Hiilld - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · &&3&5B&&&&&Si&ER5ettiRE2 i."5-'.-" IM...

&&3&5B&&&&&Si&ER5ettiRE2 i."5-'.- " IM TTMMKlMVJWktfl'JLlfcXi5i 'Wiwffiivl-VA'.fi5;T;- y a. ""C v M -- A-? as mag? O MUijiuwiiLU'errwiiw n miiwkuwhim j jtjh M'Twai i iwim maw.: a i wrnirTzxTiTnrtxznxnKW3sT&fwau xvaayTmuvm3i3Ux-a- Vol. XriL No 20G7. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9, 18S8. CO OfcflTS SUB00RIPTION 'ER MONTH. Mt ; s K t .. - B V. 'fc'" 'Mv ' if Vtkfc&trt . THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed iml published at the ofllco, Qucuu aticot, Honolulu, II. I., ovcry afternoon (Sundays nxecptud). Subscription, 50 cents per Month. Address nil Communications Daily BUMjfcTtX. Advertisements, tc unsure mseitlon, Bhoulil be hunded In before one o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS G. CLEVIOR Manager Bulletin Steam Printing: Office. Newspaper, Hook iud Job Printing of all kinds done on the most fmorublo tcims. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. SJ50 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An inteiestltig and comprehensive publication, contiius 29 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu mid Island News. It is the best paper published in the Kingdom to send to friends abroid. Hulmrriptlun: Island : : : 4 00 year Foreign : : : o 00 " Commission Moconants. T XXVOItflSI-- O ,Sb Co., General Commission Agents. (.70 ly 11o:olulu G. W. MACFAELANE & Co. lilPORTEHB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. 1643 BREWER Si COMPANY, C . (Limited) Gknkkaii Mercantile and Commission Aqkntb. list oit ofkicb118. P. U. Jones, Jr President & Manager J. O. Carteu Treasurer &; Secretary DIllECiOKS: Hon. C. It. Bishop. S. C. Allen, II. V'ATj:aUOU3E. JM ly T. WATEKHOUSE, JOHN Importer aud Dealer in General Merchandise, liueen st , Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Athertou-- G. P. Castle & COOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. B0 King st., Honolulu 1 Oluus bprecLcls. . Wm. Q. Irwin. Irwin & Company, Wa. Sugai Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 Hi OO , WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 121 California street, Bun Francisco, Cal. It. Lowers, 1 J. Lowioy O. M. Cooke. EWERS ii OOOKE, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu I GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 80 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to ono of the New Stores in the ThomiiH Jtloclt, King Street, Thrco doors from Castle & Cookcs', Where ho Is prepared to manufaeturo al! JUndsof Jewelry. 00 O I.USO HAWAIIANO. persons who want to communi ALL with tlio Poitiifuesc, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants oi any other helps, will llml it the most profitable way to advertise In the Lttso Jawtiiitiiio, the new organ of the Portuguese colony, which Is pub. lished on Hotel tti eel, and only charges roasouablu rates foi adveriisi-mciit- a NOTICE. furnished for balls, patties MUBIO fccrenades by Palmer's Siriug Band. Orders lett at O. E. Williams', or ring up Mutual Telephone iW(5, 74 It Professionals. Alfred Maqoon, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly T H.SOPER.M.D. Consulting: Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Ncl Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 , SAMUEL K. KAEO, Attorney at Xw. Office, : No. 0 Kaahuinanu street, ap 24 83. ly J. EOT. MONSARRAT, Attorney anil CoaiiHcllor nt J.ni. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for the States of New York. Call-forn- and Pennsylvania. Merchant street. "Cla.etto" Block, Honolulu, II. I. june.9 83 PIOIVJEJER, STEAI GANDY FACTOR! AND XJA-ItUIt- F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Tl Hotel St. -- flr Telephone 74 It. M. BENSOK. G. IV. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 11G Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Itick-eckcr'- s Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO , Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono 21C Honolulu, II. I. WEMER & CO. Jliiiiunirturiiisc .low ellerH, NO. OS XOll'JC BrJ?JLtJi: ET, Constantly on hand 'i large assortmou of every dcsciiptionof Jewelry, Watehc-Gol- and Sihcr Plated Ware. &c. 1)58 ly MRS. M. B. CAMPBELL, iCo.. Vo., Has commenced the business of Dics miking, Cutting and Fitting, at hoi iei deuce, No T!) Berctauia street, opposite the Hotel. The patronago of the lathe is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaianttcd. scpt-H-l- j Hustace & Robertson, DBAYMEN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at xjl tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ofllcc, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'b auction room. 932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Rue de Dunkerquo, - - - Paris. jSxecutcs Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swis", Germuu, and English Goods, at tlio best Manufucturerb' Lowest Friec. Commission, Two-und-- a Half por cent All Trade and Cash Discountb allowed to Clients). Original Invoices torrtarded when requested. Itcmittauces, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delhery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the manager. Tlio Agency Represents, Buys, and Bells, for Homo and Colonial Finns. I'icro (Joods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Cold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Hoots and Shoes, GJats,and China-warn- , Clocks, Watches, Jewelli), Funi'v Goods, Bleetin-plat- c, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical nud Optical Goods, Mirrors, To)s. Pftluinciy, Wines, &c, Oilman's ritons.Book-- , Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery. &c, &c. 130 ly H 'PHE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X S oolitmiis, purely local matter Mailed Ij foruigu countries, $5 per annum, Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, 1 Proprietors. r. I. CUTTEII OOlee, M King vtiert, Tcluphono No 88 llcsitlcncu telephone No 202. Piano and Fin nliurc moving a specially. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. Jul) 25 ly FINE JEWELRY I I beg to cnll the attention of my fihnds and the general public to my Fine Stock of Goods Just received. Aciroful inspection H1 conviuco ou that BETTER GOODS In my lime have never been offered in this cit). K2F"-Ploas- Give rao an Early CallTjja i St. 91 am I wzr&ta f5Uuj-- The Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours ThpFluiMtBrmlof cn lirr-nu- n 'f?i&& G iW.SSk Alwayi. on Uu.net. IB. .?. K.TS;. Proprietor. Choicest Mutton ! Beef Wfi$ Pork, XTlsli, Vcjse t3illcs, &;., &.c. A hi lya on liand at the ONOLULU MARKE (Snece-oi- s to Win. McCandlcfs), So. t luceii Nt., : : Flhli JIarltet, Honolulu, II. I. CSTFannly and Shipping Oulcrscare full) altcntltd t Live Stock furnishrd to vessels at shoit notice. ni) Vl&H T1JJ3 - - $J Metropoiitan i?.r t ri meaioompany f.l KING STUEET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Bottil Butchers AND KAV Y C OK TK AOTOlt S . 1717 ly JSX.A.i.ZlJSl'2 Meat aaMuftsi, Fort St.. ojijid. O. N. H. Co.'n Wluuf. P MILTON, - - Proprietor. Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton, bauunico Jte "V'u;otulleH. Alto a sujiply of On hand at all times. Shipping ami Families supplied at shortest notice and wiih best attention. 3D. IVIcKlSlVZIJS, 01 Manager. tf Tort hirtet, m.t I.tirns' Mill, Ship's BlacksBiitliing, Carriage Iiuilding & lii pairing. Drays, Catts & Va30n Uuildlng a Specially. Every description of work in the iiluie line-- , pirtiirimd 111 a llist.i lass matinei an 1 cvccutcd at shoit notice . ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Orders from the othoi Islands solicited. iny.iJ3.88 NOTTGE. Inning our boda Water or L"tiiouide liiMtlu (ninpt)) on bund will gicuth oniigii b, noilrlug us by tbluphuiip or o hem let, und the) w ill at nil, u bo m ul ,r. Jiotdes i tainiil longer tlu.u cue I .onth will be charged for. Ttlenlioiic: lit'U, Wi, Mut ial, tluO J, ii. IlllOWN & CO., Ptoprietors.'Ialiiti Lumonade Workb. 'JO tf N1W GOODS ! n B a NEW GOODS ! -- NOW BEING OPENED AT TIIE- - millinery 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. W. . S.A.OJBCSS, : Proprietor, w Dress Goods, :o:- - -- AND LATEST STYLE- - ies3 Hats ew Kid Gloves, New Embroideries, New Laces, &c, &c, and Bonnets! HAW All AM BUSIHESS AGENCY. No. 85 FORT STEEET. HONOLULU". Genertil Expert Accountants end Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Life Insuranco Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers. Departments of Business: Books and Accounts accurately kept and propeily adjusted. CollotlOUS 111 receive special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of lltlc furnished. Legal Documents and Papers ofcery description carefully drawn and hand soiuclj engios-.cd- . Copying and Translating in all languages in gcneial iuo n this Kingdom. Ileal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid aud Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected Firo and Life Insuranco effected in first-clas- s Insuranco Companies. , Custcm-Hous- a Businses transacted with accuracy aud dispatch. Loans negotiated at favorablo rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publlshora. Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. CST All Business entrusted to our care will reccivo prompt and faithful attention at modorate charges. Having bad an extensive business experience for ever tv cnt y.ilve years, in Now York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an Intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and rupeetfull) solicit a trial. HellTclojihone No. 274. XXn.waiin.xi. JBiihIxichw Ay-oiKi- jan 7.88 Just Received at Hoilister & Co.'s A large assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Comprising the well-know- n brands of COLGATE & CO., LUJTOBORGS, LTJBIiNr'S, ATKINSON'S, EASTMAN'S ALOHA, IIOYT'S COLOGNE FAELNA GERMAN COLOGNE, &o. For Sale at 3E,easoiialle Pricesf mh-2- 4j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f87 RATED WA1 Steam Works, Sunny South, Wiukiki. J- - B. BROWS! &. CO., -- - Proprietors. Depot, 28 Morchant Streot, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islandb. o CAPACITY l.OOO IlOZr.X I'I. It WAY. o- - The Only Apparatus making High Class TAHITI LEMONADE, GINGER .ALE, Hop Ale, Cream Soda, arsparilla, Grenadine, Raspberryade And PUKE, 8TKONG ISFFJSKVISSCING PLAIN SODA WATER. Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 70 cents per dozen, delivered. Latest Improved 3Iiehinery and Patent GlaSi-vnh- c litdlh i. TELEPHONHS Bell, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, i09. gj8 Ordurs delivwed to any part of tho city. Jslaud order solicited. ga3) ApriM3-8- 8 Royal Insurance Company, Accumulation ot Funds, $23,G02,205.00 Fire rinks taken at cm rent rales and F"ttlcmcnt made in Honolulu. JOHN" S. WALKER, Agent. JtilyUU88.iy t'nlon I'lio : limine Insurance Company of N. Z, Capital, 52,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire and Murine risks, taken at current rates and undo i'i Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. Jul) U1S8 ly K TJ IS' Insurance Co, of San Francisco. Marine risks on Hull", Cargoes, Freights and Commissions nt current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July U(i.88-l- y General Insurance Company, Marine lisko 011 Hull, Cargoes, Fieight and Commissions nt current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent. July 20 8i-l- y THE NEW YORK Life Insurance Co. strielly Mutual Orgamed 1845. ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000 The actual (not estimated) results of its maiurcd Tontine pol'cics exceed these of any other Company issuing similar policies. Tim Xoiiloi-tclttu:- . Free Tontine Policy With Mortuary Dividend (leturning all premiums in addition to face of poltc) should death ci cur during the Tontine period) ns isvwd b) this Company in e'luiles the of Ttinuuc a'ci u niuiiition, guaranteed options at the iml f'l online periods and peifcct f cctlmu lfter to )c.irj ns U lenidcncc, travel iml occiipatioj, except serico mvir Nonforfeitable after S Years. CFor lull partirulars and estimated results baed upon actual rrsuHa pud in 1838 apply to Honolulu, Genet al Agent Ifawuiinu TulyJ Islands. 121-8- jfi-f-fl HOIIOLUL.U IRON WORiS, ncSmSRStiMmii,nes,suftarinHK',loll urp, coolers; iron, In ass and ltadtist nigs; inaehiuer) of ovcry description m ide to order. Particular attention paia ro ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted ut short notice. 1 WALKER & REDWAED, Contnietoi'H .."i; llu JJl'i'H. Uilck, vlone and Wooden Buildings, eh. timatei given. .lobbing piomptlv at- tended to. 10 King street. Ucll Tele- phone N 2. P. O B ix, Vl'i. up f 1) .EORGE LUCAS, -" f. ud Builder,1 seaaffcft Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Kpia nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Hraokets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes , Doors, and all kinds of Wood work lin'ish. Turning, Sei oil und Hand Swing. All kinds ot Sawln-- ; aud Plan ltig, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly at! Jiuled to and v.orl guaranteed. Owlets irom the other Is amis bolielted p PLANING MILL. g AlaLcut, iii'nr Jisie fvt. t$i 'ivioiitK-H- c nt. j; tr 'ii ji'mj. i.' u. . J. (J. MAICCHANT, (Suoces'or to T. G Thrum) Hook-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank book Manufacturer, Building, Bethel ttreet, liouo ii lulu. tf rHE BEST R tobubxribt. X for is tho "Hail) Bulletin." .10 tints per month. A. II. KASBMANX, Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Kauufacturer. ilo la Katbumuiu strxt. U) H.tlr . v 5HENLYPAPEI"nuTlrui JL clabiih The'iU.illy Bulletin '' W oiuts per month. FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Haitford Tire Insurance C!o. As3ets. $5,288,000 Comruercn.l Luoranco Co, (File and Marine) Assets, $150,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Asmranco Corporatioa (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGER HOXOLULU. General Agent, Hnwrn Islands. 1G33 ly mQ U1TVX?X.I3 Life Assurance Society, Of llio United Htatos. THE LEADING COMPANY. Now Business In 1(187 $138,023,105 Applications refused for 23,729,317 Total Income 23,240,849 Surplus 4- - por cont 18,104,255 Gain la Assets during y?ar 8,868,432 Etc., Etc, Clc, Iu the above and most important paint tho Equitable hoads the list of Life Companies, A. J. CARTWRIGHT, ttcuovul Au'ent for Unwaltan Inland... juno 1.88.1y CASTLE & COOKE, Lifo, Fire &. Mnrino Insur'ce Agents. AOhNrs I0tt Tlio Sew Kugland MUTUAl LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tho uEtna Fh'o Insurance Go of Hartford, Coan. The Union Kiro and Marine Insurance Oo. of San I'rauclsco, Cala. llllf Prussian National Insurance Comp'T EaTABLISHirO 1B4I, Capital 9,000,000 Rolcrtftwlts ''piIE uade'rf.Igncd, baring been ap. X. pointed agent of tho above Company for tue Hn'rallnn Islands, Is prepared to uccopt ilbV.h. against Fire, on Bulldimot, Fun.ituio.ilcnhaiidlac, Produce, Sugar Hills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Louti Promptly Adjusted and Payakta Honolulu. H. HIEMEHSCHNEIDBK, J'y-6- ly at VTllder Co'a. Removal SINGER'S BAKERY Has moved fiom tlio coiner of Klcbard and Qur-c- lUrcet U No. 216 King Street (Foruierlr Butlers' PJtce), Wl ero the Bakery will be carried o aa 85J hertofure. 8m ., t ,, . xm .t tt " - n 1 ?4 'f A 45 Asm

