HIV Dermatology

Slide 1 From TA Maurer, MD, at 11 th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA. HIV Dermatology: Case-based Presentation Toby A. Maurer, MD Associate Professor University of California San Francisco The International AIDS Society–USA

Transcript of HIV Dermatology

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

HIV Dermatology: Case-based Presentation

Toby A. Maurer, MDAssociate Professor

University of California San Francisco

The International AIDS Society–USA

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• 38 y.o. male has been on and off ARVs for 2 yrs, secondary to substance abuse

• New lesions on legs

• CD4 80, VL 80,000

• Restart Antiretrovirals (ARVs)

• Special clinical features: – edema lower legs/ groin region– woody feeling to upper legs

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• If lymphedema, ARVs may not be enough

• For those who need chemotherapy, liposomal doxorubicin is first line chemotherapy in this country

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• Pt does not have swelling-so you convince him to get back on ARVs

• He is anxious-how long will it take to get rid of these?

• Ave: 9 months

• Doesn’t want to live with lesion on his face– intralesional vinblastine– radiation therapy

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• He tolerates his ARVs and is adherent to regimen

• Notes abdominal pain and bloody stools

• Old cutaneous lesions popping out/enlarging

• Still no swelling in ankles

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• You suspect KS immune reconstitution (IRIS)-just skin and tolerable– Continue ARVs; will stabilize in 16 weeks

• Systemic involvement-GI, pulmonary-start liposomal doxorubicin

• Do we have labs that indicate IRIS?

• Do we have a way to work up pts with KS to predict systemic involvement?

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Did you biopsy?

Biopsy of KS is always useful1) Early detection is the name of the game- if you

don’t start ARVs within a year of KS presentation, mortality is the same as in the pre-ARV era

2) Several skin conditions mimic KS. A real diagnosis is useful

3) Pt may fail ARVs or need adjunctive therapy with chemotherapy or radiation therapy-need tissue

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• Abolulafia DM et al. Regression of AIDS KS after HAART. Mayo Clin Proc. 1998 May.

• Udharain A et al. Pegyalted liposomal doxorubicin in treatment of AIDS. KS Int J Nonomed. 2008.

• Nguyen HQ et al. Persistent KS in HAART era. AIDS. 2008 May.

• El Amari EB et al. Predicting evolution of KS in HAART era. AIDS. 2008 May.

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Kaposi’s Sarcoma

• Majority of KS seen with CD4 <200 and VLs that are mounting

• Your pt has CD4 of 450, VL 8000-do you start ARVs?

• Yes-we have found that within months CD4 declines and VL starts mounting

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Kaposi’s Sarcoma-new group

• 17 patients with CD4 over 300 and VL<75 for more than 2 years with new or persistent KS

• All on ARVs and doing well• Ave age 51 (range: 41-74 yrs)• Ave duration of HIV: 18 years• Ave length of time on ARVs: 7years (1-

19 yrs)

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

What is going on?

• HHV8 virus-unusual type or unusual behavior

• Functionally abnormal T cell response to HHV8

• Immunosenescence-the aging immune system of HIV-infected, treated individuals

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

How do you manage these individuals?

1) To date, they have not had systemic involvement or eruptive KS-reassure

2) Local therapy to include radiotherapy and intralesional therapy

3) Monitor closely re: HIV status (no change to date) and other co-morbidities of the aging immune system

4) Let us know- [email protected] or 415-206-8680

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• Maurer T et al. NEJM. May 2007, Sept 2007.

• Dittmer DP et al. NEJM. Sept 2007.

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

The skin as a window to the immune system

• Pt known to you to have psoriasis. Walks into ER with thick, oozing plaques

• Could this really be psoriasis?

• Is this infected psoriasis?

• Suspect change in pt’s CD4 count, VL

• Look for resistance

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• First line therapy: ARVs

• ARVs turn off psoriaisis before CD4 count increases or VL declines

• ? Anti-inflammatory mechanism??

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• Pt also has pulmonary TB-can’t start ARVs yet until his TB is treated

• What about his psoriasis? Start acitretin 25 mg qd-this is a retinoid designed specifically for psoriasis

• TB under control-start protease inhibitor regimen-acitretin still on board-watch for retinoid toxicity-monitor cholesterol, TG, painful red skin-can probably discontinue acitretin

• Tx with topical steroids

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Other Markers of Poor Immune Status

• Prurigo nodularis

• Pruritic papular eruption of HIV

• Molluscum

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• Prurigo nodularis-pts consumed by itch• CD4 under 100 with VL• You start new ARV regimen in this patient-

can’t get the CD4 count above 60 but VL is low

• Topicals include clobetasol oint (class 1 steroid) and doxepin 50 mg qhs

• Thinking about adding thalidomide• Is pt a candidate for raltegravir?

