HLADQ and late complications in patients with type 1 ...

i PROLOGUE I was interested in writing a thesis on the genetic susceptibility to microvascular complications in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus because this disease (and diabetes mellitus in general) is a highly prevalent disease with a rising incidence. No matter what specialization a doctor chooses, diabetes mellitus will somehow be part of it. Therefore, I believe that as a future healthcare worker it is essential to understand the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus and to be aware which organs are affected by the disease. I was particularly interested in this topic because I am intrigued by how all the different environmental and genetic factors interact with each other to finally develop the complications associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus. This thesis was realized with the help of my promotor Prof Dr. Van Aken E. and my co-promotor Dr. Van Aken S. I would like to thank them for their time and consideration. I want to thank Prof. Dr. Vande Walle J., Prof. Dr. Raes A., Mrs. Rawoens A. and the secretariat of ophthalmology for their contribution to this thesis. At last, I would also like to thank my family and friends for their support.

Transcript of HLADQ and late complications in patients with type 1 ...



I was interested in writing a thesis on the genetic susceptibility to microvascular complications in

patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus because this disease (and diabetes mellitus in general) is a highly

prevalent disease with a rising incidence. No matter what specialization a doctor chooses, diabetes

mellitus will somehow be part of it. Therefore, I believe that as a future healthcare worker it is

essential to understand the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus and to be aware which organs are

affected by the disease. I was particularly interested in this topic because I am intrigued by how all the

different environmental and genetic factors interact with each other to finally develop the

complications associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus.

This thesis was realized with the help of my promotor Prof Dr. Van Aken E. and my co-promotor Dr.

Van Aken S. I would like to thank them for their time and consideration. I want to thank Prof. Dr.

Vande Walle J., Prof. Dr. Raes A., Mrs. Rawoens A. and the secretariat of ophthalmology for their

contribution to this thesis. At last, I would also like to thank my family and friends for their support.



PROLOGUE ........................................................................................................................................................ I

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ II

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................. III

ABSTRACT (NEDERLANDS) ................................................................................................................................ V

I. ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

II. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 2

II.1 TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS .................................................................................................................................. 2 II.1.1 Definition ............................................................................................................................................... 2 II.1.2 Incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes mellitus ........................................................................... 3 II.1.3 Physiopathology of type 1 diabetes mellitus ......................................................................................... 4 II.1.4 Complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus ............................................................................................. 5

II.2 THE ROLE OF HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN (HLA) IN T1DM ..................................................................................... 7 II.3 DIABETIC RETINOPATHY AND DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY ............................................................................................. 13

II.3.1 Diabetic retinopathy ............................................................................................................................ 13 II.3.1.1 Prevalence and incidence .............................................................................................................................. 13 II.3.1.2 Clinical course of diabetic retinopathy .......................................................................................................... 13 II.3.1.3 The pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy ..................................................................................................... 15 II.3.1.4 Genetic susceptibility of diabetic retinopathy ............................................................................................... 16

II.3.2 Diabetic nephropathy .......................................................................................................................... 17 II.3.2.1 Prevalence and incidence .............................................................................................................................. 17 II.3.2.2 Clinical course of diabetic nephropathy ......................................................................................................... 17 II.3.2.3 The pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy ................................................................................................... 18 II.3.2.4 Genetic susceptibility of diabetic nephropathy ............................................................................................. 20

II.3.3 The association between diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy ......................................... 21 II.4 RESEARCH AIMS ............................................................................................................................................... 21

III. MATERIAL AND METHODS ........................................................................................................................ 22

III.1 PATIENT RECRUITMENT .................................................................................................................................... 22 III.2 STUDY POPULATION ......................................................................................................................................... 22 III.3 COLLECTION OF DATA....................................................................................................................................... 22

III.3.1 HLA-DQ typing and islet autoantibodies, the Belgian Diabetes Registry ........................................... 22 III.3.2 Smoking habits and blood pressure .................................................................................................... 23 III.3.3 HbA1c ................................................................................................................................................. 23 III.3.4 Determination of retinopathy ............................................................................................................ 23 III.3.5 Determination of nephropathy .......................................................................................................... 24

III.4 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................................... 24 III.5 LITERATURE ................................................................................................................................................... 24

IV. RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................... 25

IV.1 PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................................ 25 IV.2 ANALYSIS OF THE VARIABLES ............................................................................................................................. 32 IV.3 ANALYTICAL TESTS........................................................................................................................................... 34

IV.3.1 Analytical tests for the microvascular complications ......................................................................... 34 IV.3.2 Analytical tests for diabetic retinopathy ............................................................................................ 37 IV.3.3 Diabetic nephropathy ......................................................................................................................... 39 IV.3.4 Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy ................................................................................ 41

V. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................... 42

VI. REFRENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 50

ADDENDUM ...................................................................................................................................................... I



BDR Belgian Diabetes Registry

T1DM Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

DR Diabetic Retinopathy

DN Diabetic Nephropathy

HLA Human Leukocyte Antigen

INS Insulin gene

GADA Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody

IA2A tyrosine phosphatase IA2 Antibody

IAA Insulin Autoantibody

ICA Islet Cell Antibody

WHO World Health Organization

OGTT Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

IMA Intermutualistisch Agentschap

T2DM Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

BMI Body Mass Index

PTPN22 Protein Tyrosine Phospahtase, Non-receptor 22

IL2RA InterLeukin-2 Receptor Alpha chain

MHC Major Histocompatibility Complex

MIC Human related MHC class I chain-related genes

NKC Natural Killer Cells

TCR T-Cell Receptors

TNF Tumor Necrosis Factor

Hsp70 Heat shock protein 70

IgG Immunoglobulin G

CTLA4 Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Antigen 4

UK United Kingdom

USA United States of America

NPDR Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

PDR Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

DME Diabetic Macular Edema

TC Triglyceride

HDL High Density Cholesterol

Apo Apolipoprotein

AGE Advanced Glycation End products

RAS Rennin-Angiotensin System


VEGF Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

EPO Erythropoietin

GH-IGF Growth Hormone – Insulin Growth Factor

ESDR End Stage Renal Disease

G-protein G-coupled protein

MAPK Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase

ROS Reactive Oxygen Species

GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate

ECM Extracellular Matrix

RNS Reactive Nitrogen Species

ILGF Insulin Like Growth Factor

ADIPOQ Adiponectin gene

HbA1c Glycated Hemoglobin, type A1c

SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

St.D Standard Deviation

mL Milliliter

dL Deciliter

mg Milligram

Mmol Millimol

L Liter


ABSTRACT (Nederlands)

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is een chronische autoimmuun ziekte, die gekenmerkt is door de immuun

gemedieerde destructie van de bètacellen in de pancreas. Aan deze ziekte zijn verschillende

complicaties geassocieerd, deze hebben onder meer betrekking tot het oog (diabetische retinopathie)

en de nier (diabetische nefropathie). Deze complicaties kunnen leiden tot ernstig functieverlies van de

bovenvermelde organen en daarom is type 1 diabetes mellitus een niet te verwaarlozen aandoening.

Diverse factoren spelen een rol in het tot stand komen van deze complicaties. De identificatie van al

deze factoren kan leiden tot betere een risicostratificatie van de type 1 diabetes patiënten met een hoog

risico op complicaties. Patiënten die tot een hoog-risico groep behoren komen in aanmerking voor een

meer intensieve screening naar het ontstaan van deze complicaties, ook zou het voordelig zijn om bij

deze patiënten nauwere streefwaarden te hanteren van bijvoorbeeld de HbA1c waarde en de bloeddruk.

Het doel van deze studie is om een mogelijk associatie aan te tonen tussen het HLA-DQ genotype van

de patiënten en de prevalentie van diabetische retinopathie en diabetische nefropathie. Om deze

associatie na te gaan hebben we een niet-gerandomiseerde, retrospectieve studie uitgevoerd. In deze

studie werden de gegevens van 40 patiënten geanalyseerd met behulp van het statisch

verwerkingsprogramma SPSS 19.0. Naast de HLA-DQ genotypes werden ook nog andere parameters

geëvalueerd die een invloed kunnen hebben op het ontstaan van de met type 1 diabetes geassocieerde

complicaties. Deze parameters betreffen onder meer het geslacht van de patiënt, de ziekteduur, de

leeftijd op het tijdstip van diagnose, de bloeddruk, de rookgewoontes, de autoantilichamen, de

creatinine, de albuminurie en de creatinurie.

In deze studie kon er geen associatie worden aangetoond tussen het HLA-DQ genotype en diabetische

retinopathie enerzijds en tussen het HLA-DQ genotype en diabetische nefropathie anderzijds. Wat wel

waargenomen werd, is dat patiënten met microvasculaire complicaties vaker de hoog risico HLA-DQ

genotypes hadden. Na statistisch onderzoek bleek dat er een significant verband was tussen de

ziekteduur en diabetische retinopathie (p=0.003) en tussen het GAD antilichaam niveau en diabetische

nefropathie (p=0.021). De associatie tussen diabetische retinopathie en de ziekteduur werd al eerder

aangetoond, de associatie tussen diabetische nefropathie en de GADA waarde daarentegen werd nog

niet uitvoerig onderzocht. Het zou interessant zijn om in de toekomst verder onderzoek naar deze

associatie te verrichten. Er kan besloten worden dat er nog meer onderzoek naar de rol van het HLA-

DQ genotype in het ontstaan van diabetische microvasculaire complicaties nodig is. De identificatie

van de factoren die meespelen in het ontstaan van diabetische complicaties laat toe te bepalen welke

patiënten een verhoogde kans op deze complicaties hebben. Deze patiënten komen in aanmerking voor

een intensieve screening naar deze complicaties en een strikte controle van de metabole parameters

met als uiteindelijk doel diabetische complicaties te voorkomen of uit te stellen.



Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic autoimmune disease mediated by the destruction of the beta-cells

in the pancreas. The complications associated with this disease can lead to severe dysfunctions of the

eye (vision impairment) and the kidney (end stage renal disease). The identification of all the factors

that are involved in the pathogenesis of these complications is essential, because this will help the

discovery of patients with an increased risk to these complications.

In this study we have explored the possible association between the HLA-DQ genotype and the

diabetic microvascular complications, i.e. diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy. In order to

accomplish our objective we have performed a nonrandomized, retrospective study in Ghent, Belgium

in the year 2012 whereby we have analyzed the data of 40 patients. We have evaluated the HLA-DQ

types in our patient population but we have also included other parameters like the disease duration,

the age at the time of diagnosis, the smoking habits, the blood pressure status, the gender, the

pancreatic autoantibodies, the creatinin level, the albuminuria level and the creatinuria.

After an extensive analysis we were not able to discover an association between diabetic retinopathy

and diabetic nephropathy with the HLA-DQ genotypes. However, we have observed a tendency to a

higher prevalence of the high risk HLA-DQ genotypes in patients with diabetic microvascular

complications. Although it was not our primary objective, we did find a possible link between diabetic

retinopathy and the disease duration (p=0.003) and between diabetic nephropathy and the GADA

levels at the time of diagnosis (p=0.021). The association between the GADA level and diabetic

nephropathy has not been studied thoroughly and could be a new subject of interest thanks to the

association found in this study.

In conclusion, additional studies are needed to unravel the possible involvement of the HLA-DQ type

in the pathogenesis of diabetic microvascular complications. A comprehensive view on the

pathogenesis of diabetic microvascular complications in the near future would be beneficial for the

screening and prevention of these microvascular complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus.



II.1 Type 1 diabetes mellitus

II.1.1 Definition

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a multisystem disease characterized by a lack of insulin. As a

consequence the disease is inevitably followed by too high glycemic levels in the blood. The decrease

in insulin is caused by a gradual autoimmune destruction of the insulin producing beta-cells in the

pancreas. The pathogenesis of T1DM will be further explored in section II.1.3. T1DM is sometimes

called juvenile diabetes mellitus because most patients are children or adolescents at the time of

diagnosis (1).

The diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus is made when the blood glucose levels exceed normal values

and by the presence or absence of symptoms (figure I). Undiagnosed T1DM is characterized by

symptoms such as polyuria, weight loss, polydipsia, glucosuria and ketonuria. Some patients develop

ketoacidosis or non-ketotic hyperosmolar state before the diagnosis is made. As we previously

mentioned, T1DM is caused by destruction of the insulin producing beta-cells in the pancreas. 90

percent of the beta-cells are destructed when T1DM becomes clinically symptomatic (2).

Figure I. Diagnostic criteria for type 1 diabetes mellitus.

The three possible ways to diagnose T1DM are given in order of preference. According to the WHO, the oral

glucose tolerance test or OGTT measures the glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose

dissolved in water or 1,75 g/kg of body weight to a maximum of 75 g. (adapted from (2)).

The diagnosis of T1DM has a huge impact on the patient’s life. It is a chronic disease and as a

consequence the patient has to inject insulin for a lifetime to maintain the proper level of glucose in

the blood stream. Besides the burden of the disease itself, T1DM is characterized by its inevitable

complications caused by changes in the glycemic level and by alterations in the fat and protein

metabolism. The associated complications can be divided into macrovascular and microvascular

complications and will be further explored in the sections II.1.4 and II.3.

Diagnostic criteria for


Symptoms of diabetes + glucose concentration in plasma equals or exceeds 11.1 mmol/L (or 200 mg/dl) at any time

Glucose concentration in plasma ≥ 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dl) after fasting (no caloric intake for at least 8 hours)

2 hours postprandial glucose concentration ≥ 11.1 mmol/L (or 200 mg/dl) during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)


Diabetes mellitus is not only a heavy burden for the patients but also for society. This economic

burden can be illustrated by an international cost estimate which points out that diabetes mellitus uses

up to 10 percent of the medicinal care in Belgium. Patients who are insulin dependent (all patients

with T1DM and some patients with T2DM) used up to 4 percent of the disease insurance in 2003

(numbers of IMA). The refund of insulin syringes in 2003 went up to 195 012 Euros in Belgium.

(minister of Public Health, May 2003).

