Y:m .................. - .................... - ... .

-··-\·-~--e% ....................................... _ ............... .

·---~-6.% ...... ---·------------·----··--·---·--···--

! . ..2J?.Q.O .. ~.R.Q.O. ......... --- ~-~~~~~

t.2.7 .. ei9 .. ~4.6.0.!L .......... ~. . .. ±2.1 .... %.

t.z.G.O.O .. -:W .. QQ ... _....... --~~0 __ %.

. .. _S.lo.w: ................. _. _________________ _

..... .S:bo.ti.o ....... - ............. ______ ............. _

~---.20 .... ~ ... .'3.2. .. .50........... \(~~~~~

~----25 ... ::; .... 37. ... 50........... .. ... ±1.9 .. %.

! ..... 22 .... ~ .... 3.5 ..... _ .. ,......... .. .... -:: ... .9.~

.. ...... Light. ....................................... __

p._ Predicted Rent Trend _____ §_t;_~.i_g_________________________ ........ ~.:l;;,g,:!:;.iQ ............. _ ......... - ............ - .. . (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTIUJCTION (past ,-.) No •. :: ................ T,pe & Price ---·--·-·----·-·---...... .How Selling .... §J.g_w. __________ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .............. ~.......................... b. Institutions ................................. - ... .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... yr.) a. HOLC ............. 9. ............... _........ b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31•39

6. MORTGAGE--FUNDS:-....... ~P.!?. ................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... ~ .. ) $--~fl-•.~.Q .. _________ _


The subject nron wns platted npproXimD.tcly 20 yrs. ngo nnd is now 60% built up; nverngo lot frontngo 40 foot; l5-2o% streets pnved (bnlnnco woll•grnded~ nnd cindered or graveled). Trnnsportntion is fnir nnd nron is within ranson• nble distnnce to schools, churcho s nnd community stores. The general topo­graphy of the district is lovol to rolling. Aron is dosirnblo~ since its heo.vily trnffickod mnin nrtory (E. Market Strcot•Akron-Cnnton Rond) provides rnpid trnvel to industry. Tho neighborhood is woll•kept ·nnd olonn except for the north border 'Vhioh is pnrtinlly nffooted qy s.moko, noi~o nnd dirt from tho lorgo nonrby rnilrond yards. Homos in nron nrc goner~lly well built for only 30% nre of 11 single" construction nnd the mnjorif:y of those nro in the 1-story bungo.lmv typo. ·

Proper~~ if ncquirod, should be sold nt n fnir price.

9. LOCATION.~--·----~-~~~--2~·-·-------· SECl)lUTY ORAD£ .. : ....... 1?. .•.•. AREA NO •. _.l!3 ...... DATE£~b.!..~.9

AREA DESCRIPTION SecuritY .. Map·· of_:~.r.Q.~.a. .. .9.hJ.Q. ........ -···~----··-··-··-

iOl 1. POPULATION: a. Int"JJeasing ____ :Sl.~_g_P.-.:\21:Y ..................... Decreasing-·--·--···-··-·······-······-···---·-· Static ................. ..

b. Class and Occupation ... - ........ }!9 .. ~.:!!.~..X.J:'.Y..l:?.l1.9!_J!QF.lf.~.----···------:--·------·-···-·----··------·· .. -·-·----··--

c. Foreign Families .. __ §. __ ~ Na.tiona.lities ........................................ V..I'J'i':t.Q.'\M?............................................... d. Negro .... O ........... %..

e. Shifting or lnfiltration .. _ ... _~:],~ ... l:m'.U.t.:r.fd..t.i.QtL9..f_..f.R.r.Q.i{w. ... §.l9J.nQI11. .. int,9 ..... ll.QT.:!ih ... G.1ll:L ... __ ... _ ......... .


a. T,pe a.nd Site

b. Const'IUCtion

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

, f. Owner-occitpied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 PTice Bracket

i. . ... Jnn .... !.3Q ..... Price Bracket

'j, Sales Demand

k. I'Tedicted Price Trend (next 6.-12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .J!.g,!L.! .. ~ ......... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

oo.storn pnrt. PREDOMINATING 60 % .2 ... storY:-8i!iiic- ...... -... -.. . ____ QW.£!t_mg__ .. 1Q. ...... ~

1 story, cotto.gcs o.nd ....... f~.H.Y.. ... § .... t!t!.~.-....................... . .. ...... P.~.P.:g£!1.9:w? ............................ _, ____ _

____ !.E.~~~---------................................. _ .. .. ............ f.:r£~9 ............................................. .

........... l!?. ... Y.!.!!! ..................... - ................. .. . ... _ ....... .1!?. ... Y.r..?..! ..... - ... ·-----------··-·-·

.......... E.G:;!..r .................................................... . . ........... J~g-~;r ................................ ---------

·--------~-'n.f ......... _ ................. - .... _ ............... . ..... :L. ...... ftJ% .................................................... .

........... 9Ji$. ...................................................... . .............. .6.!5%. ................ _,_, ................... .

l_.2.7.!?.Q.~_1:J2.QQ ...... -- ~E~~s~ ~ .... 2.QQS2.::-.S.QO .. Q ........... ____ ~~~~M~.

t ... ~.?..§Q.~§P.Q.Q.............. .:t.?..f .... %. t.2.~.0..Q.~_31.6Q.................. . . .±2Q .. J~

$.. ..... ~.QQQ.~.OO.QQ............... -: ....... ~ ...... %. t2 .. 00.Q.~3.6.Q.Q ____ .. _ .. -::. . ..8_%.

..... _S.l.ow.. ...... _ ................................... _ .... . .. ... ;;tl.aw .............. -------·------·--

....... .S:t.a.t.io. ................................................ . . .... S:tn..t.io. .................................................. ~

! ... .2.7;eJ5fr::3.7 .•. fiQ_...... %..~~~8.~ U_Q._::.~§ .................... -. ~-~~~.¥.~

t ... ~ .. ?..!J2Q.~1!?................... .±.!.~ ...... %. $. ... ~.?..!.§.9.:.~g-~_§Q............ .!.?..? ...... %.

t .... ~ ... : ... !Q ... ______ .:.1.<!.._.~ $.._gQ .... : .... 9.Q........................ ..: .... ~----~

....... f:!-2.9.9: ........................................ - ........... .. . ... 9:9.2g_ ______ _. ..................................... - .. --.

p. Predicted Rcmt Trend __ §._i:.!rt~----·---·--··--···-.. ·-·- .... e.tfl:.t.tg .......................................... ___ _ (next 6-12 months)

.3. NEW CONSTRUC110N (past ,-.) No ........ ~ ........... T,pe & Price _jl~oo ___ ......... How Selling ... .f..fl:ir .... .?.,l;!;\.y ___ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ................. lQ................. b. Institutions .. - .................................. .. 3-31"'39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,r.) a. HOLC ..................... .2.................. b. Institutions ....................................... .. . Avo.ilublo up 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:.:t.Q.-~.~--Qf. .............. 7. TOTAL TAX _RATE PER $1000 (193 .. 8 ... ) $ . ..2.8 .... 9.0 .......... _._ a.ppro.isnl


This nroo. consists of sovorul sma.ll o.llotmcnts surrounding tho first~olo.ss Firestone Po.rk district. Eo.rliest dovolopmont begun in 1917•18 a.long north­wostorn end ns po.rt of tho Firestone Lo.nd Compo.ny's interest; tho Horberich­Ho.ll-Rnrtor Compo.ny developed tho north section in 1922•23, nnd the enstern pnrt in 1926-27; the southoo.storn po.rt between Thorno.pplo o.nd Coventry Sts. is o. continuo.tion of tho Firostono Land Compcmy holding developed in 1927-28; o.nd tho southwestern pa.rt (mostly ncrea.ge) wns developed in 1928-1929 by tho Myers family. Aron is npproximntoly 5S,fo built up; a.voro.ge lot fronta.ge 45 feat; 25% streets po.vod (bnla.nco cindered nnd comont sidowo.lks); school fo.oi­litics good; fo.irly convenient to community stores, churches nn~ transporto.tion,, except southeasterly po.rt. Pro.cticnlly 70% of homes ~.re of "single" construc­tion. This nroc. will remnin nttro.ctivo to rubber workers bocc-.ul?o of proximity to Firestone Tiro nnd Rubber Compnny. Vohiculnr traffic is honviost on Mnin Street (western boundary).

iroporty, if a.cquirod, should bo ~old nt fnir price.

9. LOCATION ........ ..Akr.o.n.-.. J.lli.i.o .................. SECURITY GRADE. ... )?. ......... AREA NO-.. H .......... DATEE.~lt! . .3.~

A~REA DESCRIPTION Securitt Map of._~_r.9.Jh .... 9.h.i.9. ............. --····-·-------


~'I a. lnm!easing _____ ,, .... :~---···-·················-··-··· Decreasing __________ ................................ --- Static .. ~fl.e.~t

b. Class and Occupation _________________ ~~Qh..~Jlio ~nd .. .!.1!P..'!L~ ... ."~t9r.$.~.tl3 ................... ----···---·-·-·-···---·

c. Foreign Families ___ g _____ ~ Nationalities .......................... §.l~Yi§..b............................................................. d. Negro ...... Q .......... %..

e. Shifting or Infiltration .......................................................................................................................... -·----------------------------------------------.................. .

2. BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING 70 % __ Q]]!mi_'!}'PlL... _lQ ...... ~ ··2-··sto-ry-·siliiie-- ................. . a. T,pe and Si~ -----·-----~--!..2.2.~---------------·----------------- .. 9.9 .. tt.~g§!_~---~---}?.~g_~_4:QY.f.§ ........ ..

b. Construction

c. A~rage Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

' f. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Ptice Bracket

i. ..J.an. ... ! .. 3.9 ........ Price 'Bracket

• j. Sales Demand

k. Predkted Price Trend (not 6-12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. · ..... Ja.n. ... !.3.9 ..... Rent Bracket

o.. Rental Demand


--··--·-·*-~-.F-.;?.! ....................................... ...

.......... .f.!;.~.J~Q ___ gQ.QQ. ......................... .

________ Q~--------------··--···-·--···"··---·--·-

-------··§..1?.~ ...................................................... .

! ...... ?.!?9..9 .. ":' .. ~1.00.............. ~E~~~~

~ ........ ?..'?..§Q:~1..§.Q............ • .. :!:.~.Q .... ~

~---?..99..Q~4.?.9.9. .... ~----·--· ... :.lO ..... %.

__ ,1?..lQW. ..................................................... . Statio to

........ .al.ight.l~.--.do.:wn1l>llll:.d ............ .

~---2.5 ... _:.-_ _30 _____ ~---- %..£~!?:i~

t ....... 2 .. 'Z. ... 5.0.~4Q.............. ..:t.2.3 .... %.

L. ..... Z.lL.:-:....3.5 ......... ---· _ _-..J.L .. ~

........... M.o.o.d ............... - ................................ .

............ F.r.~ ............................................... .

............ J.~ ... .Y.r-1?..! .................... __________ .

........... .F..a.ir ... :t.o ... ,&.QQd ................ ____ _

..... :.. ..... fl.~---------------------------···--·--··---··-·--­

............ .6.!2~.---·-·--------··--··------·---------

t ..... ?.7.P..Q::.3..7QQ.............. . J.llL.~

~----4_g.QQ~32.P.Q............. ':. . .12 ... 1

. .. - ... SJ.aw ................ ------------Statio to

.. ....... .aligh:t4t .. daw.nw.a.r.d. ....... __

~-----2.0. ... ~_2.5._____ $..~~~~~

~-------2.6 .... :-.... 3.0.................. ..±22 .... :%.

~ ......... 22 ... 5.0.:r::27. . ..5.0..... ..!': ... R..Jt~

______ Go.o.d. ........................................... --

p! Predicted Rent Trend --~--.S.t.atic..._. _________ ,,____ ........... §:tg_:l;;_i,Q ______________________________ _ (next 6--12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ........ Q .......... T,pe & Price _ ........... :-........ - .......... How &lling ............... ":' ....................... .

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~--------------~----·--·------------- b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

5. . SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... yr.) a. HOLC ............... }....................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3•31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:X~~?::J:.Y. ... ~P..!~ .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..~ .. ) $-~e-~_$..@ __________ _


This is one of the newer residential areo.s for the majority of the homes were built since 1922. This t>.rea is surrounded by "Yellowtt consisting mostly of undeveloped o.oreage. This section is o.ppro:icimntely 70% built up (better homes north of Waterloo Road). ·All utilities o.re in except adequate sewage (mostly south of Waterloo Roo.d). Streets nre mostly unpaved, but well graded o.nd cindered with sidewulks installed. Average lot frontnge 45 fee;t; transportation fnir; school facilities good (grnde school on Manchester Rond opposite urea). This section is olose to the Portage Lukes District and vehioul~r traffic is heavy on Mnnohoster Road and·Watorloo Road. The general outloo~ of fnir for this area is due only to its general isolation nnd distnnce fro~ the downtown business oenter.

Property, if acquired, should be sold for u f.air offer, bu·b not sncrifiood.

9. . LOCA TION ....... -----~2E-.L... 0h±2._______ SECURITY . GRADlL .. JL...... AREA NO-..lfi ........ : DA TE[.':'l?.~-~-~

..4lREA DESCRIPTION Securitt Map of __ .Akr._QJ.h~.Qh.i.Q ............................ ___________ _

1. POPULATION: ~?I a. lnsreasing __ §.UE!?:~J:y: ________ ,______ Decreasing_. _________ ......................... --··-·-· Static··-······---··

b. Class and Occupation .... _ .. ___________ ]?E.Si~ S!-~1! .. and §]or~.K~~~J.L ... ·-··----··-----··----·-···-----

c. Foreign Families ..... Q.-... ~ Nationalities............................................................................................................ d. Negro.Q ............. ~

e. Shifting or Infiltration .. _ ........................................................................................ _ ....................... _ ........................................................................... .


a. T.,pe and Si:te

b. Con#NCtion

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

, f, Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

- h. 1937 Ptice Bracket

i. . ... .JAJl.. ... t&L..Price Bracket

· j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted~ Trend (next 6--12 months)

1. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. .. .J.an.. .. ! . .39. ..... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p! Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

PREDOMINATING 90 % 2 ... story-siniie-· ................ .. _ ... .9.!!t.~ ... m£...... _________ 'fJ.

. .f.~~f.Y._?. ... !:.Q.Q~-~-----····-----··--·-----·

.............. f!' .. ~ .. Ill~------···-·-·--------------------

....... - ..... ?..9 .. .E~.! ................................... _

.............. Q:£.9..~ ............................................... .

.............. g.~-----····--·------·-···---·-----·--·-----·- ..... ).. ................................................................ - ..

................ 7 .. (J.b ................................................... .

! .. QQ9 .. 9 .. :J?Q.QQ ________ .. ~E~!!£~. ! ........................................ -.... ~£~!!!:~.

!.!i? .. QQ~.§.QQQ................ • ... T..l.5. .... %. ! .................................... ______ . .. .............. %.

! .. 3.00 .. 0.:-:.6.!200.................. ..:: .... 6 ..... %. ! ............ - ....................... -.... ____ .. ___ .1:

..... f..ur. ............ - ............... _ .................. ___ _

..... S.t~t.i.c.....:to ... f.irm ......................... .

$. ... ~_:::.._4_2.____________ %.-~-~!.1:~~

!.2.7._:: ... 50 ............ --·-·-· .. ±~7 ..... %. $................................................. .. .............. %..

! .. 2.6 .... :: ... 13:5 .......... ____ -~---9---~ $................................................. .. ............. ~

..... G.aad ......................................................... .

.... .F.i:on.... .. _____________________ _

~.,. ) 0 3. NEW CONSntUCTION (past yr. No ..................... T.,pe & Price ... ----·--·--................ HOUI Selling ......... - ................ --.. -


S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES t ........ ~.) Available up to

6. MORTGAGE- FUNDSdL~ ... .Q.f.....§:P.P.t.~.i-.. 7. sal

a.. HOLC .......... l............................. b. Institutions .................................... __ 3•31-39

a. HOLC .......... ~.............................. b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-~

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193JL) $ ... ~.? .. JL4.Q ..... - .........


The characteristics of this section are as follows: platted - 1910; built up So%; streets paved; transportation - good; school facilities ~ good; terrain - fairly level. Cheaper homes are located in the nor,thern part of this small section abutting farmland on its northwest border. Approxi­mo. tely 40% of the homes in this area are of single constructi'on (this percento.ge is noticenbly h~.gher in the surrounding slightly c):leaper neighborhood). Vehiculnr +:raffic is heaviest on Norton. Avenu,e and the better homes are located here. The trend of this area should remain statio to firm for the next few yeo.ra. ·

Property, if acquired, should be held for n fair vo.lue.

AREA DESCRIPTION Secutit:Y·· Map oL.Akr.o.n, __ Qhia.. ............ _ .. _. ___________ _

1. POPULATION: a~7 I~a.ring __ §..J....k.ii.tt'l .......... _ ... _ .. , ..... Decreasing_ ..... ~ .................... _ ........ - .... -- Static ................. ..

b. Class and Occupation .. - ... ll~~:!J:l.J?.§§_l!l_CID nnfl.J.~tory_.]!Q!'Jf.SJl:~-.. -··--·-.. ·-······--·····-····· .. -·-······---·

c. Foreign Families ..... £Q .... ~ Nat.ionaUties ......................... §J~ .. 'Y.i.§h ............. -............................................. d. Negro ..... Q .......... %.

e. Shifting or ln/iltratlon_ .. ___ .Qf.. ... §.Jg,yi.§h .... §.P.~~~-i:P..& ... P.Q9.llb~L ........................................................................ _. ___ .................. .


b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. R£pair

e. Occupancy

.: f. Owner-occUpied

g. 1935 . Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price BTacket

i. . ... .J.nn .... ! . .3£L.Price BTacket

'J. Sala Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months}

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent BTadcet

n. ..JL\n-... !.39-....... Rent Bracket

PREDOMINATING 50 % -2-·-stori·c,-n.;·------.. ·-··············· .. f.~P.!HY..-~ .... !:9.9.!!1:.~-.......................... .

......... 1.'.!:9:mQ._ .. ___ ............ --.............. -

____ ,J . .§ .. .Yl:~! ........................ _ .. _____ ..... ..

.............. E~i;r. ................................................ .

... _ .. __ ll.1% .. _._ ............... _ ................... _ ..

................ ~.~ ................................................... .

~ .... 2.6 .. QQ.~.iii9 .. 0_ ...... -.. ~-~-~~B'~

t ... .Q2.QQ.~.4.7.9.Q............. . ..... +.il.%.

~ ..... 3QO.O:.!!:riOQ............... . .... :::: .... 5 .. %.

... -..FA.ir ....... __ ......... _ ................... - ... .

____ s.:to..tio ... .:to ... ..fi.rnL ......... _ ...... .

~--~Q...=-...3.1 ... .50 ....... -- tf?.E~!Hl~

~-~22 .... ::: ... 42 ... 5.9............ . .... 12 ..... '1.!

t ... .2.Q ... ::: ... 4Q._______ .. -::.. .. 1. ..... '%..

...... Jl.Q.Q.d ...................................... _ ............. .

...... L .. f? .. t.9.r.Y. ... ~ .. !:.9.9P.!.l?. .................. _ ..

·-.. - ..... l.I?. ... YX...f? .. !_, ...... _._ ... _ ..... ~--·

. ............. F.~J.r .............................. - ........... _ ..

...... , ........ ~.7~ .................................................. ..

.. ............ l.l.~---···-· ................................... .

~ ... 2.100::-.. .... _ .... :._,, . ..±.1.0._.~

~ . .2Q.QQ:::3QO_Q_ .... _.... .:~:...:J._:fo.

..... F..Cl..il: ........ __ ..... - ... - ........... ~ .

... -S.:ha.:ti.o .... :ho ... fi.rm ......................... .

~--lfL:-_2.3 .... -·--·· i~~~.¥.~

~ ..... lQ .... ~ .... 2.8 ..... - .......... _ .. 13. ........ %.

$. ...... l.9. ... ::~ .... a.l'L ... _............ ..::._7. . ...'1!.

.. ..... QQQg ______ ,, ................................. -·-

p.. Preditted. Rent Trend ____ f.irm.. _______ ·--·-·-·-·--·- ....... l"..ir.m. ................... _ ................... ____ , (next '&.12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,.,..) No~ .. J?.... .......... Type & Price ... J1.9..Q.Q .... --........... .How Selling ._ .. .f.gi_r., _________ _


5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,-.) AVo.ilnblo up to

6. MORTGAGE· FUNDS:..2Q% .... 9 .. :f. ... ~P.P.r.g_;_-7, snl

a. HOLC ............. J......................... b. Institutions ................................. __ _ 3-31-39

a. HOLC ............. ?. ................ _ ....... b. Institutions_ .................................... .. 3-31-39

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... 6 .. ) $ ..... ~2.!!.~& .... ___ _


This nrea wns lnid out 20 years ngo nnd is covered ns follows: built up, 60%; nvernge lot frontage, 45 feet} streets paved, 25% (bnlnnce graveled); trans• portntion, fn.irly good; school f'o.oilities, good. Vehicular traffic is heo.vy on Fi~th AVenue •. Smoke, dirt nnd noise from Akron-Bnrborton Bolt Lino, B & 0 nnd Erie Ra.ilroo.4s affect the western pa.rt of district. This o.ren nbutts the north boundary of Tuscorn Pnrkl nnd is within wnlking distance of tho downtown district~ Approximntely 75% of tho homos in this district nrc of single con­struction: Rating for this scour ity nrea. is a. very "Light Blue'•"

Property~ if acquired should be sold for a fa.ir vnluo.

. . B~rborton 9. LOCAnON ..... .Alcr.o.n.....!>.b.iCl.. ......... ~-...... SECURITY ORADB. ....... ~ ........ AREA NO--·~l7 ...... DATILF.eb.! . .39

~~ DESCRIPTION Securi~.· ~ap oL&!:£;?:.~ .... 2.~?:.2 ............................. --------··

1. POPULATION: ~;~I . . •· • • Yos a. lnq:easing _______________ ,,............................. Decreastng..__._. ____ ........ - ........... - ... - Stattc .......... __

b. Class and Occupation ___________ ~-~-~ a si ono.~~~ b-q_~ine !1~--~~-~----------------------------------

<:. Foreign_ Families_.9 ___ ~ Nationalities............................................................................................................ d. Negro ......... 2 ....... ~

e. Shifting or lnfiltration . .J..~JL.J.:l:gh~ .... !.;g::!1~.r.~~;.QE. ... 9!. ... ~.~rJ2~ -b 0£E:Ji:t:!P.:&~!:~P.P.:~-----------------------------


a. T.,pe and_ Size

b. Constn4<:tion

c. Average Age

e. Occupancy

f. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h.. 1937 Pri~;e Bracket

i. J.ruL.!.39. ......... Price Bracket

j. Sales Demand ,

k. . Predicted Price Trend <next 6-12 months>

l. 1935. Rent Bradcef

m. 1937 .Rent Bracket

n. . .. J.o.n. ... !..3lL ... Rent Brjleke~.

o. Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 90% ,;ru-g-e-z--s-torY:--- ------··-------... !. ... £~-~Y.:..~.?~~~-~-----······---····----


·-··-----~?_.¥.!.~.!-.............. ~-----------

Good ·--·····················-·······--·-··········--····-······-~-·--··

........... ..§.!..{.! ............ ,_ .................................... ..

............. !?.2~ ................................................... ..

~----g-~QQ:.~_§.Q_Q______ ~-~~~R!

t_,~_ggg_::~_§QQ____________ .• ~1;t~---~

~ . .:.~Q.QQ.~§.Q9 .. Q................ .::-.... § ...... %.

___ £:9.-J:.r...-................................................ ..

...... F..~.:r..m ....................................................... .

Lg_g __ _: __ :i_Q__________________ %..£~~~~~

t ... ?..'l .... :: ... i§________________ .... :t.:!.i .. 'ffi.

~--_g_!L.: .... ~.!.§.O __ ,___ ..... -:: ... §. .. ~

.......... ~.:i,.c;ht ................... _______________________ _

..._.F.;ir.m ..... ___________ . ___ _

...... .9.J.J.!~ . ..m~---- ------~

~-----------------------------·--------- %..£~~[~

~--·--···----·------------·--··------- -----------~ ~------------·-------------·----- ..... , .. ,_'1:

~------------------------ ~-~~-~

~----------------------------------------·--·-- ............... ~ $. ................................. -............ _____ , ______ %._

p. Predicted Rent Trend ... - (next 6-12 ~~) ,

3. NEW CONSmtJcTION .~. ,-.). No.~ ....... 9. ........ T,pe & Price -------------------.How Selling .......... J:_Q;g _______ _

4 •. 0~~0. OF· HOME PROPER:~: a.. HOLC.: .............. ?......................... b. Institutions.-................................. _. 3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES.( ... , .... ,..) a. HOLC .... ; .......... l ............... ------ b. l71Stitutions-................................... .. · · ·· · · · · Avn.ila.ble up to 40% 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_Q!' .... !t.P.P!.!?:l?-9:.*·· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 .. ?. ... ) $...;...?.?.JLiQ ______ _


This small area,. surrounding Lake. Anna, is fully built up and once the finest residentia.1 section in Bo.rperton. This section nbutts, tho Bar­berton busine.ss oontor on· Seoond .nnd Tusottrawo.s Streets. Tho majority of' the homos nre .from 35•45 years old, l;mt prnotioa.lly o.ll of' tho ori­gino.l owners are gone and a. few properties o.ro o.va.ila.ble for 11 roomers." This district ho.s mainto.incd its present levol boonuso of its: setting around the beo.utiful La.ke J..nno. (boating, fishing, nnd winter sports o.vnilable). _Properties have been kept in good sta.te of repair o.nd some ha.ve been thoroughly-modernized recently.

Fo.ir.value should bo obto.inod for property, if' acquired •.

