Hijama wet cupping

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what deseases cupping can help with

Transcript of Hijama wet cupping

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Wet Cupping Therapy-

The Ultimate Cure

For All Disease

An eBook by


May 2011

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Introduction 3

How does Cupping Therapy work? 4

Benefits of Hijama Therapy 6

Detoxification 7

Benefits to the body systems 8

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Hijama Wet Cupping Therapy

The Ultimate Cure for all Disease


As Muslims, we believe there is a cure for every disease, as Allah SWT has told us so. According to hadith, black cumin, honey and Hijama are known to be the remedy for every condition, if applied at the right time, in the correct manner;

“There is a remedy for every disease and when the remedy is applied to the disease it is cured with the permission of Allah, the Exalted”. [Sahih Muslim (2204)]

“If anyone has himself cupped (Hijama) on the 17th, 19th and 21st, it will be a remedy for every disease”. (Recorded by Abu Dawud, # 3861 and the chain of the transmission is good. Recorded also by At-Tabarany in Al-Awsat # 680 and Al-Baihaqy [vol. 9, pg 310]).

“If there is anything (that heals), then it is in Hijama cupping, black cumin, a gulp of honey or branding with fire (cauterization) that suits the ailment, but I don’t like to be cauterized”. (Recorded by Ibn Jarir and al-Hakim in Al-Mutadrak. He considered it to be authentic, Vol.4 #209, and the text have proof in the authentic books”.

Therefore, it is a blessing upon mankind to have this remedy. We should practice it to gain healing and as a form of worship. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had it administered regularly, when he was sick,

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or injured. He even had it administered for poisoning. So we should follow his Sunnah and take advantage of this profound source of natural healing. It is so easy to attain optimum health by practicing Hijama wet cupping therapy. Below are some authentic Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH) which refer to sickness and cure in relation to Hijama Wet Cupping Therapy. The divine nature and high status given to Hijama is reflected in the fact that Muhammad (PBUH) said that the Angels told him and his Ummah (Nation) to practice Cupping;

“I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me; ‘upon you is Hijama cupping, O Muhammad’”(Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah -3477)

The Prophet (PBUH) explained that Hijama is one of the best medicines: “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is Hijama, or it is one of the best of your medicines,” or “The best treatment you can use is Hijama.” (Reference: Al Bukhari, 5371)

Jabir (may Allah SWT be pleased with him said) “I heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) saying; ‘Verily, Hijama cupping has cure in it’”.

The Prophet (PBUH) also said: “If there is anything good in the medicines with which you treat yourselves, it is in the incision of the Hijama therapist, or a drink of honey or cauterization with fire, but I do not like to be cauterized.” (Reference: Muslim, 2205)

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The best treatment is Hijama Cupping; it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight.” (Reference: At Tirmidhi, 3053)

[Hadiths taken from: “Cupping; A Practice of the Prophet & A Miraculous Way of Treatment” by Shihab Al-Badry Yasin. (2005) Translated by Bayan Translation Services.]

How does cupping therapy work? Dry and Massage Cupping Therapy functions in the opposite manner to a regular Swedish, deep tissue,

lymphatic drainage massage or myofascial release massage. Indeed, the end result is essentially the

same; increased blood circulation and relaxation. But a regular massage involves pushing down and

compressing the tissues and muscles, using varying massage techniques. In contrast, cupping therapy

pulls the tissues up. When the localized vacuum is created inside the cup, a powerful negative pressure

literally sucks up the components within the tissues and muscles and causes vasodilatation. Thus, there

is a dramatic increase in blood and lymph circulation. By pulling the flesh up and outwards from the

underlying structures, it facilitates rigid soft tissue release and the ability to recover from pain and

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injuries quickly. It loosens areas of adhesion, restriction and tension “knots”. It stimulates synovial fluids

which then ease stiffness in joints and sore muscles. It also tonifies and strengthens muscles. A 10 minute, heavy, massage cupping session will increase the heart rate and be equivalent to walking 2

km! A patient can literally lie still on the table and have cupping done for one hour. Yet, when they

leave, their internal physiology will be the same as a person who has done an aerobic workout at the


Cupping therapy penetrates deep in to the body; approximately 4” deep and promotes blood circulation and nourishment to all the internal organs. It strengthens the immune system and increases the white blood cell count. When the localized “bruising” or congestion occurs, the body thinks it is hurt. So the immune system sends out more white blood cells to heal the area quickly. It engages the parasympathetic nervous system which increases relaxation and promotes pain relief. Cupping therapy stimulates the nervous system reflex to the cerebral cortex and aids in faster recovery from sickness and pain.

Hormone production rapidly increases and allows the digestive tract to function efficiently. It is able to rid the body of toxic substances easily and so improve the overall health of the body. This also contributes to healthier looking skin and the slowing down of the ageing process. Cupping therapy increases both the temperature and metabolism within the skin. It is excellent for natural facelifts and rejuvenating the complexion. Cupping allows efficient functioning of sebaceous glands and flushing capillary beds. Thus, it drains stagnant blood, toxins and lymph through sweat, urine and stool.

