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Up Down Vale Hill & AIDA VALE ASTERS SWIMMING Mൺඒ 2019 Nൾඐඌඅൾඍඍൾඋ Pඋൾඌංൽൾඇඍ’ඌ Pඋඈඌൾ Aඉඋංඅ 2019 April was a very special month for one of our original club members and it was great fun to have Barbara van der Leest compete again for the first time since the Nationals here in Perth in 2011. Barbara upgraded her membership structure in support of the 40 th Anniversary of our Club with the intention on training on a regular basis. The Mandu- rah LLCC event at the beginning of the month came at the right time and Barbara donned her 2011 club bathers, her 1990’s club fleecy top and her ancient club shirt and joined a small team at the beautiful Mandurah complex. We were only represented by six swimmers as Maggie was unfortunately unwell on the morning of the swim, but we still managed a creditable 8 th place from 18 clubs. Lynne once again spent the morning officiating. (P.S. – Barbara swam very well and broke some club records but we have not seen her in the pool since!) The remainder of April seems to have been taken over by holidays, which disrupted club nights, however, training evenings were still on track and fairly well attended. The Committee Meeting was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum and as coach Lesley had gone North in Mary the bus, an improvised programme of entertaining fun relays was substituted in place of the regular sprints. We are definitely a club of imaginative cheats! Not too sure who belongs to these two bums!! Is it the same person? Neither look like winning dives……….

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ValeHill &



M 2019 N

P ’ P A 2019 April was a very special month for one of our original club members and it was great fun to have Barbara van der Leest compete again for the first time since the Nationals here in Perth in 2011. Barbara upgraded her membership structure in support of the 40th Anniversary of our Club with the intention on training on a regular basis. The Mandu-rah LLCC event at the beginning of the month came at the right time and Barbara donned her 2011 club bathers, her 1990’s club fleecy top and her ancient club shirt and joined a small team at the beautiful Mandurah complex. We were only represented by six swimmers as Maggie was unfortunately unwell on the morning of the swim, but we still managed a creditable 8th place from 18 clubs. Lynne once again spent the morning officiating. (P.S. – Barbara swam very well and broke some club records but we have not seen her in the pool since!)

The remainder of April seems to have been taken over by holidays, which disrupted club nights, however, training evenings were still on track and fairly well attended. The Committee Meeting was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum and as coach Lesley had gone North in Mary the bus, an improvised programme of entertaining fun relays was substituted in place of the regular sprints. We are definitely a club of imaginative cheats!

Not too sure who belongs to these two bums!! Is it the same person? Neither look like winning dives……….

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There were two Endurance swims during the month catering for the small group of regular members who enjoy a swim and afternoon tea. These afternoons should be fortnightly but the fixture will be discussed each Monday night and then advertised in advance in Dolphin Dots. A minimum of four swimmers are required for Brian Brady to open the pool. You should all feel safe in and around the pool now as we officially have seven fully qualified First Aid and CPR First Responders!. This means that there should always be at least one person on hand in the event of an emergency. This was an Agenda item at the AGM as our long time Safety Officer, Russel Fowler – now retired from work - no longer needed his qualifications to be regularly updated. I arranged for a delightful and very knowledgeable lady to conduct a Royal Life Saving course at our house on a very cold and rainy Sunday.. Seven keen members – Maggie Read, Sandra Thompson, Brian Brady, Brian Risbey, Lynne Duncan, Gwyn Williams and I spent a full day being taught the finer details of first aid. We all had to pass an on-line test prior to our practical course.

Lynne Duncan underwent a hip replacement just before Easter and reports from her Nurse (husband Andrew) are that she is progressing well but may need to have the attention bell surgically removed! Seriously, though, Lynne is slowly getting stronger on her leg and should be using the stainless steel steps to get back into the pool very soon. We really are becoming a heavy metal club! Whilst Lynne is recuperating, she has used the time to complete and submit the official papers for updating the club’s Association Rules, which was voted on at the AGM. I attended an Open Water Series de-briefing during the month at which all the swims in the WOW series were discussed. You should be pleased to know that our Lake swim was deemed to be the best of the series and the new longer distance was very well received by all the swimmers. There will be some changes made to the series but mostly for safety reasons and crowd management. We are very lucky to have the Lake facility as the problems faced by some of the larger events – in particular the Perth City Swan River swim and the Coogee Jetty to Jetty – would be daunting. The open water events have now been completed for the 2018/2019 season and Stuart Anderson is to be congratulated for finishing first in his age group. It was a big year for Stuart who, in addition to completing his second successful solo Rottnest Channel Swim, completed all of the Masters WOW events, several of the Swimming WA events, many of the Surf Life Saving swims and finishing of by winning a load of medals at the National Pool Championships in Adelaide! As this newsletter goes to print, Garry Lymn will be undergoing a further operation on his leg to complete his latest surgery for a new prosthetic attachment. It has been an on-going exercise over a very long time but Garry is positive of a great outcome. Congratulations to Russel Fowler who has become a Grandfather for the second time with the birth of his little grandson, Oscar James. Drinks are definitely on Russel at the Stubby Stakes on Monday. Plans are well underway for the club’s 40th Anniversary dinner on 20th July so make sure you keep the evening free and join current and past members at the Jack Healey Centre. More news to follow. FROM THE HILL………..ANDREA.

