History The Anne Frank House Prinsengracht 263...

History The Anne Frank House Prinsengracht 263 Amsterdam Anne Frank was one of the Jewish victims of Nazi persecution during the second world war. During the hiding period Anne Frank kept a diary. In it she described daily life in the back anexe, the isolation and the fear of discovery. Anne's diary survived the war: after the betrayal it was found by Miep Gies, one of the helpers. When it was confirmed that Anne would not be returning, Miep gave the manuscripts to Otto Frank. In 1947 the first Dutch edition appeared. Since then the diary has been published in more then 55 languages.

Transcript of History The Anne Frank House Prinsengracht 263...

History The Anne Frank House Prinsengracht 263 Amsterdam Anne Frank was one of the Jewish victims of Nazi persecution during the second world war. During the hiding period Anne Frank kept a diary. In it she described daily life in the back anexe, the isolation and the fear of discovery. Anne's diary survived the war: after the betrayal it was found by Miep Gies, one of the helpers. When it was confirmed that Anne would not be returning, Miep gave the manuscripts to Otto Frank. In 1947 the first Dutch edition appeared. Since then the diary has been published in more then 55 languages.

History Red Baron Manfred von Richthofen Manfred von Richthofen was born on may 2, 1892 in Breslau, Germany. He died on April 21, 1918 in the skies over Vaux sur Somme in France. He was 25 years old. He was called der rote Kampfflieger by his own people, le petit rouge by the French, and the The Red Baron by the English. In a time of wooden and fabric aircraft, when twenty air victories insured a pilot legendary status and coveted Pour Le Merites, Richthofen had eighty victories, and is regarded to this day as the ace of aces. In war, hero are made, stories are told and battles are remembered. This is one such story of war that has become ingrained in history and our minds. His story is immersive because everyone recognizes the image of the Red Baron.

History Greek Mythology: Zeus History The son of Kronos and Rheia, Zeus (like his father before him) deposed his aged father from the throne of eternity. As Kronos was about to slay his father, Uranus, he was warned that his own son would someday depose him. In fear and greed, Kronos swallowed his first children as they were born, but Rheia tricked Kronos and when the sixth child, Zeus, was born, she substituted a stone for the infant and Kronos swallowed it down, unknowing that his father’s prophecy was coming to fruition. Zeus was hidden and raised in secret until he was old enough to fulfill his destiny. One day he ambushed Kronos while out hunting. Zeus kicked Kronos in the stomach so hard the aged god vomited up the stone and the five divine, undigested gods and goddesses: Demeter, Hades, Hestia, Hera and Poseidon. In gratitude, and bowing to destiny, Zeus was unanimously declared leader of the immortals. Zeus made his domain the mountain tops and clouds, where he could survey and vitalize all creation. He married his elder sister, the eternally beautiful Hera. She was jealous and vengeful of her husbands affections and his many love affairs with goddesses and mortals gave her endless worry and caused much divine wrath to be visited on the mortals. Although Zeus is actually is a character in religion. However, his being has become an immersive entity due to the effect of the Greeks and his presence within the architecture and the Culture of the Greeks.

Architecture Frank Gehry Conde Nast Cafeteria New York 1996-2000 The cafe uses a retro - futuristic use of extravagantly costly curved plate glass panels and blue titanium -lined walls and ceilings. Although confined to a rectangular space, the cafe's internal features create a seamless interaction of wall and space. The space becomes immersive in the manner the social area has been transformed. Through the design, Gehry has produced an uncanny underwater quiet, sense of ease and illusion of privacy virtually everywhere in the cafeteria. Also, because of its translucent behavior of the planed glass, light around the cafe becomes energizing.

Architecture Eero Saarinen. Trans World Airlines Terminal JFK airport 1962 This airport is an example of expressionism architecture. In the design the ceilings and roofs of the building has been given a characteristic of the flow of energy. From the outside the Terminal seems to want to take flight from the dynamic structure and he symbols of wings within the architecture. This Architecture is immersive due to the location of this style of architecture to the context of the building. The exterior of the building acts as the main describing force for the consumers by the way it acts out the function of the site.

Architecture Winchester Haunted House 1922 Sarah l. Winchester Sarah L. Winchester built a Victorian mansion in California. The Mansion has 1600 rooms. After her husband and child died she was told to move out west. Spirits of some sort were telling Sarah to keep building the house if she wanted to live. If she were to stop building the house she would die. the house started off as a 6 room home and Sarah had carpenters working on it day and night for years. There are many staircases that lead to nowhere, closets that open to a wall, stair posts were installed upside down, along with other odd fixtures. The stairs that lead to no where were to throw off the spirits that haunted Sarah. Sarah died in her sleep in 1922 at the age of 83. Psychics feel that there are still sprits roaming around the mansion. I have not been in the house myself but the detail and hidden staircases, staircases that lead to walls, glass doors on bathrooms and other interesting architectural structures inside the house make me want to visit the house to experience it myself. I have read that people sometimes hear banging on the floor, hear windows shattering and other noises from spirits that are supposedly roaming around the house. People can become mentally immersed in the idea that the house is haunted and begin to think that things are happening. The house is immersive and engaging for anyone interested in seeing or experiencing the house.

