History of brazil

History of Brazil The traditional periodization divides the wave grabbing Brazil into four broad periods: Precolonial ( until 1500 ) , Colonial Brazil ( between 1500 and 1822 ) , Empire ( 1822 a1889 ) and the Republic ( from 1889 to the present day ) . There are several theories about who was the first European to reach the lands that now form Brazil. Among them, highlights the theory that Duarte Pacheco Pereira was between November and December 14981 2 and the holding was the Spanish Vicente Yanez Pinzon on 26 January 1500.3 But according to most historians , the discoverer of Brazil was Pedro Alvares Cabral who first made " officially" the territory on behalf of his country. Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries , Brazil was part of the Portuguese colonial empire using the name of Kingdom of Brazil and having as its capital Salvador . On 7 septiembrede 1822 , the country declared independence and became a constitutional monarchy , the Empire of Brazil and having as its capital Rio de Janeiro. A military coup in 1889 established a republican system . Since then, Brazil has been nominally a democratic republic , except for three periods of dictatorship expresses : 1930- 1934,1937-1945 and 1964-1985 . According to most historians , the discoverer of Brazil was the Spanish Vicente Yanez Pinzon 3 who sighted land on 26 January 1500 and arrived in the current region of Cabo de San Agustín (Pernambuco ) , then to a first scanning the mouth of Amazonas.4 This trip is reflected in Colombinos.5 Lawsuits in contrast, for the Portuguese historiography , the discoverer Pedro Alvares Cabral will ( 23 April 1500 ) , who will "officially" the territory on behalf their country . Brazil is from 1970 to the present (2014 ) , South America 's largest economy , the world's sixth and the fifth most populous country . Also part of llamadosBRIC . The first Brazilian Main article : Indigenous peoples in Brazil

Transcript of History of brazil

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History of Brazil

The traditional periodization divides the wave grabbing Brazil into four broad periods: Precolonial ( until 1500 ) , Colonial Brazil ( between 1500 and 1822 ) , Empire ( 1822 a1889 ) and the Republic ( from 1889 to the present day ) .

There are several theories about who was the first European to reach the lands that now form Brazil. Among them, highlights the theory that Duarte Pacheco Pereira was between November and December 14981 2 and the holding was the Spanish Vicente Yanez Pinzon on 26 January 1500.3

But according to most historians , the discoverer of Brazil was Pedro Alvares Cabral who first made " officially" the territory on behalf of his country.

Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries , Brazil was part of the Portuguese colonial empire using the name of Kingdom of Brazil and having as its capital Salvador . On 7 septiembrede 1822 , the country declared independence and became a constitutional monarchy , the Empire of Brazil and having as its capital Rio de Janeiro. A military coup in 1889 established a republican system . Since then, Brazil has been nominally a democratic republic , except for three periods of dictatorship expresses : 1930-1934,1937-1945 and 1964-1985 .

According to most historians , the discoverer of Brazil was the Spanish Vicente Yanez Pinzon 3 who sighted land on 26 January 1500 and arrived in the current region of Cabo de San Agustín (Pernambuco ) , then to a first scanning the mouth of Amazonas.4 This trip is reflected in Colombinos.5 Lawsuits in contrast, for the Portuguese historiography , the discoverer Pedro Alvares Cabral will ( 23 April 1500 ) , who will "officially" the territory on behalf their country .

Brazil is from 1970 to the present (2014 ) , South America 's largest economy , the world's sixth and the fifth most populous country . Also part of llamadosBRIC .

The first Brazilian

Main article : Indigenous peoples in Brazil

The territory of Brazil has been inhabited for at least 8000 years. The origins of the first Brazilians , called " Indians" by the Portuguese, are still a matter of dispute among archaeologists . The traditional view is that they were part of the first wave of immigrants who came to America hunters from Siberia , across the Bering Strait.