II.1.2 Incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes mellitus

The risk in the Western world to develop diabetes mellitus is 10 percent. In 2010 more than 200

million people had diabetes mellitus. Concerning diabetes mellitus, the most important subcategories

of the disease are type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The underlying difference between these

subcategories is that in T1DM autoantibodies against the beta-cell antigens are responsible for the

development of T1DM (1). T1DM represents 10 to 15 percent of all the diabetic patients. The

prevalence is 0,4 percent and the most common form of diabetes in Caucasian adults (3). This

subcategory of diabetes mellitus starts at a relatively young age, for instance 50 to 60 percent of the

patients are diagnosed with T1DM at 16 to 18 years of age (1). The incidence of T1DM increases with

2 to 5 percent each year (4-6). Together with the annual increasing incidence, there is the alarming

issue that nowadays more young patients are getting diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The

explanation for this trend probably lies in environmental factors combined with a strong increased

Body Mass Index (BMI) worldwide (5).

A notable observation is that the countries with the lowest incidence have the highest increase in

incidence. Although not all studies confirm these findings, it seems that countries that previously had a

high incidence have reached a plateau phase (5). These authors further suggest that countries with a

low to very low incidence show a decrease in incidence (countries such as Cuba, West Indies, and

Central America). However it appears that the incidence in countries with a high incidence keeps on

rising (4). Intriguingly, the incidence of T1DM varies demographically, for example from

0,57/100.000 in China to 48-49/100.000 in Finland (1, 4, 5). The incidence in Antwerp, Belgium is

12/100.000 (1). One possible explanation for this difference in incidence might be attributed due to a

difference in the HLA (human leukocyte antigen) distribution which correlates with a higher risk to

the development of T1DM (3). The role of the HLA system in T1DM will be further discussed in

section II.2 of the introduction.

In certain countries, including Belgium, the incidence of T1DM has been increasing below the age of

5 (1, 7), while it has been decreasing between the ages of 15 and 30 (1). Besides the varying

incidences of T1DM between the different age groups, it has also been shown that the incidence can

differ between the sexes in the various age groups despite an equal incidence in general. Females show

an increase in incidence between the ages of 0 to 9 whereas men show an increase in the age


categories of 0 to 4 years and 10 to 14 years (4). Later in the age category from 15 to 40 years of age,

the incidence of T1DM stabilizes in men and decreases in women (1, 4). It is also striking that, in

contrast to other autoimmune diseases, a male excess has been suggested in type 1 diabetes mellitus.

This difference is weak but has a positive correlation (8). The cause of this difference in sex

distribution might be due to environmental factors that affect more males than females. A study

suggested that in populations with an incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus higher than 23/100.000 a

male excess was found and that a female excess was present in populations with an incidence of

T1DM below 4.5/100.000 (8). A clear male predominance was found in Belgium for patients

diagnosed with T1DM after 14 years of age, the male:female ratio was 1,7. In contrast, a sex ratio of

1,1 was found when patients were diagnosed with T1DM under the age of 14 (9).

In general it is observed that European countries with a more northern localization have a higher

incidence, except for Sardinia. There is also an east-west gradient observed which results in lower

incidences in eastern countries and higher incidences in western countries. The findings discussed

above are only valid when diabetes mellitus type 1 is diagnosed under the age of 15. When type 1

diabetes mellitus is diagnosed between 15 and 30 years of age, the overall incidence in Europe is

rather the same (1). One explanation for the discrepancy between the incidences below the age of 15

years might be due to a distributional difference of the HLA types DQA1 and DQB1. These HLA

types are more often seen in northern countries (1). However, it seems that genetic factors alone are

not sufficient to explain the observed rise in incidences (4). Therefore, another explanation might be

that a change in certain lifestyle and environmental factors can influence the susceptibility to this

disease as well (1).

II.1.3 Physiopathology of type 1 diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is considered an autoimmune disease. The auto-destruction of beta-cells (i.e.

the insulin producing cells) in the pancreas leads to type 1 diabetes mellitus. As a consequence, these

patients have an absolute insulin deficiency (1, 5, 7). T1DM is determined by genetic factors, lifestyle

factors and environmental factors, in other words T1DM is a multifactorial disease (1, 3, 5, 7). One of

these genetic factors is the HLA system, especially the DR and the DQ regions in the HLA class II

region. This region in the HLA system is responsible for 50 percent of the risk to develop T1DM (1, 5,

10, 11).

Considering the HLA type, there are protective and susceptibility types. This will be discussed in

section II.2 dealing with the role of HLA-DQ in T1DM. Besides the genetic predisposition, there is

also an environmental trigger required to develop T1DM. To date, a lot of environmental triggers have

been suggested. However, Rubella is the only one that has been documented thoroughly (5). Other

evidence for the important environmental role comes from the observation that migrants obtain similar

incidence of the country they have been migrated in (5).


The destruction of the beta cells is T-cell mediated, nevertheless there is a humoral factor (antibodies

against the beta cell antigens) (5, 7). Often several antibodies against insulin are found: insulin

autoantibodies (IAA), glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GADA), tyrosine phosphatase IA2

antibodies (IA2A) and islet antibodies (ICA) (5, 10). These antibodies can be present at the time of

diagnosis of T1DM, and in some cases even precede the disease (5, 10, 11). 98 percent of the patients

with T1DM have at least one autoantibody present and 75 percent of the patients have 2

autoantibodies at the time of diagnosis (10). The autoantibodies are useful but insufficient in the

detection of T1DM (12), because the presence of one autoantibody consists only with a small increase

in risk for developing T1DM. The risk is significantly higher when more autoantibodies are present,

the risk rises incrementally for each extra autoantibody whereby IA2A has the highest risk (12). A

faster disease progression rate has been correlated with the number of autoantibodies (5) and with the

time at which the autoantibodies are present. The sooner these autoantibodies are present, the faster the

progression rate will be (12). Nowadays it is possible for patients that have siblings or parents with

T1DM, and therefore an increased risk to develop T1DM, to determine the risk of the development of

T1DM. In order to perform this risk analysis, they will first determine the genetic risk. If this risk is

significantly higher than in the rest of the population, they will determine the autoantibodies (IA2,

GADA, IAA, and ICA). If the subject has an increased genetic risk and autoantibodies are present, the

residual beta-cell function will be determined. This can be done by the use of the oral glucose

tolerance test (12).

The age at the time of diagnosis is an important factor considering the various complications

associated with the disease. The younger the patients are, the sooner they are exposed to

hyperglycemia (1). This is an important co-factor for the development of T1DM besides the presence

of the previous discussed autoantibodies. It has been suggested that the older the patient is at the time

of diagnosis, the lower the prevalence of the autoantibodies like IAA, ICA and IA2A are. Another

finding in these patients is that they often have lower risk HLA types. Despite this finding it has been

suggested that the GADA and the residual C-peptide levels reach a higher concentration in these

patients (1).

II.1.4 Complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus

In the previous section ‘incidence and prevalence of T1DM’ it was mentioned that the prevalence of

T1DM increases. A significant number of the world population has T1DM and this number will only

increase in time. Not only the disease itself but also the complications of the disease and the

susceptibility to other diseases make T1DM an important disease to take into account.

There are two types of complications associated with the disease, namely the macro- and

microvascular complications (1, 5, 13). Considering the diabetic complications it is crucial to realize

that the microvascular complications affect most the organ systems which are independent of the


insulin activity in order to take up glucose. Examples of such tissues and organs are the kidney, the

retina and the vascular endothelium. The underlying reason for this organ specificity of the diabetic

complications might be that these tissues are exposed to glucose levels that correlate with the blood

glucose level. Thus, when a higher level of glucose in the blood is reached, which is the case in T1DM,

these tissues are exposed to a higher glycemic level and they will subsequently increase their glucose

uptake (14). The microvascular complications include nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy (1, 5,

15). Diabetic nephro- and retinopathy will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter II.3. The

macrovascular complications compromise the cardiovascular complications, the diabetic foot and

others. Risk factors for these macrovascular complications include diabetic nephropathy, autonomic

neuropathy, dyslipidemia, hypertension and perhaps microvascular cardiac disease (5). Therefore it

seems that there is a strong relation between the micro- and macrovascular complications in T1DM.

Albuminuria correlates with cardiovascular risk (14) and the presence of retinopathy increases the risk

of stroke, coronary heart disease and heart failure by two or three times (16).

Due to the worldwide increasing incidence of T1DM (and diabetes mellitus in general) and the high

economic impact of T1DM and its associated complications, it is outermost essential to carefully

understand the underlying mechanisms which cause these complications. This will ultimately lead to a

better prevention and treatment of the diabetic complications. Basically, all the complications occur

because of the accumulation of the various effects that are induced by the hyperglycemia. These

effects include endothelial damage, oxidative stress, sorbitol production and advanced glycation end-

products (AGE). As a consequence the blood flow is affected, and the permeability of the endothelium

is increased. In time, these defects may lead to protein displacement in the extra-vascular tissues.

These changes cause coagulation in the blood vessels and therefore impaired blood flow. Finally, the

impairment of the blood flow will cause organ dysfunction (14). Because all these defects are mainly

caused by hyperglycemia, the progression of the diabetic microvascular and neurologic complications

can be best slowed down or prevented by the glycemic control. It seems only logical that there would

be a threshold in HbA1c value for which there are no diabetic complications. Surprisingly, there is no

HbA1c level at which no complications are found (1, 13, 17). But patients who maintain a tight

glycemic control, can be spared of the diabetic complications for generally 8 years or more (5).

However, the prevention of the early stage complications cannot always prevent the severe

complications later in life (13). Besides the glycemic control, there are several other risk factors that

should be taken into account, including the smoking habits, hypertension, obesity and hyperlipidemia

(5, 18). The implication of an altered blood pressure has been investigated in several studies which

have proven that the blood pressure can be seen as an independent risk factor for the progression of

diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy (14). Not only these modifiable factors might lead to the

development of diabetic microvascular complications, several invariable factors such as gender, age at

the time of disease onset and the genetic susceptibility may also be involved in the pathogenesis. The


role of the genetic susceptibility, in particular the role of the HLA system in the development of

microvascular complications, will be explored in detail in this thesis. The role of the sex in the

development of microvascular complications seems to be disputable. As an example we will address

the gender distribution in diabetic nephropathy that is extensively studied, but it appears that there is

no consensus on its involvement. For instance, certain studies did not find a linkage between gender

and diabetic nephropathy (19, 20) while Jacobsen et al., 1999 has found a linkage between diabetic

nephropathy and the male gender (21). It has been stated that the female gender is less prone to the

progression of the microvascular disease, especially diabetic nephropathy, when compared to the male

gender (22). Another study suggested that diabetic nephropathy was more prevalent in males

diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus between the ages of 20 to 34 years (23). Surprisingly, Orchard

and coworkers have observed that overt nephropathy (and proliferative diabetic retinopathy) was

slightly more prevalent in females when short disease duration was considered (24). However, they

have found a male excess in microvascular complications over a longer period of time.

Microvascular complications are rarely seen in patients before they reach puberty. It has been

suggested that the complications mostly occur during or after puberty. A possible explanation for this

finding might be that certain triggers for the diabetic complications occur during puberty. The

suggested triggers are endocrine or metabolic dependent factors (17). Because of the role of puberty in

the development of diabetic complications we have only studied patients with a disease duration of at

least 10 years.

Finally, patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are more susceptible to other autoimmune diseases

compared to the rest of the population. These autoimmune diseases include hyperthyroidia (5 percent

of the patients with T1DM) and celiac disease (3 to 10 percent of the patients with T1DM) (5).

II.2 The role of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) in T1DM

It the previous section we have mentioned that T1DM is a multifactorial disease, which is partially

genetically determined. The genetic susceptibility of T1DM is considered to be complex and

multigenetic (11, 25). The genetic determination can be illustrated by the fact that T1DM clusters in

families. Familial aggregation is responsible for the development of T1DM in 10 percent of the

patients (2). However, it stays remarkable that there is no defined pattern of inheritance. Without the

presence of any family relative carrying the disease the prevalence is only 0,4 percent (3), while the

risk rises to 3 percent when mothers are affected, to 5 percent when fathers are affected and even to 8

percent if a sibling is affected. Remarkably, the risk of developing T1DM increases further to 25

percent if the affected family member has the same genotype (12).

The discovered genes that can play a role in the development of T1DM are (1) the Human Leukocyte

Antigen gene system (HLA), (2) the multiple polymorphisms in the promoter region of the insulin


gene leading to differences in the insulin expression levels, (3) the PTPN22 gene that encodes for an

essential protein which negatively regulates the immune response (this gene has major association

with the DR and DQ alleles) and (4) the IL2RA gene. All these loci and genes have an odds ratio

greater than 1.5 which is a strong indication that they are associated with the disease (12, 25). Because

the study in this thesis only deals with the role of the HLA-DQ region in diabetic retinopathy and

nephropathy, we focus in this section solely on the HLA function and explore its implication in Type 1

diabetes mellitus.

In humans, the HLA system is known as the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). The HLA

region accords for 0,1 percent of the human genome and is localized on chromosome 6 (more specific

6p21.3) (3) (figure II). The HLA system contains the greatest amount of polymorphisms in the human

genome (3, 25). The system plays an important role in T-cell selection, antigen presentation and in the

immune response (12). The implication of some of these genes in cellular immunity is clearly shown

by the expression of antigen-presenting proteins on the cell surface. Antigen presenting cells like

dendritic cells, B-cells and macrophages engulf or harbor protein bodies such as viral proteins or

native proteins. These engulfed proteins are broken down into peptides and are loaded onto the HLA

structures. By doing so, the T-cells can recognize the specific peptides of the corresponding proteins

which ultimately lead to the destruction of the antigen presenting cells (26).

There are three types of HLA’s: HLA class I, HLA class II and HLA class III. HLA class I and HLA

class II play a role in the immunogenic recognition (3, 25). A good example that proves the

importance of this immunological recognition is the graft rejection that might occur after organ


The HLA class I consists out of the classical loci (A, B, C), the non-classical loci (E, F, G) and the

pseudogenes (H, J, K, L) (figure II). In the HLA class I genetic region we also find the MIC genes

(MHC Class I Chain Related genes) with two functional genes (A, B) and three pseudogenes (C, D, E).

The MIC-A is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is expressed on the intestinal epithelium when the

cells are exposed to cellular stress. Once the MIC-A protein is exposed, the protein can be recognized

by the TCRs (T-cell receptors) and by the NK cells (natural killer cells) (3).

