HIS Operation Centum vp

HIS Operation IM 33M05D10-40E IM 33M05D10-40E 2nd Edition



Transcript of HIS Operation Centum vp

  • HIS Operation

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    IM 33M05D10-40E2nd Edition

  • iIM 33M05D10-40E

    IntroductionThis operation manual is written for plant operators who use the CENTUM VP to perform operation and monitoring. This manual comprises the following chapters. Listed below are their brief explanations:

    Starting up HIS This chapter explains HIS windows structure and how to start up HIS.

    Calling the Graphic Views This chapter explains how to use the buttons to call the graphic views.

    Useful Features of HIS This chapter explains the easy and efficient functions to use HIS.

    Operating the Instrument Faceplate This chapter explains how to operate the instrument faceplate.

    When a Message is Generated This chapter explains the measures that should be taken when a message is generated while operating/monitoring the plant and how to find messages generated in the past.

    Reading the Data collected from Plant This chapter explains how to use the trend view to read data acquired from the plant.

    Outputting Screen Images This chapter explains how to output the screen images.

    When a System Error Occurred This chapter explains the measures that should be taken when a system error occurred.

    2nd Edition : Dec.22,2009-00Media No. IM 33M05D10-40E (DVD) 2nd Edition : Dec. 2009 (YK)All Rights Reserved Copyright 2008, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

  • ii

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    CENTUM VP Document Map

    HIS OperationIM 33M05D10-40E

    EngineeringTest Guide

    IM 33M10D20-40E


    IM 33M05D20-40E

    ReferenceIM 33M01A30-40E



    IM 33M10D10-40E

    User's manual

    Only available in electronic document

    Relationship between manualsthat must be read in order

    Relationship to a referred manual

    Reference manual


    Operation and Monitoring




    IM 33M50D10-40E

    TurbomachineryI/O Modules

    IM 33M10U10-40E

    Input & OutputModules

    IM 33M50G10-40E

    Field ControlStations

    IM 33M50E40-40E

    CENTUM VP InstallationIM 33M01A20-40E

    PeripheralsIM 33M50C10-40E

    CENTUM VPEngineeringGuidance


    CENTUM Data Access Library

    IM 33M05F10-40E

    Migrated-FCS (FIO)IM 33M50W10-40E

    Vnet/IPIM 33L01A10-40E

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • iii

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    Safety Precautions

    n Safety,Protection,andModificationoftheProduct In order to protect the system controlled by the product and the product itself and ensure

    safe operation, observe the safety precautions described in this users manual. We assume no liability for safety if users fail to observe these instructions when operating the product.

    If this instrument is used in a manner not specified in this users manual, the protection provided by this instrument may be impaired.

    If any protection or safety circuit is required for the system controlled by the product or for the product itself, prepare it separately.

    Be sure to use the spare parts approved by Yokogawa Electric Corporation (hereafter simply referred to as YOKOGAWA) when replacing parts or consumables.

    Modification of the product is strictly prohibited.

    The following symbols are used in the product and users manual to indicate that there are precautions for safety:

    Indicates that caution is required for operation. This symbol is placed on the product to refer the user to the users manual in order to protect the operator and the equipment. In the users manuals you will find precautions to avoid physical injury or death of the operator, including electrical shocks.

    Identifies a protective grounding terminal. Before using the product, ground the terminal.

    Identifies a functional grounding terminal. Before using the product, ground the terminal.

    Indicates an AC supply.

    Indicates a DC supply.

    Indicates that the main switch is ON.

    Indicates that the main switch is OFF.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n Notes on Handling Users Manuals Please hand over the users manuals to your end users so that they can keep the users

    manuals on hand for convenient reference. Please read the information thoroughly before using the product. The purpose of these users manuals is not to warrant that the product is well suited to any

    particular purpose but rather to describe the functional details of the product. YOKOGAWA reserves the right to make improvements in the users manuals and product at

    any time, without notice or obligation. If you have any questions, or you find mistakes or omissions in the users manuals, please

    contact our sales representative or your local distributor.

    n Warning and DisclaimerThe product is provided on an as is basis. YOKOGAWA shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from using the product or any defect of the product that YOKOGAWA can not predict in advance.

    n Notes on Software YOKOGAWA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the

    softwares merchantability or suitability for any particular purpose, except as specified in the terms of warranty.

    This product may be used on a machine only. If you need to use the product on another machine, you must purchase another product.

    It is strictly prohibited to reproduce the product except for the purpose of backup. Store the DVD-ROM (the original medium) in a safe place. It is strictly prohibited to perform any reverse-engineering operation, such as reverse

    compilation or reverse assembling on the product. No part of the product may be transferred, converted or sublet for use by any third party,

    without prior written consent from YOKOGAWA.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • vIM 33M05D10-40E

    Documentation Conventions

    n TypographicalConventionsThe following typographical conventions are used throughout the users manuals:

    l Commonlyusedconventionsthroughoutusersmanuals:


    The characters that must be entered are shown in monospace font as follows:Example:



    This symbol indicates the description for an item for which you should make a setting in the products engineering window. While operating an engineering window, the help information for the selected item can be accessed from Builder Definition Items in the Help menu.

    Listing more than one definition item after this symbol implies that the paragraph on the page describes more than one definition item.

    Example: Tag Name, Station Name


    Indicates a space between character strings that must be entered.Example:

    . ALPIC010-SC


    Indicates an option that can be omitted.Example:

    . PRTAG{.sheet name}

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    l Conventionsusedtoshowkeyorbuttonoperations:


    Characters enclosed by brackets within any description on a key or button operation, indicate either a key on the HIS (Human Interface Station) keyboard, a key on the operation keyboard, a button name on a window, or an item displayed on a window.Example:

    To alter the function, press the [ESC] key.

    l Conventionsusedincommandsyntaxorprogramstatements:The following conventions are used within a command syntax or program statement format:


    Indicate character strings that user can specify freely according to certain guidelines.Example:



    Indicates that the previous command or argument may be repeated.Example:

    Imax (arg1, arg2, ...)


    Indicate those character strings that can be omitted.Example:

    sysalarm format_string [output_value ...]


    Indicate those character strings that can be selected from more than one option.Example:

    opeguide [, ...]OG,

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • vii

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n SymbolMarksThroughout this users manual, you will find several different types of symbols are used to identify different sections of text. This section describes these icons.

    CAUTION Identifies instructions that must be observed in order to avoid physical injury and electric shock or death of the operator.

    WARNING Identifies instructions that must be observed in order to prevent the software or hardware from being damaged or the system from becoming faulty.

    IMPORTANT Identifies important information required to understand operations or functions.

    TIP Identifies additional information.


    Identifies a source to be referred to.

    Clicking a reference displayed in green can call up its source, while clicking a reference displayed in black cannot.

    n Drawing ConventionsSome drawings may be partially emphasized, simplified, or omitted, for the convenience of description.Some screen images depicted in the users manual may have different display positions or character types (e.g., the upper / lower case). Also note that some of the images contained in this users manual are display examples.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 2nd Edition : Dec.22,2009-00


    n AllRightsReservedThe copyright of the programs and online manuals contained in the DVD-ROM or CD-ROM shall remain in Yokogawa.You are allowed to print out the required pages of the online manuals for using the product, however, you are not allowed to print out the entire document. You can purchase the printed manual from Yokogawa.Except as stated above, no part of the online manual may be reproduced, either in electronic or written form, registered, recorded, transferred, sold or distributed (in any manner including without limitation, in the forms of paper documents, electronic media, films or transmission via the network).

    n TrademarkAcknowledgments CENTUM and Vnet/IP are registered trademarks of YOKOGAWA. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Visual Studio are either

    registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

    Adobe, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

    Ethernet is a registered trademark of XEROX Corporation. Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems,Inc. MELSEC is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Modicon and Modbus are registered trademarks of Schneider Electric SA. Memocon-SC is a registered trademark of Yaskawa Electric Corporation. PLC is a registered trademark of Rockwell Automation, Inc. SYSMAC is a registered trademark of OMRON Corporation. SIEMENS and SIMATIC are registered trademarks of Siemens Industrial Automation Ltd. FOUNDATION in FOUNDATION fieldbus is a registered trademark of Fieldbus Foundation.

    SmartPlant is a registered trademark of Intergraph Corporation. HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation. All other company and product names mentioned in this users manual are trademarks or

    registered trademarks of their respective companies. We do not use TM or mark to indicate those trademarks or registered trademarks in this

    users manual. We do not use logos and logo marks in this manual.

