Hindustan to Me

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  • 8/13/2019 Hindustan to Me


    Last 5 years of my life has taken a new turn professionally, personally and the biggest of all is the way I

    think about India, Indian culture, Itslegacy and identity. Growing up in a traditional middle class family,

    education was always a key component. However, the concept of education was around the framework

    of a person going to leading universities in the world. Also, given the dominance of leftist intellectuals in

    the Indian academia the books that we read and the nature of news that we heard was always skewed

    towards negative connotation to anything to do with Swadeshi values or Swadeshi way of doing things.

    Negative connotation at times can be an understatement. I would be lying if I say that I never had

    contempt to Swadeshi after reading, listening and watching stories planted by English media. My

    fascination to the west and western concepts and contempt to swadeshi way was something I never

    hesitated to talk about. From the vision of education, entrepreneurship, economy, ancient traditions,

    vedas and Upanishads. My concept of educated was someone who graduated from leading university

    like Harvard, Stanford. My concept of entrepreneur was someone who is English speaking and runs a

    technology company. I never contemplated on what makes India so unique, so rich and the long

    lasting legacy that it has created as well as the difference between India and Bharath. However, thanks

    to a Western, English Speaking, Technology company, YouTube,for having changed the way I

    think, perceive India, the great and ancient nation.

    It was November of 2008, I spoke to a friend of mine who mentioned about this movie Guru,The

    famous movie which was inspired by Dhirubhai Ambanis life storystarring Abhishek Bachan and

    Aishwarya Rai. During our conversation, the character of Madhavan was something that we started

    talking about and that really inspired me. A journalist in his late 20s writing such hard hitting articles

    that destroyed a towering, shrewd person like Ambani was something that kept me thinking. Yes, I

    started thinking about Gurumurthy, whom I had heard but had not bothered to read much about him as

    he was not someone who was educated abroad in any of the leading universities and did not advocate

    the Liberal society. But that conversation for some or the other reason made me google his name and

    watch his videos. It was such an inspiring video that I still remember him talking about the Indian growthmodel, Caste as a social capital, the leftist assault on academia. The way he articulated those things

    really inspired me to read more about India. I kind of felt guilty of not understanding the concept of

    India, our identity, our value system, our cutting edge work in the field of science and medicine, last

    but not the least the impact our respect for the family system. The more I read/watched his work, the

    more was my yearn to get to know India better. I read his entire article section on gurumurthy.net in

    couple of days. I was very much influenced by his writing style, backed by information. I decided to learn

    more about India and started reading articles and started watching videos of Indias greatest thinkers in

    the form of Arun Shourie and Dr.Subramanian Swamy. The more I read writings of these scholars the

    more I realized that people of India were being brainwashed by the leftist academia into developing

    contempt for anything to do with our ancient culture and tradition. What also trigged me taking a strong

    opinionated view advocating swadeshi concept was the brazenness with which TV channels

    provided/continue to provide biased reporting on anything to do with ancient Indian models.

    What makes this ancient civilization so unique is something I started thinking about. Is it just the

    diversity in language, customs, traditions, societal interactions? Or is there more to this nation. The

    strength of a civilization is its ability to sustain and survive the assaults on its civilization. It is this

  • 8/13/2019 Hindustan to Me


  • 8/13/2019 Hindustan to Me


    made it complex was the job involved two components, integrating princely states to India and ensuring

    law and order amidst worst riots that emerged post partition. Nehru took easier portfolios like external

    affairs which had no challenge and impact on Independent India. Sardar Patel used both diplomacy and

    force to integrate princely states and create a union of India. The most notable ones are Hyderabad,

    Junagadh as well as to some extent Kashmir till Nehru intervened and messed things up by going in for

    plebiscite without considering parliament which was illegal. Sardar Patel should have been bestowed

    Bharath Ratna the very next day he integrated these provinces, but unfortunately due to Nehrus

    jealousy towards Patel, that did not happen. Nehru bestowed Bharath Ratna on himself and Patel had to

    wait till 1990 to get Bharath Ratna posthumously, one year before Rajiv Gandhi (who received it for no

    contribution of his).

    Unfortunately Patel who had kept Nehru in check died in 1950 and Nehru began running a dictatorial

    government. Nehrus governance had a horrible impact on economy, external affairs and the worst

    impact was on Indian society. Nehru, being a socialist was always left leaning who had contempt to

    anything swadeshi and hence leftists started occupying posts of immense importance. From Krishna

    Menon who was responsible for jeep corruption and our defeat in the war against China, PrashanthChandra Mahalanobis who started the five year plan which became a breeding ground for corruption,

    Kuldip Nayyar, Krishna Raj who coined the word Hindu rate of growth to deflect the blame of

    socialism towards our low growth rate, academia in key universities who focused more on everything

    but anything to do with Indias grand cultural heritage which Nehru perceived as Communal. India

    which was always respectful towards alternative ideas and practices saw tremendous change. The

    growth of racisism and intolerance began in Nehrus era where anyone who spoke about swadeshi,

    market economy were banished and incarcerated. The leftist historians dominated academia and

    started painting a horrible picture of swadeshi to create inferiority and contempt towards anything to

    do with our heritage. They went one step further to create bogus divisions like the Aryan-Dravidian

    theory which were proved wrong by scientific DNA study.

    The society changed its complexion because of such developments. There was an awe around people

    who were educated overseas, who had a western mindset, who proclaimed themselves as rationalists

    (Anyone who bashed India spiritual values), who was english speaking, who started a technology

    company. Nehrus sychophants coined Nehruvian Socialism as something that was cool, something

    that could solve problems of India. If you look at what Nehruvian Socialism is, its nothing but a copy

    paste work of M A Feldman, a Soviet economist. Nehru was never a thinker as projected by English

    media today. He just adopted something that was prevalent in the Soviet Union and his chelas called it

    Nehruvian Socialism.

    What makes Swadeshi so rich is something that I have always grappled. After reading some books and

    listening to great thinkers one