Transcript of Hiilld - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · &&3&5B&&&&&Si&ER5ettiRE2 i."5-'.-" IM...

Page 1: Hiilld - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · &&3&5B&&&&&Si&ER5ettiRE2 i."5-'.-" IM TTMMKlMVJWktfl'JLlfcXi5i 'Wiwffiivl-VA'.fi5;T;-y a. ""Cv M--A-? as mag?O MUijiuwiiLU'errwiiw

&&3&5B&&&&&Si&ER5ettiRE2 i."5-'.- " IM TTMMKlMVJWktfl'JLlfcXi5i 'Wiwffiivl-VA'.fi5;T;- y a.

""Cv M-- A-? as mag?

OMUijiuwiiLU'errwiiw n miiwkuwhim j jtjh M'Twai i iwim maw.: a iwrnirTzxTiTnrtxznxnKW3sT&fwau xvaayTmuvm3i3Ux-a-






t .. -




' if

Vtkfc&trt .


Is printed iml published at the ofllco,

Qucuu aticot, Honolulu, II. I., ovcry

afternoon (Sundays nxecptud).

Subscription, 50 cents per Month.

Address nil Communications DailyBUMjfcTtX.

Advertisements, tc unsure mseitlon,Bhoulil be hunded In before one o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bulletin Steam Printing: Office.

Newspaper, Hook iud Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most fmorublotcims.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. SJ50


Weekly Summary.An inteiestltig and comprehensive

publication, contiius 29 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu mid IslandNews. It is the best paper publishedin the Kingdom to send to friendsabroid.

Hulmrriptlun:Island : : : 4 00 yearForeign : : : o 00 "

Commission Moconants.

T XXVOItflSI-- O ,Sb Co.,

General Commission Agents.(.70 ly 11o:olulu



Queen street, Honolulu. H. I.1643


Gknkkaii Mercantile andCommission Aqkntb.

list oit ofkicb118.

P. U. Jones, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Carteu Treasurer &; Secretary


Hon. C. It. Bishop. S. C. Allen,II. V'ATj:aUOU3E.

JM ly

T. WATEKHOUSE,JOHN Importer aud Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, liueen st , Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Athertou-- G. P. Castle

& COOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. B0 King st.,Honolulu 1

Oluus bprecLcls. . Wm. Q. Irwin.

Irwin & Company,Wa.Sugai Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

Hi OO ,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

121 California street,Bun Francisco, Cal.

It. Lowers, 1 J. Lowioy O. M. Cooke.

EWERS ii OOOKE,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu I


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants80 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!


Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to ono of the NewStores in the

ThomiiH Jtloclt, King Street,Thrco doors from Castle & Cookcs',

Where ho Is prepared to manufaeturoal! JUndsof Jewelry. 00


persons who want to communiALL with tlio Poitiifuesc, eitherfor business, or for procuring workmen,servants oi any other helps, will llml itthe most profitable way to advertise Inthe Lttso Jawtiiitiiio, the new organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which Is pub.lished on Hotel tti eel, and only chargesroasouablu rates foi adveriisi-mciit- a


furnished for balls, pattiesMUBIO fccrenades by Palmer's SiriugBand. Orders lett at O. E. Williams',or ring up Mutual Telephone iW(5, 74 It


Alfred Maqoon,J . ATTORNEY AT LAW.173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly


Consulting: Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Ncl Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


Attorney at Xw.Office, : No. 0 Kaahuinanu street,

ap 24 83. ly

J. EOT. MONSARRAT,Attorney anil CoaiiHcllor nt J.ni.

Notary Public and Commissioner ofDeeds for the States of New York. Call-forn-

and Pennsylvania. Merchantstreet. "Cla.etto" Block, Honolulu, II. I.

june.9 83



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

Tl Hotel St. -- flr Telephone 74



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 11G Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Itick-eckcr'- s Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono21C Honolulu, II. I.

WEMER & CO.Jliiiiunirturiiisc .low ellerH,

NO. OS XOll'JC BrJ?JLtJi: ET,Constantly on hand 'i large assortmou

of every dcsciiptionof Jewelry, Watehc-Gol-

and Sihcr Plated Ware. &c.1)58 ly


iCo.. Vo.,

Has commenced the business of Dicsmiking, Cutting and Fitting, at hoi ieideuce, No T!) Berctauia street, oppositethe Hotel. The patronago of the latheis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaianttcd. scpt-H-l- j

Hustace & Robertson,

DBAYMEN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at

xjl tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllcc, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'b

auction room.932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

36 Rue de Dunkerquo, - - - Paris.

jSxecutcs Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swis", Germuu, and English Goods, attlio best Manufucturerb' Lowest Friec.

Commission, Two-und-- a Half por centAll Trade and Cash Discountb allowedto Clients). Original Invoices torrtardedwhen requested.

Itcmittauces, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delhery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

Tlio Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for Homo and Colonial Finns.

I'icro (Joods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Cold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Hoots and Shoes, GJats,andChina-warn- , Clocks, Watches,Jewelli), Funi'v Goods,Bleetin-plat- c, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical nudOptical Goods, Mirrors, To)s.Pftluinciy, Wines, &c,Oilman's ritons.Book-- , ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery. &c, &c.

130 ly H

'PHE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- XS oolitmiis, purely local matter

Mailed Ij foruigu countries, $5 perannum,

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS,1 Proprietors.r. I. CUTTEII

OOlee, M King vtiert, Tcluphono No 88llcsitlcncu telephone No 202.

Piano and Fin nliurc moving a specially.Wagons meet all incoming steamers.

Jul) 25 ly


I beg to cnll the attention of my fihndsand the general public to my

Fine Stock of GoodsJust received. Aciroful inspection

H1 conviuco ou that

BETTER GOODSIn my lime have never been offered

in this cit).K2F"-Ploas- Give rao an Early CallTjja


91 am


The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours


lirr-nu- n 'f?i&&GiW.SSk

Alwayi. on Uu.net.IB. .?. K.TS;. Proprietor.

Choicest Mutton !

Beef Wfi$ Pork,XTlsli, Vcjse t3illcs, &;., &.c.

A hi lya on liand at the

ONOLULU MARKE(Snece-oi- s to Win. McCandlcfs),

So. t luceii Nt., : : Flhli JIarltet,Honolulu, II. I.

CSTFannly and Shipping Oulcrscarefull) altcntltd t Live Stock furnishrdto vessels at shoit notice. ni) Vl&H

T1JJ3 --$J Metropoiitan

i?.r t rimeaioompany


G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Bottil Butchers



1717 ly


Meat aaMuftsi,Fort St.. ojijid. O. N. H. Co.'n Wluuf.

P MILTON, - - Proprietor.

Beef, Veal, Pork, Fish, Mutton,

bauunico Jte "V'u;otulleH.

Alto a sujiply of

On hand at all times.

Shipping ami Families supplied atshortest notice and wiih best attention.

3D. IVIcKlSlVZIJS,01 Manager. tf

Tort hirtet, m.t I.tirns' Mill,

Ship's BlacksBiitliing, Carriage

Iiuilding & lii pairing.

Drays, Catts & Va30n Uuildlng a Specially.

Every description of work in theiiluie line-- , pirtiirimd 111 a llist.i lassmatinei an 1 cvccutcd at shoit notice .

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.Orders from the othoi Islands solicited.



