History 1 Notes

History 1 Townshend acts: part of it was because British stationing troops in cities. Focus in Boston. Problems came from both sides. 1-colonists were angry and abusive. During the winter snowballs 2- the British were condescending, arrogant and would violate Boston traditions Boston massacre what effects did it have? 1- For the colonists, many were convinced it WAS a massacre- do to violence, the Americans felt they could not let go of it for forget it, could go back to the British ever. Many Americans had a conspiracy that the British were trying to enslave the Americans 2- For the British, they repealed the Townshend acts but: many in Britain believed in continuing a tough line. Many real trouble confined to MA/Boston 1770-1773 1-Things quieted down a bit BUT there are still signs of trouble. 1772 ship called the “Gaspee” British patrol boat that patrolled the American coast, trying to catch Americans engaging in smuggling and illegal trade. The crew and captain were disliked. The crew would get drunk and trash the place when pulled into American port. Off the coast of Rhode Island the ship got stuck and could not move at night. Captain and crew got off because ship was stuck. Someone set the ship on fire and it burned all the way up. The captain tried to stop it but got shot. 2-rise of “committees of correspondence” first one based in Boston. They wrote to other towns, people and colonists, keeping them informed of the latest outrages done by the British. Americans have to know the relevant issues to make them want to join the American army.


Notes for US History from the beginning to 1865.

Transcript of History 1 Notes

History 1Townshend acts: part of it was because British stationing troops in cities. Focus in Boston. Problems came from both sides. 1-colonists were angry and abusive. During the winter snowballs2- the British were condescending, arrogant and would violate Boston traditions

Boston massacre what effects did it have?1- For the colonists, many were convinced it WAS a massacre- do to violence, the Americans felt they could not let go of it for forget it, could go back to the British ever. Many Americans had a conspiracy that the British were trying to enslave the Americans2- For the British, they repealed the Townshend acts but: many in Britain believed in continuing a tough line. Many real trouble confined to MA/Boston1770-17731-Things quieted down a bit BUT there are still signs of trouble. 1772 ship called the Gaspee British patrol boat that patrolled the American coast, trying to catch Americans engaging in smuggling and illegal trade. The crew and captain were disliked. The crew would get drunk and trash the place when pulled into American port. Off the coast of Rhode Island the ship got stuck and could not move at night. Captain and crew got off because ship was stuck. Someone set the ship on fire and it burned all the way up. The captain tried to stop it but got shot.2-rise of committees of correspondence first one based in Boston. They wrote to other towns, people and colonists, keeping them informed of the latest outrages done by the British. Americans have to know the relevant issues to make them want to join the American army.3-hutchinson letters- Hutchinson thought he was a British official and believed that the Americans should follow the British. He writes a private letter to a friend in England saying Maybe American liberties will have to be abridged (taken away) If there is order. He thought it was a private letter his letter got intercepted by Benjamin Franklin, Franklin published the letters in the papers.

Coming of the American revolution-1773Key event: Passage in parliament of tea act. At the time people in London didnt think it would be that big of a deal, thought Americans would like it. Tea act was about the East India Company (run by great Britain In London) the east India company was going bankrupt. To attempt to save it, they gave the company a MONOPOLY on the sale of tea in America. Americans drank tea every day. Price of tea in America actually went down. BUT price of tea would still contain a small British tax. As a result, the Americans opposed the tea because:1. It was still a tax: principle of the thing Hated to be taxed by the British2. Plus the tea act would bypass American merchants. Americans were not allowed to sell their own tea anymore. John Hancock was selling tea and stopped gaining profit while the friends of British, the Hutchinsons were gaining a small fortune.So American resistance explodes. The focus became Boston because of the intensity of the standoff in Boston. There were really committed American radicals that lived in Boston. No one would unload the tea when it came to the colonies. Governor Hutchinson in Massachusetts was determined to sell the tea and carry out the law in the name of the British. At the same time Americans didnt want any violence. This led to the Boston Tea Party. They wait until late at night and dress up as Indians(as a disguise), sneak on the ships and throw tea overboard so that no one would get hurt. Will have BIG consequences.

VIDEO- the british think the Americans couldnt object to buying tea at such low prices, but they were wrong.

