Hillsong Sermons

25 July 2010 @ Trinity @ PL By Pastor Dominic Yeo Acts 2:4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them Anointing of power and empowerment by the Holy Spirit Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him God anointed Jesus with the Spirit The key is in the anointing (Luke 4) Isaiah 61:1-7 1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 2 to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. 4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations. 5 Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards. 6 And you will be called priests of the LORD, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast. 7 Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs. John 14 When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, it comes in its fullness Word anointing 1. Preach good news to the poor

Transcript of Hillsong Sermons

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25 July 2010 @ Trinity @ PLBy Pastor Dominic Yeo

Acts 2:4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them

Anointing of power and empowerment by the Holy Spirit Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit

and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him

God anointed Jesus with the Spirit The key is in the anointing (Luke 4) Isaiah 61:1-7 1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because

the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,2 to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. 4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins  and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.

  5 Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.

 6 And you will be called priests of the LORD, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast.7 Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; and so they will inherit a double portion in their land, and everlasting joy will be theirs.

John 14 When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, it comes in its fullness

Word anointing1. Preach good news to the poor Poor – afflicted, despondent lives Good news – good tidings, hope Words of hope Proverbs 12:18 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of

the wise brings healing Healing for the soul

2. Proclaim freedom for the captives Words of life – freedom from captivity for those in bondages of

economic debt, relational abuse, mental anguish

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Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

1 Peter 4:7-11 7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 8Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen

3. Proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour Year of Jubilee Words of affirmation release the favour of God (e.g. when Jesus was

water baptized)

Works anointing

Bind up the broken hearted Comfort those who mourn Care for needs of all who mourn Works reveal the depths of one’s faith True Christianity is seen through our works Builders of lives destroyed by generational curse Comfort, provision, wholeness, restoration, rebuilding, renewal

Worship anointing

We are priests and ministers 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy

nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Revelation 1:6 To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

Our worship impacts our work, business and every part of our life 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year We manifest the worship Blessing of wealth, double portion, everlasting joy and inheritance

4 September 2010 @ Trinity @ PLThe Life of Worship

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By Pastor Beatrice Kang

Worship is not contained or confined in the church Worship God through our successes, sadness, failures True worship is life transforming – when we stay focused on God at all

times even when we are overwhelmed or when we walk through the valleys of death

2 Chronicles 20 – look to God, fasting John 3, John 4 – revelation of being born again, eternal life 2 Samuel 12:20 Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and

anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.

11 September 2010 @ Trinity @ PLExperiencing Incredible UnityBy Apostle Naomi Dowdy

Psalm 133:1-3 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

Covenantal relationship – flowing in corporate unity Opens the windows of heaven through unity Unity: to signify oneness of sentiment, affection, behaviour such as

should exist among the people of God Declaration of unity in our faith in Christ Ephesians 4:11-13 And he gave some, apostles; and some,

prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:

Mature in the things of the spirit

Displaying unity in Church:

1. Unity in the Word Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he

corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Acts 2:42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.- devoted to the Word

As the people of God, we must be devoted to knowing the Word of God We all go through the same training (Tenet, seminars, workshops, TCA)

– we learn how to read the Bible, understand God’s principles, how to dig deeper into God’s word

We know false teaching when we hear it

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We will not be enticed by nice religious sounding words We know how to declare what is in God’s Word Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,

and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Equipping of a prophetic nature allows us to live in accordance to God’s Word

Righteousness exalts a nation – work with integrity, build good foundations for marriages and families, motivates us to serve others and nations through charities and humanitarian efforts

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

We know how to declare and proclaim God’s word accurately Matthew 8:5-10 Acts 3

2. Unity in Prayer Acts 2:42 Acts 12:5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made

without ceasing of the church unto God for him. Fervent corporate prayer was the central focus of everything the early

church did Quantity of prayers – the more prayers, the more agreement, the more

unity The more we pray in unity about something, the more potential there

is in the power of agreement Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree

on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

Closet, cluster, congregational prayer – multiplied prayer power Leviticus 26:8 And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an

hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

Deuteronomy 32:30 How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?

Matthew 12:29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.

Today is the day of agreement The sin of settling for second best (prayerlessness and indifference) Hosea 10:12 Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy;

break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.

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3. Unity in covenantal relationship 1 Samuel 20:16 Care, accountability, guidance, protection Commitment of one to another Cluster anointing – new life takes place Covenantal relationships of unity can break off the bondages of

darkness Isaiah 62:6-7 I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem,

which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

Covenantal relationship in unity – persistency in prayers being lived out

We are not alone Judges 18:7 Then the five men departed, and came to Laish, and saw

the people that were therein, how they dwelt careless, after the manner of the Zidonians, quiet and secure; and there was no magistrate in the land, that might put them to shame in any thing; and they were far from the Zidonians, and had no business with any man.

Judges 18:27-28 And they took the things which Micah had made, and the priest which he had, and came unto Laish, unto a people that were at quiet and secure: and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and burnt the city with fire. And there was no deliverer, because it was far from Zidon, and they had no business with any man; and it was in the valley that lieth by Beth–rehob. And they built a city, and dwelt therein.

Without covenantal relationships, there would be no unity, no relationship with anyone else and we become vulnerable to all attacks

Be active in carecell Develop relationships with our spiritual parents Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in

the power of his might.

19 September 2010 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pat Meseti

Malachi 3 Taking spiritual principles into reality God’s provision – spiritual Tithes and offerings – reality, physical so He can work in our lives Putting spiritual perspective into the physical

Your behaviour is determined by how you think Be transformed by the renewing of your mind Philippians 4 You can have more because you can become more God created in us a hunger for more (not lack) Genesis 37:5 Deuteronomy – gives you power to gain wealth Everything started with a dream

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Most people rather have their dreams analysed than fulfilled What’s your dream? Why? Purpose? Assignment? God-given assignment – key to unlock prosperity in your life Reason to do something ⟶ find a way to do something The reason comes later on in life

1. Understand the power of time Instant generation It took time – go through a series of changes We may grow in knowledge of scripture but not grow as a person Growth has to be with both God and man Time does different things to milk and wine Anchor point: place which we place our foundation on and never move

(tithes, who we hang around with, regardless of what you do to me, I choose not to get bitter)

Read, use your mind

2. Understand the power of attitude If we hold money too tight, nothing can go in Joseph’s brother had a closed mind God tested Joseph’s mind Our skills and abilities may not disqualify us from prosperity (but our

attitude most certainly will) Choice – choosing the attitude in every circumstance

3. Get over your past Manasseh, Ephraim Joshua 41:50 (Forget | Fruitful) Recognition and reward

26 September 2010 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Peter Wilson

Everything God created had a purpose We’re here for a purpose, we exist for a reason I’m gaining this so I can do something else Romans 12:1-6 (MSG) Be what we are called to be and made to be 1 Corinthians 12 Christ’s body, that’s who you are We have been excellently formed to fit into the body We find our true sense of significance when we accept our part in the

body Recognize opportunity to play a part in the Kingdom, bringing skills to

a need Trusting God with our dreams and aspirations Focusing on the one who gave the dream – God Matthew 16:15

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Realize who Jesus is (revelation) ⟶ God giving and establishing our identity (securing our identity) ⟶ God giving us the part we’re going to play

3 October 2010 @ Hillsong LondonThe Power of New BeginningsBy Pastor Steve Parry

Jesus is the God of beginnings John 1:1-2 Jesus is the creator and beginning of every good thing Eternal life is a continuum of new beginnings Everlasting life (living forever, whether in Heaven or hell) eternal life

(quality of life that exudes from God and Heaven)

Sin entered into creation and brought an ending God created a plan to end all endings Jesus came to destroy endings and give us eternal life containing the

power of continual new beginnings Colossians 1:2 – Jesus is the God of new beginnings The devil is the God of endings, it cannot create or initiate, it can only

steal, kill and destroy, its role is to bring ending into our lives

7 endings in the City of Nain (Luke 7) Death (end of life) Destruction (end of inheritance) Division (end of relationship) Disease (end of wholeness) Discouragement (end of vision) Defilement (end of purity) Disgrace (end of honour)

3 kinds of pain: Physical – suffering from the introduction of an ending Emotional – sorrow from the impact of an ending Spiritual – mourning comes from the implication of living in an ending Sorrow and mourning are to flee away through new beginnings Song of songs 4:4

Jesus destroyed the power of endings John 19:30 Revelation 22:13 Jesus put an end to endings Life is a journey of beginnings Numbers 33:2 Write starting points at the beginning of the day, instead of at the end

of the day (by faith you believe it will happen) Psalm 84:5-7 (pass through endings)

091010 @ Hillsong Conference Europe 2010 @ O2 Arena

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Drinks at the Party By Pastor Judah Smith

John 2:1-11 2 Corinthians 9:8 Jesus to time off to attend weddings and parties which often lasted 2 to

3 days/weeks to fellowship and enjoy himself with friends 1 Timothy 6:17 Israel had run out of wine (no wine in the wineskin) God is determined to bless people and provide for people God is our ever-present help in times of need Jesus’ first miracle was to help people with refreshments at the party It is not either/or with God (not limited supply), but rather it is AND Jesus was predetermined to help the bridegroom Give your best today and the Holy Spirit will better your best tomorrow

Drinks at a Party

John 2:1-11

2 Corinthians 9:8

God cares about even the seemingly insignificant things in our lives. Jesus

even took time off from being the saviour of mankind to attend parties and

weddings. We’ve got to enjoy life to its fullest.

1 Timothy 6:17

God gave us richly all things to enjoy – relationships, entertainment, etc. It’s

about not taking things too seriously and enjoying life. Wedding celebrations

in Jesus’ day typically lasted for days, rather than hours, but still He took that

time to fellowship and enjoy time with His friends.

Jesus attended the wedding at Canaan before His divinity had been revealed

to all; turning water into wine was His first miracle. Mary was the one who

appealed to her son, because she knew He was God and could provide for the


God is determined to bless us and provide for us. No one needs to

manipulate, convince or beg Him. He is aware of our needs and is an ever-

present help in those times.

His first miracle should speak volumes to us as believers. While we might

expect it to have been something ‘grand’, He chose to provide refreshments

for a party. We can therefore pray for anything and everything, because God

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cares for even the simplest desires of our hearts. "God owns the Cadillacs in

a thousand lots"...He's an ‘and’ God – He doesn’t make us choose between

things. He is all sufficient and has an endless supply of all things.

John 2:10

The wine Jesus provided was the best wine served at the party – He saved the best until last. If we concentrate on giving our best today, God will better our best tomorrow. God has an abundance and sufficiency for every good work.

