Himalayan University - PhD Doctor of Philosophy … ·  · 2016-03-03Himalayan University offers...

Himalayan University Established by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh as per Section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956.

Transcript of Himalayan University - PhD Doctor of Philosophy … ·  · 2016-03-03Himalayan University offers...

Himalayan UniversityEstablished by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh

as per Section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956.

HIGHLIGHTS OF RESEARCH PROGRAMMES AT HIMALAYAN UNIVERSITYResearch Oriented EventsThe University hosts exciting research events throug e year in the formof Workshops, Seminars, Conferences and Meets. ese pro 'de excellentopportunities to the scholars to have better exposure 0 ne corporate world,national & global socio political scenario, and the lates deve opments andchanges in the field of research. They also act Ii e a " 0 0 the businessleaders, successful entrepreneurs, researchers, scie technocrats.

Academic Excellence CentreThe Academic excellence centre is committed 0 ards providing theresearch scholars excellent access to top of the rme oatabase. Universityhas a panel of top notch researchers in various fie ds. is panel under theadministration of AEC helps the students to ac 'e e e global quality ofresearch.

Research GuidesThe University has a panel of Research Guides of profound. eminence.The allocation of guide is at the discretion of the research department. Itis done on the basis of number of students allocated per faculty member,the availability of faculty members with required specialization and theresearch interest of the student, as indicated during interview by thestudent.

Research CoordinatorThe primary role of Research Coordinator shall be to facilitate thescholars to launch themselves on an academic career path and hence toprovide them support and guidance for identification of Research Topicand access to resources for research

We encourage interaction wi1hin and across the subject areas, providing a rich environmentfor innovative, collaborative and multi-disciplinary research

Research Programmes at Himalayan University. ttanagar are run strictly as per UGC norms. We at Himalayan strive to provide the candidates access toworld class research guidance offered by our facu l mbers who are experts in their respective fields.

Himalayan University offers research programmes in various streams. For details, please refer to our website.

A candidate shall ordinarily work in a recogmzed olace of researchincluding the University Departments, Researc in es and AffiliatedColleges. The rules regarding eligibility, entrance exarrination, interview,registration, supervision, submission and evalua 'on 0 thesis, viva-voce,defence of thesis etc. shall be as follows:1--For admission to the Ph.D. programme in a related subject in the Faculty,applicants fulfilling any of the following criteria sna, be treated as eligible:

1. Persons having passed Post Graduate Degree (Master Degree) orEquivalent Examination with at least 55% marks or equivalent GradePoint Average (GPA) for General Category & 5 % relaxation in therequired percentage of marks ~ill be given to the studentsbelonging to SC/ST/DT/NT/SBC/OBCcategories

2. Persons working in National laboratories 1nstitutes/GovernmenVPrivate Organization nominated/sponsored by the respectiveemployer. These persons should have a Post Graduate Degree andholding a rank of Assistant Director or above.

Above mentioned rules will also be applicable to the foreigncandidates who have obtained a Masters Degree from any of therecognized Universities.

3. Persons with exceptional abilities having passed graduate degreeexamination with 50% of marks and with 15 years experience aftergraduation in the related field. However, candidates possessing B.E.Degree in the faculty of Engineering shall also have patents/intellectual property rights registered in their names. In such cases,exceptional abilities will be decided by the Research andRecogMion Committee concerned.

4. Senior citizens of an age of 60 years and above, with a Master's. Degree. In exceptional cases, the eligibility for senior citizen shall

be at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor.

5. The fellow members of the institute of Chartered Accountants and /or institute of Cost and Works Accountants and / or havingqualification of Company Secretary shall be eligible for admissionto the Ph.D. programme in the subject allocated to the Board ofStudies concerned under the Faculty of Commerce. Provided that

such candidates possess a Bachelor's Degree of any recognizedUniversity and also have at least 5 years' professional experience.

6. A Graduate in any Faculty who has developed important newtechnology (new for the country) or desiqned and fabricatedspecial instruments or apparatus which are deemed by acompetent judge to be a valuable contribution in the field ofEngineering/Pharmacy, may be permitted by the Research andRecognition Committee of the Faculty concerned, on therecommendation of appropriate Board or Boards of Studies to submithis thesis for the Ph.D. Degree in that Faculty. Such a candidatemust have at least 5 years' standing as a Bachelor of the Facultyconcerned.

