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Transcript of Holy Queen Magazine Feb 2011

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55,00,000 Rosaries

 and 30,000devotees of the


e-mail: [email protected]       Web:  www.spiritinjesus.org


from 2011 Jan 1 to June 30


For the conversion of Israel.

For the protection of the Holy places in the Holy Land.

For the souls of all those who died in the land of Israel

For world peace.

For the 30,000 devotees of the Mother and their needs.


Chiyyaram P.O., Thrissur, Kerala, India. Pin : 680 026.

Tel: 0487 - 2250326 / 3208630

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“At Lourdes I appeared as the Immaculate Conception. I wanted to

confirm, through my words, the great privilege which the Lord has 

granted me, exempting me from the power of Satan and of sin,

from the very moment of  my human conception. Thus, I have 

been conceived without original sin.

I am the Immaculate Conception. The Father 

reflects in me the perfect plan which He had at themoment of the creation of the entire universe. TheSon takes flesh and blood from me for his human

birth, assuming a nature which has never been, noteven for an instant, subject to the power of theevil One. The Holy Spirit makes fruitful this, his

maternal and virginal garden, with the fullnessof all his gifts. The most Holy Trinity is well

pleased to reflect Itself in me.

I am the Immaculate Conception. This Iam for you, my poor children, so overwhelmed

by sin and evil, stricken and wounded by myadversary and yours, subjected to the gloomy

yoke of enslavement to him. And so, today Iinvite you to follow me on the road of innocenceand love, of prayer and mortification, of purityand holiness.

I am the Immaculate Conception. It is mymotherly task to lead all my children along the road

of mortification of senses, and of prayer, of purity andof charity. Only thus can you penetrate into the mysteryof love of my son Jesus. Jesus holds purity very dear. Only

to the pure of heart does Jesus reveal the secrets of his divine

heart. To little children of pure hearts, Jesus reveals the plansof his merciful love, which purifies and transforms everything.

Oh Mother, Most Immaculate, whohas never been subject to the power of the evil one, help us to follow you alongthe road of innocence and love, prayer and purity. Be always with us as our secure defense and heavenlyshepherdess. Amen.

The Immaculate Conception

To penetrate into the mystery of the life of Jesusand of his Gospel of salvation, you must live the

virtue of purity.

I promise never to abandon you, but to be ever your 

secure defense and your heavenly shepherdess. I blessyou all in the name of the Father, and of the Son,and of the Holy Spirit.”

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There were quite a few children among the five hundred-odd

participants in a recently conducted retreat in Kerala. Some of them aged

five and six were just able to lie in the hands of their parents. Heads of a

few were twice the size of their bodies (torso).Some others were mentally

retarded and epileptic and bubbles of saliva oozed down from their mouths.

The state of two boys was pathetic. The body of one of them was riven at

several places; face, hands and even the eye lids. The body of the other was

full of abscess; because of constant unbearable itching, blood was about to

erupt at several places.

While praying for them a question arose in my mind. Where is the

new generation heading towards? We are living in a period when science

and technology has made rapid and unprecedented progress. Though we

have all the facilities to mould smart children, why do they head towards

perdition? If this is the state of the present generation, what would be the

status of the future generation? I met a couple who were married just five

years ago. They have two girl-children and both of them were retarded. I

felt really sad at the plight of the young parents. They started their life in

to CursesGoodbye

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great hope; but felt

disheartened and

weakened at the start

itself. What have we done

to have children like this,

they ask. We are ordinary

Catholics and have not

committed any grave sin.

Why do we have children

like this? Why have God

done this to us?

What would be the

usual answer to these

queries?   Suffering! This

you should accept and

endure. They too know

that there is no alternative

for that. I do remember a

family where all the five

members were mentally

challenged. Since all the

five could not be

accommodated and

cared for under one roof,

the head of the household

disposed of the entire

property and put them in

five different centers

which take care of 

mentally challenged.Their property was

disposed of for finding the wherewithal to support them. Their aged parents subsist in a

house in a five-cent plot all alone. This is the plight of many a household. Isn’t there a

remedy for this sorry state of affairs? Is there no arrangement for saving these poor people?

If there is none, then Christian faith would be hollow and useless and the assertion that

Jesus Christ is Son of God would be a travesty of truth. That would be equal to reducing

him to mere rubble and limestone.

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But the Bible tells that Jesus is not like that. He is Lord who healed all the sick who came to

him. He never sent any one of them to a mendicant or to a sorcerer for healing. He healed

every one of them. He healed many of them by ousting evil spirits from them. They were

healed when evil spirits went out of them.  The deaf, dumb, blind, paralyzed and the

epileptic were healed like that. All the diseases and sufferings that the world endures these

days were present during the times of Jesus also. Jesus healed them by casting out evil

spirits from them. All those sicknesses are present even now. The deaf, dumb, blind,

paralyzed and those possessed by devil (mental patients) are at large these days. Nobody

heals them. Since Jesus is not present in people to cast out evil spirits, those who are born

with those ailments continue to live in them, die in them and the next generation inherits

them and damn in them.

In chapter 12 of the Gospel according to St. Mathew from verses 22 onwards we

read Jesus healing a boy possessed of a deaf and dumb evil spirit. Jesus healed the deaf 

and dumb boy by casting out the evil spirit from him. Jesus proved that it was an evil spirit

that made the boy deaf and dumb. Similar instances abound in the New Testament. Jesus

healed a woman crippled (bent over) for eighteen years, by casting out the evil spirit from

her ( Lk. 13:10-17). What Jesus tries to convey from these episodes is that evil spirits are

behind these curses. People cannot be freed without casting out these evil spirits from

them. Though this has been vindicated several times, this generation considers them as

fiction. For them evil spirits do not exist and therefore the need for casting them out does

not arise at all! Was it not because evil spirits existed that Jesus gave authority to his disciples

to cast them out? Jesus gave authority to his disciples to cast out evil spirits and heal the

sick (Mt. 10:1).

In this respect verses 14 to 29 in chapter 9 of the Gospel according to St. Mark are

particularly noteworthy. A father  brings his epileptic son to Jesus for healing. But the

father could not meet Jesus. Jesus then was on the mountain-top. He was on the

Transfiguration Mountain- Mount Tabor, accompanied by Peter, John and Jacob. It was

then that the father  with his son reached the foot of the mountain for obtaining healing.