Inning our boda Wateror L"tiiouide liiMtlu (ninpt)) on

bund will gicuth oniigii b, noilrlugus by tbluphuiip or o hem let, und the)w ill at nil, u bo m ul ,r. Jiotdes i tainiillonger tlu.u cue I .onth will be chargedfor. Ttlenlioiic: lit'U, Wi, Mut ial, tluO

J, ii. IlllOWN & CO.,Ptoprietors.'Ialiiti Lumonade Workb.

'JO tf


n B a



millinery104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

W. . S.A.OJBCSS, : Proprietor,

w Dress Goods,

:o:- -


ies3 Hats

ew Kid Gloves,

New Embroideries,

New Laces, &c, &c,



GenertilExpert Accountants end Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Life Insuranco

Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business:

Books and Accounts accurately kept and propeily adjusted.CollotlOUS 111 receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of lltlc

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers ofcery description carefully drawn and hand

soiuclj engios-.cd- .

Copying and Translating in all languages in gcneial iuo n this Kingdom.Ileal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid aud Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collectedFiro and Life Insuranco effected in first-clas- s Insuranco Companies. ,Custcm-Hous- a Businses transacted with accuracy aud dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorablo rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publlshora.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

CST All Business entrusted to our care will reccivo prompt and faithful attention atmodorate charges.

Having bad an extensive business experience for ever tv cnty.ilve years, inNow York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anIntricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and rupeetfull)solicit a trial.

HellTclojihone No. 274. XXn.waiin.xi. JBiihIxichw Ay-oiKi-

jan 7.88

Just Received at Hoilister & Co.'sA large assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the well-know- n brands of



For Sale at 3E,easoiialle Pricesfmh-2- 4j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f87

RATED WA1Steam Works, Sunny South, Wiukiki.

J- - B. BROWS! &. CO., -- - Proprietors.Depot, 28 Morchant Streot, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islandb.


o- -

The Only Apparatus making High Class


arsparilla, Grenadine, RaspberryadeAnd PUKE, 8TKONG ISFFJSKVISSCING

PLAIN SODA WATER.Also, Genuine Apollinaris Water, 70 cents per dozen, delivered.

Latest Improved 3Iiehinery and Patent GlaSi-vnh- c litdlh i.

TELEPHONHS Bell, 172; Mutual, 360; Post Office Box, i09.gj8 Ordurs delivwed to any part of tho city. Jslaud order solicited. ga3)

ApriM3-8- 8

Royal Insurance Company,

Accumulation ot Funds, $23,G02,205.00

Fire rinks taken at cm rent rales andF"ttlcmcnt made in Honolulu.

JOHN" S. WALKER, Agent.JtilyUU88.iy

t'nlon I'lio : limineInsurance Company of N. Z,

Capital, 52,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire and Murine risks, taken at currentrates and undo i'i Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.Jul) U1S8 ly


Insurance Co, of San Francisco.

Marine risks on Hull", Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions nt current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July U(i.88-l- y

General Insurance Company,

Marine lisko 011 Hull, Cargoes, Fieightand Commissions nt current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent.July 20 8i-l- y


Life Insurance Co.strielly Mutual Orgamed 1845.

ASSETS OVER - $85,000,000

The actual (not estimated) results of itsmaiurcd Tontine pol'cics exceed theseof any other Company issuing similar


Tim Xoiiloi-tclttu:- .

Free Tontine PolicyWith Mortuary Dividend (leturning allpremiums in addition to face of poltc)should death ci cur during the Tontineperiod) ns isvwd b) this Company ine'luiles the of Ttinuuc a'ci uniuiiition, guaranteed options at the imlf'l online periods and peifcct f cctlmu

lfter to )c.irj ns U lenidcncc, traveliml occiipatioj, except serico mvirNonforfeitable after S Years.

CFor lull partirulars and estimatedresults baed upon actual rrsuHa pudin 1838 apply to

Honolulu, Genet al Agent IfawuiinuTulyJ Islands. 121-8-

jfi-f-fl HOIIOLUL.U IRON WORiS,ncSmSRStiMmii,nes,suftarinHK',lollurp, coolers; iron, In ass and ltadtistnigs; inaehiuer) of ovcry descriptionm ide to order. Particular attention paiaro ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted ut short notice. 1


Contnietoi'H .."i; llu JJl'i'H.Uilck, vlone and Wooden Buildings, eh.timatei given. .lobbing piomptlv at-

tended to. 10 King street. Ucll Tele-phone N 2. P. O B ix, Vl'i. up f 1)


ud Builder,1 seaaffcftHonolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Kpia

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Hraokets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes , Doors, and all kinds of Woodwork lin'ish. Turning, Sei oil und HandSwing. All kinds ot Sawln-- ; aud Planltig, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly at! Jiuled to and v.orlguaranteed. Owlets irom the other Isamis bolielted

p PLANING MILL.g AlaLcut, iii'nr Jisie fvt.t$i 'ivioiitK-H- c nt. j;

tr 'ii ji'mj. i.' u. .

J. (J. MAICCHANT,(Suoces'or to T. G Thrum)

Hook-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blankbook Manufacturer,

Building, Bethel ttreet, liouoii lulu. tf

rHE BEST R tobubxribt.X for is tho "Hail) Bulletin." .10tints per month.

A. II. KASBMANX,Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


ilo la Katbumuiu strxt. U) H.tlr .


5HENLYPAPEI"nuTlruiJL clabiih The'iU.illy Bulletin '' W

oiuts per month.


MARINEINSURANCE.Haitford Tire Insurance C!o.

As3ets. $5,288,000

Comruercn.l Luoranco Co,

(File and Marine)Assets, $150,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Asmranco Corporatioa(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, Hnwrn Islands.

1G33 ly


Life Assurance Society,

Of llio United Htatos.


Now Business In 1(187 $138,023,105Applications refused for 23,729,317Total Income 23,240,849Surplus 4- - por cont 18,104,255

Gain la Assets during y?ar 8,868,432Etc., Etc, Clc,

Iu the above and most important painttho Equitable hoads the list of

Life Companies,

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,ttcuovul Au'ent for Unwaltan


juno 1.88.1y

CASTLE & COOKE,Lifo, Fire &. Mnrino Insur'ce Agents.

AOhNrs I0ttTlio Sew Kugland


Tho uEtna Fh'o Insurance Goof Hartford, Coan.

The Union Kiro and

Marine Insurance Oo.of San I'rauclsco, Cala.

llllfPrussian National

Insurance Comp'TEaTABLISHirO 1B4I,

Capital 9,000,000 Rolcrtftwlts''piIE uade'rf.Igncd, baring been ap.

X. pointed agent of tho above Companyfor tue Hn'rallnn Islands, Is prepared touccopt ilbV.h. against Fire, on Bulldimot,Fun.ituio.ilcnhaiidlac, Produce, SugarHills etc., on the most Favorable TermsLouti Promptly Adjusted and Payakta


H. HIEMEHSCHNEIDBK,J'y-6- ly at VTllder Co'a.

RemovalSINGER'S BAKERYHas moved fiom tlio coiner of Klcbard

and Qur-c- lUrcet U

No. 216 King Street(Foruierlr Butlers' PJtce),

Wl ero the Bakery will be carried o aa85J hertofure. 8m

., t ,, . xm








Page 2: Hiilld - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · &&3&5B&&&&&Si&ER5ettiRE2 i."5-'.-" IM TTMMKlMVJWktfl'JLlfcXi5i 'Wiwffiivl-VA'.fi5;T;-y a. ""Cv M--A-? as mag?O MUijiuwiiLU'errwiiw




Vihet t-



I f



gr V9wfrffi' j SfKV .v.."A Wrx "mw--


Honolulu. JlvwHiian Isl&utlt.

Draw Exolianix on the

Bunk A OuimiKMilu, fe. IT.Arid their ace-'fii- ri


Moshh. N. M. Uolhbohi fc Hon, LondonThe Commercial lWn Jo., of Sydney,

London.The Commercial Hank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney,The Unuk "1 New V'ealnud: Auckland,

Chrlstchurch, and Wellington,The liauk ..t BrltUh Columbia, Vic

toria, 1 O., and Portland, Or.ASM

Trammel n beneval linking JJut))!lC;.a.

rx--1 1 ?:

gaitjg ttHnfinPledged to neither Sect nor thirty,But established for the benefit of all.

TUESDAY, OCT. !), 1888.

A MISERABLE PITTANCE.Wo published in yesterday's is-

sue a communication from ' ' A Tax-

payer," rellecting rather severely onthe Board ofgllcaltu, licensing thatbody of leducinsr the sahnies ofcountry physicians in order to main-

tain a costly Health Hurcau in Ho-

nolulu. The case may have beenput ratliur stionjl, but hard andundeniable facts seem to warrantthe conclusion i cached. Jl is a factthat the co-- i of the bureau in Hono-

lulu has increased, while the salariesof country phs.ieiajis, are. some ofthem, placed very low. Whetherthe reduction is made in the onecase to allow ol a more liberal

in the other we are notprepared to say.

The Government plrysician atIlilo may be cited as an instance ofthe Hoard's par&imoniousness. Theposition is held by a lady, and thetestimony which reaches this olliccfrom different persons, some ofwhom are not likely to be prejudicedin her favor, is that she labors hard,risks her neck on the loads, anddoes conscientious work. Her timeis fully occupied, and she frequentlyhas to travel long distances in roughweather. No obstacle prevents herbeing where duty calls. And yetshe is paid the miserable pittance ofSGOO per annum, or less than 51.75per day.

FORETwoiG'TuCK.Edituk Hi u.i.tin : Ulr. Wong

Duck distinctly falsilies when hesays that 1 live on Hie Waikiki sideof Fort street ; for 1 do not, butlive in the immediate neighborhoodof the Chinese theatre. He doesthe same thing v. hcu he insinuatesthat I have attempted to secuie ad-

mission to the theatre for half price.I have not enteral nor attempted toenter that structure for three years.

I repeat that the Chine.se theatreis a nuisance because of the fright-ful noise made. In any othertheatre a piano, violin, guitar, orsome other kind of music is used.The Chinese theatre is not satisfiedwith these. A thumping and rat-tling noise is kept up all the timewhich can be heard a mile away.Isn't that a nuisance to decent peo-ple and all people who vtant tosleep? It is, and nobody can denyit?

That is not all. Have not thepolice raided it more than once foropium and gambling? And the po-

lice don't know one half ot whatgoes on there. Chin Hki:.


Editok Hi'u.i:tin : We have beenhearing lately a good deal as to thewondious achievements of the Le-

gislature recently in session. J havethought more than once what an in-

teresting study it would be for aperson of leisure to take the laws ofHawaii and by analysis find out howmany there are on the statute bookswhich have the samo sense; howmany there arc which have beenamended, and thenmended over again until they haveno sense!

In 187G section 50 of tho CivilCode was amended by chapter 50.This law relates to doing a whole-sale business and establishes a li-

cense of from one hundred dollarsup. This law is still in force. In1882 some happy individual evi-

dently at the instigation of certainhouses in business brought in a billwhich was thought to be the verything to catch the commercial tra-

vellers from foreign count! ios. Tinsnew bill put the licence at live hun-

dred dollars and I believe one firmwas foolish enough to pay it. I sayfoolish because nine tenths of thetravellers who come here never payany license at all and the olheis,being temporary icsidents, comewithin tho scope of the law of 1870,and I myself was so advised tit theInterior Ofilco when I tool; out a li-

cense in 88t)- .-Tlic above preliminary lemarks

are necessary to pave the way tomy meaning' as to the wondrousachievements of the present Legis-

lature. One of the members (I be-

lieve a lawyer) brought in a bill'To regulate the sale of goods,

&&&& iK.

wares and rncrohandi m this 1 tugdoin by commercial travellingagents from foreign eomUrirfi."

