Home and Real Estate Weekly

HOME & Real Estate Weekly February 26, 2011 Longmont Times-Call www.HomeandRealEstateWeekly.com K K e e e e p p f f r r u u i i t t t t r r e e e e s s h h e e a a l l t t h h y y w w i i t t h h p p r r u u n n i i n n g g Upgrade Home your N N o o t t a a l l l l m m o o r r t t g g a a g g e e s s s s h h o o u u l l d d b b e e r r e e f f i i n n a a n n c c e e d d


A magazine focusing on community real estate, decorating and gardening.

Transcript of Home and Real Estate Weekly

Page 1: Home and Real Estate Weekly

HOME & RealEstateWeekly

February 26, 2011

Longmont Times-Call www.HomeandRealEstateWeekly.com

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Page 2: Home and Real Estate Weekly

2 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly February 26, 2011

News and Press ReleasesHome & Real Estate Weekly welcomes news

on hirings, advancements, awards, classes andother information of interest to the real estate andhome community. Please submit information tothe editor by e-mail, fax 303-774-8088 or mail to350 Terry St., Longmont, CO 80501. The dead-line is Monday at 5 p.m. the week of publication.

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On the CoverUpgrading your home before selling can be beneficial if done right. (Thinkstock)

Kristi Ritter

Summer Stair

AdvertisingThe display advertising deadlineis Tuesday at 3 p.m., and theclassified line advertising deadlineis Thursday at 3 p.m. – boththe week of publication. Foradvertising information, call720-494-5445.

Home Upgrade

By Kendra WalkerLongmont Times-Call

If you’re considering putting your house on the market in thenear future, it’s important to understand key elements that poten-tial buyers look for in a home. Before putting up that “for sale”sign, make the needed improvements that will cater to any buyer’schecklist. By upgrading, you’ll be able to put up the “sold” signwith a bigger return on your investment.“One question to ask is, ‘will the upgrade cause your house to

price out of the neighborhood or become the highest priced on theblock?’” says Dave Wagner, president of the Longmont Associationof Realtors. You want to keep up with the neighborhood withoutbeing the leader with the highest priced house.Wagner also says it is difficult to get a return on your investment

in this market, as most projects average 50 to 70 cents on the dollarinvested. “So if you plow another $50,000 into finishing the base-ment, you may only be increasing the value of the property by$25,000 to $35,000,” he says.Wagner suggests remodeling with your own enjoyment in mind.

Figure out what improvements you can afford to make on yourhome in alignment with what will ultimately increase your resalevalue.Kitchen remodels have one of the highest returns on investment,

says Dene Yarwood of Wright Kingdom Real Estate. People look forspacious kitchens with a lot of light, solid counter space andmatching appliances. “Slab granite and stainless appliances are abig hit with buyers,” Yarwood says. “The cost to install both ofthese has gone down significantly since they first debuted.”Similar to the kitchen, updating the bathroom yields a reason-

able return on investment. Yarwood suggests switching to slabgranite for the counters and painting the cabinets. She also recom-mends getting rid of brass faucets and updating to brushed nickelor oil-rubbed bronze.Buyers also appreciate well-maintained floors. Try updating your

vinyl floors to hardwood or tile. Replacing old carpet and paddingwill have a high return per dollar spent, Wagner says.Garage door replacement is another worthwhile project. The

cost recouped is as high as 83.9 percent, according to the 2010-11Remodeling Cost Vs. Value Report. Consider replacing yourfront and back doors. “Replacing door hardware will also give agood return as that is often a first 10-second impression,” Wagnersays.Some small, inexpensive fixes before showing your home are

painting the walls and changing lights. Remove old wallpaper andrepaint with light beige or white to neutralize your paint colors,Yarwood says. Replace fluorescent lights with inset spot or floodlamps. “Try to keep rooms bright,” Wagner says.

Make sure your upgrades fit your taste, as well as the generaltaste of others. “Buyers like to know that they’re getting somethingthat fits today’s standards and that they’re getting something that’swell loved and cared for,” Yarwood says.

The benefits of increasingthe value of your house

Humidifyingyour homeBy Dwight BarnettScripps Howard News Service

Q: I have a question aboutwhat the proper humidityshould be in our home. I haveseveral thermo-hygrometers inour house. Our home doesn’tfeel too dry in the winter. Wehave a portable humidifier inour bedroom just to add a littlemoisture during the winter, andwe enjoy the soothing hum ofit. Our house stays anywherefrom 30 to 40 percent in thecoldest part of winter. Is thatOK? Also what is your take on asteam humidifier?

A: It would be difficult to raiseindoor humidity levels above 40percent when the room tempera-ture is around 68 degrees of me-chanically heated air. The warmerthe air, the more moisture the aircan hold, and 68 degrees may feelwarm, but it’s not like summer-time temperatures.If you can remember the 90-de-

gree summer days, you know thatthere is also a corresponding highhumidity level. What I have beentold throughout the years is thatthe preferred wintertime level in-side the home should be any-where from 40 to 70 percent rela-tive humidity at 68 degrees whenthe outside temperature is 30 de-grees or less.Indoor humidity levels beyond

70 percent create an environmentin which mold spores can gain afoothold in your home. Fortu-nately, the air conditioner dehu-midifies and cools the air at thesame time.I encourage my clients to add

humidity by using in-room steam-producing humidifiers or vaporiz-ers. Remember to shut off the hu-midifier in the summer so the airconditioner is not overworked asit removes moisture from the air.

Page 3: Home and Real Estate Weekly

February 26, 2011 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly 3

Though balmy days and blue skies arecalling us to the garden, wet soils meanwe should hold off on tilling and sowing.Lopping off a fewbranches is theperfect way to in-dulge our garden-ing itch, and keepour fruit treeshealthy. EarlyMarch is the per-fect time to get outinto the warm sun-shine and prune afew trees.Fruit trees are

those that work fora living, and tokeep yours healthy and bearing, spendsome quality time with them this spring.With a nip here, a tuck there and a fewtidying trims, they’ll be ready to flowerand fruit. Pruning allows air and sunlightto reach the center of the tree, improvingsugars in the fruit while reducing disease.For all types of fruit trees, follow a few ba-sic steps.• Tidy it up: Prune out any dead or dis-

eased wood. Look for twigs that are driedout, with a grayish or black appearance.Though it’s tempting to snap off deadwood, cut it off instead to avoid tearingthe bark. Broken twigs are a harbor fordisease, so cut them back to a bud or tothe junction of twig to branch.• Direct growth: Prune out any crossing

or rubbing limbs. Branches that rub oneanother sloughs off bark, setting them upfor disease problems. As they grow, cross-ing limbs often begin rubbing each other.• Get rid of sprouts: Cut out water

sprouts and basal suckers (the vigorousupright growth shooting up from branch-es or from the base of the tree). This typeof growth is usually weak and fruits poor-ly. Prune it completely off.• Upward and outward: Downward

growing branches don’t fruit well. Clipthese off to let trees put energy into hori-zontal or upward limbs.

Garage saleplates, tea setshold little valueBy Helaine Fendelman and JoeRossonScripps Howard News Service

Dear Helaine and Joe: I am sendingphotographs of items I found at a garagesale. I hope you can send me some infor-mation on what they are and if I shouldinsure them. One of them has no mark-ings except for something that looks likecrossed swords, another is marked“Dresden” and the third is marked “RSPrussia.” Thank you, W.H.

