Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma...

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 st June Keeping Children Safe Online Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of the content that your children are accessing. Learning Project w/c 1st JuneGeorge’s Marvellous Medicine Year 3 Weekly Maths Tasks (Aim to do 1 per Day) Weekly Reading Tasks (Aim to do 1 per Day) 1.What do we mean by capacity? Look at the poster in this pack to remind you. Look at the capacity of different containers that you have at home. Which size container might George need to make a new medicine? What capacity would the container need to be to make medicine for all of his dad's farm animals? Record the capacity of different containers/bottles that you can find at home. E.g. a fizzy drink can, a bottle of squash, a carton of juice, a bottle of milk… 2. Using different coloured liquids (you can use food colouring to do this) make your own version of George’s medicine. This task is similar to when we made potions in class. What quantities of each coloured liquid can you add together to make 500ml / ½ a litre of your medicine? Record how you made your medicine on the picture of the jug provided or draw your own jug. 3. Play this capacity game (click for link) Capacity Countdown This is a tablet-friendly volume scale reading game. 4. Complete the exercises in this pack. Matching the volume to the correct container. Work out combinations of containers that you could use to fill a 20L paddling pool. How many different combinations can you find? 5. Working on Times Table Rockstars - your child will have an individual login to access this (20 mins on SOUND CHECK). 1.Listen to or read chapter 1 of George’s Marvellous Medicine. Pretend you are George or Grandma. Try to get into character! Answer the questions in this pack as if you are George or Grandma. 2. Read the extract from chapter 2: The Marvellous Plan out aloud. You will find it in this pack. Try to read aloud with expression! You could even add in some actions! Challenge- Can you find the rhyming words? What do you notice about where they are? 3. Read some recipes from cookbooks that you have in your house. Explore the features of the first part of a set of instructions/recipe: how the beginning of the instructions show a main title and subheading and that the list of ingredients are on one line each beginning with a bullet point. Next, explore how the ‘Method’ is written using numbered steps. 4. Read or listen to the fifth chapter ‘The Cook Up’ and first page of chapter 6 ‘Brown Paint’. How does George make his medicine? Using the sheet in this pack, order how George makes his medicine after he has collected all of his ingredients. 5. Read the extract in the pack: Grandma gets the Medicine. This extract contains dialogue between Grandma and George. Make predictions about what might happen to Grandma when she takes the medicine. Highlight the words that are being said. You might like to highlight George’s words in one colour and Grandma’s in another. Weekly SPAG Tasks (Aim to do 1 per Day) 1.After reading or listening to chapter 1 of George’s Marvellous Medicine, think about what adjectives you would use to describe Grandma and George. Think of some other adjectives that would describe how they look or their personality. Complete the activity in this pack. 2.Look at the poster to remind yourself of when we use commas in lists. Complete the questions on the sheet included in this pack. 3. What is alliteration? Look at the poster to check if you are right! Can you come up with an example of alliteration for your name? E.g. Lovely Lianna, Amazing Asad etc. Complete the Try It Yourself activity included in the pack. 4. To keep the writing interesting and varied in recipes/instructions, a range of time adverbs, imperative verbs and adverbs of manner are used. Can you identify the different types of words in the instructions to make George’s Marvellous Medicine? See pack. See if you can find some examples of these words in recipes and instructions that you have at home. Make word banks of these that you could use in your own writing. 5. Using the poster, remind yourself how dialogue is punctuated with inverted commas. 1) Look at the text. Which words are being spoken? Underline these. 2) Complete the task by placing the inverted commas in the correct place and choose synonyms for saidto complete the conversation between Grandma and George. Weekly Writing Tasks (Aim to do 1 per Day) 1.Using the adjectives from today’s SPAG task write a description of either Grandma or George. Look at the WAGOLL and pictures provided in this pack before you begin writing. Think about using expanded noun phrases. When you have finished writing, check your work using the checklist. Could you improve any of your sentences by choosing a different adjective or even adding a simile? 2. Write a list poem of ingredients for a new marvellous medicine. Separate the ingredients with a comma. You can use the scaffold in this pack and the WAGOLL to help you. You may take up the challenge to try and make your list poem rhyme. 3. Over the next 2 days you will be writing instructions to make your very own marvellous medicine! Today you are going to write a list of ingredients. You are going to use alliteration to compile a list of ingredients. Alongside your adjectives try to add amounts (quantifiers, which are a type of determiner). Examples of these are given in the pack. 4. Following your work from yesterday, today you will be writing the method for your instructions to make your own marvellous medicine. Read the WAGOLL and the checklist. Look at how the method is written in numbered steps. Write your method. You can use the scaffold in the pack to help you. Don’t forget to include some of the time adverbs,

Transcript of Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma...