091010 @ Hillsong Conference Europe 2010 @ O2 Arena Holy Momentum By Pastor Brian Houston

Exodus 33:7-11 Our lives have a power to them Look towards God and the purposes of God Glory of God – when we understand it, we gain holy momentum God makes people over-achievers Vv 17-19, vv 22 Sandwiched between God’s goodness and grace is God’s glory Psalm 94:10-11 Isaiah 60:1-3 God is putting His weight behind us, in our business, ministry, career,

profession God has our back Isaiah 58:8 There’s no way of trying to get the momentum God wants you to get if

we keep looking behind our back Psalm 3:3 Remember who we are in terms of our salvation Psalm 84:11 Isaiah 42:8 Psalm 24:8 Godly wisdom builds the house Romans 8:30 Proverbs 4:7-9

God’s Glory

What is the glory of God? When we understand it, it can bring unbelievable

momentum to our lives. Say "to God be the glory!"

Exodus 33:7-10, 17-19

Positioned between God’s grace and goodness is His glory.

Psalms 84:10-11

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Ex 33:22

Isaiah 60:1-3

The glory of the Lord has risen upon us. The word used for ‘glory’ means

substantial, weighty, heavy. That is, God will put His weight behind us. It will

enable us to fulfil what He has put in our hearts. It’s not an unattainable

thing, like a pillar of cloud – it’s the weight of God.

He can make us into heavyweights when we feel like lightweights. We have

gifts and talents, but it’s His weight behind us that is going to make all the

difference. It can pick us up and take us where we never dreamed we could

go. It’s not because of what we deserve of because of our own striving. We

need His weight behind what we do.

Substance, honour, splendour, wealth, authority, magnificence, fame,

excellence, dignity, riches; that is the definition of the root Hebrew word that

connects to God’s glory.

Is 58:8

If we are trying to watch our own backs we can’t see where we’re going. God

has our backs – we can just focus on what He’s given us to do. His glory

enables us to hold our heads high and live in confidence that we are the

children of the most high God.

We must remember who we are in terms of our salvation. To be saved is an

incredible thing.

Ps 84:11

Romans 8:30

We need a revelation of what salvation is, to remember where we’ve come

from and to always live with humility. Love God, love life, love people.

Is 42:8 - It’s all about Him.

Ps 24:8

He is the Glory King! He created us with free will – we mustn’t forget the

importance of Godly wisdom.

Ps 3:35

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Proverbs 4:7-9

091010 @ Hillsong Conference Europe 2010 @ O2 ArenaBy Pastor Christine Caine

Galatians 5:1 God created us to be free God doesn’t give people numbers but a face Some people live in internal prisons Abide in the Word – Know the Truth – Set us free We who have been free must go and open doors which are bound Being delivered does not equate to being freed It is for freedom that Christ has set us free

When we try things in our own strength, we cannot actually achieve until Jesus steps in to set people free

Acts 16:25-30 Bring a sound of Heaven and a sound that resonates Christ There was a sound of freedom that was greater than the natural

freedom they have heard, which caused them to stay though their doors were open and chains were broken

091010 @ Hillsong Conference Europe 2010 @ O2 ArenaBy Creative Team

How do we keep the ordinary not mundane? Celebrate that we’re all in this together Getting the reality that God is speaking to us Living life in the ordinary / mundane Doing the small things, leading by example Keeping the focus on the right thing – the individual person Task shouldn’t inspire people, but rather the idea that one person will

encounter God inspires people to wake up (the WHY)

How do we create a culture of excellence? Letting people have some failings before good arises Environment where people can dream, not afraid to be shot down Curiosity is the key to creativity Talent and skills are never static, they are either increasing or

decreasing Commitment, keeping the vision Understanding parameters Enthusiasm > Ability = fail Seeing through something than settling

Priority: heart vs talent? Talent and charisma can take you to the top, but character (passion

and compassion) keeps you there

091010 @ Hillong Conference Europe 2010 @ O2 Arena

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By Gary, Bobbie, Christine

Luke 19 (Parable of the Talents – ‘occupy till I come’) Isaiah 52:1-2, vv 6,10 (mobilization) Isaiah 61 Mobilisation must be intelligent, do-able, and tangible The romance of the commission vs the reality of the commission

1. Learn the art of GEM (Gather, Equip, Mobilise) All 3 are not mutually exclusive There isn’t time to be ineffective anymore We are in the army of God 2 Timothy 2:1-5 When we are advancing the Kingdom, we enter enemy territory that

may not be that romantic Gather-scatter process The mission is all around us

2. Write the vision and write it a thousand different ways3. Help people understand and realize that mobilization takes a lifetine

091010 @ Hillsong Conference Europe 2010 @ O2 Arena By Pastor Jentezen Franklin

Caring about the things we care about Genesis 8:32

1 Corinthians 13:1-8 Leroy Satchel Paige: ‘Work like you don’t need the money, Dance like

nobody’s watching, Love like you’ve never been hurt’ Joseph, Moses, David Prodigal – to act like you’re not supposed to act The Word from the Lord is to pursue us, may not always be nice-

sounding We sometimes serve a prodigal God We need to reconcile with our own bloodkin We’re never lowering our standard for love Homosectual (exclusive), but the Bible wants us to love others It’s unforgiveable not to forgive [unforgiveness] James Garfield (US President): probing of the past wound The reason why wounds cannot heal is that we have a tendency to

probe wounds of the past

Love Never Fails

1 Corinthians 13:1-8

Leroy "Satchel" Paige, the first African American pitcher in American baseball


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"Work live you don’t need the money;Dance like nobody’s watching;Love like

you’ve never been hurt."

We will all, at some time in our lives, be hurt. Jesus said offense will come. No

one is exempt from tribulation – each of us will know what it is to cry.

Sometimes those we love or help the most will hurt us the worst. Don’t get

bitter, mean or angry. Joseph and David are both great examples.

What do we do when God doesn’t act how we think he should? When an

answer doesn’t come or when something doesn’t go our way? Sometimes

words from the Lord aren’t easy. Sometimes they’re words of going through

fire and coming out the other side. But when Job prayed for his accusers (ie.

he loved like he’d never been hurt), God gave him double what the enemy

had taken.

The one thing that will not fail to reach people is to love them with an

unfailing love, no matter what. It is powerful. We should talk to someone the

enemy has separated us from, eat with them and have a relationship with

them. It’s love that never fails. It may take a month or a lifetime, but if we

keep on showing love like we’ve never been hurt it will not fail.

We’re never told to reject people or kick them out of our lives. We need to

understand the love of God. Right relationship is critical. Have we become

homo-"sect"-ual? Are we only attracted to our own kind? We’re not supposed

to be mean to anyone.

What’s done is done. It is unforgivable to not forgive. Anything between us

and people affects us and God.

Experts believe assassinated US President James Garfield didn't die of the

bullet but by the doctors probing the wound over the following weeks to find

the bullet. Probing a wound over and over again will kill us. We cannot heal if

we keep on probing into the pain of the past. We’ll never be getting it wrong

if we show love and be kind.

The world is looking for a church like that. We need to learn to zip it. We can’t

draw deadlines or conditions. We must love like Jesus loves and say, "I love

you and I’m going to keep on loving you."

Challenge:- Be an ambassador of God’s love- Be a hero for His cause- Be a carrier of His love

101010 @ Hillsong London

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Fighting to the Finish By Pastor Brian Houston

Joshua 1:2-5, 7, 9 If the Kingdom of God is gaining territory, the devil will hate that it is

losing territory Joshua 12:7-24 (31 kings, none of which were mentioned in Joshua 1) The fight to getting the purposes of God To stand committed Ephesians 6:10-14 4 attitudes: stand up, get dressed, stay awake, and guts it out The fight of faith, get the stomach for the fight, it’s not about the

person but the principalities of darkness

1. Stand up 2 Corinthians 2:11 Luke 8:32 We must not give the enemy any advantage, permission, opportunity

or place 1 Peter 5:8 Ephesians 4:27 Decide we’re cutting off the angles and don’t give the enemy a free


2. Get dressed Vv 13-18 Put on the whole armour of God Sometimes the facts can defy the truth, but the truth will set us free It is not about what’s wrong with us, but what is right with Him Isaiah 58:8 Isaiah 52:7

3. Stay awake Protect our vital organs and give us a clean and pure heart Making sure that we are walking with the good news Shield of faith – offensive not defensive (keep us from the fiery darts

and quenching them) Not only about what it will achieve but also what it will protect Get our head around salvation and get salvation around our head

4. Guts it out Ephesians 6:8 Don’t get spiritually weary, be vigilant (gutsy) Ephesians 6:19-20 Ephesians 6:10-20

171010 @ Hillsong Church LondonWho Was Still First?By Pastor Peter Wilson

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Mark 4:32-41 Who was still first? Jesus or the storm? John 17:20 We are one with Jesus Christ The power of God overcame sin and overcame death Security in relationship is established the more time we spend with one

another God is completely secure in His relationship with us but sometimes we

are not so secure due to anxiety and storms in our lives What is it in us that causes that doubt to question if God is present? God does know and is in control Children of Israel were exiled in Babylon Jeremiah 29:4 (the Lord of Heaven’s armies) In the middle of the storm, multiply and don’t dwindle Your present circumstance (welfare) will determine your future welfare Pray for the prosperity, welfare and peace where you are Jesus was below deck and couldn’t see the waves Where is our focus and our trust? Letting go of our future aspirations to God and knowing who He is Psalm 37:7 Psalm 46:10 Isaiah 30:15 Stop marveling at the storm but rather focus on Him who is in you Ephesians 1 (nothing is exempt from His rule)

241010 @ Hillsong LondonYou’ll be known by your nameBy Pator Cathy Clarke

Matthew 1:21 (AMP) Psalm 147:4 Genesis 2:19

311010 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Gary Clarke

Psalm 84 Selah – pause and think about that Acts 2:42-47 (the beginning of the church) The church is a community of people, not an organization or an

institution Primary objective of a community is to express the nature of God

between ourselves (reveal) to people who don’t know Him John 16:34 Church is not a service industry, not pick and choose Love is a place we’re determined to stand; a ‘because’ It is unconditional, acceptance and giving of favour to somebody else,

open embracing

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Love is supposed to be about giving someone what they are looking for, not what you are looking for

Posture of ‘wow, look what God has done’ Walk through life with a sense of awe, builds a sense of expectation The foundations of church has been getting together all as one AND to

meet in homes

1. I Care attitude: about those around us

To feel concern, have an interest, attach importance to something, be willing to do, provide what is necessary for health, maintenance and prtection to something or someone

2. Contribute

We can’t care without contributingGalatians 5:13 (‘serve one another in love’)Take on the interest of someone else as though they were ours Freedom from selfishness Unconditional expression of favour that is not based on what people expect us to do (lest we serve self-interest) and what we expect others to do to earn it

3. Ensure foundations are sound

The exciting things exist because of the unexciting things Colossians 4:3-6 Everything we are about is that people find Jesus in a personal way

Connect Group Holy Momentum

A rolling ball and sleigh need 2 factors: external force and its own weight – applied to our lives, God is our motivation

We need to have a destination in order to have momentum Be about what God is about Salt is meant to make an impact, salt and light don’t have to try to be

what they are (our identity is secure in Jesus) 3 things which hold us back – holding on to our past, trying to please

other people and trying to be others, trying to do God’s purpose in our own strength

We need to have a broad vision to have momentum ‘world’ is the world around us, doing our part in the body We need to move beyond seeing limits to seeing opportunities God partners with us, with His cause to bring about supernatural

momentum Ability to see what God has given us now, if we can handle little, we

can handle much

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God calls us to honour our seed based on the future potential, not its current value (seeing something grow, journey)

071110 @ Hillsong London5 Questions that God asked Humanity By Dr Scott Wilson

It is said that we are known or framed by the questions we ask What questions does God ask me?

