Hire Heroes USA Overview

1 Hire Heroes USA Overview : Pg. 2. Mission, Vision, Values Pg. 3. - 5. Recent Successes Pg. 6. - 9. Initiatives Pg. 10. - 17. Veteran Success Stories Pg. 18 - 19. Events
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Hire Heroes USA Organization- Overview and Success Stories.

Transcript of Hire Heroes USA Overview

Page 1: Hire Heroes USA Overview


Hire Heroes USA

Overview:Pg. 2. Mission, Vision, ValuesPg. 3. - 5. Recent SuccessesPg. 6. - 9. InitiativesPg. 10. - 17. Veteran Success StoriesPg. 18 - 19. Events

Page 2: Hire Heroes USA Overview


Hire Heroes USA MissionMISSION:

• Hire Heroes USA’s (HHUSA) mission is to offer transition assistance, job search assistance, and job placement services to those who have honorably served in the US military – and to their spouses – in order to reduce veteran unemployment. HHUSA prioritizes veterans statistically most likely to be unemployed: veterans of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM, and veterans that are wounded or disabled.

• As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, HHUSA’s services are provided at no cost to the veteran.


• Maintain the Nation’s most effective veteran transition and employment assistance program, modeling a process that will drastically decrease the unemployment rate of the men and women who served this country.”


• Integrity * Innovation * Compassion * Confidence * Commitment

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Recent Successes

• Hire Heroes USA staff, volunteers, partners and funders continue to make a disproportionate impact in the national campaign to eliminate veteran unemployment. In a year characterized by continued economic recession, record-levels of long-term unemployment, and decreased giving to charities – in short, an awful operating environment - Hire Heroes USA dramatically improved its process, enhanced its funding, and increased its output.

The results in 2010:

• Nearly 90 veterans confirmed hired

• Nearly 800 veterans received career counseling and professionally revised resumes

• Over 100 wounded or disabled Soldiers and Marines participated in 2-day transition assistance workshops to prepare them for success after the service

• A 300% increase in the weekly rate of hired veterans

• An increase in permanent staff and expansion of programs and services to meet the growing demand for extra-governmental employment training and assistance

• The success of Hire Heroes USA is predicated on a relentless commitment to the nation’s veterans, excellence in service-delivery, and the unwavering support of loyal funders. At current rates, this combination will help more than 150 veterans find employment in 2011.










Series 1

Series 2

Series 3

HHUSA Confirmed Hires

by Quarter

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2010 Assisted Veteran Demographics


- Out of the 755 service

members/veterans that received

resume assistance in 2010, more

than 60% (470) had deployed in

support of combat operations in

Iraq or Afghanistan and 34% (256)

were combat wounded or had a

service-connected disability.

- More than 40% (39) of the

veterans confirmed hired in 2010

were wounded or disabled

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2010 Operating Environment and Performance Evaluation


The average duration of unemployment for HHUSA-assisted

veterans mirrored the national average from 2008 – 2010.

Importantly, the rate of unemployment for wounded and

disabled veterans is significantly higher (19.3%) than the

overall national average for veterans (8.1%); for young,

disabled veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, the unemployment

rate is much higher (32.2%). Considering the fact that 1 out of

3 HHUSA-assisted veterans falls into the highest

unemployment categories, the above chart speaks to the

effectiveness of the HHUSA program. (National data accessed

from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics


-From 2008 to 2009, the National median for duration of

unemployment (in weeks) increased by 61% (9.4 to 15.1); from

2009 to 2010 it increased by another 42% (15.1 to 21.4). In the

same time periods, the median duration of unemployment for

HHUSA-assisted veterans from registration to employment

increased by only 15% (14.7 to 16.9) and 29% (16.9 to 21.9),

respectively – meaning that HHUSA was almost 3 times more

effective at helping the long-term unemployed find jobs. (Note:

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics does not provide data for

the average or median duration of veteran unemployment, but

it is likely that wounded/disabled veterans remain unemployed

longer than nonveterans, given the much higher

unemployment rate for that demographic).

- Confirmed hires increased by 206% from 2009 to 2010 with

only a 25% increase in veteran intakes.

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Career Search Assistance and

Job Placement Services


The Hire Heroes USA program offers our veteran participants:

• Goal Setting, Career Counseling, Resume Writing, Interviewing and Networking skills.

• Mentorships from business professionals where applicable.

• Job Matching: HHUSA staff actively matches veterans with jobs posted by our corporate partners on our free job board.

• Placement on the HHUSA Partner Portal: This custom content management system functions as a virtual recruitment facilitation tool, securely enabling our trusted corporate partners to search and review the resumes of veterans actively seeking rewarding employment opportunities.

