Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian...

Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L COl ( j' GOVERNMeNT SOL.UTIONS Clle nl :. I . , " . • S .. n Joaq"; " Piau ., S .. i'e 230 Ikllch, CA '49-7'7-1943 luwul·O, .. ,·ol.oom

Transcript of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian...

Page 1: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian


Development Agreement

Annual Review

Mal'ch 28, 2011

Prepilred By:


1 " lljtCI :_~~PA I\n" ie\~

Cllen l :. I

. , " .

• S .. n Joaq";" Piau ., S .. i'e 230 N"'upo~' Ikllch, CA ~60 '49-7'7-1943 luwul·O, .. ,·ol.oom

Page 2: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L



Page 3: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

hoag , •. ~.I"'-"",,, '"',,"', "'" .. ""'''' " .... ,,, .. , ""_.'''' rJ. .,' ., ." . . ........... , •• ,

Man;h 26, 2011

Mr. Hm Campbell ACllIlg Planning O!vlsloll lJl,'cctor City of Newllo!"1 Dead\ 3300 NewJlort lIolllcvanl Newport Deach, CA 92656·8915

RE: Iloag I (ospltal - Development Agreement Annual Itcvlcw

DcaI' Mr. Campbell:

Please flnd uttachcd the required dO(lImentaUon to demonstrate Iloag's compliance with tilt' Ocvcl01Jtl1Cnt Ag,'cement between lloag lIospllal and the City of New pori Beach. As YOII arc aware, Ihls Dcvclopmcill Agreement was adopted by the City Council 011 Ap,'llU, l006 by Ordi.mnce No.200a· to and Is known as the Amendment to Itcstatcd Development Agreement No. S.

Per Section 5.2 of the )cvelopment Agl'eel11ellt, ~rhc Allllualllcvicw Sh;lll be condncted at a public hearing notlced In accordance with the proylslons of Chapter 15.45 of tile Newp·ort lIeacil M unldllal Code. Annunl reylews should be scheduled In A],rll of each year." It Is our understandinll based on discnsslons with city staff, that we will be scheduled for the April 26'h, 201 I City Council hearing per the above nOled re1luircmcnl.

°nle cnclosed ]'roJcct Status Update Is for the period of lime frmll March 12, 2010 throllgh March 20, 2011.

Si ncerely,

c (W'j;;- - ' Mr, Sanford Smith Senior Vice President Heal Estate and 1'.lcililies


, ..... " _ • • d .. . .... ' ...... " .. ," ...... ~ .. -.. , ... ". '0 ...... "' 0.. .. ,. , .... ,. '"~,

Page 4: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Project Status Report March :n , 2010 Thru March 28, 2011

Third Annual Review of the Oevelopment Agreement Between the City o f JIIewport Beach

And Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian

Introduction & Overview

On April 22. 2008, the City of Newport (leach ("City") approved an amended D<!velopment Agreement between the cityof Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag") which is known as the "Amendment to the Restated Development Agreement No. So. This Amended Development Agreemen t was adopted by Ordinance No. 2008· 10 on May 13, 2008.

Per Section S.2 of the Amended Development Agreement:

"The Annual Rev iew shall be conducted at a public hear ing noticed In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15AS of the Newport !leach Municipal Code. Annual Reviews shoutd be s<:heduled in April of each year."

This Amended Development Agreement was part of Hoag's Master Plan Update which Included revised Development Agreemen t provisions, a revi~d Planned Community Text (" PC Te.t") and associated standards, and certification of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report ("SetR") with mitigation measures.

The Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SCH NO. 1991071003) was certified by adoption of City Council Resolution No. 2008·27. As Part o f the SEIR adoption, a Mitigation Moni toring & Report ing Program was required which shall be utilized as the basis for the Development Agreement Updates as It relates to mitigation measures.

For the purposes of this Development Agreement update, and tho~ sub~quent annual updates, this update shall serve as the Third Annual Review for the Amendment to the Restated Development Agreement No S.

Project Status forthe Third Development Agreement Annual Review

As will be described In detail below, over the last year, Hoag has made a dilicent. good faith effort to complete ~s many of the mit igation me~sures and ijssoclated requiremen ts for both t he D<!velopment Agrf!emen t & Planned Community Text as required in this timeframe.

It should be noted, that the March 12, 2010, Status Report, had two supplements dated June, 2010, and August,201O. Foryour reference, we have attached the August, 2010 Supplement. As you are aware, the City Council approved the Oevelopment Agrf!ement Annual Compliance Review on September 14, 2010. In tha t the work done between the months of Malch, 2010 and AU8ust, 2010, were covered in


Page 5: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

tile Supplement, I llis review will senerally updale tile remainder of tile year lrom September, 2010, tllru March,2011.

Development Asreement Specific T erm~ & ObliSitlons

In the separate terms 01 tile Oe~elopment Agreement requirements (not found In eltller Mitlsatlon Measures or PC Requirements), I lle followlns have been completed:

11. Section 5.4

"5.4 Mitigation Review. The annual review sllall include a detailed report o f compliance with the various conditions and mltlsatlon measures contained with tile mltisatlon monitoring plan. The reporl shall also include a noise reSulalion compliance assessment that Includes noise measurements prepared by a qualified noise consultant on a yearly basis. Tile noise assessment sllailidentify noise regulation compllarn:e Issues and recommended measures to abate any noncompliance. The report sllallinciude an analysis of tile view Impacts of buildlnss constructed In comparison to tile anticipated views depicted in tile ~IR. Hoag sllall be found In compli ance witll this Agreement unless tile Cily Council determines, based upon evidence presented at tile Annual Review, tha t H03S has not ((lmplie<;l with all mitlsatlon measures and conditions irn:luding tllose Imposed as a (@sultofsubsequentenvilOnmentalanalysis,applicable to the sradins 01, or buildins on. the Property asol the date of the Annual Review. Hoas sllall pay the City administrative costs Incurred In conductins Annual RevIews. Hoas shall reimburse the City for costs Incurred by the City associated with Fluor Enterprises' review of the coseneratton plant durios the 2008 Annual Review."

Hoas lias complied with this section of tile Amended Development Agreement with tile submittal 01 this detailed report which demonstrates sood faitll compliance w itll tile various conditions and mttlSation measures contained within the m!tlgatlon monitoring plan, as noted below.

Additionally, Hoas has complied with noise resulatlon compliance assessment. A noise analysis was periorme<;l by RS Acoustics on Marcil 7, 2011 whiell demonstrates complete compliance witll the noise standards In all locations. (Altacllmentl)

No view analySiS was necessary In I lIls annual Development Agreement review, as no new constructkm has occurred on tile Hoas campus durinS this timelrame.

15. New Section 8.4 - Sumel VIew park Improvements

~8.4 Hoas shall reimburse Ihe City up to $150,000 for installa tion of groundcover, Shrubs, ~nd irrlsatlon systems with the unimproved portion of Sumet View Palk and Superior Avenue, approximately 20,SOO sq II In area, !oc~ted northerly 01 the coSener~ t lon bulldlns. Reimbursement to tile City shall be within 30 days of Hoag (@cei~ing an inVOice from the City."

The City has not moved forward with this project durlnS this time period, and therefore has not requested a reimbursement for park Improvemenl s from Hoas.


Page 6: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

16. New Section 8.S - Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment

"8.S Hoag $hal l install a weather sta tion capable of identifying ambient conditions ne<:essary in documenhng cogeneration plant and cooling tower operations. The weather station shall be tied into the cogenera tion plant control$ln o,der to maximi!e automat ic responses to prevailing weather conditions, assisting in managing the operation changes and load shiftin&, as well as to provide periodic reports on plant operations.

Hoag shall not construct or erect additional cooling towers within the Haag lower Campus.

Hoag shall reduce the effectfve heat rejection by 33% at the existing cooling towers and such 'eduction shall be measure<! from a baseHne (to be measured at the cooling towers) o f operating three existing generators and absorption chiller at 100% 01 design capacity.

This reduced capacity operation shall be implemented daily between November 1 ~ and April 30" , between the hoursol 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM when the relative humidity is equal to or less than SS degrees Fahrenheit. "

Hoag has compi led with all requirements regarding the Cogeneration Plant Energy Curl ailment and has attached a letter from Haag's chief engineer of record, Michael Tr!epac!, P .E. which certifies the plant has been operated in accordance with the curtailment requ irements. Monthly Coseneratlon Plant Reports for the months of November and December (2010) and January, February and March, (2011) are attached on a dis<; for your review. (Attachment 2)

M(tlotlon MeUllres and PC Text Requirements

Because no new major construction has occurred over the last year, Hoag's focus has been to fulfi ll the requirements that were oriented to noise and aesthetics and that were reqlli'ed to be completed or are In prog'ess in this Development Agreement annual review time period. For your reference, the relevant mitigation measures and PC Text requiremen ts are 3ltached In the order they are addressed below.

Mitigation Measure 3.4·9 Cogeneration Plan! Noise

As noted above, Hoag has complied with all no ise standards and an annual noise analysis was performed by RS Acoust ics on March 7, 2011, which concludes tha t ~page IS) the Cogeneration Plant'soperatlons comply with the noise standards. (Attachment 1)

Noise - West Hoag Drive

Mltlcatlon Measure: PDF 3.4-1 - Villa Balboa Window Innallatlon

tn August, 2010, Haag fu lf il led its obligation under this mitigation measure by depositing a check in the amount of $499,142.00, approved by the City, Into an escrow account established by the Villa Balboo Community Associa tion. The lunds will pay for the condominium windows/sliding glas, door upgrades.


Page 7: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Mitigation Measure: PDF 3.4-2 - Sound Wall

Con~truction of the 411 linear foot sound wall whiCh commenced in October, 2009 Is now complete. On January 19, 2010, the sound wall received final Certifica te of Occupancy permits Irom the City of Newport Beach. A picture o f tbe completed sound wall and copies of the permits are attached. (AttachmenI4)

MItigation Measure 3.4-5 - loadln@ Dock Sound Absorption Panels

"Sound absorption panels on the east wall of the loading dock shall be installed. Approximately 450 square feet of absorptive panels shall be used to cover major portions of the back wall of the loading dock area. The Noise·foll panels by Industrial Acou~ties or a panel with equivalent or better sound rating shall be used."

Noise Foil Sound Panels of approximately 650 square feet have been permitted and fully installed. A picture of tbe completed sound panels is attached along with copies of the final permits. (Attachment 5)

MItigation M easure 3.4-6- Relocat ion ofth/! Trash Compactor

"The trash compactor shall be relocated within the k>ading dock. The trash compactor and baler shall be enclosed in a three·side structure. The walls shal l be concrete block or Similar masonry construction. The roof shall be lightweight concrete roof or a plywood surface with concrete tiles; a built-up roo f with 5'5" of Insulation on the insidC! would be an acceptable alternative. The open side shall face away from residents. Ooors may be on the side olthe enclosure lacing the reSiden ts, but must be closed when the baler or compactor are operating. The compactor and ba ler should only be operated between the hours 017:00 AM and 7:00 PM."

The trash compactor/sanitizer has been enclosed on the north and south sides wah an exterior metal panel system. The in terior of the walls have been lined with Noise Foil Panels as recommended by the acoustical engineer. The roof was constructed of metal decking with a waterproof membrane and was constructed similar to the north and south walls and has a bellow matefial that wraps around the trash enclosure to allow for movement . The west wall o f the compactor/saniti!er will be open for access. The west wall of the loading dock was lined from north to south with Noise Foil Panel~ as recommended by the acoustical engineer. The baler was constructed with three walls on the east, west and south sides. The north side will remain open fo r access. The roof of the baler enclosure was constructed with the same materials as the compactor/saniti,er roof structure as noted above.

The compactor and baler are opera ted between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM.

While Hoas Is unable to fully relocate the trash compactor, per the Development Agreement Update City Council sta ff report dated S-eptember 14, 2010, sta ff notes: «Haas has committed to relocate the trash compactor and provide a full enclosure as part of Hoag Hospital's construction of a new structure or structures on the Upper Campus requiring the transfer of b\'ildable square footage from the Lower Campus or reconfiguration 01 the loading dock. In staff's opinion, this is a good faith partial and

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substantia l compliance with the M itiga t ion Measure 3.4-6 for an interim period until such time when the trash compactor will be relocated and full compliance will be achieved as part of Hoag Hospital's construction of a new structure or structures on the Upper Campus requiring the transfer of bu ildable square footage from the lower Campus or reconfigura tion of the loading dock. N

Therefore, Hoag is good faith partial and substantial compliance with this mitiga tion measure by constructing a trash compactor enclosure and a b<ller enclosure which include the use of sound absorption panels on both endosures. These structures are complete and photos and permits are attached, (Attachment 6)

Planned Comm unity Requirements - l andscaping low er Campus {h hiblt 1t6 )

Area Za - West Park ing Area Islands

Requirement: 60 days after CDP issuance at Coastal CommiSSion.

Hoag received Coastal Commission's "Approval in Concept" of this Item on AprilS", 2009 and final permits were received on December 15, 2009. Hoag obtained the required building permits for this project on January 19, 2010.