1. Where are you? Genesis 3:8 Destination, where do you find yourself or where you find yourself

going Don’t hide behind spirituality or a spiritual language, but where are we

really going? Where will you end up?

2. Who told you that? Where does it all come from? Cultural paradigms form our decision making process, some things do

not fit right though its not wrong We need to re-frame the ‘who told you’ paradigm

3. What have you done? 1 Corinthians 15:58 What you do comes from what you believe Behaviour must match belief Matthew 24, 25, 26 – The last days Parable of the virgins and talents 4. Why are you angry? Emotion God has an order to things (emotion was ranked 4th) Great values comes before what we do Ephesians 4:26 Moment of frustration, but we need to deal with it and move on Adjust our emotions accordingly, get busy in the Kingdom

5. Where is your brother? Social and relationship Who you’re connected to determines where you’re going (first


141110 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Christine Caine

Where you look, you will end up going What you look for, you will find 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NKJV) We look with the eyes of faith to the unseen (eternal, what will remain)

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We are not looking at the temporal, and not focused on what others are focused on

If what you see is all you see, you’ll never see all that God has for you Numbers 13:2, 17-33 (NKJV) We catch a glimpse of our fruit but we come up with our own logic or

reasoning and miss the eternal goal Our ‘nevertheless’es cause us to abort our destiny The same thing that once was a promise/blessing could turn around

and devour us because our perspective has changed The same miracle-working God is still working I us Perspective: It’s all about God – we are well able to overcome We need to make God bigger than our circumstances Magnifying God It’s so much easier to see the white dot (circumstances) than the black

space (what God wants us to see)

161110 @ Hillsong LondonTeam Vision NightBy Pastor Gary Clarke

1 Corinthians 11:6 – David’s mightiest men We can go through life finding God’s purpose for our lives vs our lives

for His purpose (enlist ourselves in God’s purpose) Serving and building the church for this generation God is trying to enlist people into an elite team to serve His purposes

for the generation Casting vision ‘oh but if I had’: meeting the need we can obviously see Strategy: how we’re going to fulfil the vision Plan: difficult part, plan is dependent on people, putting it to reality God’s strategy is His church, His plan is us (the people) Ambition for what God wants to accomplish Be unashamedly ambitious Requires determination, hardwork, strong desire to achieve success Steadfast and focused on the things to be done, sticking to the task Faithful and loyal: strong feeling of allegiance, consistent support over

a period of time Responsible: can be trusted with the little things (lentil patch) The plan is built on the insignificant

211110 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Gary Clarke

John 15:26-16:11 Jesus was about to experience separation on our behalf Judgement would not be poured out upon us Acts 1L4-9 The power of the Holy Spirit will cause us to be a witness (someone

who gives testimony to something that has happened in their lives) – will face scrutiny when you give an account, speaking the truth in the face of opposition

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The Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus on a personal level – that Jesus is for us, and He is working inside of us in the midst of our inadequacy, He will (which requires more faith) (not only can)

Don’t let things in close proximity get in your face (be it from others or from within us)

Don’t let offence be something which defines and rules your life Empowering us to walk confidently in the resurrection power Peter’s life was transformed by the Holy Spirit – being afraid and

denying Jesus 3 times to having the confidence to speak in front of crowds

241110 @ Starbucks – Connect Group5 Questions that God asked Humanity

Where are you? Destination, focus Holy ⇌ Good decisions aligned to God’s will

Who told you that? Where do we get our beliefs from? Examine ourselves in relation to the Bible, check where our Christian

‘teaching’ came from Find out what God says about you vs what you believe about yourself Personality, identity, promises E.g. Joseph’s dream – vision, knowing where God wants you to go,

need to take our eyes off our surrounding situation

Actions Actions are defined by what we believe 1 Corinthians 15:56-58

Why are you angry? 4th priority in God’s scheme of things Feel-act-think (world) vs think-act-feel (what God wants us to do) Emotion – rash decisions affect where you’re already going in life

Where is your brother? Relationships Who you’re connected to determines where you’re going Drawing inspiration

281110 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Gary Clarke

John 14:1-17 We’re not meant to be alone in Gid’s plan / humanity – that God is with

and for us Close proximity relationship with who God is through the Holy Spirit,

who pleads our defence against God, leads us in all truth

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Read deeper (not because something’s missing), deeper truth, getting it into the heart

Relationship deepens – at ease, complete acceptance Vv 26 The Holy Spirit will remind us about everything Jesus did on our behalf Our confidence in which we walk with God determines our walk in life

(insecurity, ability to connect with others) There was a disconnect among men due to a disconnect between man

and God Absolute assurance that the work of Christ is finished on ou behalf Vv 27 Assurance of salvation, peace of God Fearing absolutely nothing from God Acts 3 (Peter filled with the Holy Spirit) John 17:21

121210 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Gary Clarke

John 14:1 Colossians 3:15 Jesus was God in the flesh John 14:9-11 John 13:32-33 Jesus was with the disciples all the time but He was about to leave Advocate (the One who pleads our case on a personal level), Comforter

(the One who comes alongside), Encourager (empowering),, Counsellor (helps us get a greater and deeper understanding of Jesus’ work from the perspective of salvation)

Impact of being right with God The Holy Spirit reminds us of the work of Jesus Christ so we can walk

confidently before God The Holy Spirit brings assurance and confidence in our salvation so we

don’t second-guess if God is for us He gives us strength to face opposition, persecution The Holy Spirit is personal and engages us in a personal level, allows

us to take courage in the face of our circumstances The Holy Spirit is not a gift, He’s God who gives gifts John 16, Matthew 16:13-18 Identity in Christ (Simon – Peter name change from flimsy/flaky to

stable) Building the church on the rock Peter is in a situation where God speaks to him on a personal level (no

need to hear from anyone about God) Acts 2 The Holy Spirit rested upon the individual people and will never leave

you (one-to-one aspect of the Holy Spirit)

Christmas Reloaded: God of the ImpossibleBy Rev Dr Naomi Dowdy

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There is hope in Christmas to the hurting and depressed Christmas tells us that nothing is impossible with God Luke 1:26-28 Vv 34 – Mary asked a question and was seeking information (How can

this happen since I am a virgin?) The answer to every miracle: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, the

power of the most High God is with you Another miracle with Elizabeth Mary was immediately in submission / total obedience to what God was

saying Faith does not look at outward circumstances but sees them through

the eyes of God God challenges us each season to stop focusing on our struggles, to

stop leaning on our own understanding Faith does not look at feelings, it only sees the promises of God Joseph was foundational in the Christmas story though he seemed like

a background figure and seemingly insignificant Joseph’s faith and actions and obedience was extremely vital to God’s


1. God’s Word demands a walk of faith Joseph had to be prepared to walk through a difficult time Matthew 1:19-20 God sent a word at the right time Without faith there is no Christmas

2. God’s Word demands unquestioning faith Joseph had a lot of questions, but he understood that God can be

trusted Questioning without challenging God on His ability God wants obedience, not sacrifice or excuses Luke 1:35 – seeking information and clarification Miracle is possible because of the power of the Holy Spirit which

positions us to experience something God will provide which we cannot get by our own strength

Zechariah had doubt Doubt begins when we base our faith on what we see Attitude of Zechariah was wrong – ‘prove it to me’ Mary – ‘let it be to me, I receive’

3. God’s Word demands obedient faith There would be no Mary if Joseph did not follow God’s word Tipping point: Joseph’s obedient faith, he believed enough that he kept

Mary as his wife Matthew 1:24 The plan of God rests on us and our obedience Logic must take second place to our faith God sent a word: don’t be afraid, God is with you The plan of God rested on the obedience of Joseph

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090111 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Gary Clarke

Romans 12 (MSG, NLT) Only through ownership do we have the freedom to share The life given by Christ is ours Immaturity: not knowing who we are, what we have, what we do with

our lives, allowing circumstances to shape who we are Maturity: confident with who we are, know what we can do with our

lives, comprehend the process to follow through Christ defines who we are because we know who we are in Him Setting the environment in our lives Giving out of our lives: giving without strings attached, based on the

benefit of the receiver Maturity is not looking for what comes back but what it is for

1. Genuine connectedness with other people Herd instincts, social creatures Ability to be connected determines our maturity

2. What I’m doing is not for me, but for you (servant nature)

3. Read the Bible and the Holy Spirit reveal it to us on a personal level Read it for yourself, toward yourself, without having others to

interpret it for you Revelation of Christ through His word

Mature in Christ and live it

1. What do you want to do with your life? Motivation of what you want to do with your life A sense of fulfillment, purpose, meaning

2. Why? What are you going to do with it? Who you are defines what you have and what you do about it

3. What can I do? Innate ability, skillset, self mastery of what I’m capable of

4. Who am I – character. Endurance, patience, develops character Character is the backbone of skill, talents developed

5. Take that, and engage in impacting someone else

6. Learn how to love your enemies (someone who has pitched an attitude against you)

Others offence / words cannot define who we are God has given us different gifts

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Charisma: something specific to you for the benefit of others People benefit from the who you are etc. What is unique about the ‘can’ about you according to what God has

gifted you

31 December 2010 @ Trinity @ PLWatchnight 2010 By Rev Dominic Yeo

Exodus 3:1 (Now Moses...) A start of a new season Acts 7:20, 7:23, 7:25-30 Now – a fulfillment of time 3 periods: First 40 years in Eygpt (Moses was raised in Egypt) Next 40 years (Moses killed an Egyptian in Exodus 2:15, in the desert

of Midian, the burning bush) Next 40 years (brought nation of Israel through the wilderness into the

promised land)

40 years is the closure of one season Between Egypt and the wildnerness, there is a process called the

desert of Midian Experience the fulfillment of God From potential to fulfillment

Preparation Moses was a great potential but was self-serving Moses needed to get out of Egypt We sometimes move the calendar and arms of God when we are too

consumed with ourselves God took Moses into the desert to leave his heart in Egypt To be a greater blessing and miracle, we need to get Egypt out of our

hearts (desert time for developmental time) In the desert, Moses learnt to serve others Exodus 3:1 Moses served his father-in-law When we can serve others, we experience a promotion of God as we

serve Him 1 Samuel – King David Moses: haughtiness to humility Numbers 12:3 Self-reliant to God-reliant For Moses to lead others, heart for people Understand the topography of Mount Sinai