Los Andes and the high mountains of northern South America created a cultural boundary between the agrarian civilizations of the west coast (whence arose the city- state urbanized and the Inca Empire) and semi-nomadic tribes of the east, who never developed written records or permanent monumental architecture. For this reason, very little is known of the history of Brazil before 1500. 's (Mainly ceramics) vaguely archaeological remains reveal a complex pattern of regional cultural developments , internal migrations and similar large federations to occasional statements.

By the time the first European explorers arrived , all parts of the territory were inhabited by semi -nomadic Indian tribes who

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subsisted on a combination of hunting, fishing, gathering and agriculture. The population density was much lower ; total numbers have been estimated at one million people (but recent archaeological discoveries, such as those mentioned above , seem to indicate a much higher number ) . Although many Brazilian Indians succumbed to the massacres , disease, and harsh consequences of slavery and forced displacement , many others were absorbed into the Brazilian population , highlighting that the Paulist Bandeirantes who enslaved for three centuries nearly half a million indios.6 a few tribes remain in their lifestyle in the remote corners of the Amazon rainforest .

Current Brazilian culture owes much to these people , including the development of crops such as cassava and complex knowledge necessary for survival in the rainforest.

The Portuguese settlers had to defeat the attempts of Spanish colonization ( Iguape war ), English, Dutch franceses7 8 . Other than that they will face the rebellions of black and Indian slaves and attacks quilombos.9

Besides having to refer to indigenous peoples between 1556 and 1558 to Caetés Alagoas 10 1558-1559 to tupiniquim of Espírito Santo ( Ilheus war ) and deMinas Gerais ( Paraguaçu war ), 11 in 1575 to tamoios Rio de Janeiro and Indians of the Jesuit missions of Sergipe ( Aperipe war ), 12 in 1584-1587 to Paraíba13 potiguares of 1597 and the Rio Grande del Norte, 15 in 1603-1604 to 14 native Ceará , 16 1663-1664 Urubu the Amazon river , 17 lostapajós in 1665 , 18 in 1671 to 19 Anicuns of Goiás , 20 in 1683-1715 to Carirí Bahia and Piaui , 21 in 1709-1710 to cambebas the Amazon River, 22 1723-1728 to Delrío manaos Black , 23 1737-1738 to Madeira - Purus24 muras and Guarani War .

colonial Brazil

1534 : The Brazilian captaincies limited to the west by the line of Tordesillas.

The boundaries between Spain and Portugal were established shortly after that in 1492 Spain did the official " discovery" of the territory now known as America, this first limit was established by Papal Bull Alejandrina called Inter Caetera , however the Portuguese refused arguing that the ref was a pope of Spanish origin, so that the meridian was run further west (ie more territories annexed to Spain ) by the Treaty of Tordesillas , if it was obeyed in the letter by the Portuguese never was fulfilled in by these facts .

Pedro Alvares Cabral , a Portuguese navigator, is credited as the first European to reach Brazil on April 22, 1500 , but three months earlier, on January 26, 1500 , the Spanish Navy Vicente Yáñez Pinzón had come to Cape San Augustine and explored the coast to the mouth of the Amazon River , where he advanced his cousin Diego de Lepe , whose expedition continued its wake , all before Cabral.3 the country was gradually populated by Portuguese seeking to escape poverty, and nobles who were granted by the Crown colonial privileges . The colonial administration in the next two centuries was based on a feudal system in which favored individuals received titles of huge blocks of land called captaincies ; many of these domains eventually became the current Brazilian states.

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1573 : Brazil of " Two States " .

In the first century after its European discovery , the largest export of the country, which gave its name to Brazil - was " brazilwood " , a large tree ( Caesalpinia echinata ) whose trunk contains a prized red dye , which was almost exterminated as a result of overexploitation. Beginning in the seventeenth century , sugar cane , grown in plantations called " mills " along the northeast coast , became the basis of the Brazilian economy, due to the high demand for sugar in Europe. First, the settlers tried to enslave the Indians to work the fields (the initial exploration of the interior of Brazil was greatly due to paramilitary adventurers losbandeirantes , who entered the jungle in search of gold and slaves "Indians" ) . However, the Indians were unfit as slaves, and so the Portuguese land owners looked to Africa, from which imported millions of slaves .