Cupping allows a person to lose weight as the body is able to get rid of water retention and cellulite. Intensive cupping can break up adhesions under the skin which cause the dimples in fatty, fleshy areas. It increases circulation, and thus, the body’s ability to detoxify naturally. It sucks out fatty acids, debris and toxins which have harmfully settled in the tissues. It forces them back in to circulation. These will eventually be expelled by the body naturally at some point. It allows the ample flow of vital nutrients throughout the body.

In the case of Hijama, all of the above points also apply. Further, by the very nature of wet cupping, it increases the red and white blood cell counts in the body. Acidic blood will eventually become neutral or more alkaline, and a natural pH balance will be attained. This is very useful if a patient has acidic, thick or stagnant blood. Hijama will de-acidify and eventually thin the blood, thus enable it to circulate around the body effectively. It purifies blood and facilitates both blood flow and qi to diseased organs and tissues. This is beneficial because 70% of diseases occur because of poor blood and oxygen supply to certain organs and tissues.

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Benefits of Hijama

Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Hijama is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure

themselves.” (Reference: Al Bukhari, 5357)

“Cupping on the back of the neck treat seventy-two illnesses” (Collected by At-Tabarani).

Hijama Therapy is vastly beneficial to all human beings and if it was not, Muhammad (PBUH) would not

have recommended it to his nation. He placed such high importance on it and advised Muslims to use it

as a “cure for themselves”. Cuppers throughout time and Western, modern scientists accept that there

huge advantages to cupping. It is a cheap, effective, safe method of using your own body to prevent,

heal and cure itself of illnesses, aches, pains and diseases. It is deeply relaxing and therapeutic for the

patient. It boosts the immune system, detoxifies the body, improves blood circulation, removes blood

stasis, heals and strengthens all internal organs, improves skin condition and gives an automatic deep

tissue massage. There are massive benefits achieved from dry and wet cupping. Indeed, there are even

more if Hijama is practiced in accordance to Sunnah.

Cupping Therapy is a natural, holistic, preventative and curative treatment. This treatment is beneficial for everyone with any illness or condition and has been practiced for thousands of years. It boosts the circulatory and immune systems, cleanses and detoxifies the body, treats all illness and relaxes the patient. According to Dr. Douglas Arbittier, M.D.;

“The practice of bloodletting, or phlebotomy, dates back to antiquity. The followers of Hippocrates in the fifth century B.C. strongly believed in bleeding patients, and it is likely that this was done in Egyptian times and probably even before that. Early civilizations may have been inspired by seeing bats remove blood from animals, hippos scratching on trees until they bled, and other animals scratching at diseased body parts for relief. Additionally, there were many human examples of bleeding such as spontaneous nosebleeds and menstruation that had to be explained. It is perhaps these signs in nature that led early civilizations to put it all together: bleeding must have some beneficial value!

From these simple observations came increasingly complex theories as to why bloodletting was necessary and how it worked. An early theory was that there were four main bodily humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. An imbalance in these humors was postulated as the need for bloodletting, purging, vomiting, etc. Virtually every known medical condition at one time or another was treated by these methods. Bloodletting was used to treat everything from fever and madness to anemia and debility. As one can imagine, treating an anemic patient by removing even more blood was not the best of ideas. The popular belief that George Washington was bled to death proves that even "nobility" was not spared. Through the Middle Ages and into the 18th and 19th century there were many strides in medical knowledge with regards to disease states, and anatomy. However, there was not much that could be done in terms of treatment. There were no antibiotics and surgery was in its infancy (in large part due to the lack of quality anesthesia). One of the only therapeutic modalities was to get out the old lancet and let some blood…”

(Source: medicalantiques.com/medical/Scarifications_and_Bleeder_Medical_Antiques.htm)

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Detoxification: “To remove harmful substances from the body”. The reason for any type of wet cupping (be it Acupuncture or Hijama) is to detoxify the body in a natural

way. Dry and Wet Cupping and Fasting a useful means for detoxifying the body. Optimum health will be

attained if there is sufficient (or abundant) “Vital life force” energy or “Qi” flowing through all the

meridians (qi channels along the body) and organs. A person must be in harmony with his/her own

body, environment and nature around him/her. The consumption of a nutritionally balanced diet is also

essential. Having said this, it is also hugely beneficial to actually not to eat sometimes and fast just so

that you can detoxify the body. In this modern age, we consume so many processed food and chemicals,

that our body’s become overworked, stagnant and weak. Therefore, it is very beneficial to undergo a

detox and cleanse the whole body. There are many benefits to a detox diet or fasting. It just gives our

body’s a much needed break from toxin overload, stress and too much pressure on our organs. With

the current climate of taking excessive prescription drugs, other drugs, alcohol, pollutants and junk food,

our bodies are subjected to too much punishment. We are exposed to so many harmful chemical

internally and externally, that our bodies and minds cannot cope sometimes. Hence, the rise of serious

mental and physical disorders and illnesses. Therefore, it is highly recommended to change lifestyles,

diets and detox. Primarily, it is to serve as a massive cleansing of the organs. It improves the conditions

and functions of the liver, heart, kidneys, bowels and subsequently, everything else. It increases mental

clarity and energy levels.