This now Aot is an f xael co( y ofchapter 32 of the Se-'io- n Laws of1SS2. Now sir, what roust we- - tuinkof the knowledge o: Kit displayedby the lawyers m the tTore whocould sit and hear read 'lire- iiuosas a new law what wa-- j actuxlly

on the Statute bool.";What must we thini; ot the Cab-

inet (mostly InwvprO who rnuld advise the King to sit'U lonin the aame i

law which lie signed or tee itu ofAugust, 1882? I onp fess I don'tunderstand it.

Had the member in his desire tobring in a new luw, merely brought4in an Act to repeal chapter t'J oftho Session Laws of 1S8- -' he wouldhave wiped out a useless and un-

workable Act, but as it is n largeamount of what should be valuabletime has been wasted.

Non Nonis Solvm.


Ennou Hui.i.i:ti : I find by read-ing late numbers of the Hui.i.ktikthat Chinese agitation continue inHonolulu, but 1 am sui prised thatso few eomnninientions appear fromthe outside distiicts on this all im-

portant subject, as I know that amajority of the voters of this dis-

trict at least feel that v" haveenough Chinamen and that m t onemore should be allowed to land inthis country unless he is immediatelyshipped, and to leave when hU timeof seivieo expires. Hut my i.uifcr-in- g

fiiends what are you going to doabout it? Our Keforni Legislaturehas adjourned and by cowardice orlsve of their equals (see V. C.Jones' communication) have abso-lutely done nothing on this the mostimportant question before them. Ofcourse thcie are a few honorable ex.ceptions who will be remembered inthe near future, but cowardly mem-

bers, bribe takers, and doscrteis,will certainly be "snowed under."Now friend Patriot, 11. G. N. andothers, what is the use of answeringsuch twaddle and bosh as Hows fromthe pen of Sing lling, Chun Sung,and other licliiious Chinese names?I am certain from the style of thearticles that they are written bysome barbarian who never saw theCelestial empire, but from someone who is paid directly or indirectlyby the Chinamen, or some one ofjust sullicient mental calabre to be-

lieve themselves equal in every res-

pect to a Chinaman. Spare yourammunition until at short range. justbetore the next election, and iliengo for our Chinese lowng fellow-voter- s

and show them that insteadof seventeen bundled (the presentmembership of the Anti-Asiati- c

Union) we can muster four or livethousand and see to it that we sendmen to the next legislature who caiemoic for their families and the goodot the counti, than they do for anybribe or intimidation that the vwleymongolian can otter, and a term ofpiospetity will be inaugurated thatwe have never known, the islandswill be inhabited by men of our racewith families and not owned by afew so called agents and woikcd byChinese coolies. Take away theopportunity make to money out of theChinamen and the philanthropic talkof certain men in Honolulu wouldchange instantly as the whole pio-Chine- se

talk is easily shown to be'the quintessence olh ypocricy.

Anohi! i: Patriot.Kohala. Oct. 1, 1888.



Editou Bullet FN": Everybodyappears to be laughing at your cor-

respondent II. G. N. becauf-- e of theabsurd rcmaiks he makes alout sev-

eral things in the letter winch hecalls his "last reply." Not beingable to meet Mr. Chun Sing's aigu-incn- ts

he makes a number cf rambl-ing statements about mallei s whichhave nothing to do with tho ques-tion. Allow me a little space to dis-

cuss his absurdities.Fiist I see he refers to the S71,-00- 0

opium bribe which --Mi. ChunSing never spoke about. What hasit got to do with the things thatgenlloinan wrote about? Perhaps ithas something lo do with them, butnot in the way that II. G. N. hasthought about. The Heform partythat is now so desirous of oppressingnvy lellow countrymen would nothave got their Constitution andwould not have been in power if ithad not been for that 571,000. Itmakes the Chinese angry everytime they think about it to knowthat because the King would notpay that money back tho Beformparty made a handlo of the fact toextort Irani him a Constitution whichgives rights to Anieiieans and Euro-peans winch it denies to Chinamen.It seems to mo that this party shouldnow try to do some good to the Chi-

nese instead of evil. Until they dobo the less they talk about the 71,-00- 0

that helped them into power thobetter.

H. G. N. says iho Chineso havedriven the natives out of their taropatches. What an absurd statementis this! Did anyone ever hear anative say such a tiling? Nativesand haoles, too, havo been pleasedlo lease their lands to the Chinamenbecause they l;nd that they can getmore out of the lands in 'that waythan by working their taio patchestheinsolvcH. Tho natives are satis-fied, and this cry got up by hnoleswhoaie badly. at a los to justifytheir unkind treatment of their Chi-

nese fellow-subject- s, is all nonsenseand moonshine

Then ho says the Ciiineso wouldbe nil right if tbey would livo and

dress like the linolc. This is newsindeed. T thought tho pake wasusurping all tho industrious that thehaole wants for himself. Is not thisthe truo reason of all this rageagainst him? Does II. G. N. fancythat the Chinese cannot continue todo this wherever and whenovor theyand the haole compete togetherwhether he eat rice or bread andwhatever sort of clothes he maywear? lie will find himself quitemistaken if he tries the experiment.And again. Do Americaus nnd

diess and eat like Chinamen when they go to my country?Pei haps one or two may do so whentaavoling in the inteiior, but so like-

wise many of my countrymen havetaken to haole customs here. II.G. N., loo, would have us to "ac-quire the habits ol haoles." Thehabits of the haole aro they sogood? They have not that appear-ance lo us. The habits of peoplethat have neither the pluck nor theindustry to compete successfullywith us in any walk of life, but cryout lo have us oppressed and runout of the country because we beatthem at everything we try our handsat. Such habits do not suit us, wecould never fit ourselves to anythingso inferior and mean. The haolehas seized on political power and isusing it to injure the Chinese whostood by last year and were contentto let him do so because of his pro-

testations about the righteousnessand justice he would impart into thegovernment of the country and theclean hands with which he wouldadminister it. Would 11. G. N. likeus to imitate the haole in this alsoand follow his "habits" by usingpower so acquired to oppress thewhite men?

11. G. N. asks, "What wouldChina do if a great number of Am-

ericans went there?" The answeris shoit and simple. She would, asshe always does, treat all alike. Shewould not behave like the HawaiianGovernment which changes its Con-

stitution and gives no rights loChinamen and which is so good asto make ciuel laws to restrict and toharass them.

II. G. N. accuses the Chinaman ofteaching the native to smoke opium.This may be true, but for myself Inever saw or heard of a native ac-

quiring that habit. As to any na-tive ever having been injured inhealth by smoking opium such athing was never heard of. Hut whatharm have not the haoles done thispoor Hawaiian which H. G. N. andmen like him profess to be so pitifulabout? They have given them baddiseases, and taught them to getdrunk and are continually importingall soits of enticing liquors to helpthem to injure themselves, to ruinthem and destroy their health. Therecords of the Police Court showdaily Ihe effect of what the haolehas taught the native, whilst, as tothe opium smoking we never see asingle ease against a Hawaiian.And why is the native race failing innumbers, and as everybody says,lading away'1' For no reason butthat the haole purtuaded the goodnatured, easy-goin- g Hawaiian to dojust what II. G. N. now wants theChinese lo do, viz. : to adopt hishubit-t- , his bud, and his dress.

II. G. N., who is ready to attendto anybody's business, says Mr.Chun Sing, should be made Govern-ment interpreter. Mr. Chun Singhad a very large business of hisown and neither he nor any of mycount lymcn seek to get governmentjobs from the Bcforin party who areso constantly fighting among them-selves lor their billets which eachman "carried a gun" to make theformer occupants resign so that theycould take their places. Unhappilythere were more guns than places.

II. U. N. wants to know whatwould become of the rice industry ifthe duty were taken off in America.1 suppose it would make shift to geton, as the sugar industry did, when,a lew years ago, the American su-

gar duties wete lowered, or sincethen, when the puce of sugar wentdown so low. One thing I cannothelp noticing; this mean II. G. N.seems to have got angry just aboutthe time my remarks upon "a cer-tain Noble" appeared in yourcolumns. Yours, etc.,

Tom Dow.Honolulu, Oct. 8th.


ANYONE findingUrown


Cnriiago Mine, striycd35 Inmi ihmu'i, will no

tiii.ubl) limaidu.i. S. 11. DOLE.07 1 w

G. A, R. Notice,

llr.ADQt'AirrwtN Gi:o. Y DnLONd")1'ovr, No. It, Di:it. or Cali- - I

ioiinia, O. A. JL (

IIONOi.ri.tJ, October 0, 1888. J

'piIEHE will bo a roeulari. ineetint' of this Post THIS

(TucKlay) EVENING, in itsHall, King bt i cut, at Ill) o'clock.A full atieudauco Is irtjuested.if Jly oiuer.

V. V. ASIirORD,Commander.

.1. V. Noni.i'.Adjutant. 07 I


H!? b en appointed by II. II, If....i i ..ii .).... ,.r l 1.....I.iiriur ui Mil irjnn iiuii ui uui uuiui-- t

tbeiefnre, notice ib hcifby given to alltenants nnd Iwfus to pny all lentslome at Kapalama, Honolulu, Oahu, attho timeiuid duto tpecilkd in all theb'tite,-- , and 1 am alone authori.ed logive receipt for the fcanie. Parties com.in;; to pay their rents will please, taholmilce that they must hilng their lastreceipts with them.

.1. HKLELUIIE.Honolulu, Octobers, 188S. 07 8w


A,fY office will be. closed f mm Sep: embor 22nd to October 2Tth, during

my absenco from the Klnedoni.M. K. GROSSMAN,

3G tf Dentist, !M Hotel st.


my absence, finm the IvinrtDURING the Hen. W. F. APen willnet for me under a lull power "f nitnr.nev in all private innltH-- , nnd also Inall etnies In which I am iilsni'e magent. W. C. PAUICK.

Honolulu, Au; ut 'i 18BS "J'J Urn

Si cam 3' lough EngineerWanted.

FOR a Plantation a thoiouchly com.and sober man is riquited

lo take clmrec of the Sicmi Plouchs.Mii'tbu a rjoml Hlarkfmitl. Apnlv to0J lw TI1KO. II. DAVIES & CO.

SITUATION WANTED.of over 30 yearn'

business experience wiih largefirms in England nnd this Kingdom isonen for a as Bonk.keeper, Cashier and Coi respondent.

and testimonials of the highestOlder. Addiess P. O. Box 47(1. VI lm

Corporation Notice.

NOTICE "is hereby gi en that at aof tho undeisigned pint,

ners of the Hawaiian Fiuit A: Taio Co.,it was resolved to ncccnt Ihu chartergranted September t!7, 1SS8, by theMinister of Interior for the ineorponi.tion of the Hawaiian Fruit ,V Taro Co.,(Limited) AV. II. DANIELS,


Wfdlulsu, Maul. Oct. 1, ltHS. tS.r 2w

Dissolution ol' Copartner-ship.

THEco-pailnfrshi-p heieloforcbetween the undersigned, eon

slitulioir the linn ol the. Hawaiian Fruit&, l;uiCo, in Waibiku, Maui, bus thisday been dissolved by mutual consent;the s and liabilities of said 11 rmheing limisferud to Ihe Hawaiian Fruit& '1 aio Co , (Ineoriviinted )


Walliiku, Maui, Uet 4, 188S. 03 2w

Election of Officers.