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Pruritic Papular Eruption

86/102 biopsies showed evidence for arthropod assault in Ugandan study (Resneck J. JAMA. 2004)

• The more severe the eruption, the lower the CD4 count (p< 0.001)

• Persons on ARVs improve with 16 wks of therapy (Castelnuovo B. AIDS. 2008 Jan)

• Hypersensitivity to bug bites may be secondary to T cell dysregulation

Resneck J, et al. JAMA. DEC 1, 2004

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• 1st line therapy is ARVs• Liquid nitrogen only temporary• Curretage of large molluscum• Cryptococcus can mimic molluscum but

lesions develop quickly over days

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

New Directions

• Can we use these skin diseases as markers for virologic response?

• If these recur on treatment, does it indicate drug resistance or non-adherence?

• Particular importance in resource poor settings/children with HIV/as a clue to look for resistance-obtain CD4 count, VL

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• CD4 250, VL < 50, admitted for IV vancomycin for cellulitis

• Blister on back-is this a new area of methicillin resistant staphylococcus?

• Call dermatology-consider toxic epidermal necrolysis

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Toxic epidermal necrolysis

• Complete separation of epidermis

• Watch for triangular blisters

• Higher incidence in HIV

• Higher mortalitiy in HIV

• TMP-SMX/vancomycin

• Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)???

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Drug Reactions

• NNRTIs-redness-treat through

• NNRTIs- erythema mutiforme-discontinue drug and don’t rechallenge; change class of drug

• Abacavir-5-8% develop hypersensitivity rxns-HLA B*5701+ higher risk

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• 2 cases of erythema multiforme to raltegravir

• Fixed drug reactions to darunavir• Do not give prednisone unless

hypersensitivity marked by transaminase or creatinine elevation

• Syphilis-widespread erythematous maculopapular eruption-check RPR-usually does not itch

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• Pt with CD4 140, VL 100,000-starts ARVs

• New pruritic bumps on face, scalp, chest, back (within 3 weeks of starting ARVs)

• He felt it was a drug eruption and so discontinued his ARVs

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Eosinophilic folliculitis

• CD4 counts under 200

• Develops within 3-6 months of initiating ARVs-immune reconstitution

• Itraconazole 200-400 mg /day

• Permethrin from waist up


• Wait for immune reconstitution to settle (3-6 months after starting ARVs)

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Differential diagnosis

• Acne-seeing lots of it as a result of normalized immune systems and drug induced acne (testosterone, INH, lithium)

• Doesn’t itch and not on scalp

• Staphyloccocal folliculitis-increased incidence in HIV infection-easily denuded pustules (not on scalp)

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• Pt admitted with painful leg with erythema-admitting diagnosis = cellulitis

• Developed pustules

• Discharged on antibiotics-now pustules all over body

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Herpes zoster

• CD4 between 200-400, VL 70-100,000

• Disseminated zoster-seeing it more often in pts on and off ARVs

• Recurrent zoster with high CD4 counts-would that lead you to place pts on ARVs?

Glesby MJ et al. JAIDS. 2004 Dec.

Abbas V et al. Am J Med Sci. 2001.

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Herpes simplex

• Have never seen disseminated herpes simplex in HIV

• Pt presents with large hypertrophic and painful lesion perianally

• Must rule out squamous cell carcinoma

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

• Diagnosis-herpes simplex

• Send for acyclovir resistance testing

• Pt will need foscarnet/cidofovir +/- topical cidofovir

Levin et al. Clin Inf Dis. 2004.

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From TA Maurer, MD, at 11th RW Program Clinical Update, IAS–USA.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

• Several cohort studies have now documented that there is a higher incidence of SCC and BCC in HIV

• Risk factors: being white, increasing age, longer duration of HIV infection

• Low CD4 counts not a significant variable for tumor initiation

• Sun and smoking

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• Melanoma in HIV may be more aggressive when compared by tumor thickness

• Sentinel node biopsy recommended at shallower thickness-usually do sentinel node if melanoma is 1mm or more in thickness

• Recurrent melanoma more frequent

• Max out the immune system-start ARVs