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HKHS Highlights ISSUE ELEVEN Upcoming Events Deputy Principal Report Year Advisers Reports Taster Day 2016 HKHS Wellbeing Corner Community Announcements Advertisements

Transcript of HKHS Highlights - Home - Henry Kendall High School · By the time you have read this, you will have...

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HKHS HighlightsI S S U E E L E V E N

Upcoming Events 

Deputy Principal Report

Year Advisers Reports

Taster Day 2016

HKHS Wellbeing Corner

Community Announcements


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7 November 2016                                       Year 12 Sign Out Day7 November 2016                                       Year 10 RoSA Exams9 November 2016                                       Year 10 RoSA Exams7 - 18 November 2016                               Hospitality Workplacement7 - 18 November 2016                               Retail Workplacement15 November 2016                                     P & C Meeting 7.00pm                                                                            (Collaborative Space Tour 6.30pm)16 November 2016                                     Year 9 & 10 PASS KayakingExcursion21 November 2016                                     Year 12 Formal21 November - 16 December                 Year 10 Senior PreparationProgram25 November 2016                                     Special Education Excursion-School Spectacular1 December 2016                                        Year 10 Elevate Study Day6 December 2016                                        Year 7, 2017 Orientation Day8 December 2016                                        Presentation Evening 7.00pm9 December 2016                                        Year 9 Rewards Day14 December 2016                                      Year 8 Rewards Day15 December 2016                                      Year 10 Dinner/Dance16 December 2016                                      Year 12 Morning Tea16 December 2016                                      Last Day Term 4 for Students 

Upcoming Events 

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Term 4Term 4 brings many new challenges forstudents at Henry Kendall HighSchool. For our Year 12 cohort thismeans the end of their HSCexaminations and the nervous wait forresults will begin. For Year 11, the endof Preliminary courses and their firstassessment tasks that will contributeto the HSC. For our Year 10 cohort, theend of their Stage 5 courses,examinations and the outstandingStage 6 Preparation Program. Forstudents in Years 7 to 9, their finalround of important formal assessmentbefore Semester 2 reports are issued.These are all important moments oftransition in a very busy and dynamicsecondary school.

Year 12Year 12 students finish theirexaminations on Friday 4 November2016. This a tremendous moment ofrelief for students and parents. HenryKendall High School would like tocongratulate Year 12 students on thiswonderful achievement and thank

parents/caregivers for their supportover the last 4 weeks. A huge thankyou to our examination supervisor,Lynn Emery. Our HSC examinationsrun so smoothly due to theprofessionalism, positivity andsupport provided by Lynn and herteam. A reminder that Year 12 studentsmust be back in the halls of HenryKendall High School in order to returnall texts and formally sign out onMonday 7 November 2016.

Year 11Year 11 students will receive newtimetables and HSC courses are now infull swing. It is vital that studentsmaintain study habits and attendancein Term 4. The first HSC assessmenttasks will be completed this term andcontent will be assessed throughoutthe coming school year. For manystudents, Term 4 has resulted in theaddition of new courses and their exitfrom others. Year 11 students who nowhave timetabled study periods need touse the time wisely. Our school libraryshould be used for all study periodsand our newly furnished senior area

should be popular over the comingweeks. It is vital that students re-focus,take time to reflect on their studyhabits during the preliminary year andset goals for the HSC journey to come.Many of our students have soughtsupport through our mentoringprogram and should continue to touchbase with the Year 11 Adviser, Mr BlakeWawrzyk.

Year 10Year 10 students face finalexaminations in all core subject areas(English, Mathematics, Science,Geography and History) on the 7 and 9November 2016. It is vital thatstudents develop a study schedule inorder to meet the requirements of thisimportant assessment period.Students should also seek out theirclass teachers in order to clarifyimportant course content and providestudy tips.  Students and parents canalso access the NSW Department ofEducation’s School A to Z site for studyadvice.