Parking lot Islands were complete by May, 2010.

Hoag has proceeded in good faith and will be in full compliance with the completion of construction as noted above. (Attachment 7)

Area 9 -North Slope above Retaining Wall

Requirement: 120 days after COP Issued by Coastal Commission.

Hoag received Coastal Commission's NApprovalln Concept" of this item on Apr;; 8", 2009 and final permill were issued by the City of Newport Beach on January 19, 2010.

The Slope constructfon was scheduled to commence on May 24, 2010, and wa~ completed by Ju ly, 2010.

Hoag has proceeded in good fai th and is in full compliance with the comp letion of construct ion as noted above. (Attachment 7)

Area 12 PCH Green Scrccn

Requirement: Immedia tely upon issuance of an Approval in Concept by the City an application shall be submitted for said Improvemen!~ to the Coastal Commission. Construction o f said improvements shal l be completed no later than 18 months after Coastal Oevelopment Permit Issuance by the Coastal Commi~sion.

Hoog received Coasta l Commission's "Approval in ConceptN of this Item on AprilS", 2009 and final permits were Issued by the City of Newport Beach On January 19, 2010.


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Hoag has proceeded In good faith and is in full compliance with the completion of the PCH Green Screen construction as required . Pictures o f the completed land'>(aping are attached. (Attachment 1)


Page 10: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Hoag Development Agreement 3 nl Annual Review

Table of Contents

Noise Analysls ___________________ _

CoGen Weather Station RCI)orts ____________ _

Mitigation Measures & peTexl Rcquircmcnts' _______ _

West Houg Drive Sound WIIU' ______________ _

Loading Dock Sound Absorption I'uncls, _________ _ (City&ospon Fin"1 Pcrmit)

Trash Compactor Mltigatioll _____________ _

Lower Camilli!!! Slope & Pen Screen Landscape Phase Plan' __ _







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Page 12: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

RS ACOUSTICS INC. COrniullanls In Arch/roc/wal Acom;lics lind No/s8 Control

\5151 (10._ Run Road Conyon Count,.., CA ~13/11

P (l1li1) 251·31105 F (&6,) 3,0·3183



Propared !of: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ""--Newport 8oach, CA 92658

Prepared by: AS At:ous!ics If'll). 15751 800ver Aun Rd. Canyon Country. CA91387

F'hor1e: (661)251·3965 Fax: (6611311).3763

Dale: 1 March 201 1

Report No. 940211

This report prooents lha results 01 an acoostk:al noise measuremonl pragam COfIduc1ed altha Hoag Mamo­,ial KospjlaJ Presbylerian campus in Newpo<t Beach. california. This ,aport is part oj an annual review to de[e"Tlina !he CUlren! noise em;ro .... "'el1! and wII91hef impIemenlstion 01 noise mll;galion maasures have Sl.'CCGssfuly ~ tho dooigo criterion !or ooisa sources 1oca19d within the Haag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian compIox.

Page 13: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Acooslical Moasurunenl Tesl Program Reporl

""" Table or ConIents


Exoovtiva SUo'lVf\3/Y Projecl Oescriptio1

Commurily Noise Assessrnenl Meuics Cily 01 Newpor1 Beach Noise SI3I"I<Wds Ho!Ig Momorial Hosp;laI PIaoned ComrllIriIy DeYeioproonI

O1teria & o;sllicl Regoklions

Test Equipmenl Anc:iIary Buiking and west TO"Mlf MecIlanO::aI Equipmenl ~ Bo.iIding Aooflop Mec:h!IricaI EQUipmenI West Tower Mechanical EquIprnenI Room

Main Loading Dock (Oaytimo) Wool (ResIdential) Side 01 Acooslical Wal Easl (Hospital) Side of Acoustical WoM

Main Loading Dock (N".g"lttime) Wasl (Aesklantial) Side 01 Acoustical WoM Easl (Hospilal) Side 01 Aooustlcill WaJ

D1e!ary Loading Dock Noise Levels & t.::1M1y Daytime Noise MeasufomeolS & AdMIy NlgMime Noise Lave1s & AdMIy

Cogeoomlioo Fac:ilily Noise UM:!Is & AdMIy Daytime Noise Maa&ul9lTllti'llS & t.::IMIy Nighttimo Noise L!I\IItIs & Activily

Ganalal MlI.>Ioln! Conditions CataDna Drive & Old Newporl BMl. SuperO- Avenue & Sunsel VIew Paik $o.I1sel View Park & Wesl Haag Road

200 Paris Lane·VoiIa Balboa Cond<x'rD.m Complex Oaytme Noise Maasurornenls Nighlliroo Noise Measuremenls

Moasuremenls 01260 Gagooy Lane CondomInIum -lklfI J04 Daytime Noise MoosurornenlS NighHime Noise MOOSUfomet1tS

Conclusion and Sur"ml!lry of Aooustical TlI$ting Results

RS ACOUSTICS INC. IS151 Bu .. , Run Rd .• Canyon Counlry. C ... ~13aT

Soc!Ion p,,9'

'.0 , ... , ,., , "

, "

, "

, " , 2. I. 1 , 2. 1.2 , ,., " 2.2. 1 " 2.2.2 " ,., " 23.1 " 23.2 " ,., " 2.4. 1 " 2.4.2 " ,., " 2.5. 1 " 2.5.2 " " " 2 .6 .1 " ,., " 2.6.3 " V '" 2.7. 1 '" 2 .7.2 " ,.

" 28.1 " 2.8.2 " " "

P (881) 251·3~as F (561) 311).3783

Page 14: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L


Acoustic:aj Measo.xement TOS! Program Aaport "",3

Acouslicaltosts wer9 COfIdlIcIed on 22 and 23 February 201 t "";!hin !h9 Haag Hospital Memorial Presbyte­!ian campus and also 1<1 the nearby community til determina !he noise IaveIs generated by !he hospital op. eratioos reIa~\'O 10 local 900 specific governing ordinanc9s.

Table I below shows tna location 0/ acoustical tests . !he time (>1 day. !Other day or niI.tot. and!h9 results 0/ !he lasts. Tho IinaI column presents the governing ord01ance 'Mlich roost 00 saUsfied.

"" ... ,," Nighttime "" NightUma "" ""'"'" "" ~tUme e,,, Daytime Pass

Dietary Loading Dock

Cogeneration Facility

200 Paris L.ana

Nighttime Pass

RS ACOUSTICS INC. 15751 8uve' Aun Rd .• Canyon COUnl<),. CA 91387 P(881)251·3065 F (661) 310-3783

Page 15: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L


Acrustic:lt MeasUlOOWlt Tost Program Roport Page 4

Hoag M8fTDiaI Hospital Presbyterian Is Io!;atad at One Hoag Driva in N<Mpor!Ileitch, Calilorl'ia as siJooMl on the .,;en!;' map on Fogvru 1. The hospital carT'9JS is separated Inlo tw:> ,"tinct ~ sections de, se<ibed as the "Upper Campos" to the north, and the "lower Campus" to \he soulll.

The Uppeo' campus S(M;tion is Ixxdeled by Hospital Road 10 the nOIf!), West Hoag Olive to the wooL New· pofI Boulevard (55) to tho cast, and a hospital muI\I·1evoI parking struct..-e extends south to tI10 Newpo.-I Blvd, oIl"amp connecting Newport 8lvd. to PacifIC Coasl Highway.

The lowe< Campus seclOO is Ixxdeled 10 the north by Sunset VJ(ffl Park en::! wta Balboa taMlhoroos, Su­perior Avenue to the west. Newport Blvd. 10 the east. and the southern bolnlaIy is bouodad by Pacilie Coast Hi(,tlway (Highway I).


In geoemI, c...-nrnunity ooise measurements or assessments relet to deSCIiplions or the e>:.lerOr noiso cm;. '(ItYll8j1t in lIIo Yicility 01 inhaMed arMS. Oosctiplions or ooiso usualty ird.Jde the lime and spatial va,~· lions IIlIhe OO lcloor ooiso envirorvnent lIvOUghoul a spedlic alea so thaI desetiptions a'e ,,,,evant to !he eHeet on poopIa wilhin the specilied araa.

OI.rldoor noise envirorvnents vary greatly io magnitude &rid <:haracter among Iocaloos l/Yovghoul a com· munity _ I,om the quiet subUIhan a'eas Ixxderiog on farmland, 10 tho din 01 trallie ;, downtown city strOOIS. They generally vary v.;\h time 01 day, being relativety quiet al oIg/ll wheo actMties are rrri"naI and noisier ;, morning and allomooos during peak trallie periods.

Noise or r.>"lWanted SCUld ls ~ and may be comprised 01 a broad '!YI()O of sounds otten Induding low and high kequoncy compooer1ts, which may also occur at dillering ~ ~s. To hefp simplily and quanUIy Ihe human;..dgment of rolaliva loudness and prcMdEt a simple slngle·number rating syst~, tho A· weighliog network was doveklped.

A'woiglled sound 1evel"db(A)" is 0119 01 the most YoOdeIy used methods of stalirlg coovnunity noise doslgn goals and raguJalOOS In lerms 01 a single runbet rating s)'Stem. A·weighled SOlKId levels aro obtained with a sound level meter incorpcrating at! ele<;:tr<ric weighting net>M::lrk that de-emphasioos the low t,oquero:;y portions 01 the noise spectrum, to ootomalicalty COInp&'lsata for the lower seosItMly ollhe Ilurnanc8I" to "'" flequeocy sooods. High Ireqooocy componoolS ot sor.od. l000Hzaoo above arc relalMlly unchanged In A· weigMiog nolWOlks as the I'lXnan ear it; IalrIy equally seositiVe to aU sounds occurring io this high I,eqooocy rllng(!. The siogIe A-waighled IU'llber Is the 8001 ot all A·weighted sound energy withill a giwn rango Incor· pOrating the 32Hz 10 IlOOOHz octave bands.

The City ot Newport Beach, as Is typicat of other cilieS. utilkes A~ted sound IIMlls III thoir oolsa ordi· rIatlCIl to quantily allowable noiS9 levels ...mich aro 8vcmged CNOI 3 specffic time peOOd. This Ume compO­(loot is spedlied 10 aIIclw for varyirlg IlOise conditiOns such as lhe nuctuating noise kIveIs associated v.;th I'rlIlicuIar tmllic Slopping or accIlIoraUng Irom an inlersection Tho ,es<J1atlI1evel would be tho _age 01 all sound levels meawrad v.;thin the stated lime period.

The oolse ordioaooe oj The City 01 Nev.port 8eacIl foqWOS thai noise measu-ements be COIlducIed aod averagod ow.- a 15 nYlula period. v.;!h a souod level meter sel lor a slow respor1S<j averaging time The rasoJl Is termed a " 15 fTinute L..,", (Equillalent Noise Leve~ and Is measured 8Ild presented In A-weighted decibels 1eveI$. By delinition, a 15 mO.Ila L., Is tho A·weighted sound lalloi COIrespond"W"Ig 10 a staady-stala sound lew! containing lhe sarno tOlai erwgy as a timo'V8O)'ing signal OW(!he 15 minute pe<iod.

RS ACOUSTICS INC. tS75t e .... , Aun Ad .. CIUlyon Country. CA ~!:JII7 P (UI) 25!·3"5 F (66\) 310·37e3

Page 16: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Acooslical Measurement Tost f'fogram Report ,,,,,

Fa bOO! a shaft duatioo a impact ocwds. tho Oty of Newport Beach utiUores U., L- rookie a Maximum Sou1d lIIYOl. This mabie is IlIsa exp<assod In A.weighted OOcibets. ard par Ihe reql.ifll(J'Otlflts of the a dl · nanca Is measurad at the stcm rosponse averaging t.mrl. L- noise levels q;IM~!y the higI1est ocwd level rooasurad a r9OOr'dad d!.ring a dasigoated tima interval a 8\IflI'l1 .


10.26.025 EMerior Noise SlandatdS

The IoIIowing noisll $lMdards. ooIess OIhIIrwise speciflcaI!y Indicated, shIWl apply to aI properly "';tlln a designated no;se zone:



RS AC O UST ICS INC. 16751 B ... " ... Run Rd .. Canyon eoun"y. CA DI3a7 P (&81) Z51·31Ja5 F (&81) 31 (1.3783

Page 17: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Type d Land U ••


'" .. '"

Aco.Jsticai Measur('mO(lt rest PrOQlam Report -,

D. below .

e. It Is unIawI~ lor any person at any location v.m .... !he inoorporated area 01 the a ty to create any noise. or to allow the creation of any 0089 on property 0M1ed. leased. occupied Of Q!herwtse con troled boi such person. wnch causes the noise Ievej ..men measured on any othel properlY. to 0>­cood either 01 the loU,r"'n9: 1. The 0000 standard Cor !he applicable zone for any liftcen-mioota pe<iOO: 2 A rna>Omom instantaneous noise IewI equal to !he valua 01 the noIso stand8td plus twenty

(20) DBA lor any period 01 time (lTlOOSI.>"ed using A.weighted .Iow respOllOO) . C. In IhG event ltl& ambient noiso IewI exceeds the 0000 standard, the mW<inrum allowable noise level

unde< said category sha~ be increased 10 relleet the maximum ambient noise level. D. The NQioo Zona III standard shaA apply to thai portion 0/ residential property lalling within one hun·

elrod (100) !eel. 01 a cor,ma,ciI\I property. II tile intruo:Mg noioo origiflates kom that COf"MIOlrdal .-E. tl the maasurement Iocalion Is on boundary betoMlen Il'oO diHorent 0000 zones. the lower noise tew! slandard applicable to the nolse zona shall apply. {Ord. 95·53 § 1. 1995: Ord. 95·36 § II (part).

