Holy Orders Lesson for kids


Transcript of Holy Orders Lesson for kids

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Father Lucian from Syria

◦ A long time ago lived a boy, who was the kind of person; any

body would like to have for best friend.

◦ His name was LUCIAN

◦ He lived in the country of Syria.

◦ His Parents had died when he was only 12 years old.

◦ They were very rich: they had a large home.

◦ Lucian kept only a few things, that he need for himself

◦ and gave the house, furniture, clothes, and everything else to the poor.

◦ Then he went to a big city to work and study.

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Saint Lucian of Antioch (c. 240 – January 7, 312), known as Lucian the Martyr, was a Christian presbyter, theologian and martyr. He was noted for both his scholarship and ascetic piety.

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Lucian Notice Many weren’t to Church◦ He was happy that he had found a place to live close to the Church.

◦ He made many new friends.

◦ Lucian went to Mass every day with one of his friends.

◦ Many people went at Mass each day, too.

◦ Lucian also notice that there were many people who never even went into the Church; They just passed by.

◦ One day, Lucian asked his friend, ◦ Why do you suppose people never go into a Church?

◦ Why they just walk by?

◦ His Friend said: ◦ “I think it’s because they don’t know Jesus,”

◦ they probably never had anyone teach them about God.”

◦ Lucian said.

◦ “I wish I knew enough to teach them!

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He Wanted To Tell Others About God

◦ He wanted very much to tell others about God.He loved God with all his heart.

◦ After studying hard for many years, he became a priest.

◦ Now he was ready to teach people.◦ They felt that he was talking about Someone he really

knew and loved.

◦ He look so Happy! His eyes shone,

◦ and his voice was so loving that people were drawn to God through him.

◦ They admired their new priest and brought others to hear him.

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The Emperor Did not Believe in God◦ In Father Lucian’s country, the Emperor did not believe in God,

◦ and he persecuted everyone who did.

◦ He heard about Father Lucian’s fame,

◦ and ordered his guards to bring Father Lucian to his palace,

◦ Father Lucian was not afraid to stand before him.

◦ The Emperor try to win Father Lucian over to his side; he said:

◦ “Forget about God.

◦ Give up your religion.

◦ Serve me. I will pay you well.”

◦ Father Lucian answered:

◦ “NO, I will never forge my God! I will always be a Christian,”

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He Could not Offer Mass◦ When the Emperor heard this, he became very angry.

◦ He shouted to his guards,

◦ “Take him away to prison!

◦ That will make him change his mind.”

◦ The prison was dark and cold.

◦ It had a tiny window with bars on it.

◦ Many Christians were kept there.

◦ Like Father Lucian, they had chosen to remain

faithful to God.

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He Wished He could offer Mass◦ Father Lucian prayed with them, and encouraged them to

trust in God.

◦ He heard their confessions, and brought them the peace, and strength of Jesus.

◦ He wished so much that he could offer the holy sacrifice of the Mass, ◦ and give Jesus in the Holy Communion to the prisoners.

◦ But how could he?

◦ He has not bread or wine with which to offer Mass.

◦ One night, the prisoners heard a tapping sound against the prison wall.◦ They were quiet and listened, they heard it again.

◦ It came from outside.

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Father Lucian Could Celebrate Mass

◦ Since the window was very high,

◦ one of the prisoners climbed up,

◦ and looked down through the bars of the window.

◦ They saw a little boy holding a small package up to the window.

◦ He stretched out his arm, and got hold of the package.

◦ In it, the prisoners found bread and a jar of wine.

◦ What did it mean?

◦ Now Father Lucian could celebrate Mass with them,

◦ and they could receive Jesus in Holy Communion.

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Father Lucian Helped Prisoners to Remain Faithful

◦ When the Emperor realized that Father Lucian must somehow helping the prisoners to remain faithful to God, he became very angry with Lucian.

◦ Then he thought,

◦ “Everybody can be bought, Gold will change his mind”

◦ They Emperor sent his men to Father Lucian with a heavy chest of gold.

◦ They said,

◦ “Look a this gold! See how generous you Emperor is, Lucian?

◦ If you agree to serve him instead of you God, all this will be yours.”

◦ Father Lucian looked a the gold with disgust. He said:

◦ “Tell the Emperor that I am a Christian and will serve only God.”

◦ The Emperor was furious, when he heard what Father Lucian had said.

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The Tray of Food◦ His guards thought of a plan. They said,

◦ Maybe Lucian could say ‘No” to the gold,

◦ but no one can live without food!

◦ From that day on, they did not give Father Lucian anything to eat or drink.

◦ He became weaker and weaker.

◦ This was exactly what they wanted.