Since they could not find Jesus they sought the help of the disciples. But the latter could

not heal the child despite their best efforts. This might have led to an argument with the

Pharisees who seemed to have prevented the disciples by posing the question: on what

authority were they healing the boy? Jesus reached there at that juncture and asked them:

“What are you arguing about with them?”

From the crowd one person came forward and told Jesus “Teacher, I brought you

my son; he has a spirit that makes him unable to speak; and whenever it seizes him, it

dashes him down; and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid; and I asked your 

disciples to cast it out, but they could not do so” (Mk. 9:17, 18). Why were the disciples of 

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Jesus not able to cast

out the evil spirits?

And Jesus had “given

them authority over 

the unclean spirits”

(Mk 6:7). And they

cast out several

demons and healed

many a sick people by

anointing them with

oil (Mk. 6:12, 13). The

disciples who had the

authority and

themselves had cured

many people failed to

cure this particular 

epileptic patient. But

when Jesus cured him,

they asked him in

private the reason for 

their inability to cure

that epileptic. Jesustold them “This kind

can come out only through prayer” (Mk. 9:29).

Prayer!! That is what the present generation woefully lacks. People just can’t pray.

Bound by diabolic forces they are unable to pray.  When they participate in renewal retreats

they receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. But while transacting in the world and enticed

by mundane forces they quench the Holy Spirit.  Lure of  worldly desires, lust, influence of 

television and cinema quench the Holy Spirit. One who has transcended all these alone

can do service to the Lord. And this requires continuous, intense and tearful prayers. Thenstrive to obtain the fullness of the Holy Spirit through the ‘anointing services’. You will

grow, become enriched and powerful. We read in Mark 9 that the father brings his epileptic

child to Jesus. When the spirit saw him, immediately it convulsed the boy, and he fell on

the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth. Jesus asked the father, “How long has

this been happening to him?” And he said, “From childhood. It has often cast him into

the fire and into the water, to destroy him” (Mk. 9:20-22). Jesus posed a very pertinent

question “How long has this been happening to him?” And the father replies: “From

childhood”. During childhood a child becomes possessed by evil spirit! That exactly is

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what happened. Can a child be possessed by evil spirit? Can this possession which medical

science euphemistically calls epilepsy be cured with medicine? When Jesus cast out the evil

spirit the boy was healed, the Bible testifies. I have come across numerous people suffering

from epilepsy and living under medication. These medicines weaken the nervous system

and just sustain the patients under sedation.

Many have attained freedom from epilepsy by participating in the services of Spirit

in Jesus; several mental patients too. They are living testimonies. The Bible teaches that

evil spirits are behind epilepsy and mental ailments. Jesus has vindicated this through

every incident. It is because of our inability to understand, accept and learn the activities

of Jesus that many in our times remain in bondage.

How does an evil spirit possess a child? An elderly person is attacked and possessed

through sin. What sin a child has done to facilitate a possession? Science has proved that

the influence of previous generations passes on to the offspring. When a mentally ill or asthmatic person approaches a physician, the usual question the latter asks is whether 

there is any similar case in the family. If the answer is in the negative with respect to

parents, then the question would go back to grandparents. This is because ailments in

most cases are hereditary. Heredity passes through genes. Ailments are therefore transmitted

through genes. Evil spirits influence ailments and in the case of some people, hegemonise.

That is why when evil spirits are cast out, ailments are cured. In Mark 9, the word ‘spirit’

is used several times instead of evil spirit. It definitely is not the Holy Spirit. If so what

spirit is it?

When we say that a person has curses, what we need to understand is that there are

bondages that prevent the flow of God’s blessings in his life. God is the God of blessings.

Satan blocks them. The influence of evil spirits prevents God’s blessings to accrue. If we

are able to cast them out God’s blessings would flow uninterruptedly and would benefit

future generations. Since the influences of the previous generations are transmitted through

genes we should pray fervently for obtaining freedom from them. Atonement prayers for 

the sins of the previous generations would become a blessing to us by making them free.

Lamentations 5:7 says

“Our ancestors sinned; they are no more, and we bear their iniquities.”

Sins of the ancestors have come to us as iniquities, bondages, curses and blocks that prevent

God’s blessings. This generation would be blessed if tearful prayers for the atonement of 

their sins are offered which would open the doors for their salvation. May God grant the

grace for that offering.

Tom Zacharia, Chief Editor.

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Some of the evangelists these days recommend

confessing the sins of the ancestors; a few among them

specifically mention “confession of the sins of damned

souls” though many do not specify what does the latter 


We need not confess the sins of those who are in

the purgatory because their sins have been forgiven prior 

to their death and they have died in the grace and

Pray for the salvation of souls of the ancestors 

confessing their sins 

A theologian in the

Catholic Church

friendship of God. Further 

they have already obtained the

guarantee of salvation. (CCC

No. 1030)

Those who do not obtain

forgiveness of sins prior to

their death fall to hell. Since

we are not sure of where our 

ancestors are  in the purgatory

or hell, we may confess the

sins of all the ancestors who

have died.

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Is it necessary and proper to confess the

sins of the ancestors?

Since confession of our own sins is a

sacrament established by Jesus Christ

Himself, both the Catholic and theOrthodox Churches teach accordingly. But

there is no requisition by the Church for the

confession of the sins of the ancestors.

Though there is no formal requisition of the

Church, it is not improper to do so.

Moreover, it is satisfying and acceptable to

God. Those who do so are eligible to obtain

graces from God. In fact teachings from the

Holy Bible themselves form the basis of 

sacramental obligations. The good works of 

both the just and sinners done before God

that we encounter in the Bible are worthy

of emulation.

The confession and acts of atonement of

the Israelites for the sins of the ancestors

We read in chapter 9 of the Book of Nehemiah: “Now on the twenty-fourth day

of this month the people of Israel were

assembled with fasting and in sack cloth,

and with earth on their heads. Then those

of Israelite descent separated themselves

from all foreigners, and stood and confessed

their sins and iniquities of their ancestors.

They stood up in their place and read from

the book of the law of the Lord their God

for a fourth part of the day, and for another 

fourth they made confession and

worshipped the Lord their God.”(Neh: 9:


In the same chapter of Nehemiah, we see

from verse 6 onwards the Israelites

confessing the sins of the ancestors one by

one. It was Ezra, a priest and scholar of the

Law of Moses who confessed the sins of the

ancestors before God (Ezra 9:7).

Confession of the Maccabees

Chapter 12 of II Maccabees describes the

prayers, confession and acts of atonement

(2 Mc. 12:38-45).