1709 : The province of São Paulo to its fullest extent .

Some slaves escaped from plantations and tried to establish independent colonies ( brothels ) in remote areas. However, these colonies were eventually all destroyed by the government and private forces , which in some cases required long sieges and the use of artillery. So , Africans became a substantial section of the Brazilian population ; and when before the end of slavery (1850 ) began to join the Portuguese, as the Indians above.

During the first two centuries of the colonial period , attracted by the vast natural resources and uninhabited land , other European powers tried to establish colonies in various parts of the Brazilian territory, in defiance of the papal bull and the Treaty of Tordesillas , which had divided the New world into two parts , to Portugal and Spain . The French colonists tried to settle in Rio de Janeiro today , of 1555th 1567 ( call or France France Antarctique Antarctica ) , and the current São Luís , in 1612-1614 ( the call France or France équinoxiale Equator ) . Little ethnic or Dutch French culture and influence of these were attempts at colonization .

1789 territorial reorganization during the " Inconfidencia Mineira " .

The Dutch finally frustrated intrusion into Brazil was longer lasting and more troublesome to Portugal. The Dutch privateers began by plundering the coast:

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sacked Bahia in 1604, and even temporarily captured the capital, San Salvador. From 1630-1654 , the Dutch settled more permanently in the Northeast and controlled a long stretch of the coast most accessible to Europe , however , without penetrating the interior. But the colonists of the Dutch West India Company in Brazil were in a constant siege despite the presence in Recife of the great John Maurice of Nassau- Siegen as governor. After several years of open warfare , the Dutch formally withdrew in 1661.

During the eighteenth century there were some rebellions against the colonial power that were harshly suppressed , the first of which was laRevuelta Filipe dos Santos in 1720. 's Inconfidência Mineira in 1789 , during which he highlighted Tiradentes, was followed by the Bahian Conspiracy ten years later . These two movements were marked already intend to proclaim independence while the second came aa claim the abolition of slavery .

The Empire of Brazil (1822-1889)

The Empire of Brazil en1823 Note the limits on the Eastern Missions , with limits in Paraguay before the War of the Triple Alliance and the ríosMbotetey Igurey ; Acre and the Eastern Band , the latter occupied province under the name of Cisplatin .

In 1808 , King John VI of Portugal (then still Prince Regent ) , fleeing the army of Napoleon I, the seat of government moved to Brazil , Brazil before it ceased to be colonial status and in that same year of 1808 passed be the Kingdom of Brazil and , de facto , the main constituent of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve being effective as UK capital city of Rio de Janeiro. Part of the royal family returned to Portugal in 1821 , the interlude led to a growing desire for independence among Brazilians. On September 7, 1822 , the then Prince Regent proclaimed the independence of Brazil , and was crowned emperor.

Pedro I of Brazil , largely discredited by military setbacks occurred during the Argentina-Brazil War with the consequent release of the " Province Cisplatina " and the start of separatist movements in some provinces Republicans abdicated in 1831 , and after interim governments of appointed regents , his son Pedro II was crowned emperor at fourteen years old. His taste for the common people, but angered the elite, those who believed too liberal, and intellectuals, who felt it was not sufficiently liberal. The main event of his reign was the abolition of slavery in 1888.

The Old Republic (1889-1930) [ edit]

Main articles : República Velha

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The transition from Empire of Brazil to the United States of Brazil , notice the limits in the Eastern Missions ( disputed to laArgentina until 1895 and then spread between Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina ) and partly Acreboliviano until 1903 , observing the territories alParaguay acquired after the War of the Triple Alliance , in terms of territory and appears Oiapoquelitigado built by France to Brazil but still not the name but as part of Amapá Pará.

Pedro II was deposed on November 15, 1889 by a Republican military coup led by General Deodoro da Fonseca, who became the first president. The name of the country became the United States of Brazil (which in 1967 was changed to Federative Republic of Brazil ) . From 1889-1930 , the government was a constitutional democracy , with the presidency alternating between the dominant states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais.

