HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville...


Transcript of HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville...

Page 1: HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville conv,yed by deed to t.t& Charch the lot ~pon which tm resent Church now stands. The




Crawfordville Church Ck~

Page 2: HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville conv,yed by deed to t.t& Charch the lot ~pon which tm resent Church now stands. The



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h Or viII hurch ha hlstory th, t 1s replete

tl time of

.. Taii f rr. C uni~. COllnty 8 creat· . Deoem'be ,

1825. e flrst Su arlor Court ' Id 1 J 1 ,1826. The Cr dv1 1e

sect10n a port10n off of lIkes Coun ,. It as sp r el •

here r no pub11c chool. I1l1t racy a extant. P ra 0 1 alll',

ther' De t at he t1 t r xi ted 1 ar lng to

a hi nd cu1tllr 1 advano ~8bt. h flr perm nent courhou e

as rect 1 1828. It s at nil 1 t 0 tor· br1c cUlldl

and trllctura117 • There re 1 adair of 1 "h ¥pe , ani

t aomen run at p opl d 1red good OV rnment a r 11 10 .~

urrollndl h d1ttu 10n 0 kno 1 d w 1 f r 11 to• p llbinder , and to z 10 lou h r nts. Tb o1rc 1t rl

of t tho 1 t pl Jed a lab p rt. .1t th ok roun

hi t ry b in. I) ()Th I ST DEED. Aori1 4th,1828, Janes, E 0 tor,

m dad d to njamln ••Lind " ru tee, tor t t

Ep1 cop 1 Church,Cr f rd ,11 • In th t d ed, the ref r tf)

tho i t Soo1et". t 01 fordville. A econd 1m ln th s • "1n tr t for "II thodi t Sool ty". a Cr'l _ordvill • T o •

t1l1 11 ea • a gun ohn ss e. The lot ~B u e b t

e' ,e r • I a_ Sout of the pnb11~ u :ret I 111

to g in herel tter.

oom> DEED. Fro a El11 ton, d t 28th d 1

rch 1828 to· ·1111 0 B1rd. ohn olunLe 1 ,

.H.L1bd e , hn .Jorel n n 1 itt

etho 1 t Epi cop 1 Church. 10 t

the lot • ike 1s


in t it s n1y

tl e. • .....~ .....m 0 Bi

layed p r 1 tory.

THE IRD D 1':0. l' H nrl Shorter to

111iarn n rd, ru te S 01 thod1 t

Church t Cr ordv11L. G tedr11 26th,1833, conv yl

lot • .,0 of "tile 0 of 0 lolfo Vill .!rh ord,"8 o1et "

not used in th1s d edt The nam radllsl11 oha lng om

·'Soo1ety" to Church.


o· 1 t

mre1n conv'3

ohn \ . Jo an.

Ep1 copal


Page 3: HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville conv,yed by deed to t.t& Charch the lot ~pon which tm resent Church now stands. The

.. . .' ~I ... i

In referr d to.

HE OURTH D ED. Fro E n J n, d te h 1 t da of

Octo. r,l.3 , to R v. 1111 m on Bird,

Pre entl1~ hls D9. 111

q., Ja e

A. ,nolds,'r aao rt n lord n, to bu·1I

cop lChnrah, 48.84 Inl . t 10 ores, ore or 1 1tholl t

do bt tw. tr ot 8 1n he 607th or G08th D1 t., and w or

auoth r Churoh, 'tnt 1 Ino r or ted her in beau 1t carrie the

na e of 1111 on B1r , an hat a a K thod t preaoher. ,

~ t 18 1n th 11m lu ht for t 1. r' Bon, ni ataofor th

s he v ndor 0 ;Alex. er He. 11ton st phe ,ther .on that

reat Co oner" , In 4e to h t 1s '. 0 111 "Liberty lltt •

lIo r erting to t D o it x cution•

'8 Ch P itt l88 looa 8dun 11 0 t 18'0. Churc

ott thi lot. Thro the ante bell ~he pos 001 d 1s.

A t th 11 ht of th Ohurch burn,d \

'Very 1 11, and ev n•

It fal1e to fl1a at ne tlP1 •

A trlkl event 1n 1t 1n t e

org Railroad 80nstr~oted. It wa

rl ht ot , f tJs 11n throu. trenee r to

o llra lot.