When certain members of the army of Judas

grossly violated the First Commandment

and the righteous judge, Lord God rewarded

them death itself, Judas and his men prayed

and offered sin offerings in atonement.

Those dead warriors were not their 

ancestors. Yet, how beautiful and worthy of 

emulation was the supplications for 

atonement of the remaining warriors offered

as representatives of the dead. Therefore, we

can certainly confess the sins not only of the

ancestors but also of all the dead relatives.

It was on the strength of their firm belief 

that God would forgive the sins and save

“They were brought

down and not raised

up, because our nationsinned against the

Lord our God, in not

heeding his voice.

The Lord our God is

in the right.”

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The few lines that I write about the Mother of God may appear to be just a drop of 

water in an ocean or a sand particle on a sea shore since through the centuries thousands

of people have come to know of the various dimensions of the devotion to Mary from the

various writings of several theologians, scholars and Her own revelations. Yet our 

understanding is far short of the desired level, I feel. Can those who have known, understood

Catherine Mariam

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and loved the Mother of Jesus ever desert

her? Can She be rejected? If that takes place

then She is not known at all!

It is through chapter 1 of Luke in

the New Testament that the Holy Spirit

makes known the birth of Jesus. We shall

meditate on that part: ‘In the sixth month

the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town

in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin

engaged to a man whose name was Joseph,

of the house of David. The virgin’s name

was Mary. And he came to her and said,

“Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with

you.” But she was much perplexed by hiswords and pondered what sort of greeting

this might be. The angel said to her, “Do

not be afraid, Mary, for you have found

favour with God. And now, you will

conceive in your womb and bear a son, and

you will name him Jesus. He will be great,

and will be called the Son of the Most High,

and the Lord God will give him the throne

of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his

kingdom there will be no end.” Mary said

to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a

virgin?’’ The angel said to her, “The Holy

Spirit will come upon you, and the power 

of the Most High will overshadow you;

there fore the child to be born will be holy;

he will be called Son of God. And now, your 

relative Elizabeth in her old age has alsoconceived a son; and this is the sixth month

for her who was said to be barren. For 

nothing will be impossible with God”. Then

Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the

Lord; let it be with me according to your 

word.” Then the angel departed from her’

(Lk 1:26-38).

Read carefully the 27th verse: Angel

Gabriel was sent by God to Virgin Mary! It

was because Holy Mary appeared acceptable

to God more than everyone else in her 

generation that God chose her to become

the abode of His son. Mary offers herself to

accept something which no woman engaged

to a man would ever do. Even when she

heard that she is going to be mother of God,

she spoke only two ‘words’: One, “How can

this be, since I am a virgin?(Lk. 1; 34). Two,

“Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it

be with me according to your word” (Lk.

1:38). The first one naturally comes from awoman untouched by man; but it also

reveals the eagerness to know God’s plan

being unfolded through her. The second one

relates to the complete surrendering to the

will of God.

The incarnation of God

summarized in just 13 sentences may appear 

to be inconsequential. But we may realize

that the suffering life of Holy Virgin Mary

starts here. In these days Virgin Mary is

The angel said to her,

“The Holy Spirit will 

come upon you, and the 

power  of the Most Highwill overshadow you; 

there fore the child to be 

born will be holy; 

he will be called 

Son of God.

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abused most banally. But what wrong has

she done to merit so much banal abuses and

that too from Christians? Is it because she

offered herself completely to the plan of 

God? Is it because she forsook all the human

pleasures of life and endured silently much

more than what an ordinary woman could

hardly bear? Nowhere in the Bible have we

seen Mary making revolutionary

statements, rallying  people behind Jesus, or 

controlling and giving lead to his apostles.

On the contrary Mary’s life was one of deep

silence; and her ways - of prayers, tears and


Mary accepted the Word that God

the Father entrusted with her. She believed

the Word that she accepted; obeyed the

Word that she believed; protected the Word

that she obeyed; and gave to the world the

Word that she protected. Once I happened

to hear an evangelist asking the reasons for 

giving so much importance to Mother 

Mary; there is no reason whatsoever for recognizing, loving and respecting her; the

Bible does not require so!!

Those who reject Holy Mary may

realize that Jesus came to the world through

Mary; that He received body and blood

from Mary. Those who reject mother Mary

but at the same time claim that they need

only Jesus may remember that the blood of 

Jesus on which they trust for the salvation

of their souls is in fact the blood of Mother 

Mary. “The blood of Jesus his Son cleanses

us from all sins” (1 Jn. 1:7). The body of 

Jesus crucified for you was formed in the

womb of Mary! The claim of those who

reject Mary but at the same time believe in

Jesus and stand in his name is similar to the

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of God, Jesus Christ would not have

attained the perfection of God. The word

of God says: “The Holy Spirit will come

upon you, and the power of the Most

High will overshadow you; therefore the

child to be born will be holy; he will becalled the Son of God” (Lk. 1:35).She

gave her whole life as a living sacrifice and

thus became perfect in every sense; it is

She who is despised and has become an

object of insult to the children of her Son.

Some people allege that She bore children

to Joseph after Jesus was born.

The world should recognize thatVirgin Mary is the mother of Jesus. She

who was chosen to become His mother 

ever had a preeminent position in the life

of Jesus.

Those who reject the Holy Virgin

should have s closer look at her life. The

tongue and mouth of those who believe

in Jesus and proclaim the word of God

should be holy. One should discern the

spirit in the person who simultaneously

praise Jesus and despise His mother with the

same tongue. If you cannot love Her, if you

cannot accept Her, keep silence; since Jesus

said: “I tell you, on the day of judgment you

will have to give an account for every careless

word you utter; for by your words you will bejustified, and by your words you will be

condemned”(Mt. 12: 36,37).

To love Mary, you have to love Jesus.

You might think that there is God’s love in you;

that is true as well since God is love (1 Jn. 4:8).

Since God loves all, His love is in you also. Do

you--a believer in Jesus and an evangelist--love

Lord Jesus Christ? Do you give your love to

Jesus? You may have many things to tell in

support of your claim of love towards Jesus;

that you proclaim the word of God, work 

tirelessly for it, work miracles and signs in his

name and endure much and stand for his name

and so on. What we may note carefully is that

only when one loves Jesus as Mary loved then

only his love becomes perfect.

Mary gave herself fully to God and

abstained from all pleasures of mundane life.