""I As discussed In the /oIoWIng seclion. the orrinanc<l der.-.es IhG locations where acoustical measurements are to be made to cIote<mine compttance with the noise st8ildard ctitllrla.

10 26 055 NciSlt l8\:1lI MAAsuremorn A. The location selected for measur ing exlerior noise tevots in a residential aroo shall be at any pail 0/ s

privaw yard, patio. deck Of balcony nc:xmallv IlOOd lor tunan actMty and identified by lhe owner 01 the sHeeted property as suspecled 01 exceeding IhG noise IewI standard. This location may 00 the cIosesl point in the priYlIla yard Of pallo. Of 011 the deck Of balcony. 10 the noise SOO'<;e, but shovId not be klcated In nonhuman actMty areas such as trash container storage areas. plantor beds , alxlvo or conlocting a propelly ina 1(IfIC8. or oIher areas IlOl roormally used as pM 01 tile yard, pallo. deck Of baIoooy. The location soloclod for meaSUfing extOller noise levels In a nonresidential area shaI be at the clos{lSt point to the noise source. The measurement microphooEI height shaQ be fiw leol alxlvo finish elevation or, in the case 0/ a deck Of batoony,lhe meas<XO;IIlVlIlt microphone height shall be IiYe loot llbo\oe UJ8 finished lloor kMII.

e. Tho IocatJon selected fa" measurng ;,tetia< noise IevoIs shall be madu within the sHeeted msidootial unit. The meaS\l"OO1OOts shall be mada at a point at Ioast four feet from IhG wall, ceiling or 1Ioor. or willln tile I(~ 01 a window opening, nearast lhe noisa sou(C8. The maasurements shall be made with windows in an open position. (Ord, {15·36 § I t {part), 1995)

RS ACOUSTICS INC. IS151 a ... . , Run Ad .. Conyon Counlty, CA gl387 I' (651) 2~1·3985 F (881) 311).3183

Page 18: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Me. 1984 or latest revision

S. Existing HVAC Equipmont

Aoluslical Measurement Tas! Progam Report -, •

, Standard

1. HVAC eqoipmont lagally installed ptior to Api 22. 1001. shalt be permitted to operate with an exterior ncise limit 01 sb:ty·live (65) d8(A) unti JMJary 1. 1900.

2. HVAC eqlipment legally .,staled prior to Apri 22. 198\ , shall be exempted lrom the .,terior noisa level stano;brd lIS speci fied ., Section 10.26.030 01 this chapt!lf unti J8.<JJary t. 1900

3. HVAC aqulpment legally inslllJlad after April 22. 1981. and prior to hi dato 01 ocioption 01 lhOs dlaptOf shall 001 exceed a maximum exterior noise tmt 01 ~fty-fivo (55) dBA d.ring tOO IIioety-<;lay compIianI.:e period seliorth ., Section 10.26.005.

C. In tho e.ent Ihal HVAC CQUiprnont caoooI moot tOO mquilOmeolS set forlh in this cilaptf!O'. lhoo the exterior rJOise ~mt lor such equipment may be raised I" sixty-rM3 (65) dBA and exampted Irom the interior ooisa """" standat-d as specified in Section 10.26.030 01 this cMpter. pn:Mded that tOO of>" plicant obIains the written consoru 01 an tho 0WIl9(S oIlhe allocted properties. (Ord. 95-36 § 11 (part). 1995)

Ameodmeot to Restated DeyeIopment Aaregmant

PafElgf3ph 1.17 NOsa limitation The existing P\eJv"oed CooImunily [PC Text) prO'k!es lhat noiso gorIOfated J/Qm Hoag Hospital ~om new mo· chaoicaf appurtenances shall not exceed 55 dB(A) al the property lines. This noise limitation was estab· Hshed prior 10 the adoption 01 the City's Noise Element In the General Plan and Noise Or<inancu. It Os prO­pt)Sed Ihat noisa generatad and orignating trom lhe Propeny bo governed by the city Noise Ordinance with ce<tain excoptions.

flamed Goom,ritv Oeyo!opmeot Criteria and o;slrict 8ooylatjoos

M. Noise Standards Noise gene<ated al the Hoag Hoopital property shall be governed by the City 01 Newport Beach Noise Ordl· nance. el<COpl as noted bo4ow for the Loading Dock Alea.

1. The appficabie noise standard at the Hoag Hospjtal property tine adjace<lllO the loading dock area shaH be as 1oIows:

2. Within the loading Oock Alea do..ring daytimo hours, vehictes shaJ be exempt!fom appIica. bIe roiS(l standards as fisted abcNo.

RS ACOUSTICS IN C. 15751 8 . a,.., Run Rd .. Conyon Counl,y. C'" ~ 1 381 P (561) 251·31165 F (881) 310-3183

Page 19: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Acoustical Mcasurornenl Tesl Progtam Reporl ,,,., Vahida idling shall be prohibited on WIlSI Hoag OrMl tro witl"On I1lIIIoadiog tlock amas, excep! illal rellige<nted \IOhIcIes may kIe ..tliIe al Iho Ioadiog 00cI<s v.t>en refrigeration Is

"""""" . 10 addition, the grease pil ci9aI'Iiog ..tlich is oxompi from !he ely NoIsa OrdO'!aoce as a mainlOOllr1Ce aclMly shall OCCIJ( on a S<llurday belWOOrl Ihe hours 01 11 :00 am Ilrld 3:00


Noiso HIwIs meaSlKcmcoIS were COI'IO.>c1ed "";th !he followlog equipment ....tOch was calibrated inmeI:ialely prior 10 Ilnd IoIIowiI1g !he test pr!.lOfldI.o'es:

• larson Oavis Type 824 Type 1 iolegra~ng ono·llird ocllM:> band souod level male(

• Larson Davis MQdeI PRIv1902 nlicrophooo pteampliier • larson Davis Type CAl200 pracision Ooss 1 souod IO'M'!I calibralor calibral8d 10 II re/eroroce

IraceahIe 10 Ih9 NalionoO InstilUte 01 Standards and TecI'Irdogy. • larson DiMs Type 256O!h" mi(:lophone aocepIed 10 meellha spaclficatioos oI lEC 00651 aod

ANSI $1 .4· 1963 Type 1.

Tha measuremenl equipment satisrN)S lho Americao National Standards Instilute (ANSI) Standard 1, 4 101' Type I precision sound level I1leaSUlemeols.


Noise ~ me!lSl.II'ements 01 tho AncIIary building rooItop lIl!!dIanical equlptTlOOt aod West TOMlI" me­cI1anicai equipment room wera condUCled on 23 ~ 2011 starting at 1:00 am ....neo tho Ioltuto=e 01 ollsilo noise sourCllS aod l1amC Is reduced. III (l(l;k)r 10 I1leas\'wO Ihe VIOI'SI case ooiselEM!ls, we utilized a 35' late· scoping mi<;rop/v:'>IlI slarJd to el<Nalo the JJJIl3SIH1g microphone \0 an eIovatioo I1letsec!iog the rooltop eQUipmont and the Uppei level 00IId0rrA..m rasidances wtich hava a lar ty <.irect .... 01 sight to the roottop.

Moosurl!fl16'lls were conducled at the wesl curb 01 on Wesl Hoag Driva Jl9Ilresl Ihe property liIle,

2.1.1 Ar1ciIaIy IIuiIdIog Rooltop Mach!InIcaI EQUIpmeoI

Tha WJlruOOg noise IevaIs lrom oIlsito sourC6S were 011"", equal to. or exc:eeded the ooise levels gen­e.'Bled by the mechooicaI equip:noo.I uoder lesl. To the degee possible, tha lest soqueroce was marouaity poosed during these oIlsile occuroroces ~ tha tesl results prosenled hIlreio Bre based on a tunv integraled 15 m1role sampling. See Flgore 2 lor test location.

It is our uoderslBrKling lhal al lour (4) kitchen groose """"ust fans ... the roo/lop penthouS<! Wl)re 0p­erating duriog our IOSII'low!1Yof was no! verified. Tha bal9nce oItha roollop equipment irIdvdVlg 000· doosers and JIKAIipIe rmshroom amaus l laos ",,91'9 also opemtlog.

Tho noiso kMlls Itom Ihe mechaok:aI 9QUipmeot wore ooostant (I'w9" Iho duratoo 01 the test and were the primary contributor 10 Ih<.I ambient errvironmenl. Tho noise levels \W({I measured 10 be L.., 50.3 dO(Al and tha rn<t><imtI'n noise level fecorded was t- 53.7 d8(Aj,

Tha ancilary bUIdiog roo/top mecharjcal noise levels lifO regojated by the Hoag Memor~ Hospital Planoad Cornmurily DoMlIopmoot Clitlltia & OiSlr>:t Regulatioos (PC Ta.O which r8(fJlro Ihal ooise IeYeIs In this area do not e>:<:Oed L.., 55 dB(A) cUiog Ihe ni{tlltimo hoo..-s 01 10,00 pm to 7,00 am, Our

RS ACOUSTICS INC. 15751 llu • • , Run Rd .• C .... VO" C","",lOy, CA g l ~7 P (&II I) 25 1·39115 F(GGI)310-3783

Page 20: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Acoo,tic9I Measur<)m(Vl1 Tas! Program RepcY1

''''' . measuramenls resollod In noise IeYois of L.. 50.3 dB{A) I\tlIch satishos lh& L.. 55 d8(A) mw6mum al· IowabIe noise Ievef lequirernoot

The language wilhin!he Haag Hospilal PC To><l noise Siandards. do no! 0lCIude reqr.WemeolS for ma><irrun aftowabIo t- noise lovets h<Mevef am Included n ll"is reporl !or Information crit .

.. .. ~ 55 ~ 00 61 ro 55 67 ~ ~ n 75


2.1.2 W'"t Tower M~ EqUpmeot Room

As wilh measuroments of the aociIlary DJicing rooftop equipmeol.. In\rudirog noise IeYoIs from ol1s1ls sources 'M!(fI often ~ and 10 !he degree possible. 1110 IeSI sequence was marual!y paused dumg Ihesa ollsils occurrenoos however !he lasl ras<Jts _8 based on a fl.ily intQglatod 15 minute sampling. Sea Figurs 3 lot IKXlUSticaIleSling location.

Thera Is an urioterrupted and direct Iino 01 sight ootween tlla maa_1 position on lh& loadbed and !he wast lacing Io<.Ners SIlfVing Ulfl mechanical room. HowoMlr to rOO.x:a any potential olfOCl& 0/ rsll&clions and dlractivily. we uliilad a 35' teles<:.opWlg microphone Sl¥d to aievate thu ~ mcrophone to M eIovation close 10 the IooYers and to the I.lppelIeYeI ~ r8Sldeooos If>t'kh also MIoO " fairly dlrOCllioo of sight 10 !he kxNeo's.

The noise ievets gaooratod by the mecharIicaI fOOfll ras<Jtad n L.. 49.S dS(A) .... th lhG ma>Cirrun noise ievet baing t- 51 .8 d8(A) . Noise from Iouvets s:erWlg IIlfI equiprnontroom was slight~ audible hawcver we r;id no! verily tile ~t ",thin IIlfI mechanical room Ihat was Operating during W"

~I .

RS A COUSTICS INC. 1575 ' a.a"", Run Rd .• Canyon COI'"'<y. CA ~ ' 357

Page 21: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Hoag MemorOai Hospital Presbyterian

GllNo' .. !'IN

AcoustOcal Measurement rast Program R"'PO't Page 10

The noise levels Irom 1I>e second 1\000' moohanicaIlqJipmeot room in too Wast Tr:mer are regukltocl by the Haag Hospital PC Text which reqo.No Ihat noise levels in lhis area do r10I exceed L.. 55 dB(A) during the nighHime hours u/tO:oo pm to 7:00 am, 0tK measurements resulted In nciso levels o! L.. 49.5 de(A! Yhch satisfies lhe L.. 55 de(AJ rna'Iirnm a1kmable noise I0veI requirement

H ~lll mJ 11111.111111111111111111 ~ 41 ~ 51 ~ 55 57 ~ 61 ID ~ ~ 00 71 n ~

Wast Towel ' NlghtUmo Soo,.nd PresslXolllwls - dB(A)


Measurements wera conducted of Ioodng dock oose and actMty on 22 Fetwuory 2011 OOMeen tho morn· ing hours 0/ a:oo am to 11 :00 am, Measurements WOIo conducted al bolh the wast (residential side) and east (hospilal side) 0/ tho acoustical barrier.