Providence God’s omniscient understanding and foreknowledge Out of a sense of care, God provides for us (more than provision) Exodus 2:17-22 Hospitality begets hospitality

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God is looking out for your needs, care comes forth Let’s not seek ourselves but as we look to the needs of others, God

provides for you 5 loaves, 2 fishes – 12 basketful left Matthew 14:20 He was commissioned by God the Father God gave him a family, met his needs and worked out circumstances Empowered by the Spirit

Positioning In Egypt, Moses was a prince but in the desert, Moses was a shepherd Moses’ fulfillment was kingship Deuteronomy 33:5 From prince to king Moses was faithful in serving others, promotion that will position you to

impact others

Promise of Possession Moses breaks out of Egypt, breaks into the desert and breaks through

into the possession Salvation of household, miracles, protection for our lives and family,

provision for household Acts 2:18 Reuel: friend of God, Jethro: abundance (possession) People around us will be blessed

140111 @ Bush Hall @ Shepherd’s BushThe Crowds at the Cross / I want the CrossYoung Adults – The Launch with Rich Wilkerson Jr

Faith is the absence of sense Colossians 2:13-15 (NIV) Responding to the Cross

The mob that mocked Him Mark 15:13 Where were the Christians? Raising your voice and making your stand

The critics that condemned Him Luke 23 1 Corinthians: The message of the Cross is the power of God Critical spirit – ‘nothing is ever good enough’ – leads to a doubting

heart Matthew 28 – many believed, but some doubted – Jesus was already


The few that followed Him (those at the foot of the Cross) John 19:25

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Mary and the rest were confused but yet they were standing at the Cross

The family of God stood at the foot of the Cross Commitment is seen in action Romans 8:17 The Cross gives us grace, the resurrection gives us life and life more


160111 @ Hillsong LondonGone FishingBy Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr

Mark 2:1-6 (NIV), vv11 Matthew 4:18-20 (NIV) ‘Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men’ Asking the tough questions: If I’m not fishing, am I really following? We’re called to be salt and light to others, about giving people Jesus Romans 2:4 Jesus is simply looking for someone who would obey, to be used by

God – regardless of the outcome God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called What it takes to go fishing:

Recognize and see the need People are crippled spiritually and need grace Without a vision, people will perish We need to see others for how they would be without Jesus (vision) Vision produces passion / compassion which produces drive Luke 19 – Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost The men had to find the crippled man (outside the city gate)

Make the effort Awareness is not a solution to the problem They picked the man up who couldn’t pick himself up We’re to carry each others’ burden Keep pursuing people We stop making the effort because we’re afraid to fail But failure is not a good enough reason to quit

Know the source The abovementioned would be done in vain if we don’t know the

source The source is Jesus Jesus does the catching (healing, restoration, provision) while we do

the fishing (bringing people to Him) Standing in the gap by our faith

300111 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Gary Clarke

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Daniel 6:1-4 What does God want to do through you wherever you are? God wants to entrust us with His nature and reputation Sense of responsibility, entrusted with someone’s interest How you start determines how you finish, not where you start Can people make plans about what you are about / your contribution All plans are done through people When people look at you, would they want to know about the God you

serve? Daniel 1 – Daniel was a teenager taken into captivity Daniel served 5 kings and he sustained humself over the period of time He did not seek benefits and served unconditionally and was loyal,

faithful etc Continuance of allegiance, accountable for actions and behaviour Was Daniel’s character circumstantial or because of him knowing who

he was in God The person that he was – character Today’s world where truth, morality, character is relative Are we faithful, loyal, responsible, trustworthy because of how it suits

us in circumstances? Biblical character – character trait, not a behaviour that is determined

based on the benefits we receive from the circumstances we find outselves in

Is your character circumstantial or up for sale? We’ve been bought at a price – Christ died for us that He may express

His character through us

010211 @ Hillsong LondonTeam Vision NightBy Pastor Brian Houston

3 John 2 (NKJV) Prosperity – blessed in resources, finances What is going on in you will be reflected around you Psalm 45:1 (NKJV) The story of your life will be determined by the theme of your heart The way of the church will prosper if we the salt of the church prospers

and flourishes Psalm 92:13 Create an environment where people flourish – if not why are they

planted? Renewing of the mind – an ongoing process Proverbs 10:11 (NKJV/MSG) What is in you will come out of you

1 Negativity reflects inner defeat Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV) We can set the boundaries in our lives because of the conditions of our


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Proverbs 23:7 Matthew 12:34-35 Proverbs 16:9 Focusing on the soul and heart of the church

2 Negativity will always justify itself Proverbs 16:2

3 Negativity chooses your friends for you Proverbs 13:20 (NKJV) Destroys potential and God’s given purpose Shrinks your relationships Negatively people can’t stand to be around positive people Proverbs 18:1

4 Negativity magnifies and distorts the truth Determines your perspective, outlook Outlook is dependent on what you are looking out from Proverbs 12:25 Perspective is as powerful as the truth

5 Negativity makes sweeping statements and harsh judgments Making surface judgment

6 Negativity negates and nullifies the work of the Holy Spirit in your life The Holy Spirit adds power to our lives Similar to a photograph negative

7 Negativity sabotages the present and limits your future

Psalm 139:14 What does your soul know? What is educating your soul? Tell it when to shut up Everything that is in me will bless His holy name Fill it with hope Hebrews 6:19 Keep yourself surrounded by the people of God Psalm 142:2-7

010211 @ Hillsong LondonTeam Vision NightBy Pastor Gary Clarke

Acts 2:42 Continued and adhered to Romans 12:5 – the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit We all belong to each other What do the gifts accomplish? The outcome: a better social cohesion in the body

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Charisma: something in me for someone else Fellowship, community, finding their place because they found their


020211 @ Connect GroupFearless ConfidenceBy Jamie Farquhar

We have access to the stories of courage, we need to step out David and Goliath – trust, faith Joshua in Jericho – it takes a small group of people to change things Reflects the potential we have to make a difference Acts 4:29-31 After they were released, they gathered and prayed (knocked down

but not knocked out) 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (MSG) He was already scared Do you find it hard to share your faith? E.g. with those in authority / higher position, bringing it up to people vs

people asking about our faith Mutual respect (different background, personal issues, interrupting

what others have to say) Being confident and having courage by being rooted and having

support Telling people your story, testimonies To create a sense of understanding in others and not feeling

threatened by our faith Not everyone knows about true love that comes only from Jesus

(unconditional, relentless love) People question why all the bad things in the world happen – have we

actually asked God why? Galatians 6:14 Acts 18:9 What do you find is the biggest challenge or obstacle when sharing

your faith?

060211 @ Hillsong LondonVision SundayBy Pastor Brian Houston

The purpose of success is so that we can be a blessing to others We are a cloth with a Divine cause Colossians 1:17 (all things hold together) John 18:37 John 12:27 Romans 12:5 We are woven into the purpose of Christ We need to have more vision than resources Committed to the planting that will make us flourish

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We need to be more engaged, involved and connected Investing into fruitful ground which will yield a harvest Generational, personal devotion Connecting beyond meeting and gathering – woven together Where the reward will be

130211 @ Hillsong LondonConnectednessBy Pastor Gary Clarke

A church demonstrating character We are not loyal and faithful because it will benefit us or we get

something in return (not conditional) but just because we are Our faith in Christ is built on His faithfulness towards us Present day culture is based on getting rewarded to get us to do

something; but we should be rewarded for doing something John 17:22 Oneness is relationship with the Father (being as one as Jesus and His

Father were one) Connection involves others – our lives matching with others Challenge of connection lies in disconnectedness One to another at a relational level Allowing God to connect with men and men connecting with one

another without killing each other Fundamental basis: uniting God with people and exhibiting

trustworthiness and faithfulness 3 basic human needs to develop a sense of well-being: transformation,

significance and the need for connection Transformation: Comes from our relationship with Christ and the work it is working or

processing to the person you are – transformed into His likeness Significance: Comes from doing something that gives a feeling of purpose, meaning

– do something for others and making a difference to them It does not come from material accumulation Romans 12:7 (gifts of the Spirit) The gifts of the Spirit have nothing to do with getting for self but if we

express the gift in the right context, others benefit from it and we feel a sense of significance

Serving involves denyig our interests for the sake of seeing others’ fulfilled

Need for connection: Social interaction at a connected level Connectedness is the gel – the sense of oneness Involves a desire to be known (the who I am) and being accepted by

other people To know and be known The strength of the church comes from connectedness

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To be known – be a church where the culture is to be known and to be accepted, not rejected or disqualified (because now people know us for who we are) once we are known

The greatest motivator is the fear of rejection Committed to something or someone over a long period of time is

faithfulness Loyalty and trustworthiness with tasks and people too The goal of the church is Christian relationship, not Christian

behaviour We don’t need a whole lot of new things, but we need to take things to

a whole new level

170211 @ Emmanuel CentreHost Training Night

The Sunday Experience

When we’re out of church, are our lives ‘colourful’? Taking an interest in what people do Matthew 5:13 – salt and light – starting point

Pre-conceived ideas: past experiences, structured setting, young people

Personal welcome despite large number of people Collectively, we can give the personal experience to the people Known by name – just remember one person’s name – meet someone

new and introduce yourself and find that person after service Expectations people have – first time in Starbucks ‘I started getting a taste of what God might be like’

How do we as hosts, while we’re serving, contribute to the atmosphere? Pre-service, during service and after service

Tiniest detail – sorting packs – represents us and doing it with a spirit of excellence

What does your area look like? Things are done intentionally – filling of seats all contribute to the

atmosphere If we get it wrong, we risk people not making decisions

Be sensitive to what is happening around you (situational awareness) Be mindful – praise and worship We’re part of the experience, not disconnected from the service What is our attitude towards the message? How do we react to what is going on? Mary/Martha – sitting in vs serving About missing the opportunities (when we’re sitting in, we have to be

engaged and people are watching us) Putting a value of being in church

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Altar call is the main reason we do church

Call time Dressing Body language – each person’s different in the way they want to be

approached, be open and friendly Basics of being on team: What does it mean to be part of team? 1 Corinthians 12:12 Hosting is not a clock-in-clock-out system What is the heart of team? Taking ownership of church even when we’re not serving during our

allocated time Why is it important to have community on team? There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community

without vulnerability, there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community – M Scott Peck

Inclusive, committed and living in harmony Accept each other, embrace, committed to task (genuinely care) – is it

about the packs or people? Realism Safe place Committed to fight together, not against each other, feeling

compassion and respect for each other – genuine compassion A group of leaders A spirit

Why is it important to be in a connect group? What is the difference between connect group and team? Serving is an attitude Serving with excellence is not serving with perfection Excellence is not perfection Always raising standards, never settling for where we are