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She stood alongside Him till death, endured

alongside Jesus till crucifixion. There is no

love of Jesus in those who reject Mary, the

clearest evidence of which is their rejection

on very slight provocation of the holy

sacraments and Holy Mary branding her 

as ‘devil’ and their self-exit from the Church

which till then has been their fountain of 

life.  To justify their action before the world

and thus save their face they interpret the

word of God according to their whims.

The word of God is unambiguous:  “Love

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all

things, endures all things” (1 Cor. 13:7).When one stands for Jesus and the kingdom

of God, he should have in him the perfect

love towards God/ Jesus in order to

overcome problems and to endure pain on

the way. Only those who love Jesus could

love Mary. During the last hours of Jesus in

this world when every one of his disciples

ran for their own safety out of fear, John

alone stood beside Jesus. He stood at the foot

of the cross without fear and proclaimed

silently: Jesus I love you very much! And

Mary, mother of Jesus is the invaluable gift

that Jesus gave to the disciple who loved him

very much and whom he loved (Jn. 19: 26,

27). To love her, you should love Jesus as

John loved. Jesus who gave his life loving the

world now also looks eagerly as ever for those

who love him; how many people love my

mother through me. He will love you as heloved John since when you love Mary you

are accepting Jesus fully.

Mary, mother of Jesus and Lady of 

All Nations, pray for us.

“Awesome is the Lord and very great, and marvelous is his power. Glorify the Lord 

and exalt him as much as you can, for He surpasses even that.” (Sir.43:29-30) 

My name is Simily. My son Jesbin was afraid of facing examinations while

studying in class 10. He and I joined the Rosary League and started praying the Rosary.

As a result he could take the examinations without fear and passed the same with

good marks. Hallelujah! I and my family are in league with the Spirit in Jesus

community. My husband was an alcohol-addict and suffered from frequent bouts of 

epilepsy. After participating in the Spirit in Jesus retreat he took to praying the Rosary

and has been relieved of the addiction and ailment completely. Thanks to God. I have

participated in the Spirit in Jesus retreat three times. In the first two retreats I couldfeel the presence of the Holy Spirit as heat, cold, rain and wind. I have heard Sr.

Catherin Mariam telling us that the Holy Spirit sometimes stands beside us as a person.

And I had wondered over it. But in the retreat conducted at Kumily during November 

2010 several times I felt the presence of the person of the Holy Spirit beside my left

shoulder. This has cleared my doubts. Thank you Lord. It was after coming to this

community that I learned to live the life of a Christian. I thank the Lord for all the

material and spiritual blessings showered upon us. Thank you Jesus, Ave Maria.

Simily Jestin, Thopramkudy, Idukki.


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Having entered the phase of ‘renewal experience’ in my life I have been eagerly

running hither and thither to know what Jesus has to say about me. While awaiting a word

from him with bated- breath he spoke to me through a sister: “my grace is sufficient for 

you’’ (2 Cor 12:9). In those days I did not know what ‘grace’ mean. No sooner I heard

“my grace is sufficient for you” than I felt a great in-filling of peace in my mind. ThoughI did not know what ‘grace’ was, I kept it like a treasure since Jesus only said it.

Prior to April 1995 I used

to think about God

during evening prayers

and contingencies only.

The moment I felt an in-

filling of the love of God

all my thoughts, day-in

and day-out, were about

Him only. Engrossed as I

was in the thoughts of the

world till then, Jesus

plucked me fully from

them and instilled in me

a feeling of abstinence

towards them all. Since

then he gave ample

opportunities to be in the

presence of the Holy

Sacrament and to read

about many a saint.

When I read from Maria

Valtorta that there are

only very few who love

Jesus for the sake of 

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loving him I felt a longing to love

him and to endure for him. I

renounced everything--my body,

heart and soul--to Jesus.

From 1998 onwards I

have been suffering from Asthma.

The intensity and frequency of its

attack increased as days passed.

Though I tried all systems of 

medicine--allopathic, ayurveda,

homeopathy and nature cure--

my ailment continued unabated.

But I had experienced abatement

in its intensity during the Rosaryprayer. That led me to the

conviction that it is the work of 

diabolic forces. I began to

experience bouts of asthma

during a certain fixed time on a

particular day of the week. It

used to occur by sunset, then

gradually increase and reach a

culmination by mid-night; by that

time I would be gasping for a

breath; in the intensity of which

I used to scream out. I used to get

suffocated as if locked in a gas

chamber. When I start screaming,

members of my family then start

to say the Rosary prayer 

penitentially standing on knees,

with stretched out hands and with

tearful eyes. By the time they

complete 153 beads of the Rosary

I used to feel consolation and

gradually elapsed into a slumber.

But when they stop the prayer and

proceed to go to bed, bouts of 

asthma again would have started

Mini Pala 

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in me. I used to feel as if burning in fire; it

was excruciating. When I gasp for breath, I

used to remember and recite the last words

that Jesus said on the cross: “Father, into

your hands I commend my spirit.” Had

someone intruded into my house during

those times they would certainly have

reported the matter to police for not taking

one in death- agony to hospital. Asthma

patients usually get comfort while using an

inhaler. But in my case it was the opposite;

it worsened manifold when on medicine.

Even if I had an asthma attack 

during night, I somehow managed to go for 

the Holy Mass the next day morning. I felt

greatly relieved after receiving the Holy

Communion. Even though I felt

considerable relief due to prayer, the pain

was really heart – breaking; inside I felt as if 

the churning lava is bursting out. In those

times I used to teach in a school. Prior to

each session I used to pray for the strengthto teach, thereby I could survive till 4 o’


While passing through this phase

many people in the ‘charismatic service’

revealed to me that Jesus wants me to

participate in a Spirit in Jesus retreat. Thus

I was blessed to participate in a service in

July 2001. I liked the service especially theRosary and sermons. But while resuming my

teaching assignment, a voice within me

persistently prompted that this one

(teaching) is not my vocation. Even though

the work atmosphere was good, both staff 

and students, I felt rather disinterested;

everything seemed vain. A thought that ‘I

am not to be here’ disturbed me;

concurrently, bouts of asthma reappeared.

I felt as if Lord has been asking

something from me. To know that I spent a

full day in fasting prayer beside the tomb of St. Alphonsa promising Jesus that I would

obey whatever he told me. He wished that I

shall be in an ‘intercession prayer’ centre, I

understood. But that proposal I could not

agree with. To lead a prayer life along with

a profession, that was my liking. But

gradually I began to get convinced that I

could not pull on even for a moment,

disregarding God’s wish. The subsequent

days were spent in penitential prayer, for 

God to reach me in the place where I ought

to be. God wants a complete consecration

from me, I understood. When a decision to

that end was made, bouts of asthma began

to ebb.