  • Toc-1

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    CENTUM VPHIS Operation

    2nd Edition : Dec.22,2009-00



    1. StartingupHIS .......................................................................................... 1-11.1 HISOperation And Monitoring Windows .......................................................1-41.2 UsingSystemMessageBanner ......................................................................1-71.3 UsingBrowserBar ............................................................................................1-8

    2. UsingGraphicViews ................................................................................ 2-12.1 CallingGraphicViews ......................................................................................2-22.2 UsingGraphicView ..........................................................................................2-4

    3. Useful Features of HIS ............................................................................. 3-13.1 OperationPanelMode ......................................................................................3-23.2 SwitchingtoOperationandMonitoringWindowswhileoperating

    general-purposeWindowsApplications ........................................................3-43.3 UsingShortCutKeys .......................................................................................3-53.4 Multiple-Monitor ................................................................................................3-9

    4. OperatingtheInstrumentFaceplate ...................................................... 4-14.1 EnteringData .....................................................................................................4-24.2 ChangingtheBlockMode ................................................................................4-64.3 OperationMarkonInstrumentFaceplate ......................................................4-84.4 TightShutandFullOpen ...............................................................................4-10

    5. WhenaMessageisGenerated ............................................................... 5-15.1 ConfirmingMessages ......................................................................................5-25.2 MessageSearch ................................................................................................5-95.3 Messages On Help Window ...........................................................................5-155.4 ConfirmingMessagesinCAMSforHIS........................................................5-18

    6. ReadingtheTrendofProcessData ........................................................ 6-16.1 ConfirmingDataintheTrendView .................................................................6-26.2 ChangingtheAssignmentofTrendDataBeingDisplayed ..........................6-46.3 Creating/Displaying Trend Reference Patterns ............................................6-8

    7. Outputting Screen Images ...................................................................... 7-17.1 OutputtingtheScreenImageofCurrentlyDisplayedWindows .................7-27.2 OutputtingthePreviouslyOutputScreenImagesAgain .............................7-6

    8. WhenaSystemErrorOccurred .............................................................. 8-1

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    1. StartingupHISItisnecessarytostartupanHISbeforecommencingtheplantoperationandmonitoring.ThischapterexplainsthestepstostartuptheHIS.

    n Starting up HIS1. Turn on the power of the computer running Windows.2. In the Windows log-on window, enter the user name and password that were set in the HIS

    Utilities dialog box. HIS will start up.

    TIPIf [Auto Logon] is checked in the HIS Utility dialog box, turning on the power of the computer with Windows will automatically start up the HIS.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n SecurityCheckforOperationandMonitoringonHISThe operation and monitoring scope on HIS is determined by the settings of user group and the privilege level.The user rights on the HIS are predefined on the HIS security builder according to the user group and the privilege level.The security setting of each HIS can be different from others, so that a users right maybe different on different HISs. Thus a users operation and monitoring scope on a HIS can be performed only in the range predefined for the HIS.

    l ChangingPrivilegeLevelIf an operation keyboard is connected to the HIS, the privilege level can be changed by switching the MODE key on the keyboard.There are two types of keys for the keyboard, operation key and engineering key.


    In the case of the operation keyChanges between the ON, OFF positions.

    When the engineering key is inserted.The key can beswitched to any position.





    Figure ModeSwitchingKey

    Using an operation key cannot switch to ENG position. When the MODE switch position is OFF or no key:

    Privilege level of the user(logged-in user) during operation When the MODE switch position is ON:

    S2 privilege When the MODE switch position is ENG:

    S3 privilege

    TIPIn the CAMS for HIS message monitor, the privilege level set by the MODE key is not applied. For example, if you log in as an S1 user, your privilege level remains S1 even if you turn the key to ENG.

    SEE ALSO For more information about the security with operation keyboard, see the following:

    n Change Privilege Level on Operation Keyboard in F3.3, Privilege Level of Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 1-3

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    l SwitchingUserafterHISStartupAfter HIS startup, the HIS user can be switched on User-In dialog box.1. Click the following user information display area on the toolbar of the system message

    window of HIS.


    SEE ALSO For the details of System Message Banner, see the following:

    1.2, Using System Message Banner

    The User-In dialog box displays.


    User Name


    CancelUser OutUser InChange Password


    Shut Down


    User Information

    User ENGUSER (Default ENG User)Group DEFGRP (Default User Group ALL)Since 2004/10/28 16:52

    Figure User-InDialogBox

    2. Enter user name and password to this dialog box.3. Click [User-In] button.

    The user is switched and the operation right is also switched accordingly.

    SEE ALSO For more information about User-In dialog box, see the following:

    n User-In and User-Out in E2.5.1, Components of System Message Banner of Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 1-4

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    1.1 HISOperation And Monitoring WindowsTheoperationandmonitoringwindowsofHISareexplainedinthischapterforproperlyusingthewindowsaccordingtotheoperationaltargets.

    SEE ALSO For more information about various HIS windows, see the following:

    E2.3, System Windows and User-Defined Windows of Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    The HIS Operation and Monitoring Window is composed of the following areas.

    Recycle Bin


    Container window

    Window Desktop



    Browser bar

    System Message Banner

    Figure HISDesktop

    System Message Banner: shows alarms and provides buttons to call views or windows on the alarms, a button to switch users, a button to print and others.

    Browser bar: lists the names of views and windows, and tag information CENTUM VP provides together with buttons to call them.

    Container window: the outer window of the HIS display area containing a frame.Frame: shows views immediately below per each purpose or feature

    within the Container window.View: contents shown in a frame.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    For facilitating your operation and monitoring

    For Managing Units

    For Checking Process Status and Operation Logs

    Tag Report Search

    I/O Report Search

    Search for a Historical Message

    Graphic View

    Trend View

    Tuning View

    Trend Point View

    Faceplate View

    Custom Faceplate View

    Operator Guide View

    Process Alarm View

    Message Monitor Window

    SFC View

    Logic Chart View

    Sequence Table View

    Control Drawing View

    Image Window

    SEBOL View

    SEBOL Detail View

    Help Window

    Process Report View

    Historical Message Report Window

    Operator Guide Individual Acknowledgement

    Process Alarm Individual Acknowledgement

    CAMS for HIS Message Monitor View

    CAMS for HIS Historical Viewer

    For Managing Systems

    Basics of Operation and MonitoringSystem Message BannerBrowser Bar







    Fiugre HISOperationAndMonitoringWindows(1/2)

    *1: Valid only if you use CAMS for HIS.*2: Valid only if you do not use CAMS for HIS.*3: Valid only if you do not use CAMS for HIS, or if you use CAMS for HIS and Operator Guide Message is not integrated.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 1-6

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    Windows for System Administration

    Station Tab

    Printer Tab

    Buzzer Tab

    Display Tab

    Window Switching Tab

    Alarm Tab

    Preset Menu Tab

    Equalize Tab

    Function Keys Tab

    Operation Mark Tab

    Multimedia Tab

    Browser Bar Tab

    Trend Tab

    Long-Term Tab

    External Recorder Tab

    Report Tab

    OPC Tab

    Multiple-Monitor Tab

    Process Management Tab

    System Report Dialog Box

    HIS Report Dialog Box

    FCS Report Dialog Box

    Gateway Status Display Dialog Box

    HIS Report Dialog Box

    Touch Panel Maintenance Dialog Box

    V net Setup Dialog Box

    Node Status Display Dialog Box

    FCS Report Dialog Box LFCS

    BCV Report Dialog Box

    System Alarm Message Search

    System Alarm Individual Acknowledgment Window

    System Status Overview View

    System Alarm View

    HIS Setup Window

    Advanced Alarm Filter Window

    BCV Status Display View

    HIS Status Display View

    Adjust Time Dialog Box

    FCU Status Display View XL

    EFCS Status Display View XL

    EFUS Status Display View XL

    FMS Status Display View XL, V

    CFCS Status Display View CENTUM V

    xFCS Status Display View


    Basics of Operation and MonitoringSystem Message WindowNavigator Window


    Fiugre HISOperationAndMonitoringWindows(2/2)

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 1-7

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    1.2 UsingSystemMessageBannerSystemMessageBannershowsalarmsandprovidesbuttonstocallviewsorwindowsonthealarms.