"JVTOTIt'ii is heiehy given that at aJL 'I mi etini; of the stockholder of theHawaiian Pi nit it Tmo Co. held in ..

Maui, Oututier-1- , 1SS8, ihe follow,ing oillceis ere elected I'oi the ensu-ing year:

John Richardson President,J. D. Holt Vice President,

( Secretary,W. II. Daniels. ...1 A

( Treasurer,A. N. Kepoilcai. Auditor.

W. II. DANIELS,Secretary.

WiiiluUu, Maui, Oct. 5, 1S38. 05 2v


rpHK fcliooner "Waiehu,''JL. complete in every res-

pect, with sails, ho.it!-- , lit.ting:, etc , and can bv made

readv for sea in a few houre. Theehooner hab lecentlv bren thoroughly

oveih.iuled, cleaned, coppered and reno.vated. For particular apply

Mns. CIIAS. NUII.SON,02 lw 110 Kiug street.


line Milch Cow,priee. H25. Apply

at the Iitu.i.M'i.N Office.!)18td oaw



0 Whale Boat, 30 feet long, a feetdeep, 8 feet wide; 2'J2 tin Suit Boats;1 18 iect Surf Boat; L' D el.wl I'lun.ier.10 feet long, C feet iuehf - wide, il leet0 inches deep, with imihi and Miils allcomplete; 1 2i feet bailing Scow, withmast and tails all complete. Apply to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and Oeucral Jobber. 51 ti

JOS. TB&3ECER,injTcm:it.

Nuuunu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pork SausagesFresh Every Day.

BSf-H-is noted Sausages arc mado by

tho every best machinery, and all orderscntiustcd to his caie will he deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, nnd hispi ices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

EST Try his Mologna Sausages."oct.fi-8-


El Capitan Elour !


From the Golden Gate Flouring Mills.

-- ALSO-


E. F. Floor !

In quantities In bult by

H. HACKFELD & CO.01 lw

Auction Sales by Lewis J, Levey.


Stationery, &c,By order of A. M. Hcwctt I will bcU at

Public Auction, at Ida Store,Merchint street,

Oa WEDNESDAY, Oct, 10, '88,AT 1 O'CLOCK A. 31.,

The whole of his stock of

IVev Stationery !Consisting of


Letter Paper &, Envelopes,Index's Press Copying Books,

Shipping Toss, Card Album,Clips Hook & Stand Files,

Toy Books, Novels,

Invitation Cards & Envelopes,Inks & Ink Stands,

Mucilage, etc.,

Pons, Pencils & Fonholdcrs,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.


LEWIS J. LEVEY,01 It Auctioneer.



By oi del of John II Paty, mortgagee,I will at Public Auction

On Thursday, Oct. 11th At 12 noon,

At my Salesrooms,

33 (3 II .A. XS. !E2 S !

Of the Capital StoeK of the

Kawailoa Ranch Go.,CcrtillcHte No. 20.

Now held as n pkdgc niurut the Ea.late of Len R. Patten, deceased, to sc.cure balance of note amounting to

and interest.Default haviug been made in the pay.

ment of said note.


LEWIS J. LEVEY,06 3t Auctioneer.


By ordei of John P. Colburn, Trusteefor I). & S K. Mahoe, 1 will

kcll at Public Auction

On THURSDAY, Oct. Uth, '88,AT 1!4 O'CLOCK XOOS,

In fiont of my Sulcsiooms, corner ofFoil and Queen streets,

Ms, 3 Set Harnessoil JIaek Homes.

X (iouil Hack or Ilruod Hlnre.-- ALSO-

4 Hacks, 4Biokun to Harness & Saddle.

Also, immediately after the aboveMile

1 Extra Eino Sulky, now;1 C'oimliy 'Wagon, with Pole

and Shafts;1 Fine Driving Brake, 2 seated

-- AND-

1 Breaking CartBrond M.ne, 1 Saddle Horse.


03 Ot Auctioneer.


Can be found next door to the P. 0. A.Office, Meichant Mrtct.

Hacks Num. 18, 7, J5, 75, 180

Mutual 204Sept.24.89


CHAEPAGI IE:Quarts & Pints.

Dent. Ss Gelduimann, Carte Blanche,Ciias. Farre, Extra Cuvee.

JRJ line --vvixie :Quarts & Pints.

From the Bremer Rathskeller &Ruedeshoim.


Chateau la Hose.

COGNAC:From Boutellcau Si Co.,From Uiequit, Duhouehe & Co.,From DeLaagcllls & Co., &c., &c.

ItlMHt, ALIO & LAUKHBIEIt:Quarts & Pints.

From St. Paul! Brewery and A. Slueller,Bremen.

OUINXKSS STOUT:Quarts & Pints. AUo

Port Wine, Sherry,1 Kciimmcl, Hum,

GIN:Old Tom, Keyhrand, &et) &c,

WWMKEYSiScotch & Irish, &c, &o,



Late, Gents', & CHrens' Baffling Suits,


Also, Ladies' Black


Diamond Dye Hose


Constant Lino of Schooners Ample Opportunity for All.-- 0

lo our coiiBtantly increasing In .m"s and ihe gient demand of anOWING community, we havoconclud d lo lie an lpporiunlty to all partieshaving capital. Our Line of Schomicrs may he seen eliding ovei the "Bui" tilledto their utmost ennylng capacity of Cleat, Cool and Invigorating

John Wieland's Philadelphia Lager Beer !

AT UMIld "OHITKKION hALOOK."To aecomnio 'ate our Vast Fleet of Schooners our ice vaults are now heiiig en- -

larued legardless of cost. The

"ORIT ERIONIb the only place where a Cool Glass of PI1ILADFLPIIIA IJEEH, on Diiuightcun be had in Honolulu. Step forward. O. ntleinen, nun's Ihe time Vi lm




Tim Jt'amittiH irlinm tSolIil Silverware A KincHt TripleIMutortwnre, in creat variety.

Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, &c,At Exceedingly Low Prices.

JBeantil'iil aXarblo Cloclcw I

Sjjeciul Jjiiie oi Alui'm OloelcH, at isl T&.o

These Goods have all been per.-onal- ly selected in the States, guaran-teeing thereby a choice selection of the Newest and Latest Designs.

Sample Packages of Goods sent to any pint of the Kingdom. Havingevery facilities requisite for a tirst-elas-e jeweliy lH.inufaeturing establish-ment, we feel confident that we can nuimifautuic anything that may bo

in the Jewelry or Silvciware Line.


In our well-know- n manner.

P. O. Box 842 (fiG lm)




Plush Sets, ladies' Y7ork Baskets,Plush fc Ul.iss


other too Allwill at

fl5fir"The above Goods aio New,been imported recent arrivals and




At Lower Pi Ices than

IIIIIIU ii HHLii IUUii-- Just



'"piIE been np.X pointed Administrator of the Es-

tate of Gaieia, of Kalihl Waeua,deceased, ghes notice to all

creditors of bald Uarela toclaims duly and ith

proper vouchers whether b cured bymortgage or ntherwifu him at hisoffice No, Kaahuinauu street, Hono-lulu, bi. mouths from date orthey will hu foiever

A. KOSA,of tho Estate of John

Gaiclu, dtceaicd.Honolulu, (Sept. ID, 45 lm


S 9

Fort Street.


"Wine, Opera

-- o-

Fresh and of the Latest Design, havingwere selected expressly for the tiado.



ware Go., L'd,


ever before. New invoice of

I) kn

Ilccelvcd -


THE undersigned give notice Hintthoy havo been appointed

of A. carriage inunu.facturer, of Honolulu. All persons lmv.ing tiny claims ugaiust the bald A.Morgan whether secured by mortgageor otherwise, are notified to pietentthotame to the Assignees within it monthsfiom September 22, All personsindebted to Mr. A. Morgau are re-quested to make immediate paymenttho Atsicneer..


Assignees ot A. Jlorgan.Honolulu, Sept 2L', 1888. 51 2w

In Leather ; I'aiian(abiHs.es, Telescopes,

lytnssie Toys, JESoolcm, .A-lo-iim-s,

And things numerous to mention. tho aboveGoods bu offered tho




W. H. GRAENHALGHJ OO IT-ov- t Street, Honolulu.

HerdEtO IIISrXK.I2121


Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,

finmiuiAimwAirc uinwBUjUJjUI

NovcltieH Xjinej' Gootlw, In Lur;o Variety.


iniderslgiicd having


John presenttheir autheniieated











Bisque, &,




J! wikd . A-- . 'i.tefcMJ - lt iVsstrfSsafcr'S Vi lte&itiaA 9 i 5f fad-

Page 3: Hiilld - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · &&3&5B&&&&&Si&ER5ettiRE2 i."5-'.-" IM TTMMKlMVJWktfl'JLlfcXi5i 'Wiwffiivl-VA'.fi5;T;-y a. ""Cv M--A-? as mag?O MUijiuwiiLU'errwiiw





8t , ,! tf

V iF



Hack stand: Merchant ami Fortstruct. Telephones, !3.'lo.


mzarw nminmini

T XI 13

iiilu jjitTI'itftn

TUESDAY, OCT. 0, 1888.


Oct Stinr

Mlknhahi for Kauai at 5 p hi.Slinr Klumi for MUo anil way purls at

1 p inStnir W G Hall for Luhalnn, JIaaluca,

ICoua. Kau and the Volcano at 10o'clock a m

Stmr Wulatcalo for for Kauai at fi p m


Stinr Jus Makee for Knp.iuUgtno YV O liwln for San Kraneisco


For Maul, per -- lenincr LikellUe, OctS Mi s A. Hatha, child and inn so, 311ssM liuokle. VnbG Wll er, Mnslor H

TVijr,lit. .Mis'- - liiiuuUtcr, Mrs .Meyer, MrsMelirtens, O Unnn. Mrs K ,M blinpMiii.K 1) Wullnhlgo, J Kothwell, 31r 1'cdlcr,and about 00 d ck.

For Maul and l law all, per steamer WG Hull, Oei'.l-Du- nlel Kotcr, C 1 Wil-(.o- n,

W V Wilson, S Hoover, W ller-lie- k,

"Win Hiding, Mi- - Coney, ItobcrtParker. (Jol S Muni, o liuard, 1") u.

E O Itobiits and 7.1 deck.


A ltousi: has been lost.

A htoiim id picdicted bcfoio mutn- -


For Tuesday, business was exceed-ingly dull

CiMi:r .Iiihtiec .Ttidd presides atGhamberb this week.

Hon'. A. S. Cleghutu visited II. M.S. Cotnior.inl at noon

Tun Auhli.ilia is leaving Sau Fran-cisco this afternoon for Honolulu.

Tin: wiitlen opinion of the Judgesin the jury challenge appears in thisJbSllO.

Unit Majesty the Queen has beenindisposed the past two weeks, but isnow much better.

Prospects of a baseball match be-

tween a team fiom the U. S. S. Alertand a local team.

II. II. II. l'iuxci:&.s Liliuokal.ini ismaking preparations to hold u fair inJ mutiny of next year.

A Chinaman plaing a tiute attract-ed an audience of kanakas on Bere-lani- a

street last evening.

IJn sine and get a. copy of the Bul-i.nri-

Weekly Summaiy, outIt is full of local and other news.