Page 1: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Learning Project w/c 1st June– George’s Marvellous Medicine

Year 3

Weekly Maths Tasks (Aim to do 1 per Day) Weekly Reading Tasks (Aim to do 1 per Day) 1.What do we mean by capacity? Look at the poster in this pack to remind you. Look at the capacity of different containers that you have at home. Which size container might George need to make a new medicine? What capacity would the container need to be to make medicine for all of his dad's farm animals? Record the capacity of different containers/bottles that you can find at home. E.g. a fizzy drink can, a bottle of squash, a carton of juice, a bottle of milk…

2. Using different coloured liquids (you can use food colouring to do this) make your own version of George’s medicine. This task is similar to when we made potions in class. What quantities of each coloured liquid can you add together to make 500ml / ½ a litre of your medicine? Record how you made your medicine on the picture of the jug provided or draw your own jug.

3. Play this capacity game (click for link) Capacity Countdown This is a tablet-friendly volume scale reading game.

4. Complete the exercises in this pack. Matching the volume to the correct container. Work out combinations of containers that you could use to fill a 20L paddling pool. How many different combinations can you find?

5. Working on Times Table Rockstars - your child will have an individual login to access this (20 mins on SOUND CHECK).

1.Listen to or read chapter 1 of George’s Marvellous Medicine. Pretend you are George or Grandma. Try to get into character! Answer the questions in this pack as if you are George or Grandma.

2. Read the extract from chapter 2: The Marvellous Plan out aloud. You will find it in this pack. Try to read aloud with expression! You could even add in some actions! Challenge- Can you find the rhyming words? What do you notice about where they are?

3. Read some recipes from cookbooks that you have in your house. Explore the features of the first part of a set of instructions/recipe: how the beginning of the instructions show a main title and subheading and that the list of ingredients are on one line each beginning with a bullet point. Next, explore how the ‘Method’ is written using numbered steps.

4. Read or listen to the fifth chapter ‘The Cook Up’ and first page of chapter 6 ‘Brown Paint’. How does George make his medicine? Using the sheet in this pack, order how George makes his medicine after he has collected all of his ingredients.

5. Read the extract in the pack: ‘Grandma gets the Medicine’. This extract contains dialogue between Grandma and George. Make predictions about what might happen to Grandma when she takes the medicine. Highlight the words that are being said. You might like to highlight George’s words in one colour and Grandma’s in another.

Weekly SPAG Tasks (Aim to do 1 per Day)

1.After reading or listening to chapter 1 of George’s Marvellous Medicine, think about what adjectives you would use to describe Grandma and George. Think of some other adjectives that would describe how they look or their personality. Complete the activity in this pack.

2.Look at the poster to remind yourself of when we use commas in lists. Complete the questions on the sheet included in this pack.

3. What is alliteration? Look at the poster to check if you are right! Can you come up with an example of alliteration for your name? E.g. Lovely Lianna, Amazing Asad etc. Complete the Try It Yourself activity included in the pack.

4. To keep the writing interesting and varied in recipes/instructions, a range of time adverbs, imperative verbs and adverbs of manner are used. Can you identify the different types of words in the instructions to make George’s Marvellous Medicine? See pack. See if you can find some examples of these words in recipes and instructions that you have at home. Make word banks of these that you could use in your own writing.

5. Using the poster, remind yourself how dialogue is punctuated with inverted commas. 1) Look at the text. Which words are being spoken? Underline these. 2) Complete the task by placing the inverted commas in the correct place and choose synonyms for ‘said’ to complete the conversation between Grandma and George.

Weekly Writing Tasks (Aim to do 1 per Day) 1.Using the adjectives from today’s SPAG task write a description of either Grandma or George. Look at the WAGOLL and pictures provided in this pack before you begin writing. Think about using expanded noun phrases. When you have finished writing, check your work using the checklist. Could you improve any of your sentences by choosing a different adjective or even adding a simile?