1943: Border Territories (note Iguaçu and Ponta Pora with territories of Argentina and Paraguay obtained , Acre and Guapore (current Rondonia ) with territories won from Bolivia and Peru ) .

In 1895 the UK ceded the strategic island of Trinidad and the Brazilian state almost coetánemente a territory , that of Pirara was litigated between British Guiana , Venezuela and Brazil ; successes in international politics also occurred in the Eastern Missions litigation Mesopotamian claimed by Argentina and delOyapoque sector ( approximately the current Amapá ) claimed by France. In 1903 Brazil 's Acre was annexed after beating Bolivia in the " War of rubber ." Similarly were favorable to Brazil all other disputes with other neighboring Latin American countries (eg Peru and Colombia ) . In the late nineteenth century, the cafécomenzó to replace sugar as the main source of export country. The coffee business caused Brazil to grow economically , attracting many European immigrants, particularly from Italy and Germany. This influx of work also allowed the country to develop an industrial economy that expanded offshore .

This period , known as the "Old Republic, " finished in 1930 with a military coup that placed Getulio Vargas, a civilian, in the presidency.

It was Vargas (1930-1945) [ edit]

Main article: State Novo

A military junta took control of the country in 1930 and Getúlio Vargas Dorneles came to power as interim president . Regime change involved the decline of the coffee oligarchy and the rise of the middle classes and the peripheral oligarchies. Vargas ruled in one form or another continuously, except for a brief period , until his suicide in 1954. Since 1930 , successive governments managed the growth of industry and agriculture and the development of the vast Brazilian interior.

Getúlio Vargas ruled as interim president between 1930 and 1934. Military coup suspended the operation of the Constitution of 1891 , while Vargas had promised the enactment of a new constitution . In July 1932 in São Paulo erupted call Constitutionalist Revolution , which demanded the establishment of a constitutional regime and was suffocated in October. In 1934 a new constitution was proclaimed and Getúlio Vargas was elected president by Congress.

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The next three years were progressive political polarization. They gained strength leftist organizations like National Liberation Alliance or the Brazilian Communist Party ; also emerged a movement called fascist-inspired Integralismo . In 1935 a revolutionary attempt failed left led by certain sectors of the military and some individuals linked to the USSR ; shortly after the Integralists attempt a putsch . Taking advantage of the climate of panic , November 10 de1937 , a year before the presidential election, Getúlio Vargas gives a coup and becomes dictator. The established regime of populist , was called Estado Novo . The October 29, 1945 , the military force Vargas from power .

Nova Republic (1945-1964) [ edit]

With the resignation of Vargas in 1945 , after a new constitution drawn up in 1946 , restoring individual rights regarding the above, the period known as Nova Republic starts. This was a democratic regime , during which the capital was moved from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia and is characterized by populism , nationalism and developmentalism .

Main presidents of this period were Getúlio Vargas, democratically elected in 1950 and ruled until his suicide in 1954 and Juscelino Kubitschek ( 1956-1961 ) . In 1961 he was elected Jânio Quadros , who resigned in August of that year . He then went on to rule João Goulart VP , who undertook a policy of social reforms. The traditional oligarchies and CIA maneuvered to bring about his downfall . The 1964 coup deposed him and established a repressive military dictatorship.

Military dictatorship (1964-1985) [ edit]

The military coup deposed João Goulart, cools personal and partisan ambitions of any ideology and introduces a system of emergency officially last until 1985. Regime had five presidents, who were civilians but by acting as president , general officers were in reserve . They are, in chronological order: mariscalesCastelo Branco and Artur da Costa e Silva , and General Emilio Medici Garrastazu , Ernesto Geisel , and João Baptista Figueiredo . Under the influence of technical and Eugenio Gudin, Roberto Campos and Antonio Delfim Netto, the military regime conducted economic, fiscal and structural reforms, including adopting some of the proposals of João Goulart, such as land reform and the nationalization of infrastructure companies .