200211 @ Hillsong LondonFaithBy Pastor Peter Wilson

Faith is a firmly relying trust in God (AMP) Trust requires relinquishing control and making ourselves vulnerable to

something else We were created to live dependent on God who is the source of peace,

hope, security but our natural way of living is to be independent of God Matthew 14:22-33 (NLT) ‘I am here’, ‘Why do you have so little faith?’ Related to practical areas of life (stormy seasons) 5 times it is mentioned ‘Why do you have so little faith?’ – to do with

provision, healing and in the middle of the storm Mark 5:36b (NLT) Mark 11:22b (AMP)

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Live with a sense of faith, a sense of being, not in and out but all the time

John 6:29 (AMP) – applies not only to salvation but to life as well Philippians 4:6 (NLT), (MSG) What is the centre of your life today? There was something bigger and more important that Jesus was

hinting at that our focus should be on Matthew 6:25-34 (NLT), Matthew 16:8 (AMP), Matthew 8:26 (NLT),

Matthew 14:31 (NLT), Matthew 17:20 (NLT) Trusting God in the practical is harder than in the spiritual aspects of

life Matthew 21:21-22 (AMP) Our focus is often wrapped up in the problem and solution we try to

come up with and we miss Jesus (we think of Him as a ghost in the middle of the storm), but He is there with us

1. It is Jesus with us in the storm - He is with us in good times and bad

2. Peter had to let go of the boat (everything he knew) to experience Jesus - Peter could not swim and inside the boat, he was in control (safe, comfort zone)- Let go of inner strength of control (own ability and striving to make things right in our own strength) - Being at peace knowing God is far greater in working things out

3. The storm was still raging when Peter was on the water - We are reluctant to trust God until we see the miraculous - We are supposed to put our trust in God not because of what He does but simply because of who He is - We must let go even though the storm has not subsided (before the miracle) - What God is, He does

4. Even when Peter’s faith failed completely, Jesus still saved him - Peter stopped looking at the one who created the wind and waves and focused on the wind and waves - It wasn’t really about how much faith we have - God is the author and perfector of our faith (initiates faith in us)

5. When we get a revelation of who He is, we worship Him

When we recognize who He is, faith is initiated in us Focus on who He is, not what He does, then faith will be perfected in us Faith is the substance hoped for and evidence of things unseen Live with a sense of security, hope and peace

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270211 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Gary Clarke

The ways of God reveals the who He is that we can trust Him and also see how He works

Align our expectations with how He works Daniel 6 God wants to accomplish something through us vs I want to do this

because God is on my side Daniel refused to compromise his stance in God Meaningful – the impact of our life making a meaningful impact to the

world around you and accepting responsibility Spirit of a person is his character, because of who he is, not the

behaviour they display (not based on circumstances) Our character is not circumstantial Psalm 105:19 Test: to be proving that something to be true and refining something The more God is proving, the more simplistic your approach to life will

be Refine the way our walk before Him Joseph’s life (Genesis 37-41) Character – mental and moral qualities that are distinct to you Foundation of belief Entrust: Pharaoh didn’t give it away God wants to trust us with something, with us knowing that it is His but

yet He wants us to treat it like its ours, that it belongs to Him Genesis 37:2, 5, 7 God gave Joseph the dream and He tested him whether He could

entrust the promise of Abrahma to Joseph Joseph was concerned about his Father’s interest Joseph did not betray the interests of Potiphar in everything in his

household Joseph had absolute authority in his circumstances (even in jail) Entrustment of others’ interest and not our own Can you hold peoples’ confidences? The outworking of God into others’ lives

020311 @ Connect GroupPurposeBy Stephen Adams

What do you see as your purpose in life? We often search for the meaning of life and we want answers, as do

people whom we are trying to reach out (young adults want answers), finding true purpose and meaning in life

Finding your purpose starts with God Matthew 22:34-40 (MSG)

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God’s original intention for humanity is for us to walk in relationship with Him (main purpose)

Why did Jesus have to die for us? Old Testament – atonement Jesus is the ultimate atonement / sacrifice He displayed unconditional love What does it mean for me? We are made in God’s image: qualities, attributes, gifts He died for us because we couldn’t save ourselves (cf Virginia Tech

shooting incident where a professor stood by the door enabling his students to escape to safety but got shot in the end – modern day example)

What did Jesus die to give us? A sense of belonging Right relationship with God, Holy Spirit Romans 5:18-19 (the Gospel in a nutshell)

What does Jesus’ death mean for your purpose? I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me It means that our purpose is to bring the love of God and the Good

News to the lost and seeking, and the way in which we do it (through media, creative means etc.) will differ

Different members of the same body (one united function) Romans 5-8

060311 @ Hillsong LondonBy Pastor Peter Wilson

What are you looking at or looking for? The opportunity to see beond what has been said or done to you and

love people Looking at the uncertainty of your situation or the stability and

steadfastness of God John 14:1 Peace of mind and heart – don’t let your heart be troubled (centre of

our physical and spiritual being, affection, purpose, endeavour, our will and heart)

6 times it is mentioned – ‘ask for whatever you need in My name and I will do it’

3 times it is mentioned – do not let your hearts be troubled John 14:12-14, vv 26, vv 17 (NLT) The Holy Spirit is the Advocate and Jesus’ representative, presenting

the Father’s case to us not our advocate to present our case to the Father

The Holy Spirit convicts us of righteousness ‘Looking’ – turn your eyes towards or on Matthew 7:7 (seek and find) – will (promise, definite)

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Recognize – He is always there (if you don’t know Him, you won’t recognize Him)

Do you recognize the unseen (eternal, deathless, everlasting)? Know – goes beyond recognition Romans 8:15, 26-39 (NLT) The world cannot receive Him – not by our works / looking hard enough Ephesians – it is by grace you have been saved Grace is the gift of God, and starts with salvation, it is our promise,

restoration, peace, freedom from fear and condemnation, our wisdom, strength, authority, the same power that conquered the grace

Faith is the hands that reach out to receive it By grace we receive everything Grace goes beyond mercy (speeding ticket analogy) Romans 8 – The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness (8:28)

090311 @ Connect GroupThe Call to PurposeBy Jamie Farquhar

Fire in our hearts, pushing forward Natural identity and reason Romans 8:28-30 (NIV/MSG) How can we initiate being like Jesus? We are made according to His

image Peacemakers – being aware of conflicts Without trying too hard, overzealous, but instead being yourself and

being real, easier to build relationships God’s outward expression of His work in and through you

If you had all the resources, what will you do with them? Connecting everyone together People are afraid to get connected because they are afraid to trust Removing fear, stereotypes, prejudice Paying it forward to the next generation (leaving a lasting legacy) Saving the world one community at a time Child-like faith vs doing things in our own strength

What can we do to win people to God’s heart Be honest and real Planting the seed through our actions and life to let people see the

light shine through Having time for people

Talents, interests and skills – what can we use our skillset or passion for? Spirit of excellence in what we do God sets the timing

Character traits we need to implement in our lives to be more accessible to people

Sense of anticipation

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Being open (not being judgmental) Calm, normal and honest with it and not trying to force it down others Being consistent – ‘people are watching’ and being persistent –

genuinely caring for people, not being objective, making the effort and working into their lives

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

Not expecting anything in return

Are we in a place to be a benefit to others or positioning ourselves? God has positioned you, planting the seed and watering – activating it Psalm 23 Making the most of opportunities Not being focused on where we’re headed (looking forward to

something), but rather treasuring the small places That we are conduits and catalysts in God’s kingdom

Are we in a place where we can love your enemies? Let things go putting emotions aside

What has God put in our hands and how can we use that to benefit others?160311 @ Connect GroupFor This CauseBy Jamie Farquhar

John 18:37 (KJV) “cause” Cause – something bigger than ourselves, fighting for that and

standing firm and rooted, strong confirmation of God over our lives What causes? Discipleship, giving of yourself Why don’t we get involved in causes? Has to be personal, passion for

the cause, about making a difference, seeing the results ‘feel good’ factor won’t last (circumstantial character) Underlying principles of the cause What is it trying to achieve? John 3:16 Jesus scarificed Himself for us to give us freedom, purpose for our own

cause and our causes for Christ Jesus came to connect us to God Jesus’ cause was us It is the cause of Christ we’re going for How can the cause of Christ influence our choices and decisions? Attitude towards life, our circumstances Getting an understanding later on our cause, God is in control and that

the cause is not about ourselves To be ready and prepared and available for what God has planned –

ready mindsey Giving the fire to others, giving hope

200311 @ Hillsong LondonUnderstanding the power of our age

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By Pastor Scott Wilson

The Bible is the complete revelation of God – timeless and its work has not stopped, and continues to impact peope and is everything we need

Sense of growth and understanding Wedge thinking – wedge of growth in it, complete growth and

development is within it as well We cannot understand the end unless we know the context We figure out the plot and characters along the way As we look through the Old Testament, we see the nature of God but

when you reach the New Testament, you get a more complete picture People get stuck in the portion of the thin edge of the wedge and

proclaim that about God The church is bigger than the synagogue The Holy Spirit is the unpacking of the power that has a sense of

movement in it, change from spontaneous to permanent, from the inside out, Jews only to anyone

A new covenent Psalm 51:10-11 God gave us a new heart, but now it’s a matter of our heads Coming out of you not upon you, inside out than outside in Unpacking the thin edge of the wedge in the question, Christ is the

answer Through Jesus we can connect to God and connect to Him and have full

power to live through all the difficulties of life Paul related to us the power of the gospel How does God see my life today for me? Romans 12:2 (NKJV/MSG) Live in the purposes or will of God Not pre-determined view of God’s plan (guilt-trip) Living according to the New Testament The will of God is the product or result of other things: transforming

and not to be patterned by the age Age refers to a period of time, the way we do life in a particular

manner Patterns unpack the way we think 1 Corinthians 1:20 God has all wisdom that is required Media issues: pattern being produced is about what you’re accepting

as the pattern, not about what you’re watchng – we’re getting a perspective of some event based on some people’s view and what they try to make us believe to be true (of which some truth is missing)

God sees all things and understands the truth behind it all 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 1 Corinthians 3:18 2 Corinthians 4:4 There is an entity or power behind the existence of the patterns of the

world which blinds us from seeing the light Ephesians 6:12 2 Timothy 4:10

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Titus 1:12 Grace gives us the power to say no to the age Galatians 1:4 We are in the world but we don’t have to be of the world We need to watch how our patterning goes Exodus 8:25-28, 10:8, 10:24, 10:26 Don’t go too far: people who feed you stuff and influence you, the

connection points The things we have is a true demarcation of whether we are in the

spirit of the age or whether we go into the promised land

230311 @ Hillsong LondonHeart + Soul NightBy Pastor Gary Clarke

1 Samuel They were involved in something small and God saw that Are we giving God something that He could work with? Acts 4:32 Outworking of the vision and building the church involves people Acts 2:42-47 Beginning of the church – devoted: giving themselves to that,

committed, steadfast, immovable Recognize that fellowship is God’s plan and they gathered together in

a crowd and in homes In homes – relational, interpersonal connection Commitment to each other and that to the crowd You are uniquely gifted and uniquely placed Empowering individuals to make a difference in the world they live Individual empowerment Crowd dynamic – empowers us as a crowd (unity) Coin (head and tail) analogy – so do the people in the church have an

individual and collective responsibility (both working together in harmony)