Barberton _ 9. LOCATION., .. ~-~--~Ohi~-------------- SECURITY GRADE. .. , ... ~--------- AREA NO ... J:.§.~------- DATE..E.®-.!19

~ ., ' " \ '

A>&EA DESCRIPTION SecuritY Map oL~_Qn"'"'-9.h~ .. Q .......... - •• ·-·-··----·--··


a. lnm!casing ___ ~ll@i!.Y.. ...... -................. Decreasing...~---·-·-··-·····-·····-·····--~-··- Static--···-·-

b. Class and Occuparion ............. ____________ .!'!..£~ .. 1!~io~J..JE}~--~~-~2-~!L~en ____________________________ _

c. Foreign Famifies~ .... C!. ____ 'fo.. Nationalities .................................................................... - ...... _............................ d. Negro .... 9. ........... %

e. Shifting or Infiltr·ation ..... --·····---·---· .............................. ~········-····-·~··-·-.. -···-·-··········-··--.. ···-·-····-········-······· .. ····---········-----·-···---····---·····


b. ConstrUCtion

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 .P'rice Braclret

i. .J.A:n. ... !.~9. ........ Price Bracket

• j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. . ... J.a.n .... ! . .39 ....... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

E~J~Q.Q.Mlli~~Q ..... §.9 ...... ~ 2 story ono . ~t..;m.~_:ty_§ ... m~ .................................. .. ... J?.'l!\1J.SQ.JQW .... t.JZP..~L ........... - ........... ..

_____ ..fJ.:nm~L-----·-·-··-----·----··--.. - .. ..... F.r.t:ml.e ............................. - .................. ..

______ J ... Q. .. .ja.:e. .... _ ............................... - .. . . ....... l.G ... .y.r..s. ................. -···-··-··-----·--·

.......... Q-.Q.Q.d. ........................... - ..................... . .: ..... G.o.o.d ...................................... _·····-···

......... .F.v..lly: .... 9.7fR. _____ ····-·······-·-···- ....... .F.ul.ly. ... 9.1.% ....................................... .

··-···--6.15. ... %. ................................................... . ........ 8.~; ...... _ .. _______________ .............. ..

~ ..... 2.6Q.0.~46.QQ. ... _........ ~-~~~~- ~---.?.~9.9 .. :.\?_Q.QQ ....... _..... '&£~~~

~-... .?..79.9..:::!?.§9.9............... • .±1.?.~ .... %. ~ ...... Z..6.Q.0.~4.QQQ. ..... ., .... _ ' ..... ±lQ .. ~

~ ..... 2.li.Q.Q.~§Q.QQ............... .:: .... 9. ...... %. t ... 2.5..0.0.~.3.7.6.Q. ..... _..... .. .. =. ... 5..~

____ f..o..ir. ........................... _ .......... ------ ....... .F.c.ir. .................... ------------·

....... F.i.r.nL ............. ~ ...................................... . __ . .F.ir.m ................................... _________ , __

$ __ ~Q ... =-:?~-------··-····-- %. .. ~.~~¥!. ~--2.0 ..... -:: ... UL .... ----- {£~~~

~-.. ?.?.::: ...... ~J?...................... .±.l-.2 ..... %. ~ ..... 2.2. .... : .... ~.!2..................... .. .. ±1.9. ... %.

~-.?.Q .... :: ... 1.0 ........ _,_____ .::-.lQ. ..... ~ ~ ..... 2.0 ... :: .... 3.0 ................... " .... ~.12 ... ~

....... Ligh.:l:i ..................... _ ................. _ ........ . ... ....Light ........................................ --·--

p, Predicted. Re~t Trend ___ .F.ix:m.. .... _______ ··-·-·-·---- ...... .Rirlll-............................................. --(next 6--12 months)

3. NEW CONS'rRUCTION {past,-.) No ........... ?. ........ T:~pe & Prl~-~.1:.QQ.Q ____ ............. How Selling ...... E.o.ir .. _____ _


5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES( ......... ,-.) Avnilo.ble up to

6. MORTGAGE RJNDS:.2.9.% .... ?..t .. f!..P.Pl:~.~-:- 7. so.l

a. HOLC ...... l ................................. b. Institutions ................................ - .... . 3-31-39

a. HOLC ...... O .................................. b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-13-39

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..8 . .) $_ .. 2.5 .•. 04 ... _ .. __ _


'This soot ion wns lo.id out :i.n 1919 ond named Long Lo.ko Estates. Practically all lots ha.vo boon sold but area. is only 16% built up. Streets well graded a.nd cindered. Tho a.verngo lot frontage is 50 ft. Trnnsporto.tion is fnir; school fncilitios a.ro good. Vehicular traffic is honvy on Warner Road nnd South Mnin Street Extension ( tro.vorscs nrco.). This section is .frco from colored or foreign olomont cmd tho usuo.l detrimental physico.l aspects .• Pride of' ownership is highly· ovidont o.nd do siro.bili ty of oren ·should im­prove with complete insto.llr:.tion of u·bilitios (sower not o.vo.ilo.ble to most of o.roo.). This is o. good, clco.n, restricted section.

9. LOCATION .... -~~~12:~!Z.L_q~.~---....... SECURITY GRADE. ... JL ...... AREA N0~---~9. ....... DATE...F.ob..!.3.9 Akron, Ohio

'.l i

AREA ·DESCRIPTION ~.:.'!,,' SecuritY; Map. oL.J.kl:Qn.,._Qb.i.Q_ ............. ---·-·--··---

I{g];J . ,,

1. POPULATION: a. I~ng_ ... $..Ugh]J.Y ....... ___________ Decreasing ____ ........ -·-·····-·······---·····- Staac ··-··--·--·

b. Class and Occupation--~·-·-·---Q.ffioe. wor~ers and_1§.!:lor!3.£.§ ___________________________________ _

c. Foreign Familie.s ... _Q.._~ NationaUties ................................... -..................................................................... d. Negro ...... Q ... ---~

e. Shi/ti~ OT Infiltration.---····--···········-··-····-·······----······::.. ........................................... _, .... -.--.................................................... _ ............ .


a. T:1pc and Ske

b. Construction .. _ ...... f.r.~~ ......................................... __ .. .................. !.!..~.~---··--···· .............................. .

c. AC/el'age Age ....... -.Jit .. Y.r..§..! .................... _. _____ ......... . . ..... _ ......... !..I?. ... Y.!..e~-----·-·~-·-··

d. ~r • .......... Q.Q.Q\1. ................................................. . . ................. .Q:Qg_g_,, .................. --.. ··-·-··-·-·

e. Occupancy ............ ~lt'<t.. ................ - ................................ . ....... ::. .......... f!.'J~ .............................................. .

J. Owner-oct;Upied . ............ 7.0% ..................................................... . _________ 7.oJL. _______ ...................... .

g. 1935 Price Bracket $. ... l.8.Q.Q:-.. 3.8.0Q.__________ ~£.~~~!

h. 1937 Price Bracket ~ ... z.a.o.0.::4.!;1Q.O................ -... :1:.2.1.~ .. %. t.l.6.QQ.::-.. 2.7.$..Q ...... -....... . ... :!".21._~

i. .. J.e.n. .... ! . .'39 ....... Price Bracket ~-2.0.QQ.~4.QO.Q................. . .. :: ... ~ .... %. !t.lQ.Q.9..:.2.SQQ. ......... -... . .. :-..12. ... 1> j, Sales Demand ._.Ea.ir ______________ ................................ .. .. ... .F..ait: ............. _ ... - .... ··-·---·-·--·

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

Statio to . .....s.ligh.tl~ ... upw.ar.d ..................... .

Static to . ..... .s.lightl;y:.,.up:war.d_ ............. _ ..

l. 1935 Rent Bracket $.J..Q. ... : ... ~7..!.§Q.............. ~£.~~~ ~ .. .1L.: .... ?..9. .. ---····---· ~~-~~

m. 1937 Rent Bracket t.l§ .... -::' .... 9..1i. .............. -.. . .. :!::? .. Q .... %. tJ.;L .. :: .... ?..§ ..... -............... . .. ~.±~ ..... %.

n. ... J.an .... !.3..9.. ...... Rent Bracket ~.J. .. §_.:-.... ~-~-.§Q_______ ..:::.. .. 7. .... %.. ~ ... l~ .... :: ... g_?........................ ..:-J9 .... ~

o. Rental Demand ...... G:!?.!?.£1: ............................. - ......... -.............. .. .... QQ.Q.St ................................... - .... ·-·-Static to Static to·

p. . Predicted Rent Trend .. _§1Jg_llt..~ ... l!P..~r£t ...... ---·-- ...... §.l~_g_l:t::tlY ... Jlromr.g_ __ .. ____ _ (next 6-12 fl!e.nths)

3. NEW CONSTRUCI10N (past 'Jr.) No ......... ?. ......... T,pe & Price .... _3H.§9..Q ____ ... , ...... How Selling ....... -J..~_j,_t __ ............ .

4. OVERHANO OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ................... ~ ................... b. Institutions ...................................... _ 3•31 .. 39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... ...... ~.) a. HOLC .................... ~ ... --··--·-···· b. Institutions ........................................ . Available up to 40% 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:S?f .... ~.Pl?!:~~-~~-~---... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.~L.) $ .. .?.Q.,J..Q ..... - ...... _


This area centers around the district at Stow Corners occupied in the north part by Stow Corner home sites; on the east by Liberty Park Allot­ment and on the south by the Hollywood Allotment. This section wns lnid out in 1917 and is now 35 per cent built up. Average lot front 40 feet. Prices range from $1500•$4500 with the better nnd more expensive homes in the southwestern ~rt of area. Thirty five (35) per cent of streets are paved; remninder~ cindered; fnir transportation; good school facilities. Outlying section. The chonpost homes in this aren are located in the extreme no~theast corner north · of Bati1-Stow Road. Trend is statio to slightly upwnrd.

Property, if tloquired, should be sold but not sacrificed.

9. LOCATION ......... ~!~-~-<?.!:~.~---··-· ....... SECURITY GRADE. ........ Q ....... AREA N0~ .... -1 ....... OATB..E.eJL! .. 39 Akrol)., Ohio

AREA DESCRlPTION Securit¥· Map oL .... .Akr.au •... ..Ohi(L .. -········-···-·····-··-·····-

1. POPULATION: ~";:J •

a. Increasing ____ ... : .. ::_·····-····----·····-·-- Dea-ea.ring__ __ .1.9.~ ....................... _____ Static-···-·-·-···


b. Class and Occupation ... _ .................. B.ur..c.~ . .r...e.ai.dent..L ___________________________________________ _

c. Foreign Families ... _ .. Q .... 1: Nationalities............................................................................................................ d. Negro .. Q ............. ~

e. Shifting or lnfilrration ..................................................................... -: .................... _ ................................... --·········-···················-···-···--···-········-~----


a. T-ype and Site

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. ~

e. Occupanc-y

'f. Owner ..occUpied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. Jo.n .... !.3.9. ....... Price Bracket

t Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. Jtm.. .. !.sa. ...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

·-·····-···F .. :r.a.m~---·····-···-·····-··-·······-·--···

............... 2-Q .. ~r..a ............................... _ .. __ _

.............. F..o.ir: .. ..on~ ............................... .

............... 9.8%. .. -·-·············-··-····-····-·-·······

............... 8~ .................................................. .

~--~4.QQ~2.4QQ_________ ~E~~£~

~ ... l.60o.::-.2.aoo ................. - .. ±~!L.~

~ ... lJ?.9.9 .. -:~.Q.9.9................. . .. : .... ~ .... %.

...... P.QQt ................................................ - ...... ..

..... Dit:f.'.ini:t.~Jy .... da:wnWP..r.d. ........ .

t.l.2 .... f5.Q._:_.2.2. ... 5Q.-. %..£.~~g~

~--lQ. .•. QQ .... ::' .... 2.1 .... 6Q..... . .. ±.2~ ... %.

~ .. 12. .. 00.:-._..2.5...00_ .. ::l.L~

..... F.ir.m. .................................... - ................. .

~--·········-·····-··-······-········-··- ~-£~~~!:. ~................................................ -··-···-1

~--···----···--·------··- _________ 'fo.

~ .......................................... _.. . ............... %.

~............................................... ..-.......... tf!.

p. P,.edicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 ~ths)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ...... Q ........... T-ype & Price ·-·-·--·--·-·--·-··--····· .. How Selling .... J' .. Q.Qr ............ ___ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .......... J ............................. b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC .......... l............................ b. Institutions ........... , ............................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-....... J~Q.~§ ................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .. 8.) $_.21 .•.. 6.0 ........ _ .... ..


This nrea consists mostly of open fields nnd was platted about 15 years ago. Though only 7 por cent built up, improvements consist of small bungalows nnd vory chenp homes and considering tho following indicate a statio to downvro.rd trend for this third class "Yellow" c.rca: Outlying section, streets unpaved; no utilities except electricity, ,lack of adequate fire protection, low inoomo bracket occupants, relief roll heavy, rental collections difficult, population slightly dqcrensing.

Property owned in this section should bo sold for n rcnsonnble offer.

CuyOhogn Fnlls, Ohio 9. LOC::A TION ............. &.r.g_n._....Qhi.Q.... ......... :... SECURITY GRADE. ........ 9........ AREA NO~ ........ ~........ DA TE.f..\ili! .. W


Security .¥-ap · oL ...... ~ .. g~.L.9hl~---···-····-·····--·--··

1. POPULATION: li!1 l~ll$ing_ ......... .:....!.: ...... - ............. -............ Decreasing ________ ................... ---·-·- Static .. !~.~-----


b. ClaSs and Occupati01L .. !'2:~ .. !'.?.!:Z ... Y!~~ r s t .. ~ole_~ks ~-~~~!.~~c~~!.~------·----·····-··-·----

c. Foreign Families ... ..£ ....... ~ Nationalities ............................................... :.......................................................... d. Negro.-~ .......... 1::.

e. Shifting ar Infiltration ..... _B.o.t:t!il.r. ... ~l.!;l.§.~ .... m.o.Y.i.ng ... m.J'Y.rui.t .... S.i.g_Q. _____ , ____ ~ ................................................................ .