The company was presented initially enthusiastic about the regime consequence of economic progress, but the manipulation of the media through censorship and official propaganda, gradually was opposing the authoritarian regime. Exaggerations system of political repression, as the death of journalist and Brazilian Communist delPartido (PCB ) Vladimir Herzog, the president himself took Geisel to take strong positions against " hardliners " .

In the 1976 elections the opposition had an increasing number of votes, which led to a "slow , gradual and secure " political opening , with the return of several political exiles , to the pre- press censorship , amnesty and Diretas Já movement , highly symbolic , celebrations requiring direct presidential elections , rather than the indirect election held for most of the dictadura.25

New Republic (1985 -present) [ edit]

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With José Sarney the new democratic regime was established. Official photo by assuming the presidencia.26

The first elected civilian president since the coup of 1964 was Tancredo Neves . However, did not take office after suffering a postoperative complications that lead to death on 21 April 1985. Earlier, on March 15 , had temporarily assumed the presidency José Sarney and already permanently dying Neves . Democracy was officially restored in 1988 with the enactment of the current Constitution Federal.26

Fernando Collor de Mello, Little Party gives National Renovação , was elected President in 1989 in the first direct elections since 1964.25 His government lasted until 1992 when he resigned due to impeachment

proceedings against him following a series of complaints that enveloped Collor on corruption. Corruption was directed by the treasurer , Paulo César campaign Farias.25 27 The vice president, Itamar Franco, assumed in its lugar.25

In the government of Franco was born on Real Plan , articulated by his finance minister , Fernando Henrique Cardoso.28 For the success of the plan would Cardoso elected president in 1994 after being re-elected in 1998. Elections in 2002 , opposition candidate Luis Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers Party won Cardoso 's successor in the PSDB , Jose Serra. Again would overcome During 2006 , this time to Geraldo Alckmin also the PSDB.29

The October 31, 2010 , in the second round of elections , Dilma Rousseff , Lula da Silva 's successor as head of the Workers' Party , was elected to become the first woman president of Brazil , beating José Serra Social .

Brazilian culture could be simplified to what to film, architecture and dance ( samba ) concerns . As a result of an intense mixture between peoples, a peculiar cultural reality emerged , which summarizes the various cultures.

Popular culture and high culture was always quite problematic in the country. Over a long period of history, from the discovery of Brazil until the mid- nineteenth and twentieth centuries , the distance between popular culture and high culture was quite wide : the first was meant to be a true copy of European standards and styles, the second was formed by adapting the cultures of

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different peoples that formed the Brazilian people in a set of values , aesthetic and habits rejected and despised by the elites. Much of the modernist aesthetic project was just the rescue in the fields considered "noble " of culture ( general arts , literature , music, etc. . ) And even daily habits , seeing it as a legitimate Brazilian culture.

Brazilera - Cultural Training

Within the various peoples who formed Brazil, Europeans were those who exerted the greatest influence on the formation of Brazilian culture , particularly the Portuguese origin. During the 322 years that the country was Colonia in Brazil , and various aspects of Indian culture inherited by the current Brazilian civilization . In addition to managing and Callao Guasipati decline of indigenous peoples , there was a catechetical activity and intense mixture , which contributed to many of these cultural aspects were lost. The indigenous influence became stronger in certain regions of the country where these groups were able to maintain greater distances of these groups colonizing action as they were strangers.

Brazil is a highly multicultural country, marked by large and diverse migration flows from all continents including green jungles .

The popular music of Brazil is known globally, with a variety of manifestations and styles like samba, bossa nova, choro, axé , lambada , forró , hinterland , etc. , but are also popular styles imported and Hip -Hop and rock. Some of the best known and most representative international successes of Brazil could be the samba Aquarela do Brasil [61 ] ( popular) or bossa - nova " Garota de Ipanema " (The Girl from Ipanema ) by Antonio Carlos Jobim, well known internationally .