7. Application for research in inter-disciplinary areas and fromapplicants belonging to a Faculty or subjects other than the Facultyor subjects in which the research is proposed to be done and fromthe international candidates (those who have not obtained theMaster's Degree from Indian Universities)shall be considered on thebasis of the proven ability and aptitude of the researcher for suchkind of research. Such proposal shall be examined by the Guide andthe Head, Place of Research before giving provisional admission.The admission will be confirmed after the Research andRecognition Committee/s concerned, approves the topic. Detailedprocedure for admission should be evolved by the Facultyconcerned.

8. Percentage of marks required for admission of foreign candidates(those who have not obtained Master's degree from IndianUniversities) will be 50%or equivalent GPAat Master's Degree level.

Procedure for conduct of Entrance Examination

Entrance Examination will be normally conducted twice in a year and twoadmission cycles consecutively. It is essential for Foreign Students also.

Structure of the Entrance Examination

For Entrance Examination, there would be a paper on General AptitudeTest of 100 marks

General Aptitude Test will have 100 questions with multiple choicecovering logical Reasoning, Numerical Ability, Reasoning and languageAptitude. Standard of Passing: Candidate who scores 50% (General) &45% (SC/ST/DT/NT/SBC/OBC) or more will be declared as qualified.


Every person, if he/she is otherwise eligible and qualifies as per aboveconditions and is desirous of pursuing Ph.D. degree shall face theinterview before the Committee constituted for the purpose. All suchcandidates will apply to University for registration for the purpose ofinterview. Candidates exempted from Entrance Examination as per UGCGuidelines shall also have to register their candidature with the UniversityCandidates to be interviewed by the Committee

Admission/Registration after the interview

An eligible admitted applicant shall apply to the Registrar, HimalayanUniversity in the prescribed Application Form within a period of sixmonths from the date of allotment of the Research Guide.

The applicant shall submit eight copies of his/her Ph.D. proposal as perthe Guidelines along with the application.

The date of the Research proposal acceptance shall be treated as the dateof provisional Registration of the candidate and the candidate shall begiven provisional admission/registration letter as per University Normsand Conditions.

The registration shall be valid for three years. Extension up to a maximumperiod of two years shall be given by the Research and RecognitionCommittee/s concerned only if considerable work has been done by thecandidate. The candidate concerned must submit the application forextension through his guide and Head of the Place of Research threemonths before the expiry of the registration period along with requisitefee. Further extension of one year will be given by Vice-Chancellor on therecommendation of the Dean of the Faculty concerned as per UniversityNorms.

Course Work

The course work is compulsory and will carry 20 credits. The bifurcationof these credits is as under:

i) 5 credits for Research Methodology which includes researchmethodology, quantitative methods, computer application, tools andtechniques including instrumentation, communication skills andreview of published research.

ii) 10 credits for subject specific (2 subjects) course work.

iii) 5 credits for field work, seminars and other academic activities. Theevaluation will be don-e by the teachers of the UniversityDepartmenVResearch Centre concerned.

Admitted candidates shall be required to undertake course workorganized by the University DepartmenVResearch Centre, as the casemay be. The course work will be for a minimum period of one semester.

The course work shall be treated as pre-Ph.D. preparation. The UniversityDepartmenVResearch Centre, as the case may be, shall decide theminimum qualifying requirement for allowing a candidate to proceedfurther with the writing of the Ph.D. thesis. If found necessary, coursework may be carried out by doctoral candidates in relateddepartments/institutes either within or outside the University, for whichdue credit will be given to them.

Candidates who have done M.Phil. from any recognized University andwho were admitted to M.Phil. through an entrance examination and hadalso undertaken course at M.Phil. level, will be exempted from the coursework.

Progress Reports

1) All the registered candidates shall be required to submit, through theirresearch guides elaborate progress report every six months. If acandidate fails to submit three reports consecutively, his/herregistration may be treated as cancelled on recommendation of Headand Dean of the Faculty concerned.


Submission of Synopsis

The submission of synopsis may be permitted only after completion of 9months from the date of registration and after successful completion ofthe Course Work. The synopsis should contain introduction, chapter-wisebrief account of the work done and overall conclusions. The candidateshall be allowed to submit his/her thesis after the completion of a periodof 15 months and before 18 months from the date of submission of thesynopsis, failing which the candidate will have to pay the prescribed finefor late submission

Submission of Thesis

Ph.D. candidates have to publish two research papers in standardreferred journal before the submission of the thesis/monograph foradjudication, and produce evidence for the same in the form ofacceptance letter or the reprint. At least three months before the date ofsubmission of the thesis, each candidate shall give a pre-submissionseminar to be arranged by the University on the request of the candidateduly endorsed by the guide. The final plan of the thesis will be discussedby the research scholars present. among whom the presence of theresearch guides and the Head, Place of Research or his/her nomineeshall be necessary.

