Historical Carnaval of Savaria

8/14/2019 Historical Carnaval of Savaria http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/historical-carnaval-of-savaria 1/8 IMPRESSIONS ON A WONDERFUL CITY: SZOMBATHELY, HUNGARY  By: Tatomir Ion-Marius, poet 22-23 Aug. 2009 The X-th Historical Carnaval of Savaria (Ludi Savarienses)  Each year in august, in the beautiful city of Szombathely (in latin: SAVARIA), Hungary, is organized an Carnaval, event where thousands of peoples are presents from all around the world. This is an annual Festival which evokes the millenar past of the city of Szombathely. This city is worldwide reknown not only because of the Carnaval, and of its historical roman past, but also for being the place where born the bishop Saint Martin of Tours, one of the most popular Christian Saints.  Birthplace of Saint Martin of Tours

Transcript of Historical Carnaval of Savaria

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 By: Tatomir Ion-Marius, poet 22-23 Aug. 2009

The X-th Historical Carnaval of Savaria(Ludi Savarienses)

 Each year in august, in the beautiful city of Szombathely(in latin: SAVARIA), Hungary, is organized an Carnaval, event wherethousands of peoples are presents from all around the world. This is anannual Festival which evokes the millenar past of the city of Szombathely.

This city is worldwide reknown not only because of the Carnaval, and of itshistorical roman past, but also for being the place where born the bishop

Saint Martin of Tours, one of the most popular Christian Saints.

 Birthplace of Saint Martin of Tours

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I visited in the past this city, and became interested in its history andattractions.I had the chance this year to get to know mr. Feiszt György 

historian and archivist, cultural councillor of Szombathely, person which Iadmire for his knowledge and works.

With Mr. FEISZT GYÖRGY, cultural councillor of SZOMBATHELY 

Thanks to him I learnt lot of things about the beauty and history of the

millenar town, Szombathely. He was who put in discussion my participationat the Historical Carnaval as invitee of the city, and the invitation signed by

the mayor of the city of Szombathely, dr. Ipkovich György arrived to me in july.

With Mr. IPKOVICH GYÖRGY, mayor of the city of SZOMBATHELY 

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 In the morning of 22-th august, I arrived by train to Szombathely. The

cultural Councillor Mr. Feiszt Gyorgy and my guide, ms. Koczor Anett waited for me, and accompanied me to the Hotel Claudius, near to an

wonderful view of a park and a lake.

  Hotel Claudius Lake

 Park near to Hotel Claudius 

I left my things in the hotel room, and then I did a short visit in the town, to

see some old buildings and monuments.

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  Ruins of Temple of Isis Memorial Plaque of BishopQuirinus 

At the dinner, I met other invitees of the town, mayors and vice-mayors fromdifferent countries (Slovakia, Germany, Italy etc.), peoples working in the

administrative sphere of the city of Szombathely. They were very friendly,we made photos together, exchanged visit-cards.

With the mayor of With the mayor of With the vicemayor of   Kaufbeuren (Germany) Hunedoara (Romania) Trnava (Slovakia)

 At the end of the dinner, the mayor of the city of Szombathely, dr. IpkovichGyörgy , very kind and hospitable, perfect host, offered to the invitees gifts

to remind them the X-th Festival of Savaria.

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I spent my afternoon with cultural moments, then in the evening I joined the parade on the streets of the city of the peoples costumed as Romans with

torches, in the acclamation of the crowd, happy to see and to assist thisunique spectacle.

Ludi Savarienses 

Second day, early in morning, I did a walk in the park, near to the lake and

admired the natural beauties. At dinner, took place the official festivity of closing the program for the invitees. The Festival continued, but we had

 program at choice.

The lake Legion 

I choosed to visit the town, and made photos of everything I foundinteresting, and there were lot of things.

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City of Szombathely 

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The garden of ruins interested me a lot, I saw there a mosaic from the IV-thecentury, with different symbols, but also I saw a part of the ancient road

which leaded from Savaria to the Imperial Rome.

 Mosaic of the IV-th Century 

 Ancient road qhich leaded from Savaria to the Imperial Rome 


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On Wednesday, 26 august, I arrived well home with lot of pleasant and 

beautiful memories.

Szombathely city is a beautiful town, where the past meets in harmony

the future, with lot of attractions, and for sure, I will visit it again.