Holocaust Project - Centennial School District · Holocaust Project “For me was the Holocaust not...

Holocaust Project Holocaust Project “For me was the Holocaust not only a Jewish tragedy, but also a human tragedy. After the war, when I saw that the Jews were talking only about the tragedy of six million Jews, I sent letters to Jewish organizations asking them to talk also about the millions of others who were persecuted with us together - many of them only because they helped Jews.” Simon Wiesenthal quotes (Ukrainian born Austrian Activist, 1908-2005)

Transcript of Holocaust Project - Centennial School District · Holocaust Project “For me was the Holocaust not...

Holocaust ProjectHolocaust Project

“For me was the Holocaust not only a Jewish tragedy, but also a human tragedy. After the war, when I saw that the Jews were talking only about the tragedy of six million Jews, I sent letters to Jewish organizations asking them to talk also about the millions of others who were persecuted with us together - many of them only because they helped Jews.”

Simon Wiesenthal quotes (Ukrainian born Austrian Activist, 1908-2005)


�� Through reading nonfiction articles and Through reading nonfiction articles and

note taking, you will gain a basic note taking, you will gain a basic

background knowledge of the Holocaust background knowledge of the Holocaust

and present the information to the class.and present the information to the class.

�� You will gain background knowledge You will gain background knowledge

about the Holocaust and WWII prior to about the Holocaust and WWII prior to

reading reading ““The Diary of Anne Frank.The Diary of Anne Frank.””

TodayToday’’s Agendas Agenda

�� Review note takingReview note taking

�� Read an article about Read an article about ““The HolocaustThe Holocaust””

�� Take notes and complete note cardsTake notes and complete note cards

Centennial School District

Note Card

MRS. GIL ___________________________Name Source ( Bibliography #) Page Numbers

________________________ _Note taking________________________Teacher Period Topic Outline Key









ONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). DonONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). Don’’t forget page numbers.t forget page numbers.

�� Read article from start to finish.Read article from start to finish.

�� Use your highlighter and pencil to circle Use your highlighter and pencil to circle

important terms, terms you do NOT know, important terms, terms you do NOT know,

and terms you want to know more about.and terms you want to know more about.

�� Write questions and comments in the Write questions and comments in the


Centennial School District

Note Card

MRS. GIL ___________________________Name Source ( Bibliography #) Page Numbers

________________________ Definition_________Teacher Period Topic Outline Key









ONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). DonONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). Don’’t forget page numbers.t forget page numbers.

Centennial School DistrictCentennial School District

Note CardNote CardMRS. GILMRS. GIL ________________________________________________

NameName Source ( Bibliography #) Page (s)Source ( Bibliography #) Page (s)

________________________________ Definition_____________Definition_____________TeacherTeacher TopicTopic Outline KeyOutline Key


�� Sacrificial offering that is completely burnedSacrificial offering that is completely burned

�� ““Sacrifice by fireSacrifice by fire””

�� Systematic campaign of persecution and murder of 11 Systematic campaign of persecution and murder of 11 million peoplemillion people

ONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). DonONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). Don’’t forget page numbers.t forget page numbers.

Centennial School District

Note Card

MRS. GIL ___________________________Name Source ( Bibliography #) Page Numbers

________________________ _Victims________________________Teacher Period Topic Outline Key









ONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). DonONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). Don’’t forget page numbers.t forget page numbers.

Centennial School DistrictCentennial School District

Note CardNote CardMRS. GILMRS. GIL ____________________________________________________________________

NameName Source ( Bibliography #) Page (s)Source ( Bibliography #) Page (s)

________________________________ Victims___________________Victims___________________TeacherTeacher TopicTopic Outline KeyOutline Key


�� Six million Jewish people, Six million Jewish people,

�� Polish intellectuals and religious leadersPolish intellectuals and religious leaders

�� Soviet Political Prisoners Soviet Political Prisoners

�� Communists : ( person who believes in theory or system of Communists : ( person who believes in theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state)as a whole or to the state)

�� JehovahJehovah’’s Witnessess Witnesses

�� HomosexualsHomosexuals

�� GypsiesGypsies

�� Mentally challengedMentally challenged

ONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). DonONE TOPIC PER CARD (IN YOUR OWN WORDS). Don’’t forget page numbers.t forget page numbers.

Final AssessmentFinal Assessment

�� You will be assigned a partner and one question You will be assigned a partner and one question that you and your partner will need to answer.that you and your partner will need to answer.

�� You and your partner will use the appropriate You and your partner will use the appropriate resources to find answers to your questions.resources to find answers to your questions.

�� After completing note cards, you and your After completing note cards, you and your partner will create a PowerPoint.partner will create a PowerPoint.