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C N P M 2 0 1 9

6 M 50 B S S 200 F 13 M 200 B 50 F

20 M C M (T O )

27 M 100 B

3 J P H C F W A 1829—190 !

50 B

S S M C M R , N , B B ,

C G W ! Who swam closest to his nominated times for April Stubby Stakes. Unfortunately for Gwyn—Brian had already drunk the bottle of wine before the mistake was discovered, first by Brian and then by Gwyn! Our next Stubby Stakes will be held on Monday down on Monday 6th May. Swim closest to your nominated time for the stubby stakes event and win the bottle of wine selected for you by Russel Fowler. Remember to bring a plate of food to share. Monday Stubby Stakes night is a night to catch up with other club members and to check out how well you know your swimming time.

H B M Brian Brady 12th May (sharing with Mothers Day)

Steve Martin 16th; Russell Bourne 19th David Pether 26th

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Masters WA 2019 State Long Course Championships will be held on Saturday 25th May and Sunday 26th May at HBF Stadium in Mt Claremont. If you are keen to compete MONDAY 6TH MAY is the last chance to get your entry into Brian Risbey. See him at the pool at stubby stakes or email him your events [email protected]

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Club bathers and club shirts are available.   AND WE ARE HAVING A SALE!!  The price of  the  ladies bathers and the mens long leg jammers have been reduced.   Ladies’ Long Leg $82.00 now $75.00 Sizes 8 > 18 Ladies’ Regular $72.00 now $65.00 Sizes 8 > 20 Men’s Jammers (Long Leg) $52.00 now $45.00 – Sizes 14 > 26 Silicon Caps $10.00 Regular Caps $ 5.00 To purchase bathers, EFT the money into the club’s bank account or pay cash on Monday night at the pool. Then contact NORMA and she will arrange to bring them to the pool BUT you MUST pay for them first. New Club Shirts. The shirts cost $35.00 and are being subsidized by $5.00 from their actual cost of $40.00. Make yourself proud to be a MVMS member. Pay by EFT or cash on Monday night. Bank details in Dolphin Dots There are also a few club vests available, 1 x XL; 2 x L and 3 M, see Norma for details. Very useful item of clothing as we move into the colder months!!

Masters Swimming WA Website—well worth a visit. Click here Don’t forget to check out our Facebook web page with photos and videos.

Just click on the link.

This link will take you to the Results and Records on the Maida Vale Masters website where you can find all club records and results. Check the link to see whose records you could break in 2019. Challenge yourself !

Name Age Group Course

Event Time

Barbara van der Leest 70-74 Short 100m Backstroke 2.07.12

Short 50m Freestyle 45.57

Short 25m Backstroke 26.37

Andrea Williams 70-74 Short 100m Freestyle 1.38.88

Short 50m Breaststroke 1.04.86

Short 200m Breaststroke 5.03.57

Lesley Hart 55-59 Short 100m Backstroke 1.30.75

Brian Brady 65-69 Short ¾ Hour Backstroke 1740m

Russel Fowler 70-74 Short ¾ Hour Backstroke 1980m

Club Records April 2019

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Who knew this? From Lesley Hart—who has been in Albany this weekend visiting friends and the National ANZAC Centre.

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Contact Details: President: Andrea Williams Ph:9293 2318 [email protected] Secretary: Lynne Duncan Ph: 0417 997 556 [email protected] Coaching panel : Lesley Hart Ph: 0419 961 729 [email protected] Editor: Kate Elliott Ph: 0400450 770 [email protected]

A recipe for May—Three Ingredient Cheese Scones You need just three ingredients to make this easy treat. Take a screenshot of the ingredients before heading to the shops.

300g self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting, 200g mature Cheddar, grated, 250g low-fat natural yogurt. Mix 300g self-raising flour with 150g grated mature Cheddar in a large bowl. Stir in 250g low-fat natural yogurt until it comes together. Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead gently a few times until smooth. Pat into a round then roll out with a lightly floured rolling pin to a thickness of 2cm. Stamp out 10 scones using a 6cm round cutter, re-rolling the trimmings as needed. Transfer to a baking tray lined with baking paper. Sprinkle the tops of the scones with another 50g grated mature Cheddar, then bake at gas 6, 200°C, fan 180°C for 18 mins or until light golden and springy to the touch. Transfer to a wire rack to cool slightly, serve still warm as they are, or split and spread with butter or fill as you like.-scones.

Sounds easy enough for me to have a go at!! Stubby stakes here they come……..

M F 2019 If you need assistance with your registration, please contact Lynne Duncan on 0417 997 556, and she will be able to assist you. Fees for 2019 are $104.00 and can only be paid through the Membership Port on the MSWA website. As exist-ing members, ensure you click on the RE-REGISTRATION button and not the REGISTER button – clicking this button will assign you a new membership number and will cause problems for the Director of Recording who will have to merge your old number & your new number, and that will make her grumpy!!!! Remember : if you are not a financial member, you cannot swim at any club events including training, aerobics, club nights etc. as you, the coaches and the club are not covered by insurance. Details on how to re-register http://mswa.asn.au/ Click on the membership portal (on the right) Click on the Re Register Icon and follow the instructions from there.

Be glad you are not in the UK for their May Bank Holiday (Public holiday weekend!!). There probably won’t be any of the queues at the outdoor pools that they had over the Easter holiday!! Apparently one pool only allowed 500 swimmers in at a time and only for a 20 minute swim.