Dear W.H.: Before we go any further, wewant to say that the photos we are workingfrom were sent to us from an iPhone, andthis just does not work well. If you want anopinion from us, we have to have good, de-tailed, in-focus photographs. The ones wehave for today’s question are inadequate atbest.

The reticulated plate here (this term refersto the piercing around the edge) is markedwith a lion above a shield and the name“Dresden” below.

“Dresden” is the name of a German citywhere Chinese-style hard-paste porcelainwas first made in Europe, in the early 18thcentury. Shortly after this discovery no moreporcelain was made in that city, but a lot wasdecorated there. This particular plate wasmade by the Carl Schumann Porcelain Fac-tory of Arzberg, Bavaria, and decorated inthe “Dresden style.”

These plates are most valuable in sets, andif this is a single, its insurance replacementvalue is probably $50 or even a bit less. Theother reticulated plate belonging to W.H. isanother matter altogether. It was made bythe famous Meissen factory, which has along and distinguished history.

The hand-painted plate belonging to W.H.is probably from the late 19th century and ifit is a single, it has an insurance value ofaround $200 to $300.

Prune your fruit trees now

Left: Peaches growing on firstyear wood. Above: A peachsprouts triple buds.(Courtesy Carol O’Meara)

Carol O’MearaColorado State

University Extension

If you have peaches or nectarine treeshere on the Front Range, you’re a garden-er who loves a challenge. Though theseplants survive, they aren’t the most pro-ductive fruit we can grow; frost freezestheir buds off nine years out of 10. To givethem the best chance for forming fruit,prune them every year.Peaches and nectarines fruit on one-

year old shoots, so the goal of pruning isto force part of the tree into new shootsyearly. Do this by cutting back branchesthat fruited last year to a woody bud – it’spointed like an arrowhead, instead ofplump. But don’t go hog wild, cutting offevery branch; cut back one out of everyfour branches that fruited last year. Doneevery year, your tree will give plenty offruit without overbearing.Often these trees will have triple buds,

where a woody bud is flanked by twoflower buds. Prune off above this point,gently rub off the flower buds on eitherside and let the woody bud grow into ashoot. Double buds are not uncommon;look for the pointed woody bud and ruboff the other.Apples and pears fruit on older wood,

on spurs forming along branches. These

spurs are compressed shoots, appearing asa knobby, slightly wrinkled bud. Eachyear they grow minutely, not elongatinglike woody shoots. To keep the trees infruit, branches three years and older aredesired. When pruning apples and pears,the goal is to focus yearly attention on theupper part of the canopy, where growth isvigorous and can rapidly shade the centerof the tree.

When pruning to a bud, prune one-quarter-inch above the bud, at a 45-degreeangle. Pick buds that are pointing out-ward; they’ll go that direction. Avoid in-ward-facing buds, since you don’t wantyour branches to run back into the centerof the tree. If you’re cutting the branch offentirely, prune to just outside of the raisedarea at the junction of the branch to thetrunk. This is the branch collar. Leavingthis intact will help the tree seal the cutoff from disease.

Carol O’Meara is a horticulture entomologist withthe Colorado State University Extension office atthe Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont.Contact her by calling 303-678-6238 or [email protected]. For more gardeningtips, check out her blog at gardeningafterfive.wordpress.com.

Take care of a smoking fireplace to eliminate any potential problemsA number of questions lately have cen-tered on wood-burning fireplaces and justabout any problem that arises with theiruse. A recent one concerned using a fire-place with a heat pump.It’s possible that forced-air heating sys-tems can induce unbalanced, and often neg-ative, pressure, which can cause a fireplaceto smoke every time. Pronounced negativepressure in the basement when an air-han-dler fan starts is often associated with leaksin the cold-air return duct. The expert’s so-lution: Wrap the return-air duct joints with

the best duct tape you can buy, and open awindow briefly while lighting a fire.If the fireplace smokes with a windowopen, the problem may be in the ventingsystem. With factory-built metal or mason-ry fireplaces, the chimney may be too shortto provide adequate draft.With factory-built chimneys, raising theheight might simply involve adding a sectionof chimney pipe, or adding a bracing kit ifthe chimney already extends to a certainheight (this is determined by the manufac-turer’s installation instructions). In either

case, it’s usually not terribly expensive.If the factory-built fireplace is installed in achase (a boxlike structure that conceals themetal chimney), extending the chase andthe chimney would be more expensive.Raising the height of a masonry chimneycould be considerably more expensive andproblematic, maybe involving scaffoldingand determining whether there is adequatefoundation support. Also, matching upbricks can be difficult.

– Al Heavens

Page 4: Home and Real Estate Weekly

4 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly February 26, 2011

Mixing old and newfor a fresh design

Candice OlsonHGTV

Creating either a traditional design or a modernone is straightforward, but creating a space thatmarries the two styles can lead to a design divorce.If done incorrectly, the outcome can be awkward –but if done with care, the results can be truly amaz-ing.I put this principle to work during a recent pro-

ject for clients Anne and Jeff, who had a largeground-floor living room with a large problem. Theroom was packed with mismatched furniture andjarring styles: chic sofas rubbed elbows with ornatechairs, modern artwork hung alongside antiquepaintings.Unsure how to make it all gel, Anne and Jeff

asked if I could help them unify their old and newpieces and turn the discordant room into a harmo-nious space.The couple had a contemporary chocolate-

brown sofa and loveseat they wanted to keep. I de-cided to start the process with those two pieces,bring in some of their antiques and make every-thing speak the same language with color and pat-tern. To this end, I selected a palette of bright col-ors (creams, greens, blues and yellows) and chose avariety of bold fabrics (linens, paisleys andweaves).My next task was to give some of the older pieces

a new lease on life. I sent out an antique sofa andtwo cane chairs to be painted white and reuphol-stered – a blue/green woven fabric for the sofa anda funky paisley for the chairs. I also cut an old din-ing-room hutch in half and painted the bottomturquoise-blue – a color you wouldn’t normally seeon such a traditional piece.I then organized the room into separate zones

and brought in new furnishings. I created a reading

area by the room’s glass doors, which I furnishedwith new shades in a distinctive arabesque pattern.I put the repurposed antique sofa against one walland flanked it with two white bookcases. I also putin a new round wooden table, two white and Lucitechairs and hung a cool, globe pendant light above itall.Next to this, I created a lounge area with the

brown sofa and loveseat. I added a square glass cof-fee table, the two antique cane chairs and a floorlamp with an ostrich-feather shade. Above the mainsofa, I created a gallery of the couple’s artwork thatcombines both traditional and modern pieces. Thewhole seating area faces a wall that houses the re-purposed turquoise hutch, which now holds a flat-screen television.I moved Anne and Jeff’s piano into a corner be-

side the seating area and chose a large, ornate wallmirror to anchor that area. I then repurposed an ex-

isting chandelier by painting it white and hung itabove the piano. Beside the piano, I created a smallseating area with a white leather egg chair and anarc lamp.

I also put in accessories, like carvings, bowls,vases and pillows, to mix things up even further.