I had never prayed for the dead. Icould not just relish the idea of salvation of 

people who have led a sinful life through the

prayers of others. After the Spirit in Jesus

retreat God gave me an idea about the

unseen world of souls; that one should

necessarily pray for the souls of the dead,

Lord taught me through numerous life-

encounters. Without praying for them, it

would be impossible to survive, that is the

truth of the matter. In those days they made

their presence felt through ‘knocks’ on the

door and in various other ways.

When I returned after a few months’

stay away from home, asthma also returned

in a big way. When I attempted to seek a

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prayer through telephone, members of myhousehold heard clanging of chains outside the

house. Suspecting it to be a dog let loose dragging

its chain, when they open the door to verify, the

sound seemed to go far and far. When they enter 

the house again, that sound seemed to come near 

to my bed room, they felt. There were chain-marks

in the courtyard and in the garden land the next

day morning; marks of the latch pierced into the

soil could well be recognized. When

a similar prayer request was made the

subsequent day, we felt someone

running around the house with

pebbles in a metal box clanging. The

shadow of a man could also be seen.

Subsequently I reached Marian


I found there a large

community which crave for and strive

hard to live in holiness and that

pleased me a lot. While at home I had

thought that the asthma that I suffered

was the work of diabolic forces. But

once I participated in the Spirit in

Jesus retreat I began to get inkling into

the world of spirits. In fact I have been

vicariously experiencing the pain and

agony endured by spirits every time I

experienced bouts of asthma. On

those occasions I used to feel greatly

relieved when I saw people reciting the

Rosary for me. I felt a great love

towards them. When I felt burning

inside, those prayers appeared like

torrents of rain in a desert-like land

thirsting for water. It was the thirst

of every soul for prayer which they

could not do on their own, I


Even the very presence and

conversations with specially anointed

persons ( Bro. Tom and Sr. Catherine

Mariam) gave miraculous reliefs

instantaneously; I have also

experienced the in-filling of the Holy

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In the year 1858, between 11th February and 16th July, Our Lady

reportedly appeared 18 times to a 14 year old girl Marie Bernadette Soubirous,

in a cave at Massabielle near Lourdes in southern France, situated in the

foothills of the great Pyrenees. This has since become one of the world’s most

famous pilgrimage centres on account of its innumerable miracles of physical

and spiritual healing.


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A basilica was built on the rock above the grotto in accordance with Our Lady’s

request to St Bernadette, and  when this proved too small, the “Rosary Church” was added

to it in 1901. In 1907 Pope St Pius X extended to the Universal church the observance of 

today’s feast with its special Office and Mass, which had been authorized by Pope Leo

XIII.Devout pilgrims thronged to the shrine from the very beginning. The first of the

great national pilgrimages arrived in 1872, the French one, consisting of 25,000 pilgrims!

It is now estimated that about a million pilgrims visit Lourdes each year. Of these only a

miniscule percentage, however, are suffering from bodily afflictions. The physical cures

began within a few days of the apparition and have continued ever since, and these are not

confined to believers; only one thing appears indispensable: Prayer--and that is often offered

by some faithful Catholic relative or other.

Of  the many cures, only 50 have been, after careful canonical inquiry, officially

declared by the Bishops to have been miraculous. Besides these there are over 4000 cases

which medical science has been unable to explain in any natural way; serious cases of 

tuberculosis, tumours, cancers, blindness and deafness of many years’ standing, as well as

nervous disorders, have been instantly cured here; but the latter, which might conceivably

be attributed to auto-suggestion, only form 7% of the total number of sufferers.

The wheel chair and helpless stretcher cases, which arrive in special “invalid trains”

and buses, are lovingly handled by volunteer men and women nurses who at all times andeverywhere keep reciting the rosary aloud. Perhaps the most touching sight of all, however,

and the time when most of the miraculous cures seem to take place, is the daily procession

of the blessed Sacrament, when a visiting Prelate carries the Eucharistic Presence into the

great Rosary square in front of the Basilica and blesses the seriously afflicted invalids

individually as they lie there in row upon row of stretches. While this is going on, the

invocateurs in turn recite the fervent invocations on behalf of the sick, and these are then

taken up in a mighty chorus by the thousands of pilgrims present- “Jesus, son of David,

have mercy on me! Please, Lord, that I may see! Lord that I may hear! O Lord, that I may

walk!” General Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament from the Basilica steps then concludes

this most moving spectacle.

The miracles of Our Lady at Lourdes are a wonderful refutation of the errors of 

our materialistic age and of modern day atheists, leading the church to declare her feast-

day a day of “Healing” in recent times.

“Penance! Penance! Penance! (Our Lady, to Bernadette)

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Our Lord permitted Spirit in Jesus to undertake a second pilgrimage to the HolyLand. A team of 41 members under the leadership of Bro. Tom Zacharia and Sr. Catherine

Mariam proceeded to the Holy Land on 20 th May 2010. We flew by the Emirates Flight

from the Nedumpassery International Airport to Dubai and from there to Queen Aliya

Airport, Amman, capital of Jordan by a connection flight. We reached the hotel where we

lodged the night, traversing through the 5000 year old King’s Highway. After supper we

gathered for a Rosary prayer and went to bed.

The next day after breakfast we proceeded to the Nebo Mountain. It was from

there that Lord showed Prophet Moses the land of Canaan. Standing on Mount Nebo we

Joy Joseph

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could get a distant view of the land of 

Canaan and a part of the Dead Sea. On the

Nebo Mountain the figure of a serpent

wrought in bronze as a monument to

commemorate a similar event by Moses is

seen. We celebrated that day’s Holy Mass in

a chapel on the mountain and prayed for 

each one of the members in the team. On

our way to Tiberius we saw the handicraft

items made of mosaic by handicapped

persons and the six century old Greek 

Orthodox Church at Madba, the City Of 

Mosaic. In the mosaic map on the floor of 

the church is marked all the holy places of 

the region.

While traversing through the twists

and turns in between the numerous hillocks

and mountains small and big, one could

glance through the Sodom- Gomorra region

which the Lord annihilated sending fire and

brimstone from heaven. Even now nothing

grows there. The check-post on the border 

of Tiberius is managed mostly by women.