Brazilian literature has featured as the classic exponents larger sociological essay senzala Home ( 1933) by Gilberto Freyre , writers like Machado de Assis ( " Don Casmurro ", " Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas " ), Jorge Amado ( Dona Flor and Her two husbands , shop for miracles , Gabriela , Clove and Cinnamon ) , João Guimarães Rosa ( Large Sertão : Sidewalks ) Érico Verissimo (O Tempo eo Vento) and Fausto Wolff (O Pede Desculpas Acrobat and Cai ) . Among the highlights poets Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Alphonsus of Guimaraens , Haroldo de Campos, etc. .

The playwrights stand Manuel de Araújo Porto -alegre ( Pitangueira ) Quiet Antônio , Nelson Rodrigues , among many others. The cinema of Brazil is one of the most developed in Latin America, in many co-productions with companies and artists from other countries with a large domestic market as well as films that have received international recognition. From historical films Limit ( 1931) by Mario Peixoto and Black Orpheus (1959).


The Tupi languages are the most widespread family of languages throughout Amazonia .

The official language is Portuguese and is spoken by virtually the entire population . In addition there are some 170 indigenous languages , which have been classified into 20 families of different languages . The average indigenous language speakers was around 155,000 individuals en1999.1

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Most Indians are bilingual in Portuguese, tending to disappear monolingualism among the Indians. The main families of indigenous languages in Brazil are the Tupi languages, Arawak languages, languages macro -Ye and Caribbean languages .

Because the waves of immigrants from the second half of the nineteenth century , there are important communities of speakers of italianoque is recognized as ethnic and German language , mainly in South Brazil.2 3

Religion [ edit]

Main article : Religion in Brazil

Cathedral of Brasilia.

According to recent surveys and investigations (2009, 2010, 2011 ), approximately 60-70 % of Brazilians are Catholic. Brazil has the largest Catholic population in the world, with over 100 million followers.

The number of protesters has grown rapidly and now accounts for 19-26 % of the population.

Other religions are spiritualism ( 2.1-4.8 %) , Afro- Brazilian religions (~ 2%), other (~ 2 %), and people without religion ( 7.9-12.8 %). The Jewish population in Brazil is 100 thousand people. Mainly in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Minorities are constituted by the Indians who kept their religion and customs, especially in the Amazon, such as União do Vegetal and Santo Daime .

As a result of black slavery , some African Afro-Brazilian beliefs as practiced animism , and others such as Umbanda candombléy .

The arrival of immigrants from Asia brought the practice of minority religions following regarding the comprehensiveness of the country: Buddhism , Confucianism , Taoism , Shinto and Islam , growing in the country. Brazil has the second largest number of followers called new Japanese religions , surpassed only by Japan itself . You mention Seicho -no- Ie , Tenrikyo , Igreja World Messiânica and others, with varying degrees of Judeo- Christian influences of the East Asian religions ( primarily represented native traditions peel Japan ) and calico religions (mainly represented by (Buddhism ) .


The feijoada is considered the national dish.

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Main article: Cuisine of Brazil

Brazilian cuisine varies greatly depending on each region , so that it reflects the mix of native and immigrant populations . This has defined a national cuisine marked by the preservation of these differences regionales.12 Among the best examples are Feijoada , considered the national dish ; 348 349 vatapá , moqueca , polenta and acarajé . Brazil has a variety of candies such as brigadier and beijiño . The national beverage is coffee and cachaça , a native Brazilian distilled beverage . This drink is distilled from sugar cane and is the main ingredient in the national cocktail, the


Although the variety of dishes , a typical Brazilian meal consists of rice and beans , accompanied by beef or pork and a salad, or a boiled or fried egg , fries , or farofa , made of corn or flour cassava and season with salt basically could have oregano, fried onions and bacon frito.351 Thanks to the tropical climate that prevails in much of its territory in Brazil a variety of fruits are grown , such as mango , papaya, acai , the cupuaçu , orange , cocoa, elmarañón , guava , passion fruit and pineapple. Of all these fruit juices and extracts which are used for manufacturing dechocolates , candies, ice cream and other postres.352 As in other industrialized countries, the presence of multinational companies that offer fast food has increased are obtained , resulting changes in diet and nutrition of the Brazilian population , mainly in areas urbanas.353

Sport [ edit]