There are three main loci (DR, DQ, and DP) in the HLA class II region. Each locus has several alpha-

A genes, beta-B genes and pseudogenes (figure II).

Finally, the HLA class III genes play more a role in other immunologic reactions and implicate the

proteins like Hsp70, TNF-α, TNF-β and others (3).


Figure II. Structural overview of the HLA region.

The HLA region is situated in locus 21.3 which is located on the short arm of chromosome 6. We can categorize

the HLA region into 3 classes of genotypes: class I, class II and class III. A detailed magnification of the genetic

region is only given for class I and class II. Class I consists out of the classical loci A, B, C and the non-classical

loci E, F G. In this same genetic region we also find the MIC genes. There are three main loci in the HLA class

II region, namely DR, DQ and DP. Each locus has several alpha-A genes, beta-B genes and pseudogenes

(Adapted from (3)).

Now, the role of the HLA system in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus will be further

explored. As we already described earlier, it has been suggested that the HLA system accords for 50

percent of the genetic risk (27). The risk in siblings can vary from 0.3 percent to 30 percent depending

on the HLA type (12). It is important to realize that the concordance rate for developing T1DM is 50

percent in identical twins, and only 15 percent in HLA identical siblings (27). This illustrates an

important role for environmental factors, which is typical for a multifactorial disease.

The DR-DQ genotype on the HLA class II region (determined by the HLA-DR3/4 alleles) is an

essential determinant for the negative or positive association with T1DM (protective or susceptible

respectively) (see table I). The loci associated with T1DM are the DRB1, the DQA1 and the DQB1

locus (28). It has been reported that combinations of the DR-B1 locus with the DQ-B1 locus are more

important in the determination of the risk than DR or DQ alone (3, 25, 27, 28). A good example for

this observation was given in a study performed by Erlich et al. which showed that the odds ratio of

the DRB1*0401-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0302 type was 8,39 while the odds ratio of the DRB1*0401-

DQA1*0301-DQB1*0301 type was 0,35 (28). Although combinations are considered to be more

important, other studies have been able to show that the DQB1 locus is the most significant factor in

the risk estimation for the high and the low risk HLA genotypes (3, 25). Therefore, the HLA-

DQB1*0302 cell surface receptor is now recognized as the major susceptibility gene for type 1


diabetes mellitus. Besides this gene alone, the combination of this gene with DQA1*0301 on the DR4

gene and the combination of this gene with DQA1*0501 on DR3 gene can synergistically increase the

risk of developing type 1 diabetes mellitus (3). Noble et al. (2012) investigated the increased risk in

heterozygotes for the DRB1*03:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01/DRB1*04:xx-DQA1*03:01-

DQB1*03:02 genotype and found that the risk of this combination was greater than the risk for

homozygotes of either haplotype (25). Therefore, it can be stated that the DR and the DP genes

modify the risk of the HLA-DQ type to type 1 diabetes mellitus (3, 27).

Table I. The HLA class II susceptible, neutral (or rare) and protective genotypes for T1DM.

In this figure the different haplotypes are showed that play a role in the susceptibility or protection of the

development of Type 1 diabetes mellitus. The table was put together by the use of the data of the doctoral thesis

of Weets I. (29) and an article of the author Van Der Auwera, B. J., 2002 (30). X stands for the protective

haplotypes 01-0503/0601 or 01-0503/0602/0603 or 0201-0201 or 0201-0303 or 0501-0301 and Y stands for the

neutral or rare haplotypes 01-0501/0604/0605 or 0102-0201 or 0102-0502 or 0301-0201 or 0301-0301 or 0301-

0303 or 0301-0401 or 0401-0402 or 0501-0302.

The HLA-DP types are encoded by the DP-A1 and the DP-B1 genes whereby the DP-B1 gene shows

the most variation. These variations can also contribute to the risk to developing T1DM but this effect

is not as strong compared to the DR and DQ genes (25). The alleles on loci A and B influence the

susceptibility to T1DM. These alleles affect this susceptibility independently from the Class II alleles.

The role of the HLA system in the genetic risk of T1DM can be illustrated by the fact that 74 percent

of the Caucasian patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus have the genotype DQA1*0301-DQB1*0302

and 52 percent has DQA1*0501-DQB1*0201(3). Another example of the difference in HLA-DQ

distribution is that 29 percent of the Belgian patients with T1DM have the susceptible DQA3-

DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2 genotype while only 1,9 percent of a Belgian reference population has this

genotype (30).

Risk to T1DM Genotypes

Susceptible 0301-0302/0501-0201




Neutral or rare 0501-0201/Y



Protective 0501-0201/X




It is important to get insight on the underlying mechanism of the disease, therefore we here describe

the molecular basis for the genetic predisposition to T1DM. In other words, we will describe how the

HLA type influences the pathogenesis of T1DM on a molecular level. As we mentioned before, the

HLA system plays a role in the T-cell mediated selection. One of the properties of the T-cell selection

is to have tolerance to self-antigens. Tolerance to self antigens is established in two steps. The first

step is called the central-thymic tolerance. It is established by the destruction of T-cells that bind with

high affinity to the HLA-peptide complex which is exposed on antigen presenting cells. The second

step is the post-thymic tolerance. The second step consists out of 5 mechanisms. The detailed

explanation of these mechanisms fall out of the scope of this study.

The HLA system also plays a role in antigen presentation, whereby antigens are presented by B-cells

and others. Tolerance to self antigens is established in two steps, like in the selection of T-cells. This

tolerance takes place in the bone marrow and peripheral lymphoid organs. In the bone marrow the B-

cells that bind with their IgG’s to the HLA antigens, are consequentially negatively selected to prevent

auto-antigen recognition. There is a possible role for HLA-DO, the absence of this gene might lead to

a generalized immune activation (3).

The formulation of several hypotheses on the genetic susceptibility to T1DM is based on the role of

the HLA molecules in the T-cell recognition process, whereby one possibility is that the HLA-

DQB1*0302 genotype prevents a good communication between the T-cells and the T-cell recognition

cells. Therefore potentially auto-reactive T-cells do not go into apoptosis. These T-cells multiply in the

peripheral system and make the patient prone to T1DM. A certain trigger can lead to the activation of

these auto-reactive T-cells (3).

Another possible hypothesis is based on the structure of the HLA-DQ molecules. The HLA molecules

bind anti-genetic peptides with a groove on the surface. The interaction between the HLA proteins and

the anti-genetic peptides is determined by four contact points. Certain HLA-DQ types (such as HLA-

DQ3.2, HLA-DQ2.1) have different amino acids in these binding pockets that might lead to

insufficient stability of the peptide binding. This possibly results in an insufficient negative selection

of T-cells. In contrast, the protective genotypes (such as HLA-DQ6.2) bind with a higher affinity to

the anti-genetic peptides. It is noteworthy that HLA-DQ3.2 is an unstable Class II dimer which in turn

leads to an insufficient anti-genetic peptide binding (3). In conclusion, patients with the DR3/DR4

heterozygous genotype seem to have a higher genetic risk to develop T1DM. A possible explanation

for this observation is that there may be a higher number of auto-reactive T-cells (3).

However, it remains unlikely that only one self-peptide antigen is responsible for triggering the

disease. Therefore suggestions have been made for the implication of several other genes in the

pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus. These genes include the MIC-A gene and the HLA-A, HLA-

B, HLA-C gene on the class I region. (3, 6). furthermore, it has been suggested that the HLA-A gene


increases the risk to the development of T1DM independently of the HLA class II region (6). TNF-α

and TNF-β on the class III locus may also play a role in the development of T1DM (3). Another

problem with the theory considering the role of the HLA system in the development of T1DM is that

this theory does not give an explanation for the specificity of the T-cells to the pancreatic organ. As a

result it can be stated that the underlying mechanisms of the development of T1DM are not yet fully


In the previous section we have described that the HLA system contributes for 50 percent of the

inherited disease risk. An interesting question that arises from this observation is of what possible

genes the other 50 percent consists. As we have described earlier, several genes have been proposed to

play part in the inheritance of T1DM. These genes include the insulin gene, the PTPN22 gene, the

IL2RA gene and the CTLA4 gene (11, 12, 25). However, the role of some of these suggested genes in

the development of T1DM still needs to be confirmed. In this study we will not discuss these genes

extensively because this would carry us too far, we will only consider the role of the HLA system in

the development of T1DM.

In conclusion, the association between the HLA system and the development to T1DM has been

confirmed by many studies. It is certain that the patient’s HLA genotype has an influence on the

genetic susceptibility to the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus.


II.3 Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy

As we have indicated in the previous section it has been suggested that many genetic factors, including

the HLA system, play a major role in the susceptibility to the development of T1DM. However, it

remains uncertain if the type of HLA explains as well the genetic risk of the associated diabetic

microvascular complications like diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy. This hypothesis is

still highly controversial and needs to be further addressed thoroughly in the near future.

II.3.1 Diabetic retinopathy

II.3.1.1 Prevalence and incidence

Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of acquired blindness in the Western world (5, 16, 22, 31).

According to a study performed in the UK and in Wales, diabetic retinopathy is responsible for 5,9

percent of the causes of blindness and for 7,4 percent of the causes of partial sight (32). Diabetic

retinopathy is the third most important cause for blindness and partial sight. Only age related macula

degeneration and glaucoma are a more prevalent cause for blindness and partial sight (32). Almost all

patients with T1DM will develop a form of retinopathy after twenty years of disease (5, 15, 22). After

ten years of disease duration 35,9 percent of the patients will develop diabetic retinopathy (33). All of

the patients with T1DM and a disease duration of 20 years will have a degree of diabetic retinopathy

(31). Although many patients have severe eye complications, only a small percentage is actually blind

(22, 34). The ocular complications are observed in the retina, the lens and in a lesser extent in the

external ocular muscles (31).

II.3.1.2 Clinical course of diabetic retinopathy

Here we will address the different forms of diabetic retinopathy. These include non-proliferative

diabetic retinopathy, pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, proliferative diabetic retinopathy and

diabetic macular edema. Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) is the first sign of diabetic

retinopathy and is defined by exudates, micro aneurisms and hemorrhages. The NPDR form of

retinopathy can further evolve into pre-proliferative retinopathy. This form of retinopathy might

deteriorate and subsequently lead to proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Besides the outcome of

the successive forms of retinopathy, proliferative retinopathy can also be the first sign of diabetic

retinopathy. Proliferative retinopathy is characterized by the proliferation of retinal blood vessels (22).

Other risks associated with this form of diabetic retinopathy include the distortion of the retina, retinal

detachment and vitreous hemorrhages (5, 22). The PDR form is the most severe form of all the

different types of the diabetic retinopathy disease and leads to blindness within 5 to 10 years when the

patients are not treated for this complication (15). Another form of diabetic retinopathy is diabetic

macular edema (DME) (5). This form of diabetic retinopathy is based on an increased retinal vascular


permeability that results in the loss of the central vision ability and/or the non-perfusion of the

capillary vessels (22).

Secondly, T1DM can also influence the metabolism of the lens, this can provoke cataract disease. The

patients diagnosed with cataract will gradually loose visual acuity (31). The disease can also implicate

the iris, also known as rubeosis iridis, whereby abundant new vessels are produced in the iris. Another

cause of vision loss is diabetic neuropathy, which is characterized by temporal ptosis or diplopia

(double vision) (31).

It is noteworthy that not all patients with T1DM develop the same degree of severity of retinopathy.

An explanation for the variation in severity can for 6,6 percent be clarified by a difference in the

HbA1c level. However, it is important to realize that the HbA1c does not describe fluctuations in

glycemia. It only provides us with an average glycemic level over the last 2 to 3 months. An important

observation is that inefficient control of the glucose levels increases both the incidence and

progression of diabetic retinopathy (15). A second explanation for the difference in severity is the

duration of disease, which accounts for 11 percent of the variation in disease severity (35). Another

risk factor for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema (DME) is hypertension. It is estimated

that 10 mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure decreases the risk to DR by 35 percent (16).

However, the duration of the disease together with the glycemic control are the two most important

factors for developing diabetic retinopathy (15, 22, 36). Other possible risk factors for the

development of diabetic retinopathy are overt nephropathy, the triglyceride and high-density

lipoprotein ratio (TC/HDL) and the apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein A1 ratio (ApoB/ApoA1).

Whereby the TC/HDL ratio and overt nephropathy are considered to be risk factors for diabetic

macular edema and the ApoB/ApoA1 ratio for diabetic retinopathy in general (33). However, this

hypothesis remains controversial because some studies disagree with this postulated hypothesis (33).

In addition, many studies have also documented a dissimilarity in the risk between the different ethnic

origins. The risk of the development and the severity of diabetic retinopathy appears to be higher in

patients with the African American, Hispanic and south Asian origin (16).

Other possibilities that might explain the remaining percentages of the observed variation in the

severity are genetic factors, environmental toxins, lifestyle factors (like obesity and alcohol

consumption) and the metabolic consequences of insulinemia (like the increase in free fatty acids) (35).

In this thesis we will further investigate the HLA system as a genetic susceptibility factor in the

development of diabetic retinopathy.


II.3.1.3 The pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy

The continuous exposure to high glycemic levels triggers a cascade which ultimately leads to the

disease of retinopathy. Other risk factors like hypertension might influence this cascade as well.

Because the different sequential steps in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy form important

targets for several new therapeutic drugs directed against pathway dependent molecules, it stays

essential to understand properly the underlying mechanism of the pathogenesis.

In T1DM, the high glycemic level induces for instance the buildup of sorbitol, the advanced glycation

end-products (AGE), oxidative stress, protein kinase C (PKC) activation, inflammation and the

activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). All these mediators play a key role in the

pathogenesis of vascular endothelial dysfunction (16) (figure III). The endothelial dysfunction is

characterized by basement membrane thickening, increased capillary permeability and micro-

aneurysms (14). Because of these changes the retina will become ischemic. As a consequence of the

retinal ischemia several molecules are induced, these include the vascular endothelial growth factor

(VEGF), the carbonic anhydrases, the growth hormone-insulin growth factor (GH-IGF) and

erythropoietin (EPO). The increased levels of VEGF and GH-IGF can lead to macular edema and

retinal neovascularization. Retinal neovascularization can ultimately be followed by the proliferative

diabetic retinopathy disease. As shown in the figure III, erythropoietin (EPO) is a possible independent

factor for neovascularization. Because it has been shown that patients with diabetic retinopathy have

an increased level of extracellular carbonic anhydrases the role of carbonic anhydrases inhibitors in the

risk prevention of diabetic retinopathy needs to be further explored (figure III) (16).