2.2. I West (Rflklentie/) SIde 01 Acoustical Wall

Two (2! seporalO meas ... ement locations on !he residential side of !he wall WIIra conductocl at both 5' and 15' elevations to show tho elkdve range 01 acouslicaf stieldng of hospitat noise being proo.ided by !he acousticaf barrier.

Typical dock actMty sucI1 as operation 01 tha cardboard compactor. voices. and I\aIM'IeIIng gener. aloo by conskuclion of tha cardboard C~Of noise contfol oodosure was slightly oodiblo at !he residential sido of the acoustical waY, Trucks anMng and OOpartlng were also disoomablo. During

RS ACOUSTICS INC. lU~1 60a .. , Run Rd .. C.nyon Counlly. CA Dr38? P (eGll2~1·:I965 F (661) 3 10·316-3

Page 22: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Acoustical MeaSUlemer'll Test Program Reporl

""''' ...... meas\O"emer'lls, oKsite noise lrom COI'm1eI'ciat and generaliMalion CM!<-lIights, and (X;Casionai ttalfic noise from pa.j was audlbkl.

Pooilion 1 lIS shoIwl jo, F"IQUIO 4, was iocalOCl midway b61ween tho acousfic!ll waI lind tho I!ICI.I 01 Iho coudomiolloo1 building. AI. the 5' el8valion ~ measured 67.6 d8{A) '- !IOd the 15 miroto lI\I0I'''99 noise level 0/ 53_2 da(A) l." was fOCOI'ded. At lhe 15· eievalion, ~ measured 65.2 dBtA) '-- and tho 15 minute ave<age 00100 IIMlf 0/ 52.6 dB(A) l." was lecorded.

Pooilion 2 was iocalOCl 1IPPI0000mate/y la' 110m tho lace oI iIle condomlnium building. At the 5' akIva· lion we measured 61.8 dB(A) '- !IOd the IS minula II_age noise IovoI 01 51.6 dB(A) l." was re­corded. AI. the IS' el9vaIion, we measured 63.8 de(Aj '- and tho 15 mirlula lI\IOI'age noise level 01 51.4 dB(A) t... was recorded.

loading Dock Noise Measurement PosItions

H ~ll unn HJJ 1111111111111111 I 1 • " ~ 55 57 50 " " " " n "

u 1111111111 1 ... 46 47 40 49 50 51 52 53 S4 55 56 51 !ill 59 60

SOund P'ellSure Le\els

RS A COUSTICS INC. 167S1 O . ..... r RLln Rd., C&nyoo C<>UtIuy, CA DI3B7 "(661) 251 ·396' F(SOII)JIO·J7B3

Page 23: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Cooq ,,!II9t.I

kwstical Maasuremoot TOSl Program Report Page 12

Loodng dock aclMly rOse levels ate fegulated by the Haag Hospital PC Taid which (aquile that noise levels 1n;M11 the Iooding dock area do not axcead L,., 65 d6(AI dI.ti1g tho daytJma hous 0/ 7:00 am to 1 ():oo pm. 0Jr ITIOOSUfemeotS ,esulled in noioo levels measured at tho residential side 0/ !he acousU­cal balrier rangilg fr(lOTI L,., 51.4 dB{~ to L,., 53.2 dB(A) II>t'kIl satisfies the t... 65 OB(A) maximlrn aI· IowabIe noise level requirement.

2.2.2 East !Hospital} SIde or Acooltical Wall

One (I) mearu-ement position was C<Jndocted at Ihe hospIl<ll si<la 0/ Ihe oonier on the cu.b 0/ Wesl Hoag Drive direct~ ilCiOSS rr(lOTI the loading dock. Tho measUling mIco'ophone was located III an eIe· vation or 5' above Iha road bed lor the entimty 0/ the moaS\JIement prOgram. See Figure 5.

Ouriog our moasurll/Yll301lS at the hosp;tal side 0/ UIO acoustical wall, doclHeialed rooIse and actMly indudcd doIiveOOs, compactor operation and paIIaIizing cardboard , lorkHlI opemlioo, and carts rcling on the dock. Hammering by conslruction oIlllO CI.lmJ)aoCtor noise conlrol enclosUle did 001 0CCXJr dK­ing lhasa me<lSl.O'emenls. I\dditiooally, N«:l (2) medM.rn ~ucks eola<ad the dock !rom the north along West Hoag Drive.

Tho maximum rOse Iovef was observed to be 883 dB(A) 1..- which occurred Wing a truck cIeIiveIy. Tho 15 mn.!le _age noiso level or 58.8 dB(~ L,., was recorded.

Dock - Daytime

RS ACOUSTICS IN C. 161~1 B .. ..,f Run Rd., Canyon COlJ"''Y , CA ~ 1 387 P (MIl 251·3965 F (86 1) 310·3183

Page 24: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L


Acoustical Measuraroo'It Test Pfogram Aepcrl Page 13

Acoustical measuremenlS neal the loadIng dock at txllh sKIes of the acoustical barrier wora C()t'(/uclad on 22 Fobru""Y 2Q l 1 $tarlIng ~t 11):00 pm. As tho loading dock i$ dosed dI.ring the nighttimo hou-s , tho pm· dorrHnanl noise source was oIlgjla ua l6c, nne! to 3 lesser degtee rnecI\arlIcaI eqUpmenl at the hospItal.

2,:11 W~l (R&sIdeon1IaI) Side of ~11lcaI Wd

As "'th tho daytiroo tost&. IY.O (2) separata rneasl":Moont locations on tho ,osidentiaj skle 01 tho wall "'lIe C()t'(/ucled $I both S' !W>d IS' elevations, Cuing (U fI'I8(lSU<l)fI)lS, minor oI!sitB noise !rom convootcla! aIoiation, and occasional uallic noise lrom PCH was audible. sea F-.g...a 4 lor acoustical tosting locatIon.

Position 1 was located mKtway beJ\Yeefl tho acoustical wal and tho face ollha o::ondornhum building. Althe S' elevn!1Iln "'" maaSl.X9d SO.6 dB(A) t- and the tS mirutB _ago noisa I6'JBI 01 44. 4 tIBIA) L.. was 'ecordad. At the IS' ejevatIon. we mcaSl.X9d 66. t dB(A) L- and Iho 15 mmto avemge noise kMII 01 45.4 dB(A) L.. was recordod.

Also sIJoy,n In Fogo,xe 4, Position 11 was Iocafed apprOldmate/y 10' kom the lace 01 the conoominium building. Althe 5' alevation "'" measured 55.5 dB(A) L- and the 15 rriro.lte average noisa II.M!I 01 44.5 dB(A) L,., was recordod. At the IS' elevation, we measured 57.B dO{A) L.- and the 15 mInute ave<aga noise kMII 0144.4 dB(A) L .. was ,acorded.

C9t1!J! !3!Ot!

Noise kMIIs in iii. area are r~led by tho HOag Hospi~ PC T8>:l which reqjro that noiso lewis from the Iooding dock 1If6a do 001 mc<=eed L,., 55 d8(A) durilg hi righttirne hours 01 10,00 pm to 7:00 am. Our measurOOlflllts ,OSlAtoo in rOse lewis rrteaS!.XOO at the resIdantial side 01 the acousti· cal batrier rangIng Irom L... 44.4 dB(A) 10 L... 45.4 d8(A) which satisr.as the L,.,65 dB(A) ITI!IJUmum al· Iowable noise loYal reqJirlllTlOOt.

2.:12 East (l-bspll!J) Side 01 Acoustical Wei

Tha Ioaoing dock is o;:io$ed cluring the nighltime hours. During our rooaS\.O'emenl minor olfsite Iralroc noise !rom PCH was audible, along with an exhaust or intake Ian located in Ihe south sIde oIlhe Wast ,_. One (1) measurement position, s/I()'IMl in Flgu"a S. was oonducted at the hospital side 01 tho barrier at tho curb 01 West Haag Drive dIrectly across !rom Ihe loading docl<. TOO measuring mi::r0ph0na was located 81 an elevalfon 0/ 5' ab0Y8 the road bad lor the ernirety 01 tho measurement prog<am.

N. fila east aida 0/ lhe barrier along tho curb 01 Haag Road. we rneesll'oo noise IoYaIs of 54 ,5 dB(A) t-, and a 15 moule ;M)faQ<! ol 51.4 dB(A) L., _a recorded.


2.4,1 Oaytjme NoIII8 M&aSlXemenls &AcIMty

Measurements _e conduc1ed on 22 February 2QII at8pP(O>limatsty 11:00 sm. Our maasuremeot location was at lha wesleln curb 0/ Wast Hoag Drive directly BCIOSS kom the dietary loading dock. The meaSll'ing mIcrophone was locate<! at M elaYahon 01 5' abow tho road bad lor the ena--ely 01 tho IOOaSUlllfTlMt progrwn. Sea Figure 6 lor ecous6caltasting location.

RS ACOUSTICS INC. ' 515' 0. • • • , fI"" fld .. Canyon count<y, CA " .381 F (681) 31Q.3183

Page 25: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Acouslical Measu<emonl Tns! PrOQfllm Reporl Paga 14

H ~llllllt1Itllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~ •••••••••••••• a ••••••

Dock. II Sound Pressure ltMIs • dB(A)

H ~j II VNJJ Illllllllllllllllllllill ~ G • 51 ~ ~ ~ 00 6 1 & m ~ 00 11 n ~

llellW)' Dock • Nighl1lme Sound Pressure LII'IeIs • dB(A)

We rTl9II$O.Xed II 15 minute l.. 63.9 d6(A). with II rnaxirtun ffiCI.lfded kMlI 01 "- 68.5 d8(A) v.tich was genlKaled by the latgo !tUCk on Wasl Hoag Road In cIos9 proxIl\'1ily 10 Ihe rnIaophoron.


NoIsellMlls In !his area are regtAaled by the Haag Hospital PC Text which Jaq..ae that nase levels (rom the Di6la.>y loading dock do IlOl exceed L.. 65 de(A) !UIng the da~imo hours 01 7:00 (IIT1 10

RS ACOUSTICS INC. 15751 8."". , Run Rd .. Co"),,,,,, C.,..."I'y. CA $1387 F ($(11) 310·3183

Page 26: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Haag Momo<iaI Hospitall'rn6bylerian Acoustical Measurement Tesl Pmgam Raporl Page IS

10:00 pm. Our measuremenls reS\A1ed In noise levels me.1S1XOO al Ih9 cub Malest too property fine across Irom the Oie1ary dock was L.. 6391B(A1 ....tIich $a!"fies the t... 65 dB(A) nwdmum onoweble noise kMlI fequiromoot.

2.4.2 ~me Nmo MeM!IJ8ITIIrlt1 & ActMty

Nighniml noise IIIvIlI measurements wore conducted on 23 February bogOring 91 12:30 am. Our measo.xemool location was 01 the wa-slern cub 01 Wesl Haag Olive d~eclly across Irom too diQlary loading dock. The m9asurlog nicfophone was located at an el8va1ion 01 S' abcrve the road bed lor 100 eolirety 01 the measuremenl prOgfBm.

Pn:ldon'W>anI backgr<u"ld noise levels obserwd naar tha dielary dock area ware prWr\Il<iIy!rom oIl·slto traffic on Hospital flood and Nowpat BM:I. MochooIcoI oqJipment could also be heard ., the back· ground. Our measurements fesUledln a 15 rniro:JIe L.. 47.8 dB(A), vilh a maxin:Jm fecorded IoYeI 01 1- 84.2 dB(A,l generaled by a hospital stan membet WOIking withfn the Iooding dock.


Noiso lowis In thfs area am rOOJUlated by the Haag HospOtaI PC Texl which (eqWe that noise levels /rom tho Oiataty loading dock do not exceed t.., 55 de(AI durin9 the nlghltime hours 01 10:00 pm to 7:00 am Our JnOOSUlemeots resulled In noise IIM!Is measured at the cub neatest the propelty line aclOSS from !he Diet'wydock was L.. 47.8 o;B(A) v.Hdl $a!isfies!he L.. 55 d8(A) maximum aIcMOOie noiSll kMlI reqUremeni.


As shown In F/(p"e 7, measll"emeots 'M)IO COJ'dJcIed on S\mel View Park at appI'Oldmal(l!y 10' from the _th lace 01 tha coodominIum ~"9 IocalOd al 200 Paris L_. Tho measuring mlcr0phcn9 was Iocaled al 911'1 elevation 0/4' aboYe the road bed and also al 2(f aboYe the road bed during the measurements.

Measurements conducted aI the .'.()" elevation determine the noiSll IrM:/I exposure al the lower h t IIoor COJ1dotrWlium units ~ baooIil from the 8ICO.ISlicai shielding PfO'/Idod by Iha hosp;taI coganetalioo buid· log and eidsting topography. The noise IeYefs meaSUfed 01 20' detGJrOOo the nofSllleYefa experienced 8l too thfrd floor 01 the ~s wHch may have a thct Ii'la-of·sight to Iha hospiliW CO<JIW>g 1<JIo'o'In and rrinimalacouslical shiakIiotg elracts. lhasa \IPP6' loot" un~s woUd l31<P8' iauce the greatest noise Impact from !he cooling ~.