Life is about appreciating the past while embrac-ing the present, and the same can be said for gooddesign. By mixing colors, patterns and styles, Anneand Jeff’s space went from eccentric to eclectic. It isnow the perfect marriage of old and new – and I’lltoast that union any day of the week.

Interior decorator Candice Olson is host of HGTV’s ’’Can-dice Tells All.’’ For more ideas, information and show times,visit www.hgtv.com/candice-tells-all/show/index.html.

By mixing colors, patterns and styles, Anne and Jeff’sspace went from eccentric to eclectic. (SHNS/CourtesyHGTV)




Page 5: Home and Real Estate Weekly

February 26, 2011 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly 5

Pay loans instead of refinanceQ: I have a first mortgage and a home

equity line of credit and am wonderingwhether refinancing makes sense forme. On my first mortgage, I owe some$9,000, which is at 6.85 per-cent. I only have about a cou-ple of years left on the loan.As far as refinancing thismortgage, I don’t think any-one would be interested indoing this, and the closingcosts would probably negateany savings. But I also have a$6,000 home equity line ofcredit, which will take meanother few years to pay off.Would it make sense to

combine these loans? Could Iget anyone interested to refinance a$15,000 loan? What if I took out a littlemore money, for a total of $25,000, anddid some work on the house?A: If you only owe $15,000, you might

not be able to refinance – and it wouldn’tbe financially feasible to do it in any case.You should just work to pay off these loansas quickly as possible.As you suspect, your only option would

be to get a larger home equity line of cred-it, and use it to pay off the $9,000 and thenyou’ll have a HELOC at a low rate. You cantalk to a lender and run the numbers to seeif it’s worthwhile to obtain a new loan topay off both of your loans.If you wanted to take out more money,

you might have to do a cash-out refinancefor somewhere around $75,000 to get alender interested in helping you out. Butyour home may not be worth that or im-provements that you make to your homemay not justify that loan. Again, your bestbet might be to simply throw all the cash atthese loans that you can, and get them paidoff as quickly as possible.

Q: I have some questions regardingthe tax exclusion homeowners are enti-tled to when they sell their primary res-idence. Let’s say a homeowner who haslived in his primary residence for atleast two of the past five years is sellinghis home.As I understand it, he is allowed to

keep up to $250,000 tax free of theprofits. But let’s say that six months toa year prior to the home sale, thehomeowner marries and files jointly. Al-though one of the individuals hasn’tlived in the home for the full two years,would they still be allowed to take up to$500,000 tax free?Also, let’s say there is some profit

above the $500,000 or $250,000 (if thespouse is ineligible). Will the amount betaxed at the marginal tax bracket of theindividual or couple or is it a flat 3 or 4percent on the amount?A: According to IRS Publication 523, by

selling your home, you and your spousewould qualify for the $500,000 exclusion if

all of the following is true: you are marriedand file a joint return for the year in whichyou sell the home; either you or yourspouse meets the ownership test, in which

you or your spouse owned theproperty and lived in it as a pri-mary residence for at least twoof the past five years; and, dur-ing the two-year period endingon the date of the sale, neitheryou nor your spouse excludedgain from the sale of anotherhome. If the owner of the prop-erty has only owned the prop-erty for 18 months before sell-ing, he can take a proportionateshare of the profits as an exclu-sion on his federal (and typical-

ly state) income tax return.To answer your second question, for

profits in excess of what you can legallyexclude, you’ll pay long-term capital gainstax, up to 20 percent, depending on yourincome level.That is dictated by how much you and

your spouse (if you have one) earn. Formore details, check out IRS Publication523, Selling Your Home.(www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p523.pdf)

Ilyce R. Glink’s latest book is “Buy, Close, Move In!”If you have questions, you can call her radio showat 800-972-8255 any Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 1p.m. EST. Contact Ilyce through her website atwww.thinkglink.com.

Ilyce GlinkTribune Media Services

2011 All-America Rose Selection winnerThe new Dick Clark rose, a 2011 All-America Rose Selec-tion winner, made its national TV debut in all its bloomingbeauty during the Rose Parade in Pasadena, Calif., on Jan. 1.Named for the celebrity who traditionally hosts the NewYear’s Eve party in New York City, the rose features a blendof cream and cherry blushed with burgundy petals, shinygreen foliage and long stems.More than 80 stems of fragrant Dick Clark flowers werefeatured on a Camelot-theme float by Bayer Advanced. Or-chids, daisies and carnations also made up the display.

– Kathy Van Mullekom


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Page 6: Home and Real Estate Weekly

6 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly February 26, 2011

30-year fixed-ratemortgage remains strongBy Nicolas P. RetsinasThe Providence Journal

Remember your father’s Oldsmobile –the passe model that drivers of this millen-nium dismissed? Our recent housing-mar-ket frenzy propelled thefixed-rate, long-termmortgage into a similargenerational derision.The basic model was

born in 1934 under theFederal Housing Adminis-tration, Franklin Roo-sevelt’s initiative to spurhomeownership. But start-ing in the first decade ofthe 21st century, thisproduct lost favor to ahodgepodge of otherproducts, including inter-est-only and negativeamortization.In 2000, only 2 percent

of all residential-mortgageoriginations were of thissort. By 2005, the numberhad soared to 29 percent.The mortgage of choice ofyour parents, indeed ofyour grandparents, wasbecoming passe.Today, when this hodge-

podge has all but van-ished, the old standardmodel is looking better.During our financial crisis, borrowers haveexpressed a strong preference for fixed-rate, 30-year mortgages, albeit with exten-sive government backing.The benefits remain. For a variety of rea-

sons (not always rational), many Ameri-cans want to own their home. But until theFHA intervened in 1934, they could notmeet the prevailing terms – 50 percentdown payment, five-years, interest-only,with a balloon payment at the end.A new type of amortizing mortgage

gave them that chance. With a down pay-ment (much smaller than 50 percent),buyers had a vested interest in their home.(With the interest-only models, buyersnever actually owned any part of theirhome; the lender/investor owned thewhole thing.)Fixed rates gave buyers a hedge against

inflation. Those rates also shielded buyersfrom the vagaries of the rental market. Ifrents soared, the buyer still paid the samemonthly payment. Crucially, the amortiza-tion was de facto enforced savings. Eachmonth the buyer paid off not just the inter-est, but a sliver of the principal.In the not-so-distant past, families held

“mortgage-burning” parties to celebrate

the last payment. In contrast, recent home-owners expected to sell, make money andrefinance. They were not thinking long-term roots, but short-term investment. Inthat scenario, interest-only, non-amortizingmortgages made financial sense.

Ironically, for babyboomers’ parents andgrandparents, the home fi-nanced by the fixed-rate,30-year mortgage turnedout to be not just a domi-cile, but a nest egg. As lateas 1989, more than 80 per-cent of all homeownersover 65 had paid off theirmortgages, and they couldtap into that money for re-tirement. And since someof the retirees had defined-benefit pensions that pro-vided them with a setamount every month (solong as the company re-mained solvent), theyfound retirement theproverbial golden age.