In summary, hyperglycemia induces vascular endothelial dysfunction which can lead to retinal

neovascularization and increased vascular permeability and whereby hypertension may independently

influence the development of diabetic retinopathy. The changes in the vascular endothelium may

ultimately lead to diabetic macular edema and proliferative diabetic retinopathy.


Figure III. Pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy.

Hyperglycemia initiates a cascade that leads to vascular endothelial dysfunction. This subsequently results in

retinal ischemia and increased vascular permeability, which are enhanced by hypertension. Retinal ischemia

induces several molecules that enhance the vascular permeability together with the induction of retinal

neovascularization. This respectively leads to diabetic macular edema and PDR complications. Abbreviations:

AGE, advanced glycation end-products; PKC, protein kinase C; RAS, renin-angiotensin system; CA, carbonic

anhydrase; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; GH-IGF, growth hormone–insulin growth factor; EPO,

erythropoietin; PDR, proliferative diabetic retinopathy; VH, vitreous hemorrhage; RD, retinal detachment

(Adapted from (16)).

II.3.1.4 Genetic susceptibility of diabetic retinopathy

As it is according to certain studies for diabetic nephropathy, it might be possible that diabetic

retinopathy aggregates in families as well. First evidence for this suggested heritability of the disease

came from Looker et al. in 2007, which provided proof that diabetic retinopathy might cluster in

families. This study has suggested that a region on chromosome 1p might contain a possible genetic

locus for the susceptibility of diabetic retinopathy (37). Another study suggested that genes like the

insulin gene, the aldose reductase gene, the nitric oxide synthase gene, the gene for the receptor of

advanced glycation end products, the angiotensin converting enzyme gene, the vitamin-D receptor

gene and the HLA system might play a role in the susceptibility of diabetic retinopathy. However, the

role of some of these suggested genes still needs to be confirmed (36). In contrast, a study performed

in 2008 found no major loci after the execution of a genome wide screening, which is often the case

for multifactorial diseases (15). Besides the familial clustering, there are several other findings that

also contribute to the assumption of this heritability. One study confirmed an increased risk of

developing PDR in siblings of patients diagnosed with PDR as a consequence of T1DM (15). Another


study mentioned that the stage of DR was similar in twins with T1DM (38). Arar et al. (2008) found a

concordance in families considering the presence of DR and the type of retinal lesions (22).

These recent findings direct us to the assumption that the susceptibility of diabetic retinopathy is, as

type 1 diabetes mellitus itself, partially genetically determined.

II.3.2 Diabetic nephropathy

II.3.2.1 Prevalence and incidence

Diabetic nephropathy is another microvascular complication of type 1 diabetes mellitus and leads to

the impairment of the kidney function. 15 percent of the patients with T1DM will develop diabetic

nephropathy after 30 years of disease duration (17). Diabetic nephropathy is the most important cause

of end stage renal disease (ESDR) and occurs in 7,7 percent of the patients with type 1 diabetes

mellitus after 30 years (5). One out of three patients with severe nephropathy will develop ESDR (39).

Today, it is clear that the implication of diabetic nephropathy is very important. For instance, 40

percent of the patients undergoing dialysis are diabetics in the United States of America (22) and the

highest mortality levels are seen in patients that develop signs of nephropathy (17, 34). The overall

risk of cardiovascular disease is 37 times higher in patients with T1DM that have overt proteinuria


II.3.2.2 Clinical course of diabetic nephropathy

When the diagnosis of T1DM is made, most patients do not yet show signs of diabetic nephropathy

like microalbuminuria. Contradictory, one out of three patients has an elevated glomerular filtration

rate (GFR). The elevated filtration might be the result of an expansion of the total glomerular capillary

surface at the time of diagnosis, which is likely induced by the insulin-like-growth-factor (ILGF) (40).

Indeed, when patients at this stage were treated with insulin, the glucose levels subsequently

normalized, and the GFR was decreased within a few days to weeks (40).

Patients with T1DM whereby the glycemic level is insufficiently controlled may develop the clinical

symptom of microalbuminuria. Microalbuminuria is a protein concentration between 30 and 300 mg in

a 24 hours urine collection. The abnormal presence of protein in the urine is the result of an increased

glomerular filtration pressure (14). Microalbuminuria is observed in 2 to 20 percent of the patients

with a disease duration of 10 years, and in 30 percent of the patients with a disease duration of 20

years (17). Upon manifestation of the microalbuminuria complication it is essential to intervene by a

proper metabolic control, by the lowering of the cholesterol level and by reducing the blood pressure

in case of hypertension. It was shown that 50 percent of the adolescent patients demonstrated a

regression of the clinical manifestation of microalbuminuria after 3 to 10 years, when the previously

described risk factors of diabetic nephropathy were treated (5).


Besides a bad metabolic control and hypertension, there are other factors that may lead to

microalbuminuria. These possible factors include obesity, intense exercise, disease duration, heart

failure, several acute and chronic diseases (40). Because the day to day variance in microalbuminuria

is 30 to 50 percent, it appears that one measurement is not sufficient to make the symptom related

diagnosis of microalbuminuria in patients with T1DM. When microalbuminuria persists, the yearly

increase of the protein level in the urine is 20 percent. At this stage it is very crucial to carefully

control the blood pressure, because there is a direct link between the lowering of the blood pressure

and the decrease of microalbuminuria (40).

When the kidney function further deteriorates and a protein level of more than 300 mg in 24 urine

collection is found, patients are diagnosed with macroalbuminuria. If the macroalbuminuria persists,

patients can be diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is clinically defined by a

decrease in GFR, a high arterial blood pressure and persistent albuminuria (22, 40). It still remains

important to improve the metabolic control, because the normalization of the glucose level directly

results in the lowering of the progression rate of diabetic nephropathy (40). Diabetic nephropathy has

a poor prognosis, because proteinuria often correlates with vascular endothelial dysfunction together

with an increased cardiovascular risk (14).

II.3.2.3 The pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy

Initially, it was believed that diabetic nephropathy was a chronic degenerative disease. This

assumption was refuted by Bohle et al. in 1991. They have found monocytes, macrophages, T-cells

and fibroblasts in renal biopsy specimens from 488 patients with diabetic glomerulosclerosis (41). Due

to their observation the view on the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy has been entirely changed.

Now it is assumed that there is a clear immunological role in the development and progression of

diabetic nephropathy.

Similar to what we have described for the risk of diabetic retinopathy complications (see section II.3.1)

hyperglycemia and hypertension are as well considered to be two important causal factors for diabetic

nephropathy (14). However, it is believed that hypertension is an independent causal factor in the

progression of diabetic nephropathy (14).

The pathology of diabetic nephropathy is identical in T1DM and T2DM, regarding the renal lesions

(42). Renal lesions include a thickening of the glomerular and tubular basement membrane, expansion

of tubule-interstitial and mesangial compartments and afferent and efferent glomerular arterial

hyalinosis. The hyalinosis of the arteries can lead to smooth muscle replacement in the small vessels

(40, 42). The presence of these lesions can initiate glomerular hyperfiltration, which can be followed

by microalbuminuria and can ultimately lead to a decrease in renal function (14, 42). The cell types

that are affected by the changes typical for diabetic nephropathy include the glomerular podocytes, the


mesangial and the endothelial cells, the tubular epithelium cells, the vascular endothelium cells and the

interstitial fibroblasts (42). It has been suggested that all these different cell types react to an increase

in the glucose level in the blood stream by activating the same intracellular pathway (42) (see figure

IV). This pathway triggers the increase in polyols (an alcohol containing multiple hydroxyl groups)

and hexosamines (an amino sugar), the production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) the

activity of protein kinase C (PKC), the TGF-β-Smad-MAPK signaling pathway and the G-proteins.

This pathway also causes an altered expression of the cyclin kinases, the inhibitors of cyclin kinases,

the matrix degrading enzymes and the inhibitors of matrix degrading enzymes. The final result of the

damage caused by hyperglycemia to the kidney is increased synthesis and deposition of extracellular

matrix (ECM). It is possible that the reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a central signaling point in all

these pathways. ROS will magnify the damage initiated by the hyperglycemia and ROS might also be

responsible for activating the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). In addition, the activation of the RAS

signaling pathway will further compromise the renal function (42).

Figure IV. The pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy.

The increase of the glucose level in the blood stream induces several metabolic events. These events lead to the

synthesis of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and the activation of protein kinase C (PKC). As a result

the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are generated. Next, ROS, PKC and

AGEs induce different forms of cell signaling and activate various transcription factors and cytokines. This leads

to abnormal transcription/translation of different genes that play a role in cell growth, angiogenesis, extracellular

matrix (ECM) production, apoptosis and filtration. Ultimately, these abnormalities will contribute to the

complications associated with diabetic nephropathy. Abbreviations: ROS, reactive oxygen species; RNS,

reactive nitrogen species; AGEs, advanced glycation end products; PKC, protein kinase C; ECM, extracellular

matrix (adapted from (42)).


In summary, hyperglycemia interferes with the autoregulation of the glomerular circulation whereby

hypertension exacerbates the damage caused by hyperglycemia. Both metabolic (the activation of

intracellular pathways) and hemodynamic (activation of the RAS system) changes induce diabetic

nephropathy (42).

II.3.2.4 Genetic susceptibility of diabetic nephropathy

Several strong suggestions have been proposed, which assume that there is a possible role for genetic

factors in the susceptibility of diabetic nephropathy (22, 43). These suggestions arose from the

observation that end stage renal disease (ESDR), albuminuria and chronic kidney disease aggregate in

families. This aggregation can be explained by genetic factors and/or environmental factors (43). To

date, genome wide scans in order to research the susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy in type 1

diabetes mellitus have been performed (43-45). These scans suggested the presence of susceptibility

genes for diabetic nephropathy on chromosomal regions like 3q, chromosome 7 and chromosome 20.

The genes on the chromosomal 3q region include the glucose transporter gene, the kininogen gene and

the adiponectin gene. Polymorphisms in theses susceptibility genes might be responsible for the

susceptibility to T1DM (43). The implication of the adiponectin gene (or ADIPOQ) was confirmed by

another study. Adiponectin is a hormone that plays a role in the glucose regulation and fatty acid

catabolism. One study demonstrates that adiponectin in combination with the hormone leptin can lead

to a reversion of the insulin resistance in mice (46). As a consequence of the low adiponectin levels in

patients with diabetes, it appears that these patients have a higher susceptibility to diseases such as

atherosclerosis. Because atherosclerosis is considered to be a risk factor for diabetic nephropathy, it

might be that adiponectin acts as an indirect risk factor for diabetic nephropathy as well (43).

Other suspected genes that may play a role in diabetic nephropathy are the DR-B1 gene, the DQ-A1

gene, the DQ-B1 gene (all located on chromosome 6) and the insulin gene which is situated on

chromosome 11 (39). Another study proposes that DN has positive and negative associations with the

A2, B8, B15, DR4 and DR3/4 genes of the HLA gene system (47). There might also be a role for

changes in the hormone levels, the vasoactive peptides, the cytokines and the growth factors (47) .

In summary, a lot of assumptions have been made for the genetic susceptibility to diabetic

nephropathy. These assumptions are mostly based on the finding that DN clusters in families. To date,

several genes, including the HLA gene system, have been suggested to be responsible for the genetic

susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy.


II.3.3 The association between diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy often coexist (22). Their association is partially based

on the findings that both microvascular complications share the same predisposing factors. It has been

suggested that diabetic retinopathy can be predicted by the observed microalbuminuria in patients with

type 1 diabetes mellitus. There are two possible explanations for the coexisting of DN and DR. It is

possible that diabetic nephropathy acts as an independent risk factor for diabetic retinopathy. The other

explanation is the important role of hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is in both complications the

initiator of the disease pathway (as shown in figure IV and V). Another observation is that patients

with severe diabetic nephropathy have a more advanced form of diabetic retinopathy (22). As an

illustration: blindness as the result of diabetic retinopathy is 2 to 5 times more prevalent in patients

with nephropathy than in patients with microalbuminuria alone (40). Furthermore, patients that

undergo renal transplantation or start with dialysis have a stabilization of the visual function (15).

II.4 Research aims

The main objective of this study was to unravel a linkage between the HLA-DQ genotype and both

microvascular complications, i.e. diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy. The two

complications can lead to severe dysfunctions of the eye (vision impairment) and the kidney (end

stage renal disease). The function of the HLA system in the development of the late complications in

type 1 diabetes mellitus remains controversial because there were a lot of contradicting results

published. Nevertheless, the exact determination of the role of the HLA system in the development of

these complications can help us understand the underlying mechanisms of the pathogenesis associated

with the microvascular complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Finding all the pieces of the puzzle

will tremendously improve our ability to identify patients with a high risk to these microvascular

complications. Once these patients are identified, they could be screened more often and more

thoroughly while they strive towards a more tight metabolic control. Thus a better understanding of

the involved parameters will be outermost beneficial to the patients as well as to the health care system

expenses. In order to accomplish our objective, we have studied the data of 40 patients with type 1

diabetes mellitus in Ghent, Belgium. In our analysis, we have also included other parameters of which

it is believed that there is an influence on the pathogenesis of the microvascular complications.



III.1 Patient recruitment

This study about the correlation between the HLA-DQ system and the late complications in patients

with type 1 diabetes’ was approved by the local Ethical Committee of Ghent University. It concerns a

retrospective, nonrandomized study and was held in Flanders, Belgium. More specific, most of the

patients frequent the Ghent University Hospital. Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus from the

department endocrinology were consistently contacted. The participating patients were verbally

informed about the procedures and the goals of the study. After giving this information an informed

consent was sent to the patient’s home or it was provided during the consultation. We obtained a

written informed consent of all the patients participating in this study.