7 things: Being socially connected in the community of the church Building into personal relationships and not just being an attendee John 13:34-35 (not by our individualism but our love and engagement

one for another) Right relationship with God and between people

Serve somewhere in the expression of the church Lining our lives up with Christ Philippians 2 Serving – putting someone’s interests ahead of ours Sense of purpose, meaning and meets our desire for significance and

allows us to discover our uniqueness Start doing and see and commit yourself to doing what you’re good at

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Financially contribute through tithes and offerings The way you live is determined by what you believe, allow the Bible to

be the thing that shapes what you believe Unhealthy interpersonal relationships, health and finances can shake

our life Faith and confidence comes when we put God first We shouldn’t have a welfare mentality in life and we should contribute

and not look for something in life

Be involved in some form of social justice Personal – locate ourselves in the need, challenge and issue of

someone else Being part of the answer

Help the one becomes a vital part of the heart and expression of the church

Personal commitment to get someone to be part of church Organic collection of people who understand the value of being

connected together Not dumping them on the system (proactive members)

240311 @ Trinity @ AdamAnew and Afresh – renewal By Rev Naomi Dowdy

Habakkuk 1:5 – commitment for refreshing God is wanting to do something now Commit for renewal and refreshing within our spirit To get there, something must break on the inside of us Isaiah 61:1-3 God has called, anointed us and has a purpose and destiny for us We shall be renewed When God’s anointing is upon us, it’s not for personal consumption

alone but it’s for us to do something that will touch society profoundly Help the poor – comforting those who mourn Provide counsel and support – blessed to be a blessing Restoring dignity into people’s lives not in our own strength but

because of God’s anointing Restoring hope Ministry of compassion according to the heart of God

3 areas of renewal New commitment New compassion We cannot care without connecting We cannot love without giving We need a renewed heart to move into a renewed season Obedience to God must be from the heart (aligned with God)

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Proactive: We must take responsibility for our lives – do not be captives to

circumstances around us Take responsibility for others – blessed to be a blessing, being our

brother’s keeper New commitment means re-examining our present responsibilities Pray against strongholds around us Our behaviour is a function of our decisions not our condition (not

based on fear or failure) Our emotions and feelings must be subordinated to God’s word We can choose to rise to new levels of effectiveness We must choose to respond (responsibility) Commitment doesn’t have a change to it, it comes from the heart Proactive in the natural, we can become reactive to things around us We must allow God to take us from our plateau and be refreshed in

spirit Matthew 9:36 – compassion When Jesus saw the crowd, He was moved and had compassion – He

saw the condition and knew what He could do to change the condition Understanding the times – more than sight alone but also knowing

what to do New compassion – re-examining our perceptions Mark 16:3 Who is going to move the obstacle that is hindering us from the

miracles? US We must become God’s love wrapped in skin Compassionate touch of God Empowerment of the Holy Spirit God knows the needs but it is our responsibility to respond, to pray, go

and give Seeing as God sees We’re never too busy for God God wants us to engage our heart and mind Commit to a process of renewal Jesus never lost sight of an individual in the midst of a crowd The barrier wasn’t in the sky but in the mind (a lack of experience and

knowledge) The biggest thrust is breaking through the human barrier

270311 @ Hillsong LondonCharacter By Pastor Gary Clarke

When we see how God works, we see what God is like Looking at behaviour to know what people are like Seeing God’s way to see how He works God used Daniel for His purposes, work in and through our lives, with

our lives accomplishing God’s purpose

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Psalm 105:19 (NLT) Daniel 6:3 (NLT) Daniel soon proved himself more capable than those around him Through the circumstances in Daniel’s life, he proved himself (not to

win approval but in the who he was) Testing – refining of character, over the course of his life, over time Daniel had a character tgat se himself above others Character: something distinctive that defines a person, distinctive

mark of who you are Mixture of mental and moral qualities Hebrews 1:11 Jesus was the very character of God Jesus is the stamped image of God; God stamped His image on Jesus God wants to entrust His interests to us Genesis 37 – Joseph’s drea Navigating circumstances Circumstances test your character (who you are, not weaknesses) How would we have responded determines the refining of who we are Responsibility – getting our eyes off our circumstances to where we

need help (source) Faithfulness – consistent over a long period of time, endurance, despite

the tough times, patience, ownership Romans 5:3-4 (NLT) What is it that gets you off track? How easily side-lined are we? How easily offended are you? How easy is it to get you off?

030411 @ Hillsong LondonMothers DayBy Pastor Cathy Clarke

Joshua at the walls of Jericho (a military manouveur) Hebrews 10:35-36 (NLT) Patient endurance Committed – financially, physically, to be healthy In order to go up, we sometimes have to come down 2 Samuel 24:24 If it doesn’t cost you something, it’s not worth doing it for the Lord Back to basics – realize what’s important What is the quick response for the hurting in the body of Christ? Going to the Word of God, fellowship Being prepared for life Isaiah 60:1-2 (MSG) Get yourself organized so we can overcome our challenges We don’t have to wait for the crisis but living a preventative lifestyle Are you going to be in the picture at the summit? How confident are


200411 @ Connect GroupCharacter

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By Jamie Farquhar

Joseph – staying true to his convictions Psalm 105:19 – the journey Joseph went through God saw potential and something to build on and tested Joseph’s

character to develop him Joseph had to stand fast during dire circumstances and looked at his

future and not present Testing: slavery, isolation from brothers, promotion (success),

temptation from Potipher’s wife (integrity) Joseph became from his father’s favourite to a slave When he was young, he had a dream that his family will bow down to

him but it came out of a spirit and attitude of pride when he first said it, but in the end, it came from a spirit of humility

Forgiveness – Joseph’s actions were planning for the bigger picture Difference in the young Joseph and Joseph who worked for Pharoah: The young Joseph looked within and couldn’t see beyond his current

circumstances but the other looked beyond to the world The young Joseph had an attitude of pride but the other had an

attitude of humility The journey to prepare us, that the plan was bigger than what he

thought it was Application: there’s no limit with God, lean on Him, through the

journey, character was built, leave it to God’s timing, new experiences help to change our perspectives

The faith line between God’s plan and our dreams Short vs long term blessings and success Joseph was alone but kept going when he could have given up and

without complaint No matter where we are, God can still use us using what we have Steadfast faith, having seen God move in His own timing, wanting to

journey with us Position and humility Daniel, Solomon, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went into the furnace whether God

was with them or not (shows their faith and conviction in God’s plan for their lives)

Ask God for opportunities to build our faith; God won’t just ‘give it to us’ but rather give us opportunities to become that person He has in mind for us

We are like a seed Endurance, skills that played out in other situations In retrospect, like how immunization works (a little of the virus so we

can build our defenses against it)

010511 @ Hillsong LondonCharacter LessonsBy Pastor Gary Clarke

A God touch in the way Joseph and Daniel lived their lives

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God was with him in his circumstances It is about how we are becoming in the circumstances, which is more

important than whether we’re in or out of the circumstance (or where we think we should be)

Psalm 105:19 Tested – refined the who he was, Joseph was proven to be true in the

circumstances Building this life so God could do what He wanted to do Jesus has to remain our pursuit Being entrusted with something that is others Spend our life recognizing, respecting that which is somebody else’s Luke 16:10 Make sure we don’t have a price Galatians 5:20 When we follow people who are in discord with authority, they are in

discord because they have other agendas People who talk about bringing something down so that they could put

something up (usually their agenda) Serving someone else’s vision – bigger things over time Faithfulness to the small things in the vision Serving the vision of another, committed It’s our responsibility Matthew 6:33 When we give ourselves 100% to something, we can do anything A half measure will not produce in your life as compared to what full

measure will bring The power of commitment and self-discipline when we give ourselves

100% to something Put Jesus first over and above everything, our dreams, wants, dislikes

and weaknesses

040511 @ Connect GroupRefusing to be OffendedBy Jamie Farquhar

Joseph went through challenges but did not disguise himself based on the circumstances

He did not become a victim although he could have He could take offence that his brothers sold him as a slave (self-worth) Proverbs 4:23 ‘wellspring’ – storing up good things in our hearts through our words

and actions Luke 6:45 – Overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks ‘Victim mentality’ – is it our right to feel like a victim or feel unjustice? Understand the person’s position – the power to forgive What are we focused on? The problem? Losing perspective Carrying offence when it wasn’t intentional Dr Robbie – the power of forgiveness Patience and perspective

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Broaden your perspective – step out of being a victom and refine your character

Love covers a multitude of sins Snake bite analogy – wanting to kill the snake (usually our first

response) doesn’t remove the poison in us Slow to anger, slow to speak but quick to listen Controlling, consciousness How did Joseph keep himself from being offended? Joseph set his life, aligning his will with God’s will and was focused /

above all in the situation Guarding his heart (vision), stayed focused We have to change our hearts first, not our speech / thoughts Negativity breeds negativity Solution: Don’t react immediately Preparation (conscious) Read books and resources to prevent us from retaliating by reflex The only way we can handle / control is how we react Forgiveness does not equate to reconciliation Let it go, forgiveness is a process Cast your cares, give it to Him in fait We need to handle the situation and anger correctly (tension of

opposites – being bold yet speaking in love) Acceptance that the event has happened in the past, but we can learn

from it and ensure we know how to react to it in the future (be prepared)

080511 @ Hillsong LondonThat’s Not An OptionBy Pastor Lisa Bevere

God always gives us choices James 1:2-8 (MSG) Vv 2 – God sees an ambush without any escape as an opportunity /

option Who we are are who we are under pressure God is allowing pressure to come upon the church so we can bloom out

of season God wants us to be fully developed and well-balanced God knows our conditions, developmental level God likes it when we don’t know what we are going into so that we

might put our faith in Him We need to position ourselves as a people that require faith, ask boldy

and believingly, without second thought Bold prayers We have to give God something to work with Faith is the substance – we need to pray, giving Him something to work

with When you change the way you see yourself, others will change the way

they see you

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People like it when they are the answer to the problem We must look for answers when everyone else sees problems Others will follow the path you pave God wants to anoint our normal, ordinary everyday lives When you see rejection, God sees adoption What is or is not an option for us? James 4:7 (MSG) A time of personal devotion