�� You will also be responsible for completing a You will also be responsible for completing a worksheet while viewing your classmates worksheet while viewing your classmates PowerPointsPowerPoints..

Big6 Assignment OrganizerBig6 Assignment Organizer

Fill out Big6 #1Fill out Big6 #1--5 5 beforebefore you begin to work on your assignment.you begin to work on your assignment.

Fill out Big6 #6 Fill out Big6 #6 beforebefore you turn in your assignment.you turn in your assignment.

Name: _________________________________Name: _________________________________

Today's Date: ___________________________Today's Date: ___________________________

Class: _________________________________Class: _________________________________

Big6 #1 Big6 #1 Task DefinitionTask Definition

Determine a purpose and need for informationDetermine a purpose and need for information——What am I What am I supposed to do?supposed to do?

� Through reading nonfiction articles and note taking, I will gain a basic background knowledge of the Holocaust and present the information to the class.

� I will gain background knowledge about the Holocaust and WWII prior to reading the play “The Diary of Anne Frank.”

What information do I need in order to do this? (Consider What information do I need in order to do this? (Consider

listing in question form.) listing in question form.)

You will most likely find interesting additional information as You will most likely find interesting additional information as

you use the resources. you use the resources.

List below information that you feel you need to know at this List below information that you feel you need to know at this

time.time.1. _____________________________________________________________1. _______________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________2. _______________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________3. _______________________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________4. _______________________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________5. _______________________________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________6. _______________________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________7. _______________________________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________8. _______________________________________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________9. _______________________________________________________________________________________

10. ____________________________________________________________10. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Holocaust questionsHolocaust questions

1.1. What role did Hitler play in WWI? What happened What role did Hitler play in WWI? What happened to Germany as a result of WWI that had a direct to Germany as a result of WWI that had a direct effect on Hitlereffect on Hitler’’s rise to power?s rise to power?

2.2. What was the Holocaust? When did it take place? What was the Holocaust? When did it take place? Who were the Nazis? Who were the Nazis?

3.3. Who was affected by the Holocaust? Why were Who was affected by the Holocaust? Why were certain groups targeted?certain groups targeted?

4.4. How did the Nazis define who was Jewish? Why How did the Nazis define who was Jewish? Why were the Jews singled out for extermination? Explain were the Jews singled out for extermination? Explain the Nuremberg Laws.the Nuremberg Laws.

5.5. What were the first measures taken by the Nazis What were the first measures taken by the Nazis against the Jews (April 1, 1933against the Jews (April 1, 1933-- April 25, 1933)? April 25, 1933)? What was What was KristallnachtKristallnacht? ?

Holocaust questions continuedHolocaust questions continued……6. 6. How did the Nazis carry out their policy of genocide? Explain How did the Nazis carry out their policy of genocide? Explain

the history of the concentration/death camps.the history of the concentration/death camps.

7.7. Did the people of occupied Europe know about Nazi plans Did the people of occupied Europe know about Nazi plans for the Jews? What was their attitude? Did they cooperate for the Jews? What was their attitude? Did they cooperate with the Nazis against the Jews?with the Nazis against the Jews?

8.8. How did the world respond to the Holocaust?How did the world respond to the Holocaust?

9.9. When did WWII begin? What countries were involved? When did WWII begin? What countries were involved? What was HitlerWhat was Hitler’’s ultimate goal in launching WWII?s ultimate goal in launching WWII?

10.10. What were the ghettos? What was the What were the ghettos? What was the ““final solutionfinal solution”” and and its impact on the ghettos?its impact on the ghettos?

11.11. How many Nazi criminals were identified? How many were How many Nazi criminals were identified? How many were brought to trial? What were the results/outcomes? What were brought to trial? What were the results/outcomes? What were the Nuremberg trials?the Nuremberg trials?

Big6 #2 Big6 #2 Information Seeking StrategiesInformation Seeking Strategies

Examine alternative approaches to acquiring information. List thExamine alternative approaches to acquiring information. List the e best sources to find this information. Don't forget traditional best sources to find this information. Don't forget traditional print and human sources as appropriate.print and human sources as appropriate.

1. Holocaust books and articles provided2. 36 questions about the Holocaust


3. Five Questions about the Holocaust Courtesy of the United StatesHolocaust Memorial Museum


If using web sites, who will evaluate them for relevancy, accuraIf using web sites, who will evaluate them for relevancy, accuracy, cy, and authority?and authority?

�� I will use only those evaluated by and provided by my teachers oI will use only those evaluated by and provided by my teachers or librarian, r librarian, including the databases to which the school subscribes.including the databases to which the school subscribes.

oo I will find free web sites and do a web site evaluation for eachI will find free web sites and do a web site evaluation for each that I use in that I use in my project.my project.