    00 0

    2008/03/03 14:35


    FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready FCS0101 RIGHT Control FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start

    Process Alarm

    System Alarm

    Operation Guide

    Message Display Area

    Icon Display Area

    Message MonitorUser InBuzzer Reset

    Hard Copy

    Figure SystemMessageBanner

    SEE ALSO For the details of the System Message Banner, see the following:

    Section E2.5, System Message Banner in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 1-8

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    1.3 UsingBrowserBarBrowserBarliststhenamesofviews,windows,andtagsthatCENTUMVPprovides.


    Browser Bar contains the following boxes. Click the tabs in the left most strip to switch the boxes.

    Overview Tool Box

    Preset Menu Tool Box

    Tool Button Tool Box

    Name Input Tool Box

    Window History Tool Box


    Overview Preset Menu

    CommentAddress /USER

    Favorite favorite-1 MYPJT1 .SH GR0002 favorite-2 TG0216 CG0001

    OverviewView Trend Plant



    USER CG0001 CR0001 OV0001 TG0101 TG0201 TG0301 TG0401 TG0501 TG0601 TG0701 TG0801 GR0003SYSTEM .AL .OG .SO .PRPRODUCT



    Preset Menu


    Hard Copy



    User In

    Figure ToolBox(1/2)

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  • 1-9

    IM 33M05D10-40E


    Tool Button Name Input

    Tool Button


    Name Input


    Wnidou Name Input


    Default Stabio;Ingotmtn

    Window History


    Window History

    Function Name

    O LI201 -SCCG0001GR0002CG0001O FIC100FF -SCGR0001GR0001OV0001OV0001CG0001O FIC100FF TUN -SMFIC002FIC002System Status OverviewFIC001Station Status Display

    O LI201 -SCO CG0001 -SLO GR0002 -SLO CG0001-SLO FIC100FF -SO GR0001 -SLO GR0001 -SLO OV0001 -SLO OV0001 -SLO CG0001 -SMO FIC100FF TUO FIC002 TUN O FIC002 -SCO .SO -SL O FIC001 -SCO .SF FCS0102

    Command .


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control



    Figure ToolBox(2/2)

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • Blank Page

  • 2-1

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    2. UsingGraphicViewsThischapterdescribesbasicgraphicviewsforoperatingandmonitoringplant,andhowtousethem.

    n WhatisGraphicView?Graphic View is a window showing a customized plant view with control statuses. It shows real-time process status. You can create the Graphic View from the Graphic Builder.

    SEE ALSO For the details of Graphic Builder, see the following:

    Section F12. Graphic Builder of Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    The following figure shows an example of Graphic View.



    DISTILGR_3D 3D Distillation Graphic


    Reflux Drum






    CondenserDistillation Column

    Oscill TR

    Tag Display

    Dist TR





    Compressor okay




    36.2 %



    40.8 M3/H


    59.4 DegC




    70.0 M3/H






    25.9 %


    36.2 M3/H


    1 22D

    3 4

    Figure GraphicView

    n AttributesofGraphicViewsGraphic views are categorized into three attributes.

    Graphic views with graphic attribute Become the target of call operation via the graphic button.

    Graphic views with overview attribute Become the target of call operation via the overview button and graphic button.

    Graphic views with control attribute Become the target of call operation via the control button.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    2.1 CallingGraphicViewsYoucancallgraphicviewsbyclickingthebuttontodisplayGraphicviewintheBrowserBar,orbyenteringthegraphicviewnameintheNameInputToolBox.

    n CallingfromtheBrowserBar1. In the Tool Button Tool Box in the Browser Bar, click the button to display Graphic view. 2. Graphic view opens. (Graphic attributes)*1



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control



    Graphic view

    Figure OpeningGraphicView

    *1: when you first open the Graphic view, the graphic view at the top of the hierarchy appears. From the second on, the previously called graphic view appears.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n CallingfromtheNameInputToolBox1. In the Name Input Tool Box in the Browser Bar, enter the name of the graphic view you



    Name Input


    Window Name Input


    Default Station Information


    Figure EnteringinNameInputToolBox

    2. Press the Call button. The graphic view you requested (GRAPHIC 1 in the above example) appears.

    SEE ALSO For calling other windows from the Name Input Tool Box, see the following:

    The section l Calling up Windows by Entering Names in the section E2.7.1, Directly Calling up Operation and Monitoring Windows in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    2.2 UsingGraphicViewThissectiondescribesthebasicsofhowtousegraphicview.

    n ChangingFaceplateAssignmentThe faceplates displayed on the graphic windows can be assigned to different function blocks. The new assignment will become valid only after the changed contents are downloaded to HIS.The detailed procedure is as follows:

    1. Click the button to display Faceplate Assignment dialog.


    The Faceplate Assignment dialog box displays as follows.



    1. FIC100















    9. AIC100








    Faceplate Assignment

    Figure FaceplateAssignmentDialogBox

    2. Enter a new tag names to the corresponding faceplates, then click [OK] button. The faceplates will indicate the newly changed function blocks.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n SwitchingGenericNameSetofGraphicDisplaysWhen creating Graphic views for similar process units, if their drawing objects are the same but the function block, data item of process data, modifier conditions as well as constant values indicated by the drawing objects are different, thus using Generic Name Set switching the bound data can display the multiple units with one graphic view.How to switch the data bindings using the predefined data set are explained as follows.

    SEE ALSO For more information about generic name set of graphics, see the following:

    F12. Graphic Builder of Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    1. Call an operation and monitoring graphic view.2. Click the button to display Switch Generic Name Set dialog on the graphic view.


    Switch Generic Name Set dialog box displays.



    Switch Generic Name Set

    BIND01Set Name


    Generic name set


    Figure SwitchGenericNameSetDialogBox

    3. Choose a generic name set from the pull-down list, and then click [OK]. The data displayed on the graphic view will be changed to a different data set.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n ZoomInandZoomOutofGraphicViewUsing the Zoom In/Out setting box, the graphic views zoom levels and the center of the zoomed window can be set.Besides the graphic windows, this tool can also be used for zooming Logic Chart view and Control Drawing view.How to zoom in or zoom out a graphic window is explained as follows.

    1. Call an operation and monitoring graphic view.2. Click the button to display Pan & Zoom dialog on the graphic view.


    Pan & Zoom dialog box displays.


    Pan & Zoom



    Figure Pan&ZoomDialogBox

    Zoom InTo zoom in, do one of the following. Click [ZoomIn] button ( button). Move the slider in the direction [ZoomIn].

    Zoom OutTo zoom out, do one of the following. Click [ZoomOut] button ( button). Move the slider in the direction [ZoomOut].

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 3-1

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    3. Useful Features of HISInordertoimproveoperability,thefollowingfunctionsarepreparedinHIS.



    SwitchingtoOperationandMonitoringWindowswhileoperatinggeneral-purposeWindows Applications.



    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    3.1 Operation Panel ModeTwooperationpanelmodes,full-screenmodeandwindowmodeareavailable.Theoperatorcanswitchfromonemodetotheotheraccordingly.

    SEE ALSO For more information about operation panel mode, see the following:

    E2.2, Operation Screen Mode of Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    n SwitchingtheOperationPanelModeSwitching between the full-screen mode and window mode is done in the HIS Setup window.

    IMPORTANT The selected operation panel mode will become effective after logoff.

    1. In the Tool Button Tool Box in the Browser Bar, click the button to show System Status Overview view.



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control


    OverviewSystem Status Overview View

    Figure Opening System Status Overview View

    2. System Status Overview view appears. In the view, click the button for HIS Setup.


    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 3-3

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    The HIS Setup Window displays as follows.


    .SH HIS Setup

    Font Name

    Courier New (Westem)




    Reset to Defaults






    Window Design

    Tag Name Length 12

    Windows Type

    Change Reconfirmation Button Style

    Use Tooltips for Data Items

    Toolbar Button Size

    Default (Double Click)Pointing Operation

    Operation Screen Mode (HIS should be reastan.)

    Full Screen Mode

    Number of pop-Up Windows

    Number of Fiamge

    Window Mode

    Number of Containneee

    Use faceplate frame as a default


    Control Drawing

    Logic Chart

    Status Display without Scaling

    REPORT Process Management Multiple-MonitorEqualize Function Keys Operation Mark Multimedia Long-Term

    OPCWindow Switching Navigator Alarm

    Preset Menu

    Station Printer Buzzer Display

    (When two or more monitors are used, the following value is needed for each monitor.)

    Figure DisplaytaboftheHISSetupWindow

    3. Open [Display] tab.4. Check [Full Screen Mode] in the field of Operation Screen Mode, and then click [OK] button.

    5. Restart HIS.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    3.2 SwitchingtoOperationandMonitoringWindowswhileoperatinggeneral-purposeWindows Applications


    n Using Circulate function1. While you are using a general Windows application, click the button to circulate in the Tool

    Button Tool Box.