Today, unfortunately,only a third of people overage 65 have paid off theirhomes. This is even moretroubling since today’s re-tirees are unlikely to havea guaranteed pension plan.Instead, they have 401(k)s

and IRAs, where money contributed byemployees and employers is invested in se-curities. Because monthly retirementchecks depend on the performance of thestock market, returns plummet during arecession.

Pundits correctly point out that in pastdecades buyers would have done better in-vesting in the stock market. Trouble is,working-class Americans have never beenlikely to seek out the stock market. At thesame time, U.S. savings rates have histori-cally been low. Thanks to the enforced sav-ings provided by “your father’s standardmortgage,” however, those people whobought rather than rented years ago nowhave a financial cushion that they wouldn’thave had otherwise.

Based on all we’ve been through duringthe Great Recession, the old mortgagemodel, unlike the Oldsmobile, looks readyto make a comeback.

Nicolas P. Retsinas is a senior lecturer in real estateat the Harvard Business School. He previouslyserved as assistant secretary for housing, andthe federal housing commissioner, at the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,and as director of the U.S. Office of ThriftSupervision.

Today, when thishodgepodge hasall but vanished,the old standardmodel is lookingbetter. Duringour financial crisis,borrowers haveexpressed astrong preferencefor fixed-rate,30-yearmortgages, albeitwith extensivegovernmentbacking.

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1136 Steamboat Valley Road, Lyons5-acre parcel above Lyons with views!www.1136,wkre.com $125,000Barb Bashor 303-775-2994

307 W. Lucerne Drive, LafayetteBeautifully updated-move in condition!www.307.wkre.com $284,900Andria Allen 303-810-8375

2231 County Rd 42, BerthoudBeautiful home on 33 acres w/views!www.2231.wkre.com $869,900Andria Allen 303-810-8375

5350 Windemere Road, LovelandHorse property w/35 acres!www.5350.wkre.com $1,149,000Andria Allen 303-810-8375

2398 Links Place, ErieParade of Homes 1st Place Winner!www.2398.wkre.com $1,499,500Janet Raymer 720-564-6058

723 Sandpoint DriveSierra 3 car/huge lot/4bd/4ba + loftwww.723.wkre.com $242,000Dene Yarwood 303-808-0076

5753 Canyon Circle, FrederickYosemite model-backs to high school!www.5753.wkre.com $185,000Ellie Davies 720-564-6056

1249 Highland Place, ErieDesirable Highland Farms Lots!www.1249.wkre.com $199,000Jim Green 303-775-2553

6880 WCR 5, ErieAmazing country property w/custom home!www.6880.wkre.com $1,140,000Andria Allen 303-810-8375

6066 Ulysses Avenue, FirestoneGreat Firestone 2 Story Home 4bed 4 bath!www.6066.wkre.com $265,000Craig Cowley 303-589-4009

991 S. Rachel Court, MillikenLaporte model on large corner lot!www.991.wkre.com $159,900Ellie Davies 720-564-6056

1128 4th Avenue, LongmontLongmont Old Town Victorian!www.1128.wkre.com $354,900Craig Cowley 303-589-4009


Open SAT 1:30-3:30

Open SUN 12-2

Page 7: Home and Real Estate Weekly

February 26, 2011 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly 7

Wood joins Re/Max AllianceCatherine Wood has

joined Re/Max Alliance as anassociate broker. The growth,experience, energy andtechnology base of Re/MaxAlliance will allow Wood toprovide a greater range ofservices to her clients andcustomers.

Wood comes to Re/MaxAlliance with 22 years of ex-perience. To contact her, call303-459-7303, 303-931-9746 or visit www.catherinewood.com.

Johnson joins ERATradewind Real EstateJim Johnson has joined

ERA Tradewind Real Estate.He previously had his ap-praisers license before gettinghis real estate license. John-son has a Bachelor of Arts de-gree in economics from theUniversity of Colorado atBoulder and a five-yearplumber apprenticeship.Reach Johnson by calling

303-772-9620 or stopping bythe office at 601 S. Bowen St. in Longmont.

Melichar earns top honors in International Sterling Society




Cheryl Melichar of Coldwell BankerResidential Brokerage’s Longmont officehas been awarded membership in the com-pany’s International Sterling Society, anhonor bestowed upon the top ColdwellBanker Residential Brokerage sales associ-ates worldwide.Melichar continues to be one of the top

listing and selling agents in the Longmont

office, and has been an award winner eightout of nine years she has been associatedwith Coldwell Banker Residential Broker-age.Contact Melichar at the Coldwell

Banker Residential Brokerage office at1707 N. Main St. Suite 500 in Longmont,call her at 720-652-5909 or [email protected].


*Offers available on select homes as determined by Lennar, for purchase agreements written on or before 3/31/11 and closing must occur no later than 5/27/11. Amount of savings is off of list price and may vary by homesite. Offer good for a limited time on select inventory homes that are owner-occupied. Offersavailable only to qualified buyers financing through Universal American Mortgage Company and closing at designated closing agent. Prices subject to change without notice. Matt Wolf NMLS #155562, 9781 S. Meridian Blvd, Suite 120, Englewood, CO 80112,330-200-1970. Supervised Lender License #987996. To check the license status of your mortgage loan originator, visit http://www.dora.state.co.us/realestate. Copyright © 2011 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, UniversalAmerican Mortgage Company, and the UAMC logo are registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. 2/11

MONROE | 1735 Trevor CourtRanch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-car garage,1,540 sq. ft. plus full unfinished basement$259,900

LINCOLN | 1727 Trevor Court2 stories, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths,2-car garage, mud room, 2,047 sq. ft.plus full unfinished basement$279,900

JEFFERSON | 1731 Trevor Court2 stories, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2-cargarage, upstairs laundry, 1,849 sq. ft.plus full unfinished basement$264,900

ROOSEVELT | 1736 Trevor Court2 stories, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2-cargarage, formal dining, upstairs laundry,2,214 sq. ft. plus full unfinished basement$289,900

WASHINGTON | 1740 Trevor Court2 stories, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths,2-car garage, upstairs laundry, 1,622 sq.ft. plus full unfinished basement$259,900

ADAMS | 1732 Trevor CourtRanch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-car garage,1,446 sq. ft. plus full unfinished basement$249,900

HOVER CROSSING | 18th Ave. & Hover St.Monday: Noon – 6pm, Tues – Sat: 10am – 6pm, Sunday: 11am – 6pm | 866-201-5112


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Page 8: Home and Real Estate Weekly

8 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly February 26, 2011

Real Estate Transactions are supplied byProspects Unlimited Inc.,www.prospectsunlimited.com.