a. T,pe and Si:te

b. Constnletion

c. Average Age

d. Repair

e, Occupancy

f. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price . Bracket

i. .. .J.a.n .... !.39. ....... Price &racket

j, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. . .Jon ... ..!.$9. ....... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

~~~Q.QM!t!~TI~Q ...... e.Q ... ~ 2 story singlo

..fo.mi.l¥-... 5.=:.6 ... ma. ........................... .

........... El~tlm.o ..... - ........ - ................... ---·

·-....... 40 .... y.r..s ......... - ..................... - .. --

. ........... !'.9:;!.!. .................................................. .

............. 9..9% ................. _______________ ......... ..

........... JH?% ..................................................... .

! .... J&QQ.':'.~.§.QQ............. '&.~~£~

~---.. -~.?.QQ~9:.?..9.9. ............. - .. ,:!:gl ... ~

~ ..... l§QQ.~QQQ.............. ...~.J1. .... %.

_____ FJ:J.ir. ...................................................... .

.. ....... St.o.t.i~ .............................................. ..

~--J'~--=---2.8 ......... _.____ %..~-~~l{~

t._l£L~ .... 3.lL ....... _....... ..:±:2.1....%.

~ .... .J.lL.:-: ... .a.2 ............ -- .. .:.J.:~L.~

........ f..li:.;l.r. .................................. - ................. .

___ Q~-TYP~_.. ~G... .. .1 1 o.nd 1~ story

.. hO.\UlQ.Ltmd. ... c.o.t.m.g.e .. ~L ........ -

.............. F.r.M.O ........................................... ..

................ 4.0 .... y:r..s ........ _ ................... - ......... -

............ _ .. F..o.ir. ....................... -_ ........... _ ...

-"\'''""""J~.9:&; ......................... - ..................... .

. ............... §.Q%; __ .. _____________ , .. , ............. .

t .. l.Q.Q.Q~2.7.5Q ...... -........ · _±2L.%.

~ .... l2..Q.0.~2.tiO.Q .... _ .. __ .. :~.l.Q...%.

.... ..F.o.il" ........ ~----·--·--------------

. ..... St.a..t.in .................................................. .

~ ... 10 .... -:: ... 1.8....................... {~~~-~~

$. ... 11 .... :: ... 2.2. ... .5.0 ....... _.. . .... :t:.2.0.%.

$. ... ±9 .... : .... ?.9......................... ·--=--~--~

~-f~t. ................................... - ............ --

p. Pr~dicted Rent Trend _____ S..t""-:titl_ .. ___________ ,. .. _______ ..... S.±i.t;\t.i.<L ............................... ------. (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCI10N (past :yr.) No ......... 9. ......... T,pe & Price ___ ,.,. .. .::....__ .............. How Selling ....... .F.o.it. .. ______ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ............. 2 ......................... b. Institution.s ..... F..Q...~.:r.ls. ... hQ.Q]¥ 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~.) a. HOLC~ ........... Q.......................... b. ln.stitutions .... -.L.igh:t ................ . 3•31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:J..~?..r..Y. .. J.Jm.;t.~_g_g, 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... 6.) $ ........ 2 .. 'L .... 6Q ............ ..


Industrial section along river, railroo.d tracks, conl ynrds, etc. Some choo.p homes o.nd n faw very good old residences scnttorod throughout tho nroo.. Nocosso.ry to cross rctilroo.d trucks o.nd river br:i.dges to roo.ch busi­ness section, schools, o.nd -churches •.

Fifty poroont of stroots pnvod; good trnnsporto.tion; built up 6o%; surrounds industries o.nd mo.in rusiness section; sho.cks nlong south end of o.reo.. Heo.vy vehicular tro.ffic nlong Front~ Bronn, To.lmndge nnd Porto.go Tr.o.ilJ properties abutting railroad nnd industries lying south of Broo.d Stroot o.ll tho wo.y to To.ylor Stroot suffer from smoke. dirt and noise.

Tho.t portion of tho o.roa lying south of Munroe Fo.lls Avenue nil tho wny to Tnylor Stroot (south) will hold up best boco.uso it nbutts the business o.nd. industrinl sections of the city. ·

Property, if o.cquirod, should bo sold for fnir vnluo.

Cuyahoga Fo.lls _ 9. LOCATIQN ___ .. ~;:gn, Ohio ....... " ........ SECURITY GRADE.. ...... C ........ AREA NO-...... Q ........ DATEF.o.b.!..3.9

A'RE.A'·.DEsCRIPTION .... Securitf Map of.:..~Qn ....... QhiQ ............... ·-·-·-·····---·

1. POPULATION: k:'J'i a. lnm!eastng ·----~ .... : .. : ................... _................ Decteasing ___________ ................. ----··- Static .... XJl.s. ... .

b.· Class ·and Occuparion ... ___ ta&tor.y.....Q.Il...clJ .. QID9._'\!h..~<i:£.9)...1fl~.Q.~ ... ~ke~----·-·-----·-·-·-···-----·

c. F~eign · Families .. -Q ... ___ ~ Nationalities ............................................ ":. ................................................ ,............. d. Negro ....... .Q ____ ~

e. Shifting or Infiltration----............ ~----······---·-----.................................................................. - ........................ - ...................... _ ......................... .


a. T,pe and Ske

b. Construction

c. AltleTage Age

d. J!!paiT

e. Ocacpancy

, f. Owner-occUpied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. ..J-al'l----'--39 ..... _Price Bracket

· i. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6·12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. ...ln'J:l.. .• :!-39-..... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

............. f..t9:mQ. ...... - ................................. -

--....... J,f.L..Yr.l? ..... : ................... - ............. _

.............. F.~ir. ................................................ .

.......... --~--~~ .................................................. ..

..... - ....... 7.!?.% ................................................... .

~---~Q.Q.:J..e..QQ_______ ~E.~~s~

!.l.l..QQ.~.?..? .. QQ................ ' .. :!:.?..?.~ .... %.

~ ... lQQQ.::2.Q9 .. Q.................. ..~.JL .. %.

.~.F.Jlir .......... _ .................................. _ .... _,, Sta.tic to

..... s.ligb..tJ.Y-... u.pJNnr.d ..... ; ............... ..

~---~--:_.lQ... .... _............. %..~-~~~

tl.O .... :-.... l.tl....................... ..:!:.U .... %.

~-M.L-: .... l.'L ............ -- .. ::: ... :%. .... 1.>.

..... G.o.o.d ........................................ - .............. .

..... Eir.m. ................ _____ ........................ ..

! ......................................... _... ~.!:~?!.~~

~--····----·--···-·-··--------·---·-·-· __ .. , ........ ~

~----·--·-··-····--···---··-·-------· ............. .1

~-.... --........... _._________ ~-~-~~~

~................................................ . .............. ~

~................................................ .. ............. $>.

p, Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 ~nths)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No ..................... T'Jpe & Price -·---·--·---··--·-··------.. How Selling ...................... _ .. ______ _


5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,-.) Very little

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_.-~Y~.i.J.g,P.J-9. ...... 7.

a. HOLC ........... ?.............................. b. Institutions ............. - ...................... _ 3•31-39

a. HOLC .......... Q............................. b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.J?..) $ ...... ?.7..! .. 9..Q ..... _ ........


This aron wns laid out a.bout 12 yonrs a.go nnd is npproxi~tely 15% built up. La.ck of restrictions onused erection of smnll ohenp homos nnd this development wa.s bnrely under wny when depression set in; consequently, nroa. hns but 8 short stroots with exception of ma.in a.rteries HoweStreet nnd Mngnolin Avenue• However, duo to fa.vornblo loca.tion (a.butts south sido of Aroa. B-5 o.nd includes Broa.thno.ck Golf Courso) this ri.ov.rer section nlthough chea.p should improve with timo or a.t lenst hold its own.

Cuy.Ohoga. F_a.lls 9. t.OCA TION ......... Akr..QJ.!.,...Jlli.iL............... SECURITY GRADE. ........ C........ AREA NO~ ....... i....... DA TE.F. .. E?.9 .. !.Q~

AREA DESCRimON Securiti~··Map of_.Nq_Q.P..~ .. _Qb.i.Q ... - ....................... ~---······-

1. POP:UI..A TION: ;)I lncftasing ........ §..±l@.!.l.:Y. ........... -........... Decreasing----··············-·······---·-·-··- Static·······-······-·


b. Class and Occupation ........ -·········-···--R~:!2E.r..1Y..qrk_~---····--·-··-······-··--------··----·····-·-·············-·-··-----

c. Forei8?' Families.-~----~ Nationalities ......................... 1~9:.:b.~.Q..!±!L ................................................. ,..... d. Negro ..... l ........ ~ e. Shifting or ln{iltradon ..... _ ................ Y..Clr:Y. ... J;_ght.J:.Q.r.~Jg~_J . .Ilf.;.:J::tr..g..~ i Q.!1 ....................................................... _ ................. .


a. T~pe and Site

b. Con.strw:tion

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

,{. Owner-ocaipied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. Ja.n. ... !.3.9 .......... P1ice Bracket

j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6.-12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 19~7 Rent Bracket

n. ... Jan. .. !..39.. ...... Rent Bracket

PREDOMINATING 50 % ··y-st·;:;r:y--s-rn:g-r6-- ··············-·· .. !..~~gY. ... J? .... r.?.~§ ............................ .

. ......... J.'!'.~~---······-···-···--···············--··

·-------~Q ... F..~-'-······-··········--··--·······-----

. .......... .9:2.2.2: ......................................... - .... .

97"~ • ................. L. •• ___ .................. _ ...................... .

............. §.9% ..................................................... .

~.J.!.QQ.~.~-QQ .. Q ... _______ %.£~~-

tJ .. OO.Q~Q.QQQ............... • ±.~ .. 0 ... ~---~

~-l.9.QQ~.~.?.QQ................. ~.ll... .... %.

.. .... E~l.r. ..................................................... .,....

.. _.F..i.r..m ...................................................... _

$. .. J. .. ? ... Ji9:..2.2 ... !2Q ....... _ %..£.~~~~

t .... l:?. .... Q.0.::2 .. 7..~t .. $.9........ . ..... :!:2l.~

l_.la ... 6.0.:!2!2 ... oo........ .. ... ~u.~

................... F.r.~9. ........................................ .

................... ~9 .. .$..§ . .!. ................... -·-·····-· •

. .................. Q.Q.Q.Q. .......................................... ..

....... , ......... Jt .. 'l% .............................................. ..

. .................. 9 .. Q% ......... ------··------·--····--·--

~--l~.QQ.~1;fj_QQ................. ~.£~~~~

t .. 2.3.QQ~.5.6.0.CL............. ...±2.2. ... ~

~ ... .29 .. QQ~_QQ ______ . . .. ::.lO .... .%.

___ E;;:.ir. ........ _ ..... -...... --.. -·--·-·----

... -F.irm. .................... - ............ - ............... ..

~ ... U..a.50.~3.2. ... 6.0_____ ~-~-~&.~

~ ... 2.0 .... QQ~4Q .... O.O........... ..:!.2.0 .... %.

~ .. ~8 .•. QQ~35 .•. QQ.......... . .. ~ll .... %.

o. Rental Demand ......... G-.Q!:ld. ........................... _ ....... _............... . . .J:t.o.o.d ........................................................ . Firm to Fir.m to

p._ Predicted Rent Trend .. - ... s.ligh:tl¥-u-pw:o.:cl .. - .. ----· ..... ~.l.i.g.hi;J...y.. .. JJ.P.WM..d .................... -(next 6-12 months) ' · · · · ·

3. NEW CONSTRUCTlON (lwt.. ,-.) No ...... ?..9. ......... T-ype & Price -·-···t~9 .. Q9. ............... How SelUng ....... 1:!;1i.r .......... - .. -

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ................. J:.?................. b. Institutions .. ~ ........... - ..................... .. :3•31•39

5. SALE OF HOME PROP,ERTIES ( ......... :Yf.) % .Ample up to 40co

a. HOLC ...................... J................. b. Institutions. ___ , ................................. . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE ·FUNDS:...Q;L~p_pr.~i.~a.l ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193_e .. ) $ ..... ?.~ ... .fl.Q ..... _ ....... .


t This area was l~id out about 1900; price· rnnge of properties from $1500-5000. Built up 75%; lot siza 40 x. 110; po.vod streets; good trnnsportntion; conveni­ent to schools, churches and stores; fo.irly levol terro.in. Roo.sono.bly cleo.n neighborhood desiro.ble to rubber workers. Evidonc.e 0f pride of ownership.

Very henvy vehicular traffic nlong Cuyahoga Fo.lls Avenue. Should retain its present level for sovernl years. Generally free from the usuo.l detrimental influences. Only 3 negro faMilies looo.tod in entire nren o.nd t~se nre better type colored nnd own their mvn homos. A few cheo.por homos o.re interspersed throughout the nren.

Property, if noquired, should ho.vo o. ronsono.bly good so.lo vnlue~ 90% of homos in this nren o.ro of single construction. About 20 homos were built here last yenr -- these ranged nround $3000 onch.

Colli.nwood Allotment 9. LOCATION ........ Akran, ..Qhia. .... - ............ SECURITY ORADE.. ...... Q. ........ AREA N0 ........ 5 ......... DATEl.9..12~ .. 3~

AREA DESCRIPTION Secuti1:t Map o£.-~r.Q.?:l..~ .... .Q.fl...i.Q ....... ---···--···-···--·-····-·

1. POPULATION: ~"! Incteasing~g:~fli~J..l~--~---··--~-: ... - .. -~· ~asing __ ......... - ................... _ ........... Static········-··-···

b. CIMs and Occupanon: ______ g~p.J?~!:-~ rk~rs . @E la9 .. Q!'~l?----·----·-· ---·····--····-··-------···-··--

, c. Foreip Families .... £ .. _1 Nationalities ...................... ~-~~1.~~-P.:................................................................ d. Negro ......... 9..-.. ~

e. · Shifting or lnfilrration _____ ........ Y..~'!.Y. .... l;_gh~ ... .t.'.Q;r. .. E?.~m .. Jr!f..~J..t.r.~~J.:Q.~.---·-···· ...................................... - ..... - .............. .


a. Type and Site

b. Con.strit.ction

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

, f. Owner-ocCupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

· j. Safes Demand

k. Predict'ed Price 'Trend (ne.xt6 .. 12 ~ths)

l 1935 &nt Bracket

m. 1~37 ~t- 8n~cl<et

n. ..J.ruL .. !:.3.9.. .... :~R.ent Bracket

o., Rental Demand·

OTHER TYPE 40 'fo ··2-stor:Y-··atngr;·- --·-·-···--.J..~J:.!Y. ... ?. ... :r.Qg~-~----····--·--------···--·

·------·----~~~!..: .. - ... : ........................... _ ........... !!.~~----·-·--···---·--···--·--···--·----····---

. -~------·15 .XF.E.! ............................. - .. . ·····--·-!-~ .... F..~.!--··-····-··--··---·----·--·

................. !'.~?.:! ..... <?E.!Y. ........................... .. . ........... !.:.§:!!: ... ~:9-J.Y. .................................. .

--···-------~-~----·····---·--·--·--···---···--···--· ............ ~ .. ~----···-----...................................... ..

.................. § .. <?.~ ............................................... . -----·~Q% _________ ......... -.~·-----···-··-·-·······

~ ... 1Q.Q.9_:l§Q9_________ ~-£~~~~- !-.-~.!? .. QQ.:.?..?.!?.Q_______ ~-~f1g_~

~ .. l?.QQ~.?..?.QQ ................ , --~-~-fL .. %. ~ ..... 11.QQ~?..J.§Q.............. . ____ :t.l~ .. ~

~.J:.9QQ.:::~QQ.Q ...... _......... . .. ~lg ..... %. ~----JA.Q.Q.::?.Q.Q.Q_______ ...... :l.l.~

_______ fl*j..r ... _ ............................................. . . .......... .F.!'.\ir. ...... _ ............. ---····------··---·-

~--···.S:!;;.§.j;JQ ............................. - ........... . .. .......... S.t.~tio. ................ _ .. ________ ........ --.

! __ fL:: .. J,§.-................ %..£.~!!~~ ~------'lQ .. ..=. ... l.e. ........ ____ ~-~~~~

~ ...... l.Q .... :-.... 16..-............ -. ..±.2.2. .... %. t ....... lg ____ ~ __ .2.2. .•. 00........ . .... ±2.3 .. %.

!_ ..... \L .. -:": ... 1.-~------·- . .=.l.CL.%. ~ ......... lQ .... ::-.. Ja .•. QQ........ .. .... :-..lo1

........... 9.:.9.Qd .......................... _ ..................... . . .......... O:Jlll!i. .................. , ................... - ....... ..

p. Predicted Rent Trend _____ §:t.~.ti.!L-... -·-·····-···-·-- ........... S.:I::ill:l:ii.c ............................. ______ _ (next 6o12 mon~hs)

3. NEW: CONSTRUCTION (past :rr.) No .... J:9 .......... T,pe & Price __ l;l;.§.Q.Q .. _. ______ ... How Sellillg .......... .fP...tr. ...... ___ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: ,; ' . ' .. a. HOLC... .......... §.......................... b. Institutions ....................................... ..

3-31-59 5." SALE OF HoME PROPERTIES (: ........ ;,..)

V~cy lit~l~

6. MoRTGAGE FUNris:~;~.!~.n~.'!?.!~~-----~-- 1.

a. HOLC ............ l.......................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. , 3w31•39

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (l93. .. ~.) $.-.?..e. .•. ~.Q ..... - ... - ..


Area was laid out 19j.O; p:r;iqe range. of homes $1000-2500. Unrestricted. ·Homes nre 100% singie construction; avera.ge lot 45 x 150; no p~ved streets excepting Home Avenue which ho.s heavy vehiculo.r tra.ffic. Poor transportation; convenient to.schools. Encroa.chment of sm~ll business on Home Avenue, which runs through the center of this nroa.. Despite the chea.pness o;f.' homes, the nren is kept fnirly cleo.n a.nd in fa.ir demand by the sma.ll income earner. Twenty five per cent of area. is built up. No serious changes in aren in the future.

Property, if ncquired, should be sold but not sa.crificed. .Aren is a.ecorded a. wea.k third gro.de (Yellow) rnting. Practically all homes a.re of single construc­tion.

9. LOCAnON-.Akr.~m .• _.Qhj.Q~----···------ SECURITY ORADE. .... JL ...... AREA N0 ............ 6 ...... DATE.E~ .. Q-~2-~

1. POPULATION: a.fi:J~ lncw:a.dng_ ...... .21ith.t.:!.X ....... - ............ Decl'easing __________ ~----·················-------· Static ..... -·--····


b. · Clas.s and Occupation ................... ...Jl1!.§~ n<?.§_§_.IDml __ @lL}$:U.1Q .. J;!.Q1.J...q,r_<;l.Ji •... ----·--·-····-----~-····-··--···-··

c. Foreign Farnilies._g ___ ~ Nationalities............................................................................................................ d. Negro ....... J) ....... %..

e. Shifting or InfiU,.atiofl ___ , .................................................. .::. ........................................................................... _ ................................ - .... - .................. .


a. T'Ype and Site

b. Comtruction

c. Average Age

cL Repair _.,.

e. Occupancy

J. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. Jo.n.. .. ~ .. 39. ....... 1'1ice Brcrcket

j, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next ~ 12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. ..J.o.ll .... ! . .39. ........ Rent Bracket

....... l.r..~~-----'-·····--···························-

____ 1-.§ ... .YJ:~..P. ...................................... - ... .

........ Q:Q9..9-...................................................... .

........ fLT$. ......................................................... ..

. ........ 7.9:'/R. ....................................................... ..

~.; ... 2.0.QQ::.5.8.QQ_______ %. .. '?:~£~.

~---2.W.Q:=~.O.O.Q ..... ~...... . .. t.ll~~ .. %.

~ ... Z.!?.QQ~.e!.6.QQ................. . .. ::: ... 4 .... %.

... .l.g,ir..... ...... _ ........................................ __

____ $.t_q._-:!f.j,_Q. .................................................. .

t.l.Q ... :::._1.Q .......... _.......... %..£~!!g~

t.~.Q ... ::: ... ~Q·····-········-----·· .. ±.2.7. .... %.

~ ... 2.0. .... :-.... ~5 ..... :. ..... _ .. :: ... 1.. .... %..

__ Qlli~~ m_;_____ __?.Q __ %.. Bungo.lows o.nd

... ~.mf1:ll ... 9.9.tt.Q.g!?.§ ................ - ......... .

........ .F..rAID.~ .................................................. .

. ........ .l.6 ... Y.r§ .......................... ---·-··--··

. ....... 9:.Q.Q.<t ................................................... ..

......... 11.7$ .. _ .................................................... .

. ....... 1~----,-·---··----··----······---·-········--·--

t.l7.!?.Q::.9..6..Q.Q_............... . ... t.J.~ ... }~

~ ... l.5.Q.Q.~.3.2.tiCL............ ..:: .... fL%.

..... F.!lir ... ----·--·---···-·--···-·----·-·--··-

. ... ..l~t~:t.i.c. .................................................. .

~...lQ ... :: ... 2.5....................... \{~-~~-~~

t.lS ... ::: ... .2.8........................ ..i:2.7. ... ~

t.l2. ... .'~ .... 2.6....................... . .. 0::0 .... 7 .... ~

... o. Rental Demand ..... \lo.ad. ......................................................... . . .... G.aod. ..................................................... _ Firm to ·Firm to

f'. · Predicted Rent Trend · (next 6-12 manths)

___ §.1is.lrU:'lL\l.E!mr..~;L ....... ---- ..... 1?J.iJ.W,:t1Y. ... l.lPMJ..r.d. ............. __ _

3 •. NEW CONSTRlJCTION (past :Yf.) No ......... ?. .......... Type & Pric:e. ____ U,_9_Q.Q ............... How Selling ....... .F..~ir ....... --.--

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .............. !.......................... b. lnstitutions_ .......... _ ................. ~:~ .. 3-31 .. 39

5. SALE OF HOME' PROPERTIES ( ......... ~r.) Avnila.ble for

a. HOLC ............. 9........................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3•31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-2~~~~.!.: ... ~~~~-~---- 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .. ?. .. ) $_gQ!'-~.Q ........ - ........


The newer residential part of the Village of Ta.llmndgo lies north of Fenwa.y Drive and west of. Nottingham Street a.nd wns first dovelopod about 25 yours a.go. The ba.la.noe of tho Vil~go, founded a.bout 100 yenrs o.go consists of Ohea.p commercia.l buildings nnd old homos surrounding the town circle created by the intersection of three highwa.ys: the Akron-Youngstown, Akron-Kent, a.nd Akron Stow Roa.ds. The newest section of this o.ren, lying et\:st of Stow Rond, contnins the bettor homos ro.nging from $5000•6000. Tho pnrt of this nrea. west of Nottingham Stroot is tho chea.por new seotion nnd consists mostly of homes valued at $1500. North of W.oodwnrd Avenue, this a.rea is spo.rsely built up. Ovordnlc a.nd Overlook Avenues- nrc pa.vcd; remo.indor of streets cindorod;

genoro.lly nll utilities except ga.s. Good school fncilitios, c~ose to busi~ ness section of Ta.lbnndgo. Trend is sto.tic with possibility of-improvement. 75% of homes are of single construction; the houses locntcd ea.st of Stow and North of Kent Rends o.re of double construction.

Property, if a.cquired,should not bo snorifioed.

TallmO.dgo 9. LOCATION .. ~.Q.~Ohio _______ .:. ........... SECURITY GRADE. ....... 9. ........ AREA N0-...... 7 ........ DATE.f..~R..~~

AREA DESCRIPTION .... Se · ;., .. M. . .. £. tt,. 0" ·

c~nty · ap o ... ~r.9.n-~o ...... :.u.J...Q ..................... _. _____ ............. .

ii1'1 1. POPULATION: a. In'I'Jreasing __________ Jli.Wt:!:Y................. .Decreasing_ ... _ ............................................ - Static .................. .

b. Class and Occupation .................... - . .!.!:1-.Q.iQl'.X... lnl;?Q.[:?.]:" s ---··--····-··-·--·-········--··-·--··-----------------·--··--------------

c. Foreign Familie:s ___ gQ __ 1 Nationalities ........................................ J~li.Q,J.l............................................ d. Negro., ... Q .......... %..

e. Shifting or Infiltration_._ ..... .F.9:!r .. J:.rrfHt.r..Q.:!{.;i..911 .. :'2.f. .... U9.li{hP..il .... f.r.9.11.l .. Ar.9.Y. .... P..~iL ............................................ .

2. BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING 80 % -2·-·s-t:"Ox:·y-·Sin.-gr-o---- ................ .. ___ _9]1:l_~ __ ITPE _ ---~.9~ Bungn.lows a.nd

a. T;ype and Si-te --~~-U:£: ... ~::J. .. X.Q.Qm.::i ...................... . _.Q.Q.:tY.:1,gg_~_ . .9:.~l?. ... :tm.§ ________________ _

b. Construction ........... E~.Q ................................................ . .. ......... F.r.9JP-9 ............................................... .

c. At~erage Age ............ ?9 ... :~ .. ;?.!. ................ ,. ______ ............. . . ........... g_Q .... ;Y.r.§. ............................................. .

d. .BeF . .......... F..9J.r. .... Q.!!.lY. .................................. .. . ........... f..Q..ir ..... ?.n.lY. ......................... - .... ..

e. Occupancy ........... ~.7~----···--·----··--------·--·····-····-----·-··· ... :. ....... f!..T1:. ..................................................... .

' f. Owne:r-oceupied . ........... §!?.% ...................................................... . . ........... §J?.% ...... _ ............................................ .

g. 1935 ·Price Bracket !_g,QQ.Q.:-.. 3 .. :$ .. Q9___________ ~E~g~ ~ ...... l.RO .. Q.~.2.2.::i.O ..... _____ %..~~~~-~

h. 1937 Price Bracket ~ ... ?..f.~Q.~.®.O.Q ................ ' ..... :tie..%. $. ...... 11.6Q.::2.1,5.Q. ... _ ...... - ...... t.z.o.%.

i. ..... Jn.n .... ~.3.9.. ... Ptice Brac'lult ~ ... 2.QQ.Q_::Q.7.0.0................. . ..... :: ... 9..%. t .... l5.QQ.~2.5Q.Q............. .. ... :-.11..%.

~ j. Sates Demand . ... F.o.il: ________________ ............................... . .. ...... .F.c.i.r. .................... _ ......................... _ ..

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

... JS.:tl:lt.ia .................................................. . .. ...... S:to..t.ic. .............................................. ..

l. 1935 Rent Brac'lult l.lli ... : .. ..Z.fL ....... -··-·-· %..~.~~~~ ~-~0 ... ,.::: .. .2.0 ............. _....... ~-~-~~~

m. 1937 Rent Bracket t.2Q .... ~ .... 3Q........................ ..±2.2. .... %. ~ ... 13 ... :: ... .2.3....................... .. ... :+:2.0 .. %.

n. . .J.o.n.-!..3.9-...... Jum.t Bracket $._17 .... ::-.... 2.7 .• .5Q .•. _____ . .:::1~--~ $. ... 12 ..... -= .... 2l....................... .. .... =. .. .8.~

o. Rental Demand ..... G.o.o.d .................................. _ .• _ ............... . ..... G.nnd. .................................................. __

p, Predicted ~nt Trend --~tP..t.i.c._tQ .. .!.ir.m... .......... -----· .... .S.t.o.:tic ... :t.o_ . .fixm ..... - ... - ......... .. (next 6-12 months)

3.. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ..... g.Q .......... T-ype & Price ___ .$.29..9Q ................. How Selling .... E.td.r ............... ___ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .......... ?..?. .......................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3•31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PRO~t;!R~~1t~---~~·~o 4~% HOLC'3.::3"i~s·s--·--·------·---- b. Institutions ........................................ .

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:...Qf. .... g.E.E£~~&9-.t .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. .. e. . .} $ .. __ g_§ .. ,.~_Q ___________ _


Thh section of "North Hill" lies a. long tho odgo of t'I-J.o pla. tonu overlooking tho Cuyahoga. River Va.lloy. Tho onst pa.rt wa.s formerly known ns Forest Hill, 1n.id out by La.uor a.nd Young in 1917; hamos in this ea.storn pnrt nre more or less uniform n.nd priood nt a.bout $3000. Hoa.vy tra.ffic of tho oa.st portion of n.rcn. is on Glenwood Avenue and Do.n Street. Ifulliba.ugh Avenue is zoned for business. 7ff/o of tho homos on tho wost s:fdo of nroo. o.ro: of the 2-story typo c.nd the rost ro.ngo from cotto.gos to shacks •. 70% of str.oots o.ro pa.vod; 30% cindered; a.vorngo lot front 40 foot. Good trnnsportution; good school fa.cilitios. Close to down-town business center. Trend is s~ntic. Should remo.in prot-by much a.t the sumo lovol for n period of ten yonrs.

Property, if a.oquirod, should bo sold but not so.orificod. s:s% of homos nrc of singlo construction. Aron is 65% built up.

Fo;ost Hill 9. LOCATION ..... Ng•og.,__Q.hJ..Q ........................ SECURITY GRADE ........ C ......... AREA NO~ ...... a ......... DATEE9J?.~~Jl

. .PiREA DESCRIPTION SecuritY Map of_~r_qn ........ Qhi!2 ..... _: ____________________ _

t;!l 1. POPULATION: a. Ifl'efeanng ---~-!!th!J.Y............................ Decreasing.... ... _ ......................................... _. Static----------~----

b. Class and Occupation ............ _!o.c~g_r_x_~r.!;2!£.9.E.!P12Jl~.9:..J~ .... ~.R+.Pll.1.H:_!' .. l!m.'t: ____ .. ______ ............... ___ _

c. Foteign Fam.ilies_ . ...Q_ .. ~ Nationalities............................................................................................................ d. Ne.gro ......... Q ...... ~

e. Shifting ot Infiltration .......... - ....... - ....... - .......................................... - ....................................................................................................................... .


a. T,pe and Si:te

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. ~r

e. Occupancy

, f. Owner-oceupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. . .J.an .... ! . .3.9 ......... Price Bracket

· J, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. . .J.a.n. .... ~.39.. ...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 50 % -2----story·-;:rn.-gro--· -----------" .f~J.:~Y. .... ? .. :J...:.:~~-----····--····--····--------

Frruno ·····----·-------.-~-·--------···-·············---.. --------------~-~--.if!:~.! .......................... _ .. ___ _

................ 9:.?..Q_g __ ........................................... ..

................ §l .. ~--------................... - .......... .

................. §§~ ................................................. .

! .... ~QQQ~Q_250_____ ~£~~{~.

~-_ .. g_?_§Q.~~-ZW. ........ -... . .... !Ji .. ~

$.,,._gQQ.Q_~~§QQ................ . ... ::: .... ~ ... %.

_ .. J:'.9 .. Qr_ ..... _ ............................................. .

___ _l?_:!:i!:\:!:ii.D ................................................. .

t__u __ -::' .. ..2.4... ...... _____ ~.£.~$.~

t .. l.~ .... ::-.... 2.2 .•. 6.Q .... ____ .... :!:.15 ... ~

! .... l!L:.-.. .2.~-------- .... =.JL~

....... Q:QQ.l! ............................. - ....................... .

OTHER TYPE 50 % ·smni1-cottnges-- -·------~9: ... !!h.Q:Q¥;_;l ___ ...................................... .

.......... !'.!:~9 ............................................... ..

............ l§ ... xr..~.! ....... ----------···-----------··

.......... E!J..ir .... 2lli.Y. ............................. __ _

. ... ::. ... J?.9~ ...................................................... ..

--------~!it'L. .... - .......... ______________________ _

$... ... 7.Q9 .. -:.l00.0 ................ ~ . _:t-..19...%.

~--6Q.Q:o~.60.Q.. _______ .. ---~lQ..~

. ...... .P..o.o.r. ............................. -·-··--·-·

, ..... .S.to.:ti.c. .............................................. -

L..5-.=. ... l3...._________ ~-~~~-~~

$. ..... 5 .... ~ ... 1.6......................... .±.11. ...... %..

$. ..... 5. ... ::: ... 14. ___________ ,........ .:':'-~---·%..

____ g._g_q{L .......... ~--·----·------·-·--.. ·--·----

p. Preclict£d ~ Trend ___ §i:.~.:tiS?.-----·-----···--· ...... 9.].::f.lli. .. ____________ ., ....... _ .. ___ _ (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTltUCTION (past )f.) No ........... ~ ... - .. T,pe & Price -~~QQ.:.~!i.QQ. ........ How Selling ... ..Jig§.:t .. f-~lj: __ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOMB PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .................. 9...................... b. Institutions_ ........ --.. - ................. .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOMB PROPERTIES( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC.-............... J....................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_.~;!--~;~-~.9: .............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.a ... ) $-.. 2-~ .... r?..O .............. ..


Allotment lnid out o.bout 1915; 20% built up; Tnllmndgo Avenue is po.vod; rost of streets in area o.ro oindored; average front lot 40 feot. Rosono.ble dis­tance to sch')Ols, churohoSJ homos rongo from $600-3500. 95% of. homos nrc of single construction. Lnck of nttontion to tho rogulnrity of buildings con­structed in this nren is the chief deterrent to growth. Interspersed with a sprinkling of shacks (20%). This allotment hAs no restrictions. Hourly bus trnnsportation. Vary honvy vohioulo.r traffic a.long West Tnllmn.P.go Avenue. Will probnbly romain 11 ns is11 for somo tme. In certain portions it is diffi• cult to excavate bnsomonts becnuso of sandstone rock foundation~ Elevation of this nren is one of the highest in Akron, but still subject to noise, smoke nnd dirt from ndjaoent Baltimore and Ohio and Erie rnilroads du~ to provniling northeast winds from the valley.

9. LOCATION ...... .Ak:.r .. Qn,_Qhi.Q _ _.. __ ...... SECURITY ORADE. .. , .. O .......... AREA N0 ......... .9 ........ DATU.Iil.12.! . .3.9

,· .f(REA DESCRIPTION SecuritY ·Map of..:....~2.P:L .. .QP.-.?:.9 ............................ ___________ _

1 •. POPULATION: 1.!!'1

a. Zmcasing ______ -gli~tl.Y-................ ~ Decrtasing ____ ........................ -······-··-···-·- -Static .................. .

b. Class and Occupation _______________ B.J..ib.ho.r_w.arko.r.s__ .......... -.. ---·····-------·--··-······-·--······-·-····--···-

c. . Foreign Families .... .lO ..... ~ Nationa~ •... Y.'.!:§.Q.~~ ..... JJ:q:ng_£;lr.i.Q..P..~ .... ~ ... lii.P.J.i~n!L........ d. Negro .... !:>. .......... %..

e. . Shifting or In{iltration ..... "···--Q.f ... ID~:ff.Q.g ___ ~tj._Q!J,_Q.J.;i,.tJ.Q.§. ............................................................. , .................................................. ..


a. T.,pe and Si:te

b. ConstTICCtion

c. Average Age

d. RePair e. ~pancy

' f. CJwne,-«Cupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. ..J.tm. .... ! . .39 ........ Price Bracket

-· j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted· Price Trend (n~ 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. . ... J.o.n .... !-39 .. -Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

~~~!?..QM!~.b ~.Q ..1.Q ....... '1: ____ Q.'!JIER m~-- _QQ .. J 2 story single

--~j!~g_~-~.Q!!.~L ....................................... . .. ±!t.~lY .... 9.~7.. .. rm!?. ........................ --

.J.!..~-~------··-··--·-····-··--····-····-·-··- ........ ¥.!..~9. ................................................. ..

..... !§.~_!?.! ............................................. __ _ __ J.§ ... Y:r..!?.! .............. _ ...... - ............ _.

.... frQQ\1 .............. _ ........................................ . . ......• GQ9.cJ ...................................................... .

__ J!J?.% ..................... ----·---·---···-............... . .. .. :....~.Q$ ____ ................................................ .

..... §§$ ............................................................ . ......... 6.Q% __________ ....................................... .

~ ... l:§QQ:::-.?..l§.Q_ _____ ... ,_.. ~.£~.1_1:~~

!.17.§9.~.!?.?..20 ........ -...... . --~.l.8 ..... %. $. ____ ?..1§Q.~.62.Q.Q............. : .. t2.0 ..... ~

~ .. .1.9.QQ.::iiD9 .. Q.................. ..:::l.Q ..... %. t ... .?.J&0.::.5.7W .. _......... ..:: ... a ... ~

..... E.c..i.r. .. _ .. ____ ......... _ .............................. . . ....... F.c.ir ...................... -... ----··------.. --.

.. ...S.to.tio ................................................... . . ...... ..S.to.:ti.o ............................................... ..

L-.. 13...:..__24..50 __ .... _ %..£~~~ !. ... .2.0 .... =. .•. 40. ....... -...... 1..!:~~~

!. ... 1fL::: .. .21. •. 5.Ct______ .. :t:l~L .. %. $. ...... 2.2. .•. QQ.~.4.7 .... 15.0........ .±.11 ..... ~

~---19. .... : ... ?.2 ...... -·-··-·- .. :.J.~L.~ ! ..... 2.Q ... :-.... :,l;.5..................... ..:: ... 1 ... -~

........ GQ.o.d ...................................................... . .. ...... GJ:lo.d ............................................. _.

p. Pmlicted Re1\t Trend _.S..tQ..ti.o. .. ~---·--·-·-·-· .. ---.. .. ...... S.to.:ti!l ....................................... _ ..... . (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUcriON (past ,..) No .... J:?. ......... T,pe f!l Price ....... l§Q.QQ .................. How Selling ....... E.~.ix _______ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ........... 7. .......................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... ...... ,-.) a. HOLC ............ .l .......................... b. In.~titutions ....................................... .. Availo.blo up to 40% 3•31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_9.f.. .. !;~o.PP!.£~~§.f!l.. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..§.) $ ... £§.L~l..9 ................. .