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control




    Figure Executing Circulate

    2. The Operation and Monitoring Window at the back is moved to the front.

    System Message Banner System Message Banner




    r Bar



    r Bar

    WindowsApplication Window

    Operation and Monitoring Window

    WindowsApplication Window

    Operation and Monitoring Window

    Figure Circulate

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    3.3 Using ShortCutKeysUsingtheshort-cutkeysprovidedbyHIS,youcanexecutefunctionsassignedtotheFunctionkeysontheOperationkeyboard.


    SEE ALSO For details of short cut keys, see the following:

    Section E2.12, Shortcut Keys for Operation and Monitoring Windows in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    n Preparingforusingshort-cutkeysBefore you use the short-cut keys, you must do the following. 1. Assign functions to the Function keys on the Operation keyboard. 2. Enable short-cut keys.

    l AssigningfunctionstotheFunctionkeysontheOperationkeyboardYou can assign functions to the Function keys on the Operation keyboard in the Function Key Assignment Builder or HIS Setup window.

    SEE ALSO For details of function keys, see the following:

    Section E13.2, Function Keys in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    l Enablingshort-cutkeys1. Click the Tool Button Tool Box tab in the Browser bar, and then click the button to show the

    System Status Overview view.



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control


    OverviewSystem Status Overview view

    Figure OpeningtheSystemStatusOverviewView

    2. The System Status Overview view appears. Click [HIS Setup]. HIS Setup window opens.


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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    3. Click the Station Tab, and then select the [Emulate Function Key] check box. Click [OK].


    .SH HIS Setup


    REPORT Process Management Multiple-MonitorEqualize Function Keys Operation Mark Multimedia Long-Term

    OPCWindow Switching Navigator Alarm

    Preset Menu

    Station Printer Buzzer Display

    Cancel ApplyOK




    (The computer should be restarted.)

    Number of Tags 100000Emulate Function Key (HIS should be restarted)

    Project : MYPJT1Station Name : HIS0164 Type : PC (PC) Address : 01-64 Comment : OS : Windows Vista (6.0.6000:)OPKB Revision : 0.0 Port :

    Figure StationtaboftheHISSetupWindow

    4 Restart HIS. The setting you made in the step 3 becomes valid.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    n Usingshort-cutkeysThe setting you made earlier enables the following short-cut keys.

    l EmulatedFunctionsofHISOperationKeyboard Ctrl+F1; Function of PF01(*1) Ctrl+F2; Function of PF02(*1) Ctrl+F3; Function of PF03(*1) Ctrl+F4; Function of PF04(*1) Ctrl+F5; Function of PF05(*1) Ctrl+F6; Function of PF06(*1) Ctrl+F7; Function of PF07(*1) Ctrl+F8; Function of PF08(*1) Ctrl+F9; Function of PF09(*1) Ctrl+F10; Function of PF10(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F1; Function of PF11(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F2; Function of PF12(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F3; Function of PF13(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F4; Function of PF14(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F5; Function of PF15(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F6; Function of PF16(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F7; Function of PF17(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F8; Function of PF18(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F9; Function of PF19(*1) Ctrl+Shift+F10; Function of PF20(*1)

    *1: PF01 to PF20 stand for the function keys of the HIS operation keyboard, and the functions assigned to the keyboard are customizable.

    l ReservedShortcutFunctionsThe following three shortcut functions are the reserved functions to the designated shortcut keys. These functions are always valid by the shortcut key actions even if emulating the HIS operation keyboard is disabled.The shortcut key actions and the corresponding functions are as follows:

    Ctrl+Alt+F11; Switches the console isolation mode Ctrl+Alt+F12; Displays a menu Ctrl+Alt+Backspace; Displays User-In dialog box

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    3.4 Multiple-MonitorThefunctionknownasMultiple-MonitorconnectsuptofourmonitorstooneHumanInterfaceStation(HIS),anddisplayswindowsfortheoperationandmonitoringoneachmonitor.Inthiswayuptofourmonitorscanbehandledasonelarge,logicaldesktoparea(virtualdesktoparea).


    n OverviewofMultiple-MonitorAn overview of Multiple-Monitor is as follows:

    Up to four monitors can be connected to one HIS. A display card compatible with the Multiple Monitors feature of Windows is used for connection.

    The monitors can be stacked (vertical orientation) or placed side-by-side (lateral orientation).

    One monitor is designated as the main monitor and the others are the sub monitors. Multiple full-size operation and monitoring windows can be displayed at the same time. The secondary dialog that is called up from an operation and monitoring window is

    displayed on the monitor where the calling window is being displayed. System Message Banner is displayed on each monitor, showing the same information. Browser Bar is displayed on each monitor. Each Browser Bar can be operated

    independently. A display destination monitor can be designated when calling up an operation and

    monitoring window.The following display operations can be performed on a Multiple-Monitor HIS:

    Windows can be called up on a specified monitor.

    Windows on a specified monitor can be erased.

    The Print Screen can be executed for a specified monitor.

    Windows can be transferred between the specified two monitors (shift and exchange).

    The mouse cursor can be freely moved across the monitors. Operation and monitoring windows can be moved across the monitors by dragging with


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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    n Installing monitors The multiple monitors can be stacked vertically or placed side-by-side, as shown below. You need to setup in the Windows Display Properties on how you install the multiple monitors.


    Figure Monitor Arrangement in Multimonitoring

    n MainMonitorandSubMonitorMultiple-Monitor uses one monitor as the main monitor and the other monitors as sub monitors. The main monitor is the monitor specified as the primary monitor in Display Properties of Windows. The Windows taskbar is only displayed on the main monitor.The System Message Banner is displayed on all monitors with the same contents. It can also be operated on all monitors.The Browser Bar is displayed on all the monitors at the same position but can be operated independently. The contents of Favorites folder are the same for all the monitors.When calling an operation and monitoring window without specifying the monitor number, the window may be displayed on the monitor where the active window locates or on the monitor where the new window is called from. If either the active window or the origin of calling is unidentifiable, the called window will be displayed on the main monitor. Moreover, the operation keyboard with 8-loop control keys behaves differently when operating the function block faceplates on the main monitor and on the sub monitor.With Multiple-Monitor, windows can be transferred between any specified pair of monitors.

    SEE ALSO For details of the Multimonitoring, see the following:

    Section E14. Multiple-Monitor in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    4. OperatingtheInstrument FaceplateTheinstrumentfaceplateisafunctionthatdisplaysthefunctionblockstatusanddata.Inadditiontodisplayingstatusanddata,theinstrumentfaceplateisalsousedtoenterdataandchangeblockmodes.Thischapterexplainshowtooperatetheinstrumentfaceplate.

    SEE ALSO For details of instrument faceplate, see the following:

    Section E6. Instrument Faceplate in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    Components of Instrument Faceplate are shown below.




    98.0MV 100.0








    FIC100Reactor conduitvapor pressure




    Commentdisplay area

    Statusdisplay area

    Parameterdisplay area

    Instrumentdisplay area

    Operation mark

    Data entry dialogbox call button

    Tag nameTag comment

    Block mode

    Tag mark

    Alarm status

    Data item name

    Open/close mark


    Manipulated outputvalue pointer

    Manipulatedoutput value limit bar

    Open/close mark

    Engineering unit


    Instrument faceplate scalehigh limit

    Instrument faceplate scalelow limit

    Setpoint value pointer

    Process variable bar

    Operation setpointvalue limit bar

    Cascade mark

    CMP mark

    Instrument mark

    Calibration status

    Alarm ON/OFF status

    Block status

    figure ComponentsofInstrumentFaceplate

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    4.1 EnteringDataDatacanbeenteredviaoperationfromtheDataEntrydialogboxorfromtheINC/DECOperationdialogbox.Thissectiondescribeshowtousethetwodialogbox.Howtochangetheoperationdataitemisalsoexplained.

    n OperationfromtheDataEntryDialogBox1. Click on the button to display Data Entry dialog box in the instrument faceplate.





    PV M3/H70.0


    SV M3/H50.0

    MV %65.1


    Button to call data entry dialog box

    Figure OpeningtheDataEntryDialogBox

    2. The Data Entry dialog box will appear.

    FIC001 TankA


    MV = 65.1%

    DATA =


    Data entry area

    Figure DataEntryDialogBox

    3. Enter data in the data entry area, and press the [RETURN] key.4. If the setting exceeds the high limit or low limit, a reconfirmation window will appear.