Eioht students were in attendanceat the opening of the North PacificMissionary Institute, Monday morn-ing.

A ijtti.i: child fell out of a caniagethis morning in ftonl of the "At cade"and had a nanow escape from beingrun over.

Mk. .Shaw who met with an accidentat Waialua telurned home last even-ing, his aim in a tling. He will beall tight in a day or so.

Tin: King will not visit the Me-lbourne exhibition. The resignationof the chamberlain has intoj fei ed withHis Majesty's arrangements.

J. Hki.ki.uiik has been appointed(collector of tents for II. It. II. Prin-cess Liliuokalani, and publishes anotice legaiding the same in anothercolumn.

Aiti:u the temperance meeting inIlrewer's.block Sattuday night, theJive speakers weio imited to partakeof ice cream and cake by the

of the Elite.i ii

A si'i:ciAii meeting or the stock-holders of the Mutual TelephoneCompany will bo heldmorniuK at 10 o'clock, at the Com-pany's building. Business: Altera-tion of the s.

Gkk.vt inipiovements ate heinumade to the grounds of St Andrew'bCathedral. New gates and a fenceare being built at the Kinnm stieotentiance, and the old Cathedralbuilding has received a coat of nowpaint.


The examination of the ten can-

didates for tho bar in the SupremeCourt yostertlay, resulted in fouronly passing the test. These oreIsaao D. Iaea, Sol. Naawao, J. G.Hoapili and Jos. A. Akinu, all ofwhom have received inferior li-

censes. S, M. Kaaukai, was ex-

amined for a ftiJl licenso and order-ed to appear again hcfoio the Courton Wednesday, for further examin-ation.


A black looking "MadagascarFrenchman" as Judge Dayton callshim, was up in tho Police Coutt thismorning charged with drunkenness.He was at rested along with a mu-

sical instrument known as an auto-har- p.

At noon to-da- y the Courtwas about taking a recess when JudgeDayton felt musically inclined andbegan to examine the instrument.It ended in tho Frenchman beingcalled from the dock and requestedto play for the Judge's benefit, lieplayed a few chords so perfectlythat it is ptobablo when tho casecomes up the Judge will fine the in-

strument and let the Frenchman go.

- '


Drill Co. B. Honolulu Rifled, at7:110.

Excelsior Lodge No. t 1. O. 0.P at 7 '10

'Court Lu'nalilo, No. GGOO A. 0.Foresters, nt 7:30.

George W. DeLong Post, No. 45

G. A. 1?., tegular meeting nt 7: So.i '


ny l. j. i,i:vf.y.At 10 a. tn. at. the storo of A. M.

llcwett. Merchant street, when will

bo offered a stock of new stationery.This wilt be n rare opportunity forbusiness men.


Next Tuesday October lGth, will

be the thirteenth anniveisary of thobirth of II. U. II. the Princess Ka-ittla-

A reception will he held onthat day between tho hour3 of 2 andG o'clock p. in., at the residence ofHon. A. S. Cleghorn, father of theprincess. The Royal Hawaiian handwill be in attendance, and all friendsof the little princess and her fatherwill be welcomed.


Scarcely a day passes but whatthere is an arrest for violation ofthe opium laws, principally amongthe Chinese. Last night CaptainHopkins and a native police otllcerraided tho Chincso Theatre at theold Custom house and arrested threeChinese, and took them to the Sta-

tion House where they stand charg-ed with having opium in possession.


The vacation of the members ofthe Royal Hawaiian Band ends onSaturday, and on Monday, theywill report for duty. In the even-ing a concert will be given at EmmaSquare, when the band will bewarmly welcomed. On Tuesdayafternoon it plays at Waikiki, at theresidence of Hon. A. S. Cleghorn,the occasion being the thirteenthanniversary of the birtli of thePrincess Kaiulani. Wednesdayevening a moonlight concert will begiven at Thomas Square.



Monday, Oct. 8th.Kain Chan Bow vs. Wailania.

Assumpsit, S8i").2d. Plaintiff's ap-peal from the Honolulu Police Coutt,where on August ii, 1888, judgmentwas rendered for the defendant lorSG.G5 and costs $1.50, making $11.-1- 5.

Judgment for plaintilf for$10.:3;. W. C. Achi for plaintiff;F. M. Hatch for defendant.



iu:foui; ji'cuixy j.

Monday, Oct. 8th.Lorrin A. Thurston, Minister of

Interior, vs. James Keau. Assump-sit, two notes amounting to S'J2;i.On motion of plaintiff ,dcfault order-ed entered. A. P. Peterson forplaintiff; no appearance of or fordefendant.

A. M. Kahanauui vs. B. II. Kaha-nanu- i.

Petition for divorce. Plain-tiff's petition and affidavit for orderof payment of witness fees, etc.Partly heard and continued. C.Cieighlon for plaintiff ; A. Rosa fordefendant.

Ti'1-.sda- Oct. !)th.The King vs. Manuel do Rego

and Mary Ann Madeira. Fornica-tion at Koloa, Kauai, on or aboutOct. 5, 1887. Defendant (de Re-go'- s)

appeal from Police Couit,Honolulu, where on July 17, 1888,he was sentenced to two months' im-

prisonment at hard labor and paycosts $2.50. Decision reserved on1st upon plea of jurisdiction oflower Court argued then. Plea asto jurisdiction overruled, oral deci-

sion. Deputy Attorney-Genera- l A.P. Peterson and W. O. Smith forCrown ; V. V. Ashford for defend-ant de Rego.

The King vs. Kaoaka and Mnhe-lon- a.

Larceny. Defendant's Ma-helo-

appeal from Police Court,Honolulu, where on Sept. 18, 1888,he was found guilty and sentencedto six mouths imprisonment at hardlabor, and pay a line of 815 andcosts $1.50. Appeal argued on 3rdiust. in Banco and submitted. TheCouit reads conclusion of writtendecision tiled this dale dismissingappeal. Deputy Attorney-Genein- l

A. P. Peterson for Crown ; A. Rosafor defendant Mnhclona.

The King vs. Kahele k. Extor-tion, second degree. Defendantcommitted on Sept. !, 1888, byPolice Justice of Honolulu to thisCourt and October term for tiial,was arraigned on an indictment Oct.o, 1888, and pleaded not guilty.Continued fiom tho 8th iiist. Beingtried before a Jlawaiian Jury, noonrecess taken. Deputy Attoruey-Gcucr- al

A. P. Peterson and V. V.Ashford for Crown ; J. L. Kaulukoiiand S. K. Kaco for defendant.


Tur.siuy, Oct. 9.Five drunks had each to pay $f

and SI costs,Three Chinese for having opium

in possession were remanded to theJ2li.

Meo Hiii and Ah Look werecharged with abs;uit and battery onolllee'rs of Hoard of Health. AhLook was found not guilty and dis-

charged. The other defendant wasremanded to tho UJlh for judgment.


in tUNon r.iifoiin rvt.1. wwtt,

The King vs. Kahele.Opinion of the Court In Jmhl C.J,

The Attorney-Genera- l moves toquash Ihc array or panel of jurornlor the term on the ground that theAct approved on the L'Gth day ofAugust, 188S, devolved the duty ofselecting the list of llfty persons toserve as jurors and from which thepanel is drawn (therefore performedby the governor in concert with ajudge of a coutt of record) upon the"chief clerk of the Supreme Court."The Clerk of the Supreme Court wasabsent from the kingdom on the 8thSeptember last, the date when tholist was by law to be made up, andthis woik was donu by the deputycleik who signed hini'oclf "HenrySmith, deputy clerk, acting chiefclerk in the absence of William Fos-

ter Esq."The Act of 2!)th August, 1881,

(Chapter 12 of the Session Laws ofthat year) en.u-te- that the DeputyClerk ami tho second Deputy Clerkshall have "all other powers andduties pci tinning to the ofllcc of theClerk of the Supreme Court or ne-

cessary for the transaction of thebusiness of said Court, subject tothe direction ot the Cleik of tho Su-

preme Couit and the apptovalofthe Justices thereof." Under thisstatute the two deputy clerks canpertorni any duty which the law im-

poses upon the cl'-rk- , concurrentlywith the cleik. I3ut the Act of 18NSin distinguishing the clerk who is toperlorin the duty of selecting thelist of jurors as the chief clerk indi-

cates that the Legislatuie did notintend that this inaction should heexecuted by the other clerks con-

currently with the Clerk. This be-

ing inconsistent with the Act of18b I is a icpeal of it to this extent.Hut the Civil Code, Section 8G7,prescribes that in case of the ab-

sence or death of tho Clerk his de-

puty shall act as clerk, etc. It wasnot necessary to ct thia pro-vision of law in the Act of 1888, forit was not repealed by the Act of1881, although it was made unne-cessary, for if the deputies can per-form any duty winch devolves uponthe Clerk when he is present, theycan perform" these duties when he isabsent.

But although the use of the title"Chief Clerk" indicates that he andnot his deputies is to perform thispaiticular duty when a clerk is incommission and present for duty, itis too violent an assumption to saythat the Legislature did not have inview the very necessary statute oflong staudinir which contemplatedthe probablo contingencies of deathor ab.-onc-e of this important otllcerand pioudcd for llieiu by designat-ing Hie person by whom these du-

ties could be perlormed if such con-

tingencies should arise.It the Legislature intended that

only the Cleik of the SupremeCourt and not the deputy clerks incase of his death or absence fromwhatever cause could legally dis-

charge the ilitly of preparing thelist of jurors, it could have express-ed this intention in words admittingof no doubt. But it lias not doneso.

Ko statute other than that of1888 names the clerk as the "Chiei"Clerk. This statute however doesand we are bound to give eli'ect tocveiy word of it statute if it is pos-sible so to do. We give foicc andeffect to the word "chief" by theinterpretation thus put upon it.

The list of jurois under consider-ation having beecn ptepaied by theDeputy Lleik in the absence of theCleik, in concert with a Justice of a

Couit of Record, it is according tolaw and the motion is oven tiled.

A. F. JtJiii),R. F. BlCKI'.K'lON,S. B. Doli:.

opinion or Jin. jusTict: m'otjm.y.

t must be considered that thephrase "the Chief Cleik of the Supreme Court" designates the ofllcerwho is elsewheie in tho statutesnamed the Cleik of the SupremeCourt. This ofllcc was establishedand the duties of the olllcer pre-

scribed, by Aiticle xxxiv of theCivil Code "Of the Clerk of theSupreme Couit," including sections8(i0 to SG'J, Compiled Laws, pagetM5. Section 805 pi ovules that "ifnecessary the justices may employa deputy clerk to assist said clerk inkeeping up his iccoids and in thedischaige of his other duties," andsection 8G7 provides that "in caseof the death or absence of the clerkhis deputy shall act as cleik."

