Historical Trauma & Family Engagement Strategies



Historical Trauma & Family Engagement Strategies. For Educators & Families. OBJECTIVES. Become acquainted with the boarding school era & the history of Indian Education. Understand the impact of Historical Trauma on student learning. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Historical Trauma & Family Engagement Strategies

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For Educators & Families

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• Become acquainted with the boarding school era & the history of Indian Education.

• Understand the impact of Historical Trauma on student learning.

• Learn strategies to engage Native students & families in our schools.

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Christopher Columbus arrived in the Caribbean on October 12th 1492 to encounter a diverse Indigenous population. Columbus had an uncontrollable lust for gold. He enslaved thousands of Taino people, launching an insidious genocidal ideology in North America.

“…they were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features....They would make fine servants....With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.“-Christopher Columbus

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"The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away,

the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world."

~David E. Stannard.

By 1496, 4 million Indigenous people had died by slavery, torture, murder, disease, and terrorism.

By 1535, an entire culture was decimated. An estimated 8-10 million people dead.

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What is Genocide?United Nations Convention on Genocide in 1948 defines characteristics of Genocide:

• Killing members of the group causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group

• Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

• Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

• Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this.

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Historical Trauma

Cumulative emotional and psychological wounding over the lifespan and across generations, emanating from massive group trauma.

- Dr. Maria YellowHorse-BraveHeart

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Traumatic Events• Warfare/Biological Warfare

• Loss of land base & resources

• Ongoing treaty violations

• Relocation/Removal

• Reservation confinement

• Prohibition of spiritual & cultural


• Forced sterilization

• Community massacres

• Indian mascots

• Boarding schools/assimilation

• Introduction to alcohol

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Historical Timeline 1616 – Smallpox decimates Native population in New England

1831 – Supreme Court Case between Cherokee Nations vs.


1851 – Fort Laramie Treaties were signed

1853 – Extermination of tribes in California

1862 – 38 Dakota hung in Mankato

1876 – Battle of Little Big Horn

1877 – U.S. Govt. seized the Black Hills in violation of treaty


1887 – Dawes (Allotment) Act

1889 – Ghost Dance Movement begins

1890 – Over 300 Lakota were massacred at Wounded Knee,

South Dakota

1893 – Boarding School Policy

1917 – More than 17,000 Indians enlist in military during WWI

1924 – American Indians are granted citizenship

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Historical Timeline 1928 – Meriam Report published illustrating dire situation of Indians

1934 – Johnson O’Malley Act established

1944 – National Congress of American Indians established

1953 – Termination & Relocation Era

1968 – American Indian Movement & Women of All Red Nations

1972 – Indian Education Act

1978 – Indian Child Welfare Act

1978 – Indian Religious Freedom Act

1990 – Native Language Act

1996 – Clinton declares Nov. National American Indian Heritage Month

1996 – Colbell vs. Salazar was filed

2005 – Red Lake School Shooting

2006 – Minneapolis School Board signs historic Memorandum of


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Boarding School Education

•Mandatory attendance

•Military style regiment

•Speak only English

•Become Christian

•Learn farming, a trade, or service skill

•Shame of culture and cultural practices


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Trauma & Brain Development

The human brain is remarkable organ capable

of absorbing & storing more bits of information than any other species.

When a developing brain processes consistent violence or trauma:• Neuron receptors

cannot make healthy connections

• Increases heart rate & develops cardiovascular abnormalities

• Programs the brain to signal body to respond in a hyper-vigilant & unpredictable pattern

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Symptoms of Trauma • High suicide rate• High mortality rate• High alcoholism/substance

abuse rates• Domestic violence• Child abuse• Low self-esteem• Anxiety/Stress related illnesses• Anger• Shame• Fear/Distrust• Loss of concentration• Isolation• Loss of sleep• Uncomfortable in institutions • Gang activity• Hypersensitivity• Hypervigilent• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome• Poverty

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Trauma & Student Learning Symptoms of trauma that are not compatible to student learning include:• Poor sleeping & eating habits• Irritable, hypersensitive &

aggressive behavior• Extreme temper tantrums• Exaggerated startle response• Problems with concentration or

memory• Socially withdrawn• High anxiety• Misinterpretation of verbal &

non-verbal cues• Impulsive actions• Poor self regulation & time


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Cultural Identity

Acculturation is a TEMPORARY state.A process by which an individual or group socially adapts to a new situation

Assimilation is a PERMANENT state. A process by which an individual or group is absorbed into another group or culture.

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If we didn’t experience the trauma, how could we have symptoms?

First degree relatives of those with PTSD have a higher rate of anxiety and substance abuse

Children of substance abusers attempt suicide at a higher rate

Children from parents with anxiety or depression have an increase risk of developing similar mood disorders.

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Strategies to Engaging Native students

• Be respectful with students

• Build trust by showing kindness, honesty & openness

• Get to know student• Create a positive

environment• Be fair and sincere• Provide options or choices

in assignments• Teach units that reflect

Native American culture & history

• Make students accountable & require them to do the work

• Have a sense of humor! • Use hands on activities• Utilize a softer tone of

voice• Play music & provide

creative opportunities

• Find experiential learning opportunities to fulfill academic standards

• Use Ojibwe/Dakota words when possible

• Build upon student strengths & interests

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Further Resources

• “The Canary Effect”, a 2006 documentary by Robin Davey & Yellow Thunder Woman

• “Beloved Child: A Dakota Way of Life”, a 2011 book by Diane Wilson

• “Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask”, a 2012 book by Dr. Anton Treuer

• “Kill the Indian, Save the Man”, a 2003 book by Ward Churchill

• “American Holocaust”, a 1992 book by David Stannard

• “In the White Man’s Image”, a 2007 PBS film hosted by David McCullogh

• “Rethinking Columbus”, a 1996 book for teachers edited by Bigelow & Peterson

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• Sorkness, Harold L., and Lynn Kelting-Gibson. "Effective Teaching Strategies for Engaging Native American Students." (2006): 1-16. Web.

• Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Indian Boarding School. Dir. Chip Richie. Perf. Grace Thorpe. 2008. DVD.

• "History of Indian Education - OIE." History of Indian Education - OIE. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 June 2014.

• "Indian Education Department." Indian Education Department. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 June 2014.

• Beardslee, WR & Wheelock, I.(1994). Children of parents with affective disorders: Empirical findings and clinical implications. In W.M. Reynolds & H.F. Johnson (Eds) Handbook of depression in children and adolescents (pp.463-479). New York: Plenum.

• Segal, B. (in press) Personal violence and historical trauma among Alaska Native pre-teen girls, and adolescent girls and women in treatment for substance abuse, in Brave Heart, DeBruyn, Segal, Taylor, & Daw (Eds) Historical Trauma within the American experience: Roots, effects and healing. New York: Haworth Press.

• Brave Heart, M.Y.H.(2003). The historical trauma response among Natives and its relationship with substance abuse: a Lakota illustration, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 35(1), 7-13.