We obSO!Wd that two (2) ollila cootiog towers in !he cogeocration Idty were opamtiooal during 011" laSts and the installation 01 an OCClUSticat OOrrio)( allha north end 01 !he cooting I(w;Or building.

2.5. t Oaytlme Noise Measuremenls & ActMIy

Measuremenls were cooducled on 22 February 20t 1 during !hehoo.>'s 01 9:00 am to 10:00 am. Our· log the daytime JOOasur9lnefllS, lila prepond9l"ancfl or ambienl noise oxporiencOO was doo 10 lfatroc on Ihe ooarby Superior Aven..oo and 10 a lesser do;q<l/l!rom Ifaffic on Pacific COOst fighway. E>:<:epl dll"ing the quietest momems ...oon kame flow on Superior was oonlroled by the si{)'laI at PacifIC Coast Hg/lway, noise !rom the cooling 1(7,YQ'S and c:ogenaralion facifity was Inaudible.

With Ihe microphone Iocaled al a 4' elevation above the roadbed, we measured L.. 53.3 d8(A1 lor a 15 mi1uto duration and !he mro:imun1leve1 recorded was l-. 00. t dB(AI Wn 10 oIfsilO kalfic. With too Il1icropt1oro& raised 10 the higher 20' elevation, we meDSlJIed t... 58. I dB(A) with a maximum re· corded level 01 1- 926 d8(A) !rom ol!!;ito tmllic noise.

RS ACOUSTICS INC. 1578 1 Buyer Aun Rd., Cony"" Counlry, CA 913S1 p (6S I) 2M·3~5 F (~1) 310·3783

Page 27: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L


Acooslic:al MoosuremerJt Test Progmm Ropat -" NoiS(I kMlIs In this area 8ro regulated I'f thl! City 01 Newport 8each Noise Clrdi">ance ""ell req.ifo thai noisa levels 00 not IIXCeIId L.. 60 d8(A) durng thl! dav duo to hospillll operations, Ma.Utun lev· Ills musl not exceed t- 00 dew dIxIng the d\Iylirn8 lrom hospital operations. This section oj tho resldenliat area is Iocaled within 100' kom lIlII Hoog Hospital properl;' tine and !helena v.<lUId be conside(ed as Zona Itt _ "Mb«Kl·Use RosiOOnIiaI"

With [w:) (2) cooling towers operating, thl! measured noise kMlIs 01 L.. 53.3 d6(AI atlho 4' elavation and L.. 58. I d8(N at tile 20' elevatlon &atisly lho Cil;' 01 Newpor18each Noise O«lloanca.

ThEI v.«Sl case t- 80. 1 d8{AI measured at 4' abovI! tho roadbed and t- 82.6 d8(A1 rneas..-ed at 20' aboYe tho roadbed wera generated Il'j' ol!slla 8OUJ<;eS and lharalore wooId not be oonskIered In the City Noise Ord"nroce regarding control on rnccharOcaI equipment noise lrom tho hospital opera­tions. An accurata measurement 01 the cogetlll(ation tacitity cooling lowers must be measured wing the nighttime hours .man olfsito noise is minimal.

2.5.2 ~me Noise Mea8lXOJ11eJlts & ActMI;'

MeaSU-emenI. warn conducted an 23 February 20It starlJng at 2:00 am at tho G8mIllocalion as tho daytime rneas..-ements as shown on Figura 7,

During tho nighHime measuromeot& altho cogeneration Iacilil;', the Ilo'l1biml noisa IBwIs experienced was primarily kaffic noistI an PCH, _ crasI*'(J at tho beach. and the cooling to.Yers within the cogeooratioo faclJity.

Tha irItrWV1g noisa levels Irom (lffsite soo.n:es wero oflen equal 10. or e'cooded the rOse levels g<lO­emtod Il'j' tho rnechanIcat equIprnen1 trdoc tesl. To tho degree possiblo. testing soquonces WIlfe ~ paused during those oIlsite occurences howoIou' lhe lest results were based on a tully .. to· grated 15 minuto sampling.

W,th lhe mictophono located at II 4' elewItion 800.e the roadbed, we measured L.. 470 d8(AlIor II 15 minute walian and tho ma:<imum level recorded was t- 47.9 dB(AI. With lila microp/1one lalsed to !he highe' 20' elevation, we measured L.. 49.7 dO(AI with a maxim,.m roo<;O"ded kMlI oil- SO.2 'BW.

""""""" Noise IBYeIs In this area 81a regulated Il'j' the Cil;' 01 Nowport Baach Noise OrdInance ""ell lequira that noiso levels do not axcood L.. 50 dB(AI during tho night duo to hospital operations. Maximum IeYets roost not exceed l- 70 d8(A) dl.lling the nighltime from hospital opc<ations.

With two (2) cooling towers oparaling, tho meaSOOld noise _s ol L.. 41.0 d8{AI at the 4' elevation \IIId L.. 49.7 dB(A) al tho 20' elevation satisfy the L.. SO dB(AI aIowabia noise loYal 'OQlirernctll olthe Cil;' ol Nowpo!1 Beach Noioo Ordioance Wing nighRime hours.

Tha worsl case L.... 41.9 dB(A) measured at 4' abovI!!he roodbed and L... SO.2 dB(A) mcaSl.lIed at 20" aoo.e lho roadbed also satisly the City ol NIMPOII Beach rnaxmum atlowable r..... 70 dB!AI noise staOO(lrd,

RS ACOUSTICS INC. 15751 Buv. , flo", Rd .. Cony"., Coun"y. CA e13!7 P ((II!I) 251·;t965 F (66 ' )310.3763

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H 00

ro ,

" " " " " "

Acoo.tical Moasur8i'\'1OOI Test Prog<am Report Page 17

" ~ " " ~ " " "

H ~Hm14lJ 11111111 .1 11 1 Gagen Fac~ i ly _ Nightllme +20' SOlKId Pressure Lewis - dB(A)


To iIoslmlfltho general noise I!I'MronmIlnI io and aroo.n::llho hospOtal, daytime end nighllime ambienl noise moasuremonlS 'MIle oooducled on 22 FcbrllalY 20tt at Iho IocaIiOOS shown deSCfibod be4a.Y, TOO purpose 01 U_ measuremenls is to docurn!!ot Iho currenl condiliorls and track fnI changes 010/8( line,

Tho ooise IevlOs measured ;., these Iocaliornl are prmarily !rom lraWe sources and aWait <JI)6'ations r:rlv. Specific hospOtai equipmenl and on-site operations were 01100 great a distance and wtO"e not oontriboloty to these measurements.

R5 ACOUSTICS INC. IP51 Bu •• , Aun Ad" e.ny"" eoynlry, eA 111381 Ft881IJ IO·J783

Page 29: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

2.6. 1 Calalina Orive & ad N"""JX')I1 BMl.

Acoostical Measurement Test Program Report Page TS

The rrnt location for 01.1" measoxoments was tile iIltersec!ion 0/ Catalina Drive ood Old Newpo<T BMI. shown ill Figuro B. ThIs envIroomeot cons<stcd of smaI residences and businesses. The general noise source was traffic along Nowport Blvd .. ood 10 ol9sser extenl Pacilic Coast Highway. Traflic on CaIalna Drive and Old Nawpoot Blvd. were not major contribuTors TO TOO arntJ;6f\I noise mMfoomef1t.

NIghttime tests began at 5:00 am. and daytime lests Stalted al 1:50 pm.

H ~j 1IIIIIIIIIIJlllfffiffiWlllill11111 •••• , ••••• ' •••• na ••••••

Ca!al lnaOkl ~Btwl . • Dayllma Lewis·

RS ACOUSTICS INC. 15751 8.., .. 01 Run Rd .• Cony.,.., CO""'I)I. CII ~13a7 P (&6 l j2SI.3965 F (58 1) 310·3783

Page 30: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Haag Memotial Hospital Presbyterian

2,6.2 Svpedor Avenue & Sunset ViewPark

Acoustical Mea_ament Test f'l'ogram Aepoot PagG 19

Measurements wara cC>"ductoo lit Superior AYOOlHI & Sunset Voew Park as sIlO'M'l in Figure 9. Ambi· anI nojso levels wore from kallie 00 Superior AW"lJ(! and to a 101;_ degree from traffic acceleraling from tho stop light at Superiof Aveooa and Pacific Coast Highway. 0ccasi0na1 CQII\IU($ations kom people walking along Su-lset Voew Park 'MlO"e also Inchxi6d in WI measuromonts.

Night~me tests began at 6,00 am, and daytimE! tests startoo al 10:00 am.

Superior & Sunset View Park

'" ,

2.6.3 So.ns81 View PIWII & Wfll Hoag Road

71 13 75

Measu.OOlOOts were condocted at Sunsel View Park & Wesl Haag Road as sIlO'M'l in Figure 10 Am· bient no;so levels wero from traffic 00 Pacific Coast Highway. minor !fatfic along West Hoog Road. and vehicIos >M!hin the nearby parking gmago.

Nighllima lests began at 5:30 am, and daytima lests started at 10:30 am.

RS ACOUSTICS INC. 1~7~1 B •••• , Aun Ad. , Canyon Coun.ry, CA 9 1387 P(661)2S1'3965 F (661) 310·37e.3

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ro ,

Acoustical Measurement Test Program Report

'''' '"

~ 41 ~ 5t ~ $ ~ ~ 61 ~ ~ W 00 7t ~ ~

SOIlIId PresslI'o L<M!Is.


Per Term 3 01 the set\lemoot A9rOO'TlBl11 beIweoo Hoag Mam<.lrial Hospital Prosbo,terilvl 9Ild Vila S!tlboa Community Association. fIOise shall be measured at 200 Paris lana ....-roaIty to wtlty compliance ";Ih the City 01 NeY.port 8eaeh NoIse Ordio<lnc<l 01 tho Mlric:ipal Coda Chapter I (1.26. A spedlic Ioealion lor tho'! 8COJSticai fTOIaS\.IIomEJIl!S is not discussed wit""" the Settlement lIgeement

Noise kM:II measurements wilhin Ihe Vif\a Balboa oornpIe>C wero CCIIlduc!ed cUing the daytime snd nighttime hours on 22 February 20 \ I lit the location shoYofl" Figure \ I.

OII'/tima measYfoments _a cooducIed at 1:4(1 pm stlhe emargoocy m<it galo ifnmediateiy easl 01 Ihe 200 Paris lane condominium. WoIh the microph:lM located at ... 4' elevation flboYethe roadbed, we measured L.. 53.9 dBW lor II 15 minola duralion 9Ild the maximum IeYaI (ocorded was L..... 67.9 dBW.

RS ACOUST ICS INC. 1~7~1 aeave , Aun Ad .. Ca"Y"" CO,,"I!y. CA ~1387 P (1IO!1) 251·3D85 F ("')310·3783

Page 32: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Acoustical Measuromem TBSI Program Repott

""''' The general ambienI noise consis!ed Ol!flltroc: noise !n)m Pacific coast ~ and 10 II 1es's81 de· groo. SUperiof A>$W. A<llomobile noise from witlWl II parking garage 01 !he Villa Baboa CQ,1pIeK was oceasionaIy audible. MechanIc!Il equipment noise from Haag Hospital was noI.ldeo~habio.

2.7.2 NI~ Noll. MellSO.l'emeo1s

Nighttime noise moasurnments \'oeIe coocIoclod at 10,15 pm, also at !he exit gate 0081 ollhe 200 Pa~s l8ne condomirio.m. With the micrOphone IocaI8d at II ~' etevation 8bwe !he roadbed. we measured t.., 42.0 datA) for a 15 minut& 0018100 with the rM:ocirru'n r&CORled IoMI 01 "- 60.4 da(A).

GenemI ambieroC noise was "om !fallle on SupuOor AveoJEt. Acoustical sI'OaIdIng proo.Oded by the condorrWlium boidings proo.Oded solldent noise mduclioo to reduc<! m&ehanicaI &q:Jipmont noise from !he oospHai a.>gonaJBtion Idty to IJ>fI\dbj~ty.

Tho noise kMts measuroo at this Iocalion __ a genaratoo byollsite S<JO.KC8S and thu<m& woo.Ad not be considered In !he City Ncls& 0rdIna0ce 'egao-dng control on rnoch!oroical equIpm8Ill noise from !he hospital operations. Measurement data collected IlOW!M'!i is (:n!Sented ,eialMliO the lewis specili8d in !he noise ordmnce.

NoIse IoMIs in !tis alea are ragula!ed by tho City 01 Newport Booch NoIse Ordnance v.tJich require thai noise levels do not excoed t.., 50 da(A) during !he rij'lUma hoo.orn. and l .. 60 d8(A) dWrog the daW;ne due 10 r.ospltal operat'oos, Maximum Ia\Io!s must not exceed !- eo dB(A) duing the day. time and L.... 70 da(A) duing !he nighttime lrom hospital operat'oos.

Wilh lYoO (2) cooling towers operamg. the noise levels 01 L.., 53.9 d8(A) measured during the day and t... 42.0 d8(Aj meaSUfoo during the nIg1ttime hooxs both SIItisly tho L,. 00 dB(A) daytime and t.., 50 dB(A) rOghtIime allowable noise IoM!I requiroo)ool 01 the City 01 Newport 8oocto NoIse o..dillanCQ.