This allotment wns lnid out in 1920. Nr:n'f 50 % built up. Two story homos are located along Enstlnnd Avenue. Thoro is n small concentration of chonp cottages at tho oxtromo northeast corner.

Avorngo prico of bungalow ..: $2500; a.vorngo price of 2 story p.omes $4200. 25% of streets aro pa.vod; romnindor cindered nnd graded. A city park is located in thc. southeo.st portion of this area., Vory good transportation; school nnd church fnoilities; rolling terrain.

Hoavy vohiculnr traffic along Eastland Avonuo, Brittain Rond:und E. North Stroot. About 12 n~ housos orootod in this urea last your.· Southeast portion of this nroo. is located in Goodyoo.r Heights Addition:. Should mrdn• tnin its present level for some timo. 80% of tho houses loo~tod in entire nroa. nre of siw;le construction •.

Property~ if o.cquirod, Should bo sold for fuir value,

Enstlnnd Allotmont 9. LOCA1JON .. _ .... ~..2E:A,. Ol}lQ. ... _ ............ SECURITY GRADE. ....... C ......... AREA NO .... .lQ ......... DAW.QQ.~ .. Q~

Securitt·· Map of__ .. .&;r.o.n.~ .... P.hi~L .................... _ ............. .

1. POPUL:A TION: ~?I a. Incteasing __ ~1!.gb;2Jy __________ ,._.... Decreasing_ ...... _. ___ ........................... __ Static········--··-··

b. Class and ~pation_ .. ,.1fu.Uil ... 9 .. Qll.~req_ __ ~.P.!Lr.\!Pber....w..Q!".k~ ..... -.-·--·-···-·--····--·-··--

c. Foreign Families ..... Q .... -~ Nationalities_......................................................................................................... d. Negro ..... O ...... -~

e. Shifting OT Infiltration ....... _ ................ Q.Q..Q.Y.~Jlt..(L .. §..r.~ . .-.r.i!lm.. .................................................................... _ ............................ .


a. T.,pe and Si~

b. Constnu:tion

c. Average Age

d. JiePair e. Occupancy

·, f. OwneT-occupied

g. ~935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. ..Jan. .. J.3.9 .. - ... Price Bracket

• j. Sales Demand

k. Prec:Ucted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. . .... J.arL.! .. 3lL .. Rent Bracket

o· Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 80 % --1-·s-t:c;cy:-oc;t:·:ta:ga ··-·-··········· ... J!.Y.P..~ .•.• 4.:..!?. ... !:.9..Q!;l_~ .......................... .

........ fr~~---····--···-·········-·······-····---·

_ ..... J:§ ... YJL~.! .................................... --

........ F.~ir. .... Q.9.00..t~.~-QJ1 ............ - ...... .

··-···ll.'Z% .... - ................................... _ .......... .

......... 7.@. ................................... - .................. ..

~ .. l.4.00 .. -:-.2.4QQ__________ ~£~~£~

$._l7..$.Q.:.?.1§.Q ................ ' .. :tiS. .... ~

~J . .§Q.Q.:::g_gQQ.................. ..::: ... . ! .... %.

····-·f.J?,;i,.,;r__:!:;Q ..• l? .. QQ.r. ..................... _ •. ,..

____ §:t;g.j;.is). ___ ......................................... -.

~--~Q.-~ .... 2.0.................... %..£.~!!g~

t ... ~6 .... :: ... 2J~·-··········-···-· .. ±2.1.. .. ~

t ... J.1k ... :: ... kQ .... _.__ .. = .... 8. ..... ~

........ GQQ.d. ..................................................... ..

__ Q.I!:tE!\_JYPP.,___ ... W-.. .1 2 story single

... f.~ll:Y.: ... § ... r.Q.QID§ ........................... -

............ F.r.~m.~ .............................................. ..

............ l?. ... ~_:;; __ , __ ,. ........................ -····-·

........... F..~i.r. ... c..ondi:tLo.rL ......... ~····

... .0, •••••• 9 .. 7.% ...................................................... .

. ........... 1.01.'1.. ....... --··--·-----·······-···········

!.z.ooo~.o.a................. f? .. ~~R~

t.2.2Q0.=.3.600. ...... ~........ . . .. t.lfi...\'!i

~ .... W.Q.Q.-~_3.4Q.Q_......... ..:: .... 7..._%.

..... F..air. ... :bo ... .P.Sl.or. ..... _ ................. _

. ..... S.ta:ti~----·····--··--··---············ .. ·····--

t .. ~7._::: ... 2.B._____ ~-~-~~.¥.~

$. ...... 20 .... ::: ... 3.3.................... ..±18 ..... %.

t .... la .... ~ .... 3D..................... ...-:: ... 9.. ... 1.!

........ Good.. ............................................. __ _

11· Predicted Rent Trend ____ s.tat.io. .. .:to....f.ir.m._ ........ -- ........ ~.1:-~:U~L].Q. ... fir.m .......... _~· (ne:tt 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONsTRUCTION (past yr.) No ...... ...!L ....... Type & Price ___ .tl~O..Q::aQQ.O ... How Selling ........ JllS.t....f.air.._

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .......... ?.............................. b. Institutions.-.. ~ ............................ .. 3-31-39

5. SAL~ OF HOME PROPERTIES ( .......... ,..) a. HOLCh, ...... ~............................. b. Institutions ........................................ . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:..Y.§!:Y. .. .li.~:J;;.~~·t .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..8 .. ) $-.28. • .9.0 ...... -·-··


Laid out in about 1916 and known as the L. A. Young Allotment. This is a very level area consisting of 50-foot lots - not over 40% built up~ Price range from $1500•3600; all iingle construction, 80% of the homes are of one-story cottage type, Al utilities installed excepting southwest por­tion of area whiCh has ~o water or sewers (installation of these is contem­plated shortly). This was swamp land at one time but now tiled and drained; non-restricted area. Five new homes were built here last ye~r. Very heavy traffic on Hawkins Avenue 1 Convenient to Copley Road school• .Fair trans• portation~ Occupants are .American of i:he working clO.ss~ Area will remain fairly stutio during the next 5-10 yeurs~

Property, if uoquired, should be sold for fuir value.

9. LOCATION-.~.!'.£.~ ..... ..Qhio ___________ .... s~cpRITY GRADB.._C ............ AREA NO~ .. .f-1... ...... DATE..E.eb.L39

Securiit ~ap , of.:J.kr..o.p., ... ~Ohio ........................... -··--···-··-

rowrn A'TION ~.j ' y 1.. •, ru~ : a. lnerea.ring.-........ -~ .. ~:...... ......................... - ..... Decreasing _______ ,,, ........................ -----· ,$taf;k ......... ~!t .. .


b. Class ,and Occupation .. - ............... -Eubluu:.....ll.O..r.k.ex:.§._Q.Jl9...Y£hi.:i;;JL.Q.Qll.!rri! .. d _______________________ _

c. Foreip · Familie.s ....... .2.0.~ Nationalities ................ _ .................. All .. .t.Y.P..t?JJ,_ ........ -............................ d. Negro ..... 1 .......... ~

e. Shifting . or Infiltration_ . .S.l.ox .. i.n£iU:x:.n.t.ian...Jli .. ml4e.d.. . .fgr._dgn ... ~l-.¢lnw..nt ... t.QW..P.-.r.Q. ... §9 .. l-iif.h ... ~P.-.9. ....... .


a. · T,pe and Site

b. Conspouction

c. Average Age

d. Repair -':' ...

e. . Occupancy

,'f. · Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. . ..J.an .... !.39 ....... Price Bracket

• j, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next ~ 12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .J.g.:tL.!.3.9 ........... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p. Predicted Rent Trend . (next 6--12 fnonths)

~~-~P.9..M!~~~Q ·--~-§ .... ~ l-fa·2 story

..... d.ngl&...f..M!i.l~ ............................ .

......... ..F.~e ........................................ - ... ..

_ ........ 4Q ... .Yl'Jl~ ... - ........................... -.--

. .......... !l..u.a:J;; .... f.P..:i.r. ................................... .

___ .... .9..2%, _____ , ........................................... .

. ........... 65% ...................................................... .

~ ... 20.00 .. ~5800.. ....... _..... '%.£.~~£~. ~ ......................................... -.... ~E~~~!:

.t.2..30.Q!'!4IIDO................ • ... ±.1.7. .... %. $................................................. . ............... %.

~, .. 2QQQ.~43.00................. . .. :: .... 7 .... % ~---.. -·------··-·-·-·--· ............... %.

...... E~ ... t.o_.s~aw ........... ----····-····-

.. ... .S.tllt.~c ................................................. ..

uu ... .= . ...3..3.. ..... - ... ·-··· %..£.~!!~~ t ... ·-··-----·--······--------· 1..~~~~~ t.1.?. .... : .... 1:Q....................... . .. :!:.?.1 ... %. ~................................................ . ............... '%.

tJ-.9. .... : ... ~-'L--··---·- ... :-.... ~--'%. ~................................................ .. ............. ~

Good . .. s.:tO:ti~·· .. t;c;-·-·--····-···-......................... .

... ~.ll.W.:!?11L..Y.I:?Ymrft.-.. ·-·---·-

3. NEW CONSTRUCfiON (past ,.,.) No ...... 2 ............ T:ype & Price ___ ........... ___ ............ -Row Selling ............... - .. - .... ··-·--

4. OVERHANG OF HOMB. PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .............. ?..~...................... b. Institutions .............. - .................... _. 3•31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC ................. l ..................... b. Institutions ........................................ . 3•31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_._I:!iml~.~~-·-·· .. ···· 7. TOTAL .. TAX RATE PER $1000 (193LL) $ . .2.8 ... 9.0... ............... -


This is one of the oldest residential districts in Akron - 9B% built up. Adjoins on the west side of the downtown business district ahd surrounds three-fourths of the Goodrich Tire and Rubber Company. .AI"ell; consists of the old type ll-2 story frrume dwellings~ Store fronts and snnll businesses all along on West Market and West Exchange Streets. Several apllrtments on Ash Street Hill located on King llnd Parkwny. ft.verage lot fr

1ont 40 and 50

feet. Excellent transportation; 10 minute Wlllk to downtown pusiness center. Good school and church fllcilitie~. Arell is slowly undergoing n ~naition to sl'nt.\11 .business stores a.nd apar'bnents, Heo.vy vehiculllr tr:nffic along South Mnin, WeS,t Market, West Exohnngo, w. Bowery, and West Thornton Streets. Prllotioa.lly o.ll house~ are of si~la construction. '

Property, .if acquired, should be sold but not sacrificed •

. 9. LOGATION-.. :~.EE:t....Q!!-io ___ .............. SECURITY GRADE. ..... 9 ........... AREA NO-.... la ....... DATE..F.~.b.!.~~

: AREA DESCRIPTION Security M~P ot.....:..~..r...~!! .. _Q~JQ .............. ~-~-...:: ..... --··-

' -..... ' . ~/" ~., .'

1. POPbu TION: ~. Increasing ___ ~§.!~~:!?.~.Y. ....... --··--···- Decreasing-·--··--·--·····-·······--·--·- Static·····-·-·-···


•·' '1!' ''

.b. ylass and Occ!'pation ........ Q.~~~~ profa~rs.t _ _!?usiness meE--.~~--~ory ~~~.!:-~---·------·

c. FOTeip Families ..... 9 ____ 1?_ Nationalities............................................................................................................ d. Negro ..... Q .......... %.

e. Shifting or Infiltration_ ..................................................................................... _ .................. - ............................................... - ............................ . ' '


~ T:ype and Site

b. Co~tmction

c. ~verage Age

d. Repair

e. Occupanc,

f. <?wner«cupied

g. 1935 {'rice Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. J.e.n. ... ! .. 3.9 ........ Priee Bracket

j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6.12 months)'

