Hispanic health presentation

Hispanic Health Presentation February 04, 2014


This public health presentation educates the community regarding Latino health and the need for more collaborate healthcare services to meet the demand.

Transcript of Hispanic health presentation

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Hispanic Health Presentation

February 04, 2014

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The main objective is to approach the target population with CLAS principals with respect to culturally sensitive care.

CLAS provides effective, equitable, understandable and respectful quality care and services that are responsive to diverse cultural health beliefs and practices, preferred languages, health literacy and other communication needs (CLAS, 2013).

The presentation focuses on health related issues within the Hispanic/Latino populations

The presentation will give national, state, and city demographical information about the target population

This project will explore the major religion influence on the population, most common disease found in the Latino population, and purposed recommendations to render aid to the affected community.

We will explore alternative healthcare options for Mexican-American population such as seeking a Curandero or herbal practitioner.

Purpose and Objectives

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Latino Population

United States Census Texas CensusDallas, Texas Census

Latino Population Census 2012

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There are several major diseases that may affect the Latino population.

The disease categories range from heart disease to diabetes. This may be due to high transfat diet consisting of lard and corn.

Major Disease Latino Health Care

Targeted Disease and Disparities

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Coronary Heart Disease Atherosclerotic risk factors Chronic Hypertension Stroke Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Cancer Malignances End stage renal disease

(Talamantes et.al, 2013)

Major Diseases that Effect Latinos

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•This professional will educate and enroll participants into the program. The educator will be the liaison between other outside resources and raise funds for the project. This professional will also act as translator.

•This professional will administer medications and ensure the safety of gases administered will be within therapeutic ranges.

•The nurse will enroll and oversee the progression of the medical care and collect data needed to analyze he program goals and objectives.

•The physician will monitor the overall medical well being of all the participants. The doctor will screen patients for the program, prescribe medication needed for participants , and evaluate medical outcomes.


Specialist Registered Nurse

Public Health



The Collaboration Relationship

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Hispanic/Latino Population

Government Services


City and State Services Medicaid

Private Donation, Endowments and


Cultural Folk Medicine

CLAS Collaboration in Latino Populations

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This chart illustrates the chain in which services are rendered to the patients.

Governmental funded services such as Medicare and social security insurance provides fee-for-service options for practitioners that care for elderly citizens.

City and county funded services such as Medicaid are provided for those residents that cannot afford conventional care. This program is ran by the state in which the person is residing.

Medical Care Organization

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Private funded donations are usually endowment funds, charity foundations, or professional associations. This is an opportunity for the funded hospital to render paid services to the community without overhead expense.

Folk medical practitioners are medical practitioners that will render traditional care services to the population as an herbal doctor. This person is the link between God and man (Baldwin, 2013). Health departments may also educate the practitioner in reporting disease outbreaks, proper protocol in treatment of disease, and resource links in referring the patient to conventional methods.

Medical Care Organization

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0% 1%

Major Religion in Millions

Catholic Protestant Jehovah's WitnessPentecostal or Evangelical Catholic CharismaticBudhist, Islam, or Judasim Atheist or Agnostic

Major Religions Affecting Healthcare

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Traditional dietary practice patterns are influenced by the country of origin. Many Hispanics maintain their element of culture and diet (Diet.com, 2014).

Traditional dietary habits may include rice and beans, fruits, whole milk, and vegetables. Traditional Hispanic diets will never consist of processed products such as processed meats (Diet.com, 2014).

Hispanics that migrate to the United States tend to become acculturated and may develop chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Heart disease and diabetes may be related to the adoption of American’s fast food processed diet.

Dietary and Cultural Practices

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The possible cultural barriers may hinder quality care, CLAS competence, and may cause medical errors and population fears.

Major barriers may include language, culture, and practitioner bias or prejudices against the patient.

Healthcare providers need to address cultural care during the assessment phases of the care chain. For example, the patient may speak a foreign language. We will need to address those issues by providing a medical translator that will address questions and concerns the patient may have (CLAS, 2013).

Cultural Barriers Affecting Medical Care

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Patients that are seeking medical treatment may face oppositions due to several environmental and social factors.

Inability to pay for rendered services or elect private insurance

Undocumented Resident Unemployment Inability to communicate with healthcare

practitioners (impending doom).

Conventional versus Folk Medicine

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Some undocumented workers may elect to consult a “Curandero” or a herbal practitioner. This may be the only option for a population that cannot afford a degreed practitioner of health.

Most that are employed as “day workers” may be injured and cannot afford primary care for their injuries. These action may become fatal if not treated by a licensed practitioner.

Medical centers must address issues such as proper self-management treatment to prevent disparities among the Latino population.

Conventional versus Folk Medicine

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This practitioner is skilled in the art of folk medicine.

Curanderos is the link between the spiritual healing and the patient (Baldwin, 2013).

Seeking a Curandero is a risk due to the experience level of the practitioner (e.g. diagnosing, assessing illness, compounding the correct tonic to address disruptions, and proper follow-up care).

Curanderos “Latin Folk Practitioners”

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In the Latino population there are many that are undocumented and may contribute to our medical expenditure.

There must be a collaboration with local state and city public health departments to utilize preventive health education model to reduce disparities.

Healthcare facilities must collaborate with solid network chain to carry the load of undocumented charity care.

Undocumented workers tend to ignore symptoms of illness that can cause prolonged rehabilitation, hospital stays, public health infections, and even death (Xiung et al, 2012).

We must address healthcare issues such as dietary habits, environmental contamination, and chronic illness with cultural sensitive materials to instill trust within the United States medical system.


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I recommend seeking degreed and licensed herbalist or holistic practitioners for wellness.

In the research, some Hispanics will seek out alternative therapists. I highly recommend seeking a Curandero that has experience in diagnosing, examining and assessing meta-physicalogical demands on the body, dietary habits, and making sure that he or she is skilled in follow-up care and can detect limits in practice.


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Simmons, J. (2013). Seeking a cure for health disparities among Hispanics, The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education 23, 10-13

Perez, A. (2013). Acculturation and illness perception of hypertension among Hispanic adults, Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/docview/921483351/abstract?accountid=12085.

Murrary, B. (2013). Latino religion in the United States demographic shift and trend, San Diego, CA, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Xiung, H. S. (2012). Medical Expenditures Associated with Non-Fatal Occupational Injuries Among Immigrant and US Born Workers. BMH Public Health , 678.


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US Census. (2012). State and County quick facts, Retrieved from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html.

Talamantes, M., Lindeman, R., Mouton, C. (2013). Enthnogeriatric Curriculum Model Health and Healthcare of Hispanic/Latino America Elders, Stanford University, Retrieved from http://www.stanford.edu/group/ethnoger/hispaniclatino.html.

HHS. (2013). The National CLAS Standards, Department of Health and Human Services of Minority Health, Retrieved from http://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/templates/browse.aspx?lvl=2&lvlID=15.

Braxton , M. (2014). Hispanic and Latino Diet, Retrieved from http://www.diet.com/store/facts/hispanic-and-latino-diet