The worst C8S0!- 67.9 dB(A) me8SUfed durilg the daytime and L.... 60.4 dB{Aj measured ruring Ihe rij'lltme hours also $iI~s1y !he City 01 Newport Beach maximo;m aIowabIe '- eo da(A) daytime and '- 70 d6(Aj rij'ltlime allowable oois{t IoMoI ,aqo.Kemarot 0I111e City 01 Newport Beach Noise Of· .........


Day!imo and nighUime noise IoM!I moa$lA'aments III residential Unit :»I on 260 Cegnay l8ne were con· dueled on 22 Fetnoa-y 20 II 10 oot8lmine the noise 9OIIIrorvrotifl on the elderior balcony "'*'"ch faces east towards lhe hospital. as alS(} wiltoin the unit·s interior.

This .... t Os located on the third IIoor 01 the condomHurn building. was ILly kIrlished. and thEt IMfIg room has II d~&Cl Iio9 of sight 10 the roo/top mechanical oqUproont as well as 10 the IooNers iocalOO in the west wall 01 the second story ~ equipment room of the West Tower. ThIt beIconv I, e>qJO:sed to rooftop mochanicaI aquipm&nt as well as th& hospitalloadirlg docks.

Tho windows and the sid'ng glass door Iooding to the bItloor'tt 01 the oorodonirium had boon receolty r&· placed with new thermal glass units. the rew assemblies were 001 marked or IderoIiIled wilh the instaIad glass thickness or <))O'I1pOSition. see FIgure 1210r ar:ousticaf testing locations.

RS ACOUSTICS INC. 15161 II ... " " Rvn Rd .. ClIIVOn Co ..... ,')". e" U138? P ($$1) 251 ·39e.s F (881) 31C-3783

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'" '1



L ., ~

" " " .. " ~

"'" I M " W

Acous5c:al MeasulemeI1t Test Ptogram Repo<t

''''' "

" ~ " " • " n M

H ~ 1 111JJ1ffij JIll lllll 11111 11111 1 4' ~ 45 47 ~ 51 ~ ~ 51 W 61 ~ ~

Sound Plessure La\els - de(A)

2.8.1 Da:ll!mo Noise Measurement.

Measurements wore conducted at 12:45 pm on Z! February 201 I on the unit's exlttriof balcony, and at 1:30 pm witAo the LIIlifs Wing loom with the windows facing east cIosOO.

Fer the b8lcony measoremeots. tile mictophone was located lit 00 elevalion 0/ S' at:>oo.e lhe balcony 1\0<;1. and 9QUallo tile plana 01 tho condorninioo1 building lacing east towards the hospital.

Bacl<gtcu>d noise levels on the b~1cony wore primalily from all·site traffic:. gcootal actMty at tho hos· pital including hospital stalf In the outdoor eating area. Md hospila1 mochanical equipment. The doors IxItweoo the outdoor eating area Md the hospjl<ll cafeteria '-" ....... sually noisy when aJowOO 10 slam closed , most probably due 10 the automatic closers misadjusWd.

RS ACOUSTICS IN C. 15751 flu •• r Fl\Jn Ad .• Conyon Counlry, CA UI:H7

Page 34: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Acoustical MeaSUlOO'lOOI Tesl Program Aoparl ,,,,,23 On Ihe balcony. wo measli/ed a 15 rnioota L.. 60.6 dB(A) from Ihe rrutipla~. with a maximum focorded love! 01 L.... B2.6 dB(Aj.

fnletior meaSUOOll)llls _a oonductcd 81 0 location in Ihe interior MIg room. app<oximata/y 5'''om the aast e:xtaior wall. Genoral a. lOrior noise SOOI'COS _a dilficUllO !lCQ.O"olely distinguish wiil"On Ihe uril when 100 wirlcJc:ms am dooed. inte.ior noisa lIMIt meaSUfOOlOOIS rasuUed In a 15 minule L,., 35.3 d8(Al. and 8 maxm.m level 01 t- 47.2 dB(A) with 100 v.W"dows dosed.

Noise I!M!Is On this from tlla hospital do no/sa kMlIs me.lSlI/OO


which requiro 01 7;(lO am 10

H : f-tt++++t-ffH-++t+-t++H++H++H+t+I

, ttttttttt:tttlttttt!:tlttttttttttl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m 71 n ~

H ~lli l Willllllllllllllll ll llil l RS ACOUST ICS INC. 167S1 a ..... Aun Ad .. C,,"\'O<1 Coun1ry. C ... g1381

Page 35: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Haag Mamorial Hospital PrBSbyterlan

2.6.2 NI{tI~m, NoIse Me~""fMTI8nt3

Aooustical Measurement Test Program fIopat

""''' MeaSlJlerne<lts were also COIlductoo 10 Unit 304's extorior balcony and .,.;thin tha unit's living room during the ewnIog. Measuremerlls waro scIlodul&d to Slart aI I t:OO pm howeIIef the ..... ts lenant r{t­qoosl they be starled earlier , they began al 9;00 pm. MeaSlJlemoot posJtions ....ere al tho same Ioca· tions as the earliao" daytime positions and aro shown on FigtJl"e 12.

Noise levuIs measured on th<l balcony wem primarily ham oll·silO treilic and mechanical tlQ.,ipm&rlt operating on tha hospital roottop. On lhe balcony. we mwsvred a t5 minute L.. 5!.1 dB{A). "';!h a maximl.on recorded level 01 '- 63.4 dB(Aj.

ExtOlior·geoocatod noise SOl.>rCeS we<e meas .... ed in the units IiW1g room at tho sarna location as tho earlier dayliml teslS. Exterior noise sources we<e dil licult to !lCClI"lIleIy <;islinguish "';too the unil when the v.i/1doWs are dosed. Interior noise ~ measurements resulted In a t5 minute L.., 342 dBW. 3nd a maximum ICYOI or '- 481 dB{A)"';lh the winOowsck>sed.


Noioolev!Ns in this area are reg.Aated by too Haag Hospital PC Text which require thai noise levels Irom the hospital do r>OI exeood L.. 55 d8(A) during UIO nighttiroo hous 01 10;00 pm 10 7:00 am. The noise levels measured on tIlO balcony lacing 1hIl hospital went l.., 5 t .1 dB(A). v.nich satisfies the L.. 55 dB{A) maxirrurn aIowabIe noise level requirements 01 the PC Te.!.


TllO results 01 an acoustical measurements incIudo::t the noise r8duclkvl mitigation measures Vistaled to dato at the hospital complex. Whilo not an 9>haustive !/st. vlsibIo noise control devices instaGed at tile hospi. tal are as 1oIIows:

• Noise control pe<lthouse constructed on the aociIary bUlding roo/lO conlrol noise of recently (eplaced kitchen exhaust fans.

• Aoo.lsticaf barrier wall constructed at porimaIOI 01 anciOa.ry 00iki0g to oc:oost~ shield the nearby rosideolial condominiI.rns.

• Acoust;:allor.Ne<s and 01"- noiso conlrol devices instaUed "';100 Hili West Tower second noor mechanical room

• Sound absorbi'lg panels Installed at the waD SUflaoos 01 th& loading dock. • Acoustical barrler wa~ apprO><irnate/y 20' ± tall coostrocl9($ along West Haag Road to shield

residenlial c:ondomini<.ms ((om noise generated by hospital operations. • I..Indeo" oons~uction is a noiso conlrol en::Iosure for the cardboard ~tor located in the

loading dock parking lot

TllO mitigation mea$\Xl)$ currently installed have sulficiently rOOI.lCOO hospital -geoerated noise to satisly tho appIicabkl Oly 01 Newport 8e<och Noise Ord;Il1IflCe. and lhe Haag Momoriai Hospital PIaI100d CorrIr"olrity OeveIopment Critetia &. Oistric! fleguIations

RS ACO USTICS INC. 15751 8 . 8.$ ' Aun Ad., Conyan Coun try. CA ~r 3117

Page 36: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L





Page 37: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

March 24, 201 I

Mr. Gregg ZoU Senior Pro)ecl Manager Fad611&s Design end Cons~uctloo Haag Memorial Hosp~al Prasbyterlan 500 Superior Ave., Ste 300 Newp<.><1 8&ach, CA, 92003

Re: City Mltlg.tlon MDuullI _ Coga" Oper.tlon Ravlaw P.ogren Repor1 November 18, 2010 - M.r<:h 19, 2011 Period Hoag Mttmorl.1 Ho.pll~1 Plol bylorls", Nowporl Bosch, CA

Dear Gragg:

We have completed oor review of the Cooling Tower Curtalim<!nl Repo.1s lor lila period of November 18, 2010 through Ma.ch, 19,2011. Ralttrone(! attachments, pe.iod summary, path IOIWard arod conclusions .... fl . UEfI:lIENCi'. 1\1 TACl tMi:N rs

1. Cooling Tower Plume Mitigation Operalloos Protoeol

2. CooIo.g Towe. Cu.tailment Reports Novembef 18, 2010 - Ma<ch 19, 2011 Period

J. EnOfgy Management Cont.oI Syslem, Cogen Plume Millgatlon flaw Oiagram

II. 1'L:fIIOl) SUMMI\IIY (Nuvumhuf 18, 2010, !h" "'UIl Ma.ch 19, 20 11)

t. Ongoing monitoling, trending and documentation (e1ecI<anic ar.d hMd copy) 01 local weather condition. incIu<:Iing lemperalul8, humidity, p'<lClpltallon, wind speed and dlreclion via a solar powelOO weat!>!!. station (Installed lummi!( 20(3).

2, Based on mooilored weather conditions - oogoln9 2417 at/V8ne(! notification to operators at peodlng wealhf)<' Mndition. lhat may cause a plume to 101m.

3, Ongoing Coga0(N"8tion P~nt and cooling tOWOf load curt1lilment and load Shlltirlg in accordarlC8 with Section a.5 01 the amended DA.

4. ScheduUng 01 Cogaoolation P~nt equipment maiolenarlC8 periods to coincide with November 2010 throogh April 201 1 curtailment petiod. as doemed appropriate

5. For the period 01 Novembe. 18, 2010 through March 19. 2011. Ihe Cogeneralion Planrs elfectlve heallOjection was reduced by 33 pereanl minimum to curlaU plume formallon.

X·nIh 1 www.x.WI .com l~IO.eu·099II110)5ColII ... SUNl. STEzoo.Ile<I<oIo"/. CA &1710

Page 38: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

C, I'AII I FonWAttu

1. Conlinue reporting ond dowmentatloo. Summary in period Exewt;"a Summary.

2. CooUnue monitoring In documentation ror the remainder 01 March and A~1I2011 .

3. November 2011 • April 2012 period monitoring. Irenrj;llg 3nd documerllation.


1. In toIlCiu$k1n. lor the Novembell8. 2010 _ March 19, 2011 period, lor oompleto data sets. Ihe Cogeneration Plant operallon fs In compliance willi Section 8.5 01 the amended CA.


Micllool Tllepae~, PE Principal

Haag Mamor;elltaspllal Prelb\4Olian CMy Mitigation Maasuro - Cogen PIornoI Ro.~ November 2010 _ March 2011 Peflod PII90 2 3/2512011

Page 39: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

• r hoag

Date: March 22, 2011

Subject: Hoag Hospital Cogeneration Plant (Co-Gen) Mitigation Cooling Tower Plume Mit igation Operations Protocol

The procedure to react to 'M!ather condition that could result In a cooling tower plume will Include the fojlowlng steps cv the proglammed Energy Management Control System (EMS):

I. Whefl the EMS records and reports conditions at the Co-Gen weather station where the Temperature (T) 1$ less that S5 ' F and Relative Humidity (RH) Is greater that S5,*" the EMS determines If the time Is between 7 a.m. (07:00) aoo 7 p.m. (19:oo).

2. If the time 15 outside 7 and 7, then cootlnue monitoring T and RH.

3. If the time Isln$lde 7 and 7 then the EMS autO<niltic<ll1y (akulates heilt rejection load.

~. The EMS determines If the .:akulatoo heat rejection 15 9reater than %.2 M Bru/ln.

S. If heat rejection Is less than 46.2 M BTU/hr. then the EMS wntlr1l.lE$ monitoring T and

'". 6. If the calculated neat rejection 15 greater than ~6.2 M BTU/hr., then the EMS

automatlcaUy alerts the Operator with al.l(Ubie and visual alarms for heat reductloo operatlolls.

7. The EMS alltomatic<llly logs the event for auditing and reporting.

8. The EMS starts 11 delay timer for 15 minutes to coofi rm the T and RH conditions.

9. If the conditions cootlnue then the EMS automatically alerts the operator to commence heat rejectk>ns redoctlon procedures.

10. The EMS automatically calculates the reduction requirements and reoommends one or a oombinatloo of the following:

• Secure steam chiller/absorber eqlllpment.

• Redirect Chil i Water (CHW) to other eqlllpmeot and/or Iocatloos.

• Secure generation equipment.

