Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated...

Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism… Stereotyping… 1933-1939… Task : Write a definition or answer for the following historical terms and dates we have studied so far in your DRAFT book:

Transcript of Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated...

Page 1: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

• Holocaust….

• Nazis hated Jews because…

• Anti-Semitism…

• Stereotyping…

• 1933-1939…

Task: Write a definition or answer for the following historical terms and dates we have studied so far in your DRAFT book:

Page 2: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

How could the Holocaust happen?

Learning Objective:To describe and explain how Nazi persecution of the Jews

intensified between 1939-41.

Monday 27th April 2020

Page 3: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

Timeline of Nazi Persecution of Jews:

1933 – Lawyers and judges suspended. -Teachers and pupils banned from state schools

1934 – Not allowed to use swimming pools

1935 – Nuremberg Laws – can’t be citizens, can’t marry an Aryan

1936 – Very little persecution (Berlin Olympics)

1937 – Businesses closed

1938 – Cannot be in Red Cross- Have to be called ‘Sara’ or ‘Israel’, - Banned from running businesses….

1939 – Cannot have radios, put under curfew, yellow star

Task: Using the following timeline below, answer the exam questions on the next slide!

Page 4: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

Why was there an increase in Jewish Persecution before 1935?

Nuremberg Laws (1935): Berlin Olympics (1936):There were over 300 laws that persecuted the Jews. For two weeks in August 1936, Adolf

Hitler's Nazi dictatorship stopped its racist persecution against the Jews while hosting the Summer Olympics. They did because they wanted to show to the Great Powers: Britain, US and France how Hitler had rebuilt Berlin and Germany, rather than draw negative attention by attacking the Jews. In this event all propaganda and graffiti attacking the Jews was stopped. However, after the Olympics had ended the Jews experienced persecution once more!

Task: Read the following passages and use the timeline on the previous page to help you answer the following exam questions:1) Describe two features of the Nuremberg Laws (4 Marks)2) Describe two features of the Berlin Olympics (4 Marks)3) Explain one way the Nazis persecuted the Jews between 1933-1937 (4 Marks)

Page 5: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

Why was there a rapid change in Jewish Persecution after 1935?

Task: Read the following passage and watch the following video to complete the tasks below about why Jewish persecution intensified:

1) Create a fact-file about Kristallnacht:Include the following details:->What does it mean?->What did this event involve doing?->How did Jews become weaker?->What was significant about this event?

2) Describe two features of Kristallnacht (4 Marks)

3) Explain one reason why Kristallnacht increased Jewish Persecution after 1938 (4 Marks)

Video Link to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y0uwd9QAYE

Kristallnacht: ‘Means night of Broken Class’

Pogrom: An organised massacre or attack against a particular ethnic group such as the Jews.

Page 6: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

How did WWII escalate and intensify Jewish Persecution?

On 1st September 1939, Germany invaded Poland.Task: Using the map and statistics below answer the following question:

‘Why were the Jews of Poland now in a lot of danger?’

Polish Jews would be in a lot danger in 1939 because…

Page 7: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

The Warsaw Ghetto, Poland 1941.

Task: In your DRAFT book: 1. What are the main features of this photo?2. What do you think might of happened here?3. What questions would you like to ask further?

Page 8: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

Ghetto: a section of a city in which Jews were forced into by the Nazis.

• Soon after Germany invaded Poland, the Nazis began to concentrate the Jewish population in places called ghettos.

• Ghettos tended to be overcrowded and many Jews died of starvation or disease.

• The Jewish population was sealed off in the ghetto by brick walls and barbed wire.

• Within the ghetto, they had limited food (only 300 calories for each day) and little access to healthcare.

• At least 100,000 people in the Warsaw ghetto died.• If Jews tried to escape they were executed.

How did the creation of Ghettos escalate and intensify Jewish Persecution?

Task: Read the following passage and answer the following exam questions:1) Describe two features of ghettos created by the Nazis to persecute the Jews

(4 Marks) 2) Explain one way Ghettos persecuted the Jews after 1939 (4 Marks)

Page 9: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

Why did the Nazi Invasion in 1941 change Jewish Persecution in Ghettos?

Task: Looking at the map below and your own knowledge answer the following questions below:1) Explain three reasons why building ghettos in the Soviet Union (Russia) be

unrealistic (why would they not work?)Think about the following factors: the size of the country, money, resources, time

One reason why ghettos would not work in Russia is…Another reason is…Another reason is…

Page 10: Holocaust…. Nazis hated Jews because… Anti-Semitism ... · • Holocaust…. • Nazis hated Jews because… • Anti-Semitism… • Stereotyping… • 1933-1939… Task: Write

Conclusion: How could WWII (the invasion of Poland and the Nazi Invasion of the Soviet Union) make the Holocaust more likely to


Your task: Answer the following question in a PEE paragraph in your NEAT book!

One way WWII made the Holocaust more likely to happen is…

For example in 1939… Another example is that in 1941…

This shows why ________(question) because…