In the earlier years of the Couit,the clerk teipiiiing assistance, aperson was employed on the footingabove pt escribed, and business in-

creasing he was retained as a per-manency. His duties weiu confinedto attending judges in piob.tle andkeeping prubate rcionU. lie signedhis inline as "Assistant Clerk." liewas at a later period directedto sign as "Deputy Clerk." liewas appointed by the Justices ofthe Court and not by tho Cleik anddid njil sign the Clerk's mums. Inthe course of time it grew to bo thepractice that ho should administeroaths and perfoim somo other dutiesof the clerk without regard to tho"cuso pf ubienco." A few yearsago a bccoud assistant or deputywas required and nil. appointed andcommissioned a, si.th by tho Jus-

tices, and ho exi idscd tuauy of thefunctions of ,i chirk. Without

to tljiow doubt upon thevalidity ol aiU dope I y these de-

puty cleikh, tt may bo said that jt


rl 4tif.'JS

seemed qllllo desirable Id placetheir appointment and their powersupon explicit statute. Chapter 12

til the Acts of 1881 i "An Act toprovide for the appointment of aDeputy Cleik and Second DeputyClerk of tho Supreme Court and loprescribe the powers and duties ofsaid clerks." By this Act theclerks so appointed arc empoweredlo issue process, administer oaths,take depositions, assess damages ondefaults, etc., and to have all otherpowers and perform the duties per-taining to the olllee of the Clerk ofthe Supreme Court or necessary forthe twuisactiou of the business ofsaid Court. Tho exercise of thesepowers is not made dependent onthe absence of the clerk.

In my view tho statute of 1881supersedes the provisions relatingto a deputy clerk of the Civil Codein the sections cited above. Oneeffect of it is to repeal the provisionrequiring the absence of the Clerkin order to empower the deputy toperform the Clerk's statute duties.The deputy clerks, "subject to thediieclion of the Clerk and the ap-proval of the Justices" as a matterof order and subordination, arelegally competent at all times tooxecuto the duties of the Clerk. Itis an original power not deputed tothem by the Clerk.

The statute under considerationnow imposes a new duty upon theCleik of the Court, styling him theChief Cleik. The contention of thoAttorney-Genera- l is that the use ofthe word chief limits the function tothe olllcer who is designated, in or-

der that the word have some effect.I am of opinion tiiat the Legis-

latuie did intend to vest this powerin the Clerk and not in the deputies,but in my view the intention has notbeen expressed in words which con-trol, and exclude the operation ofthe statute of 1881. There are nowords of limitation to tho Clerk andprohibiting the deputies, for callingthe Clerk the Chief Clerk does notexclude the deputies from anypowers they possessed by a generalstatute, and they are therefore em-powered to perform this duty of theClerk.

Holding with the opinion of theCourt that the list was legally drawnby the first deputy and overrulingthe challenge to the array, I onlydiffer, very respectfully, in the viewthat the legality of the act dependsupon the absence of the Clerk, andthat there is any legal obligationthat he alone must perform thisfunction when he is present.

L. McCui.ly.I concern in the foregoing opinion.

Edwakd Pnr.sTON.Attorney-Gener- al Ashford for the

Crown, A. S. Hartwcll, W. O.Smith and C. Brown, per contra.

Honolulu, Oct. 8, 1888:


tM& . i or 3 Comfortably Fur.jftSjs. (S55 i-- nisliwl Rooms at S'2 per

3aa week. Also, 1 Ele.antly FurnWlieil Itonm suitiihle for two youngmen. Apply No. 8 Union street. 00 lw

TENDEKSIiu received by W. 0 Smith,

Tinslce, up to SATURDAYNEXT, October JStli. at 12 o'clock noon,for the supply of Fresh Meat for thefjiinalilo Hume for 1 venr, from Nov.ember 1. 1S83.

The Trustees do not bind themselvesto accept tho lowest t any tender.

For further particulars imply to W.E. II. Dcvcrell, at Lunalilo H mc.

W. O. SMITH,Trustee.

IIuuolulu, Oct 8, 188a. C(! lw

Whose "ad" is it? Why,IIAItI2."V" !$AYLOR

Who has opentd a

Coffee Saloon, on Hotel Street.tiyCoiueand try his Coffee, etc -- a

CO lw


Hay, Grain, Full & Flonr.-- AI.SO-

Hard Brick & Lime !


J. F. COLBURN & CO.,fiH Queen Street. lw

"Win. O. Atwatcr,Agent to

Grant Marriage Licenses.Ollice, : Honolulu Iron Works Co.

so pt.2'J.ly

GorrapiBu IronBest Crown liratid.

6, 7, 8, and 9 Foot LcngthBJust l.imled E.. Bhip "Cockermouth"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit,

Also, COO Bbls. Whito Bros.'


At the Lowest Market Rates,


2F YOU FIND ANYTHING,X aaverllbu it ia the Daily ItuLLcrtw.


Jtotlcti wilier Ihit head !t chiirgtii 10 ctr.lttitrltnefoi thelrtt inwllen, an) ii ctts jar Unit urn additional insertion.

EYAN'S POAT BUILDINGRear of Lucar' .Mill.

WILLIAM FOSTER, NotaryHonolulu. M.xiiuu and

fire losses adjusted 02 lw


THE regular quarterly ineclluj,' of thoPublithini; i'o. will bo held

SATURDAY, October 'Sib, ut 2 o'elocltv. it, at Us olllee, Friend Llalblinjr,Bethel street. A. L. SMITH.05 7t Secretary.

ANNUAL 3IEETING.annual meeting of the MocU.

holders: of the Waianiie ('ninpiuvwill bo held on TUJJM)AY, Oitoh.'rlfith, at 10 o'clock a m, nt the f like olHon. H. A. Wideiuanti.

C. O. KRHOBK,G5 td Secictiiry.


A SPECIAL mi'ctiim of the I'Ofk.tx. holders of the Mututl 'iflenl oneCompany will be held tor thopinpoeof "Altering the nt tho ( ompany'ii Building, on WEDNESDAY,October 10th, at 10 o'clock a ji

C. O. BEKGEU,51 td Secrrtary.

Absolutely Pure,

HP11U TAHITI AERATED WATERS havoX the greatest possible pi rity in ihu

method of preparing the ejus and thnsuperior tuality of the wntei wed. Iliegns umlci rocs the purifying proic-so- fpassinc through the water of u CO gal.Ion tank, before being admitted lo'tliesilver-linc- d retort in which the liquorsare confined; and the water Is from anartesian well. There in no surface waterused in the manufacture; no vegetabledecay; no animiil matter; no germs ofdisease; nor any impurity whatever.Absolute purity of gas and wnier makethe liquors rest in the weakest ofstomaeha at all times; the machinery ulthe SUNNY SOUTH FACTORY is kopt

clean, and operated bystctmpower; and, the bottles being on thevalve principle requiring no toil.1-- , tin.use ot corkscrews is avoided. An-tlu-

important consideration in the use ofvalvc-bottlc- s is that no metal is usi'd intheir composition.

C3T"l)cpot 28 Merchant Street, IIouo-lul-



-- mm iu:ui:--


The Leading

inery noose-- OF-

CHAS. J. FOSSIL,Will receive a fine line of

Surrali Ssiks,Dress Silks,

Satins, Lawns,



Lace Curtains !

And u general nchortincntot line

Fancy-- AND-


onnniygETC., ETC.

Which wo will filler at verylow pih'-eri- .

The Leading Millinery Home.

Corner of Fort & Hotel streets.July 17-h- S

'PHE DALYBULLi:TrNpriTeJL most populut papur putilnmod

faTV H


S3 ami 65 FORT STREET.

Boys' School Slilrts, Boys' School Hats, Boys' White Shirts,


A lull line of Ginghams !

A mil Vine of Batiste I

A LarB AssortmBnt of Wtete Brass Goofls !

We will eloe out at a


SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! SHOES!?" For jutd, L.td;es, Mitscs & Children. p



n 31


S. EHRLICH,(:) & 05 Fort StroGt.

-- Sr rJ? 1--E




H u iul 5i r rTt vlP(F Kfi cla el MM RJ'i " v"f


s3 n lis!

To ho in ayrfopt-


My "L.i y f.mips .n,"

50 Bbls of Fine Red

&no 2w

Of No. 17 Emma St.

Tho under1 iunt'd 'ess to inforn tliopublic of liii'Mi; Klmi'ly Hint Ins is uiuUin

Iy I

Dii ectionh for w illliu f:ivui on application.

& NIglit Gowns

111 guoiauteu tiy making a fampleSlilri lo every urdu.

Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410

fid 1 in" A. M. .18 6: J. MM.


G& i

Til li- -

k Co.Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.

Having liblahlUheil tin AijBncy In thisOily foi the of their lmuiu.

lucturei, whieh ato

byIn their lino in the woild, un oiporiunlty is ottered in ul' icfirrinix jroico-'iu- u

uf tlieii Vflm-M"- . Ii in KuoftulI'lit ft to uippl tin n Uf. mi ut. i..hh-- itefy ei nil iMticii.

U Tor jiMitionl.ir miiulreai

Ho. I) Alorc. hi -- t , Ui uol'du, U. I.51 U'


!! . f--- " " &. fti t 'H

.in a tt t 5 f. 13 kf



23 51--






SaaolssalM IBOU


Fresh Salmon--eifJUST REtCEiViTO'



ioneer Shin FactoryHonolulu,


VfaltoShlrts, Overshlrts



Surpassed BSone

GuUol's Agemy,


M in 1 Kiiita !



Tho v v lii !nii . Tmo Flour or Poi, In.r uia iro letpiesied to ring up

Mutual 688-- a TTP1.0NES;r-grBc- ll 325

H'lun tUen circles vill he promptlyt:i attended to. lm

J. A. QONSALVES,Photographer.

."! W r-t-- t. above Hotel.Pi.itr-lt- . Cahincl Sle, $0 per dozen.

U ii d S 7.c, $ 1 per dozen.

DsSand & Samoan Views--i per do.en.

jgy !'or purehascrs of more than adozen a reduction of $1 on each

do1 d Ik made. OS lm

niioti SuCrifice i

Mi, A, M, Hewett,


l'urp isc'i leaving fur the Coast InOctober prior to which ho

oileru tlio vvholo of his

HiiiSQi-- AT-


Do i ot lie alarmed Unit you will notlie ulilu to purcliu in Honolulu

A Handsome Christinas Present

At iu Pan FpincWco for Mr. Hewett isI ning tn select Hioh n block as will

a tilt bo moit fubiideous nmlsurpri.e our little city.

15T.V11 'jai'iBtj mo indebted tohlraar i fcpuJlMly ttpusttil to inakuitointjaiAU Bfitkmeui. 4'J lm

Aiqp -- kiifcMSVt3&Z Wa -- JU


!-- 'iy--jk

Page 4: Hiilld - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · &&3&5B&&&&&Si&ER5ettiRE2 i."5-'.-" IM TTMMKlMVJWktfl'JLlfcXi5i 'Wiwffiivl-VA'.fi5;T;-y a. ""Cv M--A-? as mag?O MUijiuwiiLU'errwiiw


I it

K-MM'- '

HK ','



& -; bJtSfoJea A!Mtiri.i!?Mi5gt Sist'S255 .... ,.,..,....' - - -- . j,-- . ..- - - - 5siiKaS5towi5sA:y

THE DAILY BULLETIN Richard Cayford,"Weekly Summary,"

X n I " ' VETISRIXAJtYI GEsaaSBJIj Tlavp ,h( 28 Columns of Original Matter.LnrRMl Vftiwiy and Best Stock of

Is now issued and will be found tox r 70 & 81 Kins Ntrccl.3 bo an interesting and compiehensivot FE D CO., number, containing 28 columns of Shoeing, from S1.50.- reading matter on local topics, andTelephones, No. 175. Cor. Edinburgh, & ifcuoeu Sta a complete lcsume of Honolulu nnd Horses aud Cnttlo Treated foi

t JOHN ITT, i. 8 Kaalmmaiiu

aSv ,w, '8vIp6" 18JWKS --wi


Granite, iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


Mel g'eJ7a


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuroptFresli California Produce by every Steamer. All ordure faithfully .ittcudcdtcand Goods delivered to any part ol the city free of charge. Island outers

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 110. TcIodTwgc No. !I2 nov 18"


HAS JUSTDupec Hams it Bacon, Kits Salmon 1'cllics, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Poik, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Osteit,, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, lloston Bioun Uiead, Table Fi nits, Germea,

Huckins &. Franco American Feed o.' AskomM Hmp,Ridges Food, Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham AVafeis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake &. CieamCrackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate AVafcrs, Freizcls, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, Fiench Peas. Pop Coin, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

inh-9- J flay Leave your oulers, or ring up 119. ""a 8G

Telephone iMO.