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. J..!lii. ... .! . .39.... ...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p. Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

~~~QMJ!i~!Ilj.Q- --~~------~ 2 story lnrge ·

.. tY-P.!it ... $.::.1.2 .... ms .................. -........... . •.. _...F.:t:llm!il _________________________________ _

........... :10 ... -YJ;-.a ......................... _ ............. _.

........... F..nir. ................................................... .

........... 9.7%-............................................... .

............ 4:0!lt .................................................... .

~ ...... .2.8.00 .. ':".5.QQQ.._ .. ____ 'f?.E.~~g!:_ ~ .............. - ................. ·-··-·--- '%...£~~G.~.

! ..... 3..2®.!:60 .. 00 ............. - .. :tl.9 ..... ~ ~ .................. - .............. _ .. _____ . .. .............. ~

~----~Q.9.~?..§.9.Q.............. . .. : .... ~-----~ L_______________________ .......... -:!:

. ..... J!:P.-.. k.... __ ........................................... _.

........ r.~~ .................................................... .. t .... ?.~_:--~-~----------------- %..£~~~ ~-----------------------·-·---· l~~~~~ ! ..... Q.Q .... : .... 4.R.. ....... _...... 't,?..Q ........ ~ $................................................. .. .............. %.

~---~.!L.: ... ~..?.. .. __ -::U .. - ... ~ ~................................................ .. .............. ~

........ 0:.9.9.\i ...................... _. _______ ........... ..

___ .F .. im .... ----------··---·--

J., NEW CONstRUCTION (past :yr.) No ........ :: ......... T:ype & Price .. _____ ... ..:: ............... How Selling _____ ........ .: .... ______ _


. S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... ..... ~.) Avo.ilo.ble

6. MPRTOAOE FUNDS:.EP.. .. .-!?.9. • .@.~ ............. 7.

a. HOLC .............. ~-~----·--··---·---·---- b. Institutions.-.............................. _ .. 3-31-39

a. HOLC.. .............. Q....................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (19lL .. ) $.E.§.,.S?.9. ....... - ... -.


The-original high class residential district in Akron. Mo.ny homes are 75 years old. Reasonable demo.nd for homes here becau·se of central location. Average lot front 45 feet •. Homes o.re of the lnrge type and of older designi. 6o% of the houses are of si:ngle construction. Good tro.nsporto.tion. Good, streets. Schools o.nd churches located in this areo.. Heavy vehicular traffic o.long Eo.st Market, E. Uuohtel, Exoho.ngo o.nd Carroll Avenues. The University of Akron is loon ted on the west border o.nd the city hospital in the center of o.rea.. Tho schoo~ ho.s nn attendance of o.bout 2000 students and ronny of these rent roams or lease homes for fraternal purposes. The College influence nns:helped to main• tnin the sta.nda.rd of this area.. Encroa.chment of store fronts all a.long E,. Market Street •.. A smo.ll business center is located between Kir~ood o.nd ,.Molph along E. Market Street; o.lso o.t the corner of Carroll and Anno.do.le Avenues.

, A. c.·& Y. Railroad borders on the south end of nreo. - properties o.long here .'·affected by smoke ttnd dirt. The Akron Fnnners t Mnrket is loco. ted on the corner

of Carroll _and Beo.~er Avenues where fo.rm produce is sold 3 do.!s oo.oh week.

Area should ~o~inuo to ma.into.in .. its present level. ProP6rty1 if noquired, should be Sold but not sttcrificed. Aren is built up 90%. ,

9 •. ;t..QCAnON ........ ~.fm.__Qh;\..!L ........ - .... SECURITy.GRADE. .......... .C. ..... AREA NO ........ .l3. ..... DATE.F.e.b.!..39

· A'REA DESCRIPTION , Sec • ; ... , M f Akron Ohio uru:y· ap o --····-·---.:~ ............ ______________________ _

1. -POPULATION: '")j

a. lner'.easing .... §l~Y.Y. ......... ·--·····-·····- r>ecreasing ___________________ ............. -·--·-·- SfLUic ···········--·-·


b. Class and Occupation _______ S.1-lb b~_!!.Qr!<:er s ------·----·-------···---···-----------------·-·------·---·--·-···

c. Foreign Familiu .... ~Q__~ -Nationalities ................... A±l ... Pox':I~.Q.~---··········-······-··························-········ d. Negro ......... § ....... ~

e. Shifting or ln/iltration ...... - ................................................................................................. -·--····-·······-·····--·--················--·-···-··-----·········-··


a. T,pe _and Si~e

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. -~r

e. Occupancy

,f. Owner-oc~pied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h.. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. J.a.n, ... J.$ ....... Price Bracket

~j. Sales Demand

k •. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. ...J.an. ... !.S9 ....... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

______ E:r!'l:!!!~·--···-·····----·-·--·-·--···-·--·-

., ____ 2.§ ... F .... 1L!. .......... -·-···--·--···-······---

• ••...•. .Y.'.P..!?:!:i ... f.Jl.ir .............................. - ..... .

......... r;} .. '/1R ........ ----·······-···-·-·-----···-··---

. ......... 6.5% ........................................................ .

~ .... 2.QO.Q.~. ... -.......... 'f:.E~!':~~

t .. 2..:iQQ~4.6.Q.Q_____________ ... ±.2i .... %.

~ .... 2..000.~.42.00 ............... ., ... :: .... 9 .... %.

.. ... F.oi.r. .. ---·-·-···-----····---····--·--·····--·---

.._fttt\:l:ii.o .................................................. .

$._lfL~ .. .2JL.................. '&E~!':8~

t.1.7 .... :: .... QlL ................. , ... ±.2.l ... %.

~ .... lfr...::-.... ~..2..-------·--·--- _::: ... fL.~

...... G:.oo.d ........................................................ .

OTHER TYPE 40 % --f=ii··-storY"_____ -----·-·-·· ... h!?.~<:..~----~-:~L~.~----·--·-··---·····-·--·-·

. ........... fr..~~ .............................................. .

............. 2§. ... ~.§..'! ..................... -----·-·-·-

_ ............ !l.Y.§t ... :f:.g,ir. ........... - ........... _ ... ..

...... : ..... ~1$._ ................................................. .

. __ ..... 6.5% ....... ---··----·-······-······· .. ---

$. ..... 2.00.Q.~.2.9.QQ_________ .... ±22 .... ~

~...1.8.Q.Q:::.2£100.. ..• -.-... . .. ::10..1

...... Fail:. ..................... _____________ _

__ .S.tll:l:ii.o... ....... - .......................... - ........ ..

~-lL .. -::...19.._ .. _____ ~-~-~~.¥.~

t.J!L.:: .... ?..1. ......... -.......... ±Z.Q ....... %.

t .. l~ .. --~--.2.~ ........... -........ .:.,li __ ~

. ..... O:QQd ............... - ........ _ .................. --.

P~ t::1~::: ..... ~hl.a. __ ···---··------·----···-- ...... S.t.!l..ti.c.. ............. _. ___ ................. --

3. NEW CONSTJ.fl.JCTION (past ,..) No ..... .2Q .......... Type & Price .!.~.QQQ.::9J?.QQ ........ How Selling .. f..Q.J.L .. 91?J.L.--

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ............... ~.9 ...................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... yr.) a. HOLC-............ ~...................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. Generally available 3-31-39

6. MORTGAOE-FUNDS:~ ... :P.Q .... ~~ ............... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.~ .... ) $..2§ . .tf!.Q _________ _


The district is located in the south-central pa.rt of the city. Built up 85%1· price range - $2000•4200; older homes in the north half of the urea being tho territo~ north of Crosier Street. Practically all construction in tho deep south ho.lf took plo.co during 1926-27-28-29. So% of streets nrc pnvedJ remnin .. der cindered.. Good transportation throughout entire o.reu.· Heo.'IJ'Y vehicula.r traffic along Arlington and Brown Streets. Convenient to industry, stores o.nd schools., Terro.in is fo.irly level.. Summer Home for the .A:god o.nd tho Childrep.' s Home are looo.ted in the northettst end of a.l'ea. Store fronts o.J;l o.long on Ar.·· lington Avenue down to Wilbeth Rood. A cluster of stores o.t the corner of Beo.ver o.nd Johnson Avenue.. '

"'North. ho.lf of areo. (oldest section) is o.ffected by smoke from -t;he B, F. Goodricl:: Rubber Compo.ny o.nd rnilroo.ds. Foreign clement is concentrated iin the north ho.lf ., The entire district,. because of its convenient location ;to transportntim nnd industries should not decline o. grout deal during the next :10 yours.

Proporty, if o.cquired, should bo sold but not so.crificed. 70% of buildings nro of single construction.

9. LO~TlON ........ ~.!.2~._qg_;.?_ .. ~···-·--·-- SECURITY GRADE-... 9. .......... AREA-NO ..... Ji1 ....... DATE...f.!?J?..~.2..9

A'REA DESCRIPTION SecuritY. Map· of-~2..l!.t-.Qh.i.Q .. _ ........... ----···------

~~ 1. POPULATION: a. Inereastng ____ .§ lik~i±Y.: .... __________ Decreasing-... -------·-············--·--- Static-····-··-·--


a. Type and Site

b. Constni.Ction

c. Average Age

d. ~1'

e. Occupancy

' f. Owner-occ:Upied

g. 1935 Price · Brac~t

h. 1937 Pnce Bracket

i. .Jiln. .... ~.39 ......... Price Bracket

'}. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

1. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .... lllln ... !.39 ... _Rene Brac~t

o. Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 50 % y··a-t"Or-y:·--······-·---- ··-··············

.£!.~--~---~!? .... _ ................................ .

....... ~!~-----··-········-··················-···----

........ !.~ ... Y.!E..~---·-··--····--··-·······-···-···--

.. ..... f~.~-~----~.2 ... $..9.Q~---·--·-········"·---··

........... ~.'!%. .......... - .............................. - ..... .

.. ......... ~.e% ...................................................... .

~--·gQ.Q.Q:g1.QQ______ ~E~~g_~.

!, ___ g_;lQ.Q .. -::~~QQ ..... _____ .:!.JJf. .. ~

~ ____ g_QQQ:1QQQ. ..... --···· .. :::lQ ..... ~

__ ]'_q_t_r._j~Q ... J!l9.YL ......................... ..

....... .S:!{.~.ti.l.t .............................................. ..

~-.JJ? __ :: ___ ~_Q____________ %. .. ~~~8.~

~ ...... l9 .... ~ .... !?L .. -.............. . .... tla .. %.

~-.. ltL.: . ....3..2 .. --·-·--· ... .=ll .. ~

....... G.o.9..d. .................. - ................................ .

OTHER TYPE 50 % -:r-·story ·buni0:1o;.,s ........... _ .... _

.. -~9: ... ~.h-~~19L ............ -··---·-------·

........... F.~~m~ ..... , ...................................... - ..

............ l? .... Y.!.§.!.--··-·-·---··-·-·----

........... f.~.~r. ... :lfg ___ g_Q_Q.Q .. ________________ _

..... ; ......... ~.m ................................................. _

............... ~§~----------·---·---···---·------··-·--

!. ... 1~Q9_~?.7.Q9__________ i~~~~

$. .... _J.~.QQ.::.9..3.00............... . . .±lLL.%.

~ .. J.GQQ.::2.§QQ_________ .::1.3 ... .1

.. ...... f.Air. .... 'J(.Q. .... ~l.Q:W:_ ........ _______ _

. ...... JLt.n:tiJ:< ............................................... ..

$_~<2.. .. :-... .la_.________ ~.£.~~{~

~--.l.l .... ~ ... 2.3...................... . ... :H8. .. %.

~-... 10 .... :: ... 20...................... . .... ::-.12.1

. ...... G.o.o.d ...................................... ____ _

p. PTedicted ~t Trend ___ §.tAt:i.a .. --------------· ....... S.:to..tic. ... -----------------(next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (pa$t :yr.) No ........ ?..§ ........ T,pe & Price ... lW.QQ=~QQQ ...... .How Selling ... F..Q.i .. t.. ona __ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ............... ~.:?. ......... _........ b. Institutions ........... - ....................... .. 3-31•39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERnES (... ..... ,-.) a. HOLC .................. :~L ................. b. Institutions .................................... _. Available generally 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE, FUNDS:2.P_ . .!?.9.-~~ .............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.~ . .) $J.§~.~.Q .. ______ __


This o.llotment wa.s lnid out since 1920. Now 3o% built up; prices ro.nge from $1000•4000. Ave~age lot front 45 feet; 20% of streets po.ved; remo.inder cin­dered or gro.ded. Section of aren lying eo.st of Alpha Street anq south of Triplett Boulevard hAs no sewer, gns or wnter; all utilities in rest of o.reo.. Genert:Llly ·fair transportt:Ltion. Ft:Lir school fo.oi li ties o.nd fu.ir'ly convenient to stores. Municipo.l Airport o.nd Zeppelin Airdook located immediately south of this area.. Robinson Clay Product Company, the Goodyenr nnd the Mohawk Tire CLnd Rubber Compo.nies are loonted in the northwest section. Springfield Lake borders on the south.

A mild sprinkling of oheo.per homes nnd shacks scnttered thro~ghout the enstorn portion of CLren lying oust of Canton Road. Heo.vy trnffic along the }~on• Co.nton Road (E. Market Street Ext), Massillon Road (Arlington Street Ext), Triplott Boulevard, and Waterloo Road. North central part of ~rea affected by smoke from the tire compo.ny plo.nts. On the whole, the area will probnbly roema.in stntio with possibly slight improvement. Some 25 houso~s ranging in price of $1000 (shacks) to $4000 wero erected in the oren duri~g the po.st year.

Property, i~ o.cquired, should be sold for n rensonnole offer. 9o% of the buildings are of sin~le construction.

9. LOCATION--... ~_Qhi.o.-.............. SECURITY GRAOE. .......... C ...... AREA N0-..... 15. ...... DATE .. .Eeb.!..39

,NREA -DESCRIPTION Se~~~t}t .• ~~~ ·. ~f~.Q·!b-·9.lt~ ..... : ......................... ~-------

G1"1 y 1. POPULATION: a. lnqeasing.----~!. ....... _ ......................... ~creasing.. __ ····-·-····-············-······--·- Static ................. ..

b. Class and Occupation. ____________ .Q.fJ'j.J!..~ and .... ~.Q.'t.Q.t::i_w.Q.:rJ~er ~-------·---.. -· .. --....... _ ............... _ ...... .

c. Foreign Families ... .2. ....... ~ Nationalities............................................................................................................ d. Negro ..... Q .......... ~

e. Shifting 01 Infiltration ..... - ................................................................................... - ............................. - .................... - ............................................... ..


a. Type and Site _J: .... ~.t.2r.Y. .. .J?. ... r.9..9.P.J. .. ~ .................. --

b. Construction Frame .... ~----------;-··-······---.. ~---·--.. --------···--~---.--.. ·· . ........ :f..r.~ ................................................... .

c. Awrage Age _ .. , .... _1? .. ..Yr..!?..! .............................. _ ..... .. .. ... _l!? ... :Y.£.?.~ ....... - .... - ......... _ .. _ .... _ .... .

d. Repair .. ..... E:.~ .. k.J~Q ... £.Q.Q.g ............................. . ........ F.~ir. .... t.o ... .gQQ.d ........................... .. . ~ ..

e. Occupancy ·-......... ~.7~ ................................... _ .............. . .... +l?..~ ... - .................................................. ..

f. Owner-occupied - ........... ?~ ................................................... . . ...... :JJ1{9 ...... ____________ .................... .

g. 1935 Price Bracket ! ..... ?..?.QQ~~.?.Q.Q..._ ... ___ ~-~~~{~

h. 1937 Price Bracket ~ ..... .?..§9..9.~~-~Q.Q .... _...... - ..... :tl"l .. %. t2.3..0.Q~.2.aQ{l. ..... _........ . ..... ±18..~

i. .J.an. ... !..3JL_ ... Price Bracket ~ ..... ~~.Q.Q~~.!?.QQ............... . .... :-.... 8. .. ~ ~...2.000.:: ..... --....... .. .. !': ... .9 ... %.

~J, Sales Demand ...... J!'..aix; ...................................... - ...... --·-· .... .Ea.ir. .......................... _. ______ _

k. l'Tedicted Price Trend (neXt (5..12 months)

... ....F .. fl\..ir..l.y. .. .£.ir:m ............................... .. .... E~:!:r..lv. ... f.lr.m ... _ ............................ ..

f. 1935 Rent Bracket L!.~ ... .: .... ?.P....................... %..£~~~~ ~--1!?. .... :-.. ..1.?. ...... ---· ~.!:.~~~!.

m. 1937 Rent Bracket ~ ..... ~§. .... : .... 9.9....................... . .... :':.?..9 .. %. ~ .... JJ .... ": .... ??...................... . ... :t.l{} ... %.

n. ~.!1?: .... ~-~g ......... Rent Bracket ~-~§ .... :::. .. ~~---.. ~-- __ :-_Jt~ $... .... +..9. .... : .... ?.9..................... .. ... ::..8._~

o. Rental Demand ....... G.o.o.d. ...................................................... . ...... Qo.o.d. ... - ........................................ --

P: Predicted Rent Trend ..... .1ir.m ............... -----·----·--·- ...... .F.im .............................................. - ... -(next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTJ1lJCI10N (past ,-.) No ........ ~ .......... T:ype & Price -----~-g>..OO ................ Row Selling f.!l.JrJ..Y. .. ~Q.Q.Q. __

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ................ ~ ........................ b. Institutions ..................................... -3.-31•39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES t ........ .'Jf.) a. HOLC ............... Q ........................ b. Institutions ........................................ . Available up to 50% · 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE- FUNDS:_Qf ... !l..EP.!:~i.§~J .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE. PER $1000 (193 .. ~ .. .) $_2.t'L~.9.Q .............. -.


Known as Wa~ner-Emmons subdivision; this section wns laid out in 1918; built up 50%; ave'rage lot 40 :x: 150; .homes range in price from $2000-$3500; 25% of streets are paved; rems.inder, cindered and graded. Fairly good transportation. Good school facilities. Small stores are centered at corner of Albrecht and Canton Road. Terrain is level with slight, slope to the south. Clenn neighborhood; liouses are well kept. This is one of the newer outl~ing districts, fairly free from the usual detrimental in­fluences. No foreign or negro element. 9~ of the buildings are of single construction.

Property 1 if acquired,, should be sold for fair market price~ .


9. LOCATION ........ -~0!-;L~.~-----··· .. SECURITY ORADE. ...... 2 ......... AREA NO ...... J.2 ...... DATE..l'~£! .. ~9

~REA DESCRIPTION S -~~M J: Akron Ohio ecun .. 7 ap o~~ ......... :.t .. -··--·--·-·······-----·-·-


1. POPULATION: a. lfllftasing:l.~.!.Y_Jl:.!.@ .. ~!Y.: ..... -...... Decrea.ring. ________ ............... ---- Static·-···--·--

b. Class and Occupation ____ !E.!t~!,,oo}_}~~_!l.]ld :_l?_Es i~~Es m2E=-----··-·---·--·-·--·---~--~ . ~ .,,_ 0 'fo:· ·N .. __ ,,.,_. :.. d. N o % c. rore~gn ramtues ... ---·-·· auo,~ltleS ............................................................ -............................................. egro ..................... .

· e. .. ~.Shifting ot · Infiltrarion---~-----·-·-·····--··-··· .. ······-······-·······"····---····--·-·-·····-·-·---··-···----··--·-····-.. -·······-·-····--·-·····--····-···


a. - T,pe and Site

b. · Construction

·,. -Average Age

d. l{epair

e. bccupancy

. f. Owner-oceupied

g. ;1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. . . .J.an ... !.S9 .... ~.Price Bracket

j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

t 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent· B'facket

J ' . -.' n. ---~A---3~., ...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

PREOOMINA TING 95 1o -2story··-singre-- .................. . ... £.~!?.:?:.!.Y.: ... §. ... !.9..~~---···········-·····-·-

Frame ..... _______ ,. __ ,. ......... -... -.. ----~----·--···-···-·--·--·

.... ~ ... 1-..9.. ... ¥.!:.~! ... - .................. -·-···-·-··

......... 9:9..Q.q .................................................... .

_____ f?.'J.'!!. .... _ .......... - ........ _ ....•. - .. ·-·--···-

......... P.!?~ ......... ~ ............................................. ..

~--~aoo.::5.Q9.Q.,______ ~E~~~ ~ ....................................... --- ~.£~~g~

~-...i~QQ::.Ra.oo................ . .. ±lE .... %. ~ ........................................ _ .. _ ···----··..%.

t.~QQ.Q~SP.QO................. . .. :: .... 6 .... %. ~--·-------··-··---···-·· ............... %.

J.£!..ir~~.:to .. -s.lo.w. ......................... --.

...... S.:ttlt.i.o ................................................. ..

u .. a .... :.~a ...... ---- ~.£~~~~ ~---····--·-·-···------- ~-~~~~~ ~ .... 3L .. -:: .. ~fi.. ....... _ .. ____ ... !.15 .... %. ~ .................................... _........ .. ............. ~

~-ESL: .... iQ...._________ ... :...!L~ $.. ... , ........................................... ··--·······'!:. ..... Q.Q9.9-................................ " ............ - ........ .

I?· .. Prtdicti!d Rent ·Trend ... J?~g],iQ...__________ .......................... ·-------·--····---···----(~ 6-:12 ~nth.s) . . . .

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION {past ,..) No ...... ~ ........... T:YJ?e & Price .... i~-~'2---··-··--··· .. How Selling __ .f.g.tr .... ----

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPER TIES: a. HOLC ................. 9....................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC ................ l ...................... b. Institutions__ .................................... . · Available up to 40% 3-31•39

6, MORTGAGE FUNDS:~ .. -~PE!..~~-~-~.L 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PBR $1000 (1931L) $--·-----.. --·-------·-


ThiS. seotio,n is ·](no.vn as Peterborough and was laid out by Leona Peters in 1927; lies ·southwe.st of Springfield and is now 20% ·built up with an

·. nverage lot front of 50 feet. Homes range in price from $4000•5500; the houses are of double construction. Fair school facilities; fair trans~ portation; outlying 'rieighborhood·; ·no 'utilities except electricity, Trend will remnin statio.

Property,' if acquired, should be sold but not sacrificed .•

Peterborough -9. LOCATION .. - .. .Ak:t:£U4.-0hi.o. ___ .,. ....... SECURITY GRADE. ....... Q ........ AREA N0 ..... 7.J.7 ...... DATE.F..e.b.! . .39

~~ DESCRiPTION --. Secur_iiy ···¥ap of ___ ~Q.~.~. ... .QhJ..Q._ ............. _ ............ --······~

1. POPULATION: ~ •. i a. Iftb-eanng .Y~!.Y-111-... &h.ilx................. Decrea$ing _____ ., ... ---························-·····-- Static·········-··--

b. Ciass and O~pation ................... ~~1?.9F..§J.!".!L..-------·---·-----·--·-··~--··--··-·-·--·····---·······-----··-·

n• n·u o% c. roretgn .,~ma es ..... ·--··-·-. NatiOnaliti.es ............................... - .................................. _ .. ,.................................. d. Negro ......... Q ...... 1:.

e. Skifting or Infiltration ... _____ ....................... _ ...................................... _ .......................... _ ..................................................................... _ ............. .


a. Type ~nd Sb:e

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. _Jepair

e. ~pancy

, f. ~-occupied

g. 1935 Price Brac~t

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. J.Iln .... !.3.9 ..... _Price Brac~t

• j. Sales Demand

k. Pr~cttd Price Trend (next. 6.·12 ~nths)

L 19~5 Rent Brac~t

m. 1937 Rent Brac~t

n. .. !I.IliLL3JL ..... Ren~ Brac.'ket

o. Rerlta.l .Demand

...... .QTI!~B:_m~--- .. I!?_~ 2 story single

.. f.P.:m1.;l..Y.. ... 9. .... r:9.9.ID.?. .......................... -

_ ..... E!.!l~ .................... _ ........................... .. . ........ F.r.gm~ ................................................. ..

......... t..~ ... .Y.!:.~.! .................................. - ... -- ......... J.§ .... Y.r. .. §.!. ....... - ........... - ....... - ....... ..

........ :Jr.qi.:r. .................................... ,_ ................ . ........ J'.'.(ltr. ............................... _ ................ _ .

........ !?..7~ ........................ : _____ ..................... . . .. : ..... ~.m .. _ ............................... _ ................. ..

......... §.!?.% ........................................................ .. . .. _ .... 6.5~ ........ _ ........ _ ....... _ ... , ................... ..

tJ .. QQ.Q.::-~J.QQ .... ,_.___ <!.> .. ~~!!£~. ~ ... laOQ.::.a.e.oo................. ~-~~~~~

~ .. J.lQ.Q.:.?.§QQ................ ..:t.i6. .... ~ t..2QQ.0.::3;3Q.Q_.............. .. ..... tlfi.~

~ .. 19Q.Q:::g.?._§Q................. ...: .. JL .. %. !.J..®.Q.:.Q.O..Q.Q ....... _...... . ... --: .... 9.1!

...... §.±gJ!. ________ ., .. _ ...................................... . . ..... ~ .. :J:w. ................. _______ .. ___ , .. __ _

..... §]_g._"j;:,;i,Q. ............................................ - .. ,._.§:tl?:.t.iQ ............... _ ........ ~ ....................... .

~--~ ... .::.J .. 4.._...................... '%..£L~!!«~ !..l~L.:: ... 2.0 ......... _ .. ___ ~-~~~R.~

t§l .... :: .. J . .'L....................... . .. ±.la .... %. $. ... 1£.. .. : .... ~JL.................... .. ... ±.17 .. %.

~JL.:: ... ;t§ __________ , .. :: .... €L~ t.1.6 .... :-.... 2.2........................ .. .... = .... 7 .. ~

..... ao.od ......................................................... . ..... G..o.!l.d .............. _________________ .... __

i'· Pre~d ~t Trend ...... ~t.G.ti. .. Q ..... --.. ------·-·-.. ---·-- ..... ~:tfil..ti.o .................... - .... ·---(next 6-12 months}

3. NEW CONSTRUcTION ~t ,r.) No ....... § ......... T-ype & Price _ ....... t£.9.9.Q._ ........... How Selling .. Ji~.tll-~ ... .Q.M~--

4. OVERHANG OF HO,ME PROPER TIES: a. HOLC ............. 9........................... b. Institutions .. - ................... _ ............ -3·31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,yr.) a;,1

HOLC ............. l......................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. ' Available up to 40Jo 3-31""39.

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:.E!: .... t:zl?.E!'.~~§..~.t .. 7. TOTAL TAX. RATE PER $1000 (193 ... 6.) $-... - ........... - .... -.. .


This area is known as the Peorless Allotment and was laid out by Jacob Nahr in 1916; lies southeast of Springfield Lake; now 20% built up; o.vernge lot front 50 feet. Fair school facilities; fair transportation. Price runge of homes $1000-3000 •. 10%' of streets are·. pnved; remninder cindered, Out;lying community; no utilities except electricity. Trendwill probably remain static; practically all homes .in area. nre of single construction.

Property, if acquired,: .~hould be sold for. fair offer.

Peerless Allotment 9. LOC~TION .......... ., .. ~-~!!,._.Qh!-.2 ....... - ..... · SECUIUTY GRADE. .......... C ...... AREA NO ....... .J.J:l ...... DATE ... F..e.P. .. ~9

~ DESCRIPTION Security'!: Map oL~_QJ?: ..... .9.l:ti. o ---···-··---·--··---·-···

1. POPULATION: a. lfiC1'8'a.ring _____ Sl~-~~1Y.: ...................... ~sing--·-····--···············-··-···--- Static ................ _


b. Class and Occupation __________ ~.E.2r.~!~_:...f!!£..~.!Y_w_Qrk~!J!_, ___________________________________ _

c. Foreign Families-.E ........ ~ Nationalities .................................. .¥..~~-~t........................................................ d. Negro. ___ Q ......... 'fo

e. Shifting or Infiltration ..... - ........................................ _ ........................ - .. ·-·--·---··---·-·-·----·--·-······--········-··-··-···-·----····--·---···--·-·------·----


a. Type and Ske

b. Construttion

c. A'llerage Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

J. Owner-occUpied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. J.lln ... !.3.9 ........... Price Bracket

j, Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6·12 months)

l 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. Jo.n. .. ! .. 39 ........ Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 65 ~ -sffiai1ToottO:ie·;·~d"---------

, --~P.:€5-~-~-~~---A .. ~.'2.'?.~~-----------------

________ E.!:~9. ........................................ __

_______ l:!?_~!'!.! ....... -...................... - ..

. .............. ¥. .. ~!!: ......... _ ... , .......................... _ .. .

-----------~--~----------------·-······---------------.. .............. §.~~-------·------------------------------------------

~ ... 1Q.QQ:::? .. QQ.9_________ %.£~!!8'~

!.JlQ.Q.:.? .. 4Q.Q................ -±.l1. .... ~.-~

~ .. 19.QQ:~.~-?..QQ................. ::-.... !?. ......• ~

_____ .Ql9J'f ________________ ............................. ..

_______ s.t.P.::tu •. o ............................................... .

t_e_ . ...:,.J,~------------ ~-~~~

t .. JL::: .... l.L ........ -........ ...:':.lB .... %.

~---9 .... ::: ... ~5 ......... ____ .. =....B. .... %.

....... ..G.o.a.d .................................. _ ................ .

OTHER TYPE 35 % "2'"'8-tory-·s ingle... -------·-... f.~.t!:Y. .... ~----~9 .. '?.ID.§ .......................... _

............ f..:r..~~--------·-----·---·--··------·--····------

. ........... J .. f?. .•. :t.'t;!!, __________________________ _

.. ........... F~-~.! ........................................... __ _

... -.: ..... ~!?%. .......................... ----·--··---------

............. 9-!2~---------···-·-··-·····-----··---··· ~LgQQ.0.::4?.QQ____________ 1?.£~!!:~

l. ...±1.6 .... %.

~-fJ,QO .. 49.Q.Q_________ ... :_JL.~

. .... .S.l.ow. .............................. -------

__ .QtA.t.iQ ................................................ _

!.~5 .... :::. ... ~2. ... _ .. ______ ~-~~~~

~ .... 16 ..... :: ... ~0....................... ..::1:.19 ..... %.

t.JJL.:-.... !?.9........................ : ... --~-1

____ JJ:.o.Q!l ........... - ....................................... ..

p._ Predicted Rent Trend ___ ..£.t.c.:ti1L. .... __________ ........ S.tll.t.ic... ........ _. _______ _ · (ne~ 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past yr.) No ...... ?..Q ......... T':Jpe S Price .... i?..?.JiQ ___ ........... How Selling ..... ~,;tow ________ _

-4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ............ ~ .......................... b. Institutions ........... --..................... .. 3-31-39

S. : SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... :yr.) a. HOLC ............. 9:.......................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE ·FUNDS:_ ... !:[email protected]:. ............... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... 8.) $._?.fJ_,_;w. _____ _


