Hire dedicated magento developers

Hire Magento D evelopers By: iLoveMage.com www.iLoveMage.com

Transcript of Hire dedicated magento developers

Page 2: Hire dedicated magento developers

Full Time - 8 hrs. a day

Under this package, you get a dedicated full time developer for your project. He will work 8 hrs a day and 20 days in a month i.e. 160 hrs. in a month. This is very useful for ongoing big projects where you want someone to handle something throughout the month. Minimum length: 1 month


Page 3: Hire dedicated magento developers

Minimum length: 1 month As low as $20.00 per hour (normally $30.00)

In the above package, you get this in common:

Daily Report of what exactly got worked on.

Screenshot of user computer activities

Skype discussion with the developer wherever required

Email collabortion

Project Tracker access where you manage and collaborate with developers on your projects

You can choose 1-50 developers based on your requirement All billings are in one month advance


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For More information Click here : http://www.ilovemage.com/hire-dedicated-magento-developers/full-time-magento-dedicated-developer.html

You can add us on Skype for more discussion.

My skype Id – bizspice_monty

Get 10% discount on this service by using MON10 coupon code and more on discussion


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