British in response to the Boston Tea party take a tough line. They send in ships to watch over Boston under military rule. Why? gesture politics the tea party was a very open and defiant act against the British. Britain needed to either establish authority or give it up altogether at this point. What about the rest of the British empire where they have colonies? The british thought if they didnt take control of the Americans, their other colonies in other countries might rebel too.What do the British do in response to the tea party?? What AMERICANS called the INTOLERABLE ACTS The intolerable act is designed for the british to put their foot down on America.1. They closed/blockaded the port of boston (no one was allowed in or out) economically, boston depends on commercial trading, British are trying to starve boston into submission. (closed until the tea was payed for)2. Put Massachusetts under military rule with a new government lead by General T. Gage.3. Any Massachusetts private dwelling could be used for quartering of British troops, british officers had animals that came with them (dogs, pigs, chickens)

How do Americans respond to intolerable acts? This leads to OPEN REBELLION1. Rush supplies- almost every colony outside of new England rushes supplies to Massachusetts. Even people from Virginia ( a long way away). The british didnt really see the hint that the other colonies were against Britain.2. Colonial legislatures- colonies sending angry resolutions and petitions to Britain. The governors of the colonies that were appointed by the british attempted to dissolve the legislature. Tried to deport the Americans responsible. Americans kept writtig hateful things anyway.3. In towns and villages there was an emergence of revolutionary committees new governments began to arrive. The colonists would have town meetings, and appoint new people to make a committee to govern the town. The colonists were making their own governments and over throw their british governors.The best example of the American response-1774 A meeting in Philadelphia became known as the 1st Continental Congress. The whole country of America sent people to this meeting, uniting the country. All colonies showed up except Georgia. They got there too late. In the 1st Continental Congress, they urge continued resistance, bless the new governments they were creating themselves, create a new boycott of British goods called the Continental Association. BUT remember most people at the Continental Congress were still moderate. They want to fix the relationship with Britain instead of gaining their independence at this point. They were angry but didnt want war, they were unsure of what to do or how it would go.

1775 Relationship between America/ Great Britain.slowly spins out of control. The Americans didnt plan on gaining Independence. How did it spin out of control??1.The British take a tough line-GB will not negotiate with the colonist, british stil convinced all the problems are mostly in Boston2. Many American colonists are taking a tough line too. The continental congress has authorized the colonies to arm themselves. They knew the potential trouble against GB so they said colonists were allowed to take up arms against the British. In the colonies, local militia form. In Massachusetts, their militia is called the Minute Men. In Boston, there was a very effective spy network formed.3. In Massachusetts, they get a new British governor, General T. Gage. Gage is afraid that people of Boston will rebel against him. Hes in a difficult situation; he lives on an island in the bay in fear of the people. The British government also tells Gage that he needs to reestablish royalty in Boston. They tell him that he needs to crack down on the colonists and needs to get things in order and that they are not allowed to challenge authority. Gage gets conflicting advice saying to crack down on the colonist but also to help them be respectful of the British government.

This leads to APRIL 18/19 1775. The British sneak over to Lexington/Concord. The British are supposed to take colonists weapons and show them whos boss. The colonists spy network lets the Americans know that the British are coming as Paul Revere tells. About 60 Americans get there before the British.

Most important thing: After British are back in Boston, 10,000 American militia surround them. The American militia come from all different colonies in New England, Some from outside new England. Most of these people had duties that they have to tend to but they go to join the American army in Boston anyway.Situation slowly drifts, but escalates too. 1. Spring 1775, ETHAN ALLEN was a part of the Green Mountain Boys. He helped to Seize Ft. Ticonderoga.2. Summer 1775, The continental congress meets again called the 2nd Continental Congress. They authorize raising an army, buying guns. They name a commanding general for the American army, GEORGE WASHINTON

1776Finally Continental Congress passes a resolution of INDEPENDENCEThen Congress would adopt an official DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Whats in it?

1. Lockean, ENLIGHTENMENT document. Has natural rightsall men created equal, pursuit of happiness (taken from John Locke and enlightenment writers) Composers of the Declaration read a lot from enlightenment and used their ideas.2. In many ways, this is a RADICAL document, has the right of revolution (if the government is doing a shitty job and does anything against the declaration, the people have the right to rebel against the government and create a new government.)3. What overall does the Declaration of Independence spend the most time on??? Spends most time talking shit about King George III. They wanted to explain the revolution to the people of America, wanted them to know exactly what King George III did. Thomas Paines Common Sense written about how King George III oppressed the American people.