Advertisments Got milk Got milk commercials has had a dramatic impact on the adverting industry. Many products have taken their slogan and used it as their own. This advertisement has become immersive in the way it has changed and influenced many other companies to use their "Got" technique. From "got coffee" to "got Toyota," companies have used this strategy in order to gain awareness of their brand or product.

Advertisement Diamonds De Beers, founded in 1888, currently controls about 70% of the world's diamond supply. What strange is that because of this monopoly, what we perceive to be valuable is one of the most abundant materials around Earth. Because of advertisements and the believed to be magical connection with the diamonds, diamonds have become the most valuable substance on the market today. The advertisements of diamonds have become immersive because they have changed the way we perceive them to be.

Art Statue of Liberty Frederic Bartholdi The copper statue was a present by France to the U.S. as a centennial gift and a sign of the friendship between the two nations in 1886. Bartholdi, having chosen to symbolize liberty was inspired by La Liberte guidant le peuple by Delacroix. He transformed the exalted heroine into the guardian of the American Constitution. This massive sculpture has now become a iconographic image of America and its presence in New York harbor is very immersive. Not only can you enter the statue and climb to the top to view NY city, but its size can been seen from many points of the city and has a demanding presence on the cities landscape.

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Art Pablo Picasso Portrait of Ambroise Vollard, 1910 Cubism has been identified through the cutting up and dismantling of the image. Its technique resembles a study of construction without the third dimension. This portrait is immersive due to the connections of light and shadow that a 3-dimensional work would have. Through the strong lines and colors, certain sides seems to reflect the light. This painting is immersive due to the illusion of shape.

Art Graf art Graffiti was used primarily by political activists to make statements and street gangs to mark territory. It wasn't till the late 1960s that writing's current identity started to form.The history of the underground art movement known by many names, most commonly termed graffiti begins in Philadelphia. The social implications of graf art convey information about certain areas. As if a warning, in certain places the graf art which is barely legible line the sides of roads telling outsiders that this is their territory. Because of graf art, the area behaves differently and is perceived that they are unwelcome. The graf art becomes immersive once the connection between harm and the art is perceived.

Communication Design In-n-Out Fast food chain In 1948, the first In-N-Out Burger was founded by Harry and Esther Snyder in Baldwin Park. Since then, the fast food chain has opened numerous chains across the nation. This fast food chain is a great example of an immersive event. Ever since its creation, the design and architecture of the restaurant has hardly changed. Now, consumers not only identify with there remarkable burgers, but the restaurant has acted like a time capsule for when the first In - n -out was opened in 1948.

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Communication Design Road Signs Since language differences can create barriers to understanding, international signs using symbols in place of words have been developed and adopted in most countries and areas of the world. The basic patterns of most traffic signs were set at the 1908 International Road Congress in Rome. North America and Australia signs generally adhere to the following colors: ▪ Green with white letters for informational signs, such as directions, distances, and

places ▪ Brown with white for signs to parks, historic sites, ski areas, forests, and campgrounds ▪ Blue with white for rests areas, food, gasoline, and lodging. ▪ White with red or black letters for regulatory signs, such as speed limits or parking ▪ Yellow with black letters and symbols for warning signs, such as curves and school

zones ▪ Orange with black letters for construction zones and detours

Road signs are an immersive event for many reasons. Many signs describe up coming road conditions that would soon be experienced. For this aspect alone they become an immersive event. In addition, the act of driving prevents the exchange of information. From preventing accidents with other people and reading directional signs, the driver is constantly being introduced to a new area before he can fully understand the one he just passed. Because of this, road signs behave as an immersive event that must project quick information to inform the people in an unfamiliar landscape.

Communication Design Election of 2004: The Use of Language and its Respective Imagery The election of 2004 between Bush and Kerry displayed the power of the use of language.

In Bush's argument, he constantly identifies the war in Iraq as "The War on Terror." These words project patriotic imagery. On the other hand, Kerry phrased the war in Iraq simply as "War in Iraq." Although he was projecting a sense of honesty to the American people, this phrase didn't imply the good intentions that Bush was trying to evoke.

This election display the dynamic relationship between words and image. This relationship can change the perception of how the words are perceived. Although they were relatively saying the same thing, the connections that we made changed their persuasiveness. This election is a great example of the immersiveness of language.

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Science Atomic Bomb On August 2, 1939, just before the beginning of World War II, Albert Einstein wrote to then President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Einstein and several other scientists told Roosevelt of efforts to purify uranium-235, which could be used to build an atomic bomb. It was shortly thereafter that the United States Government began the serious undertaking known then only as "The Manhattan Project" to research the atom bomb. The atomic bomb has been used only twice in warfare. The first was at Hiroshima. A uranium bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" (despite weighing in at over four and a half tons) was dropped on Hiroshima August 6, 1945. On August 9, 1945, Nagasaki fell to the same treatment. This time a Plutonium bomb nicknamed "Fat Man" was dropped on the city. In a split second, Nagasaki's population dropped from 422,000 to 383,000. Over 25,000 people were injured. The threat and destruction of the atom bomb has caused an increase in homeland security across the nation. From security check points to the emotions of families, the fear of this threat has developed an immersive environment based on an uncontrollable fear.