After inspecting our bag and baggage they

packed everything neatly as before; this

practice was just worth emulating. Till the

Tiberius (Israel) border we had a Jordanian

guide to assist us. From then onwards we

were to travel in an Israeli bus, the driver of 

which asked us to cooperate with him to

maintain it as tidy as possible.

With beautiful hill-sides, grass lands,

expansive terrain, flourishing agricultural

fieldsIsrael, as we enter into, eminently

suits to the epithet of the land where milk 

and honey flows. The activities of Jesus and

his disciples were centered more in the

vicinity of Tiberius. We lodged in a hotel

on the banks of Tiberius for the next three


Next day morning we went to Cana,

the place where Jesus worked his firstmiracle. A beautiful church has been

constructed over the remnants of the house

where the marriage at Cana took place. A

few jars and artifacts of those days made of 

stone are displayed. We consecrated a Holy

Mass in that church. Special prayers were

offered for married couples and also for 

every member of the team. A special prayer 

for the renewal of the marriage vows was

also made at the end of the Mass. In the

shops near to the church Special Wine of 

Cana is available at $ 5 per bottle. From

there we proceeded to the Church of 

Annunciation. A spring from which Holy

Mary used to draw water is still extant: it

has healing power, it is believed and

therefore visitors clamor for collecting water 

from it. Subsequently we went to the house

where Holy Mary lived. Some remnants of 

her house are still preserved. Adjacent to that

a large church in two- three storeys has been

constructed; inside and within the

compound of the church are displayed

almost all the paintings on Holy Mary from

various countries of the world. We couldfind there a beautiful statue of Our Lady of 

Velankanny. Then we saw the house where

the Holy Family lived; the remnants of it

are preserved, over which has been

constructed a church. The prayer that we

offered standing on the land over which

Jesus, Mother Mary and Joseph treaded was

really a great experience.

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From there we proceeded to Mount Tabor,

5 kms from the place where we stayed. Since

the road to the Mount is narrow, only smallvehicles ply there. Since one side of the

Mount was foggy we could not get a

panoramic view from the top. A church is

constructed on the model of three tents

(dwellings). This construction is the third

one in time, built over the remnants of the

previous two. It was here that Jesus

transfigured before his disciples Peter, Johnand Jacob. In this church also we consecrated

Holy Mass. The Capuchins are the

custodians of this church also. We walked 5

kms down the hill saying the Holy Rosary

upon an inspiration of Catherine Mariam,

and it was a great experience. It was on this

way down the hill that the incidents of Jesus

raising the son of the widow of Nain and

the healing of the child from epilepsy took 

place. From Tabor we went straight to the

Hotel for the day’s rest.

The next day morning we went to

the Mount of Beatitudes where the

proclamation of Jesus detailed in St

Mathew 5-7 took place. Reaching the

Mount, Bro Tom read a passage from St.

Mathew (5:1-12). From there we went to

the Sea of Galilee, where we had a boat ride

for about 30 minutes. Sea of Galilee is in

fact a lake. It was on the bank of this lake

that Jesus chose his disciples, worked many

miracle-healings and signs, walked on the

water of this lake and helped St. Peter to

do so and calmed the waves and wind. To

bring alive that incident to our mind the

crew of the boat violently shook the boat.

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After the boat ride we went to the

‘House of Peter’; it was there that Jesus

healed St. Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever.

A large church has been built over the

remnants of that house. Near to that a statue

of St. Peter holding a key is erected.

Remnants of a synagogue and other 

structures could also be seen. Then we

proceeded to the ‘Mount of Multiplication’

where Jesus fed 5000 men from 5 loaves of 

bread. There is a church which has as its

altar the rock on which Jesus sat down to

work the miracle of multiplication. From

there we went to ‘Mensa Christi’- ‘Lord’sTable’, where Jesus prepared a breakfast for 

his disciples who had gone for fishing even

after witnessing Resurrection. It was here

that Jesus asked Peter whether he loved Jesus

more than anything else. With the rock on

which Jesus prepared the breakfast as the

altar a church is there. A stone’s throw away

from the church there is an altar in the openair where we consecrated a Holy Mass.

Lunch for the day was arranged in a hotel

on the bank of the Sea of Galilee. Eating

‘Peter’s Fish’, a delicacy unique to that place

sitting on the bank of the vast expanse of 

the sea was really marvelous. That day was

made all the more memorable by celebrating

Bro. Tom’s birthday which happened to be


After lunch we went to the river 

Jordan, a place much referred to in both the

Old and New Testaments. It was here Jesus

received baptism from John the Baptist.

Even now people belonging to many

Christian denominations either receive or 

renew their baptism here. We witnessed

many such incidents. Many among us

collected water from the river. Later we

gathered on the lawn of the hotel where we

stayed and offered thanks-giving prayer. It

was during this prayer session that Bro.Tom

received ‘the Anointment of St. Peter’, as

per the revelation made by Sr. Catherine

Mariam. Rev. Father prayed over Bro. Tom

who knelt on his knees. Subsequently, Jesus

himself anointed him in person, Sr.

Catherine Mariam announced. A few

moments elapsed; many could feel a great

experience of the Divine; tears were rolling

down the eyes of many.

“My eyes are ever towards the Lord.” (Ps. 25:15) 

My name is Shyni.I had lost my

eye-sight consequent on an accident in

which acid fell on my face. After a long

drawn-out medical treatment I obtained

partial sight of my left eye. But it was

vague. I used to pray 203 beads of the

Rosary daily. During those days my elder 

sister brought to our home two issues of 

Itha Ninte Amma. Though I glanced

through I could not read them. Therefore

I prayed to Mother Mary tearfully thus:

“Mother, give me sight to read this

magazine”. Miraculous, I should say, I

could see each word of it in big letters. I

read both the issues. Then onwards, I

could read everything. I read the Bible

every day. Thousand thanks to God

Almighty for granting me this blessing

through Holy Mary. Ave Maria.

Shyni Benny, Kollam.


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The Rosary prayer is the major weapon that is employed in the spiritual battle we

are presently engaged in. It is the traditional prayer of Catholic households recited often

without full knowledge of its true meaning.  Many do not fully comprehend its meaning

in depth, its power and glory, apart from being a prayer expressing devotion to Mother 

Mary. The antiquity of the prayer, however, has neither reduced its spirit nor relevance;

on the contrary, the Rosary is the most suitable prayer for the present sinful times. It is the

Mercy  Kalpetta 

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most potent weapon against Satan. It was

formulated and propagated by Mother 

Mary herself.