III.2 Study population

The diagnosis of T1DM in the Ghent University Hospital is made according to the WHO criteria (see

introduction). The implemented exclusion criteria in this study were a disease duration of less than 10

years, patients with diabetes other than type 1, a disease onset after 30 years of age and patients with

incomplete data. To date, we obtained complete data of 40 patients and these were used for our

statistical analysis.

III.3 Collection of data

We tried to obtain of all patients the data of the HbA1c value, the islet autoantibody levels, the

smoking habits, the blood pressure status, the HLA-DQ genotype, the retinopathy status and the

nephropathy status.

III.3.1 HLA-DQ typing and islet autoantibodies, the Belgian Diabetes Registry

To acquire the HLA-DQ type of the patients, we have contacted the Belgian Diabetes Registry (BDR).

The BDR determines the HLA-DQ type in newly diagnosed patients with diabetes preferably after the

first week of diagnosis and until 18 months. The BDR also checks the HLA-DQ type of the first

degree relatives. In both cases the patients have to be younger than 40 years. During the registration of

the new diagnosed patients and their first degree relatives, they receive information about the purpose

of the BDR whereby the patients are asked to sign an informed consent. (www.bdronline.be). The

general purpose of the BDR is the evaluation of the incidence and prevalence numbers related to the

diabetes disease, the research of markers that might be useful during the treatment of T1DM, the study

Patients that agreed to

participate in the current

study (84 patients)

Patients with T1DM

in the UZ of Ghent

Patients with complete

data for analysis

(40 patients)


of the natural course of type 1 diabetes mellitus and the identification of the people at risk for the

development of diabetes or the identification of patients prone to the complications of diabetes.

Patients who are registered at the BDR are the first possible candidates for studies that involve beta-

cell transplantation.

In order to perform the HLA-DQ typing and to analyze the antibody level, a blood sample from the

patient is needed at the time of diagnosis. The method that is applied for the HLA-DQ typing by the

BDR is the non-radioactive allele specific oligo-hybridization technique. This method involves a DNA

amplification step which is followed by a dot-blot hybridization with an allele-specific probe (48). The

procedure used to measure the autoantibody level of the islet cell cytoplasmic antibodies (ICA) is the

indirect immunofluorescense, while the method used to detect the antibodies against the IA-2 protein,

the 65-kDa glutamate cecarboxylase and the insulin is the liquid-phase radiobinding assay (49).

III.3.2 Smoking habits and blood pressure

Information about the smoking habits and the blood pressure was retrieved from the data of the

Electronic Patient Record. The blood pressure status was further divided into hypertension and

normotension. Hypertension was defined as a blood pressure higher than 140/90. Patients were also

categorized under ‘hypertension’ if they were taking anti-hypertensive drugs. The importance of the

blood pressure in the development and progression of microvascular complications in T1DM has been

described in the introduction. Information about the smoking habits was categorized into smoker and

non-smokers. Patients that had been smoking previously to the study were categorized under smokers.

III.3.3 HbA1c

In the Ghent University Hospital the HbA1c is used as a parameter for the evaluation of the metabolic

control during T1DM. As mentioned in the introduction, metabolic control has an influence on the

development of the microvascular complications associated with T1DM. The HbA1c values were

determined in the blood samples of the patients whereby HbA1c levels greater than 6.5 percent were

considered as abnormal. The general goal in diabetic patients is to maintain an HbA1c value less than

7 percent.

III.3.4 Determination of retinopathy

During the two years (2010-2012) of this study, all the patients underwent an eye exam. Information

about this eye exam was retrieved from the Electronic Patient Record within the Ghent University

Hospital or via the patients’ ophthalmologists. All the patients have given their permission to contact

their ophthalmologists concerning the information about the eye exam. The patients were invited to a

free eye exam if they did not have visited their ophthalmologists within the last two years. As a result,

we obtained up to date information about the patients’ eye status. For the eye examination, the

ophthalmologists used the dilated funduscopic method.


III.3.5 Determination of nephropathy

In order to investigate the nephropathy status we have checked the creatinin level, the creatinuria level

and the albuminuria level in the Electronic Patient Record. We determined the degree of proteinuria

with the use of the formula “urinary albumin concentration x urine volume / urine collection time”.

The possible outcomes of this formula were no albuminuria, microalbuminuria (an outcome between

20 and 200 µg/min) and macroalbuminuria (an outcome bigger than 200 µg/min). However, due to

missing data of the urine volume and the urine collection time we were obliged to sometimes use the

albumin - creatinin ratio. The outcome of this equation was classified as microalbuminuria when a

ratio higher than 2,5 in men or a ratio higher than 3,5 in women was reached. An outcome that

exceeded the value of 30 was defined as macroalbuminuria. Because none of the patients had

macroalbuminuria, we have categorized patients with microalbuminuria under diabetic nephropathy in

this study.

III.4 Statistical analysis

Our data was consistently analyzed with the statistical software packet SPSS version 19.0. We have

evaluated the patient characteristics by making use of several descriptive and frequency tables. We

have carried out various Q-Q plots and Shapiro-Wilk tests on our continuous variables to see if they

were Gaussian divided. On the categorical variables we have applied the Χ² goodness-of-fit-test to

check if the values were divided as expected. The analytical tests that we have used to verify our

hypothesis concerning the HLA-DQ types were the Mann-Whitney U test for the continuous variables

and the Fisher’s exact test for the categorical variables. For all the applied tests we have set the

significance level of p at 0.05.

III.5 Literature

Relevant articles were found in the PubMed database and in the Web of Science database. The search

terms that we have applied in these databases were first evaluated in the Mesh database. Interesting

articles were also obtained with the option ‘related articles’. Additional information about diabetes,

diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy was found in books (i.e. in the library of ophthalmology,

UZ Ghent; in the library of health sciences, UZ Ghent). Relevant articles were selected on the basis of

the amount of citations, the impact of the journal, the relevance of the abstract and the publication date.


Figure IV. Boxplot of the disease duration.

The mean value of the disease duration was 16 years while the

median value was 15 years.


To date, 84 patients agreed to participate in our study where the association between the HLA-DQ

genotypes and the late complications in patients with T1DM was investigated. Because we did not

acquire all the records of these 84 patients, we have analyzed and worked with the data of only 40

patients. Of the 84 patients we only achieved the complete data on 24 patients. Most of the missing

data includes the information of the diabetic nephropathy and the diabetic retinopathy status, and we

have therefore analyzed these microvascular complications separately.

IV.1 Patient characteristics

Of the 40 patients that were implemented in this study, 47,5 percent were males and 52,5 percent were

females. The information about blood pressure status was available for 25 patients. Of these 25

patients, 44 percent had an elevated blood pressure. Data about the smoking habits was known of 20

patients, whereof 30 percent actually smoked or had smoked before. Diabetic retinopathy was

diagnosed in 4 patients, which represents 12,9 percent of the patient population. In addition, 5 patients

were diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy, which accounts for 15,2 percent of the patient population.

Another important parameter was the disease duration. The mean value of the disease duration was

16,4 years (with a standard deviation of 6,714) (figure V). Furthermore, 50 percent of the patients had

a disease duration shorter than 15 years. A detailed overview of the patients’ characteristics is given in

table II and table III.


Other parameters that we have studied in these 40 patients include the glycated hemoglobin level, the

age at the time of diagnosis and the autoantibodies. The mean hemoglobin A1c level was 8,2941

percent (with a St.D. of 1,13803) (see figure VI). We have calculated the mean value of the age at the

time of diagnosis of T1DM and have found that it was 9 years (with a St.D. of 5,646). We also looked

at the autoantibody levels, to see if they have an influence on the microvascular complications in

T1DM. We have noticed that not all the patients contained all the autoantibodies. The mean level of

IAA was 12,9735 units/mL and was present in 34 patients. Whereas ICA positivity was found in 26

patients, with a mean ICA level of 105,9962 units/mL. In addition, we also looked at the GADA level,

which was found in 31 patients. Its mean value was 136,9710 units/mL. Furthermore, the mean value

of the IA2A level present in 29 patients was 178,4896 units/mL.

To evaluate the kidney function we looked at the creatinin level, the creatinuria level and the

albuminuria level. The mean value of the creatinin level was available in 33 patients and was 0,7764

mg/dL. The mean value of the creatinuria level, found in 22 patients, was 104,5638 mg/dL. Finally,

the mean value of the albuminuria level was 13,3254 mg/dL whereby albuminuria status was available

in 35 patients.

Figure VI. Boxplot of the HemoglobinA1c level.

The mean value of the hemoglobin A1c level was 8 %, the median

value was 8 % as well.


Table II. Descriptive statistics of the categorical variables in our patient population.

Table III. Descriptive statistics of the continuous variables in our patient population.

Frequency Percent (%) Valid percent (%)

Gender Male












Blood pressure

















Smoking habits Non-smoker

















No retinopathy

































Disease duration <15 years

>15 years











N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Hemoglobin A1c (%) 34 6,60 11,40 8,2941 1,13803

Age at time of diagnosis

(years) 40 0 27 9,05 5,646

Disease duration (years) 40 10 45 16,38 6,688

IAA (units/ml) 34 ,10 54,70 12,9735 17,29805

ICA (units/ml) 26 ,00 800,00 105,9962 160,98060

GADA (units/ml) 31 ,10 2280,40 136,9710 452,11970

IA2A (units/ml) 29 -,17 1642,00 178,4896 400,68014

Creatinin (mg/dL) 33 ,49 1,18 ,7764 ,14688

Creatinuria (mg/dL) 22 15,38 232,75 104,5638 56,07318

Albuminuria (mg/dL) 35 4,00 46,40 13,3254 9,30854


Another crucial determinant in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus is the HLA-DQ genotype.

Because our investigation deals with the association between microvascular complications and HLA-

DQ, we were fortunate to have information of the different HLA-DQ types in 40 patients. The

prevalence of the different HLA-DQ types in percentages is given in the figure VII. From this graph,

we have taken our findings concerning the different HLA-DQ genotypes in our population. To be

complete, we also included table XIII in the addendum that displays the prevalence of the HLA-DQ

types in numbers. Thus in figure VII, we surveyed that the HLA-DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2

genotype, with a prevalence of 27,5 percent, is the most prevalent amongst the patients with type 1

diabetes mellitus. The second place, which is responsible for 12,5 percent of all the genotypes is the

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.2 genotype. The third most prevalent genotype is the DQA4-

DQB2/DQA4-DQB2 genotype and represents 10 percent of the population. As expected and

mentioned in the introduction, these three genotypes are the most susceptible haplotypes for the

development of type 1 diabetes mellitus.


Figure VII. Counting of the HLA-DQ genotypes in our patient population.

The different HLA-DQ genotypes in our patient population were counted and individual percentages were

calculated. The most prevalent genotypes are shown at the top of the graph. Percentages of each HLA-DQ

genotype are indicated next to the bars.


Figure VIII. A bar chart of the number of patients with the

different HLA genotypes.

On the x-axis we depict the different HLA genotypes stratified for the

risk associated with the disease. The y-axis shows the numbers of

patients. The actual patient numbers are depicted at the top of each bar.

We have also mentioned in the

introduction that there are

differences in the risk to develop

T1DM related to the multiple HLA-

DQ types, see section II.2 of the

introduction. Multiple findings in

various studies have correlated

some of the HLA-DQ types with a

high risk to T1DM and are called

susceptible, while others are rather

protective (table I in section II.2).

Analogous to this categorization,

we have divided the different HLA-

DQ types present in our database

into three categories depending on

the risk to develop T1DM, i.e. (1)

the susceptible HLA-DQ genotypes,

(2) the protective HLA-DQ

genotypes and (3) the neutral or rare

HLA-DQ genotypes (see figure VIII and IX). We could clearly observe that the so called protective

genotypes have the lowest prevalence of all three genotypes and this genotype is detected in only 5 out

of the 40 patients. The most prevalent HLA-DQ genotypes were found in the susceptible group and

represents more than 50 percent of the patients, corresponding to 23 out of 40 patients. The group in

the middle, accounting for 12 out of 40 patients, was the group with the neutral or rare genotypes.

Figure IX. Classification of the encountered HLA-DQ genotypes according to risk.


Another interesting observation is to see how the mean values differ between patients with and

without diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. Concerning gender, it is striking that most patients with

complications are females. This might be due to recruitment bias because it has been suggested that

there is a male predominance in microvascular complications (see introduction). It is remarkable that

the mean disease duration is much longer in diabetic retinopathy, in the part of the analysis more will

explore this difference. It seems that the IAA levels are much lower in patients with diabetic

microvascular complications. We have to keep in mind that mean values in non Gaussian divided

variables aren’t always reliable, it is better to look at the median values of such variables. This is why,

although it seems a big difference, we will see that the p-value for this difference will be bigger than

0,05 and therefore the association is not significant. The GADA levels seem to be much higher in

patients without any microvascular complications. In the analytical part of the results we will discuss

this further, there we will see that the median values of the GADA levels are much higher in patients

with microvascular complications. We can also observe that the creatinin level and the creatinuria

level are higher in patients with diabetic retinopathy, it will appear in section IV.3 that this difference

is not significant. Albuminuria is much higher in patients with diabetic nephropathy, as expected.

These observations are displayed in table IV.

diabetic nephropathy diabetic retinopathy

no nephropathy nephropathy no retinopathy retinopathy

Count Mean Count Mean Count Mean Count Mean

gender male 14 1 15 1

female 14 4 12 3

HbA1c (%) 8,19 8,60 8,35 7,85

age at the time of

disease onset (years)

8 9 8 10

disease duration


16 13 14 30

IAA (units/ml) 15,58 5,82 15,71 ,55

ICA (units/ml) 85,96 64,22 90,37 103,00

GADA (units/ml) 157,81 44,88 125,67 7,30

IA2A (units/ml) 127,37 213,37 173,07 ,29

Creatinin (mg/dL) ,79 ,73 ,74 ,83

Creatinuria (mg/dL) 103,22 129,02 106,67 63,16

Albuminuria (mg/dL) 10,11 35,09 15,91 9,18

Table IV. The patient characteristics according to their microvascular complication status.