• Borrower: Steven Flowers,Lender: JPMorgan Chase BankNational Association, Amount:$146,044, Property: 1837 Strat-

ford Ln, Longmont, Filed:02/15/11

• Borrower: Monique Poche,Lender: US Bank National Associ-ation, Amount: $232,402, Proper-ty: 4211 San Marco Dr, Long-mont, Filed: 02/15/11

• Borrower: Robert & ShellyKnight, Lender: US Bank NationalAssociation, Amount: $212,677,Property: 701 Snowberry St,Longmont, Filed: 02/16/11

• Borrower: JessicaCharlesworth, Lender: PHH Mort-

gage Corporation, Amount:$186,426, Property: 3640 Oak-wood Dr, Longmont, Filed:02/16/11

• Borrower: Paulo Aguilar &Marisela Cirlos, Lender: WellsFargo Bank NA, Amount:

$193,492, Property: 716 RodgersCir, Platteville, Filed: 02/10/11

• Borrower: Kevin Slavin,Lender: Chase Home FinanceLLC, Amount: $141,442, Proper-ty: 17901 County Road 38, Plat-teville, Filed: 02/16/11







uir e


#o f














Wa s


Dr y



Wa s


Dr y








Reach over 44,000 Readers Each Week With Your Advertising Message.Call Your Classified Advertising Executive Today 303-776-7440

Hover Manor Senior ApartmentResidence

1401 Elmhurst Dr. • 303-772-9292$885-$890 $835-$840 1 1 Yes No Yes Yes

Secure building, quiet neighborhood, meal program,transportation, utilities paid, appliances & cable

TV included,62 yrs & older; vouchers accepted.

Victoria Inn2400 17th Ave. • 303-772-4667

$749-$899 $250 1, 2 1,1¾ Yes Yes Yes

In eachapartment

A/C, D/W, cable ready, balcony or deck, carport,outdoor pool, close to shopping & bus stop.

Ute Creek Apartments1100 E 17th Ave. • 303-684-6821


Starting at$825 $125 1, 2 1, 2 Yes Yes Yes

Full SIzein each


Move-In Specials, senior and other discounts.Fireplace,

pool & spa, 24-hour fitness, garages. Close toshopping.

The Shores at McIntosh Lake2450 Airport Rd. • 303-774-8000


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Yes Yes Yes YesGas fireplaces, 24 hr. fitness center, heated pool & hottub, A/C, business center, gourmet kitchens, detached

garages.*On selected apartments.

Cloverbasin Village630 Peck Dr. • 888-837-4912

$690-$1100 $1491,2,33-bdrm.

townhomes2 Yes Yes

Yes65 lbs limit


& rentalavailable

Convenient location, pet friendly, garages available,24-hour maintenance

Elliott Apartments418 Emery St. Longmont, CO 80501 • 303-772-6452

$610-$990 Yes 1, 2, 3 1, 2 Yes Yes PetsNeg. Yes

In historic Longmont, large trees, quiet neighborhoodon-site parking & storage. Close to RTD. Heat


Fox Ridge Apartments3800 Pike Rd., Longmont, CO 80503 • 303-774-9944

$789-$1239 $200 1, 2, 3 1, 2Yes

Short TermAvailable

Yes Yes Yes YesIsland kitchens, garden tubs, gas fireplaces,double balconies, two tone paint, gated com-

munity. Close to schools & newest community inLongmont.

Tanglewood CondominiumsSenior Community

100 21st Ave., Longmont, CO 80501 • 303-774-0300


$1235-$1625 1, 2 1, 2 Yes Some Yes

$50+ mo.

Full sizein eachcondo

W/Dprovided ineach Condo

All utilities & cable paid, sec. bldg., elevator, W/Din every unit, transportation, social events. HUGE

amenities package, quiet 55+ community. Call forincentives!












Page 9: Home and Real Estate Weekly

February 26, 2011 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly 9

LE DEAUVILLEAPARTMENTSROOMY & READY1 Bd From $5752 Beds From $610Great LocationLarge Units

Park Like SettingAmple ParkingA/C & Pool





1 & 2 BDRMApt HomesFox Ridge Apts PremierGated Community. PetsOK!For Info & SpecialsCall (303)774-9944

✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭✭1, 2 & 3 BDRM

Apartment HomesThe ShoresApartments,

Hwy 66 & Airport Rd(303)774-8000


Apartments/Unfurnished 4030

NO lease, dep or credit chkWkly/4-wk • 303-776-2185• ALSO RV SITES AVAIL!

Apartments/Furnished 4010

Responsible older maleneeds small farmhouse/aptto rent w/space for 2 mini.

donkeys. 303-746-7028

WantedTo Rent 4170


To place an ad, call 303-776-7440 or go to www.TimesCall.com/classifieds and place yourad any time of the day or night. Fax: 303-772-8339…email: [email protected]

CLOVERBASINVILLAGE(303)485-0512630 Peck Drive-Longmont West onNelson/Airport Rd

1 Bedroom 1 Bathas LOW as $7102 Bedroom, 2 Bathas LOW as $8003 Bedroom 2 Bathstarting at $8503 Bdrm TownhousesStarting at $999

QUAILVILLAGE303-485-0065321 Quail Road-across fromLongmont Rec


2 Bedroom 2 Bathas LOW as $7313 Bedroom 2 Bathas LOW as $844!



**Income GuidelinesMay Apply**

✓ Full Size Washer& Dryer Hookups

✓ Close to Bus lines

✓ Pets Welcome

2 BDRM APT´s-Starting at $645, some with

Move-in Specials!Call PMP, 303-776-RENT

● 1 BDRM- very nice, A/C● lndry, DW, frplc. N/P● N/S, $650, 303-444-0501

•1 & 2 BDRM ✭ $550-$695FREE Heat 1060 17th Ave,Habla Espanol 720-327-8918

Apartments/Unfurnished 4030

SMALL 2 bdrm, mobilehome in Erie, W/D, Nopets. $585. 735 Kattell #107.303-828-4803 or 303-722-3502

leave message

ROOMS & ApartmentsWeekly/Monthly, from$100/week. Utililtiesincluded. (303)931-7108

Horizon Place1 Bedroom- $545!2 Bedroom- $645!

Secure bldg, swimmingpool, A/C, on-site laundry.Call PMP, 303-776-RENT

EASTGLEN APTS630 Lashley, Longmont

(303)682-29431, 2 & 3 BEDROOMS:

laundry.✭Wtr, trash, sewer pd

APTS YOUR CHOICE!www.alertrealty.net

3 BDRM APTSStarting at $725/monthCall PMP, 303-776-RENT

2 BDRM, QUIET-West Side, resid area,very clean! MW,

W/D, A/C, D/W, N/P.$650. (303)217-0519

2 Bdrm, 1 ba, lge, completeremodel- W/D, A/C, deck,N/P/S. 2041 Meadow Dr.

$840 303-443-4308

Apartments/Unfurnished 4030


2400 17th Avenue, Longmont, Colorado 80503





• FREE Washer/Dryer& Carport

• Wood-burning fireplace• Large balconies/patios• Approved pets accepted• MTM leases available• Within walkingdistance of shopping,restaurants & RTD

• On line leasing available• One bdr, 1 bath starting at $749• Two bdr, 2 bath starting at $899

Apartments/Unfurnished 4030


New ExtendedStay Hotel

● $179* WEEKLY

or● $599


✓ Perfect for visitingfriends & family!

I-25 & Hwy 119,Longmont exit 240.