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Wounded Warrior Transition

Assistance Workshops

• Hire Heroes USA’s Wounded Warrior Transition Assistance Workshops (WWTAW) provide comprehensive career transition training at no cost to service members. During the 2-3 day workshops, HHUSA staff and volunteers teach wounded or disabled soldiers how to identify personal goals, formulate job search strategies, create effective resumes, and excel in job interviews.

• Using a combination of classroom instruction and hands on application, HHUSA staff and volunteers assist service members to produce outstanding resumes that accurately reflect their military accomplishments in relevant business terminology– often the most difficult part of the transition process.

• Additionally, service members are afforded the opportunity to link up with mentors from the business and veteran community, immediately increasing their networking resources and corporate career knowledge base.


Pictured Above: Volunteer Nancy Swain Teaches the Value Proposition Class.

Successful WWTAWs were conducted during the past year at Camp Lejeune, NC; Camp Pendleton, CA; Naval Medical Center San Diego; Marine Corps Air-Ground Training Center Twentynine Palms, CA; and Marine Base Hawaii - Kaneohe Bay.

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Wounded Warrior Transition

Assistance Workshops

• Feedback from workshop participants has been uniformly enthusiastic. HHUSA conducts WWTAWs at least on a quarterly basis at Ft. Gordon, in Augusta, Georgia and monthly at other Wounded Warrior care centers around the Nation, potentially reaching more than 200 wounded or disabled service members in the next calendar year.

• These workshops signal a greater commitment from the US military to ensure its wounded and disabled service members receive the best transition assistance available, leading to reduced veteran unemployment rates and sustainable, family-wage jobs.


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Workshop Testimonials

• "I wanted to write you a quick email to thank you and the rest of the Hire Heroes USA team for your visit to Fort Gordon this past weekend. Making the transition from active duty military to the civilian job market creates many unknown challenges. Thanks to the teaching, coaching, and mentoring that you provided, I feel as though I am in a better position to make that change if I am medically retired. Again, thank you for your time and effort, and I hope to stay in touch with you and use you as a link to the civilian sector."

• "I could not construct a resume before this class and now I can do so with confidence. The class was kept interesting and fast paced. It helped me see how much I have accomplished while in the Marine Corps, and how to translate all that to civilian terminology."

• "The class was very good and it covered and pinpointed the important details. The hands-on workshops were very helpful, such as the interview and the resume workshop that we participated in The teachers were all willing to help and get their hands dirty. Great job and thank you."


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Success Story Angel Acatitlan


Hire Heroes USA Veteran Angel Acatitlan of Texas was hired by Universal Weather and Aviation, and began his new position on November 30th 2009. Angel Acatitlan was a member of the U.S. Army Intelligence Community for nearly five years with two deployments to the Iraqi theatre of operations. He served as a Human intelligence Collector from Nov. 2007 through August 2009. Some of his missions included debriefing local and provisional leaders, interviewing high value individuals, and establishing working relationships with indigenous personnel from the ground up.

Angel has held positions ranging from a team member/team leader to an operations manager for over nine teams located in three provinces. He plans to attend the University of Houston, with hopes of attaining a degree in law. Angel also wants to keep contributing by involving himself in the local community as much as possible.

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Success Story David Shirley


Hire Heroes USA is proud to introduce you to Mr. David Shirley, a South Carolina native and graduate from The Citadel. In 1995, Dave received his commission as a second lieutenant in the Army. His first duty station was Bamberg, Germany where he deployed to Hungary, Croatia and Albania in support of various operations. From 2000 to 2004 Dave was stationed at Fort Campbell, KY where he was the 426 FSB S4, DISCOM Deputy S3. Dave also commanded Alpha Company626 FSB during a yearlong deployment to Iraq from 2003 to 2004.

After leaving the Army Dave worked in the civilian sector and realized he missed working with the Military. In 2009 David began working for Northrop Grumman in the Technical Services division at Fort Leavenworth, KS. Dave currently resides in Kansas with his wife Molly, who is a veterinarian.

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Success Story Jawad Sydain


Jawad Sydain was hired by Connected Logistics in May 2010 as a Program Analyst in Virginia-National Capitol Region. Jawad connected with Hire Heroes USA in Feb. 2010 and attended a Compass retreat in April 2010. HHUSA provided resume writing and interviewing services, as well as mentoring and networking opportunities. Jawad was hired by a direct connection at the Compass retreat.

