History of Infographics Report

history of infographics


for Lech Velasco's FA 172.2 class

Transcript of History of Infographics Report

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history of infographics

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Nowadays, infographics and pictograms are greatly used by the people all over the world, and seen by almost everyone in commercial places, public facilities or even residential areas.

Let’s take this slow and start by formally describing what an infographic is...

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an infographicis an instructive image that’s commonly purposed to simplify a complex piece of information so it becomes more compre-hensive with an illustration or a graphic icon.

It is used to replace words or actions by means of visualizing it, either to replace or just as a textual instruction.(i.e. cave paintings from the prehistoric ages – the world’s YHU\�¾UVW�LQIRJUDSKLF)

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Both infographics and pictograms have been used for hundreds or even thousands of years, with various marks they created a ‘cave painting’, as well as hieroglyphics in Ancient Egypt. But now, we see infographics and pictograms commonly used as signs, warnings, or other markers in pub-lic places. Now Infographics are widely used in our society, in mathematics, mapmaking, signage, news media, education, travel, medicine, politics and even religion.

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it's everywhere!No aspect of our lives are untouched by the application of infograph-ics, simply because they convey knowledge and advice, even manda-tory orders, in a form which the human brain readily recognizes and associates with the information behind the representation – known as visualization. Make no mistake, a modernity of infographics can help to spread your message and attract attention from readers through this media, both print and web design infographics

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a brief descriptionof infographics

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Traditionally, infographics are considered as visual elements like signs, graphics, maps, or diagrams which are used as media to help people to understand the meaning of text-based content. This information visualization focuses on representing a particular se-TXHQFH�RI�GDWD�RU�VSHFL¾F�LQIRUPDWLRQ�IURP�VWDWLVWLFDO�GDWD��8VXDOO\��LW�ZLOO�ORRN�VLPLODU�WR�D�graph or diagram. But nowadays, infographics look more creative and imaginative.


Therefore, we need to know about the basic principles of infographics before we can discover exactly their main purpose.

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a global and universal formatSo that it can be understood by anyone, even a kid!$V�PXFK�DV�SRVVLEOH��LW�QHHG�QRW�KDYH�DQ\�VSHFL¾F�VWDQGDUGV�about it.

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keep thingsinteresting...Make it show and reveal information which was previously hid-den, taboo, unclear.

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clear as thelight of dayAn infographic is stand-alone and it must have clear informa-tion so no questions should be raised when people see it.

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send the right messageA good infographic must give readers the right comprehension about the information included. Presentation, time frame and consistency of data can make or break your infographic.

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classification ofthe infographics

For a more in depth view on things, here’s the...

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