11. The EMS automatically logs or trends the event and all eo·Gen equipment Operations.

12. The EMS wiU automatically alert the operator when Co-Gen operations can return to normal.

!3. At all times the EMS cootlnues to monitor T 1100 RH.

Pogo 10/1 l/2WOll

Page 40: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

110', MllnOrlal 1I0lplllllow. r CIImpul cantr.1 UIHlty Pllnl

Monllot T.mp



Tlmp 111111 thin 55 do.re" and RH llireiter thi n 55"

~." Openllor

lim. 15 mlnultl



• RI~llon

UAtU •• ellt pllltl


C.I~ H .. t Relectl""

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MOllllo< Temp

.nd RII

E" ergy Manllgement Control System Co-Ge" Plume Mitigation Flow Diagram

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Hoap Hospital Project: ____________ _

Mitigation Measure: 3.4-9 .

Upon Inslallatlon of the founh cooling lower at the cogeneration "facility, additional noise measuremenis shell be perfonned to determine compliance with Ihe City', Noise Ordinance. The measurements shari be made and 8 report submltled \0 the City within three m onthS: of commencement of opemi!one of the fourth coonng tower. If II violation Is noted, the problem must be corrected and 8 second" sel of measurements submitted to Ihe City showing compliance within one yeer 01 commencement 01 operations oflhe fourth cooling tower .

Standard for Compllanco:

Method ofVerlflcallon:

Timing of Verification:

Responsible Party(les):

Verlllcation Date:

. .... Submission of report documenting eddmonel 0018,! measurements end abatement ofvloietion If necessaf}'.

Documentation of report.

Upon Installation of Ihe fourth cooling lower a\ Ihe cogeneration facility_ II e violation is noted, the problem must be corrected and s second set of measurements submitted to the City showing compliance wlthlh one year 01 commencement 01 opel'8llons oflhe fourth coolIng lower.

Applicant; acoustical engineer; PIsMlng DIrector or deslgneted represenlsllve.

C[lY of Newport BlIGh Verification

Approved on:

Approved by:

Signattlre: _____ -'-________ _

'" (


Page 44: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Hoag Hoapltal Project: _____________ _

Mitigation Measure: PDF 3.4-1

Plan Update Project by the City of Newport of limitations or referendum pelioda for

I ahall offer II window/slldlng glen door I Ihe owners of the residences

, Newport Beach, In Unlls 202 through extensions, the extensions shall

glass with a ftame. top of the ex1enalons shall extend above Hie balcony deck. Where windows and/or eliding glasa doore a balcony barrier, the Applicant would not be required to provide

. door upgrades. Other windows/sliding glass doors of the Idenmied upgraded with dual pane glan with a Sound Transmlnlon ClaS8

(SIC) rellng of 37 or better. Upgrades would be subJeci to the approval of the Homeowners Assocll1t1on and Ownar.

The Applicant ehall be responsible for the Implementation of.the noted upgrades pursuenl to the following provisions and guidelines: (I) In order 10 participate In the program and receive new lialcony barrier ex1enslona and/or wlndows/aUdera, each Owner must provide written notice to the Appllcanl within 45 days following receipt 01 the propoaed program from Applicant, thai the Owner wents to partlclpale In the program; (ii) faUure 10 respond W!thln such lime period shall mean the Owner d81llres nor to partlc!pale;. 011) the replacement balcony bemer extenslonsfwindowal8lldlir1lahall be Installed by a thlrd-perty contraclOl'" as part of one ove.rall program pursuant to a contraCt between the VIlla BalbOO Homeown/lfa AuoclaUon (Association) lind such third-party conlrador seleded by the Anoclatlon; (Iv) the Auoc:laUon shall provide Ihe AppUcant 'Nith a written eaUmate from the contreclor stating that the tolal cost of the replecemenl program and obtain Applicant's written approval of such worK. prior to ellacullng a contract with the contractor, (v) tile 101al coat of the balcony bamer menslons and wlndow/allder replacement, and related patch-up work to be reimbursed by the AppUcanllo the Assoclallon fOf all Owners shall not ellceed the lotal coslldentlfied In 8 Bid Esllmate approved by the CRy prepared by s qualified and licensed contreclor plus reasonable administrative costs to manage the contracl and ·construcl'on effor1; and (vi) provided the AppUcant receIVes the reimburSement request from the Assoclallon within 60 daya following complellon of the wori<, . Ihe Applicant shall reimburse tha Assoclallon for the coat cif the work within 30 days of the Applicant's receipt of a final receipt, bill or Invorce from the Assoclallon evldanclng that the balcony barrier extensions, Ind Wlndow/sllder replacement work was ·completed purauanlto the approved esllmate.

Standard for CompJlance:

Mlltllod of Verification:

TIming of Verlf1catlon:

Rosponslble Party(lea):

...... ..,. .......... _-

Hoag to provide copies of all documentation between Hoag and IIffected property owner6; Installation of balcony .barrler extensions, wall Insulallon, and window and/or sUder upgrades 10 partIcipating property owners.

Documentation of conespondence: field Inspecllon.

PrlOf to Issuance of building permRs: Installation within 6 months of approval of the Master Plan Update P(oJeci.

Applicant; Planning Dlreclor or designated representative .

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Haag Hospital Project: ____________ _

Mitigation Mallu",: PDF 3.4-2

Wllhln 12 months folrowlng approval of tha Master Plan Update Project by the CU~ of Newport Beach and the e)(plration of any appeals, statute 01 Umltallona or referendum periods for chalJenglll{l any of the Project approvals and subject to the City's Inuance of a building permlt, the ApplicantsllaU have constructed a 10Und wall of appr())(lmately 0470 lineer feet elong West Hoeg DrIve w1thln the boundaries of the Appllcant'6 property_ The sound wall would be constructed adjacent to Hoag'Dlive and set back appro)(lmately 3 to 6.5 feet from the edge of the e)(lstlng curb. The sound wall Bhall ranpe In height from appro)(lmately 17 to 23 feet between Weal Hoag Olive and the 260 Cagney Lane condominIum building: and appro)(lmately 14 to 16.5 fael allhe 260 Cagney Lane condominium, The locaUon of Ihe sound wallis provided In exhibit 1. The sound wall shall be constructed using Ihe Sound Fighte~ LSE Wall Syslem (or a louJ'ld.W8118yarem with Ihe aame 10Und attenuation capability and constructIon ImplemBl'ltellon capability). .

To the ma_lmum degree feasible, the sound wall Ihall be conatructed to retatn aicliling vegelallon which lervel al a vIsual screen. Vegetallon thai Is required to be removed ass'oelaled w1th Inltallailon of tlla 80Und wall shall be replaced In-kind with spedmen plant material 88 daslgnated on a landscape and Irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape archHect. Tha plan shall be Bubject to revIew by the Villa Balboa Community Asloclatlon, and revlaw and approval by the City.

The Applicant shall be responslbla for tha maintenance of landlcsplrlij within the property boUndaries of Hoag. Any future modifications made to Ihe sound wall andlor landsC8plt)g Ihall be reviewed end approved by the Planning Director.

If the removal of vegetation Is scheduled to than seven days prior to Ihe onlet of t I

with the sO,und wall, a qualified BlologlslshaU CO,""~d':;'~I,::~::.~'~:'::~.' the trees scheduled for removal to delermlne th~ eny bIrd nell Is lound, the tree canoot be removed nest Is deemed no longer occupied by Ihe qualified Biologist. If no active nests are tree removal may commence. Trees removed anytlma between Augusll and FebrUel)' not requIre any nesting bIrd surveys, or corre.spondlng avoidance measures for nesting bird species.

Standard for Compliance: Shown on approved buIlding plans.

Method of Verification:

TimIng of Verification:

Responsible Party(lea):

Varlfication Date:

Plan check for grading and building permits Issued by the City.

Within 12 monlhs of the certification of the Hoag Memorlat Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan Update Final Supplemente! EIR (SEIR), 8S detailed In the above measure,

Applicant; Bulldlng Director or designated representatIve: Planning Director or designated representallve: qualified biologist.

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Hoag Hospital Project: __ --,-___________ _

Mitigation Measure: 110

Non-vehicular actlvil1es, such as the operation of Ihe trash compactor, which occur In the vlc/nlly 01 the service/access road shalt be operaled only between lhe hours of 7:00'AM and 7:00 PM dally.

Standard for Compliance: Stricl edherence to the operellng hours; compliance Oocornented as part of II"Ie Oevelopment Agreement ennual review.

Method of Verification: Documentation 01 compliance,

Timing of Verification: Ongoino during construct/on and project operatlon.

Responsible Party(les): Applicant; Planning Dil"e{;tor or deslijnated representstlve.

Verlflcatlon Date:

City of Newport Belch Verification

Approved on:

Approved by:

SI9n11ure: ______________ _

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Hoag Hospital Project: ____________ _

MItigat ion MeaeLlte: 3.4-2

The final plans for healing, venliialion, and sir condHlonlng (HVAC) equlpmant for the .l\!tcWsry Bulldlng and West Tower shall be submilled 10 Itle City lor review el'ld approval. The plans shall be reviewed by on Acoustical Engineer 10 elllure that they will achieve 55 dBA (Leq) a.t the property line adjacent to the loading doc!< area. These plant need to be Bubmilled within six months of the certification of the Hoog Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan Updale Final Supplemental EIR (SEIR). If Hoag does not pursue the redesign of the HVAC systems for Ihe Ancillary Building end Wesl Tower, Hoag shallaubmlt within six montha of the certification of !he Flnal SEIR e plan to the City tha' details how Hoag will bring the current equIpment Into compi!ance with the 55 dBA nighttime noIse limit when meesurad al the property line adjacent to the loading dock area.

Standard for Compliance: Approval of nnal plans for heetlng, venlnaUon, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment for the Ancillary Building and Wesl Tower.

Method 01 Verlflc.tlon: Plan cheek and noise lfIealurements.

Timing of Verification: Wilhln six months .of the cert!licatlon of the Hoag Memorial Hospillil Presbyterian Master Ptan Update Final Supplemental EtR (S'EIR), as detailed In the ebovl! mealUfe.

Responslbla Psrty(lel): Applicant: Planning Director orde&ignated representetlve.

Verification Date:

'INti Newpprt Seach verification

Approved 01}:

Approved by:

Slgnature: ____________ _

.. .,..,..., ... , ................. - •

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Hoag Hoepltal Project: ______________ _

Mltlgetlon Measure: 3.-4-3

Prior to Issuance 01 buildIng permits for any project that Includes HVAC equipment, an acoustical study of tile noIse generated by the HVAC equIpment shall be performed and a report that documents the results shall be submitted. This report shall prelent t ile noIse levels generated by the equlpmont and the methodology. uaed to estlmete the nolae levels at nearby residential U$Ba or property boundary, al applicable; tha report wilt also demonstrate thai combined noise levels generated by el) new HVAC equIpment does nol exceed applicable regulations. ThIs study shall be reviewed and approved by the City prtor 10 Issuance or building permlls. After installation of the equIpment, noIaa meaaurements ehall be performed and provIded 10 Ihe City Ihet demonstrates compliance with applicable noIse level Nmlls.

Standard for CompUsnce: Approval of sppllcable acoustIcal stlldy. provlslon 01 noise measurements 10 the City aller Installellon.

Method of Veriflcallon: Approved applicable acoustical· study.

Timing of Verification: PrIor 10 Issuance of bUilding permits for any project thel includes HVAC equipment, meSlurements efter Inslallollon of applicable equipment.

Responsible Party(ies): Applicant; Plllnnlng DIrector or deslgneted representative.

Verlflc.tlon Date:

City of N!rNRort Beach VtrlfkatloD

Approved on:

Approved by:

Signature: ____ ~ _______ _


Page 49: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Hoag Hoapltal Project: ____________ _

Mitigat ion Meaaure: 3.4-4

Truck deliveries to the loedlng dock.area ere restricted to the hours Qf 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Il ls noted thet special shuations may arise that requite delivery oUlslde of these hours.

Standard for Compliance: Striel adherence to the operating hours; compliance documerited a& pari 01 the Development Nlreement annual review.

Method ofVetlf]catlon: Documentation of compliance.

" Timing of Verification: Ongoing during proJec1 operation.

Reaponalble Party(les): Applicant: Planning Director or designated representative.

VerlflcaUon Dale:

City of Newport 8BBCb Vtdflcallon

Approvad on:

Approved by:

Signalure: ____________ _

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Hoag Hotpltal Project: ...:....., ____________ _

Mitigation Mealure: 3.4-5 .

SOUM absorpUon panels on the easl wall of Ihe loedlng dock ehell be In!lalled. Approxlmalely 450 square fee(of absorpt ive panels shell be used to cover major portions of the beck wall of Ihe loading dock area. The Noise-Foil panels by Industrial Acoustics or a panel wllh an equivalent Of better sound rating shall be used.

Standard for Compliance: Installation 01 SOOM absorption panels.

Method of Verification:

TimIng of Verification:

Verlncatlon Date:

Field Inspection and nol8e measurements.

Installation wilhln 6 months 01 approval 01 the MaBter Plan Update Project.

Appllcanl; acoustical engineer; Planning Director or dealgnaled representative.

