Holiday Marketing: 5 Do’s and Don’ts for Decking the Halls

5 Do’s and Don’ts of HOLIDAY MARKETING

Transcript of Holiday Marketing: 5 Do’s and Don’ts for Decking the Halls

5 Do’s and Don’ts of


It’s the most WONDERFUL time of the year…

It’s no question every marketer’s goal is to end the year with a

strong, and meaningful campaign. So as marketers, it’s painful to

be a bystander when brands make a marketing mistake or faux

pas, which often result from getting caught up in the hoopla of

the holidays.

Guidelines to consider when putting together your HOLIDAY MARKETING PLAN

Our Top 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Holiday Marketing.


Sharpen your vision of success.

Take appropriate measures to define your

interpretation of a successful campaign. Being

specific in setting up campaign goals are going to

help you truly understand how well it performed.

Maybe you decide to focus on setting up paid digital ads

for one area of service, or maybe you’re promoting every

area of your brand’s service organically on social media.

No matter how narrow or wide your goals are, define



Dive in without a goal in mind.

Without a goal, your holiday messaging is very likely

to get lost or confusing (let’s be honest, it’s REALLY

hard to put together a marketing message when you

don’t know your goal).

Narrow down exactly what you want to accomplish with

your holiday marketing campaign. This will serve as a

blueprint for putting everything else together.


Focus your messaging.

The holidays open a lot of windows for marketing

opportunities. With so many options and directions

available, it’s easy for brand messaging to get lost in

the clout of the holidays.

Put some extra thought into your target audience and

how they may react to your campaign. Are you going for

a sentimental or emotional campaign? Are you going for

entertaining or humorous campaign? Choose one tone,



Go off script.

The holidays are a great marketing opportunity, but

only if you stay on message. Mixing between different

tones is one way brands fail to hit a home-run.

You want your holiday marketing to be purpose driven

and brand compliant. Staying consistent with your

holiday messaging is crucial for your brand to

accomplish the goals you set up at the beginning of your



Be genuine.

Before you even think about being shoppable and

shareable, you want to make sure your holiday

marketing campaign is meaningful.

The holidays are a great time to develop meaningful

relationships, because it’s the time of year consumers

EXPECT genuine marketing. Don’t sell. Don’t push. Just

be genuine, and let them know you care about and

appreciate their business.


Over do it.

Shoot for quality content, not high quantity.

Your audience is already getting bombarded with

hundreds of messages from brands in all industries.


“Seasonize” your messaging.

Okay, so we might have just made up a word. But

mixing your current/typical brand messaging with

some holiday-inspired messaging really creates a

smooth transition for your audience.

Your campaign will seem more natural, and less like a

marketing campaign, which is exactly what you want.

Plus, you don’t want to lose your brand identity within

your holiday marketing.


Disrespect the season.

Finding a balance between brand messaging and

holiday messaging can be more difficult for some

brands than others. Some of the biggest marketing

“Oops” moments happen during the holidays.

So it’s important to proceed with caution when it comes

to your verbiage, images or catch-phrases when it

comes to the holidays.


Plan ahead.

Start planning for the holiday season months ahead

of time. It takes time to perfect marketing campaigns.

Many companies require approval from up the ladder,

so getting a head start is essential to a timely

marketing strategy.

You want to have everything approved and ready to go

a few weeks ahead of time so you can avoid any cringe-

worthy marketing faux pas.


Skip out on holiday marketing.

It may seem daunting to step outside of your usual or

traditional marketing plan, but it’s amazing what can

be accomplished with a successful end of the year

marketing campaign.

Not only is it a great way to say goodbye to the year,

but it also helps set you up for a successful new year!

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Cincinnati, Ohio [email protected]