Jawad’s Testimonial:

“Hire Heroes USA has been a great experience, they were instrumental in assisting and guiding me to my current success”

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Success Story: Michael Stedman


We are excited to announce that Hire Heroes USA Veteran Michael Stedman accepted a job with the Department of the Army. The position is titled “Ops Assistant”. Michael began work at Fort Bliss, TX on April 12, 2010. This job is a stepping stone to his ultimate goal, which is to work for FEMA, as this job is in his desired field, emergency management. Michael attended a COMPASS workshop with Hire Heroes USA and truly got a lot out of his experience there, as he mentions below:

“I wanted to send an email to thank you personally, as well as ALL of Hire Heroes USA for all the help that you and the organization have helped me with in my transition and employment search. With the help that you gave me to get me to the COMPASS retreat in Pennsylvania, and the resume that you helped me build, I have now been offered and accepted a job with the Department of the Army. Again, thank you for all the help that you have given me. I couldn't have done this without the assistance and confidence that you have helped me with, as well as from Michelle Saunders and April Melancon. Please extend my appreciation and gratitude to everyone else from Hire Heroes USA and anyone affiliated with the organization, directly or by donating, for coming together to help us veterans trying to readjust back into the civilian life.”– Michael Stedman

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Success Story: Victor Swearingen


The following is a letter received by HHUSA from Victor Swearingen, a veteran who sought the career placement assistance of HHUSA following his service in the U.S. Marine Corp. Victor was successfully placed in an IT position in December 2008.

“Dear Hire Heroes USA: Although this may be an overlooked service, it is an invaluable service and I strongly feel that I must bring to the attention of all who read this the outstanding quality of customer service, support and guidance that I received from your organization. The years of transitioning back to civilian life following my career as an active duty Marine were difficult. I found it very hard to stabilize myself and find a permanent position that afforded me job security while I worked to complete my education. I also found it extremely difficult to adjust to corporate life, as many companies I encountered were not veteran friendly. I am very delighted to have had the pleasure of working with Hire Heroes USA during my recent interviews in December 2008. Your staff’s professional and courteous attitudes, knowledge and expertise and patience in handling my specific needs played a significant part in my hire and success as a Network Manager at the University of Oklahoma’s Schusterman Center Medical Campus. Going into it, I was afraid that this would turn out to be just another veteran group placing only people they knew and loved. Hire Heroes USA is anything but that and your team embraced me immediately.

I hope that you will pass my thanks on to all who worked to help me succeed and to anyone who doubts your dedicated service and support of our brothers and sisters at arms in the U. S . Armed Forces.

Warmest regards,

Victor Swearingen, MBA-TM Network Manager OU - Tulsa Schusterman Center Medical Campus”

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Success Story: Lolita Manghram


Lolita Manghram, is the Meetings Registration Senior Manager at MedAssets’ corporate office in metro Atlanta is a veteran of both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.As a fitness specialist and a food service specialist in the United States Air Force, Manghram experienced severe nerve damage in her hands during deployment. She was discharged from the Air Force in 2004, as she was deemed disabled by the Veterans Administration.

Manghram learned about the Hire Heroes USA program while enrolled in the work-study program through the Veterans Administration and was inspired by the experiences of Justin Callahan, a disabled Operation Enduring Freedom veteran who inspired the development of Hire Heroes USA.Manghram is now adjusting to civilian life and her career at MedAssets. She is thankful for the help she received through the Hire Heroes USA program, which has given her hope that anything is possible.

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Success Stories: Eric and

Kristen Shaw


In February of 2008, Erik Shaw presented himself to Hire Heroes USA for career placement assistance. An unemployed U.S. Army veteran wounded in combat, Erik had served as a scout and sniper team leader and Bradley commander with the Elite 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment in Iraq, participating in the liberation of Tal Afar, the last Al-Qaeda stronghold in Iraq. Erik's dilemma was his inability to find work in proximity to his wife Kristen's new job as a graphic designer. Having first met in Korea while both were members of the Army's 2nd Infantry Division, the Shaws were at this time living in Shady Side, MD.

HHUSA, through its partnership with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), was able to arrange for Erik to interview for a position within UPMC's IT sector. Erik succeeded in landing the job, beginning work on April 1st in Pittsburgh and also beginning a trying period of commuting home to Shady Side on weekends to visit his wife and daughter.

Fortune smiled upon the Shaw's on July 7th, when HHUSA and UPMC were able to identify a graphic design position within UPMC's Physician Services Division for Kristen. Erik, Kristen and their daughter, Kayla, are currently settled happily in Erik's hometown of Pittsburgh, content in their new careers and working for an outstanding and compassionate organization - a truly happy ending for the Shaw family!