150511 @ Hillsong LondonGet Out Of The TombBy Pastor Luke Brandling

God is going to get some glory out of your situation John 11:4-6, 21-27, 32-44

1. Know that God will get the glory It’s all about Him and what He can do in and through you God never shows up on your schedule His timing is perfect Jesus is not in a rush, He knows exactly when to show up and how to

fix the problem When God hears the cry, He knows exactly how to answer it (but He

does not panic) Prayer is the process where the miracle begins You will never miss a moment when He’s at the centre of your heart

2. Know that Jesus has compassion He knows what we’re going through Even though Jesus knew Lazarus would live, He was moved to weep We shouldn’t hold back our emotions from God We can be real with God He’s not shocked by what you say In that moment, He can start working things inside you Psalm 116, Psalm 45, 2 Corinthians, Nehemiah 9:17, Psalm 34:18 God is closer to you than you think Jeremiah 17

3. Have some faith Sense of urgency and desperation from Martha Do we believe what Martha said? That Jesus conquered death on the

cross? Do we walk in the freedom and walk in the promises of God? God is calling us to come out – what is our blockage? It is time for us to

come out Jesus wants to bring something fresh in your life, but we need to roll

away the stone, come out of the darkness and get the bad odour away There is potential in every dead situation

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Loosening our hands, feets and removing the cloth that shields our eyes from seeing what God has for us, or which prevents us from seeing God totally

So that the truth will set us free, and free indeed

220511 @ Hillsong LondonGod Has A Plan (Out of the Pain) By Pastor Stovall Weems

Genesis 48:8-11 (NKJV) From Adam to Noah to Abraham to Jacob and his sons Judah and

Joseph God’s plan and purposes are not the same but are connected All the purposes we are committed to are part of a bigger plan God sometimes takes us through pain in order to realize His plan from

His purposes The very thing that was supposed to bring pain ended up as a platform

for power (Ethiopia, electric chair) God wants to take your pain and turn it into a platform of power We will have our ‘God has also...’ seasons in our lives Keep trusting in God because God’s plan is better than you can

imagine Joseph represents to Jacob that which was lost God restores and brings things back in ways better than it was before Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) Plans (plural) – His mercy gives us many shots Hope is a preferred future state Get your head out of the baby pool and get ready for the next race Genesis 49:8 Genesis 38:26 – Judah repented, making him different from the other 2

– and this changed his destiny forever and received the all good blessing

Repent of your sins because God’s plan for you is greater than you can ever imagine

God’s package of salvation is all inclusive God has given you everything – all inclusive – purpose, provision,

mercy, grace, love, joy, peace, Holy Spirit, Kingdom alignment, freedom

If He gave us Jesus, will He not provide for us? 1 Corinthians 15:56 The blood of Jesus takes the sting out of death and makes the very

thing that you think will destroy you into a platform of power (the cross)

Everything you can desire is in God’s plan Genesis 15:20 (NKJV) Don’t give up on your dreams God’s plan is brighter than you can imagine God has called you to bring a brighter day to someone else and be a

brighter day Sowing into God’s plan for someone else

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God’s plan is Better, Bigger and Better than we can ever imagine

250511 @ Connect GroupBy Jamie Farquhar and Victoria Ayettey Maturity

What are the indicators for maturity? Jesus said that we would be able to do greater things than Him (He

raised people from the dead and walked on water and was resurrected)

Ephesians 4:13-14 (NLT) Jesus went through temptation but was not shaken Discerning, consciously directing our mind Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit – it’s not what is on the

outside (like paint in the weathering process) Focus on our attitudes towards circumstances Galatians 5:17-18 Galatians 5:24-25 Constant journey Philippians 3:12 Guilt holds us back and doesn’t get anything done Being accountable, truthful, open, accepting yourself Respect, giving and taking Seeing the potential, don’t forget where we came from, and meeting

up (because we care, because we can) Get to know each other personally Don’t compare (or the attitude when we’re comparing) which could

turn out to be an encouragement or discouragement

290511 @ Hillsong LondonVision By Pastor Gary Clarke

Acts 2:42 Devoted to – zealous for, resolute, constant about your life, without

changing, giving of all that one is and all of oneself to something It wasn’t that they joined the church to get something Consumerism – allegiance to something is based on what we can get

based on our allegiance ‘I will as long as I get’ mentality (with airlines analogy) Instead it should be on what we can give not get Personal encounter with the outpouring of the presence of God in their

lives Receiving and responding – by devoting themselves to the formation of

something How do we view what we are part of? What comes our way / what comes from us? Interpersonal relationships which benefit each other Proactive contributor If you don’t care, you start to quit

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Ephesians 3:7 We cannot change church into one which is consumer-based Paul was a servant of the Gospel Servant (bond slave) – given themselves to service to a household

which has rescued them Because Paul had been rescued, he gave himself to the service to what

the household was about Serving Christ (receiving Christ) to becoming a friend of Christ

(understanding what Christ did for him and what he wants to do for others) to becoming a bond slave to the message of Christ

So that the message of Christ continues to progress Allow the cause of Christ and gospel to give is commitment, devotion Importance of the gospel becomes the drive, that we need not worry

who motivates and stirs usup, who is helping us with offence and navigate challenges

Colossians 4:3 (NLT, MSG) Open doors to people who are in close proximity Desire to see people come to Christ Unusual urgency and unusual devotion

290511 @ Hillsong LondonBy Biju Thampy

There is a heavenly synergy in God relationships God homours faithful, consistent, persistent people who are planted in

the house of God Will you deprive your children by preventing them from getting the

best vs providing the best from them? Do not withhold good from those who deserve it if you have the power

to act Exodus 2 Our ability, lack, does not matter. We are the hands of God We are in the hands of a God who can do everything Our life is not an accident – God positioning to fulfil a plan before you

were born – to be the solution to a problem God knew would exist before you were born

Ephesians 2:10 Acts 13:36, Acts 17:26 Moses saw the condition of his people (natural background), but

without God in the equation Psalm 8:5 (dignity – the right to know God and have a personal

relationship with Him) The right to have a healthy relationship with each other The right to have a prosperous life out of the resources of the earth Exodus 3 – Moses was disillusioned When he was thinking he was far away, he was so close to going back

to everything God had for him Good intentions must be combined with God’s initiative – anointing,

favour, growth, momentum of God Connect your dreams to what God is doing

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040611 @ Hillsong Team RetreatChristianity DependsBy Pastor Joel A’ Bell

Our posture must be one of generosity to others in and out of church When we speak to a leader, we speak to the people they represent God can do something that leaves a residue and treasures of heaven

get passed on Ephesians – the context: 2 main themes – God has reconciled all of creation to Himself and God

has reconciled all of humanity to Himself and also to one another Ephesians 1-3: doctrine, Ephesians 4-6: practice Christian doctrine establishes Christian practice In life, it is often that our circumstances determine our beliefs and

practice We should raise our experiences to the level of the Bible, and not bring

our faith down to meet our experiences Ephesians 1:22, Ephesians 2:3 (NIV) ‘But because of His love’ Character and nature of Christ comes out of putting doctrine in Ephesians 4:14-16 (NIV)

1. Christian charity depends on blessing Ephesians 1:3 God has given us everything we need to do the things He wants us to

do You need to be blessed We can’t help much if we don’t have much We should want to have much more than we need, so that we can help

more than we can Who did you help last week? Would you have done more if you had more? If God wants to get through you, He will get it to you

2. Christian holiness depends on freewill Ephesians 1:4 In the beginning, God chose us to be holy and blameless Intimacy exists because we have the choice not to ‘Choose to be’ – religious tension (so close yet so far) – trying to

practice that which cannot be obtained In Him-ness: we need to make the choice to be in Him

Christian fellowship depends on adoption Vv 5 Adopt – to choose and take as one’s own Full inheritance is ours, not because of who we are Commanded to love one another Fellowship – we have to leave a residue of God that leaves on others Fellowship exists because ‘I choose you’

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God cannot dwell if there is no unity

3. Christian praise depends on Jesus Vv 6 Appreciation depends on achievement Appreciation does not equate praise We worship God not because of external circumstances We don’t say that the worship in church was not good etc because it

was not meant for us after all but meant for God If we can’t submit, our authority stops there Worship Jesus how you are There’s a revelation of who God is where you’re at Until we seek, we never know that God is Jehovah _______ Philippians 4:13 We can do a season through Christ who strengthens me God’s ultimate purpose for humanity is not salvation but the praise of

His name Don’t be inhibited by your own insecurities Getting alone in Christ in the midst of the crowd to express yourself in


4. Christian forgiveness depends on sacrifice Vv 7 Gift of God, not a reward What did Jesus ever do to you that our forgiveness was His

sacrifice? It’s going to be a sacrifice for us and it is going to cost us to forgive

others 1 Corinthians 13

040611 @ Hillsong Team RetreatA Good Hiding PlaceBy Pastor Judah Smith

Matthew 25:14-30 (NKJV) – Parable of the talents Well done, good and faithful servant The Messiah complex The whole world, your whole world is not in your own hands, but in

God’s hands Leader – responsibility (absolute necessity) God is sovereign and we are not God gives gifts according to His sovereignty to all of mankind We can often feel overwhelmed We need to be contributing leaders in the House for the long term Responsibility comes after ability God gives us ability and in proportion to the ability He gives you, He

gives you responsibility The Kingdom is the cause, the church is the vehicle Don’t compare yourself and be content with yourself Work what the Lord gives you

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We need to understand proportion and perception of God Luke 12:48 (NKJV) Take your assignment to God and let God put the abilities in you to

fulfil the responsibility 1 Corinthians 15:10 (NKJV) When we discover what our gift is, and when we commit to it, we will

find joy We’re labouring but we’re not labouring and we love it Romans 12:3 (NKJV) Gifts differ according to the grace Put to use what the Lord gave you

Perception: Lazy: to hesitate We need to start the day with a yes to God) The opposute of laziness is not busyness, it is faithfulness We draw back because of self-preservation Leadership is about taking risks What is the countenance of God’s face when you close your eyes? One

which is frowning at what we do? We shouldn’t superimpose our image of who we think God is or who we

suppose God is For as much as Jesus was rejected, it is as much that we are accepted Hiding place – hiding behind a schedule, a “season”, new marriage,

children John 4 – Jesus was invigorated, our body is invigorated by what God

has gifted and anointed us to do

040611 @ Hillsong Team RetreatDo, Don’t Do By Pastor Joel A’Bell

Our bases are loaded but we want to produce more output Leaders should never do what others can do, but should always do

what others cannot do Exodus 18:13-23 (NIV) If you don’t have time to do what all you want to do, maybe you are

doing more than what God wants you to do We cannot use today’s army to win tomorrow’s battles – it needs to

grow and expand List down 5 people who are closest to you 3 things: decision, direction and discipline Bringing discipline with the foundation of love


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We need to harness the ability of people with low availability but have high capacity (to constantly match their time and availability because life happens but their capacity doesn’t change, only their availability does)