Big6 #3 Big6 #3 Location & AccessLocation & Access

Locate sources and access the information within themLocate sources and access the information within them——Where will I Where will I locate these sources?locate these sources?

�� school libraryschool library

oo public or university librarypublic or university library

oo personal librarypersonal library

�� provided by my teachersprovided by my teachers

�� InternetInternet

oo other: _________________________other: _________________________

If using a search engine, list likely key words.If using a search engine, list likely key words.

1. ________________________ 2. ______________________________1. ________________________ 2. ______________________________

3. ________________________ 4. ______________________________3. ________________________ 4. ______________________________

5. ________________________ 6. ______________________________5. ________________________ 6. ______________________________

Big6 #4 Big6 #4 Use of InformationUse of Information

Use a source to gain informationUse a source to gain information——How will I record the How will I record the information that I find?information that I find?

�� take notes using cardstake notes using cards

oo take notes on notebook papertake notes on notebook paper

oo take notes using a word processortake notes using a word processor

oo illustrate conceptsillustrate concepts

oo use a tape recorder, video, or digital camerause a tape recorder, video, or digital camera

oo other: _________________________other: _________________________

How will I give credit to my sources?How will I give credit to my sources?

�� use the Centennial bibliography cards to help construct a Works use the Centennial bibliography cards to help construct a Works Cited pageCited page

oo utilize electronic resources, such as Noodle Tools or Citation utilize electronic resources, such as Noodle Tools or Citation Machine, to create Works Cited pageMachine, to create Works Cited page

Big6 #5 Big6 #5 SynthesisSynthesis

Integrate information from a variety of sourcesIntegrate information from a variety of sources——How will I show my results? How will I show my results?

oo written paperwritten paper�� oral presentationoral presentation——you are permitted to have 3 x 5 cards you are permitted to have 3 x 5 cards

oo multimedia presentation ________________________________________multimedia presentation ________________________________________________________________

oo performance ____________________________________________________performance ______________________________________________________________________

oo other: _________________________________________________________other: _________________________________________________________________________

How will I give credit to my sources in my final product or perfHow will I give credit to my sources in my final product or performance?ormance?oo include a written Works Cited pageinclude a written Works Cited page

oo after the performance or presentation, announce which sources I after the performance or presentation, announce which sources I usedused

�� other: other: hand in completed bibliography cards______________________________________________________________

List of materials I will need for my presentation or performanceList of materials I will need for my presentation or performance::

1. 1. Optional 3 x 5 cards______

2. _____________________________________________________________2. _______________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________3. _______________________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________4. _______________________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________5. _______________________________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________6. _______________________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________7. _______________________________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________8. _______________________________________________________________________________________

How much time do I estimate it will take to find the informationHow much time do I estimate it will take to find the information and create the product? and create the product? 4 days-including working at home

Timeline for assignment: Timeline for assignment:

Ideas for project (task definition) completed by: Ideas for project (task definition) completed by: 9/17/07- Monday

Information searching (note taking) completed by: Information searching (note taking) completed by: 9/20/07- Thursday

First draft due: First draft due: NA

Completed assignment due: Completed assignment due: 9/24/07- Monday

Include here any additional information needed to successfully cInclude here any additional information needed to successfully complete the assignment:omplete the assignment:


Big6 #6 Big6 #6 EvaluationEvaluation

Before turning in my assignment, I need to check Before turning in my assignment, I need to check off all of these items (on the printed Organizer):off all of these items (on the printed Organizer):

oo what I created to finish the assignment is appropriate for what I created to finish the assignment is appropriate for what I was supposed do in Big6 #1what I was supposed do in Big6 #1

oo the information I found in Big6 #4 matches the the information I found in Big6 #4 matches the information needed in Big6 #1information needed in Big6 #1

oo credit is given to my sources, written in standard citation credit is given to my sources, written in standard citation formatformat

oo I am in compliance with copyright laws and fair use I am in compliance with copyright laws and fair use guidelinesguidelines

oo my work is neatmy work is neat

oo my work is complete and includes heading information my work is complete and includes heading information (name, date, etc.)(name, date, etc.)

oo I would be proud for anyone to view this workI would be proud for anyone to view this work


�� 36 questions about the Holocaust36 questions about the Holocaust

�� http://www.wiesenthal.com/resource/36quest1.htmlhttp://www.wiesenthal.com/resource/36quest1.html

�� Five Questions about the Holocaust Courtesy of Five Questions about the Holocaust Courtesy of

the United States Holocaust Memorial Museumthe United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

�� http://www.humanitashttp://www.humanitas--


�� Additional Websites: Additional Websites:

�� HH::\\Websites Anne Websites Anne Frank.pdfFrank.pdf

�� www.ushmm.orgwww.ushmm.org

Holocaust PowerPoint Holocaust PowerPoint


And And