CIty of Ntwpon Beach Verification

Approved on:

Approved by:

Signtiure: ____________ _


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Hwg MtmoMl ~III Pnlabytedu M.wrFlen Updete Pro}tcI WIiQ!!IM IoIct!.'!!:IMq _ R"P"®P Ptopt!m

Hoag Hospita l Proj ect: _ _ ______ _ _ __ _

Mitigation Meaaure: 3.4-6

The trash compactor. shall be relocated within the loading dock. The trash compactor and baler shall be enclosed In 8 three-aIded structure. The walls shall be concrete block or slmllsr masonry constructIon. Tl\e rool ahall be liahtwelght concrete roof or 8 plywood surface with concrete tiles; 8 buill-up rool with 5' 5' pi tnsuilition on the Instde woutd be an acceptable Bttemative. The open side shall fllce away from the residents. Doors may be on the side of the encloaure facing the resIdents, but must be closed when the ooler or compaclor are operating. The compactor end baler should only be operated between the hours of 7:00 AM end 7:00 PM .

. . Stendard for Compliance: Shown on approved applicable plar:'S.

Method of Ver ification: Plan check and ongoing.

Timing of Verification:

Relponalbla Party(lel):

Verification Date:

Wrthln 6 months of the approval of the Master Plan Updete ProJec!.

Applicant; Planning Director or designated repre8enlatlve.

City of Newport Beach verlflcatlpn

Approved on:

Approved by:

Signature: ______________ _

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Hoag Hoapltal Prole!;t: ______________ _

Mitigation Mealure: 3.41-7

"No Idling' sIgns ahall be posted In Ihe loading do!;k erea end any area where Ihe trucks might queua.

Sta.ndard for Compll tt1ce: Installation and maintenance of signs.

Method of Veri flea lion: FIeld Inspec:tlon.

TIming of Verification: Wrthln one month of the approval 01 the Master Plan Update Project. ~

Reaponalble Party(lee): Appl~nt; Planning DireetQr or designated representative.

Verlfl!;etlon Dele:

City of Newport Beach Varlflcatlon

Approved on:

Appro.ved by:

Signature: C· ____________ _

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Hoag Hoapltal Pro/act: ______________ _

Mitigation M.aaure: 3A08

Grease trap cleaning operations shall be limited to Saturday between the houJ'$ 01 11:00AM and 3:00 PM.

Standard for Compliance: Strict adherence to the operating hours; compliance documlmted as part of the Development Agreement snnusl revlaw.

Method of VerificatIon: Oocumenfstlon of compllsnce.

Timing of Verlneatlon: Ongoillij.

Responsible Party(I"): Appllesnt; Plsnnlng Director or designated representative.

Vetlneetlon Date:

City of Newport Buch Verlficlllon

Approved on:

Approved by:

Signature: --''--___________ _


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MU ignlio li M CHSIl I"e I'DII 3.4-2 - 471 lilO ea r feel Sound WH II .1 We~t HOH!: ll rh 'c

Page 57: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

City o f Newport Bench _ Building OCll:lrtlllon t 11lSilec iion CMd

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Page 58: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

CilyofNewport Beach: Bui lding PermillnspeClion Request


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Page I of I


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City of Nllwport Bca,;h - GulldillU Oopnrtmont Inspoctiol1 C()rd


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Page 61: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

MitigatiQn i· .. I~aSI1 r~ 3.4·5 - Loading Dock Sollnd Ab,orption " auels

Page 62: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

i '~ I ~ City of Newport Beach Public Works Department Permit No: N2009·0319 ! 3300 N<WpQ<t 51 .... NO'W'pCItO s.oen, CA 92G$3 """,;0 WO<I<s & , .. pca; .... ~.m ("9) 5U-33" 1,16'~ t ...... ",tlQn Roque .... (9A9) """lO,,

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, ! Owner: , Phone: ! Ad<l"u: ,

APpliean<: P~on. : Addf'<lSS :


0 :6 CONSTRVCT1CN INC 114-e32-u&O [ 2Z3O "WINSTON ROAr: ANAHEIM CA 92806


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DEB CONSTRUCTION INC 71 4-632-&>10 2230 E WINSTON ROAO """"'HElM CA 9280e

Con~.". State Lie: 3724'9 Lioonse E>:plre : 03 31. 2~' 1

B~sine'" Liconse : BTY.XI2~ B~.jness Expire: {)8 31. 2010 WorICerS· Co".,pe~ ... tio~ I~surance •• ~c, : TRAVELERS I DEM~rrr

Policy No: DTEUB90nCl109 W.C.E:..<>ire : 0101.21)10

Total fH : '<>"d: e alance : Ro-ceip' No :

$"'~UO S..,9MD


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Page 63: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

City of Newport Beach Building-Department -' COMB Permit No: X2009...QOSS

Combination Type · BLDG, ELEC GRAD, ,

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Page 64: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Qlfice of Statewide Health Planning and Development

'"cllllie. Oevelopment OMI/on /00 H, AIO ..... <10 SI,,,,,', 5""0 24:10 ,'" Angelo" CI< 90012 (213) 8'11.0166 Fa. 11131897.0163 """"" ,alllpcl.C<J.\IOV/idd

MrJil~F. Wood C15130 Wood Burghald & Swain Architecls 4850 Baflsnea Parkway, SUite 203 Il'Ilne, CA 92604

FacUity: Hoag Memorial Hospllal Presl>yterlan·l0428 One Haag DriVe Newport Beach, CA 92863


Dear Mr Jack F, Wood:

813112010 SL101454-30

The Buildlrl\l Permit fOI this p10JecI and the approved AppNcallon for Inspector of R8COfd Is enclo$ed.

Please posllhe Bullding Permll ollhe p10Jecl silo and main tain a complete set of Ihe stamped, approved conslrucUon documents 81 all lime'.

Nolify Ihls omoo In wriling of the start dale prlor 10 commencing construction and Include Iha name and addfOSS of Ihe conlr8clol, conlract price and the date on whIch Ihe conllact was leI.

This OuII0<1I9 Parmtt explros unlass oonstruCllon has been slMed by 813112011.

AU correspondence submlnad 10 this offIce must be ldenMed by Ihe OSHPO project number: SL 101454-30

Verified Compliance Reports musl be submitted 10 the o!flce In aooordollC9 wUh CCR, Tille 24, Part I , Chapter 7, SectIon 7·151.

)f thore are any quoSti0l18, pklaso conleet me at (213) 697·4151 ,

co: L&C Facility Repres&nlallve Projed FII& IORIA2031)2 1"0 ACOILSD

Tom Crowdtor Regiona l Compllaf\C8 Officer

Page 65: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

OUke of Statewide Health Planning and Development

foem" •• Deve'opmen' DlvWo" 100 n, AIOme<Io Skeel. Wle 1·J,OO .0' Af1\I8IO •• CA I'0I;l11 (213) ~1.(1166 '0. 121~J ,"'.¢I68 """"'" .OII1p<I.co ~ 11,1<1

Mr Jack F. Wood Wood Burghart! & Swain AfeMecl1l 4650 8;Jrr8nw P~rkway. Suile 203 Irvine, CA 9260<1

Facility: Haag Memorial Hospital Presbytorlan·l042C Fac/fUy Address: One Hoag Drive

Nawp<ll18each, CA 92663


Dear Mr Jaell F, Wood:


SL 10145-4-30

Tllis D~Oce has been noti~ed Ihat coosfruclkm on the above·referenced project Is complelo. However, prior fO acceplanee bylhe Department 01 Heallh Services, Licensing and Cerlifleallon DMsion, fhe complefed C(lns~uC'ion must be 81'!'roved and ao;<;8pled by lila Facilities Devolopr1\ent Division of IhB Olfk:<l 01 Statewlo,le Health Planning and Developmonl

Please wbmlt the faqU~ed Information no ialer fhan 1211712010

FIMI Verified Roporls: Missirlg reports aro indicated bye"?" Not reqlWOO reports are Indk:ated by"N/A"

Reports recer,.ed are indlcaled willi a dalo.

Final Verified Costs; Complele. $Ign. and relurn 11115 form ,


Final Construcllon Value Radiological Equipment Value

Cerllfled By; Print Name: =====0'.' == Phono'

If there src ooy queslions, please coolaet me al (213) 897·0IN.

-c: project File lOR T-l!


"Gy"thI .. ~,.u" .... Cynlhie Mal1r"ez Pt09,am Technician II

Admlo1lstraler, Hoag MetnO(iat Hosphal Pr8$byler1an, 10428

51010 01 CO~'Q"rkI- HeoI lh ond HumOfl Setvicas Agency Arnold Schwotlellegger. Go~emor

Page 66: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L


·1 F_" (213)891·0168



pl3n5 and applicable Califomla Building t Final Verilie<! Reports be mitted and Ihe Final Conslruc\lon Cosl, be cerllfied 10 the Offioo In 1ICC0rd ~ nce wilh Section 7.155. Article 4.

I.. .. dpler 7. Part 1, Tille 24, CCR. All submittal, shall be senl to the Ollice indicated at)ove. Failure 10 d<l so may result In a project closure slatus of "non·compllance.' Any subsequent construction changes 10 an area, portion (){ projed lhal has been Issued a conslruction final must be done through a new permitted project, and not liS II change order.

DSE Of FLSO IIpprovalslequiled.

i · and T.1.0. reviewed and T.i.O. cleared.

Page 67: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L




Page 68: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

Mlliga(iolL Mus il re 3.4-6 - T,'ul, COllllm~ (Q r Il ndG$lLre wil h SOlllld Abro"lltiOll J>a"els (I','QIII View)

. , •

• --. ,

.-'­---MIIlgMloII Measure 3.4-6 - Trash COl11llaCIQr Elldosll re wi! II So,,"d Absol'llllGI1

Panels (fiaci( View)


Page 69: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L


r ---<

Miligation Mrnure 3A·6 - IJalcr Encloliure wi l li SO UIl t! "' b ~o"'JUon I'Rllel!>

Page 70: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

os d . E IJlt~kolc H~~l th c~tc Ac,"""rbrlr (Ot C1 llfi::nnl~' Office 01 Sialewide HeaHh Planning and Development

'"cJJllle. DneJopmenJ DM.Jon '00 N. AIomelkl Streer. M~ 2-$00 .0. Matl"'.C'" ,oor2 12\31 891-0166 fo. J2131 Bf1.()I611 www.erl.4><l.co.gov 1<1(1

Mr Jack F. Wood C15130 Wood Burgherd & Swain Afchlt8CIII 4850 Oarranca Pal1lwllV, Sulle 203 IMoo, CA 92004

Facility: Haag Memofial Hospital Presbyterlan·l0426 One Haag Drive NewpOrt Beach, CA 92663


Doar Mr Jack F. Wood;

111212011 SL1 1004B·30

The BuDding Permit for this project and the approved Application lor tnspeclOf of Record 18 encloued.

Ploase post tlla Building Permit at tho project sUe alld maintain a complale set of Iho stamped, app!oved cooslrucllon documents a l all tlm08.

Notify this office In WI1llng olllle start dete prior to commencing conslrucUon sod include Ihe lIame and address 01 the 'ontraclor, contract prlce and Ihe dale OIl wh ic/ltho contract wes let

Thla Building Pormllexpkes Unle5& conslrucllon has bello slarted by 1/1212012.

AI COffosponllcnoo submiltlld to Ihlt ofllce must be Idonlifiad by tha OSHPD project number: SL 110046-30

Ve~lied Compllenca Reports must be slJbmlUed 10 ths offloo In accordance with CCR, Tille 24, Part 1. Chapter 1, Sactlon 7·151.

Il lhare are any quosllona, pfoua contact me at (213) 697-4151.

00: l a c F&cIl lty Repre8entaillro Project File IORIA20352 ACO/LSO

~ Tom Crowder Regional Compllanco Ollicer

Siole of California - Heallh and Human SaNies! Agoncy Edmund G, Bro wn Jr .. GovernOf

Page 71: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L




Page 72: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

PC _ l..a" d s~ a l,i "!: Lower CRllIl"' S A,"u 7a - Wel l I' Hrkill!: A rca Islalil is

I' e - l..Rndscapl ng 1..IIwcr Call1 l'US Area 7ft - Wesl l'a rklnG Area Islauds f,"olll Ihc T llp Vic\\'

Page 73: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L

I'C - Lalldseaping Lower ClIlll llll' AI"ea 78 - We,I I'uking Ar~a . ,Iolld£ _ I'alm Trees Cor rido'"

Page 74: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L


I'e - LRntl~cftpj ll g Lower Call1 lll1 ~ Area 9 - Nor th Siolle ft!Jove Rcl ft iniug Wall ­Vic\\' from CogclIcnlion CIII De SftC

.. .... 1.­-

Page 75: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan€¦ · Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian MasterPlan Development Agreement Annual Review Mal'ch 28, 2011 Prepilred By: :LJBMITT;\L


I'e - La lld ~CRI)i ng Lower C~I1IIII1 S Area 12 " C II CI'~CII SUftll - New lond5CRJling " '(mit Pacific CO"., "l iChwoy