Be flexible and be willing to accommodate their changes Levels of empowerment: Ask Recommend Do it but report immediately Do it but report routinely Do it We need to get people through the levels of empowerment to the

stage when they can just do it Just because something shifts, it is not because we are not committed,

our capacity has not changed but our availability has changed We should be adjusting ourselves so we can serve others Priority is to get people placed, not get them out of a particular team

(where we should serve – the transition from one team to another without friction)

Empower people and have good Godly communication

040611 @ Hillsong Team RetreatSleeping From SorrowBy Pastor Judah Smith

Luke 22:39-46 (NKJV) Sleeping from sorrow – they did not want to deal with the pain (let’s

not go there mentality) Philippians 4:6-17 You can only lead as good as you live There must not be any space between the way you lead and live We are irreplaceable before the eyes of our Father but our function is

replaceable The chief cornerstone is Christ




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You cannot stop God, but you can miss Him and miss out on the part you were supposed to play

You the leader and you the person must be the same person – to experience fruitfulness, fruit that remains

We make the mistake of marking painful seasons as unread Peers in support groups (living and leading) Jesus rallied his support group to His prayer spot, and asked them to

pray, lest they enter into temptation (temptation of avoiding and marking unread the issues and problems in our lives)

A leader can mask the pain Our normal response to pain is to do our best to avoid it But spiritually, we need to deal with our stuff lest us as the leader

begins to run ahead of us as the person God’s grace is sufficient When we put parts of us to sleep, we cannot control when they will

wake up What are we trying to put to sleep but God wants us to face them and

process them first? What are we going to do with that pain? God’s power is made perfect in our weakness When we are weak, we are strong Pain can be a portal to a new level of living What would Jesus do if He was in pain (intense anguish internally)? He

would pray Elements of prayer – Abba (Daddy), honest prayer We should just say what we need to say We sometimes say to God what we say to others and say to others

what was meant to be said to God We often pray prayers we think we should pray and not what we really

want to pray God will strengthen you when you go to Him We are not exempted from temptation Earnest prayer – declaration prayer (James 5) God is going to wake us up according to His grace (1,2 Kings) Shape your pain into prayers God is acquainted with our sorrows, grieves Prayer is processing with God

050611 @ Hillsong LondonGod Is Generally Specific By Pastor Joel A’Bell

Matthew 2:19-23 (NIV) God gave Joseph a general dream (go to the land of Israel) and it

became a specific dream (Nazareth) As Joseph was heading back, he panicked and went to where he

thought God meant for him to go and withdrew from the purposes of God

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God gives us general details and we often make the mistake of filling in the details

Hebrews 11 We need to trust that there is some vagueness God gives us a general direction and when we fill in the details, we

step back in fear as we zero in on something Action, traction and satisfaction Psalm 103

1. Action – get up and go, get counsel, in connect groups, fellowship with people

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) God tells us to be specifically sure of what we generally hope for and to

be certain of what we do not see We need to trust that we don’t know everything Action has to be the first step – stepping out by faith Start with the little things that have a major impact Action is the faith step Trust the personality and tone of the voice We need to act so that we know whether it is God or not Pseudo spirituality – don’t ask for opinion when God tells you

something Hebrews 11:7

2. Traction – go and keep focused Get the context of the Word Start serving somewhere and let God unfold the details Hebrews 11:8 Genesis 12:1 Abraham was leaving to go, but did not know where he was going God sometimes doesn’t come to us because we are actually on track He comes when we’re headed in the wrong direction (second dream) If you think you are going where you think you’ll go, you will never get

there When we don’t know how it is going to look like, we begin to fill in the

details and be tempted and distracted We need to get traction on what God said We need to say no to distraction but we don’t know until it is over

3. Satisfaction – focus on the future, a better day We must learn to say no even to distractions which seem godly Hebrews 11:13-16 What will we be living by when we die? By faith? Seeing potentially what God said becoming a reality Fulfillment of what we think God said Be obedient and stay in the middle of it Trust Him because He’s generally specific Life stories interact, we’re all in different phases of action, traction and

satisfaction in career, relationships etc (not linear all at once) Tapestry of grace

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050611 @ Hillsong LondonThe Common Case of Too Little FaithBy Pastor Judah Smith

Matthew 14:22-33 (NKJV) We give in to overreaction sometimes We are all a work in progress Jesus can take your too little faith and make it a bit more Little faith simply means too little trust We may have too little faith to bring us to action, but it’s better than

no faith God can turn our too little faith to enough faith which leads us to action We cannot manufacture, produce trust within ourselves All faith is the response of God’s grace We need to be fully immersed in who Jesus is Ephesians 2:8 Look outside and look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith When we have the answer (even though it hasn’t worked out in our

circumstances), we discover contentment and peace Joy – beauty, sufficiency, majesty of Jesus John 8:38 I AM, not I was nor I will God is dependent on no one, He did not have a beginning We are dependent beings and someone initiated our existence and

being Fact: God has all resources and surplus, He is completely independent

and does not need assistance nor help, does not need anything, money etc

He is all God by Himself God is I AM whatever we need Who are we to supplement God as if He needs supplements? God is everything mankind longed and yearned for He is your doctor, lawyer, confidante, friend, deliverer, bright and

morning star, alpha and omega God was walking on top of what was terrorizing the boat and the

disciples Water just happened to be in the way The story is not about walking on water, but that Jesus needed to get

to His disciples after praying and water just happened to be in the way It is not about what you are going through, but who you are going to Our relationship with God as a church is like teaching a baby how to

walk and the trick is not to focus on walking but just coming to the father

God has gone ahead of us, saying Come on church, without considering the price, length etc

Doubt seems to occupy you with the problems As soon as Peter took his eyes off Jesus, he was overwhelmed by that

which he was standing on

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But in the second time Peter walked on water, it was after Jesus picked Him up and walked with Him

Luke 5 Launch out to the deep and cast your nets

080611 @ Connect GroupTesting CharacterBy Jamie Farquhar

Challenging ourselves and our faith – stepping out in faith Deuteronomy 8:2 We have our own testing time and need to have patience to trust in

the Lord Focusing on the prize, not over-emphasising the process What or who do we run to? Anything that will be a temporary fix (distraction), e.g. sleeping (hiding

behind something), church (the community and atmosphere as compared to giving it to God)

Consequences: losing oneself and lacking wholeness Dependent and relying on someone / relationship We want to hear quick fixes Matthew 14:22-33 Do you think Jesus was testing Peter when He asked Peter to come on

the water? The woman with the issue of blood – she had faith to believe and

hence her faith healed her, as compared to the others who just said ‘Heal me’

Peter’s first step on water was a step of faith We have to get out of the boat before we can walk on water Boat – security / comfort, living a life based on the world, desire to step

out, getting closer to God Separating from the community (with the other disciples) and having a

personal walk with God Vision of the church (boat) and what God’s plan for you is (personal) Seeing the church as the body of Christ Having the church behind you when seeing the lost It’s one thing to trust God and opening doors for ourselves and another

to be laid back and be complacent (e.g. asking God for a job but not applying)

Luke 12:31 Jesus understand what we go through, our thoughts and processes All will be given when we seek Him When Peter saw the wind, he sank but God grabbed him and held him

close Relational, enthusiasm What doubts do we have when we talk about Jesus? Whether we have sufficient knowledge of Him, fear of rejection We don’t just tell them about Jesus, we show and walk them through it Jesus humbled Himself to bring the message of love to touch their


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Challenge (testing time), and God has someone in mind to reach out to the one, we can sow and invest into their lives

Leaving the 99 sheep and going out to find the 1 God is about the one (in the same way, the 99 sheep could represent

the comfort of the church) When we’re challenged and tested, we should run to Jesus Philippians 3:12 (MSG, NLT) I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I

am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me.

110611 @ Pentecost 2011We Can Make A DifferenceBy Pastor Agu Irukwu

The church is God’s agent of change Matthew 5:14-16 We live in a city desperate for good news We are the carriers of the good news It takes a committed group of people to change the community

1. Commit ourselves to a place of prayer for the city and nation Each of us must carry the burden of the city Elijah – man of light passions, prayed and there was no rain in the land Exekiel 22:30 – the Lord is looking for just one person; He is looking for


2. Commit ourselves to some action or something practical We are carriers to the love of Christ to someone’s life and bring about

change We have been placed by God in a sphere – school, workplace etc Isaiah 64:1 (MSG) Gather in one accord and waited for Him

110611 @ Pentecost 2011 By Pastor Nicky Gumbel

Acts 2

1. Seek and encounter They experienced a mighty invisible power – heard the wind (which

represented the power of God) Saw fire – passion and purity of God Heard different languages – speaking in tongues

2. Study the explanation Everytime someone experiences the Holy Spirit, it is evidence that

Jesus is alive

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3. Show the evidence Love of God being poured into your heart by the Holy Spirit Results in a love for God – devoted themselves to fellowship and

sharing food Love for the world – proclaimed Jesus and signs and wonders followed e.g. Shane Taylor

120611 @ Hillsong LondonCharacter – FaithfulnessBy Pastor Gary Clarke

Hebrews 1:3 – Jesus in thw who He was had the distinct, embossed image of who God was

Character is the distinctive mark of who you are Daniel 6:3-4 (NLT) People are looking for something not of this world – finding someone

with character When someone is faithful, responsibility is given to them – position

where people can trust you Daniel rose above because of his qualities in him, not because he was

someone’s favourite Mediocre want what those who do more have Vv 16 – the king was trapped in the mediocre’s plan Daniel’s faithfulness affected the outworking of God in his life Vv 19-20 – acknowledgement of the king Proverbs 2:8 – God rescued Daniel – protecting him We underestimate that there are basic things which are like keys which

unlock the doors We think of our sranding before God – whether it is right or wrong – as

to whether God does or doesn’t God looks after him because of his faithfulness Joseph: and the Lord was with him Faithful: to show an allegiance that is consistent to someone or

something, consistent allegiance despite circumstances – constant in commitment and loyalty

God rewards openly what is done in secret David in 1 Samuel 12-14 Saul – your way or my way? Saul was interested in what people would

think of him David was a man after God’s own heart – David was faithful to Him Saul was faithful, but to himself (self-interest, and for his own benefit) God is looking for people who are faithful to Him Matthew 25:14-30 (NLT) Those who use it well – in the context of those who have a bondedness Faithfulness – bondedness, loyalty, over a long period of time Do you actually trust the Master? Parables are told so that we can work out which one of those people

we are spoken about, allows us to locate ourselves and where we line up with Kingdom value / principle

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Some people think it is impossible to please God and that He requires too much and punishes them for what they cannot do and hence they dislike the character of God

Those who are faithful like the character of God Those who are unfaithful see God as impossible to please (wrong

picture) and dislike it Is faithfulness a way that would describe / dislodge you? Faith (first believe) is revealed in faithfulness (rewards those who

diligently seek Him) Faithfulness is seen in the walkout of life