Frozen Oysters California slcamorcomplete Elackwcll's Morton's EnglU'i

Canned alwavs

KS ES W o o saSmoked Salmon, Edam Pineapple Cheese, Cheese, Oregon CreamCheese, Cheese, Ohechu, Zealand Ohuoc, Wlntakci

Bacon, Cicily Lemons, bnioked Smoked Toiled Suiibifje,Celebrated Cabsaid IJoeon, Butter, Surdiiwi

Olives kegs, Jlixed keg-.- ,Slaplo gallnu Iluokins Turtle Nitip, IIulMiisSoup, Butter, Zealand Butter

Ameiiean Canned Goods always hand; Zfulimd Onion Potatoesarrival Zealand FINE.

ap-1- 6


King Street, opposite tho Old StationUouse.

Mutual 2Vo.

G. FAGERROOS,I'rnctlcnl "Wnlcluuutier JcwehT,

Has removed

Late Turner's Shop, 80 King St.

J563SatiBfaction guaranteed moneyrcluuilcd.


, Practical Repairer

Good At presentlocated S. Koih's tailor shoj).

Aiif.l Dm

Tho SteamCo.,

Keep conbtautly

Steam Family and Coaland a gcneial assortment

415. Bar Iron.IF YOU WANTASITUATIONX adyertUo Hou.i.xin.

H" e01 ss $

"SE $$& &



--p. o. Jiox am.


FOR effigiTheEntiio Plant the

) UUUUlUlolluicd J"or Tho iMachineiy

is in pet feet worKlng olderand roubibi or

One 26x48 Mill Engine,Trash Etc.. complete,1 Pair of Gx20.1 Effect G and 7 feet Pans.1 Vacuum Pan G fcot with Qlnho Pump,3 Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with tho usual of

Clariliers, Pans,

And other Mjrhinory usually foundin a uWl appointed mill

Al u, i; nunihci of

California &

Cane C ns tv Gun'l Plantationimpiuneitu.

Delivery will be given after next crophits been haiveau', any about 1,loo lit

EgTor further puiticulurs apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Stai lli'l, Hawaii.

"f FYOU "LOSE"X. udvcrtiBfl in the ty4.11y Btrr.LETjH


& Fresh Goods from on ICE by each of the 0. S. S. Co.A lino of Crosse & and J. T.

Goods on hand.

N & xCheese, Swiss

Now York Cain. Mild NewStar Ham it Beef, a fewof the Ilnmb & Cain. Roll I'ard Uuwh,in Tomatoes, Queen in Uah. Pickles Wdlington Epj,'Food, Syrup in J tinri, Oreeu Tti-rapi- n

Cala. Keg" New Keg and a complete line ofon lino Wow ami

now on hand, by each Jrom Now SOMETHING

Islands Orders JSolicifcec!. 87




Tclepliouo87 tf






WatchmaLer &

work guaranteed.at

Inter-Islan- d

Navigation Limited,on liund for bnlo


in tho Dajlv



Is Siil.

Clean'g Coolers

Island Mules

48 tf



I g2ZSBBB& I J!" Ever chibitod in thia comiliy.

144 VWH4tp4 i(HCTEE5SEJ


Swfrx 5

5 i 5

&';? oj




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Furniture of every description for Parlor, BedroomDiniiig-ron- i, Library & Veranda.


They liao tho Bust


Ct5 Chairs fiom 7.1 cents to $G0

tfST Toys

M 2.00HiR to

Furniture Seupholstered 1

Mattrasses made to order !

CORNICE POLES & PICTURE FRAMESMade in all Styles and Tricea to suit everybody.

Pianos, Organsmil Sold on the


i n (2r'sigk


ffljwsiSF M(tfsynpDR. PARIS EE'Q

REMEBY,(inn oLY ki;liai)lk iii.ood rtiiiprmi)

A Specific for

RHEUMATISM,Mcrofiila, Suit KliiMim,

JicnralKiii. Itinu M'orm,And all other Skin & Blood Diseases.

It Herniates thoX-jive-

i- &c DEOcLueysCures Imllccfiticui, and nil Diseases

111 ising from an enfeebled ton.dition of the system.

Dr. Mai tine, of London, the celebratedspecialist, sajs of PARDEE'S REMEDY:"I litivo use l it for fwenty yearb foiItlood DIscupcs, Biith as Scrofular, Saltltheuui, Tetter and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend it too highly."

Tho Kev. Dr. Thomas, of Ilont; Kong,China, says: ''PARDEE'S REMEDY Is awonderful medicine for tho blood. Ihave pieseribed it hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in time italways cured the patient. I can bafelysay that leprosy will never break out onpersons who take PARDEE'S REMEDYrogularly, and I advise all persons liv.lilL' in LOUIltrii'H lurn lonm.ulunmvalcnt to take PARDEE'S REMEDY as apreventive."

CSTFor Sale by all Druggists In Honolulu.Aug.2J 88.'Jm

Corniptefl IiiBest CroiMi Brand,

0, 7, 8, and 9 Feot LengthsJust landed Ex. Ship "Cockcrmoutli"

For Sale in Quantities to Suit,

Also, 600 Bills. White Bros.'


At the Lowest Market Rates,

WILDER & GO.03 tf

'THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERJL "The Dully Bulletlu." SO centsper month.

Assortment of

each.of every description nntl price.

Accordeons I

Accordeons !

k Furniture !

Instalment l'lan. iy

Uell Tel. 172 .Mutual Tel. 3G0I O. Box 4(19.

I Sal ESU BU Dtl Wit WlFiie Pi oof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.


General Commission MerchantsGeneral Agency foi Haw'n Mauds

o the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

AcrowH America,Conneeting at Boston with the Azores

and Madeira.Through tickets gi anted from Honolulu

to all points East.

Merchandise stored and sold on commission. Consignments solicited.

Shipping and Custom House Businessattended to.

Books and Accounts kept and audited.Averages adjusted.Properties leased, rented and Bold.Legal documents drawn,

HeltTcI.UJH. aintunl Tel. iaoI.C Ilox 115.

Offlco . . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu

GULICK'SGeneral Business Agency.


Conveyancing a Specialty Records search-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in alllnnguagcs in general use in the King,doni.

Custom llouso brokerage Fire and LifeInsurance receive piompt attention.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

bought, sold and rented.Several valuable properties In and

around the city'now for sale on cesytenon.

Convenient Cottages in desiiable healthylocations in and near tho city to let orJcuso at reasonable rates.

Employmcnl Wanted by several men andIjojs, who will make themselves use-ful iu perfoiming tho various olllcesand ohores required by private fami.lies.

Full particulars given on applicationat theagenoy.

Orders fiom tho other Islands prompt-ly attended, to,

ifeiujily; ,N 1-- &', , u-..- w u 'mmmmm fe4gl As '.Art:

island neus. Thci c is no better paperpublished in the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad.


Island $ 1 00 j earForeign (mailed) fi00ye.tr

To be hod from

Hawaiian Now3 Co, Merchantstreet ;

A. M. Ilowctt, Mcrchantstieet;"W. II. Gracnhalgu, Fort street;Uulletik Ofllue, Qonen street.


Arrivo at Honolulu from San Francisco.Australia Octoboi 10Zealandia October 25Australia Novcmbor 13Alamoda November 22Australia Deaombor 11

Loavo Honolulu for San Francisco.Alameda October 21Austialia October 23Mariposa Novembor 18Australia November 20Zealandia December 10Australia December 18Alameda. . . .(18891 Januaiy 13

Australian Mail Service.

FOlt (SAN FKAXCIKCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Stean ship C onipan, wil

be due at Honolulu lioin tijdneyanil Auckland on r about

October 21, (888.And will leave for the above port ithmalls and passengers on or about thatditu.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, applj

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and fine Al steel steamshipkk Zealandia,"

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, willbo due al Honolulu fiom San

Francisco on or about

October 25, 1888,And will have prompt di patch withmnils and passengers lor thenbove ports.

For freight or passage, having SU.PERIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Afjents

Park Beach HoleOpposite Kapiolani Park, Walkiki.

The Finest,

Bathing Place on the Island !

Elegant Rooms, Gas & Water in each.Extensive Grounds, Well Shaded !

The Table is supplied with thebest tho maiket niToni-'- .


BowHi Alley ittuM !

Full information given to tourists asto the best routes of travel, for sceneryand curiosities; aho current rates forhorse hire and guides on the otherIslands. Busses and Carriages will bofurnished at special rates for excursions.Busses and Baggngo Wagons will meetevery steamer. Special rates for perma.ment boarders. A Wagonette willbeprovided for the me of guests at specialratei.

O. IV. ARNOLD,79 Proprietor, 8m

Honolulu LibraryANU

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & AlnUca .Street.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the presenttime of oer Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Rcadiur Room is (supplied tilthabout Jlfty of the leading newspapersand peilodlculs.

A I'ailor Is provided for comeisatiound games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

month, payable qtmrteily in advance.No formality requiied In joining exceptsigning tho roll.

Stiangers fiom foreign countiies andvibltois fiom tho other Islands aio wel-('om- o

to the i ooms at all times as guests.This Asboclatiou having no legular

means of sunpeit except tho dues ofmembeis, it Is expected that lesldentsof Honolulu ho deiiie to avail them-selves of its pilvllcges, and all who feelan Interest In maintaining nu Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular coutilbutois.

A. J. OARTWRIGHT, Pies.,M. M. SCO'lT, Vicu-1'ieslde-

H. A. PAKMEIKK, Sccretaiy,A. L.SMITH, Treasurer,0. T. RODGKRS, M.D.,

Olmirman Hall and Library Committee,

all Diseases.

Residence Chamberlain House, nextKnwniahno Church.

r. o. xtox ttH.Boll Telephone J''"M81.

J Residence, 358.

Yosemite Skating

BsS- - RlNKiSkuling! Skating! Skating!

Corner Queon & Richard Streets.

W ill be open eerv e enlng from 7 to9:80 r. m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturdaysvening for the Public in Gmeral.

lfiOl Proprietor. lyr

BiGiinfljur "Aoslralla,"Two Large Refrigerators, eon.


Grapes, Pears,Plums, Apples,

Peaches, Cabbage,

li II Ul


o EC sua: Nti-cvt- , Uonoluln. tf



Eu'ry description of




SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.68 Gm


Iliile Bros: Port Gement,

Blacksmith Coal,Fiie Bricks,Firo Clay,

Coal Tar, Stociolm TarSteel Eails,Wire Nails,F. AV. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,Hubbuck's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.XTOIt HAI.K BY

H. Hackfeld & Co.09 tf

J.Hopp&Go.,74 KlDg st. JU U King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

CORNICEPOLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality,

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10.88





ym v