The Holy Rosary has been arranged

using the Lord’s prayer: ‘Our Father…’ andthe salutation of Angel Gabriel: “Hail

Mary…’’ The Church obtained the present

version of the prayer in 1214 through St.

Dominic. He obtained it from Mother Mary

herself. On this episode Blessed Allan D.

Larroch says:

‘St. Dominic has been persistently

praying for the conversion of sinners andfor pacifying the wrath of God. There were

deep scars throughout his body left by severe

self torture in atonement; and finally he fell

into a coma. Then Holy Mary appeared to

him accompanied by three angels and told

him about the weapon to be used to renew

the world. She said: “I wish you to know

that in battles of this sort the Psalm of Angels, the building block of the New

Testament, has been a shattering hammer.

Therefore to reach hard- hearted souls and

to save those for God proclaim my Psalm”.

St. Dominic started proclamation of the

Rosary since then’. Later Holy Mary told

him: “Encourage people to pray the Rosary

while you proclaim the Gospel. Then your words will be more fruitful.”

However, in course of time the

Rosary devotion became extinct due to

various reasons. By 1460 the Devotion was

reinstated by Blessed Allen; since then this

prayer came to be called as the Rosary. Till

then it was known as the Psalm of Jesus and


‘Rosary’ means a crown of roses.

Holy Mary herself has approved the

nomenclature. She has revealed to many

people that the recitation of a ‘Hail

Mary…’presents her with a rose flower and

a Rosary gifts her with a ‘crown of roses’.

The birth, death, the resurrection, in

short the life of Jesus is the subject of 

meditation in the Rosary. Many mysteries

in the lives of Jesus and Mary are contained

in the Holy Rosary. Faith is the singular key

that opens to us these mysteries. Therefore

the Rosary prayer shall begin with a

proclamation of the Creed holding the

crucifix in hand. The Creed is a holy

summary of all the Christian beliefs. And

faith is the root, foundation and the

beginning of all the prayers. Stronger our 

faith, worthier becomes our Rosary prayer.

Every decade of the Rosary prayer 

begins with an ‘Our Father’. It is the perfectprayer. The author of this prayer is not a

man or angel but the perfect God Himself 

and that per se gives this prayer its perfection

and worthiness!

When an ‘Our Father’ is said with

devotion all our venial sins are forgiven, said

St. Augustine. Which other prayer authored

by man is more meaningful than the onetaught by the Son of Man himself?

The core of the Rosary prayer is the

‘Hail Mary’ prayer. It is the address of the

Angel and the summary of the Catholic

teaching on Holy Mary. The ‘Hail Mary’

prayer is divided into two parts: praise and

supplication. The first part shows the

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foundations of Mary’s glory

and the second, all those that

are to be prayed for and all those

that are to be hoped for fromHer benevolence. The first part

was revealed to us by the Holy

Trinity through Angel Gabriel

and by the Holy Spirit through

Elizabeth. The second part

(Holy Mary, Mother of 

God….)  got official approval

at the Ephesus Council in 430

AD wherein Holy Mary was

accorded approbation as the

‘Mother of God’ and permi-

tted the believers to pray “ Holy

Mary, Mother of God pray for 

us sinners now and at the hour 

of our death.” “Hail Mary”

prayer is a fiery piercing dart,

we have known. Besides being

capable of destroying sin, this

divine weapon could pierce

even the hardest of hearts,

move and convert it.

Each time we say “Hail

Mary’’ we give Holy Mary the

respect that God the Almightyaccorded to her when He

deputed Angel Gabriel to greet


And every decade of the

prayer is ended glorifying the

Holy Trinity with the

Trinitarian prayer: Holy be to

the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The worthiness of the Rosary prayer is further 

enhanced since every decade commences with a

meditation on the mysteries of salvation.

The Rosary prayer which includes ‘Our Father’,

given by the Son of God, Jesus himself, ‘Hail Mary’,

given by the Holy Trinity through Arch Angel Gabriel

and the Trinitarian prayer is not the handwork of man.

It is a divine prayer, the outcome of divine intervention

and therefore it is perfect, strong and relevant.

If ‘Rose’ is the queen of flowers, ‘Rosary’ is the

queen of all prayers!!   Ave Maria!

(An abstract from the ‘Secret of the Rosary’ 

by St. Louis Montfort) 

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Spirit often. Sufferings were of a higher 

order when ardent prayers were required.

On one occassion sufferings lasted for three

to four days at a stretch without abatement

and I sought the prayer support of Bro.

Tom. After his prayer Jesus spoke through

Sr. Catherine Mariam that what I have been

enduring was the vicarious agony of a

person murdered in a burning hay-stack.

Jesus asked me to endure without

hesitation; He was standing beside my

bosom and Holy Angels on my sides. When

I heard those words I felt a powerful in-

filling in me. Though I have been riveting

in pain as if my heart was pierced with four 

knives I felt strengthened to save souls for 


A memory of Jesus in agony during

the night prior to the day of crucifixion was

a comfort during my sleepless nights when

I used to wriggle in bed of pain. I felt the

presence of Jesus, lonely, weakened by the

cruel tortures of the Roman military, unable

to open his battered, swollen eyes and blood

drooping through. ‘O Jesus all your disciples

are sleeping; I am here beside you, we two

shall sit like this’, I comforted him.

It was through my minute by minute

encounters that I realized that Spirit in Jesus

is a community chosen and anointed by

God the Father Himself. It was He who

chose me and planted me in this orchard at

a time when I knew nothing about Spirit in

Jesus or souls. Now I realize the implication

of “my grace is sufficient for you”. His grace

is necessary to understand the truth of the

salvation of souls and the mission entrusted

with the Spirit in Jesus.

“Happy are those who live in your 

house, Ever singing your praise” (Ps 84:4).

“For a day in your courts is better than athousand elsewhere” (Ps 84:10).

I feel overwhelmed recollecting daily

this Word of God. While being in this holy

abode, we proclaim with certitude to those

who cast aspersions on us that we ( Spirit in

Jesus) are the vine planted by God the Father 

in heaven; and this anointment would

permeate the whole world is also certain

since we go forward along with Mother 


What the Angel of the Lord said to

Mary was: “Greetings, favored one! The

Lord is with you”. Humanity in the coming

days will certainly witness the splendor and

majesty of Holy Mary.