Revolutionary warGoing into the revolution, no one thought America had a shot. Saw America as a third world country, where as British was the most powerful country in the world at the time.American strengths 1. They got a commanding General, George Washington, the key to Washington was that he kept the army together. 2. American Army- fighting at home meant that they knew the terrain. 3. The key is Washington- the American army was made up of independent men. Men who owned land, who had volunteered. SO Washington had to INSPIRE them. Many people in the British army were drafted and HAD to fight, they were criminals, etc. They HAD to be there and do what the officer told them to do.British strengths1. More men, more stuff, bigger army, bigger navy2. British can use the HESSIANS (foreign mercenaries, hired by the king, basically an army in themselves, they are from GERMANY that came from a German state called Hess) The british hire others to fight for them too3. The British have very experienced OFFICER CORPS, they are very well trained, men also well trained in 18th century tactics, they had muskets that were difficult to load and fire, very heavy, not really accurate at all. Line up and shoot their muskets all at the same time (bound to shoot something) Then charge and stab with bayonets4. They were well supplied, the british have lots of uniforms, food, parties, etc.American weaknesses1. Lack of men2. Rely on state militia, there are problems because they were not that loyal, they eat all the food then when the battle comes they are gone! Bitches!3. Lack of supplies

Revolutionary WarBritish have Weaknesses too!1. Use of Hessians. The Hessians were rude against the civilians, committed atrocities against them. The Hessians didnt care as much about the war than the British did. The Hessians would steal, cows, chickens food, sometimes burn down houses and every once and awhile kill civilians. Hessians made Americans more angry at Britian.2. British Commanders were often not aggressive enough, they didnt take the Americans seriously enough, William Howe was having an affair with the wife of one of his officers, so writing love notes to her and not paying attention on how to track down Washington and win the war. 3. British Commanders fear high casualties, they remember the Battle of Bunker Hill, At Bunker Hill, the british attacked the Americans and won at Bunker hill but the British suffered extremely high casualties. The British were scared this would happen again so they were afraid of fighting too much.During the course of the war, what kind of thing happened??1. Often Washington and the Continental Army LOSE. Hes outnumbered and outgunned and the British had better officers, supplies, food, etc. Won 3/10 Major Battles.2. But the key, even in defeat, Washington kept the army together3. And the key for Washington- sometimes he knew he had to be unconventional, had to take risks, be different and take chances.4. Other Campaigns. British Commanders made mistakes. Ex. British General John Burgoyne, invaded NY state I 1777 Eventually the british lose! Defeated at SARATOGA in October 1777,Ex. Late 1776, Trenton Princeton

This led toBenjamin Franklin are trying to become allies with the French. The French reach out to Franklin to make a deal because after Saratoga, the French thinks that America can actually win. American alliance with the French 1778.How did the Revolutionary War Affect American Society???1. American society is DIVIDED during the war, There are the Patriots that support the revolution and want America to win 50 % were active and committed. The LOYALISTS/Yankees, were supporters of the British. Some people DONT CARE/UNDECIDED/IN THE MIDDLE.

War at Home:British occupied several citiesEx: New York City1. This lead to garbage, destruction. Animals that pull carriages leave behind poop that the British didnt clean up. New York smelled horrible because of this. As a result, this made the Americans hate the British even more.2. The war separated many families. Families heartbroken when the men left from home to fight in the war. Since the sons, fathers, brothers and husbands left for the war, the women have to do the jobs that the men did, like farming. Very very tough.3. The war could lead to economic trouble, the revolution at times lead to inflation. (prices rapidly increasing). Armies have to take what they need to survive, eating a lot of food wherever they go. Food becomes scarce and food prices raise. EX: Wheat used to make bread and oatmeal. In 1777 wheat was $1/bushel. In 1780 wheat was $80/bushel.

The End of the war 1777-1781British shift strategies and go south. Why?1. Secure the south, divide the colonies into two halves.2. They had good commander for the British: CHARLES CORNWALLIS3. KEY: The British believe that there is a lot of loyalist support in the south and that would be their key to victory.What happened?1. At 1st the British win Charleston and Savannah. They defeat an American army in Camden, South Carolina.2. Then the Americans find a good commander in the south NATHANAEL GREENE