    5. Confirm the data value.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n ChangingtheDataItem1. In the displayed Data Entry dialog box, click on the item button.

    FIC001 TankA


    MV = 65.1%

    DATA =


    Item button

    Figure OpeningtheDataItemChangeDialogBox

    2. The Data Item Change dialog box will appear.





    Data item

    Figure DataItemChangeDialogBox

    3. In the Data Item Change dialog box, click on the new data item and click on the [OK] button.








    Figure SelectingtheDataItem

    4. The item name displayed in the Data Entry dialog box will be changed.


    FIC001 TankA

    MV = 65.1%

    DATA =


    FIC001 TankA

    PH = 80.0M3/H

    DATA =


    Changes from [MV] to [PH]

    Figure ChangetheDataItemName

    In the above example, the display will change from [MV] to [PH], and changing the value of data item PH becomes possible.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n OperationfromtheINC/DECOperationDialogBox1. Use the mouse to click on the set point value pointer or the manipulated output value pointer

    of the instrument faceplate with an operation pointer. The manipulated output value can be changed in the MAN mode, while the set point value can be changed in the AUT mode.





    PV M3/H70.0


    SV M3/H50.0

    MV %65.1


    Click one of them


    Figure OpeningtheINC/DECOperationDialogBox

    The operable is shown in red. In MAN mode, if you click the set point value (in yellow), it turns red and changeable.

    2. The INC/DEC Operation dialog box will appear.


    MV = 65.1

    FIC001 [Shift-Key Mode] Pressing both...

    INC button

    DEC button

    Figure INC/DECOperationDialogBox

    3. Click on the INC button or DEC button to change the data value.4. If the setting exceeds the high limit or low limit, a reconfirmation window will appear.

    5. Confirm the data value.

    TIP The INC/DEC Operation dialog box will not appear if the clicked pointer cannot be changed. When test function is running, logon the TESTUSER does not pop up a reconfirmation window.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    l UsingMouseintheINC/DECDialogBoxYou can increase or decrease the value shown in the INC/DEC dialog box by using your mouse with the INC/DEC buttons. By default, hold down the Shift key while you click either INC or DEC button and keep pressing the mouse button. The value will keep increasing or decreasing until you release the button. In addition to the default mode, Continuous mode and One-step mode are available.

    SEE ALSO For more information about the INC/DEC operation mode using mouse, see the following:

    l Using Mouse in n Data INC/DEC Operation in E6.4, Operations on Instrument Faceplate of Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    4.2 ChangingtheBlockModeTheoperatingstatusofafunctionblockiscalledblockmode.Thissectionexplainshowtochangetheblockmode.


    n OperationfromtheBlockModeChangeOperationDialogBox1. Click on the block mode display area (the area in which the block modes such as AUT and

    MAN are displayed).





    PV M3/H70.0


    SV M3/H50.0

    MV %65.1




    Figure OpeningtheBlockModeChangeOperationDialogBox

    2. The Block Mode Change Operation dialog box will appear.



    CAS buttonAUT buttonMAN button

    Figure BlockModeChangeOperationDialogBox

    3. In the Block Mode Change Operation dialog box, click on the mode button to be changed. For the blocks with SEMI mode, clicking on the CAS button changes the mode to SEMI.

    4. Clicking any of the buttons will call a dialog box to confirm the operation.

    5. Perform confirmation operation.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n ChangingBlockModeUsingtheMenu1. Click the block mode on the instrument faceplate. Then a menu with blocks modes will pop






    70.0SV M3/H 100.0MV % 100.0


    FIC100Flowrate in TankA


    Figure MenuforChangingBlockMode

    2. Select a block mode on the menu. Then a dialog box will be displayed for confirmation.

    3. Confirm.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    4.3 OperationMarkonInstrumentFaceplateSettinganoperationmarkonaninstrumentfaceplatecantemporarilyapplyanoperationalrestrictiontothefunctionblock.Itcanalsoputalabeltext.


    SEE ALSO For details of operation marks, see the following:

    Section F3.5, Operation Mark in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    n SettingAnOperationMark1. Open the tuning view of the function block.

    Click the following button on the tuning view.


    Operation Mark Assignment dialog box displays.






    FIC100A system intake flowrate

    Operation Mark Assignment

    Figure OperationMarkAssignmentDialogBox

    2. Check [Setting], and then select an operation mark from the list. For removing an operation mark, [None] should be checked instead of [Setting].

    3. Click [OK]. The selected operation mark is set to the instrument faceplate of the function block.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n ChangingLabelTextandColorofAnOperationMarkThe label and the color of the operation mark can be changed on HIS Setup window.1. In the Tool Button Tool Box in the Browser Bar, click the button to show System Status

    Overview view.



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control


    OverviewSystem Status Overview view

    Figure Opening System Status Overview View

    2. System Status Overview view appears. In the view, click the button for HIS Setup.


    3. Open the [Operation Mark] tab on HIS Setup window.4. Enter the label text and choose a favorite color, and then click [OK].

    Confirm that the label text and the color of the operation mark are changed.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    4.4 TightShutandFull OpenTheTightshut/Fullopenoperationisforsecuringthetightshutorfullopenofthevalvebychangingtheactualoutputvalueaccordingtothemanipulatedvalue(MV).IftheMVis0%,toavalueoflessthan0%,andiftheMVis100%,toavalueofmorethan100%.

    For tight shut or full open of the valve: If the Tight shut/Full open is required, do one of the following.

    In the Data Input dialog box, enter 0 or 100 in MV. Press the INC or DEC button and keep pressing it one or two seconds longer after the MV

    shown in the faceplate reaches MV=0.0% or MV=100.0%.

    IMPORTANT If the output destination of the manipulated value (MV) of a function block having the Tight

    shut/Full open feature is a Fieldbus Faceplate block, set the Tight shut/Full open to No in the Function Block Detail Builder.

    In the Function Block Detail Builder, the setting items Output Value for Tight-shut (Ms) and Output Value for Full-open (Mf) are named assuming the valves with reverse actions where the valves close tightly if the manipulated value (MV) is 0 %. For the valves that close tightly if the manipulated value (MV) is 100 %, the setting item Output Value for Tight-shut (Ms) is a value for setting the actual output value to a value less than 0 % if the manipulated value (MV) is 0 %. Take note that the setting item Output Value for Full-open (Mf) is a value for setting the actual output value to a value more than 100 % if the manipulated value (MV) is 100 %.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    5. WhenaMessageisGeneratedMessagesgeneratedduringoperationincludepredefinedmessagesanduser-definedmessages,bothofwhichareusedtonotifytheoperatorofchangesinsystemstatus,theoperation status of a process and various events occurring in a process.


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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    5.1 ConfirmingMessagesDifferenttypesofmessagesaregeneratedwhenmonitoring.Whenamessageisgenerated,thecorrespondingmessagebuttonwillflashinthesystemmessagewindowornavigatorwindowtonotifytheoperatorthatamessagewasgenerated.


    SEE ALSO For using Consolidated Alarm Management Software (CAMS for HIS), see the following:

    Section E12. Consolidated Alarm Management Software in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    n ConfirmingmessagesinSystemMessageBannerWhen a process alarm message, annunciator message, system alarm message or operator guide message is generated, beeps are output and the corresponding button in the System Message Banner flashes.


    00 0

    2008/03/03 14:35


    FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready FCS0101 RIGHT Control FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start


    Flashes if a process alarm message or an annunciator message occurs

    Flashes if a system alarm message occurs

    Flashes if an operator guide message occurs

    Message Display Area

    Figure ButtonsintheSystemMessageBanner

    1. If beeps are output, look at the flashing button in the System Message Banner to check which type of message is generated.

    2. Click the Message Display area in the System Message Banner. Or click the flashing button.

    3. A message window appears.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    4. To acknowledge all the messages at once, click the Acknowledge button. To acknowledge each message, click the message you want to acknowledge, and then click the Acknowledge button.

    5/ 5


    Range: All






    08/18 04:18:33 PMReactor, high temperature!08/18 04:18:14 PMReactor operation condition error!Pressure and temperature exceed the specified values. PIC100 11 kPa TIC200 125 DEG08/18 03:17:40 PMTransfer process starts.08/18 03:17:05 PMEnter the setpoint.08/18 02:16:18 PMRaw material charge is completed.