Bring ad to qualify.*Expires 3/31/2011*New Guests Only*

Apartments/Unfurnished 4030

Apartments/Unfurnished 4030

0 App Fee-$100 off 1st 2 mosLg 3 bdrm, 2 ba, gar, waterpaid. No dogs. 303-682-2525

Duplexes 4060

Cutest TH! End unit,3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, part finbsmt, walk to sprmrkt &rec ctr. $1195. 303-776-6715

3 bdrm, 2 ba, W/D hkup,A/C, $900/mo + dep, petsnego. Frdrk. (303)833-1723

2 BDRM, 1 ba, No smk/pets. 225 E. 8th Ave. $695/mo + $695/dep. 303-678-8663

Condos/Townhouses 4050

WAREHOUSE/SHOPI-25 North, Exit 245,50’ x 60’, 16’ ceiling,

2 OH doors, 3-phase elect.Rent nego. 303-546-6881

Commercial/Industrial 4040


Log on to www.timescall.comClick on “Submit An Ad“



Duplex/Condo2 Bedroom• 50 19th Ave

Call PMP, 303-776-RENT

2 BDRM, 2 BA, A/C, gar,lrg fncd yd, Dog OK.

On cul-de-sac. 5 MartinezPlace, $960. 303-443-4308

1 BDRM, W/D hkup,utils pd. $725/mo, no pets.(303)772-9650 after 5pm

Duplexes 4060

INDOOR GARAGE &Commercial Storage

20x40x16 w/ 14x14 doorsstart at $300.

20x50x16 w/ 30 amp elect,man door & pwr dooropener start at $425.Garage Storage LLC,

4070 Camelot Cir, locatedI25 Business Park.

I-25 & Hwy-66. 970-535- 6074www.Longmont-storage.com

Garages/StorageSpaces 4070

WHY RENT?Own a home for$O Down!

Do you qualify?Call Devin O´Branagan

ERA Tradewind


Houses 4080

Page 10: Home and Real Estate Weekly

10 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly February 26, 2011

Dacono 3 bdrm, 2 bath,nice kit & yd, A/C, 2 lgsheds, new wind. $850.RENTED IN 5 DAYS!

$99 MOVE IN SPECIAL4 bdrm, 2 bath, central

Berthoud, Call 970-310-3855

3 BDRM, 4 YRS OLD,3 baths, A/C, frplc,

2 car att. gar, 1900 Sq Ft.Unfinished basement.✓ $1300. (303)905-6600

3 BDRM, 3 BATH HOME2 car garage, $1350


3 bdrm, 2 ba, gar, fncd yd.Sm dog only. 420 Tungsten$1190/$1190. (303)775-1495

2 BDRM, 1 ba, gar, woodflrs, 1034 Aspen, No smk/pets/ $925/mo + $925/dep.(303)678-8663

2 BDRM, 1 BA, beautiful,Old Town. Gar, fncd yd,w/d, n/s/p $950 303-682-5985

2- 4 Bedroom Homes• 230 Terry St

• 14567 N. 107th St• 2981 Bellmeade Way

Call PMP,303-776-RENT

1 RENT TO OWN3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, 2 car, W/D,$1295. 4 hr free rec msg.866-810-1446 ext 1011

● 1701 ADKINSON4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 story,2 car gar, Lgmt. $1375.RMG Realty, 303-772-4466


advertised in thispaper is subject to thefederal and state FairHousing Act whichmakes it illegal toadvertise “any

preference, limitationor discrimination

based on race, color,religion, sex, handicap,familial status or

national origin, or anintention to make anysuch preference,limitation, ordiscrimination.”

The newspaper willnot knowingly acceptany advertising for

real estate which is inviolation of the law.All persons are herebyinformed that all

dwellings advertisedare available on anequal opportunity


Houses 4080

Ed & Keith Kanemoto303-772-2222






Private Offices,Conference Room

& Kitchenette

1,147 SF office -Central locationwith off street

parking. $9.00/SFNNN


floor office space forlease or sale. Common

area, conferenceroom, elevator,mountain views.1 yr Free Rent!

Don Rulle, CCIM303-772-2222




Office Space 4100

PROFESSIONAL OfficesN. Longmont. 150 to 825 SF.Single & 3 office suite.All ground level, 2 entr,great prkg. 303-956-1141

OFFICE SPACE For RentHolistic Wellness Center.


500 to 2500 SF, can divide.On site prkg, Good trafficexposure. 303-523-3369

$250/month, 110-5000 sq. ft.,2432 Main, Four SeasonsRealty. 303-875-1345.

Office Space 4100

2 BDRM, mobile home inErie, $600/mo + dep, mo tomo only. (303)828-4031

1 1/2 BDRM trailer, newlyrenovated, carport, stor-age, private, close to bus.N/P, lse, refs, Pratt &So Main, $550 inc utils.


Mobile Homes/Spaces 4090

WESTLAKE- Avail Immed5 bdrm, 4 ba, N/S/P,

Hygiene Elem. $1700 + +Niwot RE, Barb Ponesse


MEAD- new home, 3 bdrm/2 bath, 3 car garage, avail3/11/11. $1395. (303)875-1345

Houses 4080

click on Submit an Ad

I can place myad when I want to.



06470344 2x8c


BEAUTIFUL1,600 sq ft furnished

office suiteOnly $800 per month

total74 Office Spaces for lease

Can be viewed atwww.longmontcommercial.com


Ken Kanemoto303-772-2222

Office Space 4100

Private- 2bdrms, 1ba,Newer Home $750/mo utilinc, w/d, wi-fi, 720-272-2645

Male Roommate, working,furn bdrm & bath, utilsincl. $500/mo. (303)396-4154

Male, looking for aninexpensive roof over your

head? 720-203-6969

Bed & BreakfastFurnished, private 1

bedroom suite in historichome. $550 includes allutilities/wi-fi. Deposit.No dogs. (303)684-6789

RoommatesWanted 4120

LYONS 2 bdrm 1ba mobilehome, shed. No dogs. $420/mon lot rent. $12,000 noowner finance. 303-827-9185.

Lyons 5120

Open House- SAT 2/19 2-4Below Market @ $257,9003 bdrm, 1 ba, 2 car, biketrails & parks. 155 S. Tyler303-459-2711 or 303-725-8388

Louisville 5106

Real Estate

773 SQ FT- busy shoppingcenter, 1116 Francis St,

$825. Alert RE (303)776-5156

Retail Space 4135

SEMI-FURN Rooms/AptsWkly/mnthly from $100/wkUtils/micro/fridge inc


RoomsFor Rent 4130

✭Opportunity Time✭4 Bedroom, 3 bath,2 car garage bi-levelin south Longmont.

Call for details. $179,000

Heidi & Helena buy houses!$ SAVE YOUR CREDIT $303-725-8388 / 303-459-2711

A pictureis worth a

thousand wordsTry a color

classified picturead today!

Call for details.303-776-7440

Longmont 5090

Berthoud 1710 sf Steel bldgfor lease $1200. mo/purchw/poss owner carry, alsoadj vac lot 303-888-5882

CommercialReal Estate 5030

Brand NewHome!!$69,900

Beautiful 3 bed 2 bathlot rent special!

● Swimming pool● Clubhouse● Playground● New fitness room

Financing availablePet Friendly

Sun Homes atEagle Crest1-888-649-5616


3 BDRM, 1 BA, new carpet,W/D, carport, Lgmt adultpark age 55+, 970-215-1819

1993 BERTHOUD mobilhome, rent to own. 2 bdrm,1 ba. (970)215-1819

Mobile/ 5130ManufacturedHomes/Spaces

2 ACRE LOTS WEST OFBERTHOUD. Great Views!$149,900. Fred @ Four

Seasons Re, (720)494-2133.