New NationState level, state constitutions.1. They were all written2. Reduce the power of governors3. Give power to the state legislatures, someone has to have power to do something, its not a single individual to help dilute authorityNational Government?? 1781 Called the Articles of Confederation1. Government by CONGRESS (Confderation Congress)2. WEAK Government because they were worried about a strong oppressive government3. The National Government can requisition money from states. They are allowed to ask for money from the states but the states are allowed to refuse. On important issues, war, taxation, tariffs require at least nine states to say yes. Each state only gets one vote. No chief executive.State Legislatures. Many feel abusing power. Not playing out well.Confederation was weak. At Home there was economic troubles, they had to pay for the Continental Army VeteransConfederate was a weak government. In foreign policy no one will loan them money. Credit with foreign banks. The British were supposed to evacuate forts. BARBARY COASTImportant: Massachusetts 1786 SHAYS REBELLION. People I MA asking for longer time to pay or have debts forgivenConstitutional Convention 1787 philadephia 1. 55 delegates, 12 states2. Delegates were the colonial elite, people looked up to them3. Key members: James Madison (father of the constitution)4. Key members: George Washington5. Convention immediately votes: ESTABLISH SECRECY6. Remember: Mandate for convention, they revised the articles

Constitutional Convention1. A lot of debate, disagreement, there were Competing PLANS2. There was a VIRGINA plan, because most people from there favored it. They suggested the national laws should be supreme over state laws, a two house legislature, representation based on population. (stronger government)3. NEW JERSEY plan, was a continuation of confederate government, government by congress and equal state representation. (weak government)Big issues concerning how much power the national government should get, how states should be representedEventually Sept New Constitution, Whats in it??1. Created LEGISLATIVE branch of government. Best ex: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Directly elected, 2 year term, specific powers, tax, declare war2. Constitution creates the PRESIDENCY 4 year term, no term limits direct diplomacy Commander in chief of military3. Creat Judicial Branch, federal courts, supreme court, once appointed, they had to be approved, serve for life4. Constitution is about compromise, best ex is the Connecticut Compromise Representation. Compromise, House based on population, US senate, 2 for each stateCreates the system of Checks and BalancesConstitution has checks on the peoplePresident chosen by ELECTORAL COLLEGEUS senators chosen by STATE LEGISLATURES

The Constitution.Key: The constitution has FLAWS.1. Accepted SLAVERY. States had to return fugitives. Allowed the slave trade for 20 years. 3/5 Compromise. Letting slaves count as their population to gain additional LEGISLATURES. The North did not like this because they did not have nearly as many slaves. The North was afraid the south would have too much power. SO They would not count a slave equal to one white man, they decided that a slave would count as 3/5 the population of 1 white man.2. In Original document, there was no bill of rightsWhen the constitution first comes out it is just a proposal. Not the Law of the Land. Will it be RATIFIED??Each state has to go to the convention; each state has to elect delegates to attend the state convention. 9 states have to vote yes for the constitution to be ratified. Each state has their own convention and votes individually.1. Many Americans at first are ANTI-FEDERALISTS, against the new constitution, seemed to be majority of the nation at the time. Thought the new government would be too powerful. Thought the presidency would be too powerful.2. BUT other Americans were FEDERALISTS. They were SUPPORTERS of the new constitution. Well organized, they were able to make great arguments. Under the new constitution, you ELECT the government. If you didnt like it, you VOTE them out. Three new branches of government with different powers, all of them balance each other out to help maintain a government that was not too powerful, suggested by James Madison. Huge federalist George Washington.1788 1st Presidential Election. George Washington???Washington Admin. 1789-117971. Establishes PRECEDENTS

WASHINGTON ADMINMajor Issues1. Hamilton and his economic plan2. FOREIGN POLICY issues a 1789 FRENCH REVOLUTION. The French overthrow their king and want a republic. Franklin was in Paris and was telling people in America about it. But sink into radicalism?

1793 WAR Breaks out in Europe Between Britain and FranceProblem for America, America did a lot of shipping to Europe. Both sides of the war wanted America to ship to them but not their opponent.Thus both sides begin harassing American Shipping.Washington tries to be neutral but it doesnt work

Election of 1796 Washington will not run again. Establishes a 2 term tradition.2 Opposing political Parties: Federalists-Washington, J. Adams, A. HamiltonDemocratic-Republicans- T. Jefferson, J. Madison

Feds want J. AdamsDR- T. JeffersonDifferent Campaign. 2 presidential candidates did not campaign for themselves.Instead they would campaign through newspapers

Presidency JOHN ADAMS F-1797-1801Key Tied up with foreign policy problemsFrench are angry at the USLeads to the French harassing the US shippingSo Adams tries to negotiate with the French but at first just leads to: XYZ affairJust make things worseEventurally the French begin launching armed attacks vs. US ships. US ships arm themselves and shoot back. Called Quasi-WarSo in response the FEDERALISTS take certain stepsIncrease Military spendingIncrease size of armyTo pay they increase the PROPERTY TAXESUNPOPULAR