This is ono of tho newer districts developed about 1920. Tho most sub­stantial homes are located in the northeast section along East Avenue; average lot front 50 feet; built up 40%; good transportation. Fairly convenient to schools. Northwest portion is nearly o.ll vo.co.nt. About 20 now homes are under construction in tho north end along !~so Avenue; these homes o.re of the choo.p typo, c·osting o.bout $2250 o.nd consisting of 4 rooms. Aren is no~ restricted. Homes loco.ted in the northern section o.long East Avenue rnngo i'a p:dce from $3000•4500; while in the southern section they will average o.bout $2000 since nearly nll improvements con­sist of bungnlows nnd smo.ll cottages. 90% of tho homos in tho entire nren nre of single coristructiort. Vary few pnvod streets. Po.ssugo on outlying unpnvod streets is very difficult in bud wenther.

Property, if noquired, should be sold but not sncrifiood.

9. LOCATION .. _ ...... ~..9.~.t.._<2h!g ____ ~----···· SECURlTY GRADE ..... Q ........... AREA NO .... J.~ ......... DATE..E.~.hL3~

AREA DESCRIPTION Securitf )..lap oL-~<2!!-.a~ ... Q.Q.j,_Q ........................ ---····-·

1. POPULATION: ~. · SUMl · a. lncw'~a.ring-.. ·-·--·-··JS .... - ... Y--····-····· Decreasing _________ ..................... ___ Static·-····--·-

b. Class and Occupation.-..... _______ ___!~~:Eory wo~~~------··---·---·--····--····------·-. I

. ~ • '1:' .,,_ 25 1o c. .l:"oreagn ranuwcs ............. - .. Nationalities._ .............................. !JY.~g~.!.~---·--··-·····--···................... d. Negro __ Q ...... _ .. 'f?.

e. Shifting or In/ilt'ration-.. - ....................... ~.!.9.'!f..J· .. ~.g:!?.!'.~!!.9!1 ... .9.f .. J!~.£;~ti.~;?o-~ ..................................................................... .

2. BUii..DlNGS: ~_!tEJ?..Q.Mlli~IINQ ...... ?.9. .... %. OTHER TYPE 30 % -:sungn"fowsancr--- ____ .. _ a. T,pe and Ske· ~---~~J.E¥-~.~~-~-~ .... !:~.?:J...Y. ......... . -~9.~~~-ts-~-~-------------------~·····--···--

b. ConstrUction FrOl!le .. -·-·-····--··------···--···--~··-·· ... -·-···-- Frrune ···-·-··········--·-·-······-·-------... -------·········--·--·

c. At~eTage Age _____ }-_~-.1.!"~~---.................. --.. -·-··-·. ____ }·-~ ... F..~..!.-.... ----·-----·---..

d. ~r ........ -~!?.-.~! ........................... ~ ............... ____ _ ........ t~.~-~------·--·--·-···-·----.-------······---~·

e. Occupancy ··-----~~------·-···-------··--·-·---·-··· ...... 'c...~ .. 7%. ....... ___ .......................................... .

'f. Owner-..OCCUpied '· ..... _ ... §!?~ ..................................................... . ........ £!?~----···----------------·----··

g. 1935 Price Bracket $. ... .?..®.Q:!i§.Q.Q______ ~EM!!S~ ~J.QP..Q~?.-~.QQ_________ %. .. ~~!'-~~

h. 19n. Price Bracket ! .. g19 .. 9.-=~§Q9.. ....... - ... - .. ±.!.~ ..... ~ ~.:J:.§QQ.~;g~Q .. Q._ .. _____ .... ! .. l(? .... ~

i. ...... J;.an..:.!.39 ..... Price Bmcfcet '~ ... .?..7.QQ~~-QQ.Q., .. _........... · ... ~ .... 1. .... %. ~J.QQ0•39..Q.Q.._.... .:. .. JL~

·j. Sales Demand "-:--f.P.:i.!: .. _. ______ ......................... --·--·· __ .EQ.ir ............ ----·-----·-

k. Predicted Price Trend '(next '6.-12 months) .

•.. .....:~:!;g]_;hQ:, .. :!;Q ... Y.P.'Ml:r~;l ..... - ..... - ..... ~9::J(J.Q ..... tQ_YJ?.Y.m:.r.d ........... _ .. _

t 1935 ~t Br~kec $_li?.....:. .. .2J!. _____ ~....... %.-~-~~ !...1.Q. . .: ... 22. .... _._____ .g-~~7!~~

m. 1937 Rent Bfticket ! .... J . .9 .... .: . ..Q{L ......... ___ .. ilJL.%. ~ ... l2. ... :::. .. 2JL ......... -·-· .. :tl6 ..... %.

n. ..JAn. .. .! . .3a .. : .... Rent. Bracket l. ... l!L:_.QA_____ .:.....e....~ . t.li! .... ~ ... 2.2........................ ..:. .... 8--~

o. Rental Demand . , . , ..... ...JlO.Qd .................... ~ .. ~---··---·--·-···---- ... ..Gaad. ..... :._ . ...: ....... ----·---·---·--····--

p. Predicted ~~ Trend . ___ ..Skti.o_t.a~.L--- ... Jit.n:ti.c. .. :tJJ. .. u,p:wxu:d.. __ _ , (next 642 months> ·

3. ~W CONSTRUCTION {past ,-.) No ........ ?& ..... T:~pe & Price JJ..§QQ~_Q.Q ... _HOw Selling ......... .F_Qir. ___ _


5. SALE. OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~.)

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-.b1P.E:.:t~9. .... : ........... 7.

. a. HOLC. ......... JJL........................ b. Institutions ...................................... _ 3-31-39

a. HOLC ............. ~.......................... b. Institutions_ ..................................... . 3-31-39

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... 6 .. ) $.-... 2.S .. &Q .. _____ _


~is district wns'laid out about 1910 and is 60% built up. A concentration of 2-story. houses is locatod in the sou~west section along Wingate nnd Corey Aves, built about 1920~ and average about $3500. The rest of the aren is sprinkled with small cottages and bungalows• Those range in price of $2500. Pra.ctically nll cindered streets excepting Waterloo Road which is tho mnin artery and lJ,oavily traveled~ · Transportation is good excepting in the Wingate-corey district. Ac~ossibility to west end t:tf' aroa wo.s improved by the construction of n bridge· nt 27th Street ond .Kenmore Boulevard. Western part is within rep.sono.ble di stancQ to schools~ churches and to tho Pnlmor Match Compo.ny o.nd Wright Tool Compa.ny. About '20 new homoe o0nstructed during pa.st yea.r in the Winga.te·Cprey district. The area is .loontod midway between .Akron and Barberton and- within sho'rt distance to lo.rge ind'!lstries~ Th~ eastern part of this o.ren is low reoln~:med vn.cant swamp land~ Nesmith Lake locat_ed in area provides swimming, fishing a:Ud recreation •. The aren should mo.into.in its present level with n possibility of, slight improve­ment;.

Property, if ncquired, should bo sold but not so.orificed. 80% of the houses aro of single construction.

Am. DESCRIPTION S .i·.·. ·:: .... M· ,· .· · f' Akron ·ohio ecurtty ap o -·---···--·--·t ......... ________ ........ , ______ .. __ _

1. POPULATION: !:{ Inl!feasing.:... .... ~!~S.~.~l:Y. ............... -........ Decreasing . ...:. ___________ .................... ~----- Stittic -----·-··-····

b. Clas$ and Occupation ________ , __ ~aot~y wor.~-~---------------·--···· .. ··-.. ·--···---·-···-·-

c. F;eign FamiUes ..... E.~-~ Nationalities_ .......... ?.J2Y.~~!?. ... P.:~.g .... !?."PJ:l:~?::.!L ........................ - .. ,...... d. Negro .............. -.%..

e. Shifting or lnfiltration _________ ...................................................................... _._ .................... --.--...................................................................... .

2. BtJILl)INOS: ~~~Q.QM •. !.l:~~!!~.Q ....... 2.9 .... 1.! ____ QIH...E.~ ... mg___ .JLQ ___ %. 2 story ono

a. T,pe and Site .. f.fl:m1l.x ... 2. .. nn .. ~.---............................. ..J ... ~.R.rY. ... Q.n<;L_g.Q:t.t.o..g~.s ....... _

b. Consmcction

c. Average Age

d. J!epaiY

e. Occupancy

. f. Owner~ceupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. o!_Q:-g_ •.. ! .. ~ ............ Prlce Bracket

- j, Sales Demand

k. Predic:kd Price Tr~ cne~ 6~ 12 monehs> ·

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. .J_q:rL~-~-....... Rent BracJcet

o. Rental Demand

.... .f..r-~.<1 ... -····-----·-................... _ ..... ..

...... ~!L.xt .. l?..t. ... :._ ........................ - ............ .

.... .F.ai.r. ........................................................ .

_!i}_'J:'J .................................................... __ , ..

... : .. '!..CJ!?. ........................................................... ..

~ .. gQQQ=.?.~.QQ ........ - .... - ~E~~K.~.

~ .. ].QQQ::·.~.!?.QQ................ - .. ±.1.8. .... %.

~---~~29..::~29.9................... ..:: ... ~ ..... %.

Fuir ..... :Firm---to ..................... -................ ___ __ ... .E.11&.ti~.Y. ... ~..m!.fl:!'.2:_ ............ ,. __

L .. t~ ___ : __ ?_g____________ %. .. ~~!!~~

~ ... J.§ .... :: ... g.7..................... ..:!:19 ..... %.

!_ __ !.?. .... : ... ?..1:._______ .. : . ..'! .... '!!.

....... .G:2.9..4 ....................................................... .

.. .......... f;t:J;mJ.O. .............................................. ..

............ l.6 ... :y:t.f3..a ........ _ ............................... ·

.. ......... F.o.ir. ........................... - ................... .

.... :.. ...... 9.~ ..................... - ............................. ..

. ........... J.r::t!J ............... _ ............................... .

~--~10.Q.~.Z.4Q.Q _______ .. ~-~~~~~

~ ...... H?Q0.~2Ji00.............. . . .. :12....%.

~---J.?.QQ~_?.§Oq __ ........ .::. .. ..7_%.

........ ¥..9:;.?:': ............... ----·-··-------Firm to

........ ~+J.g_}1_:tf.~Y. .... 1J.P.1'YP.::rg .................. ..

t.l9 .... :: .. JJL .. ________ lf£.~~8.'~

~ ... l9 ..... ~ ... .?..9........................ ..:t.la ..... %.

~-19. ... :: ... ~.1........................ ..::_.9. ..... '&

.... Q.Q.Qft ............................................ --..

p. Predicted Rlmt Trend. ...-.. 2l!g_~!~X-~.m£.Wd ·-·--··-- ... J?.U.&h.tly: .. Y.:tlm\r.d.. ______ _ (next 6-12 month.!)

3. NEW· CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.)· No ........ ~.?. ...... .T.,pe & Price J.l~Q.Q.:::?..~..9. ..... Row Sell:ing .... f.g1:r. ..................... _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ............... J.! .............. -... b. Institutions ............... - ...................... . 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... yr.) a. HOLC ................... 1.................... b. Institutions ........................................ . Avni~ublo up to 4~ 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-9.f. .. ~P.P..!:~J~ .. t?:1. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER' $1000 (193 .. 8 .. ) $_2.2..&0 ...... - ....... .


This section_ wns laid 'JUt in 1919•1920; now 45fo built up; PI7ico rnngo of homes $1500-3000; ,20% of streets uro puved; romninder gruvolod.. Average lot front 40. feet; good trunsportution; good school, church ,nnd store fuci­_litios.: Section lying north of Wooster Rond hns all utilities; limited utilities ns to bn~nnco of urea.. North part of urea enst of ruilroad detrimentally uffeotud by strata. snndstono close to surfnco.

Trnffio is vQry honvy on Wooster Rond (Akron Enst Avenue Ex'\?ension) 1 North nnd State Stroot. Erie Railroad and Tuscarawus River· puss ~hrough center of area. Properties ndjoining rnilrond nre uffootod by smoko und dirt. On the whoio; tho aron should hold its own for next 5-10 yonrse

Property, i:f' acquired# should bo sold but not sncrificod• 90% of housos nre of sin~le construction~

Barberton 9. LOCATION_.~gQ.~QhiQ ___ ~----· .. - SECURITY ORADE. ......... Q ...... AREA NO ........ U ...... DATE...f.!?.P..~-~9

A'REA ·. DES€RIPTI0N. ... securitf Map; · of .... Al9.'2.!!..t..: .. Qfl..i9. ........................ - .. -~---

1. · POPULATION: ~'J a. lnmieasing _______ ~..: ....................... _............ l)ecreasfng ______ ................ -·····---··--·- Static ... 1" .. ~-~----

b. Class and Q:cupation ... - .. -------~t!?.~-~<?.llar.ed Jm!!._Q1d~~ru!..!len ------·---------·---··-··

c• Foreign· Families .... .§ ...... Jf Nc:uionaUtii!$ ...................... ~.;1.Q~.~----· ... -........ _.......................................... d. Negro_Q ............. 'J3.

e. Shifting' or · Infiltration ...... - ................... _ ....... - ............................................. _ ......... - ..................................................................... - ..................... ..

2. BUILOINGSr PREDOMINATING 90 % OTHER TYPE '% ·L'arge--2-sto.ry ... o:r ................... ------------------------ ---------a.· T:ype and -SU:e .. !?.!~~E .... !?Y.:E~ .... ?..:7 .... ~-~................. . .................... _ ................................................. _

b. ConstTUetion

c. AVe1'age. Age

d. ~r

e. 0ccupancy

. g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 19l7 Pnce Bracket

i• ..... Jan. ... ! . .39 ..... Price Bracket

- j, Sale$ Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

lo 1935 Rent Bracket

m; 1937· Rent Bracket

n. ..ol~P--~-~g ___ .... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand


......... ~.2 .... Y.! s .!: ....... - ............ ----·-----·--

........ F..~J.r. ..................................................... ..

........ ~_Tfg __ ...................................................... ..

......... 9.9..%. ........................................................ ..

~ .. .2.QQQ=~2.QQ_________ ~E~~~~

~ •. .2.i?.QQ.:.~.OO.Q ................ , .. ±l.5. .... %.

~--~lQQ.~300.Q................. ..~ .... 7. ..... ~

.... F.a.ir ....... _ ............................................... .. Statio to

· .... .a~igh:tl¥-···upwar.d ..................... ..

t--~~-...: ... g! .......... ______ %..~.~~(!:.

t .... ~.7 .... : ... ?.~..................... ..!.*.?. ..... %.

$. ... -~.?. ... : .... ~.§ ......... _,_ .:: .... '!. ..... %..

........ G.Q.Q.\i ...................................................... .

p, Predicted Rent Trend' ---~-ligh.tl.y_.u.plmr.d.. ..... ____ _ (next 6--12 months)

~-------·-··-·........................ ~.£~~~~

$. .......................................... -... __________ %.

~--·····-···--··-···---······· ......... _ ... tf:

L·-·------·----·····-··-----··· ~-~-~~~~ $................................................. .. .............. %..

$................................................. -·----·---~

3~ NEW CONSTRUCfiON (past :yr.) No ......... : ......... .T,pe & Price ................... =. .. - ............ How SeUing .............. :c ... ______ _

.f. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ......... J ........................... b. Institutions ....... - ............................. .. 3-31 .. 39

S. ~ OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,..) a. HOLC ............. O........................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. Available up to 40% 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE Fl.JNDS:_ . .Q..f. ... P.:BP..r.~J~.P.:l. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 .. 8 .. ) $_.,. ................. - ..... ~


This is the oldest section of Barberton. Practically fully. built up. Consists largely of 2 story one family frame dwellings of the older type. All paved streets. Very good transportation. Convenient to sohools and churches. Abutts district along Second Street and Tuscara­was Avenue West. SU!'rounds beautiful lake Anna which provi¢ies good bathing facilities. Abutts industry on the south and west.


Very heavy vehicular traffic along Tuscarawas Avenue and Sepond Street. Level terrain. Price range of homes $2000-3500. Area will! remain fairly static for few years at least. ·

Property, if acquired, should not be sacrificed. 7o% of thb houses nre of single construction. Rather smoky district because of proximity to seve~al industries and railroads.

Barberton 9. LOCA TION ........... ~.t~J:!_,_....Q.h.iq.................. SECURITY GRADE. ...... 9.......... AREA NO~ ......... ?.?.... DA TE.t~.Q.~Qll

A'REA DESCRIPTION Securitf Map of~~n.~ __ Q.ill,Q ......... - .. ··--·--·---

1. POPULATION: ~~ . a. lnl!t'easing __ .. ~-~..'!?.!1 ........ _._________ Decreasing_ ....... ---·-···--·······-··--- Static_ .. - .. --.. -

b. Class and Occupation.-.. !.~~-~oz::r. .. .!!2!'~---·-------··---.. -·--·-.. ---·---------·-.. -·--·----

c. Foreign Familiu ..... !'2 ..... ~ Nationalities ......................... ~19..!~.1?.............................................................. d. Negro .. Q .......... ..:J:.

e. Shifting or Infiltration .. _ .... ~-~?:-.!:!.Y. ... ~.~-~!Y. .... !.~.!'J:..!.:t?.:\.~."J?.;.~~--9.f __ §J!?:~E.h ............................................. - .......................... .


b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. liePCiir

e. Occupancy

. f. Owner-oceupied

g. 1935 Price Bracktt

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .: ... Jan ... ! .. &L.Price Bracket

• j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

l 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Brack£t

n. ...I.m1... .. !..39 ......... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

~~-~Q.O~B~.TI~..Q ...... ?..?. .... ~ 2 story single

.. f.Mil~ .. .fLr..o.oms ___ ................. -- ...l ... .s:t.o.r.y. .... 5 . ..r.o.am.s ...................... _

......... .l!:f!!l!~ .... - ......... - .......... - .......... . ............... F.r.~.~ ........................................... .

-·-··--*.§ .... Y.!:.§.!L .... - ......................... ___ _ ................ l~ ... :yi,P..t.. __ , _____ , ________ _

........... !l:.:!.?.:l1 .... fP.:.i.r. ................................... . ............... Y.'.Y..!?.t. .•. f..g.i.r._ ...... - ...... - .. - ......

•-""""_g"~""""""""•oo•oo•oo,.,_,.,,,.,.,.,,.,.,,.,,,.,.,, .... : ......... .il .. ~ ....................... - ....................... ..

............ 7.9.% ..................................................... .. .. .,,, _____ 7.Q% .... _ ........ _ ................................ .

~ .. ?QQQ.~_g_~QQ __ ,_____ '%. .. ~~~K~ ~ .... l2..0.0 .. -:.2.lQ.Q................. ~-~~~g~.

! .. ?.gQQ::~.~.iQQ................. ' ..... :t.i.7..~ t.l3.00.~.2.6.o.o. _____ .. __ · .. .t.~a ... ~

~ .. 2.0QQ.~3.QQ.O.................. . .... .-:: .... 7 .. %. t.~~.99..:? .. ~.29 ____ .... ,.. ··=--~-1?

.. Jf.qir._ ........ - ...................................... _. ,_E.Q..ir ............... - ... ---·-·-·--Statio to Stntic to

..... e.l.i~:t.lY. ... Ymu.u:~L .................. .. ..~§.l.~t.ly. ... up:w.g.r.d .............. - ... -

lM. ... -:....Z.!i_ ... _............... '&£~~~~!: ~-.J.Q....~ .... l.8. ... _.,_____ ~.£.~~~~

tl'! .... :. ... i?.fL..................... ..:!:.1.8 ..... 1:! $. ..... ll ... ~ .... 2.2 .... -.............. ..+ ~8 ..... %.

ll.§ .... :: ... ~.L ... _ .. ____ .. :.-~.-~ t .... l.Q ... :: ... ZQ..................... . . .::-_.9 ..... ~

.... 1!-.0.J:!.d.. ................................ ______ , ........... . .. __ .G.o.o.d. ............... _ ..... - .......................... ..

Jl. Predicted Rent Trend .... i.Ugh:t.l¥-,.uPJll.QX.d.________ ........ ~.1-J,&h]J.Y. .... Y.mmr.(l ............. _ (next 6--12 tf10nths)

3. NEW CONsTRUCTION (past ,-.) No ..... !§ .......... .T,pe & Price _ _!gQQ.Q... ... _ ........ How Selling .......... f. .. ~~r--·-·-

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ........... 1: ........................... b. Institutions._ .................................. _ 3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~·.) a. HOLC ............ ?............................ b. Institutions ........................................ . Available up to 4o% 3-31•39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-..Y..f. .... ~EI?!.~!.~!?:J-7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193. ..... ) $ __ .................. - ... ··- •


This section, known as the "Johnson.' s Corners" district. vro.s platted about 1916j now 5~ built up, with 20% of its streets paved and the remainder graveled. · Transportation is good through center of area west nlong Wooster Rond, but only, fait through balance of district. Vehicular traffic is very h~nvy on Wooster Road nnd Massillon Road. This section is convenient to industry, schools, churches o.nd stores (retc.il stores und shops clustered nlong Wooster Rot\d West), The foreign elem~;~nt is oonoentrnted gonerully ~.n the north ho.lf;' (oldest} po.rt · of the areo.J (Erie Rnilroo.d traverses horo). The pnrt of this area immediately south of Columbia Lake contnins a houvy sprinklin&; of shucks rringing in price from $700•$1200. Duo to proximity of employment tnearby Colum~ia Chemical Co. & fittsburgh Valvo Company) this uron s~)uld hold its own for ~ovoral years o.nd improve slightl;y in the southern po.rt (only limited utilities 4ow nvnilnble sou'tll of Wooster Roo. d). Tho ·a.vorngo lot frontage in this area is 40 foot -- improve• monts aro practically nll of single construction.

Property, if acquired. should no~ be sacrificed.

Bnrberton 9. LOCATION .......... A!g'ot!a. Ohi.!L.~ ............ SECURITY ORADE. ... JL ...... AREA N0-... ~ .... 2.3. .... DATEJ::&.12.!.~9

AREA DESCRIPTION Sec • ~'-·M f Akron Ohio urtty- ap o -------... ····----········-·-···----------

1. POPULATION: a.ii:I1 lncfM.sing _____ ~!_~~~~Y. ......... ----········ Decrea.sing ___________ , ....... ·--········------ Static-···------

b. Clas.~ and Occupation ________________ _!:.~borers ______________________ _

c. Foreign FamiUes_J:9. ..... ~ Natioruslities.--·····-········-··-··}!;h;.~~L ... ______________________________________________ d. Negro __ Q ________ 1.l.

e. Shifting err Infiltration.-------·-·-··--··············-···-····-···--···--·--··-···---······-··-·····-·--···--····-······----··-·······-·····-·····---------···········-

2. BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING ao % ____ _<?.11:!.~~ TYP~-- ...... ?..QJ T··;t;~y--····-·--·-- ·-··-····-· 2 story single

a. T,pe and Site .Q.Q]_"!;_g._gQ_:\!Y.P..Q •..•.••..•.. _...................... .i.ram.iJY. .... Q .... r..9.Qt!BL ....................... ....

b. Conmuaion

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. Occupancy

g. 1935 Price Braclcet

h. 1937 Piice Braclcet

i. .J.!Ul ... !.39 ......... Price Bracket

·j. Sale.t Demand

k. Predicted Price TTend (next 6-12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .J.a.n....!..3.9.. ..... J~ent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

.... F.r.P.:IDP __________________________________ _

.. J£.o.i.:r. ...... ---·-··············-······-···········-······ __ _g_m ____________________________________________________ _

..... 9.!2%. ...................................................... _____ _

~ .... lQ.Q.Q:.P-lQ.Q._____ ~E~~~C:.

t .... :J:.J..Q.Q:g§Q~L.......... , .. ±.l6= ... %.

t .. lQ.Q.Q::.?._g_QQ______________ .. :-::l.l ..... %.

______ l;ij...Qw;_ ___________________________________ _

_____ $..t.Q.t.io. ...... -············-----···--················

LfL:-... .1.4_________________ ~-~~~K~

~ .... a .... .-: .... la ............ _ .. _...... . .... :t.la .. %.

t .. JL-: ... l.Q.______________ ... _:-:.12..~

..... _G.o.od .. -.. ·--·····-·····-···-·····--···············

........... F.r.~.Q ....... -------·······-······················-

............ l.!?. ... ;Y.r..l'i.!t .... __________________________ .

--·····-F.G.i.:r. _______________________________________ _

------'---~-7.% .................. ____________________________ _

--···----6~-------·--------------·-·····------~---2.lQ.Q.:-::48.QQ___________ ~-~~~g~_

~--... 2.4.QQ:=.9..6Q.Q._______ .... tlJL~

~-r!2912=il.O.O.Q________ .:: .... 9 ... _%.

····--.S.l.aw: ...... ---··-------·-------·--· ______ s.t.o.tio. _____________________________________ _

~--.. llL.~.--3.8.___________ ~-~-~~~~

t ... l.7 .... :: .. _4.5 ..... -----·-·····-· .±.l7. .... ~

t ... lfi .... ::-.... 40 __________________ . .:::.ll .... ~

..... _G.o.o.d. _________________________________ _

p._ Predicted ~ Trend .. _..S:b.o.ti.c...-~--------·---·---- ....... 9..~_g,t.i9.----------------·---------(next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONS'fliUCTION (past yr.) No ........ f?. ........... T'Jpe & Price _j_!Q.Q~-~~.!?2 ..... -How Selling ... !!.~~t_Fo.!r __

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ................ ~----··········-········ b. IMitutions .. -----·---·-··--·--········--3-31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... yr.) a. HOLC·--·-·---·---t·-···········-····--· b. lnstitutioru ........................................ . Avnilo.blo up to 4~ 3-31 .. 39

6. MORTOAGE-FUNDS:..of.._o.ppr.w.o.l .... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..S. .. ) $_g§.._Q.i .... ·--·---·-


This section wo.s lnid out in 1917; now 40% built up; o.vero.go lot front 40 feet. However, the north portion of the o.reo., lying imm9dio.tely north of Porto.ge Lo.ke Avenuo, known o.s tho "Lnko Vi ow Heights" Allotment wns origino.lly lnid out in 20 foot front lots, but the purchasers in onch instnnco bought nt loo.st two lots for eo.oh improvoment. The southenst portion consists of ()ottngos nnd n fnir sprinkling of sha.oks.1 This pnrticulnr section is known o.s tho "Cottnga Grove Allotmont~ 11

" The boat residentinl section of this nron is ~ thnt port lying south of Portngc Lnke Avenue on the wo.ter front of Eo.st Reservoir~

Limited utilities; the entire oren ho.s fo.ir trnnsportntion ~nd school facilities. Homes ro.ngo in price from $1000•5000, About 80% of homos nre of ~~!~ construction. Tho doubly constructed homes oro loco.tod o.long MiliilStreot just south of PQrtnge Lo.ke Avenue.

Property, if o.cquired, should-be sold but not snorifiood.

coventry 9. LOCATION .•.... ~~~ ... Oh~·-·--· .. ········ SECURITY GRADE. ...... Q ......... AREA NO--.--,--~-~--- DATE...F.ab.!..39


1. POPULATION: !;1~)

a." ln«easing ._, ........ .:....~·-··-··-·-····-···-·--····· Decreasing-·-··--····························--- Static . ..Y.aa-.. ..

b. Cltus and Occupadon.-....... _.Q.QP!mQn.....l.a...'Q~!t-... ---·---·---·------··-··-·-----·-·····-·······-···--

c. Foreign Families ...... ~Q-~ Nationalities ............. _ .............. Ua..lim ......... -............................................ d. Negro .... J?. ......... %.

e. Shifting or InfiltrCJtion ...... -·--·----~!'?.!-Y.Y.:. .. ~~1-.. "R!~~'!l:\LQ.!' ... J.:!2~.li~.P.~.----·····-····--···-·-········--··---·--·-············--


a. T:tpe and Site

b. Constncction

c. Average Age

d. ~r

e. Occupancy

' f. Owner«C14pjed

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price B ... acket

i. J.an. ... ! .. 39 .......... Price Bracket

·J, Soles Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

I. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. ...Jan .... ! .. 3.9 ....... Rent Bracket

o. ·Rental Demand

P: Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

2 .... s.:tor.y. ... s.ingl.e .... f.mnil.Y. ... §._rm.s

. _..E.r.DIIlB-----------·-····---·----··-·----

.. _ .... .30 ... :yr.s ............................................. ..

......... F.air .... o.nl;;: ..................................... .

......... 9 . .6$ ......... _ ............. - ........................... ..

.......... 60%..-.................................................. ..

~--.. l.70.Q.~MQQ._____ ~E .. ~~g_~

~ ....... laoo.~.2:ZO.Q.......... • ±12.: .... %.

t ... J-.?..9.9.::-.?.§.QQ............. :~: .... '!. ....... %.

. _____ .§J,QY.L...-.......................................... _

- .... Jl<:tw.UWJi\X' .. d ....................................... .

!..J..s ..... ::: ... llL.................. %..£.~E.8.~

$. ... .1.9 .... ::: .... ? .. ~-------···---·--- .... :':1§ ... %.

~-l12 .... :-:....? .. 0_.................. . .. :-JJL~

...... G-.o.o.d ....................................................... .. Statio to

._.d.llN.llWtU' .. d..---·-·-------·----

..... OTI:!ER _ffig____ ..2 .. Q ...... ~ l story single family ~m .... Q.Q.~~-~.&.c;l.§ ... J? .... r.9 .. 9.ID.!? ........... ..

............ F.r.!Mll!?. .............................................. .

.... - ....... :.l9 ... Y£ .. f?.., .................. --.............. .

.. .......... F..l'l:a..r .... 9.n.Js: .................... - ....... -

..... ., ...... 9.9.& .............. - .................................. .

________ QQ.$_ .. __________ .......................... .

~----~3.~2.000...________ - .±.H ...... ~

~ .. JJillQ:[email protected]______ :._'i!. ...... '!h

...... §.19.!!. ... - ............... _____________ _

___ JJQ.~~r .. g ....................... _ ............ __

L..l.Q ... .::: . ..l~--------·-· ~~~~~

~ ....... 1.1 ... :: ... 1.7................... t-1.7. ....... %.

t ..... lQ .... ::-... J!?.................... -~.l.l ...... ~

......... G.o.o.d.-.......... - ........................... __ _ Static to

......... JlQ:W:O.YiP..r.Jl ...... _______________ _

3. NEW OONST!\JCTION (past,-.) No ....... Q ............ T:ype & Price--------·--·-----...... How Selling _____ §.l9.!f _____ _

·4. OVERHANG OF:HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC~ ................ ? ...................... b. Institutions-....... - .................... _ 3•31 .. 39

S. SALE ·OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ~r.) a. HOLC .................. Q ........... -....... b. Institutions ....................................... . 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_"L~nr. .. J •. im~.t§l.d. .. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.1L.) $-~~-•-~ .. Q .. ____ _


Thi-s section 'Wtl-S laid .out in about 1900. Built up 50%; average lot :f'ront, 40 feet; 40 .foot streets.; 50% streets po:veq, balance. cindered or graded. Good transportation; convenient to schools, clmrohes and stores_.

He0:vy vehicular traffic along Cuyahoga Street. Buildings on thi;s artery are older and in poorer state of repair than in .the balance of this: art1n. 11 Jerry" building predomina.tes in· west end of section. Hao.vy foreign oooupnncy {Italian predominating) Slowly increasing; colored infiltration negligib~e. Property values in northern part of area. affected by odors of nearby Akr:on Soa.p Works.

Property, if acquire.d, should be sold but not sa.eri £'iced. Home1

s are generally of single construction.

9 •. LQCAnON ...... :&r..QB, ..... 'ib-.. tr~t-................. SECURITY ORADE.. ..... P. ......... AREA· NO .... l ............ DATILF..sib .. ! .. ~~

.t\REA DESCRIPTION --. Security ,Map of-~!:.Qfu. ... Q.l:lj.Q. ____ ..................... -·-·-·-

~ '· 1. POPULATION: a. 11\\'ireasing." ..... _ .. :.~---·······-·-···-··-··--· Decreasing ____ 'r§.§. .................................... Static .................. .

b. Class and Occupation .................. Itnl:!9.!" .. ~.r.L_--·--·---.. --.---·-···-·------··---····--·---··· .. ··---···--···-

c. Foreign Families ......... §Q..~ Nationalities ................. J.:m.U.~ ... ~ll4 ... .9.~.Qr..~................................. d. Negro._ .. 9..~ ....... ~ Henvy settlemont of oolorod, Italians and othor

e. Shifting or Infiltration .... - ... P.:~~!2!;.9-)J._"i?.,i~§. ................................................. _ ................... - ....................... - .......................... - ............. .