Lots & Tracts 5100

303-772-7576629 Terry St., Longmont



126 E. SAINT CLAIRAVETerrific opportunity to makesome cosmetic improvementsand gain instant equity. This3 bedroom, 2 bath home with1,320 square feet just needssome TLC. $79,900

105 MAIN STREET,JAMESTOWNGreat Mountain Home fronts JamesCreek for great trout fishing, and is locatedacross from town businesses. Loads ofwindows and an open floor plan. Discoverpeaceful tranquility here... $245,900

1638 CONESTOGATRAIL,FORT LUPTONMove In Ready! Fresh paint, newcarpet and vinyl leaves no work foryou to do! 4 bedrooms, 3 baths,backs to golf course, private endof culdesac location. Discover thisproperty’s beauty... $159,900

Longmont 5090

Comfy Mobile HomeSunny 12 x 60 mobile homein quiet, central Lgmt. 2bdrm, 1 ba, carport, coverdporch Adult park, age 55+.


Mobile/ 5130ManufacturedHomes/Spaces WHAT’S A

GARAGE SALEwithout a classified

ad? It’s not thesuccess it could be.

Be sure to callClassifieds before

your sale.


Longmont 5090

Page 11: Home and Real Estate Weekly

February 26, 2011 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly 11

Real Estate Transactions are supplied byProspects Unlimited Inc.,www.prospectsunlimited.com.

Longmont• Mraia Cervantes from Ad-

vanced Vision Devl LLC, 1400Dry Creek Dr, Longmont,$555,000, home• John & Ann Boettcher from

William Boettcher, 2269 MarinerDr, Longmont, $280,000, home• Frederick Prote from Twining

Resources LLC, 8475 W I25Frontage Rd, Longmont,$739,000, home• Chaos LLC from BAC Home

Loans Servicing, 7 6th Ave, Long-mont, $58,000, home• Michael & Debra Crump

from Kay Baker, 2125 24th Ave,Longmont, $195,000, home• Mark Harben from Charlotte

Carlson, 1204 S Bross Ln, Long-mont, $186,000, home• Bryan Hollis from Fannie

Mae, 1301 Spruce Ave, Long-mont, $97,500, home• Brian Moore from Fannie

Mae, 50 19th Ave Unit 31, Long-mont, $48,500, condo• Paul & Alison Zemanek from

Paul Noble, 1129 Princeton Dr,Longmont, $365,000, home• Martha & Martha Burian

from Bruce Rice, 919 Alta St,Longmont, $154,000, home• Carol England from Terri

Tantum, 1314 S Emery St Unit 54,Longmont, $169,000, condo• Pauline Olivas from Wayne

Baumann, 3105 Spinnaker Dr,Longmont, $215,000, home• Louise Johnson from Betty S

Bingham Living Trust, 943 HoverRidge Cir, Longmont, $228,000,home• Barbara & Terry Hutson from

Gary Erickson, 8871 Prairie KnollDr, Longmont, $550,000, home• Arturo Barrios from Graciela

Garcia, 320 Southridge Pl, Long-mont, $92,000, home• Miguel Zavala from James

Golden, 2359 Homestead Pl,Longmont, $485,500, home• Lauren Sweet from Ann

Grant, 827 Snowberry St, Long-mont, $220,000, home• Philip & Jennifer Haratsaris

from Marc Hildebrant, 2408 Mal-lard Cir, Longmont, $375,000,home• Michael & Margaret Dzerma-

jko from Louise Johnson, 1452Warren Ave, Longmont,$148,900, home• Marilyn Dickson from Her-

man Miller, 1333 Charles Dr Unit22, Longmont, $325,000, condo• Kevin & Lyndi Cooley from

Greg Payne, 32 E Mountain ViewAve, Longmont, $136,500, home• Daniel & Shelly Ialenti from

William Swafford, 11687 Mont-gomery Cir, Longmont, $403,000,home• Melodye Jensen from Todd

Wallerstedt, 433 Newman Cir,Longmont, $169,300, home• Sabrina Arnold from Rowan

Wing, 1608 Meeker Dr, Long-mont, $171,600, home• Planned Inc from Bertrand

Building LLC, 1011 Main St,Longmont, $166,000, home• Barbara Rhoades from Josefa

Cano, 2419 Bowen St, Longmont,$153,500, home• Jason & Baylee Odenthal

from Fannie Mae, 570 Hilltop St,Longmont, $172,000, home• Bentley LLC from Federal

National Mortgage Association,228 Emery St, Longmont,$42,000, home• Meagan & Adrian Dangelo

from Charles Gagliardi, 5014 Bel-la Vista Dr, Longmont, $380,000,home• Christopher & Michelle

Vergez from Susan George, 1548Calkins Ave, Longmont,$165,900, home• Robert & Nancy Schader

from Thomas Halloran, 1129Chestnut Dr, Longmont,$280,000, home• Fidel Martinez from HUD,

405 Crystal Pl, Longmont,$141,000, home• Michael & Deborah Coccoli

from Bruce Johnson, 420 N Park-

side Dr Unit B, Longmont,$179,400, condo• Eric Holmberg from Kevin

Kassab, 5620 Boulder Hills Dr,Longmont, $609,000, home• Deborah & Ronald Schwartz

from Joel Klenck, 4156 PebbleBeach Dr, Longmont, $700,000,home• Sang & Jung Seo from Pre-

mier Members Federal Cr Un,1406 Whitehall Dr Unit F, Long-mont, $160,000, condo• Jordan Squires from Philip

Robertson, 9938 Plateau Rd UnitA, Longmont, $264,000, condo

Allenspark• Carolyn Amende from Moun-

tainview Properties LLC, 155Rockledge Cir, Allenspark,$450,000, home

Berthoud• Cynthia & Timothy Swearin-

gen from Fannie Mae, 940 WelchAve, Berthoud, $135,000, home

Erie• Robert McCormack from Ja-

cob Hill, 929 Lasnik St, Erie,$400,000, home• Thomas & Anamara Olson

from New Childrens Trust Ex-empt Tru, 1827 Parkdale Cir N,Erie, $356,000, home• Leonard & Betty Bennett

from Arthur Robinson, 1413Serene Dr, Erie, $360,000, home• Adam Deaver from Brian Un-

tiedt, 795 Lehigh Cir, Erie,$211,000, home• Jeffrey Neitenbach from Fan-

nie Mae, 381 Tynan Dr, Erie,$184,500, home

Firestone• Humberto Riveralugo from

Deutsche Bk Natl Trust Co, 10818Cimmarron St Unit 1205, Fire-stone, $130,000, condo• Randi Wyborny from Fannie

Mae, 205 Granville Ave, Fire-stone, $51,900, home• William & Karen Rowell

from JJ Constr Northern Colo,5223 Remington Ave, Firestone,$217,300, home

• Heather Bowie from Humber-to Riveralugo, 6321 Utica Ave,Firestone, $185,000, home

Fort Lupton• Larry & Marjorie Klein from

William Boudreau, 870 S FultonAve, Fort Lupton, $180,000,home• Reynaldo Rodriguez from