◦ Then the guards brought in a huge tray of food. It smelled delicious!

◦ They said, “Lucian, this is for you, Do you want to eat?

◦ “yes” he answered, but what I do I have to do for it?

◦ “Not much, just say one simple sentence.

◦ Tell the Emperor that you are not a Christian any more. That’s all you have to do.”

◦ Father Lucian did not give in. He said,

◦ “Take the food, and tell the Emperor that I am Christian,

◦ and nothing will make me change my mind.”

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The Cruelest Test◦ When the Emperor heard that, he told his men not to spare Father

Lucian, but to do whatever they thought would break him.

◦ The guards thought of the most cruel test of all. a) They spread sharp pieces of broken glass on the prison floor,

b) and then pushed Father Lucian down on the glass

c) and chained him to the floor by his hands and feet.

◦ He couldn’t move, the glass pierced his skin, and cut deep into his body,

◦ but Father Lucian did not complain.

◦ The other prisoners wished they could help, but there was nothing they could do.

◦ Father Lucian told, them,

◦ “you can help me by praying that I could suffer with Jesus,

◦ and God would make me strong and faithful.”

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Father Lucian Offered Mass

◦ He wished so much that he could still offer Mass for them, and give them Jesus in the Holy Communion.

◦ But how could he?

◦ He was chained to the floor and couldn't move.

◦ Then, the Father Lucia had an idea. He said,

◦ “Spread a white cloth on my chest.

◦ Put the bread and the cup of wine here.”

◦ The prisoners did what Father Lucian told them,

◦ and his chest became the altar for Mass!

◦ He said the words, and the bread became the Body of Jesus,

◦ and the wine became His Blood.

◦ A Deacon, who could give Communion, helped Father Lucian to receive Our Lord,

◦ and then gave Him to the prisoners, too.

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Father Lucian’s Last Mass

◦ When the guards came in, they did not know what had happened.

◦ Father Lucian’s eyes were shiny, and his face was radiant!

1. That was Father Lucian’s last Mass;

2. He died very soon afterwards.

3. He had remained faithful to God to the very end!

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VOCATION: The Callings◦ Do you remember how Lucian became priest?

1. He loved God

2. he saw how many didn’t even know about Him.

3. He was generous..

◦ We say that someone has a RELIGIOUS

VOCATION or Calling.

a) When someone has the strong desire to follow

God completely, and

b) God has given him the health,

c) and ability to spend his life serving His people, as

Jesus did,

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VOCATION: The Calling◦ The word VOCATION; means CALLING in Latin.

◦ Who calls us to religious life?

◦ God Himself calls, sometimes by extraordinary means, (like Saint Paul),

◦ but usually in very ordinary ways, by giving the desire, good health and the ability.

◦ The Leader of Rome is who is the leader of the Bishops.

◦ We call him the Holy Father or Pope. (A word meaning Father or Dad)

a) Pope

b) Bishop of Dioceses

c) Pastor and his assistant pastors in the parish.

d) Young men study in a Seminary to become a priest.

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Jesus wants to Come to Us◦ It is Jesus Himself Who wants to come to us through

His priests to bring us His divine life and strength.

◦ This is why He gives power to priest

1. to baptize,

2. Offer Mass,

3. and give Holy Communion,

4. forgive sins in Confession,

5. witness marriages,

6. and anointing the sick

◦ When he receive the fullness of priesthood, and becomes a Bishop,

a) he can COMFIRM


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Priest are Call to be Like Christ

◦ Priest are call to be Christ among us.

a) They are asked to teach,

b) To pray

c) and to work as lovingly as Jesus did.

◦ They are “laying down” their lives for the

people of God, day by day in ordinary ways,

◦ or if necessary as Lucian did.

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Recognize the Joys & Hardships

◦ Recognize the joys and the hardships of priest’s lives.

1. How can we be of help and support our priests?

1. Praying for them

2. Being active members of the Church

3. Thanking them when they have helped us.

1. Do you know someone who became priest?

2. Does any have a priest-relative?

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The Priest are Ordained

1. To become a priest the major steps are to be ordained as a) sub-deacon,

b) a deacon

c) and then a priest.

2. An ordinary deacon can baptize, a) give Holy Communion,

b) and be the official witness of the Church to marriages;

c) He teaches the word of God and helps the poor.

◦ DIAKONA is a Greek word meaning service.

◦ Deacons serve the Church, by helping the priests to bring Christ to many people.

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1. Locate Syria

2. Emperor means ruler.

◦ He has total power over everything in his


3. Let’s emphasized the faithfulness

of Father Lucian.

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FATHER LUCIAN a Call to Holy Orders