a. T'JPe and Site

b. Constnlction

c. Average Age

d. J,!epair

e. Occupancy

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. J.nn. .. J.39. ........... Price Bracket

- j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

L 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 .Rent Bracket

n. .J£1ll.. •. !.39-...... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

....... _, _ _E~~2-·-····· .. ···-· .. ···· ................ .

.................. 1Q:::§9. ... Yt..§..t ....................... _,

................. 'f.!?..Q.r. ............................................ .

................. QQ.%. .................................... , ____ _

.................. g.§~ ...................... - ....................... .

:L .. J.Q9.Q.:'.?..~9 .. Q.............. ~-~-~~~ ~ ............. _____ ... _ ........... -.... ~£~~(~

~ ...... l.QQQ.~~.!t.QQ .. _...... ..:tl~ ..... ~ ~--............................................. __ , ........... ~

~ ..... lQQ.Q.~2.5.00............... ..~lO ..... %. ~ .............. -..... _ .. ______ ..... . .............. '!:

__ fo.a~-----.......................................... .

........ D.Qml.m~d ......................................... .

~_10 .... =. .. 1.4....................... %..~.~~~ ~--......................... _ ... _,___ 1..~-~!!~~

!.l1L.::: ... l.8 ........ -............. ..:t-.1.7. .... %. $................................................. . ............... %.

~.l.Q .... : .... lfi .......... _____ .. ::-l.L.~ ~................................................ .. .............. %.


Downwo.rd p. P-redicted Rent Trend (next 6--12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past 'Jf.) No ........ Q .......... T,pe & Price .......... ·---·-·--·· .......... Row Selling ....... .P.o.or ........... _. __

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLCh ........... § .......................... b. Institutions ...... , ... ____ .................... .. 3"'31-39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ........ ;yr.) a. HOLC._ ........ Q.......................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31•39

6. MORTGAGE·FUNDS: ___ J!QEfL ................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193-6. .. } $-Z.6 .•. 9.0 ...... - ....... .


This nroo., known us tho Cuyahoga. Valley Section, was platted about 60 yours o.go; ret1'ogressed with ago o.lthough northwestern part remained fair residential until this nroa wo.s severely dnmagod by flood in 1913. Howovor, donth blow to desira­bility of this area wns the complete diversion of N. Hownrd Stroot trnffic by oonstruoti0n of the North Main Stroot Vinduct over this entire section in 1926.

Built up SO:fa o.t lenst. Average lot front 40 feet.. Pnved streets; 1 good transpor•

tution. Convenient to schools nnd,vithin wnlking distance to downtown business section. Eliznbeth Park and Fountain Purk nre located in this arc~. Trnversed by two railroo.ds o.nd Little Cuyahoga. River. Shoddy construction, poor repair. Area. on the whole suffers from a general run-down condition o.nd ba~ reputation. Red-light distriot located on North, Ridge, Lodw, Furnaoo a.nd Spring Streets • .A.reCI. is honv:tly populatod by foroign•born and colored.. Law stnnda~d of livingJ high concentration of undesirnblo elomont. (4 polioomen'killod ho~o in 1918). Only property selling is thnt for light commercial nnd wo.rohouso purposos.

Property.,. if o.oquired, should bo sold nt onco. ContrC\.1 portion beginning nt hub of Spring Stroot and N. Hovro.rd is known as Akron's ;mnin slum c~l'l.Oeri.tration.

9. LOCATION ... - .. ~~9n:t....9.M .. !L ................. SECURITY ORADE. ....... D.. ....... AREA N0 ......... 2 ......... DATE ... F..e.'Q.!.~9

A'REA DESCRIPTION Secllriey· Map of-~?::9 .. ~ ...... .9h1~L-·-----··--·-·--·-

1. PoPULATION: a. I~easing ___ ~_!~.t_l].~_!.¥. ___________ ..... Decreasing ______ ...................................... - Static ............. - .. .

b. Class and OccUpation .... ~---···--·-··--· LC:!>_:>.!~!-~-~P. .. '!..~!?:!_~On_9! .. ~---·--·--··--·--·-··--······--··----······--······--·

c. Foreign Families_.~E..j Nationalif:ies_ ..... - ........ !!~~g~-~-~~---··················-····-·--························ d. Negro .... ? ......... -~

e. Shifting OT lnfiltTation.-----9.~---~~-~-~~-!:l:~ .. J?.~.~P.~~ ............................. - ...... _ ................................................................. - ............. .


a. T-ype and Site

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. OCcupancy

. f. Ownet-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. Y..~J.u ... :~.-~ ......... Price Bracket

-J. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 642 months)

· l. 1935 ·Rent ·Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. J9.-.ll~.!.;2~---····Rent Bracket

o. Rental . Demand

PREDOMINATING 90 % -s-mu-rr-oun:g-o:ro:ws; -····--···-··· .~.?.-~~~~~-~.!.. ... ~~~---~~-~-~~---·······-


___ ?2._.Y.!....E .. ~ ..................................... - .... -

·----~--~-~!: ... ~g ____ P..?.-2!.. ............................ ..

---~~---····-·····---·······--·-.. ·····-····--······--" ........ '!..§'!:. .......................................................... .

~ ..... £Q9 .. :U.QQ ........ _____ %.£~~~

!. ... ~.Q.9.:.?..99..9. ........ -...... . .:!:J.§ .... %.

t ... ~9..:~.!?.Q9.................... .:: ... ~ ...... %.

---~ 1~ ...... - .................................... __ _

___ ?..ii.£1::\?.~9..-...................................... _ ... .

lJL::...l?_ ....... -........... %..£~!!¥.~

!. .. § .... : .. J-.2......................... .±1.~ ...... %.

t.§ ... :_].A.__________ .:-.1..9. ..... ~

.....• .G-.9.9.£! ....................................... - ............. ..

· P~ Predicted Rent .Trend .Ji.t.Q.tiQ..... ________ .............. ____ _

~---···· ............. _ .............. -.... ~.£.~~~~

~ ............................... _ .... -...... . ............... %.

~--·-·-----···-.. -·--··-·--· .. ·· ............. .1:

~----····-----·--·-~-----·· ~-!:~~~~

~ ....... -....................................... . ............... %.

!................................................ ---·--····-~

(next 6-12 m.Onths) 3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,r.) No • .JL ........... T-ype & Price __ $.~Q.Q.:1QQ ...... How Selling ...... §l.Q:w: ...... ·-·-·--

4. OVERHANG OF'HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ............ Q........................... b. Institutions ...... _ .... _ ................... -3-31•39

5. SALE. OF HOME PROPERTIES, ........ ~.) a. HOLC ............ Q............................ b. lnstit,aions_ .................................... .. 3-:31•39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: __ ~9.g9 ......................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.8 ... .) $-----........... ---··-


This section,· known a.s Sha.ntytown, lies west of· tho .Al-..ron cit)( limits o.nd is comprisod '>f smo.ll ootta.ges nnd sho.oks ronging in price from wi300-1800. A smo.ll number of oooupo.nts hnw homa"''lltl.de hot bods nnd groonhousos nnd derivo their livelihood from this source. Soil consists of ~ich muck. suitnblo for gm~doning. No pnvod streets. No utilities excopt electricity. Considernblo distnnce to school~ one milo to bus lino on Coploy. !J~on Bel~ Lino nnd Copley s·wo.mp ditch trnvcrsos through !iron. Four negro fo.milies on Co~umbus: Avenue; fertility of soil o.nd ohoo.pness of lot prices (lots o.t ,$50 - 75) is main o.ttro.o­tion to purchnsors with monger onrning power. Trend is stntic~

Property, if o.cquirod, should be sold for a.ny reo.sonnble offer. Area. is built up 10%•

·,9 •. LOCATlON ......... Akron~ .. ..QhiQ... ................ SECURITY GRADE. ..... }?. .......... AREA'N0-... 7.~ ........ DATE.F..Q.9~ .. ~.9

AREA ··DESCRIPTION Securit1'Map o£_. -~Q.lli.-&.1\iQ.. _______________ _

1., ro·ro···LA. n·oN·. ~~ 1 • ·· Y'es · · a. IU!tta$ing.:... ........ ---------·--·-··-----··· .Decrea3tnS--·-·-·-··· ................. ----·-· Static ............... _


b. Class and Occupation ________ ___g~~~~!:. work£~ ... and_]. o.h?.!.£!:!1_._ ________________________ ......... __ _

c. Foreign Families .... ~.!L1 NationaUtie$-....... E!:9.!!9.m.;.~~t;J;x .. I~~;-~-~---·-············ ................. d. Negro ... ;i!?. ......... ~ e. SJU{ting or In{ilttatron _____ 9.f .. J?.QJQ!:~g. ____ :-__ :t~l~1-.Y. ... r. .. ~~lt ... ______ ~------·-···-··-···-·-············-.. ·······--·····--··-········-


a.' Type ·and Site·

b; Construction·

c: Average Age

d. ~pair

e; Occupancy

. f. OwneT-occupied

g; 1935 ·Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. J.o.n .... (Z9 ....... Price Brack6

·j; Sl.tks Demand

k. Predicted Price T1'end (~ 6--12 mOnths)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1957 Rent Bracket

n. - ... J.nn. ... !.$ .... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

p! Predicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

PREDOMINATING 95 % -·r·-fit·c;r:y-Singio-- ................. . .. f~~-~.Y..--~----~2.~ ............................ .

..... ~!.~~---·-······-·-·······--···········-----30 ' ·-----···--·-·------·------··------·-----··--·-..

····-~-~i!: ... 9.P.-.!Y. ........................................ .

... ...!7..9~ ....... ----···--··----·-· .. ···-····--·-·-..

. ..... !2~ ............................................................ .

~ ... l5.00.~2.50!L ... _ ... _. %.£~S~

~.-l§.QQ~~..§Q.Q............... - ... ±.l~ .... %.

~ ... .l5QQ:.:?J29.Q ... -.......... . .. ::· .. Jt .. 1! _§.lJlv:r ___ ................................ __

__ P?.Y.dlNlU~.d ............................. --········

Ll.Q....:.._e_Q________ %..~!!g~

t.ll .... :: ... 2~---·--·····-··- ... :tl.3 .... '1.!

~ .. lQ .... ::.J~.O--·-··-··-- .~ll..-~

...... G:ocd ...................... _ ... _. __ .................... .


~.-............................... _.___ ~£~!!R-~

~ ....................... ·-·-····-···-··-· _____ , .. ...%.

t .... ·-·-----··--.. -.... .. ............ 1:

t ______ .. ________________ l~~~.¥.~

~--·--····-··--·--················--······· ............... ~

$.............................. ................... -----------~

3. NEW CONSTRUCflON (past yr.) No ...... Q ............ T:ype & Price -------···--·······.Row Selling .................. ·-····--

4. OVERHANG OP HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ........... l?.......................... b. Institutions ....... - ........................... ~ 3-31 .. 39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC~ ............ l......................... b. Institutions .................... - ................. . Vory little,

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS: _____ :Lf._oo:o£. .............. 7. 3-31-39

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... .8.) $ ... ..2.8 ... .9.0 ... __ _


La.id out o.bout 1905) known a.s mt\in Jewish shopping district; po.ved stroots; good tro.:nsportation; convenient to schools, churches_, and stores; locnted just south of Perkins Po.rk; lovol terro.in. Most of the o.reo. lying south of Bo.rtgas Stroet ho.s sof~ foundntion due to noarby Summit ~ako ( so~thorn boundary).

Homes loclitad on Norko.~ Raymond o.nd tho south end Snyder, Schock, Metzger nnd Bowory Street nre out of 11 plto:nb 11 ow-ing to tho shifting foundation. Hoo.vy tro.ffic o.lo11g Wooster Avonuo, Thornton and Bawory Streets. Dis~rict affected by odors; Smoke'; o.nd dirt from noo.rby Goodrich Rubbor Compo.ny p~o.nt. Acquired property if not sold fmmodio.toly will suffer from vandalism.

Declining district, heo.vily populo.ted by low clo.ss Jows -- nll stores on Wooster Avenue (traversing o.rtery) a.ro Jewish-owned. Prosont hanvy neg!lo encroachment gradually inoroo.sing'•

9. LOCATION ....... ~!"2P..I .. -~1:2.. ... ----····· .. SECURITY GRADE. ........ P. ....... AREA NO... ......... ~ ..... DATEF.ab.~.3.9

Al!EA DESCRIPTION '\; ' ' . '',

k21'1 . ~ At 1. POPULATION: a. Ifllti?asif1g --··-·-··-·--·····--·· .. ··-·--······· Decreasing_____________________________ Static . .J?.r.Q.~.9Jl t

y:o • 1:' 'li 30% c. rprelgn .ramt es .......... ,. __ Nationalit:ies ............................ M.~_g§: ...................... -....................................... d. Negro ...... ::!Q ....... f::.

e. Shifting or Infiltrarion ............................ ~J:.Q!. ... !~l*:!t.r.q:!!_~Q!l..Qt: ... Q9..lQ .. :rQg _____ .................................................................... .

2. BUILDINGS: PREDOMINATING 95 % "iB··-story.siniio ................. .

a. T,pe and Site . !.~.3:~-:£...2. ... ~.~~ ............................ ..

b. Construction ....... ..1.~~~---··--······--····-··-·-·--·---

c. Average Age ............ ~9. ... ¥.!:~ .. !.,...-................................ ..

d. Rgair ··------~2~!:-............................................... .

e. Occupancy ···-··---~-~---------··----···--·--·-··-·""""'

"f.,. Owner«euPied . ........... 1:9.%. ...................................................... .

g. 1935 .Price Bracket ~ .... J...QQQ_:_g_pQQ______ ~-~~~£~ ~------....................................... '&.~~~B~

h. 1937 Piice Bracket ~ .... H9..9..:.?..~.9................ - :!:~ ..... ~ ... %. $. ................ _............................. __ ......... ~

i. ... J.an ... :! .. 3.9 ....... Price Bracket ~ ... 1±9.9..:?..§9.9.................. :P. .......... %. ;t_____________________ _ ____ 1,

'j, Sales Demand _ _ll..Q_Q.r ...... - ......................................... ---

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

..... .P-.9.~.~9: .............................. - .......... .

L. 1935 .. Rent Bracl«it $ 10 ... ::. . ..?..?. .............. -... ~-~-~8.~ ~---------------·-·- ~E~~R!:

m. 1937 Rent Bracket t ... .J .. Q. .... :: .. .?Ji.................... ...:t~ ....... %. ~-----......................................... .. .............. %.

n. .. .J..e.n ... !.39.. ..... Rent Bracket ~ ...... l.Q .... :: .. ..?L .... _____ ... ::-§ ____ ~ ~............................................... .,. _______ !?.

o. Rental Demand ......... Q.QQ.9: .................................................... ..

..... ....D.I>.m~r..ci ...... ______________ _ p. P,.edicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW. CONsrRUCI'ION. (past ':fl.) No ....... Q ............ T:~pe & Price ·----·---·-------·---· ..... Row Selling ..... .Eoo:r:._ ______ _ . .

4. OVERHANG OF .HOME.PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .............. J.1:..................... b. Institutions_ .................................... .. 3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (. ........ ~r.) . a. HOLC ................. ?....................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31•39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-~~Q!1.2. .................. - ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193!L.) $-.?.§..~.~W .... ----


Laid out .about 1880. Built up 86%; all paved streets; good transportation; good school facilitie's; walking distance to downtown business center; near industry; average lot fr'ontage .. 40 feet; level to rolling terrain. Central eastern part once wns known ns "Hell's Kitchen, 11 central southern part is known as "Little Itnly, 11 and figured heavily in liquor traffic during Prohi­bition.· Main traffic arteries. (NS) High, Washington and Grant Streets, (EW) Stnnton,·Miller, nnd Thornton Avenues. Entire area. is detriment~lly affected by smoke, dirt, noise and odors from rc.ilroads and rubber factories.

A small vice. district is centered in the north end of area nlong1Chestnut Alloy and Hnlstend Street. The colored people are scattered throughou~. Entire nran is, bad),y in need of ptdnt nnd repair •. Homos in the south end of ;the district n:re kept up bott~r. Declining bub not rapidly •.

Property, if o.cquired, should be. sold for rGasono.ble offer. Pro.otioo.lly o.ll~ homes loca~ed in t}]1s arcn a.ro of single constru~tion.

9. ~TION. ____ .Ak~,_-?h:!2 ______ ...... SECURITY -GRADE .... , .. ..!~ ....... AREA NO,. ...... JL ..... DATE..F..Q.b .. !.Q~

AREA·:.DESCRIPTION Se ·~;, M f .··n-on Ohio · . ~un,..7 • . . ap. o -...5!!:t--~----·--·--·-·-·----.---

G!J'J , At 1. J'QPULA.TION: ;a. ·~i--·······-~·-·-····-··········-·····--······· Decreasing---·-·-··-···-·-·· .. ·····-·--- Static .. l?.~.~~~nt;

b. Clt;&ss qnd OccuPadon--··-··-·]O:.~~QIY- work~_rs o.~-~J;,'l.i,. . .J?.Q.:J:g;.:ed ~---------·-.. ··-···----

c. · F~gn. Families __ :Q...1 · Na~lities ......... JfQX!.Q .•.. P.r..Q.Q.9.min~.t~1~g_..................................... d. Negro ...... ~.§ ....... ~

e. Shifting or Infiltration .. ---~-~.:t:\;J:QID5!.n~ .. ~-Qf.. .. 1?.9.:t:t~r._:!t.Y..l?.9-~Q.b!?l:QQ. __ {E_g:v.P:n"!:i .. _q_l!~.§.§.} ... _ .. ______________________ _


. a. Type and Site

b. Construa,ion

c. At~era~ Age

~ .~r

e. Occu~~

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 ~e Bracket

i. ... J..tJ.n .... !.39. ....... Price Bracket

-i. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Prict Trend (next 6-12 months)

l. 1935 Ref)t Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .. Y.!d:n....! .. ~.~---····Reflt ~acket

o~ Ren~l Demand

................ J·~.r-~~-............................... -.

-···--··--.. -~~L.Y-r.!!.! ................ _ ............ - ..

................. .f..G.i.r ............................................. .

- .............. ~-?~ ....... - ........... _ ........... ,_ .. __ _

................... 6.0.%. .............................................. .

!. ..... l1QQ!'!2.9.0.Q ... ___ %...£~!':(~ ~ ...................................... -...... ~£~!':g!

!. ... l.9.0.Q~.3..2Q.Q............ . .. :t.li. ... ~ ~ ............... -.............................. _ .. _ ....... .%.

~----~-~QQ.:.~.Q.Q_<?............... . .. : ... ~ .... 1.! ~-....... - ... - ............. , ___ ... ________ %.

----~~! ........................... - ............. _, ___ ,

......... ~!~!::!-.~ ....................... - .................... .

!J& ... ::. . ..? .. 'L _____ .. ,____ ~.f.~~~ ~ ............................... ______ ~-£~~-«~

t.~?. ... ::: .... ?..~·-··--·-·---··00• ... !.:!:~ .... %. ~............................................... . ............... %

t1£ ... .: .... g.~·-·---·--- .:.-.~ ..... '%.. ~................................................ . ... -....... ~

...... Q:!? .. 9..9-......................................................... .

P~ Pft#cted Rer\t Trend ·-~§j;;_Q::tj,.Q. ___ ..... ~ .. ~--·--.. ---- .................................... ·-·-·------... -(next 6.12 morttlu)

3. NEW CONsTRUCTION {past ,-.) No ...... ~ ......... _ Type & Price ·-·-.. ----................ How SeUing ..... ~ .. t?:.~·-·--

4. OVERHANG OF HO~·PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .......... _g ................. _........ b. lmtitutions .................................... -3•31•39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERnBS ( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC .......... .Q ................. _......... b. lmtittaiom ....................................... .. 3-31-39

6. MOR1;'GA.GE· FUNPS:.,!4.m.;."!:[email protected]. ................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193!L.) $.-.?.§ .. '!~.9 .... - .....


One of Akron's oldest rosidontinl districts.. Convonionco in loco.tion to industry o.nd downtown roto.il oontor mo.kos it o.ttro.otive to tho. lower inoomo group •. _ Akron University is loeo.tod hero. (Present school o.t'Condanoe 1500-2000 students) •.

All po.vod streets; goodtransporto.tion; convenient to Akron University, Contrnl High School, gro.de schools,. churches o.nd: stores. Fully 65% built up. Av:ero.ge lot front 40 foet; lovol torro.in.. Hoo.vy tro.ffio inlong Co.rroll Stroot. Colored influx o.pponrs to be sto.tio.. Colored residents o.ro of tho better type nnd own their own homos. The mo.jority of tho oold,rod o.re locntod on Scott Avenue ~~ Jnmos Stroot. Aroc should retnin its pros,ont lovcl for seve.rlll yeo.rs.

Property values her.e arc bettor tho.n in o.ny of the other "~od" nrons. VMo.nt lnnd fronting on rnilrond wo.s origino.l site of Intorno:t:;ional Harvester Compo.ny now looo.tod it;1 Chioo.go •.. This lo.nd has been proposed ~s location for now railroad Terminnl nlthough prospect of construction in nodr futuro is romoto.

Proporty,_if.o.oquirod, should not bo so.crifioed.

9. LOCATION.,.Ala:.o.t4-:.0bio. .. -----· .. ··· SECURITY, GRADE. ........ D. ....... AREA NO .... ~ ........... DATE.F..el/.!.39

AMA DESCRIPTION· ... SecuritY' Map oL.-~.9.~.~ ..... 9.h!.~---·······-·-~·--··--

~ M 1. POPULATION: · a. l~ng ______ ._: .. ::.. ................ -................ Decreasing _____ ... ~-·······--········--·-- Static ..P..r.9.§.s2nt

b. Class and Occupation .............. _F.~Qi;~workor.,t;J __ g.~_gJg. bo.r.~.----·--------··-····-···-· .. ----·····-·--

c. Foreign Families .... UL.~ Narionalities.._ .............. §l.~.:'liliih.:-:.~.t,g,Ug.~---···· .. ····---·-.. ···................ d. Negro .... J.JL ... ~

e. Shifting or Jn{lltration ..... _o.r ... £.o.:r..e.ignor..s.: .... llllU-Q ... :l;2o.~.t.i.Ql'4 ... .9§Jl.~Q.~.§.ing. .................................... --.-····-·-·


b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. {tepair

e. Occupancy

. , f. Owner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. ..J.a.n ... .tS9. ........ P'I'ice Bracket

• j. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 monrh.s)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .J.Iln .... !.39 ......... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

...... _.f..:r..Q.mQ. ...... - ..................................... .

·-······W. ... Y.!:.!ll.! ......... - ............................. ..

.......... .P.!?.!?..:r. ................................................... .

·---.. -~J?.% ... - ............................................... .

........... ~0.% ................... _ ............................... ..

~--.l.!iQQ.:.a_g_QQ_.......... ~E~-~ ~--··-··--·-··-·-·-···-·................. ~-'::~!!:B!:.

~ ..... ~9.0.Q~2.6.QO .............. , .. t.Hl.. .. %. !! .......... _ .. _ ...... - ............... - ............... .%.

~ ..... l.9.0 .. 0.:.2.6.QO............... ..~ ... J. ..... %. ~---·---···--------------- ........ _____ %.

..... _Y..er.y .. .J;lo.Ql' ...................................... _

•..• _D.O.Wll.\'1!.\.r.d ........................................ ..

t .. !? .. _~_gQ ___________ ..... ~.£.~!.1.~~ ~-----··---···------------· ~-~~~~ ~ ..... l:,t .. :: ... ?.K.. ........ ---·· ..... :!: ... jt.,_'f? ~................................................ . ............... ~

~ .. _1.§ .... :::.~.9----·-··--- ... ..:':'.~---·~ ~................................................ .. ............. ~ ........ 9.2!?..4 ....................................................... .

p. PTedicted Rent Trend (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past ,-.) No ..... 9. ............ .T,pe & Price -··-·-----·-·-·--------Row Selling ... Y.gn ... E..<?.Q.t __


5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES , ........ ,-.)

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:-~.£!!~ .......................... 7.

a. HOLC .......... ~ ........................... ,. b. Institutions_ ............ _ ................. _ 3 .. 31-39

a. HOLC ........ .9............................... b. Institutions......................................... . 3-31-~

TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193..§.) $ __ ?.§..t.~.Q .. ___ _


The very oldest soction in the city, formerly known ns Middlebury, Ohio. · Built up 75%; o.vor~go lot front .. 40 feet. Pnvod stroots; good tro.nsporto.tion; fo.ir school facilities; hilly terrain. Hoo.vy vehicular tro.ffio along Eo.stland, Newton and Caso Avenues.. Two lumber yo.rds located in center 9f area.. Smoke, ~ dirt, ond noiso from ro.ilroo.dsJ lack or upkeep; nron hns general o.ppoo.ro.nce of a declining district. Colored population (15%) .is soo.tterod throughout entire. district. Homes locntod in southoo.st ond of' arGo. nrc kept upibottor. Case Avenue ho.s completely cho.ngod to commercial a.nd light ma.nufncturo. On tho Wholo, it is a. declining a.reo..

Proporty, if ~cquired, should bo sold. Prnotioa.lly a.ll homos, a.ro of single construction•

9. LOCATION ........... Akl:Q.n...,.Qb.i.Q... ___ ....... SECURITY ORADE.. .... JL ..... AREA N0~-"7 .. 7 .......... DATEE.QJJ.! . .3~

AltEA ·DESCRIPTION Security ~~Map: of~QXL ... ;.Ohl& __ ............... -------

1. ·POPULATION: ~~~ . ~ . y

a. IncrMsing ________________ ............. ,_,_______ Decreasing.-··-·----···-·-·-···········---~· Static ....... ~E. ... ..

b. Class and Occupation ............. .l'..:.~£.1:2.!:Y_!!~ker'-~---------··----------··--·--·-----····---·-·

c; Foreign Families .. _ElQ .. J~ Nationalities .............. J~1:ID:gq._r.Jfl:!L ........... _ ................... ~-······················· d. Negro ....... ~.?. ...... 1?.

e. Shifting or Infiltration. _____ JjQ~Y.Y. .... !?.Q}ij~]:~!I!QJ?:1i .... .9.f._J!~A~!..~!?:;.; .......... _ .................... - .................................. - ................... .

2. · BUlLDINGS: OlHER TYPE 40 % -·s-mo:rr-cottc;g-0-s- ----·--a. T:ype and Size ---~~---~-~g~~.?..~~---·--······-··--······--

b. ConStruction ...... ;.!..;:~~---·-·-···-···-·--··············-· .......... !!!!:~~ ................................................. . c •. Average Age .......... ?.9. ... :Y.! ~!···-··-·········-·-··-····-·-·· ........ ...?.Q ... Y!...~-~---·-··----····----···-·--··-·--··

d. ~ . ........ !.9-.;\:r. ................................................... .. . ........ .f.!?:.:!:!: ....................................... - ........ .

e. Occupancy ···----~-~---······-···-·······---··········-····-···· ......... \~.'!.~----··-----·······----·--·--······----·----·-f. Owner-occupied . ......... .9.QJ.t ...................................................... . ···----§QZ _________________ .. , ................... ..

g. 1935 Price Bracket ~-... l-.§.QQ_:g_QQ_Q._________ ~E~!':S~ ~ .. ..1QQQ.:tQ9 .. Q__________ %..£~!':~~

"· 1937 PriCe Bracket ~--l§.QQ_~g-~Q.Q.............. ~ .. :!:.lQ)~ ~ .... JJ.QQ~ .. ?.-~QQ ... _......... : ... :!:J:.~.tf

i. .Jtm .... !.S9 ......... Price Bracket ~-.. lR.QQ.::?.QQQ................ . ... :: ... 1 ... %.. ~ . ..J:J-00-:_g_Q_QQ_.______ ... .: .... ~1

j; . Sales Demand .. _ .. S.l:.@. _____ ........................................... .. ....... §1-.9:!'!. ..................... ________________ _

~ . Predicted Price Trend (next 6-12 months)

..... )?.t!*liQ ................................................. . ....... .§.t.Q::!;;i,.Q ___ , ...................... - ......... _ ..... .

L. 193S Re1.1t Bracket ~--l0.. ... :_2Q_ ....... _........ ~~~!!~~

m 1937- ·Rent Bracket t .. .U .. .=-... ~3. ......... - .. -.... . ... ±.1.3. ... %. ~ ... JL::: ... UL...................... .. .. !.1~ ... %.

n. ~ . .J.o.n ... .tZ9.:., ... Rent Bracket ! ... l.O .... ::: .. .Z.l ......... _____ .... ::: ... ~.-~ ~ ..... 6 .... :: ... 1§......................... . .... ':"_JJ..~

o. Rental Demand ....... G.o.od .................................. _ .. , ............... . . ... _QQQsl ...................................................... ..

p. _ Predicted Rent. Trend ___ Jlt£\..t.iJ:l. .. ______ ~--···------- ....... S..t.c.tio ................................. _ .. ___ _ (next 6-12 months)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past,..) No ....... Q .......... .T;ype fl Price·-·------····------·-.... How Selling .&J. .. Q.Y! ........ _ ............ ..

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC .......... J,~........................ b. Institutions ........................................ . . 3-31 ... 39

5. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES {... ...... ,..) a. HOLC ............... O ........... - .......... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

6. MORTGAGE FUNDS:_ .. Lim.i.i~9.d .............. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.a . .) $-28 .•. 9.Q ....... ___ _


Lo.id out in 1915 nnd known ns The Hromo.h s. Allyri Allotmont; lots, 40 x 120; built up SQ%; 80% of streets o.re po.vadJ roma.inder cindered or grnvolod. Good trnnsporto.tion; good school :f'o.cilities; neo.r to stores, shopping-; loco.ted midwny botwoon Goodrich o.nd Goodyenr f'notorios, Level terro.in.

Heo.vy tro.f'fic o.long Brown S·l:;root. Colored populntion (18fc) scnttered through•' out entire o.reo.. Neighborhood should reto.in its present levol:for next 10 yrs,

Property, if ncquirod, should be sold but not so.crificed.

90% of the homos in this nren o.re of the single construction. Lo.rge clo.y pit, kilns nnd tile works border most of the western ond of this seotion, ·Trnversod by belt line ro.ilrond in west part. Mo.in prtorios nro (NS) Brown StroQt.; (EW) Croaior~ Morgo.n o.nd MoKinloy.

9~~- , LOCATION ....... ,_: __ .Mg:Qn.i~.Q.l:t;.Q.~-··-· .SECURITY GRADE. ...... D.......... AREA ·N0-.. ~ ... 8....... DATE....F..eb.!..-39

AltEA DESCRIPTION Sec ;.- .... 1 · r· £~ A,-' ... on "Ohio urit:y :l"lap. lo ~---"~---·--·-·-···-·--··-··----·--

Go?J ' .. '. . ;. •

1. POPULA'nON: ·a. InctMSing_ ....... :_ . .:~-----···-:·---···--·-- Decreasing_._. .. ___ ...................... --·-·- Stade __ .!QJL

b. Class ana Occupation~.:-~ ...... ____ Fnctor~.Q!'jg:l..rlL __________________________ _

c. Fiweign ·Families ........ .®.~ Nationtditiel--.~----·-··-······.ll'u.ng.~;~,r..iru:L............................................. d. Negro ..... .l§.-~

e. Shifting ·ar ·Infiltration_ ........... &!!d~ .. .G.Q:!;i:!;il.oxoo.n:t ... i>t .. Htmg,g..r.i.fJJ.LP.Q.P.!f .. +.~M.QP. ...... -··············-··--·--··--·······-..


a. T',Ype and Site

b. ConstrUCtion

c. Average Age

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i: ... J.D..n. .. :!.3JL ... ~Prke · Bracket

·j. · Sales Demand

k. P,.edicttd Price· Trend (next 6-12 months)

l. 1935 ·. Rent. Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n;· ... s!D.i:.L! •. 3.!L .... Rent Bracket

o. . Rental Demand