    SBP201: MSG002

    Specified valus 3.5 kPa Specified valus 120.0 DEG

    SBP200: MSG001


    .OG Operator Guide Message

    Acknowledge buttonDelete button

    Figure AcknowledginganOperatorGuideMessage

    5. With a group acknowledgment, all of the unacknowledged messages are acknowledged; with an individual acknowledgment, the selected messages are acknowledged.

    Interactive message acknowledgment An interactive operator guide message can only be acknowledged individually. Select the operator guide message to be acknowledged in the operator guide view, then click on the acknowledge button. The operator guide individual acknowledgment window displaying the selected interactive message will appear.


    08/18 04:17:05 PM SBP200: MSG001

    Move to the reaction process.

    Move condition =

    .OG Operator Guide Message

    Delete buttonAcknowledge button

    Figure AcknowledgingtheInteractiveMessage

    TIPIn the case of an operator guide message or system alarm message, clicking on the delete button after acknowledging operation will delete the message.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n Viewing Process ReportIn the Process Report view, the information on the system operation statuses is collected. And the information is shown in a window or is printed at the request of user. The data shown in the window or printed is the current one. The following two types of Process Report are available.

    Tag Report I/O Report

    l Tag Report1. In the Tool Button Tool Box in the Browser Bar, click the button to display Process Report




    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control



    Process Report View

    Figure Opening Process Report View

    The process report view displays.2. Click the following button on the toolbar of the process report view.


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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    The tag report view displays the tag numbers and their state according to the conditions set in the Tag Search dialog box.

    "I/O" FCS0101 %SW"TAG" DEFAULT

    Tag Name Tag Comment Alarm Operation System Tag NameModeCurrent ValueFIC300 Discharge line A NR 80.0M3/H MAN .BL0158S010101TIC100 Charge tank NR 20.0DEGC MAN IMAN Maint .BL0159S010101 LIC200 Discharge tank NR 36.0L/H MAN .BL0160S010101PI150 Reactor NR 25.0PA AUT .BL0161S010101MC100 Wash valve 1 NR 0.0% MAN .BL0162S010101SIO220 Flowrate valve NR 1 MAN .BL0163S010101LSW111 Agitator NR .BL0164S010101SW330 Discharge line .BL0165S01010101ST0002 NR 2 AUT .BL0166S010101LC001 Transfer 1 NR MAN .BL0167S010101LC002 Transfer 2 NR MAN .BL0168S010101LIC001 NR 0.0% MAN .BL0169S010101LIC002 NR 0.0% MAN .BL0170S010101AN0001 Tank level error ALM 1 Maint .AN0001S010101AN0002 Pump A fail NR 0 .AN0002S010101AN0003 Tank A temp HI NR 0 .AN0003S010101AN0004 Tank B temp LO NR 0 .AN0004S010101AN0005 Tank A level HH NR 0 .AN0005S010101AN0010 Tank B level HI NR 0 .AN0010S010101AN11 Tank C level LO NR 0 .AN0011S010101



    .PR Process Report

    Figure ProcessReportView(TagReport)

    The dialog box consists of multiple tabs; only the conditions in the selected tab are applied. Click the above button again may refresh the displayed tag report.

    3. Click the following button can open the Tag Search dialog box for setting conditions.


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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    Tag Search Dialog Box displays as follows.

    Save AsResetCancelOK



    Tag Report Search Dialog



    Function BlockAnnunciatorCommon SwitchProcess I/OGlobal Switch

    User GroupAllStation Specification

    Equipment AOFCALOperation Mark

    Element TypeAllSpecified Element

    TagUser-Defined TagAll TagsSpecified Tag

    Arbitrary Character

    StateAllAlarmSpecified Alarm



    ItemProcess Value of Tag Item

    Arbitrary Character

    Figure TagReportSearchDialogBox

    4. Change a tab or click [Reset] button on this dialog box.5. Set the conditions and click [OK].

    The process report will be displayed according to the new conditions.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    l I/O Report1. In the Tool Button Tool Box in the Browser Bar, click the button to display Process Report




    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control



    Process Report view

    Figure Opening Process Report View

    The process report view displays.2. Click the following button on the toolbar of the process report view.


    The I/O report view displays the I/O points and their state according to the conditions set in the I/O Search dialog box.

    "I/O" FCS0101 %AN



    1234567890. . 1. 1. 1. 11. 11111. 1. . . 1. 111. 11. . . 1. 11. 1. . . 111. . 1111

    123456789011. 111. . . . 1. . 1. . . 1. . . 1. . . 1. 1. . 1. 1111. . . 111. . . 1. . . 1

    1234567890. 111. 11. 1. . . 1. . 1. 11. 11. . . . . 111. . . . . 111. . . . 11. . . . 11

    1234567890 1234567890 123456789011. . . 1. . . . . . . . . 1. . 11. 1. 1. 1. . . 1. . . . . 11. 1. 11. 1. 1. . 1.

    1234567890. . . 11. . . . . . . 11. . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1. . 1. 1111. . . 1. 111. 1. . . 1

    AN02501234567890. . . 1. 1

    1234567890 12345678901234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890


    .PR Process Report


    Figure ProcessReportView(I/OReport)

    Click the above button again may refresh the displayed I/O report.

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    3. Click the following button can open the I/O Search dialog box for setting conditions.


    The I/O Search Dialog Box displays.


    Element Seed

    FCS0101Subject Station

    AnnunciatorCommon SwitchProcess I/OCommunication I/OGlobal Switch


    I/O Report Search Dialog

    Figure I/OReportSearchDialogBox

    4. Set the conditions and click [OK].

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    5.2 MessageSearchAmessagegeneratedinthepastcanberedisplayedforconfirmation.Tosearchforamessage,usetheFilterdialogbox,afunctionblockorthehistoricalmessagereportwindow.

    SEE ALSO For using Consolidated Alarm Management Software (CAMS for HIS), see the following:

    Section E12. Consolidated Alarm Management Software in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    n FindingaMessageUsingtheFilterDialogBoxUse the Filter dialog box to find a process alarm message, annunciator message, operator guide message or system alarm message generated in the past. Using the filter dialog box, the messages that matched the filter conditions can be displayed separately from the display of the entire messages.The example below explains how to find a process alarm message:

    1. Click on the button to display filter dialog in the process alarm view.



    .AL Process Alarm


    10/28 10:18:15 FIC005 Flowrate 5 NR 33.0M3/H NR10/28 10:18:15 FIC005 Flowrate 5 LO 33.0M3/H NR10/28 10:17:05 FIC004 Flowrate 4 DV+ 50.0M3/H DV+10/28 10:16:45 FIC003 Flowrate 3 HH 12.0M3/H HH


    4/4Type: AllRange: All

    Filter dialog

    Figure OpeningtheFilterDialogBox

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    2. The Filter dialog box will appear.



    Function Block Only

    Annunciator Only






    FCS Name

    Equipment Name

    Tag Name

    Batch ID

    Safety Control Station



    %DR0001S010101 ...

    Figure FilterDialogBoxfortheProcessAlarm

    3. In the Filter dialog box, specify the range and type of the alarm to be searched for, then click on the [OK] button.

    With a horizontal split, a view can be displayed into two frames. The filtered messages are displayed in the top frame while the whole messages are displayed in the bottom frame.

    An example of the process alarm window split is shown as follows:



    .AL FCS0101 Process Alarm


    07/25 15:05:32 FIC1000 Temperature Control NR07/25 15:05:32 FIC1000 Temperature Control LO07/25 15:05:30 FIC1000 Temperature Control LO



    07/25 15:05:32 FIC1000 Temperature Control NR07/25 15:05:32 FIC1000 Temperature Control LO07/25 15:05:30 FIC1000 Temperature Control LO07/25 15:05:45 TIC1000 Primary Temperature Control NR07/25 15:05:45 TIC1000 Primary Temperature Control LO07/25 15:05:43 TIC1000 Primary Temperature Control LO

    3/3 6/6Range: Tag Name: FIC1000 Type: All

    Figure Process Alarm View Split

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    n FindingaMessageUsingaFunctionBlockMessages associated with a function block can be called from the function block.The example below explains how to call a process alarm message from the trend view.1. Select a trend pen in the trend view.



    Tag Name

    13:36 13:38 13:40 13:42 13:44










    Tag Comment Value Unit Upper Lower

    Gathering 00:12:00 100%

    FIC001. PVFIC002. PVLIC100. PVTIC100. PVTIC200. PV


    Inlet flowOutlet flowLevelTemp ATemp B





    TG0101 Block:01 Group:01




    Figure SelectingtheFunctionBlock

    2. Click the button to display the process alarm view in the System Message Banner.


    00 0

    2008/03/03 14:35


    FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready FCS0101 RIGHT Control FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start


    Process alarm view

    Figure Opening Process Alarm View

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    3. The process alarm view will open, displaying process alarm messages associated with the trend pen (FIC001) selected in the trend view.