Deputy Principal Report

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Year 7Year 7 students are about to begin animportant phase of their transition toYear 8 in 2017. Middle School teachers,along with the Year 7 Adviser, MrsStarkey, have established classes andstudents will be have a trial period inthese classes this term. It is a very busytime for Year 7 students, with theAquatics Program, preparations forfinal Semester 2 assessment and plansfor the Reward Day excursion to LunaPark underway.

UniformsIt is pleasing to see students making agenuine e埏�ort with uniform this term.It is vital that students maintain thisstandard and continue to wearappropriate leather footwear to schooleach day. Students are reminded thatblack or coloured socks are not part ofthe Henry Kendall High Schooluniform and should stick to whitesocks only. Students should only weartheir sports uniform for designated PEand Sport periods. All variations touniform need to be explained via anote to roll call teachers each morning. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time asDeputy Principal and would like tothank Ms Carly Brien for relieving in my

position as Head Teacher – HSIE,Languages and Middle School, and MrJoe Walsh for so ably taking my classesin my absence.

     Mr MarkMacdonaldRelieving DeputyPrincipal  7, 9 &11         

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Year 8What a busy term it has been so far!I’ve been really impressed with howYear 8 have been applying themselvesto their course. This e埏�ort andapplication is shown in the number ofAcademic Achievement Certificatesand Year Adviser Awards that havebeen given out.  I’ve visited quite a fewYear 8 classes and have seen somevery exciting teaching and learning. Just a reminder about the Year 8Rewards Day that has been organisedfor Wednesday 14 December 2016 toTaronga Zoo.  Payments are able to bemade to the front o埏�ice now. I hope tosee all Year 8 students there - it shouldbe a fantastic day!       

 Mr Jason MorrisYear 8 Adviser 

Year 10 Welcome back Year 10.   Term 4promises to be an exciting term withthe Stage 6 Preparation Program, Year10 RoSA Exams and the Year 10 DinnerDance just around the corner.Peer SupportI would like to congratulate all of thepeer support students for theircontributions to the successful runningof the Year 5 Taster Day. Yourleadership and support was noticed by

many and is a true reflection of ourschool culture.Senior JacketsThank you to all of the students andparents for your support during thesenior jacket ordering process. Theorder has been submitted and wehope to receive the jackets toward theend of Term 1 2017 in time for winter.RoSA ExamsGood luck to all of the students sittingtheir end of year course exams. I wouldlike to strongly encourage you to takethis opportunity to gain experience insitting formal exams in preparation forstarting Stage 6 next year. If you require any informationregarding the upcoming events pleasedo not hesitate to contact me.  Enjoythe upcoming term and look at everychallenge as an opportunity.

Year Advisers Reports

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       Mr MichaelMellish Year 10Adviser

Year 12By the time you have read this, you willhave finished your Higher SchoolCertificate! I would like to congratulate each andevery one of you on yourachievements and conclusion of this

very important chapter. I hope that thenext direction your life takes is apositive one and once again, I wish youevery success for the future. 

Our 2016 Formal is well underway andi am looking forward to seeing allthose attending from 6.00pm onMonday 21 November 2016. Ticketswill be issued at our Year 12 sign outday on the 7 November 2016, so if forsome reason you don't receive yoursor you will miss sign out day, pleasecontact me via the school so that wecan organise a ticket collection beforethe date. 

As this is my last report as Year Adviser,I would like to thank all those whohave supported me through this

journey. I would also like to recogniseand thank our parents and caregiversfor the guidance and support of theirstudents  and I truly hope that yourexperience with Henry Kendall HighSchool was a positive one. 

I wish you all the best for the future.  

      Mrs Jade DraperYear 12 Adviser

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Gosford City


Community Year 5

Taster DayLast Thursday 27 October 2016, HenryKendall High School was delighted toprovide our Year 5 partner primaryschools, Gosford Public School andPoint Clare Public School with a ‘taste’of high school.