G GIA.' In D F.D Bo k B G ,114. the•

Chu.rch exeout d Ri h~ o. ,. D te .. In th1e: r t

1 t 8i 8et forth, ;

"wh Oll the )( thod 1 " •

i xo tlon of Bl ,tho Tr at e l'Q but

f reoo led e. hId thei f'ml11es va 'bJ e 10 t in t,

a 1 of t 1 .• From uth to mouth, fio collate 1

r latl0 nd fro th f at t t lrd B th to• S phe rd' lif nd f 111 tl11 n hlstory

It b 11e ed. o..f. co

1", s 1 hi nor


, that th

Chapel, conv lot

1111 m F.HOlden. GeOTg

" D D.On

8t phe to Iss 0 K nt,

oke. 8 1'\1.t 8 of' B rd. r

fo e and orah1p of

pi op 1 Chnrch,Sonth".

Page 4: HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville conv,yed by deed to t.t& Charch the lot ~pon which tm resent Church now stands. The

A secol).d time in the deen, it was referred to as the," wthod ist

Sooiety". He expressed the consideration as, "th. sum of Five

dollars, but mostly with a view of advancing the wishes ani

interest of the said , ani the erection of Bird' s Chapel, as

a house of worship, to which sacred oause ir has been dedicated".

A third time~that if at any time hereafter said ethodist Society

shallbe dissolved, the bUilding or house of worship as aforeaaid,

shall from any cause cease to re used for' ire purpo se, then in

that case, all tre right,title and interest shall revert to him, : ' "

the said lexander H.Stephens~ In 1910, the lot reverted to the

priVy in his est te, the Stephens numental Association.

The bUilding as a neat, well constructed ans commodious

church. An itinerant painter came through to n. He had the hand of

a m ster. To the raar of tbe pUlpit, across the back, he painted

an opel). bible. Across it were the worde,"HOLY BIBLE n • bove it the

ord, "FAITH". This painting lingers in tbe memories of thosewho

attended as children. 11 have passed tre meridi3n of life. Mr.

Ralph W.Golucke, Clerk of th9 Superior Court who furnished the

record information herein, and who attended the Sunday School says,

av"ry ohurch should have such ~ painting fl It lelft an irradicable:•

impression on the minds of the children.

THE SIXTH DEED. On Sept.2nd,1911. C.H.& R.vi.Golucke oonveyed by

deed a lot to the Southwest of tre Courthouse, whereon Mr. J.B.Bird

now resides.Thi w~s a convenient spot for t~ Church. By strenous

efforts. the small comgrega tion succeede in erecti g aan a ttractive

building. The oongregation felt that it ha aooomplished a financial

feat. Then came the dedicatio . :.11 felt hapl)~r. But, it as ill

fated. A cyclone of destructive power hit Crawfordville, on the

18th day of JUlY,1918. ltv destroyed this Church, and also th'e

Presbyterian, completely, tho~bh they were in different' sections

of town. Some sa id that it was the devil ork, a.nd that the

B ptlst Church, \.hicn was unhalDlIled, was giving hi no trouble.

Up to 1896, the resbyterians ~~d u the Methodist Church for

their ae~ices. In a cycle, the Presbyterians and the Methodists

again used the same bUilding for worship, temporarily-the

Court house

Page 5: HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville conv,yed by deed to t.t& Charch the lot ~pon which tm resent Church now stands. The

J .Hart Ii:i.:·

THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville

conv,yed by deed to t.t& Charch the lot ~pon which tm resent Church

now stands. The oonsideration expressed Five Hundred Dollars.

Bl1ild1ng operation<, were started in the coom period ot World War 1.

Rev. O.B.TaJlley was Pastor. Approximately 3000.00 was obtained

from a parsonage, long owned by the Ch~rch. sold to Mrs. Leila B.

Lyle. ApprOXimately 10 000 • additional was raised by donations.

When the eo.nomic oollapse of tbmt year oame, the indebted\eSS was abo~

1300.00. It tried men's ~1Joula to pay this, and keep up the 'other

expenses o~ tm Ch~roh. There lfere threte of slli ts. )[r.

