Historical Artifact Library Card Catalog Analysis

ANTOINETTE DURDEN Historical Artifact Analysis of the Card Catalog Virtual Presentation March 31, 2015

Transcript of Historical Artifact Library Card Catalog Analysis

  1. 1. ANTOINETTE DURDEN Historical Artifact Analysis of the Card Catalog Virtual Presentation March 31, 2015
  2. 2. PURPOSE OF THE ANALYSIS The purpose of this historical artifact analysis is to compare and contrast the historical artifact of the library card catalog to the contemporary artifact of the online library automation catalog and the impact the modification has had on librarians, particularly the school library media specialist
  3. 3. HISTORICAL CONTENT OF CARD CATALOG The Age of Enlightenment 18th century Industrial Revolution 19th century Progressive era 20th century Globalization 21st century
  4. 4. 18TH CENTURY The Age of the Enlightenment Cataloging Code of 1791 First International Cataloging System Medium was Playing Cards French banned religious vows
  5. 5. 19TH CENTURY Industrial Revolution Melvil Dewe y Economic Developmen t
  6. 6. 20TH CENTURY Progressive Era Economic Growth Reform New technology Rapid Industrialization Mass Production
  7. 7. 21ST CENTURY Globalization Instant Communication Vast Distances
  8. 8. SIMILARITIES CARD CATALOG AND ONLINE CATALOG Search Process Cataloguing codes and standards MARC records
  9. 9. DIFFERENCES CARD CATALOG AND ONLINE CATALOG Functionality Complexity Accessibility Searching features Format Storage Cost and updates Data elements
  10. 10. ANALYSIS Role of School Library Media Specialists Budget cuts in schools Student Achievement linked to SLMC
  11. 11. CONCLUSION School libraries impact student achievement and Stronger School Libraries build Stronger Students
  12. 12. REFERENCES Fattahi, R. (1985). A Comparison between the online catalog and the card catalog: Some consideration for redesigning bibliographic standards. OCLC Systems & Services, 11(3), 28-38. doi:10.1108/10650759510101351 Gay, R. (1980). The Machine in the Library. The American Scholar, 49(1), 66-67. Retrieved from The Machine in the Library: http://o- www.jstor.org.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/stable/41210586 Hopkins, J. (1992). The 1791 French Cataloging Code and the Origins of the Card Catalog. Libraries and Culture, 27(4), 378-404. Retrieved 2014, from http://o-www.jstor.org.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/stable/25542474 Husain, R., & Ansari, M. A. (2006, March). From Card Catalogue to Web OPACs. DESIDOC Bullentin of Information Technology, 26(2), 41-47. Retrieved 2014 Information power: Building partnerships for learning . (1998). Chicago, IL: ALA Editions. Kohl, D. F. (1978). Public Service and the Disappearing Card Catalog. R Q, 17(4), 308-311. Retrieved 2014, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/25826012
  13. 13. REFERENCES Krajewski, M. (2011). Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929. (P. Krapp, Trans.) Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com/id/10517481?ppg=1 Matthews, J. R. (1982). Online Public Access Catalogs. Library Journal, 1067-1071. Rury, J. (2012). Education and social change: Contours in the history of American schooling (4th ed.). New York: Routledge. Tenner, E. (2005). Keeping tabs: the history of an Information Age metaphor. Technology Review, 71. Retrieved 2014, from http://0- go.galegroup.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/ps/i.do?&id=GALE|A127622591&v=21 Wong, E. Y. (2012, June 19). Cataloging Then, Now, and Tomorrow. American Libraries Magazine, 16(41). Retrieved 2014, from Rapid changes are broadening the role of the "guardian of the catalog": http://www.americanlibrariesmagazine.org