IV.2 Analysis of the variables

In this section we have explored how the different variables, which are possibly involved in T1DM,

were statistically divided in our population. For the categorical variables we have used the Χ²

goodness-of-fit test to verify if they were randomly distributed. The categorical variables consist of the

blood pressure status, the smoking habits, gender, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, the HLA

type divided in three categories and the duration divided in two categories. We have used the Q-Q plot

and the Shapiro-Wilk test to check whether our continuous variables were Gaussian divided. The

continuous variables include the mean HbA1c value, the duration of the disease, age at the time of

disease diagnosis, the GADA levels, the IAA levels, the IA2A levels, the ICA levels, the creatinin, the

creatinuria and the albuminuria.

The results of the Χ² statistical test, which is considered to be significant when the p-level is smaller

than 0.05, are given in the table V. A significant outcome was found for diabetic retinopathy (p <

0.0005), for diabetic nephropathy (p<0.0005) and for the HLA-DQ genotype grouped according to risk

to T1DM (p=0.002). This means that for these categorical variables, the values in both groups are

different than would be expected on the principle of randomness.

Table V. Chi-square goodness-of-fit test applied to the categorical variables.

Abbreviations: Χ², chi-square test; Df, degrees of freedom; Sig, significance.

A p-level of the Shapiro-Wilk test higher than 0.05, means that the variables are Gaussian divided. A

Gaussian distribution was not observed for the IAA levels, the ICA levels, the GADA levels and the

IA2A levels. The p-value for these variables was smaller than 0.05. Therefore, we can say that these

variables are probably not Gaussian divided. A plausible explanation for this finding might be a high

prevalence of outliers in these variables. A detailed overview of the varying p-levels of the Shapiro-

Wilk test is given in the table XVIII in the addendum.

Next we have investigated a possible association between the variables. To obtain this information we

performed a correlation analysis (spearman’s correlation coefficient). Using this correlation analysis,

we have found that several variables were indeed linked. The associated p-level of the different

variables can be seen in table VI whereby significance level of the p-value is set at < 0.05.








retinopathy nephropathy



at risk duration

Χ² ,100 ,360 3,200 17,065 16,030 12,350 0,000

Df 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

Sig. ,752 ,549 ,074 ,000 ,000 ,002 1,000


Variable Variable P-level

Diabetic retinopathy Smoking habits 0.044

Disease duration 0.001

Disease duration dichotomized 0.017

Disease duration dichotomized IAA <0.0005

ICA 0.040

Creatinin 0.029

Albuminuria 0.017

Gender IA2A 0.048

Blood pressure status Smoking habits 0.048

ICA 0.014

Diabetic nephropathy GADA 0.018

Albuminuria <0.0005

Age at time of disease onset IAA 0.002

Smoking habits 0.035

ICA 0.021

Disease duration IAA 0.002

GADA 0.049

Creatinin 0.004

IAA Creatinin 0.04

Albuminuria 0.043

ICA IA2A 0.013

Albuminuria Creatinin 0.027

Creatinuria 0.023

Table VI. A correlation analysis of the different variables that were significant.

The p-value is given for each couple of variables that had a significant correlation.

Next, we checked for some of the dichotomy variables if the mean value in the two groups was

significantly different. The statistical tests that we used were the Fisher’s exact test for categorical

variables and the Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables. We first did this for gender, and

didn’t find any significant differences between the previous discussed variables for males and females.

Secondly we preformed these tests for blood pressure, where we have found a significant result for the

ICA levels (p=0.020). This means that the mean values of the ICA levels were different in the patients

with hypertension versus patients with a normal blood pressure. Next, we have found an association

between the smoking habits of the patients and the age at the time of diagnosis (p=0.039). The

meaning of this association is not clear. We have also found significant differences in the mean values

of the IAA levels between smokers and non smokers (p=0.009). We did not find any significant results

for the different variables with the HLA-DQ type.


IV.3 Analytical tests

IV.3.1 Analytical tests for the microvascular complications

In this part of the statistical analysis, we have determined whether the microvascular complications

have an association with several categorical and continuous variables. We have mentioned these

variables in section IV.1. We previously defined the microvascular complications as nephropathy,

retinopathy and neuropathy. We have only investigated the nephropathy and retinopathy complications,

because diabetic neuropathy falls out of the scope of this study. The statistical tests that we have used

are the Fisher’s exact test for the categorical variables and the Mann-Whitney U test for the continuous

variables, whereby both the complications were evaluated as one group. As a consequence of our

limited database of patients, we had to group the different HLA-DQ genotypes into two categories,

namely the genotypes with an increased susceptibility to T1DM and the genotypes with no increased

susceptibility to T1DM.

With the Mann-Whitney U test we have found an association between the microvascular

complications and the GADA level. Because the p-level of this statistical test was smaller than 0,05 (p

= 0,020), this association can be considered significant (see table XXIV in the addendum). The

significance of the test proves that the mean level of GADA in the two groups (no complications vs.

complications) was significantly different. The mean level of GADA was 32,35 units/mL in the

complications group and 148,48 in the no complications group (see table VII). We have also observed

several outliers in the group without complications, which causes a major difference in the mean and

median values of the GADA levels within the groups. The median value in this group was 1,2

units/mL and a mean value of 148,48 units/mL; while the median value in the group with

microvascular complications was 31,75 units/mL and the mean value was 32,35 units/mL (see figure



Another statistical association that we have found was the linkage between the albuminuria level and

the microvascular complications. The p-value was 0,007 (p < 0,05). In contrast to the GADA levels,

the mean and median values of the albuminuria level did not have a marked difference in the patients

without microvascular complications (see table VII). However, there was a difference in the patients

with microvascular complications: the mean value of the albuminuria level in the patients with

microvascular complication was 22,14 mg/dL whereas the mean value in the group of patients that

have no diabetic microvascular complications was 10,71 mg/dL (see figure XI).

Table VII. The mean and median values of the two variables that were associated with microvascular


microvascular complications

no microvascular complications microvascular complications (DR and/or DN)

Mean Median Mean Median



148,48 1,20 32,35 31,75



10,71 9,14 22,14 19,00

Figure X. Boxplot of the GADA levels according to the microvascular complication status.

Patients with microvascular complications have a higher median value of the GADA level compared to patients

without microvascular complications. This group of patients has also a greater dispersion of the GADA level. We

did not display all the outliers in the group of patients without microvascular complications because otherwise

the scale would be too large. The highest value of the GADA level in this group was 2280,40 units/mL.


Figure XI. Boxplot of the albuminuria level according to the microvascular complication status.

The median value of the albuminuria level was higher in patients with microvascular complications.

Using the Fisher’s exact test to investigate the categorical variables, we did not find any significant

association between these variables and the diabetic microvascular complications. This can be due to

an insufficient power of the performed test, which is caused by the limited patient population.

Thus, we have found two possible associations related to the diabetic microvascular complications,

one between the GADA levels and the complications and another one between the albuminuria levels

and the complications. However, it is important to realize that none of the analyzed patients had both

the diabetic complications (retinopathy or nephropathy) and therefore we have reevaluated these

associations individually for the diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy complications alone in

the following sections IV.3.2 and IV.3.3.


IV.3.2 Analytical tests for diabetic retinopathy

To unravel which parameters have any influence on diabetic retinopathy, we have again performed the

Mann-Whitney U test for the continuous variables and the Fisher’s exact test for the categorical

variables. We acquired a complete data set for 31 patients of which only 4 patients had diabetic

retinopathy. Therefore, we grouped all the different types of retinopathy into one category. The

different types of retinopathy that we have included in this analysis were macula edema, non-

proliferative retinopathy and proliferative retinopathy.

With the Mann-Whitney U test for the continuous variables, we were only able to uncover a

significant result for the disease duration (see addendum table XXV). The corresponding p-value of

0,003 means that the association was significant (p < 0,05). This observation suggested that the disease

duration is an important risk factor for diabetic retinopathy. We have to keep in mind that only 4

patients had diabetic retinopathy, and therefore this result might not be reliable. In the figure XII, we

can clearly see that the distribution for the retinopathy group is broader than for the no retinopathy

group. This differential distribution between the two groups might be due to the low prevalence of


Figure VIIIII. Boxplot of the difference in disease duration between patients

with and without diabetic retinopathy.

The median value of the disease duration was higher in patients with diabetic



For the analysis of the categorical variables, we have performed the Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table.

An important difference could be observed using this test when the disease duration was broken down

into a longer period (more than 15 years) and a shorter period (less than 15 years). When patients with

diabetic retinopathy where compared to the patients without diabetic retinopathy while taking into

account the disease duration, the p-level was 0.032 (p < 0,05). This significance level proved that

patients, who have T1DM longer than 15 years, are more vulnerable to retinopathy.

We could not detect any significant differences between the patients with and without diabetic

retinopathy for the variables gender, the smoking habits and the blood pressure status. Although the

differences were not significant, we have found that 3 females had diabetic retinopathy versus 1 male.

Another remarkable finding was that only smokers and patients with hypertension had diabetic

retinopathy in our patient population. However, it is thereby crucial to mention that we were only able

to analyze the data of 20 patients for the smoking habits and 25 patients for the blood pressure status.

Finally, we performed an analysis in which we have tried to find a possible connection between the

HLA-DQ genotype and the presence of diabetic retinopathy. Unfortunately, we did not have enough

patients with diabetic retinopathy to execute an accurate test. As a consequence, the p-values in our

test might not be as reliable as they should be. Although the test was not found significant, it was

remarkable that three patients out of four with diabetic retinopathy had the high susceptible HLA-DQ

risk genotype. This high risk genotype correlates in one patient with the DQA1-DQB1.AZH/DQA3-

DQB3.2 genotype and in two other patients with the DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2 genotype.

Surprisingly, one patient with diabetic retinopathy had the protective HLA-DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA1-

DQB1.1 genotype (see table XXX in the addendum). We kept in mind that the DQA3-

DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2 genotype was also the most prevalent in our population, which directly might

explain the higher prevalence of this type in patients with diabetic retinopathy. If we could analyze a

larger patient population or equal groups of patients with and without diabetic retinopathy we may get

a better insight on this possible association. As shown in table VIII the p-value of the Fisher’s exact

test was 0.621 (>0.05).

Table VIII. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of diabetic retinopathy and the HLA-DQ genotype.

With the Fisher’s exact test a significance level of 0,621 was found. This value was higher than the chosen

significance level of p < 0,05.

HLA-DQ type Total Fisher’s



no increased




diabetic retinopathy no retinopathy 12 15 27


retinopathy 1 3 4

Total 13 18 31


IV.3.3 Diabetic nephropathy

We had complete data on 33 patients out of the 40 patients in our study population. We studied the

relationship between the different variables and diabetic nephropathy by use of the Mann-Whitney U

test for continuous variables and the Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables. Only 5 patients had

diabetic nephropathy in our study.

There were no significant results in the Fisher’s exact test for the categorical variables. Although

diabetic nephropathy was found in 4 females and 1 male, the p-value in the Fisher’s exact test was

0.346, which is not significant. Blood pressure status was evaluated in 23 patients, 2 patients had had a

normal blood pressure and 2 patients had hypertension in the diabetic nephropathy group. In our study

no smokers had diabetic nephropathy but 2 non-smokers did. It is noteworthy that we only had valid

data on 18 patients. The p-level of the Fisher’s exact test for the association between HLA-DQ

genotype and diabetic nephropathy was 1. Therefore, we can conclude that there is no association. We

have found that 3 patients with diabetic nephropathy carried the susceptible HLA-DQ genotypes and 2

patients had HLA-DQ types that do not correlate with increased susceptibility to T1DM. The HLA-

DQ genotypes of the patients with diabetic nephropathy disease were: DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.2,

DQA2-DQB2/DQA3-DQB3.2, DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2, DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB3.1, and

DQA4-DQB2/DQA4-DQB2 (see table XXXIV in the addendum).

HLA-DQ type Total Fisher’s

exact test No increased




diabetic nephropathy No nephropathy 14 14 28


nephropathy 2 3 5

Total 16 17 33

Table IX. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of diabetic nephropathy and the HLA-DQ genotype.

With the Fisher’s exact test a significance level of 1.000 is found. This value was higher than the chosen

significance level of p <0.05.


We have found a significant linkage between the GADA levels with diabetic nephropathy. We have

found a p-level of 0.021 with the Mann-Whiney U test, which means that there is a significant

difference in GADA level between patients with and without diabetic nephropathy. Although, it can be

that this difference is due to outliers because we only obtained data on the GADA levels in 4 patients

with diabetic nephropathy. In the figure XIII we have not displayed all the outliers within the group of

patients without diabetic nephropathy because the scale would be too large. We did not find any

significant associations between diabetic nephropathy and the other continuous variables.

In conclusion, we have intensively searched for an association in our population between various

parameters and the diabetic microvascular complication nephropathy, but we only found a significant

correlation between the GADA level and diabetic nephropathy.

Figure IXIII. Boxplot of the GADA level and diabetic nephropathy.

The median values of the GADA levels were higher in patients with diabetic nephropathy. We did not display all

the outliers in the group of patients without nephropathy because otherwise the scale would be too large. The

highest value of the GADA level in this group was 2280,40 units/mL.


IV.3.4 Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy

Besides being interested in the association between diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy with the

different discussed variables, we were also interested to explore a possible association between

diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy. Like we have described earlier in section II.3.3 it has

been suggested in several studies that there might be an association between these two microvascular


To research this association we have performed a 2x2 table and a Fisher’s exact test (table X). We

have found that the p-level was 1. The p-value is higher than 0.99, which indicates that there is only 1

percent chance of randomness of the results. Therefore the test is almost definitely insignificant, or in

other words diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy are not linked. However, this finding might

not be accurate because we only analyzed the data of 24 patients. In the previously discussed table IV,

the mean levels of the patients are given between diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy.

diabetic retinopathy Total Fisher’s

exact test


no retinopathy retinopathy



no nephropathy 16 3 19

1,000 nephropathy 5 0 5

Total 21 3 24

Table X. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy.

With the Fisher’s exact test a significance level of 1.000 is found. This was higher than the chosen significance

level of p <0.05.



Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic autoimmune disease with several long term complications, i.e.

diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy. Because these complications can lead to end stage renal

disease and vision loss, it is essential to unravel the underlying factors that are involved in their

pathogenesis. A known crucial factor in the development of these complications is hyperglycemia. But

when it was observed that patients with a tight metabolic control still developed the microvascular

complications, it was reasoned that others factors should be implicated in the development of these

complications. One of these factors could be the genetic HLA-DQ system that is mainly involved in

immune recognition. At present, the role of the HLA-DQ complex in these microvascular

complications remains very controversial and needs to be further investigated. Therefore, the aim of

this thesis was to contribute to the investigation concerning the association between diabetic

microvascular complications and the HLA-DQ genotypes. In our evaluation, we have also included

other non-genetic parameters that may be related to these microvascular complications. These

parameters or variables are hemoglobin A1c, disease duration, gender, hypertension, smoking habits,

IAA level, GADA level, IA2A level, ICA level, age at diagnosis, creatinin, creatinuria and


Before we discuss our results, it is essential to verify whether the registered HLA-DQ types in our

patient population are not too dissimilar in distribution from the HLA-DQ types that are normally

present in patients with T1DM. We compared the prevalence of the different HLA-DQ types in our

study with a study of the HLA-DQ distribution in a Belgian population. A similar demographic region

is important because the HLA-DQ types may vary between different regions (30). In general, we had

similar percentages of the different HLA-DQ types in the susceptible, protective and neutral or rare

groups (these distinct groups were previously described in II.2). Besides the fact that we had slightly

less patients in the susceptible group, and slightly more patients in the neutral and protective group, we

did not notice the DQA4-DQB2/X type amongst the patients that we studied (table XI).

HLA-DQ genotype Belgian patients with T1DM

current study

Diff control population (Belgians)

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2 29 % 27.5 % -1.5% 1.9%

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA3-DQB3.2 5.3% 2.5% -2.8% 0.7%

DQA4-DQB2/DQA4-DQB2 9.3% 10% +0.7% 2%

DQA3-DQB3.2/Y 16.8% 17.5% +0.7% 9.1%

DQA3-DQB3.2/X 7.6% 10% +2.4% 7.1%

DQA4-DQB2/Y 14.9% 7.5% -7.4% 8.9%

Y/Y 5.6% 10% +4.4% 7.9%

DQA4-DQB2/X 4.8% 0% -4.8% 13.3%

X/Y 5.4% 12.5% +7.1% 26.4%

X/X 1.4% 2.5% +1.1% 27.3%


Table XI. Prevalence of the different HLA-DQ genotypes in the Belgian population.

X stands for genotype DQA1/DAB1.9 or DQA1-DQB1.2 or DQA2-DQB2 or DQA2-DQB3.3 or DQA4.1-

DQB3.1. Y stands for genotype DQA1-DQB1.1 or DQA1-DQB2 or DQA1-DQBAZH or DQA3-DQB2 or

DQA3-DQB3.1 or DQA3-DQB3.3 or DQA3-DQB4 or DQA4-DQB4 or DQA4.1-DQB3.2 Abbreviations: Diff,

difference; T1DM, type 1 diabetes mellitus (30).

Diabetic retinopathy

Several studies have already investigated the link between the HLA system and diabetic retinopathy.

General interest in the possible linkage of the HLA system with a microvascular complication of

diabetes was provoked after it had been suggested by several other studies that the HLA system might

be implicated in the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus (introduction II.2). In our study we did

not find an association between the HLA-DQ genotype and the development of diabetic retinopathy. A

possible reason for this negative association might be that we had a very small number of patients with

diabetic retinopathy. The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in our study only was 12.9 percent. In

another study it was shown that the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy was 35.9 percent after 10 years

of disease duration (see section II.3.1). Because all of our patients had a disease duration of at least 10

years, the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy found in our study population was surprisingly low. The

reason for this difference remains unclear. The small number of patients with diabetic retinopathy in

our study could have an effect on the statistical power. It might also amplify the effect that outliers

have on the mean value of the different parameters. Another disadvantage of a small patient

population, where we were confronted with, was that we had to group the different forms of diabetic

retinopathy into one category.

Even though the statistical test in our study was not significant, it still appears that some of the HLA-

DQ genotypes were more prevalent in patients with diabetic retinopathy. For instance, 75 percent of

the patients with diabetic retinopathy had the susceptible HLA-DQ types and 25 percent had a

protective HLA-DQ type. In line with our hypothesis, Falck et al. found in 1997 an association

between the DR1 gene (which is the HLA-DQA1*0101/HLA-DQB1*0501 type) and early diabetic

retinopathy (38). They have also observed that the A9 and the B40 HLA class I alleles are protective

for the development of diabetic retinopathy. Although we did not study the HLA class I genes, it

might be interesting to include these genes in future research because several other studies published

in the ‘80s, have also demonstrated a possible link between these genes and diabetic retinopathy.

In addition, a similar study published in 2002 suggested that there was no association between the

DR3 or DR4 serotype (which are the HLA-DQA1*0501/HLA-DQB1*0201 and the HLA-

DQA1*0301/HLA-DQB1*0301/*0302 types respectively) and the development or progression of

diabetic retinopathy during a period of 14 years (50). But they did find a linkage between DR3/DR4

types and diabetic retinopathy in the same patient population while performing a cross-sectional study.

This means that they have obtained contradicting results for the association between the HLA system

and the incidence of diabetic retinopathy (for a duration of 14 years) and between the HLA system and


the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (at the start of the study). Thus from this study, it appears that

the HLA system does not have a significant effect on the long term risk of developing diabetic

retinopathy, but that it rather has an important role during the first years of the disease duration. In

other words, the HLA system seems to exhibit a dominant effect on the pathogenesis of diabetic

retinopathy during the first years, when the modifiable factors are not yet present very long. These

modifiable factors, such as hypertension and hyperglycemia, become more dominant in the later stages

of the disease. This might also explain why most cross-sectional studies find a linkage between the

HLA system and the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy and why most prospective studies do not.

However and in strong contrast with a possible positive association, Jensen and coworkers have

recently refuted the link between the HLA class II system and diabetic retinopathy (51). A strength of

this study was a bigger patient population that enabled them to perform a multivariate analysis on their

patients’ database. Because the statistical power of the analysis is dependent on the size of the patient

population, it might implicate that their results are more reliable than ours.

The previous studies here discussed, explored more or less a similar hypothesis as we did, i.e. the

linkage between the HLA system and the development of diabetic retinopathy. Nevertheless, there are

many other studies that researched a variation of this hypothesis. For instance, the investigation of the

linkage between the HLA system and the severity of diabetic retinopathy. In 2009, Khazee and

colleagues investigated if there were differences between the HLA-DQB1 types in patients with

diabetic retinopathy after 20 years of disease duration (normal clinical course) and in patients without

diabetic retinopathy after 20 years of disease duration (postponed group). They have found that

patients with the normal course had a higher prevalence of the HLA-DQB1*0201/*0501 and the HLA-

DQB1*0201/*0504 types than the patients within the postponed course group (52). Another study

investigated the association between the HLA-DR and HLA-DQ types and the severity of diabetic

retinopathy. They found no association and suggested that the HLA-DQ and HLA-DR types do not

influence the severity of diabetic retinopathy (53). A possible association between the HLA class I and

class II and proliferative diabetic retinopathy was studied by Mimura and coworkers. Besides finding a

plausible link between proliferative diabetic retinopathy and the HLAB62, Cw4 and DQ4 serotypes,

they have excluded a positive association between proliferative retinopathy and the DR4 serotype (54).

As a result, they proposed that the HLAB62, Cw4 and DQ4 serotypes are prognostic factors for the

development of proliferative diabetic retinopathy.

Taken together, it has been suggested that certain types of HLA are responsible for the development of

DR together with its different types of progression (53, 54). Linking the different HLA types to

diabetic retinopathy is a fascinating insight, because this can help us to predict which patients have a

higher risk to develop diabetic retinopathy and which patients have a change to develop a more severe

form of diabetic retinopathy. As a consequence, the patients can be screened more frequently for signs

of diabetic retinopathy. These patients should also strive to a more strict control of the known


modifiable risk factors for diabetic retinopathy such as hypertension, smoking habits and their

glycemic control, in order to diminish the effect of their genetic susceptibility to the diabetic

microvascular complications.

One more result from our study is the possible association between diabetic retinopathy and the

duration of the disease. It appears that patients with a longer disease duration have a greater chance of

developing diabetic retinopathy. This positive association has been already confirmed by several other

studies (15, 22, 35, 36). Indeed, Zhang et al. have proven in 2001 that there was a clear association

between diabetic retinopathy and disease duration (55).

Another interesting parameter in our analysis that we have looked into, is the GADA level at the time

of diagnosis. Multiple studies have already investigated the linkage between the GADA levels and

diabetic retinopathy whereby Jensen et al., 2011 found out that a high GADA level at the onset of the

disease predicts the development of diabetic retinopathy 15 years later (51). In contrast to this study

two other studies have discovered an inverse correlation between GADA and diabetic retinopathy.

Agardh and coworkers noticed that the GADA level was less high in patients with more severe forms

of diabetic retinopathy than in patients with the mild forms of retinopathy (56). In 2005 the author

Mimura had seen a similar inverse correlation and has subsequently showed that the GADA levels

were higher in patients without diabetic retinopathy compared to patients with (severe) proliferative

diabetic retinopathy (57). However, in the two here described studies it remains unclear if the applied

GAD65 antibodies were measured at the time of diagnosis or at the time of the study. Interestingly, in

our study, we uncovered no correlation between diabetic retinopathy and the GADA antibody levels,

but we did find an association between diabetic nephropathy and the GAD antibody levels. This

positive association will be extensively discussed in the following part which concerns diabetic


Similar to the GADA levels we did not observe any link between diabetic retinopathy and the other

parameters like HbA1c, age at the time of the onset of the disease, hypertension and the smoking

habits. This is quite peculiar, because some of these parameters are considered to be irrefutable risk

factors for the microvascular complications like diabetic retinopathy (see section II.3.1). To our

opinion there are three possible explanations for these negative correlations in our study. The first

reason may be that our patient population might not be representative for a normal type 1 diabetes

population. A second explanation could be that we did not obtain all the data on all our patients. A

third possibility might be that we had an insignificant number of patients with diabetic retinopathy.

However, we do believe that it is probably due to the last reason, because when we compared our

patient population with other patient populations from different studies we found out that most of the

values of the patients’ characteristics were comparable. Despite our limitation there are many studies

that have confirmed the association of these parameters with diabetic retinopathy. For instance, Zhang


et al. unraveled an association between the metabolic control and diabetic retinopathy. It seemed that

the BMI and the HbA1c level at the onset of the disease had also an influence on the development of

diabetic retinopathy (55). Gray et al. discovered an association between diabetic retinopathy and the

HbA1c levels and the smoking habits (58). Another study suggested that the development of diabetic

retinopathy is related to hyperglycemia, high blood pressure, lipid abnormalities and the smoking

habits (59). Also a linkage between diabetic retinopathy and the creatinin level was suggested by

Agardh et al. We could not confirm this association, but we did observe an elevation of the creatinin

levels in patients with diabetic retinopathy. Unfortunately, the difference in creatinin levels was not

significant (see part IV.1) (53). Furthermore, it has been proposed in the Wisconsin study that the

progression risk of diabetic retinopathy is not only increased in males, but also in patients with a

higher mean HbA1c value and in patients with hypertension (60).

Diabetic nephropathy

Although the heritability and familial clustering of diabetic nephropathy have been already thoroughly

studied and confirmed, not many studies have considered the association between HLA-DQ and the

prevalence of diabetic nephropathy. As part of our hypothesis and similar to our work for diabetic

retinopathy, we have tried to find a possible association between diabetic nephropathy and the HLA-

DQ genotype as well. Having done the appropriate analytical tests, we were not able to confirm this

association. We wondered that this might be due to the small number of patients (i.e. only five patients)

with diabetic nephropathy in our study. As we mentioned in the discussion part of diabetic retinopathy,

there are several reasons why a small patient number has an influence on the results. Similar to what

we have concluded for diabetic retinopathy, we probably do not have a sufficient patient number to

undeniably accept or decline our hypothesis.

Thus in our population, 5 patients had diabetic nephropathy whereof three patients contained the

HLA-DQ genotypes corresponding with the high susceptibility genes for T1DM and two patients

contained the neutral or rare HLA-DQ genotypes. The five encountered HLA-DQ genotypes were the

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.2 genotype (susceptible genotype), the DQA2-DQB2/DQA3-DQB3.2

genotype (neutral or rare genotype), the DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2 genotype (susceptible

genotype), the DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB3.1 genotype (neutral or rare genotype) and the DQA4-

DQB2/DQA4-DQB2 genotype (susceptible genotype). Ronningen et al. found a similar negative

result for the relationship the HLA class II system and diabetic nephropathy. They have also included

the INS gene (insulin gene) in their analysis but failed in finding an association with diabetic

nephropathy (61). The study of Ronningen et al. together with our study have investigated the

association between diabetic nephropathy and the HLA class II, whereas Chowdhury et al. studied the

linkage between diabetic nephropathy and the HLA class I genotypes. Also their study could not show

any significant association between the HLA-A, -B and –C alleles and diabetic nephropathy (47).

However, in another study where they have focused on the HLA-DQ and DRB1 alleles they did find


an association. In that particular study they have proven a linkage between the HLA-DRB1*04

haplotype and diabetic nephropathy. It appears that this haplotype is inversely related with the

development of diabetic nephropathy for both the short and the long duration (39). In the present study

we did not look into the HLA class I genes or the HLA-DRB1 genes, but it might be interesting to

include this in the future. Only then, the risk stratification of the whole HLA system could be made.

Taken together, the role of the HLA system in the development of diabetic nephropathy has not been

established in our study. The few studies dealing with this same hypothesis have as well declined any

association between the HLA system and diabetic nephropathy. We could only find one study that has

found an association and they have suggested a protective role for one of the HLA-DRB1 genes.

The only parameter that we could positively link to diabetic nephropathy was the GADA level, which

was measured by the GADA levels in the blood stream (p=0.021). Like we have mentioned earlier,

this association was not the case for diabetic retinopathy in our study. Because our study contained in

total five patients with diabetic nephropathy whereof only for four patients was the GADA level

available, we are aware that outliers could have an indisputable effect on the mean values of the

GADA level. Despite the limited amount of data, we are positive about this trend between the GADA

level and diabetic nephropathy. Our suggested association remains very speculative, because a study

performed by Roll et al. refuted this association because they did not find an association between the

antibodies directed to GAD and the development of nephropathy in patients with T1DM (62).