    .AL Process Alarm


    10/28 01:18:30 PM FIC001 Tank Flowrate 1 NR 50.1M3/H NR10/28 01:18:30 PM FIC001 Tank Flowrate 1 LO 72.1M3/H NR10/28 10:17:45 AM FIC001 Tank Flowrate 1 LO 72.1M3/H NR


    3/3 Type: AllRange: FIC001

    Figure Process Alarm View

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    n ConfirmingfromtheHistoricalMessageReportWindowIn the historical message report window, all messages occurred in the past, no matter if they are alarm messages, operation messages or other types of messages, are stored and can be confirmed.

    1. In the Browser bar, click the button to display the Historical Report view.



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control



    Historical Report view

    Figure Opening Historical Report View

  • 5-14

    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    2. After calling up the historical message report window, the messages in the window may be confirmed.

    20 Items Found

    Message No Date Message Text


    File Edit View Window Help




    Tank level errorTank level errorTank level errorTank level errorTank level errorTank level errorTank level errorTank level errorFIC008FIC008FIC008Pump A failAgitator failAgitator failPump A failFIC005FIC005Tank level errorFIC005Tank level error

    Flowrate 8Flowrate 8Flowrate 8

    Flowrate 5Flowrate 5

    Flowrate 5





    NRPV = 55.0 M3/H LO RecoverPV = 50.0 M3/H LO

    NRPV = 60.0 M3/H LO Recover

    PV = 59.1 M3/H LO



    Historical Report - [Operation and Monitoring Message]

    Figure Historical Message Report Window

  • 5-15

    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    5.3 Messages On Help WindowThehelpmessagesassignedtothefunctionblockfaceplatesandwindowsaswellasthehelpmessagesofoccurredalarmscanbedisplayedonhelpwindow.

    n Help Messages of Occurred System Alarms1. In the System Message Banner, click the button to display the system alarm view.


    00 0

    2008/03/03 14:35


    FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready FCS0101 RIGHT Control FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start


    System alarm view

    Figure Opening System Alarm View

    2. System Alarm Message view appears. Click one system alarm message and then click the button to display the Help window.

    26/77Range: All

    1 0823 01/14 03:20:01 Printer PRINTER 1 Offline 2 0502 01/14 02:31:02 DataBase Equalize Complete 3 0510 01/14 02:30:57 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = ClsDef.odb 4 0510 01/14 02:30:57 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = TrDspAssign.odb 5 0510 01/14 02:30:57 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = TrAssign.odb 6 0502 01/14 02:29:33 DataBase Equalize Complete 7 0510 01/14 02:29:23 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = ClsMng.odb 8 0510 01/14 02:29:23 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = TrDef.odb 9 0823 01/12 09:50:03 Printer PRINTER 1 Offline 10 0502 01/12 09:28:46 DataBase Equalize Complete 11 0510 01/12 09:28:37 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = OGAR010101.odb 12 0510 01/12 09:28:37 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = SDAR010101.odb 13 0510 01/12 09:28:37 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = Inst0357.odb 14 0510 01/12 09:28:37 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = TFAR010101.odb 15 0510 01/12 09:28:37 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = TFFCS0101.odb 16 0471 01/12 09:28:28 FCS0101 Online Download Complete 17 0502 01/09 06:29:46 DataBase Equalize Complete 18 0510 01/09 06:29:41 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = OPSBL1.dsp 19 0510 01/09 06:29:41 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = UTSW1.dsp 20 0510 01/09 06:29:41 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = OPSFC1.dsp 21 0510 01/09 06:29:41 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = SFCSW1.dsp 22 0510 01/09 06:29:41 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = OGAR010101.odb 23 0510 01/09 06:29:41 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = SDAR010101.odb 24 0510 01/09 06:29:41 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = Inst0357.odb 25 0510 01/09 06:29:40 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = TFAR010101.odb 26 0510 01/09 06:29:40 Data Base Download from YOKOGAWA File = TFFCS0101.odb


    .SA System Alarm Message



    Help window

    Figure OpeningtheHelpWindow

  • 5-16

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    3. In the help window, the contents of the selected system alarm message appear.

    Message number 0046

    .HW Help

    Search key

    When process C starts, close the distillation tower intake valve.




    Figure Help Window

    n User-DefinedHelpMessagesforFunctionBlocks,View,Window1. Open a faceplate or a view or window by entering the name directly or using the related

    button. The faceplate or the view or window displays.

    2. Activate the view or window or the faceplate on the desktop and then click the button to display the Help window on in the Tool Button Tool Box in the Browser Bar.



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control



    Help window

    Figure OpeningtheHelpwindow

    Help window with the help messages for the faceplate or the window is displayed.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n SearchHelpMessageOnHelpWindow1. Deactivate all the windows displayed on the desktop.2. Click the button to display the Help window in the Tool Button Tool Box in the Browser Bar.

    A Help window appears.

    Message number 9100

    .HW Help

    Search key

    When process C starts, close the distillation tower intake valve.




    Figure Help Window

    3. In the Search key area in the Help window, choose a search key from the list. The following search keys are available:

    View or Window Name Tag Name Message Number Help Number

    4. Enter an alphanumeric string to the field at right-hand side of the search key, and then click [Display] button. The detailed help message matches the above condition will be displayed.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 5-18

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    5.4 ConfirmingMessagesinCAMS for HISConsolidatedAlarmManagementSoftwareforHIS(hereinafter,CAMSforHIS)iscapableofshowinginonewindowallthealarmsandeventmessagessuchassystemalarmmessages, process alarm messages, and operator guide messages.


    n WhatisCAMSforHIS?CAMS for HIS has two kinds of windows.

    l Message Monitor of CAMS for HISCAMS for HIS replaces the Process Alarm view, System Alarm view, and Operator Guide view with one CAMS for HIS window, CAMS for HIS Message Monitor (*1). All the messages are gathered and shown in the CAMS for HIS Message Monitor.*1: As to Operator Guide view, the message monitor of CAMS for HIS is displayed when selecting [Exclude operation guide

    messages] in CAMS for HIS Tab of HIS Utility.




    CAMS for HIS : Message Monitor

    File Edit View Operation Tools

    Data Massage

    Data Massage


    + SIS(0/0/0)System(10/32/32)Process(0/0/0)Operator Guide(0/0/0)

    TESTUSER(10/32/32)All Filters

    3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM HIS Start (Virtual) 3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM FCS0101 Fail3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM STN0102 Fail3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM ACG0103 Fail 3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM HIS0164 Fail 3/4/2008 11:37:08 AM FCS0101 Recover 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Fail (SW STOP Code=0000 0000 0000 0000) 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Control 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready 3/4/2008 1:13:08 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:13:28 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:13:29 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:13:44 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:14:42 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:15:15 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:15:33 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:16:23 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:16:35 PM FCS0101 Fail 3/4/2008 1:16:41 PM HIS Shutdown 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM HIS Start (Virtual) 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM FCS0101 Fail 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM STN0102 Fail 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM ACG0103 Fail 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM HIS0164 Fail 3/4/2008 1:18:25 PM FCS0101 Recover 3/4/2008 1:18:27 PM FCS0101 RIGHT Fail (SW STOP Code=0000 0000 0000 0000)3/4/2008 1:18:27 PM FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start 3/4/2008 1:18:27 PM FCS0101 RIGHT Control 3/4/2008 1:18:27 PM FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready 3/4/2008 1:19:46 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:19:55 PM DataBase Equalize Complete

    3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM HIS Start (Virtual) 3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM FCS0101 Fail3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM STN0102 Fail3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM ACG0103 Fail 3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM HIS0164 Fail 3/4/2008 11:37:08 AM FCS0101 Recover 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Fail (SW STOP Code=0000 0000 0000 0000) 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Control 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready

    Figure CAMS for HIS Message Monitor View

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 5-19

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    l Historical Viewer of CAMS for HISHistorical Viewer of CAMS for HIS can hold the occurred A&E messages and operational audit trails; and display the stored historical data.Historical Viewer of CAMS for HIS is a replacement of Historical Message Report Window.