2. Write a list poem of ingredients for a new marvellous medicine. Separate the ingredients with a comma. You can use the scaffold in this pack and the WAGOLL to help you. You may take up the challenge to try and make your list poem rhyme.

3. Over the next 2 days you will be writing instructions to make your very own marvellous medicine! Today you are going to write a list of ingredients. You are going to use alliteration to compile a list of ingredients. Alongside your adjectives try to add amounts (quantifiers, which are a type of determiner). Examples of these are given in the pack.

4. Following your work from yesterday, today you will be writing the method for your instructions to make your own marvellous medicine. Read the WAGOLL and the checklist. Look at how the method is written in numbered steps. Write your method. You can use the scaffold in the pack to help you. Don’t forget to include some of the time adverbs,

Page 2: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

You can listen to Mrs Robson read chapters 1 and 2 and Mrs Bateman read chapter 5 by following the YouTube links in the weekly email.

imperative verbs and adverbs of manner that you found in today’s SPAG task.

5. Look at the extract again from today’s reading task. Today you are going to continue the conversation between Grandma and George. Plan your new conversation using the speech bubbles provided. Next convert the speech into written dialogue with inverted commas. Try to use different

synonyms for ‘said’. Look at the WAGOLL to see how this can be done.

Learning Project • Watch this video as an introduction to this week’s topic of George’s Marvellous Medicine.

Presenters Dick and Dom explain why 'George's Marvellous Medicine' by Roald Dahl is their favourite children's book. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/georges-marvellous-medicine-by-roald-dahl/zry7pg8

• In English this week you have been writing instructions for making your own version of George’s marvellous medicine. Design a bottle that the medicine could be put into. You could add a label. You might even like to draw the medicine in the bottle. There is an example of a bottle in this pack.

• George’s medicine transforms chickens to ten times their normal size and it does something extraordinary to their eggs as well! Did you know that can turn a whole egg yellow? Try out the science activity in this pack.

• When George made his marvellous medicine, it frothed, fizzed and foamed as if it was alive! You can recreate that effect and concoct something that looks like a weird magic potion by following the science activity in this pack.

• In one of our reading tasks this week you have looked at the features of writing instructions, in particular recipes in cookbooks. Can you follow a recipe from one of your cookbooks? Perhaps bake some delicious biscuits, cakes or something for dinner?

• Design a new front cover for the book. There is a template in this pack.

• “Delicious,” she said again. “Worms and slugs and beetle bugs. You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a look to see what minibeasts you can find in your garden or on a walk. What habitat do they live in? You could use the minibeast recording sheet in this pack to record your findings. Complete a study of the minibeast (look at the Wildlife Trust activity in this pack). You might like to draw a detailed sketch of one of the minibeasts you find. Make sure you put your minibeasts safely back into their own habitat when you have finished.

• Complete the crossword to find all of the ingredients that George put into his Marvellous Medicine.

• Roald Dahl’s books are illustrated by Quentin Blake. Here are some of his illustrations from the book. You could either draw an illustration (in the style of Quentin Blake) of Grandma or George to go with your character description or you could draw a self-portrait in this style.

Page 3: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Maths Task 2

Maths Task 3

Page 4: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Maths Task 5

Page 5: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Reading Task 1

Read chapter 1 of

George’s Marvellous

Medicine or you can

listen to Mrs Robson

read the chapter on

YouTube. The link will

be in the weekly email.

Get into character as

either George or


How would you answer

these questions?

Page 6: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

SPAG Task 1

1.Circle the adjectives for Grandma. 2. Underline the adjectives for George. 3. Which words describe what they look like and which words describe their personality? 4. Can you think of any of your own words that you could add? Challenge: Find some synonyms of words given by using a thesaurus.

Writing Task 1

Use these pictures to help you to write your description of either George or Grandma. Remember to describe what the character looks like as well as what their personality is like.

Look at the WAGOLL on the next page before you start.

Page 7: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Writing Task 1: WAGOLL

Writing Task 1: Check your work

Page 8: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.


Remind yourself of how

commas need to be used

in lists.

Now complete the

questions on the next


Reading Task 2

Read this extract from

chapter 2: The Marvellous

Plan out aloud.