Another study confirms the findings of Roll et al., they did not find an association between diabetic

nephropathy and the GADA level. However, it is remarkable that they did find twice as much patients

with GADA positivity in the diabetic nephropathy group, compared to patients without diabetic

nephropathy (63).

Although most studies disagree on the existence of a linkage between diabetic nephropathy and the

GADA level, our data contradicts with these observations and suggest a possible link. It would be

interesting to expand the number of patients participating in our study in order to check if this linkage

remains significant when more patients with diabetic nephropathy are analyzed.

Analogous to our results concerning diabetic retinopathy, we did not discover any significant result for

any of the other included parameters and diabetic nephropathy. This finding contradicts with the

results found in the literature whereby the role of some of these parameters in the development of

diabetic nephropathy has yet been well documented (see section II.3.2). One study that researched the

possible risk factors for diabetic nephropathy in a population of 27805 children has suggested that the

main risk factors involved in the development of diabetic nephropathy were disease duration, the

glycated hemoglobin level, dyslipidemia, the blood pressure and the male gender (64). In contrast,

Chowdhury et al. did not only find no association between diabetic nephropathy and the glycated

hemoglobin level and the disease duration but also for the age of the patients, the serum cholesterol


level and the age at the time of diagnosis. On their turn, they did find a positive correlation between

diabetic nephropathy and the creatinin level, the systolic blood pressure, the diastolic blood pressure

and the male gender (47). Moreover, a study from Donaghue and coworkers discovered an association

between diabetic nephropathy and the high blood pressure, the lipid abnormalities and the smoking

habits. Due to insufficient data on the blood pressure status of the patients in our database, we were

not able to confirm this positive link between the high blood pressure and diabetic nephropathy. A

positive linkage between diabetic nephropathy and the male gender, as suggested by two other studies,

was not found in our study. In contrast, we have observed that four females and only one male had

diabetic nephropathy.

author Date, place Number of patients Diabetic




Current study 2012, Belgium 40 x x

Jensen et al. 2011, Sweden 246 x

Agardh et al. 2004, Sweden 48 x

Khazee et al. 2009, Iran 42 x

Wong et al. 2002, USA 428 x

Mimura et al. 2003, Japan 80 x

Falck et al. 1997, Finland 103 x

Ronningen et al. 1993, Norway 114 x

Chowdhury et al. 1999, UK 675 x

Cordovado et al. 2008, USA 1733 x

Table XII. Overview of the different studies that explored the role of the HLA system in diabetic

microvascular complications.


General conclusion and perspectives

After an extensive analysis, we were not able to discover an association between diabetic retinopathy

and diabetic nephropathy with the HLA-DQ genotypes. Although it was not our primary objective, we

did find a possible link between diabetic retinopathy and the disease duration and between diabetic

nephropathy and the GADA levels at the time of diagnosis. Because we were confronted with the

difficulty of recruiting patients, we were obliged to work with a relative small patient population. As a

consequence of this limited population, we speculated that in our statistical test together with our

results might not be very reliable. However, we do believe that despite this drawback we were able to

point out certain tendencies which make an ideal basis for further research.

In order to solve this problem we suggest recruiting more patients by changing the recruitment form of

future patients. For instance, the change can be obtained by the request of signing an informed consent

during the first visit which allows the participation of the patients in all future anonymous studies in

the hospital. With this type of recruitment form it would be easier to carry out a cohort study whereby

the evolution of the disease can be nicely followed over time. With a cohort study it is possible to

determine in which period of time the different factors influence the development of the diabetic

complications. We would be able to confirm our suggestion concerning the alternating importance of

the HLA-DQ type and the modifiable factors in the development of diabetic retinopathy. We also

believe that it may be interesting to evaluate the HbA1c level and the autoantibody levels during the

whole disease duration, again this is more easily done with a cohort study.

In conclusion, additional studies are needed to unravel the possible involvement of the HLA-DQ type

in the pathogenesis of diabetic microvascular complications. A comprehensive view on the

pathogenesis of diabetic microvascular complications in the near future would be beneficial for the

screening and prevention of these microvascular complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus.



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HLA genotype Count

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA1-DQB1.1 2


DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.1 1

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.2 5



DQA1-DQB1.2/DQA1-DQB1.2 1

DQA1-DQB1.2/DQA3-DQB3.2 1



DQA2-DQB2/DQA4.23-DQB4 1

DQA2-DQB3.3/DQA3-DQB3.2 1

DQA3-DQB3.1/DQA4-DQB3.1 1

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA3-DQB3.2 1

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2 11

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB3.1 1

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB3.2 1



DQA4-DQB3.1/DQA4.23-DQB4 1

Table XIII. Prevalence of the encountered HLA-DQ genotypes in our patient population.

Observed N Expected N Residual

no retinopathy 27 15,5 11,5

retinopathy 4 15,5 -11,5

Total 31

Table XIV. Χ² goodness-of-fit-test applied to the categorical variable retinopathy.

Observed N Expected N Residual

no nephropathy 28 16,5 11,5

nephropathy 5 16,5 -11,5

Total 33

Table XV. Χ² goodness-of-fit-test applied to the categorical variable nephropathy.


Observed N Expected N Residual

protective 5 13,3 -8,3

susceptible 23 13,3 9,7

neutral or rare 12 13,3 -1,3

Total 40

Table XVI. Χ² goodness-of-fit-test applied to the HLA type grouped according to the risk to T1DM.

Observed N Expected N Residual

disease duration < 20 years 32 20,0 12,0

disease duration > 20 years 8 20,0 -12,0

Total 40

Table XVII. Χ² goodness-of-fit-test applied to the disease duration.

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

hemoglobin A1C ,185 6 ,200* ,963 6 ,846

age at the time of disease


,297 6 ,106 ,810 6 ,072

disease duration ,249 6 ,200* ,888 6 ,310

IAA ,352 6 ,019 ,728 6 ,012

ICA ,333 6 ,036 ,709 6 ,008

GADA ,296 6 ,108 ,721 6 ,010

IA2A ,390 6 ,005 ,718 6 ,010

creatinin ,329 6 ,042 ,803 6 ,062

creatinurie ,186 6 ,200* ,922 6 ,517

Table XVIII. The results of the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality of the continuous variables.

microvascular complications Total Fisher’s


test (p-







(DR and/or


HLA type no increased


14 3 17

0,704 increased susceptibility 16 6 22

Total 30 9 39

Table XIX. . A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the HLA type and the microvascular complications.


microvascular complications Total Fisher’s

exact test


no microvascular



complications (DR

and/or DN)

gender male 17 2 19

0,127 female 13 7 20

Total 30 9 39

Table XX. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the gender and the microvascular complications.

microvascular complications Total Fisher’

s exact

test (p-







(DR and/or DN)

blood pressure status normotension 12 2 14

0,350 hypertension 7 4 11

Total 19 6 25

Table XXI. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the blood pressure status and the microvascular


microvascular complications Total Fisher’s


test (p-


no microvascular




(DR and/or DN)

smoking habits non smoker 12 2 14

0,549 smoker 4 2 6

Total 16 4 20

Table XXII. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the smoking habits and the microvascular


microvascular complications Total Fisher’s

exact test


no microvascular



complications (DR

and/or DN)



< 20 years 27 5 32

0,037 > 20 years 3 4 7

Total 30 9 39

Table XXIII. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the disease duration and the microvascular



microvascular complications

N Mean Rank

Sum of Ranks

Mann-Whitney U

test (p-value)

IAA no complications 27 17,72 478,50 complications 6 13,75 82,50 0,362 Total 33

ICA no complications 27 16,57 447,50 complications 6 18,92 113,50 0,580 Total 33

GADA no complications 27 15,15 409,00 complications 6 25,33 152,00 0,020 Total 33

IA2A no complications 27 16,59 448,00 complications 6 18,83 113,00 0,604 Total 33

hemoglobin A1C

no complications 25 17,80 445,00 complications 9 16,67 150,00 0,770 Total 34

Age at time of diagnosis

no complications 30 19,57 587,00 complications 9 21,44 193,00 0,665 Total 39

disease duration

no complications 30 18,93 568,00 complications 9 23,56 212,00 0,286 Total 39

creatinin no complications 25 17,02 425,50 complications 8 16,94 135,50 0,983 Total 33

albuminuria no complications 27 15,85 428,00 complications 8 25,25 202,00 0,007 Total 35

creatinurie no complications 16 11,63 186,00 complications 6 11,17 67,00 0,883 Total 22

Table XXIV. The results of the Mann-Whitney U test applied to the microvascular complication status

and the different continuous variables.



N Mean Rank Sum of



U test (p-value)

hemoglobin A1C no retinopathy











Onset of disease


no retinopathy 27 15,52 419,00

retinopathy 4 19,25 77,00

Total 31 0,444

disease duration no retinopathy 27 14,11 381,00

retinopathy 4 28,75 115,00

Total 31 0,003

IAA no retinopathy 24 14,06 337,50

retinopathy 2 6,75 13,50

Total 26 0,194


ICA no retinopathy 16 9,56 153,00

retinopathy 2 9,00 18,00

Total 18 0,886

GADA no retinopathy 21 11,86 249,00

retinopathy 2 13,50 27,00

Total 23 0,743

IA2A no retinopathy 20 11,88 237,50

retinopathy 2 7,75 15,50

Total 22 0,387

creatinin no retinopathy 21 12,43 261,00

retinopathy 4 16,00 64,00

Total 25 0,373

creatinuria no retinopathy 16 10,00 160,00

retinopathy 2 5,50 11,00

Total 18 0,261

Table XXV. The results of the Mann-Whitney U test applied to diabetic retinopathy and the different

continuous variables.

gender Total Fisher’s

exact test male female

diabetic retinopathy No retinopathy 15 12 27

0,333 Retinopathy 1 3 4

Total 16 15 31

Table XXVI. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the gender and diabetic retinopathy.

smoking habits Total Fisher’s



non smoker smoker

diabetic retinopathy No retinopathy 11 4 15

0,110 retinopathy 0 2 2

Total 11 6 17

Table XXVII. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the smoking habits and diabetic retinopathy.

Disease duration Total Fisher’s



<15 years >15 years

diabetic retinopathy no retinopathy 17 10 27

0,032 retinopathy 0 4 4

Total 17 14 31

Table XXVIII. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the disease duration and diabetic retinopathy.


blood pressure status Total Fisher’s exact

test normotension hypertension

diabetic retinopathy No retinopathy 13 6 19

0,133 retinopathy 0 2 2

Total 13 8 21

Table XXIX. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the blood pressure status and diabetic retinopathy.

HLADQA1-DQB1 genotype

No retinopathy Retinopathy

Count Count

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA1-DQB1.1 1 0

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA2-DQB2 1 1

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.1 1 0

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.2 4 0

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA4-DQB4 1 0

DQA1-DQB1.2/DQA1-DQB1.2 1 0

DQA1-DQB1.2/DQA3-DQB3.2 1 0


DQA2-DQB2/DQA3-DQB3.2 1 0

DQA2-DQB2/DQA4.23-DQB4 1 0

DQA2-DQB3.3/DQA3-DQB3.2 1 0

DQA3-DQB3.1/DQA4-DQB3.1 1 0

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA3-DQB3.2 1 0

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2 6 2

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB3.1 1 0

DQA3-DQB3.3/DQA4-DQB2 1 0


Table XXX. A table of the distribution of the HLA-DQ genotype in patients with and without diabetic


gender Total Fisher’s

exact test male female

diabetic nephropathy No nephropathy 14 14 28

0,346 nephropathy 1 4 5

Total 15 18 33

Table XXXI. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the gender and diabetic nephropathy.


Blood pressure status Total Fisher’s

exact test normotension hypertension



No nephropathy 12 7 19

1,000 nephropathy 2 2 4

Total 14 9 23

Table XXXII. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the blood pressure status and diabetic nephropathy.

Smoking habits Total Fisher’s

exact test Non smoker smoker

diabetic nephropathy No nephropathy 12 4 16

1,000 nephropathy 2 0 2

Total 14 4 18

Table XXXIII. A Fisher’s exact test on a 2x2 table of the smoking habits and diabetic nephropathy.

HLA-DQ genotype


no nephropathy nephropathy

Count Count

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA1-DQB1.1 2 0

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA2-DQB2 2 0

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.1 1 0

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA3-DQB3.2 1 1

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA4-DQB2 1 0

DQA1-DQB1.1/DQA4-DQB4 1 0

DQA1-DQB1.2/DQA3-DQB3.2 1 0


DQA2-DQB2/DQA3-DQB3.2 0 1

DQA2-DQB2/DQA4.23-DQB4 1 0

DQA2-DQB3.3/DQA3-DQB3.2 1 0

DQA3-DQB3.1/DQA4-DQB3.1 1 0

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA3-DQB3.2 1 0

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB2 7 1

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB3.1 0 1

DQA3-DQB3.2/DQA4-DQB3.2 1 0

DQA3-DQB3.3/DQA4-DQB2 2 0


DQA4-DQB3.1/DQA4.23-DQB4 1 0

Table XXXIV. A table of the distribution of the HLA-DQ genotype in patients with and without diabetic



nephropathy N Mean


Sum of


Mann-Whitney U

test (p-value)

hemoglobin A1C no nephropathy 26 15,71 408,50

nephropathy 5 17,50 87,50

Total 31 0,687

disease duration no nephropathy 28 17,80 498,50

nephropathy 5 12,50 62,50 0,259

Total 33



no nephropathy 25 15,28 382,00

nephropathy 4 13,25 53,00 0,657

Total 29

ICA no nephropathy 18 10,92 196,50

nephropathy 3 11,50 34,50 0,879

Total 21

GADA no nephropathy 24 13,04 313,00

nephropathy 4 23,25 93,00 0,021

Total 28

IA2A no nephropathy 22 13,00 286,00

nephropathy 4 16,25 65,00 0,430

Total 26

creatinin no nephropathy 26 16,00 416,00

nephropathy 4 12,25 49,00 0,427

Total 30

creatinurie no nephropathy 17 10,53 179,00

nephropathy 4 13,00 52,00 0,474

Total 21

Table XXXV. The results of the Mann-Whitney U test applied to diabetic nephropathy and the different

continuous variables.