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Success Story: Jerry Cortinas


Jerry Cortinas joined the Army in May of 1995. After serving over three years, he decided to turn his passion and love for the military into a career. In October 1998, Jerry joined the Army's elite Special Forces division. His decision and dedication to serve sent him on numerous deployments over the next few years, including tours in Peru, Ecuador and Columbia. In January 2004, while deployed to Afghanistan with the 7th Special Forces group, Jerry was severely wounded during combat operations.

Jerry officially retired as a Staff Sergeant from the United States Army in October of 2004. It took several months for his discharge paperwork to be processed, leaving him without a job and without a paycheck until the following January. Married with two young children, Jerry fervently sought employment to support his family. He attempted working at a local boot camp for teens, but found the transition from an extremely active military career into a civilian career as an amputee tumultuous. A highly trained career soldier, Jerry had difficulty finding a job that matched his qualifications and interests.

In January 2008, Jerry came in contact with Hire Heroes USA through the Department of Defense Army Wounded Warrior Program. After speaking with the HHUSA team, Jerry felt confident that he was being steered in the right direction. When asked about his experience working with HHUSA, Jerry replied,

"The Hire Heroes USA team understood what kind of job I wanted and they understood my qualifications and circumstance. With my military background, I knew that I had the qualifications to do something that would benefit me and my family."

With the assistance of HHUSA, Jerry was hired by ICI Oregon, a defense contractor, in February of 2008.

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Annual “100 Holes for

Our Heroes” Fundraiser Carl Meyer. Vice President of National Accounts & Distributor Relations with BSN Medical, has once again elected to celebrateIndependence Day and show his respect for the service and sacrifice of the men and women of our Armed Forces by hosting the "100 Holes for Our Heroes" golf event benefiting Hire Heroes USA. This novel fundraiser, was held on July 4th at Chenequa Country club in Hartland, WI. This yearly event is planned and executed by Carl himself and features an attempt by the longtime golfer to play 100 holes of golf in a single day. This year, exceeding everyone's expectations, Carl golfed an unbelievable 110 holes!

As Carl continues his two pronged mission to raise awareness for Hire Heroes USA and raise funds, this event is opened to everyone nationwide. Anyone can contribute by becoming a Virtual Caddie Corp. Leader, or a member of an existing Caddie Corp. A Virtual Caddie is anyone who would like to support this event by donating funds and enlist their friends, family and business colleagues to help in fundraising efforts.

How can you help? • Spread the Story. Spread the 100 Holes For Our Heroes/Hire Heroes USA story to your employer,

community and friends.• Become a Hole Sponsor for 100 Holes 2011! Your $2,000 tax-deductible donation will directly

help one Veteran get hired. On average, Hire Heroes USA Spends $2,000 per Veteran job placement, at no cost to the Veterans or hiring companies involved.

• Become a sponsor of this nationwide event and show support for our Veterans who have sacrificed so much to protect our country. Help Hire Heroes USA share the story of what one man with a lot of heart can accomplish. If interested in either a Hole Sponsorship or a Corporate Sponsorship, please contact Allison: [email protected] , or call 678-248-8197.

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St. Louis Cardinals

Legends CampThe sights, the sound, the smells – life as a big leaguer – can you imagine it? Well in a few short months, Hire Heroes USA andindividuals throughout the United States will be living it! Hire Heroes USA is pleased to announce that the 2011 St. Louis Cardinals Legends camp has filled it’s rosters and met capacity! Over 100 individuals will be heading to Jupiter, FL, January 26-30th, to experience what it truly means to live in baseball heaven.

Hire Heroes USA is honored to have the following sponsors join us during our fundraising event: Anheuser-Busch * Benton Hill Investments * Beverly Hills Pharmacy * Kelly Press, Inc * MedAssets * Pepsi-Cola * The St. Louis Cardinals

We are also thrilled to have St. Louis Cardinals Legends joining us, past players include: Hall of Famers Ozzie Smith, Bruce Sutter, Lou Brock and a long list of Cardinals greats including Vince Coleman, Danny Cox, Cal Eldred, Bob Forsch, Rick Horton, Al Hrabosky, Brian Jordan, Steve Kline, Tito Landrum, Dave LaPoint, Tom Lawless, John Mabry, Tom Pagnozzi, Bob Tewksbury, and John Tudor.

If you are interested in finding out more about Legends Camp, please contact Sara Trask by phone at: 314-770-7220 or via email at: [email protected]. www.legendscamp.com

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Thank you for your support.

Hire Heroes USA100 North Point Center East, Suite 200

Alpharetta, GA 300221-800-915-HERO. www. hireheroesusa .org