Try to read aloud with

expression! You could

even add in some actions!


Can you find the rhyming


What do you notice about

where they are?

You can listen to Mrs

Robson read chapter 2 by

following the link in the

weekly email.

Page 9: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

SPAG Task 2

Commas in lists

Page 10: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Writing Task 2

Write a list poem. You could use this scaffold to help you.


A magnificent medicine I shall make!

So give me a dung beetle, a rusty pan and some cake,

Give me some fur off the tail of a cat,

And the leg of frog, ten worms and the wing of a bat.

A magnificent medicine I shall make!

So give me a spider and some mouldy, old cake,

Give me ten beetles and some chicken wings five,

And the left over bits from an old, abandoned beehive,


Can you write rhyming couplets?

Rhyming couplets are pairs of lines in

verse that usually rhyme.

These rhyming words in this word bank

might help you.

Page 11: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

SPAG TASK 3: Alliteration

Look at this poster to

remind yourself of what

alliteration is.

Can you come up with an

example of alliteration for

your name?

E.g. Lovely Lianna,

Amazing Asad etc.

Page 12: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of the content that your children are accessing.

Writing Task 3

Use alliteration to compile a list of ingredients for your

own marvellous medicine.

Alongside your adjectives try to add amounts

(quantifiers, which are a type of determiner). These are

often used with ingredients for recipes. See below.

Examples of ingredients using quantifiers and alliteration

are shown.

How to make a Marvellous Medicine for

George’s wicked Grandma!

Page 13: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of the content that your children are accessing.

SPAG Task 4

Look at where the adverbs of time, imperative verbs and adverbs of

manner are used in this method for making George’s Marvellous


Look at some instructions or recipes that you have at home. Can you find

some examples of adverbs of time, imperative verbs and adverbs of

manner? Make a list of these that you could use in your own writing.

Page 14: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Reading Task 4

Read or listen to the fifth chapter

‘The Cook Up’ and first page of

chapter 6 ‘Brown Paint’. You can

listen to Mrs Robson read this on

YouTube. The link will be in the

weekly email.

How does George make his


Order how George makes his

medicine after he has collected

all his ingredients.

Writing Task 4

WAGOLL and checklist.

Page 15: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

WRITING TASK 4 Today you will be writing the method for your instructions to make your own

marvellous medicine! Read the WAGOLL and the checklist above. Next write your method. You can

use this scaffold to help you if you would like to. Don’t forget to include the time adverbs, imperative

verbs and adverbs of manner that you found in today’s SPAG task 4.

Page 16: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of the content that your children are accessing.

SPAG Task 5

Inverted commas

and synonyms for


Page 17: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Reading Task 5

Read this extract.

Make predictions about

what might happen to

Grandma when she takes

the medicine.

This extract contains

dialogue between

Grandma and George.

Highlight the words that

are being said. You might

like to highlight George’s

words in one colour and

Grandma’s in another.

Writing task 5 WAGOLL

“Where have you been? You’re late!” sneered

Grandma angrily.

“Nowhere and I’m not late Grandma,” replied


Grandma stared directly at George, “Stop

interrupting me, you rude boy!”

“But I wasn’t Grandma,” protested George.

“See! You did it again! You are an argumentative

boy!” scorned Grandma.

George quickly reached for the bottle of

medicine, “It’s time for your medicine.”

“You’re always on about my medicine,” Grandma

screeched. “Shake the bottle and get a spoon


Page 18: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of the content that your children are accessing.

Writing Task 5

Plan your new conversation between Grandma and George using the speech

bubbles opposite.

Next, write your new conversation using inverted commas around the words that are

being spoken. Look at the WAGOLL example on the previous page.

Don’t forget to start a new line each time you change speaker.

Page 19: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of the content that your children are accessing.

Page 20: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of the content that your children are accessing.

Page 21: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1st June Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.

Page 22: Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 June · You don’t know what’s good for you!” Grandma likes to eat her cabbage with caterpillars and her lettuce with beetles! Have a

Home Learning Projects: Week Beginning 1 Keeping Children Safe Online

Children will require a level of supervision when undertaking online learning. Some of the links below include videos on YouTube and other hosting sites. Parents, please ensure you are fully aware of

the content that your children are accessing.