    CAMS for HIS : Historical Viewer

    File Edit View Operation

    Data MassageFavorites-

    + SIS(0/0/0)System(10/32/32)Process(0/0/0)Operator Guide(0/0/0)

    TESTUSER(10/32/32)All Filters

    TESTUSER - Current User

    3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM HIS Start (Virtual) 3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM FCS0101 Fail3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM STN0102 Fail3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM ACG0103 Fail 3/4/2008 11:36:21 AM HIS0164 Fail 3/4/2008 11:37:08 AM FCS0101 Recover 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Fail (SW STOP Code=0000 0000 0000 0000) 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 RIGHT Control 3/4/2008 11:37:10 AM FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready 3/4/2008 1:13:08 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:13:28 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:13:29 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:13:44 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:14:42 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:15:15 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:15:33 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:16:23 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:16:35 PM FCS0101 Fail 3/4/2008 1:16:41 PM HIS Shutdown 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM HIS Start (Virtual) 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM FCS0101 Fail 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM STN0102 Fail 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM ACG0103 Fail 3/4/2008 1:17:38 PM HIS0164 Fail 3/4/2008 1:18:25 PM FCS0101 Recover 3/4/2008 1:18:27 PM FCS0101 RIGHT Fail (SW STOP Code=0000 0000 0000 0000)3/4/2008 1:18:27 PM FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start 3/4/2008 1:18:27 PM FCS0101 RIGHT Control 3/4/2008 1:18:27 PM FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready 3/4/2008 1:19:46 PM DataBase Equalize Complete 3/4/2008 1:19:55 PM DataBase Equalize Complete

    Figure Main Window of CAMS for HIS Historical Viewer

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 5-20

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n Setting up for CAMS for HISBefore using CAMS for HIS, you must set up in the HIS Utilities. Follow the steps below for the setup. 1. Start the HIS Utilities.2. Click the CAMS for HIS tab. Select the checkbox for validating CAMS for HIS. Set other

    items such as the maximum number of alarms to be held, as necessary. 3. Restart the PC. 4. Import the engineering data for CENTUM VP. Based on the data, create setup files such as

    Alarm Setup and Window Layout Setup. 5. Download the setup files.

    You can create and download setup files by starting the CAMS for HIS Configurator on any HIS PC.

    SEE ALSO For details of setting up CAMS for HIS, see the following:

    Section E12.10, Configurator of CAMS for HIS in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    Section E12.2, Settings to Use CAMS for HIS in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    n Starting Message Monitor of CAMS for HIS

    l IntheSystemMessageBannerIn the System Message Banner, click the button to call Process Alarm view, System Alarm view, or Operator Guide view. The CAMS for HIS Message Monitor View appears with the filtering conditions of each window on.


    00 0

    2008/03/03 14:35


    FCS0101 Batch Manager Ready FCS0101 RIGHT Control FCS0101 RIGHT Manual Reset Start


    Process Alarm

    System Alarm

    Operator Guide

    Figure SystemMessageBanner

    2nd Edition : Dec.22,2009-00

  • 5-21

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    l IntheBrowserbar(ToolButtonToolBox)Click the button for CAMS for HIS in the Tool Box on the Browser Bar.CAMS for HIS Message Monitor View will start.



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control



    CAMS for HIS

    Figure Opening CAMS for HIS Message Monitor View

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 5-22

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    l IntheBrowserbar(NameInputToolBar)In the Name Input Tool Box, call Process Alarm view, System Alarm view, or Operator Guide view. The CAMS for HIS Message Monitor View appears with the filtering conditions of each window on.


    Name Input


    Window Name Input


    Default Station Information

    Figure NameInputToolBoxintheBrowserBar

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 5-23

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n Starting Historial Viewer of CAMS for HIS

    l StartfromBrowserBarClick the button to display the Historical Report View in the Tool Box on the Browser Bar.CAMS for HIS Historical Viewer will start.



    Tool Button


    View Operation

    Call View

    Window Control



    Historical Report

    Figure Opening CAMS for HIS Historical Viewer

    SEE ALSO For the features of CAMS for HIS, see the following:

    Section E12. Consolidated Alarm Management Software in Reference (IM 33M01A30-40E)

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • Blank Page

  • 6-1

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    6. ReadingtheTrendofProcessDataUsethetrendrecordingtoreadthetrendofpastdata.Withthetrendrecording,processdataacquiredfromtheplantcanbesavedandthesaveddatacanbedisplayed.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 6-2

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    6.1 ConfirmingDataintheTrendViewTheacquireddatacanbedisplayedinthetrendview.


    n DisplayingAcquiredDataintheTrend View1. Call the trend view.

    SEE ALSO For the steps to call the trend view, see the following:

    Section E5, Trend Recording in Reference(IM33M01A30-40E)

    2. The trend view displays the acquired data in a graph or the present values in numeric values.



    Tag Name

    13:36 13:38 13:40 13:42 13:44










    Tag Comment Value Unit Upper Lower

    Gathering 00:12:00 100%

    FIC001. PVFIC002. PVLIC100. PVTIC100. PVTIC200. PV


    Inlet flowOutlet flowLevelTemp ATemp B





    TG0101 Block:01 Group:01



    Figure Trend View

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 6-3

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n Displaying Collected Data On Trend Point View1. Double click a tag name in the trend view, or choose a trend pen and click [Display] key, the

    corresponding trend point view can be displayed.


    FIC001. PV Inlet flow


    Tag Name

    16:23 16:24 16:25 16:26 16:27



    Tag Comment Value Unit Upper Lower

    3 FC01. PV 81.1 KL/h 500.0 0.0







    Figure Trend Point View

    When a batch trend is displayed, if a reference pattern is assigned to the displayed trend pen the reference pattern will be displayed too.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 6-4

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    6.2 ChangingtheAssignmentofTrendDataBeingDisplayed



    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 6-5

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n ChangingthePenAssignmentinthePenAssignmentDialogBox1. In the trend view, click on the following button on the tool bar.


    2. The Pen Assignment dialog box will appear.

    Pen Assignment


    CollectedBlock Lower DisplaySet Upper/Lower Limit

    LIC800.PV4: Rotary 05min. ... 8






    AIC200.PV2: Rotary 01min. ... 2





    Pen Assignment

    Reference Pattern

    Figure PenAssignmentDialogBox(PenAssignment)

    3. Set the data to be acquired and high/low limits in the Pen Assignment dialog box. If high/low limits are not specified, the trend graph to be displayed will use the values defined via the trend gathering pen assignment builder.

    4. To display desired data in the trend view, mark off the corresponding check box under [Display].

    5. Click on the [OK] button.6. The trends checked in the pen assignment dialog box will be displayed.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 6-6

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n ChangingthePenAssignmentviaFileSelection1. In the trend view, click on the following button on the tool bar.


    2. A dialog box will appear; choose a file in which trend data is saved.


    Look in:

    File name:

    File comment

    Files of type:


    Name Date modified Type Size

    Preserved File (*.trf)






    This folder is empty.Recent Places





    Figure OpenDialogBox

    3. Select a desired file.

    4. Click on the [Open] button.5. The data saved in the selected file will be displayed in the current trend view.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

  • 6-7

    IM 33M05D10-40E

    n ChangingthePenAssignmentusingaDrag-and-DropoperationinBrowserbar

    1. In the Browser bar, click the the tag of the folder containing Trend setup data and trend data. Drag-and-drop it to the graph.



    CommentAddress /USER

    Favorite favorite-1 MYPJT1 .SH GR0002 favorite-2 TG0216 CG0001

    OverviewView Trend Plant




    060205E .ai











    Tag Name

    13:36 13:38 13:40 13:42 13:44










    Tag Comment Value Unit Upper Lower

    Gathering 00:12:00 100%

    FIC001. PVFIC002. PVLIC100. PVTIC100. PVTIC200. PV


    Inlet flowOutlet flowLevelTemp ATemp B




    TRTANK Tank A

    Drag and drop

    Figure Drag and Drop Tag Data

    2. Pen is assigned, and the data in the folder is shown in the Trend graph view.

    TIPPens are assigned from the top (1) to the bottom (8). The highest number of available pen is assigned. If the maximum 8 pens are already assigned, an assignment error is raised. In this case, delete some of the existing unneeded pen assignments before adding a new pen assignment.

    1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

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    IM 33M05D10-40E 1st Edition : Mar.23,2008-00

    6.3 Creating/Displaying Trend Reference Patterns



    n Creating a Trend Reference Pattern1. In the trend view, click on the following button on the tool bar.


    2. A dialog box to save trend data will appear.

    Save As


    File name :

    This Folder is Empty.