Sibley was the ohief oreditor. To his memory. it can be said

ewas patient ald oonaiderate.Finally all dects were paid.

PARSONAGE. On March 28th.1949. a parsonage with all modern

appointments was dedicated. It is oonvenient a~ attractive.

located on the Church grounds.New furniture throughont. An initial

donation of $3000.00 was made by Mr. J.H.Bowen in memory of his

parents ,Mr. and Mrs. H.I.Bw1Bn, who were members.

A PUBLISHED ACCOUNT. In the Advooate-Democrat. looal paper. of

the issue of February 21st,1891, appeared trom th& hand of an

old citizen. though mentally active, a sketch of th& Church. which

embodied information. otherwise lost in thee passing of the years.

WIn 182-.The handf~l of Methodists b~11t a small

Ch~rch near where Mr. Joe Farmer lives, b~t it

proved inoonvenient to get to and from, and it was movea

aWay over to the lot no owned by Mr. Troupe. Here

~remained for some years. but the few Methodist families

livving near br had moved away. settling elsewhere, and

so few remained that servioes' were disoontinlled. and finally

the building wassold to a farmer living out in tm cOllntry.

am he tore it down am moved it away. In 18'76, a yOllng

Methodist minis~er Allen Thomas, whomshortly before had

, left Emory College. full of youthfUl hopes and his

heart glo ingwith holy

It reads:


Page 6: HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville conv,yed by deed to t.t& Charch the lot ~pon which tm resent Church now stands. The

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z 1, for t 1 1hi a •••

's tr ct.

on th

of 1 s.

een emc


van hi

vent enth or


in hi

a:b d in C

l1"1 thod! t

in 'he Ch reh no i the pro 1 tn


int re

of 87 Hi pa ch badli the

b\l ch. I 1.867, •Berg iro , a 1011 S eda, h

h 1 t • br 0 d 1n D D

bnle Lo A ron. h1

y q 1 t nd a1nt1 . ohar 0 t l'

nd ngll"'h of en rovo d nr t 1n s

1 ad hool llperl end t, d th

rdx, l' , II hao t r two

of pronounc1 th ord , ve p in d ap 11'. 11

l' r 1dents. h tt unda School,

1n'V 1'1 bl rete to h 10 rdeon, ho

th Sund School rs, is at

thl time on a 1 1t h and tone hi memor

of Brother Bel' tro •

oorn r a

BOn. Alex H.ste hen • and b Churc

• cit1 en.Tru t

a 10 1 hodlat. m re his 1 t

ao ave o the pre oher's 1 ry. H t1'1 elm am died

in fe hol1.r • L t it not be con id red an 111 en.

Co t10 s millions av Joined th t n 'U n

that m v on~f~t ) ho no do

in th r

the Ct rch, and ltv

·Churoh t

Page 7: HISTORY - Amazon S3J.Hart Ii:i.:· THE SEVENTH DEED. On J~ne lst,1920, the City of Crawfordville conv,yed by deed to t.t& Charch the lot ~pon which tm resent Church now stands. The



b Super~wnlu.

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Flna cl 1


ho hi in ~~on... of n i

e ho in! 't ft r complct .on 0 H1 h choal n

001 e s udi9 • He r ont n1'h of the ird

S in th1 m nt ,J ,1 51, to 1 r tion.

11 re 1n hig

11 d. ond e1':ttI.l • H

pr 1 of

e to 1 kno , t f1 st m1 1 t r fro

R • c. B.Dr' . 1 th a to •

Tro H.Vle r the School

H ha hel h1~ po 81 ce tlB f 11 of 1 • oldsr

t pos fro Ie r to ,e pe f at un on nd ccor

of t co~~nJRa 1 n

co s1 of .J. rper,

Presl e t, ro H. V1 ker • Haye Ohe • 0 t

he Bo rd of t


r 11. J.H. 11 on, .T.Bed J •• 1t h 11. John Beazley S1sson.

1950-1951 v b 1n ful •

t PI d e ha h e 11qu.1dat~d.

. d 'ber h1 o i • Church has approx


Or fo vi 1 ,Ga. 1 ,1951.

ft r tm •or