Contd  from Page 21


“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear” (1 Jn.4:18)

My name is Marykutty. Every Monday I used to watch the Spirit in Jesus program in

the Surya T.V. I have been a slave of fear. I was terribly afraid of snakes. Even seeing its

pictures horrified me. While listening to Bro. Tom Zachariah’s talk on ‘fear’ I tearfully prayed

with him to Jesus. Then Jesus touched me. And I am freed of fear. Thank you Jesus, Praise you


Marykutty, Banglore.

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them from hell that the Maccabees did sin

offerings and made supplications. The

confession of the sins of the dead warriors

and collection of 2000 drachmas of silver 

as sin offering to be made in Jerusalem

proclaim their faith in the salvation of 

damned souls.

Supplications of the Babylonian exiles

Chapters 1-3 of Baruch describe the

confessions of the sins of the Israelites and

of their ancestors and their prayers and

supplications for mercy. Without accusingthe ancestors themselves they confessed that

they were equally guilty as the former and

pleaded for mercy thus:

“...because we have sinned before the Lord.

We have disobeyed him, and have not

heeded the voice of the Lord our God, to

walk in the statutes of the Lord that he set

before us. From the time when the Lord

brought our ancestors out of the land of 

Egypt until today, we have been disobedient

to the Lord our God, and we have been

negligent, in not heeding his voice (Bar.


“They were brought down and not raised

up, because our nation sinned against the

Lord our God, in not heeding his voice. The

Lord our God is in the right.” (Bar. 2:5-

6).Their psalms in atonement were not mere

verbal exercises; it was one of tearful

weeping, fasting and supplication. Further 

they collected as much money they could

give and sent it to Jerusalem to the high priest

for making grain and burnt offerings (Bar.


Contd from page 11


“Those who are attentive to a matter will prosper,And happy are those who trust in the Lord”(Pro:16:20) 

My name is Jismi. I am a nurse. Though I made three attempts at IELTS, I

could not make sufficient score in the written examination. Therefore I could not

apply for a job-visa. I was sad and decided not to make any further attempts. However,

my brother- in- law insisted me to make a fourth attempt and asked me to pray in

faith and hope. I have participated in the Spirit in Jesus retreat two times. My brother-

in-law participated in a one- day program at Maryland(Suryanelli) and offered prayers

for me. On my part I participated in the “Great Festival’ conducted at Ernakulam in

May 2010. After that I attempted IELTS examination a fourth time. Miraculously, I

should say, I passed the examination with good grade. This is an unforgettable incident

which vindicated the power of prayer in my life. Subsequently all the formalities for 

my passage to the U.K. were completed without a hitch and I obtained a job-visa in

three months. I got a good job in London. These were moments of experiencing the

Divine for me. All praises and worship to God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and

thanks to Holy Mother who showered upon me this great blessing.

Jismi, London.

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Pope John Paul to be beatified onMay 1

“A French nun’s recovery from

Parkinson’s disease was miraculous”

Vatican city: The Pope signed off on the

miracle needed for the beatification of Pope

John Paul II, and set May 1 as the date to

honor one of the most beloved Popes of all

times as a model of saintliness for the

church. Pope Benedict XVI said in a decree

that a French nun’s recovery from

Parkinson’s disease was miraculous, the last

step needed for beatification. A second

miracle is needed for John Paul II to be

made a saint.

Once he is beatified, John Paul II will

be given the title “blessed” and can bepublicly venerated. Many people, especially

in Poland, already venerate him privately,

but the ceremony will make it official. Pope

Benedict XVI waived the typical five-year 

waiting period before the process could

begin, but insisted that the investigation into

John Paul’s life be thorough so as not to leave

any doubts about his virtues.

The last remaining hurdle concerned

the approval by Vatican-approved panels of 

doctors and theologians, cardinals and

bishops that the cure of French nun, Sister 

Marie Simon- Pierre, was a miracle due to

the intercession of John Paul II.

Born in Wadowice, Poland, in 1920,

Karol Wojtyla was the youngest Pope in 125

years and the first non- Italian in 455 years

when he was elected Pope in 1978.

He brought a new vitality to theVatican, and quickly became the most

accessible modern Pope, sitting down for 

meals with factory workers, skiing into

crowds  to embrace the faithful.

He was the most travelled Pope ever,

visiting more than 120 nations during the

third longest papacy and covering distance

equal to nearly 11/2 trips to the moon. Hesurvived an assassination attempt in St.

Peter’s Square in 1981  and then forgave the

Turk who had shot him. He died in his

Vatican apartment on April 2, 2005 after 

suffering for years from the effects of the

Parkinson’s disease. He was 84.

2010, a remarkable year in the annals

of climatologyGovernment figures for the global climate

show that 2010 was the wettest year in the

historical record, and it tied 2005 as the

hottest year since record keeping began in


The figures confirm that 2010 will go down

as one of the remarkable years in the annals

of climatology. It featured prodigioussnowstorms that broke seasonal records in

the United States and Europe; a record-

shattering summer heat wave that scorched

Russia; strong floods that drove people from

their homes in places like Pakistan,

Australia, California and Tennessee; a severe

die-off of coral reefs; and continuation in

the global trend of a warming climate.

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It was the 34th year running that global

temperatures have been above the 20th-

century average; the last below –average year 

was 1976. The figures show that nine of the

10 warmest years on record have occurred

since the beginning of 2001.

The earth has been warming in fits

and starts for decades, and a large majority

of climatologists say that is because humans

are releasing heat trapping gases like carbon

dioxide into the atmosphere.

The carbon dioxide level has

increased about 40 percent since the

Industrial Revolution

A thirteen- year old courted death to

save his younger brother

Toowoomba: An elder brother courted death

to save his younger brother. This happened

in the Toowoomba town of the flood-

affected area of Queensland (Australia).

Thirteen-year old Jordan Rice who did not

know swimming has become a hero in

Australia. The car in which Jordan, his 10

year old brother Blake and his mother 

travelled was caught in a current.

Rescue workers somehow reached near the

car and tried to save Jordan. However,

Jordan insisted them to save his younger 

brother first. And therefore, the rescue

workers reached Blake to safety. However,

when they returned to rescue Jordan and his

mother, the car had  already been swept away

in the current.

Jordan was afraid of water. He did not

know swimming. In spite of that when the

rescue workers approached him he asked

them to save his brother first, his father,

John Tyson reported tearfully. What were

his thoughts at that time? He is our little

hero, Tyson added.

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