Year 5 students were able toexperience what it is like to preparefood in a practical Food Technology

lesson; participate in scienceexperiments; explore engineeringconcepts through building modelbridges and learn through Dramagames. 

Henry Kendall High School also hadthe opportunity to show o埏� theirnewly created flexible learning spacesin STEM and Middle School where theprimary students were able to engagein collaborative activities while inVisual Arts the students created someamazing collage scenes. Many thanksto Henry Kendall High School, GosfordPublic School and Point Clare PublicSchool sta埏�, Henry Kendall High

School Year 10 Helpers, Year 5 studentsand their parents who all contributedto making it such a fabulous day!

Some Comments

from Gosford

Public School

StudentsSarah H - I liked how all the mentorswere friendly.Chloe MW - I liked how every activitywas fun and enjoyable.Jessica H - The student helpers were agreat help and the activities were veryfun and memorable. The Science roomwas very surprising. We got to explorewhat science was about with lots ofexperiements.Mason G - The cooking was verycreative. Using a couple of ingredientswe made a few di埏�erent food types.

Taster Day 2016

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Kyan D - I liked Mrs Muscat  the Mathsteacher - she was quite nice. Thegames she played were very fun.Karla G - I liked how whenever youwent into a new room you didn't knowanything about it. For example, theScience lesson on dry ice and boilingwater.Cullyn  C - The science lesson andteacher were nice. It was enjoyablebecause he allowed you to use amicroscope.Lachlan T - It was enjoyable and funwatching the science lessons,particularly the dry ice experiment.


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Positive &

Negative Self-talkSelf-talk is basically your inner voice,the voice in your mind which saysthings that you don’t necessarily sayout loud. O埔�en self-talk happenswithout you even realising it and canbe a subtle running commentary goingon in the background of your mind.But what you say in your mind candetermine a lot of how you feel aboutwho you are. Positive self-talk is the stu埏� that makesyou feel good about yourself and thethings that are going on in your life. Itis like having an optimistic voice inyour head that always looks on thebright side.  Example  – “These clothes look prettyawesome on me”, “I can totally make itthrough this exam”, “I don’t feel greatright now but things could be worse!”

Negative self-talk  is the stu埏� that

makes you feel pretty crappy aboutyourself and things that are going on.It can put a downer on anything,whether it is good or bad.  Example- “I look stupid in theseclothes”, “everyone thinks I’m anidiot”, “everything is crap and nothingis going to get better” Negative self-talk is particularly bad asit brings you down all the time. It canimpact on recovery from mentalhealth di埏�iculties and tends to makepeople pretty miserable. But beingpositive all the time isn’t achievableeither, and isn’t helpful all the time. Sohow can you make your self-talk workfor you?

Better self-talkThere are three things you can do thatcan help with changing the direction ofyour self-talk.

1. Listen to what you’re saying toyourself-  we don’t alwaysconsciously take note of that

we’re saying in our minds. Thefirst step in improving your self-talk is to actually notice whatyour  inner voice is saying. Takesome time each day to listen,and even write down, whatyou’re thinking.


2. Monitor your self-talk- Is yourself-talk more positive ornegative? Start questioning yourself-talk asking things like:

Is there actual evidence forwhat I’m thinking?What would I say if a friendwere in a similar situation?Is there a more positiveway of looking at this?Am I keeping everything inperspective?Can I do anything tochange what I’m feelingbad about?

HKHS Wellbeing Corner

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3. Change your self-talk  - Easiersaid than done, but definitelyworth working on. Tryby  countering your negativethoughts with positive ones. Forexample, if you think “I’ll neverbe able to do this”, ask yourself“is there anything I can do thatwill help me be able to do this?”Avoid speaking in finite languageand try and look for things thatmight add a better spin to atough situation.

 The more you work on improving yourself-talk the better you will get. It’skind of like practicing an instrument orgoing to sports training, it won’t beeasy to start with but will get better

with time.   

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Important Information Regarding Opal Cards August 2016....


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