Constance Langton, 728 CopperAve, Fort Lupton, $135,000, home

Frederick• Resident from Julia Tseng,

3772 Puritan Way Unit 2, Freder-ick, $95,000, condo• Bryan Johnston from Credit

Suisse First Boston Arm, 7238Prairie Cir, Frederick, $189,000,home

Lyons• Michael Porter from William

Francis, 19374 N Saint Vrain Dr,Lyons, $368,500, home• Robert & Laurel Shaw from

Laurence Shaw, 947 Kiowa Rd,Lyons, $400,000, home• Erica Besen from WHDC

Builders LLC, 193 2nd Ave UnitA, Lyons, $220,000, condo

Niwot• Marvin Casper from Mary

Wagoner, 8060 Niwot Rd Unit60e, Niwot, $116,500, condo

Platteville• J D Willows from HSBC Bk

USA, 513 Melody Ln, Platteville,$100,000, home

Foreclosures – notice of electionand demand• Borrower: Mary Schwindt,

Lender: JPMorgan Chase BankNA F/K/A, Amount: $59,855,Property: 961 3rd St, Berthoud,Filed: 02/14/11• Borrower: Kim Mattioli,

Lender: Flagstar Bank FSB,Amount: $209,117, Property:1202 Glen Creighton Dr, Dacono,Filed: 02/11/11• Borrower: Jason & Gloria

Medina, Lender: Wells FargoBank NA, Amount: $262,147,Property: 11470 Ebony St, Fire-

stone, Filed: 02/10/11• Borrower: Steve Rife, Lender:

Citicorp Trust Bank FSB, Amount:$205,031, Property: 123 Forest St,Firestone, Filed: 02/16/11• Borrower: Johnna Matsuno &

Spencer Smith, Lender: Wells Far-go Bank NA, Amount: $140,369,Property: 145 4th St, Fort Lupton,Filed: 02/10/11• Borrower: Beverly Mendel,

Lender: GMAC Mortgage LLC,Amount: $173,140, Property:5103 Dvorak Cir, Frederick,Filed: 02/16/11• Borrower: Denice Chenault,

Lender: Wells Fargo Bank NA AsTrustee, Amount: $314,087, Prop-erty: 310 Pratt St, Longmont,Filed: 02/11/11• Borrower: Guadalupe & Eu-

lalio Sauceda, Lender: Wells Far-go Bank NA, Amount: $254,326,Property: 836 Emery St, Long-mont, Filed: 02/10/11• Borrower: Warren Williams,

Lender: 2010-2 SFR Venture LLC,Amount: $119,452, Property:Rodeo Ct (Multiple Parcels• ,Longmont, Filed: 02/11/11• Borrower: Thomas Smidt,

Lender: The Bank Of New YorkMellon, Amount: $142,061, Prop-erty: 51 21st Ave 8, Longmont,Filed: 02/14/11• Borrower: Sherry & Michael

Greenfield, Lender: US Bank Na-tional Association, Amount:$185,873, Property: 2612 Moun-tain View Ave, Longmont, Filed:02/14/11• Borrower: Garrett Davis,

Lender: Chase Home FinanceLLC, Amount: $191,073, Proper-ty: 12 E 5th Ave, Longmont,Filed: 02/15/11• Borrower: Jeffrey & Patricia

Fixmer, Lender: Everbank,Amount: $279,991, Property:2725 Falcon Dr, Longmont, Filed:02/15/11• Borrower: R W Goodacre,

Lender: Wells Fargo Bank NA,Amount: $135,734, Property: 24-26 Cedar Ct, Longmont, Filed:02/15/11



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Page 12: Home and Real Estate Weekly

12 Times-Call / Home & Real Estate Weekly February 26, 2011



Visit www.YourFrontRangeHOME.com to map your home tourVisit www.YourFrontRangeHOME.com to map your home tour

Open Sat & Sun. 11-51667 Venice LnSW Longmont$202,929

1,400 Sq.Ft., Double Master, 2 Bed, 2.5 Bath,2 Car Garage. Low-Maintenance Townhome.Built Green, Energy Star Rated. To Be Built.

www.LiveKingsbridge.com • 303-502-5338 08-162


Unit #308 Open Sat & Sun 12-4 pm10818 Cimarron StUnits 308, 307, 305 & 204

Firestone$165,000 - $175,000Spacious 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath Condos. Sunny Open

Floorplans, Nice Finishes. 1 & 2-Car Attached Garagesw/ Storage. Good Location & Community Pool .

Hostess: HeatherPat Kahler • RE/MAX Traditions • 303-589-5752





$165,000 Firestone 10818 Cimarron St 12-4 Remax Traditions/Kahler 303-589-5752

$184,900 Mead 201 1st St 12-3 Prudential/Grant 303-324-3320

$202,929 Longmont 1667 Venice Ln 11-5 Boulder Creek Builders 303-502-5338

$250,000 Lyons 517 2nd Ave 1-3 Coldwell Banker/Tucker 303-902-6250

$269,900 Longmont 26 Grant 11-1 Remax Alliance/Koth 303-746-7316

$279,900 Longmont 14389 N 95th St 11-1 ERA Tradewind/Hanke 720-308-1770

$279,900 Longmont 1403 Bluemoon Dr 12-4 Shadow Grass Park 303-776-3331

$320,000 Longmont 1616 Whitehall Dr 12-2 Wright Kingdom/Sobol 720-564-6040

SUNDAY OPEN HOUSESSUNDAY OPEN HOUSESPrice Location Address Hours Office Phone

$165,000 Firestone 10818 Cimarron St 12-4 Remax Traditions/Kahler 303-589-5752

$202,929 Longmont 1667 Venice Ln 11-5 Boulder Creek Builders 303-502-5338

$209,900 Longmont 1438 Sherri Mar St 1:30-3:30 Wright Kingdom/Colwell 303-775-7135

$234,900 Firestone 6115 Ulysses Ave 10-12 ERA Tradewind/Hanke 720-308-1770

$269,900 Longmont 216 Grant 11-1 Remax Alliance/Koth 303-746-7316

$279,900 Longmont 1403 Bluemoon Dr 12-4 Shadow Grass Park 303-776-3331

$314,900 Longmont 2314 Watersong Cir 11-1 Wright Kingdom/Colwell 303-775-7135

Open Sun 1-3517 2nd Ave.


Lovely 2-3BD/4BA 1800sftownhome w/finished basement andlarge landscaped yard and patio!

Jonelle Tucker/Coldwell Banker • 303-902-6250



Get a full color picture of your open house, the open house hours, address, price andyour name and phone number featured at the top of our popular Open House Grid!

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Open Sun 12-3201 1st Street


$184,9003 BR 2 BA 1691 sq. ft., accross from apark, 2 blocks from school, new floors &

new paint, appliances included.

Prudential Rocky Mountain Realtors • Aaron Grant • 303-772-2222

Open Sat & Sun 12-41345 Bluemoon Dr.$324,900

$10,000 incentive available for contractswritten by 2/28/11 and closed by 3/31/11.

Ask sales associate for all the detals.1756 SF 2BR + Study, 2BA, Partial

Basement, Corner Lot. 2 ½ Car Garage.

Shadow Grass Park • www.shadowgrasspark.com • 303-776-3331


$ 10,000 SA