The skin is the body’s largest organ of elimination. So detox helps to cleanse the skin of blockages in the

pores, decrease acne or pimples and improve irritating skin condition. Also, the intestinal and urinary

tracts are given time to relax and breathe. They do not have to work so hard to eliminate solid and liquid

substances from the body. Therefore, the role of a detox diet and fasting is essential for our well being

and balance of Qi.

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Benefits of Hijama to the Body Systems

Nervous-Hijama Wet Cupping Therapy expands and clears vessels in the spine, neck and skull. It promotes excellent blood flow and oxygenation to these areas. It allows all systems in the body to function effectively, as the brain is well nourished and releasing neurotransmitters normally.

Immune-It increases white blood cells and boosts immune system. It strengthens resistance to disease and inflammation. It protects against Pathogens and thus, sickness. The localized “bruising” or skin coloration caused by the dry cupping activates white blood cells and heals the body quickly and efficiently. Hijama improves general health and makes a person strong. It is a preventative and curative therapy.

Circulatory-It removes toxic, stagnant blood and changes acidic blood in to alkaline or

neutral blood by producing more white blood cells. Therefore, it purifies irritants which cause

inflammation and pain. It facilitates the ample blood flow through the arteries and blood vessels due to

the pull of low pressure from the cupping. So blood remains thin and active. Every organ in the body

needs nourishment from the blood to maintain healthy, normal functions. The blood passes throughout

the entire body, nourishing tissues, and boosting the immune system. It is excellent for high blood

pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and other coronary or blood conditions.

Respiratory-The increased blood flow around the heart, body and lungs allows for all body parts to receive oxygen properly. Breathing and lung conditions are eased as energy is shifted around the body and there is free flowing blood and qi.

Endocrine-The Glands; Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Adrenal, Ovaries and Testes usually tend to be imbalanced and the main cause of sickness in people. Hijama revitalizes and nourishes these with good blood flow, oxygen and qi. As these are balanced, the Patient will feel a general sense of well being as these glands control our hormones, mood and so many other biological factors.

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Lymphatic- Stagnant lymph fluid and blood are circulated and expelled out of the body. The whole lymphatic drainage system is able to work effectively and flush out toxins and other problematic substances from the body.

Urinary- Conditions are eradicated due to Hijama strengthening kidneys, bladder and other internal organs. It cleanses all bacteria from internal systems and detoxifies the body.

Digestive-Stops constipation and balances Irritable Bowel Syndrome or diarrhea. Cleanses the digestive tract and protects small and large intestines from bacteria, germs, acid and other toxic substances. Normalizes appetite.

Muscular-It expands blood vessels in muscle fibers. Therefore, they become relaxed, strengthened and tones. It relieves spastic muscle fibers or frozen shoulder. The dry and massage cupping is excellent for relaxation and pain relief.

Skeletal-Hijama improves the condition of bones themselves and also painful illnesses such as arthritis. Hijama takes out the toxic blood which is causing the inflammation at the knee, toes, wrist, fingers and hip joints to name but a few. It gets rid of all back, hip, neck and shoulder pains and relaxes all the muscles, making them strong and supple. These are then able to firmly hold the spinal vertebrae and skeletal structure upright and provide good support. Hijama reconditions the skeletal and muscular body to get out of bad habits such as poor posture, slouching, walking in an abnormal way etc.

Dermatological-Skin is the largest organ that detoxifies the body through sweat and oils. If it is hindered or malnourished, it will not function properly. Toxic substances become blocked and cause irritations such as pimples, acne, rashes, skin conditions and allergies. These are because there is stagnant qi in the body and blood and oxygen is not being distributed efficiently round the body.

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Weight-Hijama activates good blood circulation and kick starts the metabolism. Therefore, energy and fat are burned faster. This makes you hungry, so you eat better and have regular bowel movement. Therefore, extra dead weight and water retention is eliminated from the body.

Mental/emotional/spiritual-Promotes relaxation and decreases pressure in the head and brain as blood circulates properly and oxygenates the area.

Natural Detoxification-It releases toxins, poisons, pus, uric acid, lactic acid, water retention and other alien fluids in the body. Stops blood stasis and stagnation of thick, unhealthy blood which clogs arteries.

It can potentially cure all diseases if the person eats well, exercises, thinks positively and prays in conjunction with regular Hijama Therapy. It has immediate results and long term effects. It is an effective form of pain relief and strengthens the body, tones muscles and increases the blood flow. This is a super powerful detox for the body and leaves you feeling strong and revitalized. Common ailments which are easily cured are;

General pain/injuries

Headaches and migraines

Epilepsy & many other neurological disorders

Arthritis and other joint or bone problems

Pulled or sore muscles

High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol


Constipation or IBS

Asthma and other respiratory conditions

Skin conditions



Poor blood circulation


Insomnia, anxiety and depression

Menstrual cramps, PMS & other OBGYN issues