In the light of the discussion during the seminar mentioned above, ecandidate shall submit to the Registrar five copies of the thesis throughhis/her guide within one month from the date of presentation of seminar.The guide may recommend list of referees to the Academic Section of theUniversity.


City Office: IIRM ELECTRONIC MULTIMEDIA RESEARCH CENTERNo.5 Gowtham Tower, L.G.B Nagar Bus Stop, Sathy Main Road, Saravanampatti,

Coimbatore - 641 035.


1. After the approval of the panel of examiners by Board ofExaminations. The Controller of Examinations shall invite the firstthree examiners from the approved panel, to examine the thesis. TheController of Examinations shall forward the thesis to the examinerswithin a week from the date of the receipt of the acceptance letter ofthe examiner or the submission of thesis, Whichever is later. If anexaminer does not accept the invitation within thirty days from thedate of dispatch of the invitation letter, the Controller of Examinationshall send an invitation letter, to the next examiner on the panel.

2. The external examiners shall independently send their reports to theController of Examinations within sixty days from the date of receiptof the thesis. The reports 'sent by fax or e-mail by using the'postscript' package will be accepted. If an examiner fails to do so,the Controller of Examinations shall send him/her a reminderimmediately after the expiry of the said period and request him/herto submit the report within thirty days. If the examiner concernedfails to comply even within the extended period, the COE shallcancel his appointment forthwith and invite the next examiner fromthe approved panel to evaluate the thesis. In the event of a requestfor the late submission of a report, receipt of the report after theappOintment has been cancelled or the loss of report, postal delay,etc., the Dean of the Faculty concerned shall take an appropriatedecision in the interest of the candidate concerned.

3. The positive reports received from the external examiners and theResearch Guide(lnternal Examiner) shall be immediately forwardedto the Head, Place of Research who, after ascertaining that thereports are favourable, shall arrange the viva and the defence of thethesis at the earliest date suitable to the Internal Examiner, thenearest external examiner and the Chairperson. The Head of theDepartment shall nominate the Chairperson for the defence from apanel of three senior research guides to be suggested by the InternalExaminer. The Head shall make the reports available to thecandidate, the Research Guide and the Chairperson at least a daybefore the date of the viva. In case of any problem, the Dean of theFaculty concerned will take an appropriate decision.

4. In case one out of two external examiners give unfavorable report,then the Controller of Examinations shall get the thesis examined byan additional examiner from the panel of examiners approved by theBoard of Examinations. If the additional examiner also gives anunfavorable report, the candidate will be declared failed.

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Viva Voce and Defence of the Thesis

The day, date, time and the place for the viva voce and the defenceof thesis shall be notified by the Head of the Place of Research atleast eight days in advance. Normally, the viva voce and the defenceof the thesis shall be arranged in the University Department. Inexceptional cases, the Vice-Chancellor may allow the viva to beconducted at a Place of Research outside the University campus. Insuch a case, the procedure and norms for the conduct of viva,payments, etc. shall be as laid down by the University.

The defence of the thesis shall take place in the .presence of theGuide (Internal Examiner), one External Examiner and theChairperson, who shall jointly evaluate the performance of thecandidate. In case of dispute, the Dean of the Faculty concernedshall take an appropriate decision. If neither of the external examinersis able to be present at the time of the defence, the Vice-Chancellor,on the recommendation of the Guide and the Dean of the Facultyconcerned, shall appoint a senior research guide to act as anexaminer for the defence of the thesis. In case the Internal Examineris not available, the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint one of the seniorresearch guides on the recommendation of the Dean of theconcerned Faculty and Head of the Place of Research. Theexaminers present for the viva-voce and the defence of the thesisshall submit to the COE their final consolidated report along with thereply given to the queries raised by the external examiners in thewritten form, Signed and accepted by the members of the Viva-VocePanel and a list of the persons attending the open defence in respectof the award of the Ph.D. degree immediately after the defence isover.

5. In case the defence is not satisfactory, the examiners mayunanimously recommend with reasons that a fresh viva-voce anddefence of the thesis be organized within a period of not less thanone month. If tne defence is still not satisfactory, the Committeewould record the reasons for the same. The Committee mayrecommend the resubmission of the thesis with suggested changesor recommend the rejection of the thesis.