~~~Q.QM~~~~..Q ...... §.Q .... tfl. . 2 story, f!li~glo .. f.!±ID1.~x.JL~.~9E.t§ ........................... ..

____ F..r.~.Q .................................... _,. __

-----~Q __ :£r.§..! .... -·-----······--·-----

........ F.c.i.r .... :t2 ... .P.Q .. 9.r ....................... ,_

........ j11.% ......... : .. _______________ .......... _ ....... ..

.......... 6.9$ ....................................................... ..

t ..... l5QQ.:-.2.l00............ '%. .. ~~~{~.

~~ .... l1QQ.~~f.ltQQ._....... - ... ±li ... ~

~ ...... !:.~Q?.::~g~.............. . ... : .... ~----~

__ j[_g,g ____ .............................. --·--·---

......... §i:f!..].i.Q ............................................... .

~--J:Q_::._J,§ __ .. ,_________ %. .. ~~!!g~

. t .... J-.. ?. .... :: ... ~.9 ....... , _____ .. .. .. :t:.H ... ~

L .. lQ .. ..: .. J,.~---- ... : .... ~1

.......... G:9.9.f'L .......................... --·----·-----·

OTiiER TYPE .... _!t?._ __ ~ ·-aUn.go.lows


.. _ ....... f.!:f!-E.l9. .................... - ................... _ ..

··----... ?..9_F...§.!. _________ _

............ f.R:i!: ... ~.?. .... P .. '2.9.!.. ...................... ..

. ..... ) ...... !il'lf<L ................................................... .

............ §.Q~---·----··--·--................... .

~ .. J.Q.Q.Q!':l§QQ ......... -.. ~-~JY!~K~

~ ... J.lQQ.~l~.QQ________ . ~J-6 ----~

~ ... )OQ~!§QQ________ ::-.~.QJ

...... :f..9:;.!: ............... --~-------

. ...... 2~£1-~.i~ ........................................... --

~_ . .? __ ::-__ ±g____________ ~-~-~~~

~ .. --~ ... : .... !.~......................... !.:!P. ....... %.

~---~ .... : ... ]&......................... =---~---~

_QQ.?.E: ............................................. ---·

p.. Predicted ·~ Trend ........ .§.t.t.\:t~,9-·----·----------- ...... ~-~!?:~-~:9. ......... _______ ................. --(next &12 months)

3. N!W' Co:Nsri.ucnoN (past '1'1·> No~ .. 9. ............. T.,pe & Price --·-------·-----....... Row Selling -·----·-------------

4. OV!IUiANO OF HOMB ··pR.OPBRTIES: a. HOLC ....... J.~........................... b. Institutions .......... -------................ _ 3•31•39

5. SALB OF HOMB PROP:SRTIEs ( ... ; ..... ".) a. HOLC ........ Q ............... ;.............. b. Institutions ................................... : ... .. 3-31-39

6. MORTGAOE·FUNDS:_l.J.m.tt9.~ ................. 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.?. ... ) $-~?..!.~9. ...... ----


Built·up 8Q%; o.vo~ngo lot fronto.go- 40 feot; 78,1. of stroots po.vod­romo.inder cindered or grnvelod; good tro.nsportntion; convenient to schools, churches and stores; within wnlking distnnco to ind~stry; ffli~ly lo"ll"ol tor~idn.

Colored populntion (15%) scnttored throughout nron; the slllllll sootion lying onst of Kelly Avonuo is poorest in nroo.. Affoctod by smoke, noise, nnd dirt from ro.ilronds. Bnlo.noo of o.ron should rotnin its prosont lovol for few yonrs nt lonst·. · ·

Property, if ricquirod, should bo sold but not so.orificod. homos in this o.reo. o.ro of. singlo oons~ruction.

9<f/o of tho !

9. LOCATION ___ ~'?E.r.~.-2~!£._ .. ___ ... _ SECURITY GRADE... ... )? ......... AREA NO ___ J ....... DATE....~22 .. ~ . .9.9

~EA· DESCRIPTION Se · ~:·M· ·. · .£· Akron· Ohio

CUtlty . ap o ~--··~····---~-------·-·--··-·-···-·-····-

1. POPULATION~ '"'1 ' . • . L y

a. Itlttl!asing_~·-·--········---··--··--··--·· l::>ecreasing __________ , .................. _____ Static ...... _ ... £.~.

b. Class a~ o;C14pati~ ................. 9o~gJl_)..nJ:lorors ··-----·~--------·······---·-····-·----

c. Fordgn Fa~lies .... 2SL.1 Nationalities •.............. J:~i!?.QQ.U~F.:2.QB.§................................................. d. Negro .... .9 ........... ~

e. Shifting or ln{iltration_ .... - ....... .9.f.. ... 12Y!.Q.t .... in-.9..9.ID.Q. .. .tr.9.lJP_ ..... _ ...... - ........... --.................................. --.. ----.... _ ............. ,


a. T11Je and Site

b. ~on

c. A41e1'age Age

d. Rr,_pair

e. Occupancy

. f. Owne-r-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h. 1937 Price Bracket

i. ..Y.tm .... ~.9.~ ....... Price Brac~t

j, Sales De~nd ' :, \

k. Predicted Price .Trend (~ 6-12 ~)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket .. '

n. ~~-~---.. -.Rent· Bracket

o. Rental Demand

..... ..!.:?::~!? ............. ---·-···--··-·· .... - .. -·

..... 1£...Yr.~---·-·--·-··-··-·--.. ··-·-

..... r.S?.r.r..;.'!?.!!?. ...... -................................. _

..... §.9%. ......... _ .... - ............. --.............. -,.-..

...... §9~ ......... _ ................................................ .

~-9.QQ..":'l?..QQ _______ .... '%. .. ~~~s~

! .. !?Q9 .. ~11Q.Q................... ' .. ±1?..~ .. -~

$. .... ~9..Q.:~?.9..9...................... . .. :.~.~---·%.?

. __ y~ry_e.?.;?.:. ............ -.......................... .

... .!.~P..?:_g},'l .... g.~~!?:!:.~ ................ -

l-2...:.-~L--~-------- 1?.£.1:!~~:i~

~-~---=---~?. ...... ____________ ... :':.~9. .... %.

~_§ __ :_.!Q_ .. ________ ... :.!.~-.. ~

...... ~Q.!?..X.: .. _ ................................ __ .............. .

____ Qlli.~ TYI:~L... __ 1

~--·------------··---·-------·- ~.£bE~!:!:. $. ................... _, .. , __ ..... _,___ ---··------~

~------·--------·-------·· _________ 'fo.

L __ .. ____________________ ~.£.~~~~

$................................................. . ............... %.

~............................................... . ............... %.

p._ P:re~d Rent Trend ..... !l-~rl.~J~~!:!L ........ - ................................... - .................. _ .. __ (next 6-12 fll(lnths)

3. NEW CONSTRUCTION (past :yr.) No ......... 2 ......... T:ype & Price --·------·-----............... How SeUing J..£-ry_ ... P..~.CE:--··-·

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLCh ............ ~ .... _.................. b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

S. . SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES ( ........ ,-.)

6. MORTGAGE FU~S:--~~~<?. ......................... 7.

a. HOLC~ ............ ~ .......................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3-31-39

TOTAL 'TAX RATE .PBR $1000 (193. .. ~-> $_ ..................... - ........ .


This area, known ns. the older part of Lakemore, borders tho southern shore of Springfield Lnke and lios just outside the southeastern city limits of Akron. No pnved streets. No utilities excepting electricity. Slightly better typo homes.fronting tho LQko such ns summer cottnges, etc., gas is nvailnblc to tho properties bordorin~ the lnko front. 80% built up.

lntlux of lowor income group: very poor ropnir. No sowngo system. Decided evidence of lnck of upkeep; nnrrow unimproved streets; vary nnrrow lots; outlying nnd isolntod. Wory shoddy construction; inadoqunte firo and police protection; rurnl schools nnd churohesj vnndnlism high in cases' of vnoo.nt houses. Low living stnndnrds. ·

Property, if ncquired, should be disposed of nt a.ny price. Thoro a.re a.bout 8 housos in tho Mount View district ranging in price up to $2500

9. LOCATION .......... ~_QhiQ._ .. __ ... ,... SECuRITY GRADE. ......... :t?....... AREA NO--....... lQ. DA TE.....F.o.b..!.$9

.AR!EA 'DESCR'IPI10N Securit:if:''Map ,of_~o~.£ .... QP.ig _________________ ~----

1. 'P0P.Ut.A110N: ~ '~

,a. Increasing ___________ ........... _________ Decreasing__ Yq~----····-·--·-·-- Static---·---

b. Class and Occupation ______ .... S..9..ll!ll.E..U:e.l?.Q£9£!.----------·-·---···-··---···-··-····-·-··-

c. Foreign F'amilies ..... £Q.~ Nationalities ...................... §1.9..Y.£.JL ............................ ,_................................ d. Negro .... -1 .. 5 ....... ~

e. Shifting or ,zn[iltration .................... I!9.~!X .. 1!?.r.Q;i.EtL.~Q.'£'£! .. t?.ID9..~ .............. __ ............................ - ............ ___ ., ____ ........... ..


a. T:~pe ,and Si~e

b. Construction

c. Average Age

d. %Pair e. Occupanc:J

, f. Owner-Qccupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket

h.. 1937 Price Bracket

i. .. J.o.n..!..3.9 ........ Price Bracker

1. _Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (ne~ 6-12 months)

l. 1935 Rent Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n. .1J?:P---~-~~ ......... Rent Bracket

o. Rental Demand

~~EI?.Q .. ¥.!~~TI~_q ...... ~.Q .... 1.> 2 story singlo

.. -f.9.ID.U~.§ .... :r.9.9.ID.§ ...................... _.

......... ___ F..r..mnq ____ ....... _ ................. __ _

·--··----~.Q.~.s. .............. _____ ...... ..

................. .F.0.!2r. ..... _, ............ _., ................. ..

.................. 9.7% .............................................. ..

................... §9.% .................. _ .... , ...................... .

~ ...... 1~9..Q.:?..§Q9 __ ........ ~E~~~~-

~-..... l§Q.Q:g?_QQ............. ' .. :tlQ~ .. -~

~--lQ.QQ.:g§QQ ............. , .. .':': .... 1. .... %.

......... P.22r .. _ ................................................. ..

........ §l9.:w.l..y. ... gQ:wnW.f.\tit ....... - .......

~-.l-.2.._:_}_~----·-----· ~.£~~g~

$... .... ;.! ... : .. -~ ............ ____ .. :!:.~.~ .... '!?

t.-~~--=..1:~----- .. : ..... ~-~ ........ !.:.9.gE. ....... - ... - .................. - ....... - ...... .

OTIIER TYPE 50 cfo ---io:-;,."di;____ ·--·-·-·-...... §.~.Q!:.Y-.Q ... .:rill§ ...................... , .... _ .. _

............ F.r.f.\IDQ .................. --···-··· .. ······· ..... ..

............. 3Q. ... y.r..a ..... _____ .............. ___ _

............ Eo.ar. ................. - ......... - .................. .

.. •• ..J ..... ~-~-----.............. - .... - •• - ................ ..

. ........ _9~ .. ·--·-.. ····-··-···-.................. .

~-lQQQ::l§.QQ ....... _..... '!£.£~!};~~

t.UQQ.~?.Q.QQ................. . . ..:t.lL~

tJJ . .90 -:l~ .. Q.Q·--·--·· _::_.7 .... %.

_,._:pg_Q.r. ........ --·-·------·---·~·

. ..... S.lQwlY. ... lio:wo.w.o.r..d.. ................... ..

~-JL:.J:~---·-.. --. ~~-~~~~

$. ...... ~ ..... : .. }.I....................... ..:!:~~ ..... %.

t ... ~ ..... : .... !.?. .................. _. ..:. . .§.. __ %.

··---~2.<?! ................................ _ .. ________ _

p._ Predicted ~ Trend ·---~i?.'!~!~.~~!:.L ... _ ........ e.~!:'::!?.!.~ ... -~!? ..... Q.~~<L __ _ (next 6-lZ months)

3. NEW CONSTifiJCflON (past ,r.) No~ ... Q ............. T,pe & Price ___ .. ______ , ___ ....... How Selling ....... .f.9_C?.r ________ _

4. OVERHANG OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLCh ........... ?........................... b. Institutions.-................... _ ............. .. 3-31-39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES (... ...... :yr.) a. HOLC ............ -1.......................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3•31-39

6. MORTGAGE· FUNDS:..Y!?..:r¥. ... ~~-~:!?,~-~ ... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 ... e .. ) $-;l~.t.iQ .... --.


This section is about 35 yoars old; built up 65%; 75% of streets nro paved .. 25% grnvolod o.nd oindored. Average lot front 40 foot; good transportation; within easy walking distance to downtown b~sinoss conto~ Hoavy trnffio nlong Wooster Rond o.nd Hopooo.n Stroot; houses rnngo in price of $1200•2500; mostly in poor stnto of ropnlr; aroa is gonornlly run down. Colored occupancy conterod olong Browh nnd Vnn Streots. This is a slowly declining neighborhood. P.rnctionlly nll houses in this nroo. nro of ohoo.p single construction. ·

Akr.on_, Ohio 9. LOCATION ........ J;l.£lJ~~ .... _ .. , ____ ..... SECURITY ORADE. ....... D........ AREA NO ... J,.J, ......... DATE.F..~o .. ~

·.AREA· DESCRIPTION Securirf ,Map of-.Akr.o.n,... .. Ohia ..... -·--······----~---······-


1. POPULA"flON: a.. Ina-'ea.ring ........... §li~tlY..: .. _______ , Decreasing:.. _________ .................. ~- Static--------b. Class and. Occupation--·--······-- C01.lllJlQ1LlW...9.r._. ____________________ , _____________________________ _

c. Foreign FamiUes ...... ~Q ... ~ Nationalities ... _., .......................... __ S.l...t!..Y.i.m ...... -...................................... d. Negro.JUL ...... ~

e. Shifting. or Infi.ltration .. ---·---·~--~Qg,r.Q. .. :::. ... 'C.~:.i.r.J-Y. ... rgp_ig _________________________________ ....................................................................... .


b: Construction

c. Average Age

d. Repair

e. Occupancy

. ' f. OWner-occupied

g. 1935 Price Bracket ·

h; 1937 Price Brccket ·

i. ~a.n. ... ~ .. 3.9 .......... Price .Bracket

j, Sales Demand

ki Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

l. 1935 Rent. Bracket

m. 1937 Rent Bracket

n;. Jnn. .... !..3.9 .......... Rent BrACket

o. . Rental Demand

PREDOMINATING 90 cfo ··-ah.oO.'P-smO::i:r··c;·;;-ttnia·a--···---......... ~E.S!-.... !?..~Q~ .................................. .

....... .fr.~9-......................................... - ... .

....... .l:.~ ... Y.£ .. ~.4!. ....... _ ............................. __

........ Y.Q!.Y.:.J?.22?:: ..................................... .

......... ~ .. ?.~-------------------·-··----···--···--··-------·-

.......... ?.c;:tJ ....................................................... ..

~-: .... !?.Q.Q.~J...J:?.QQ___________ ~£~~-~

t ..... !?.QQ.:.l7.9.Q............... . .. ~.1i ... %.

~ ...... QQQ.:lP.Q.Q................. . ... ~.'J..Q .... %.

......... Y.9.r.Y.-ll.Q.Q.r .................................. _

........ D.9.~.id.QdlY, ... d!J.w.n.v.w..d ....... ..

L_!L:. ... lQ_____________ %..£.~~$.~

~~ ..... J:L.:: .. .l2........................ . .. ±.13 .... %.

~--JL:. ... ~CL__________ -=12...~

......... Y..Q.r.Y. ... E9.9!' .......... - ......................... .

p: Pftedicted -Rent Trend __ .. E.~.~.:i.42.~.?:.Y..-dow~.~-g. _____ _ (next ().; 12 !,QPnths)

____ Q~. ~---·· ______ .:fo..

·, --~-----~--·--... ···-·-------··-·-··-----··--·~· .. ·······--·· .. ··-...

!.-...................................... -- %. .. ~~~R~

$. ........................................ -.... . ................ ~

~--···---·---·-------·---·-·-··-·-· __________ tfo.

~-------·--··--···---·----·-··--· ~-~~~~~ ~................................................ . ............... %.

~............................................... .. .............. ~

3. · NEW CONSTRUCTION {jwt ·,-.) No~ ... }:9. ......... T.,pe., & Price -~300_:-.. ~ .. C?.Q ....... .How Selling .... -Y..~!Y. ... E£9.£. .. _

-<J,: OVB~G OF HOME PROPERTIES: a. HOLC ........... 2............................ b. Institutions. _______________________ _ 3-31•39

S. SALE OF HOME PROPERTIES { ........ ,..) a. HOLC ........ Q ............................... b. Institutions ....................................... .. 3•31•39

6. MORTGAGE' FUNDS:,_ ___ N.ono ...................... 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193.8 .... ) $_.2.2 ... 40 .... ----·


This section is known o.s "Snydertown"; la.id out nbout 1916; now 3S{o built up; houses rnnge in prioe of $300•1500;. consists chiefly of sho.oks. This is tho oh'ea.post rcsidontilil neighborhood iit Bnrborton. Income of' occupnnts is very low a.nd unstnble. Ina.daqunto fncilitios for sewo.go disposa.l •.. No utilities in nrao. oxcopt wntor nnd electricity. Public school botwoon Bell o.nd Vnn Buren Streets.. Unemployment and roliof rolls nro very hea.vy; nbout 2o% of streets nrc po.v-od •.

This oren is rnpidly declining and property, if acquired, should bo sold for nny roasonablo offer. •.

Akron, . Ohio 9. LOCATION ..... Jlru:b.~r.ii .. Qn... ....... ____ .,_ ..... SECURITY GRADE. ........ P. ....... AREA N0~ .. --1.2 ..... DATEJi~£1? .. !.~9

' MEA: DESCRIPTION .... · ·.~d~- ·Map of_~~Q!}_, __ Q.h~.Q ....... ---------~·-·-··--

~~ . 1. POPULATION: -a. .. ~~easing __ §J .. ~.h!il:.:\! ........ ----···· Decreasine---···-···-········------ Static .................. .

b. Clas$ and OccuAAion ...... _______ f..o.oto:ry wo:r:k~r..!...£nd c 0J!!l!IO!!_].nb_C?,!..£rJL_ ___________ , ___________ _

c. ~oteign: Fafnilies . .Q _____ ~ N~ties............................................................................................................ d. Negro ...... Q. ......... %..

e. Shifting or In/iltration ... ____ g.f_J9J!Q.r .•. j,!'J..Q.QIDQ.._g_:rg_y._p _________ ........................................................................ - ........................ .


a. T-,pe and Site

b. .. O>nsa:uction

c. Average Age

d. ~pair

e. . Occupancy

' f. . Owper«CUPied

g. 1935 .Price Bracket

h. 193? &ice Bracket

i. . . .J1l:rl. ..•. !.39 ........ Price .Braclcet

"' J. Sales Demand

k. Predicted Price Trend (next 6--12 months)

L 1935 ~ pracket

m. 1937 ~ Bracket

n. ..Jo.n.. .. !.3.9. ...... ~ . Br~ket

o. ~tal Demand

PREDOMINATING 100 % · -smo:Ir·:r-un:zc4-·rin. ·················· _ ...... Q~-~!':1:15~.~---······-·······-······-······-··---

......... Y.!:..~..£ .. ___________ ..... ---···-··---

·-·---... §. ... I!'~.! ................... - ... ----·-·····

....•...... Y.~r.Y. ... P.9..?.£ ................ - ................ .

........... lt§Jf .................. - .. ·--·····-·-·-·-···-···-·

··-··-···7.·~-----·········--·--········-·-····-····-··-······ ~ .... §9.9. ... : ... ll9_Q_________ %.£~~~- ~--------··-···--·--··--------------- ~-~~!.":IJ~

t.§.Q.Q. .... ":: .... l~Q.Q............. ..:t.l~-----~ ~ ............................................ _ -·--·----···-~

~ ... 9..9_Q .... : ... J.?.9.9............... . ... -:.l9 ..... ~ ~--------------··-···---···---·-· ________ 1: ...... P.Q-2!: .... _ .................... - .......................... .

.... ..D!::l:W.UW.t\r..d. ........................................... .

t.J_.::-_ _a_____________ ~-~~~&~ ~-------·------·--·-----------------· ~-~-~~~ ~ .. JL .. ~ .... l.2 .... _ .............. -... . ..... ±2.5.%. ~................................................ .. .............. %.

~..1 ... :: ... l.Q.._______ ... _-:15.~ ~................................................ .. ............. ~

..... F..a.ir.ly. .. .li.trgng_ _____ ................ .

p. Predicted Rent Trend .... .§.1m,1;.1~ .. W. .... <imm.Yl!Y.:.d .......... _ .................................................. __________ _ (next 6--12 montM

3. NEW CONSTRTJCI10N (ppst ,..) No ......... P.. ......... Type & Prite ___ $_~.QQ. ................. How Selling ..... P .. <?.Qr. ___________ _

4. OVERHANG OF I;IOME PROP~~TIES: a. HOLC ..................... ?.................... b. Instiuaions ................................. - ... -3-31•39

5. SALE OF HOME PRO.PERTIES ( ......... ,-.) a. HOLC .................... 9 ....... _ ......... b. Institutions ...................................... -3-31•39

6. ¥0RTOAG2 FUNDS:-... J!2~~-----·------·------· 7. TOTAL TAX RATE PER $1000 (193 .. J? .. ) $_£J .. ,.§.Q ...... - ... -


An allotment of shnoks; poor streets; no sewer; typo of home owners nre of 16w incomo clo.ss., An i·solnted soction eo.st of the city proper. ·101o of nreo. is built. up., This is tho poorest section in Cuynhogn Fnlls. No public utilities oxc.ept wo.ter on one st:reot. Very long distance to schools, churches nnd stores. Gonoro.lly speaking, the urea. suffers from: lo.ck of ndequnto fire protection; insto.bili ty income of o.ron' a oo oupo.nts; difficul t;y of rentul col­lections; low stundn:rds of living nnd in gonorul gives every 6vidence of u bnpid downward trend. Relief lond is heuvy.

P:roporty, if' noquirod, should be sold for nny. ronsonnblo offoi-. ·

Ouyahogu . Fo.lls 9 •. LOC~fiON:--.... ..A1f!'..Q..~~.-Jllii.Q.._ ......... SECURITY'ORADE ......... P. ....... AREA·NO ... _.J& .... DATE.l.e.P..! .. Qf)