Science X rays X-rays were discovered in 1895 by the German Physicist Wilhelm Roentgen. X-rays can be used to treat disorders like cancers. In this case, a radiotherapist carefully calculates the dose of X-rays targeted onto the tumour inside the body. These X-rays are over 150 times stronger than those used to in X-radiographs and kill the cancer cells in the tumour. Low energy X-rays are now widely used to see inside baggage in airports and other areas where security is important. This example of science has changed the way we perceive certain spaces. Airports that use the special devices to detect dangerous objects or materials change the way we react and act in airports across the country. There presence makes us believe that the space is safe and secure. Although most people complain about the searches and the levels of access in an airport, without them, most people would feel insecure about using the airport as transportation.

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Science Fire Crackers The first "firecrackers" were chunks of green, healthy bamboo, which was discovered to explode when someone threw some some chunks of it onto a fire. Historians believe that about 2,000 years ago gunpowder was discovered accidentally by a Chinese alchemist/cook who was mixing sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (old term for potassium nitrate; KNO3) over a fire. The mixture dried into a flaky black powder, which burned with a huge puff of flame when ignited. It was named huo yao, or the "fire chemical". This crude, early mixture wasn't as powerful as modern gunpowder because it didn't contain as much potassium nitrate, but nevertheless burned very hot and bright. It was discovered out that if the "fire chemical" was put inside of bamboo tubes and thrown in the fire to be ignited, the gases produced by the burning powder would blast the tube apart with a much louder and more powerful bang than just green bamboo. The firecracker was born. Firecrackers have been integrated into the fabric of our society. The symbol or act of lighting a firecracker is now considered a celebratory event. Typically after popular sporting events, a series of firecrackers will be set off to conclude the night. This behaves as an immersive event because of the firecrackers demanding bright light across the dark sky. On 4th of July, this act signifies a time to remember.

Technology GPS The GPS system was developed as a worldwide satellite based system by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to simplify and improve military and civilian navigation and positioning. The system grew out of the "space race" with the Soviet Union during the 1950s. By the 1960s the Air Force has developed a system in which several satellites with accurate clocks could assist in determining the position of a vehicle moving on land or in the air. In 1973, the Navy and Air Force programs combined and formed the Navigation Technology Program, which eventually became NAVSTAR (Navigation System and Ranging). GPS technology is a technology that is being more accessible by the way it is being integrated into consumer products. This technology behaves as an immersive event because of the way it prevents people from getting off track or lost. In a car, a driver can lose track of time or direction and the computer will notify the driver updates of his/her travel. This allows the driver to be able to change the perception of the drive itself because he is not so connected to his direction.

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Technology Touch screens In 1971, the first "touch sensor" was developed by Doctor Sam Hurst. Touch screens today are now incorporated into numerous appliances for business and personal use. The touch screens allow for incredible flexibility in customizable interface design that is only limited to the software it uses. This technology is a great example of an immersive event through three aspects: embedded, personalized, adaptive. These three elements deal with the act of digital systems being integrated into environments and our personal needs. This technology, or "ambient technology", is slowly changing the way we integrate with our surroundings

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Technology Bluetooth Conceived in 1994 initially by Ericsson before being adopted by a myriad of other companies, Bluetooth is a standard for a small, cheap radio chip to be plugged into computers, printers, mobile phones, etc. A Bluetooth chip is designed to replace cables by taking the information normally carried by the cable, and transmitting it at a special frequency to a receiver Bluetooth chip, which will then give the information received to the computer, phone whatever. This technology has far reaching capabilities in the field of ambient technology and there immersive qualities. Today, people are just learning about Bluetooth and some major steps have been taken that have improved the integration of technology with personal spaces. Cell phones now can be answered through the radio in the family car, files can be transmitted without a direct connection feed, and spaces now can change to the personal setting of a Bluetooth device.

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Media Art Casey Reas 'TI' Description Growth. Expansion. Boundary. Decay. Aggregate layers of abstraction remove every trace of systemic complexity, revealing a living surface. Structured form emerges from the results of thousands of local interactions between autonomous elements. ____________________________ This exhibition is an example of an immersive event. As you enter the room, every wall, object , floor, celling is painted black except for circular spaces that have been lifted off the floor. Like lilly pads floating on a black pond, the circular elements seem to interact together as they grow internally. Due to the lack of light, your eye is immersed in the activity of each pad.

Media Art Video Games "WORLD OF WARCRAFT" released November 2004 Video games have been a past time activity for many people who create a artificial persona outside reality. The World of warcraft is a recently released game that has a fully developed society with an economic system and battle system. This game is a remarkable example of an immersible artificial environment. In the game, you create a character with an unique name and look and slowly develop him over a couple months. This game is classified as a massively multiplayer role-playing game where you compete against other players across the nation.