Then the feds pass the alien and seditio acts, gave the president power to expel dangerous aliens made certain speech illegal derogatory remarks intended to excte disobedience to federal officials and the pres and the constitution.In response Jefferson Madison and the DemReps came up with the Virginia and Kentucky resolutionsElection of 1800Adams eventually made PEACE with France but causes division in the federalist partyMany wanted war with France like Hamilton. Hamilton dislikes Adams and tries to replace him as president candidateElection 18001. Clear that Jefferson won2. But there was a problem. Democratic-Republican President ticket. Aaron Burr was the vice president.3. Electoral college: at this time: each voter: must put down two different names on ballot. NO DISTINCTION between president vote and vice president vote. But every Democratic-Republican voters put down Jefferson/Burr so technically there is a TIE.4. So the vote is taken to the HOUSE. In the House there is a FEDERALIST MAJORITY still. Some vote for Burr? Or some vote for nobody? Delay things? Vote: Feb 1801, 35 ballots, several days, still no winner, it was a mess!5. Some federalist talking about maybe calling a new election? Maybe appoint an acting president? The Democratic-republican when they heard about this they threatened to send in army units. The country came uncomfortably close to civil war.The Federalist party lost the election, they have to give up power to a party they oppose, they dont want to give up their powerIn the end: ALEXANDER HAMILTON urges Federalists to vote JeffersonJefferson dressed like an average person, urged people to think hes a regular guy.Jefferson cut the size of government, the army, navy etc.Biggest achievement: LOUSIANA PURCHASE 1803 Not the state, huge part that would double the size of the country. It was under control of the French, owed by Napoleon. Jefferson doesnt like him and is afraid of French influence in the US. He thought they had to get it so that the Americans could get the Mississippi river and expand west. $15 million.

Presidency of T. Jefferson 2nd TermProblems: 1. War between Britain and France starts up again in 1805.2. Both British and France again start HARASSING AMERICAN SHIPPING3. But US fights GREAT BRITIANAmericans anger is focused on BRITAIN. Why?? Because british do 2 things unique. Needed British permission to trade, like a liscence but now with FRANCE. ORDERS IN COUNCILBritish engage in IMPRESSMENT the right to board any American ship and search anything they found there. If they found he was a British citizen they could march him off at gun point and force him to serve the british navyWhat does Jefferson do? Due to the budget cuts there was no US navyDid it work? NO. Why? Difficult to enforce British control on US shipping. Easy to break, could trade overland w/british in Canada, go to northern NY-Buffalo, embargo led to big economic problems, unemployment, especially in New England. Jefferson overreac, puts towns under martial law, allows searches without warrantsElection of 1808 D-R: new way to nominate a president candidate for party- CONGRESSIONAL CAUcUSDespite embargo MADISON wins comfortably

AMERICA After 1815 CHANGESOne big change, the growth of NATIONALISM. Examples:1. Passage of TARIFF of 1816 higher tariff, even got some support south. Ex: John C. Calhoun. The tariff was to have higher European goods. Idea was to keep out European manufacturing, to encourage the growth of American manufacturing buy amercan2. Creation of 2nd bank of the US pushed 1816 by president Madison3. SUPREME COURT example of nationalism especially Chief Justice-John Marshalla. 1803 MARBURY v MADISON. Marshall declared a law unconstitutional judicial reviewb. 1819 Case McCulloch v Maryland. National bank states4. By 1820 New national hero, ANDREW JACKSONPresidency of James MonroeDemocratic-Republican1. Elected in 1816. Last ex of Revolutionary Generation2. In his presidency, the Era of Good Feelings-took a trip around the country. Federalist Party dying. By 1820- dead. Monroe won re-election without opposition 3. By 1818/1819 America acquires FLORIDA thanks to vs Spain, Seminole War, role of A. Jackson4. ISSUE: MISSOURI COMPROMISE 1820 Compromise. Henry Clay, Missouri-slave, Maine-free, now on 3630 line

Election of 1860 Democrats SplitNorthern Democrats nominate S. DouglasSouthern Democrats nominate John C. BreckenridgeRepublicans meet in Chicago. They think about nominating Henry Seward. In the end they elect LINCOLN3rd Party? (or kind of 4th party)CONSTITUTIONAL UNION Party, nominate John BellCampaign- signs of trouble, extremism, threats to secede in the southBut Republicans are popular in north. Finally Lincoln is elected. Clear win in electoral college