HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC ·...

September 2017 Vol. 17 二零一七年九月 第十七期 HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 4 5 HKCC International Business Case Awards (IBCA) HKCC 國際商業個案大獎 6 Comic Teacher 漫畫小老師 8 Business Dim Sum 商管點心 3 Challenge Yourself 自我挑戰 7 Guessing Game 有獎競猜遊戲 2 Celebrity Talks 名人講座 Associate in Business (International Business) 8C108-IB Programme Leader: Dr Theresa Choi ([email protected]) Why should students choose Associate in Business (International Business)? Hong Kong is the most popular city for international business in Asia. In 2016, the number of business operations in Hong Kong with parent companies in overseas countries or the Chinese mainland climbed to 7,986. This reaffirms Hong Kong’s unique role as the major springboard for mainland companies to go global, and the gateway for foreign investors to tap the massive China market. With China’s opening up of its economy and financial markets and the Belt and Road initiative, Hong Kong will continue to be the “super-connector” helping the nation’s economic reform, which in turn generates a lot of new business opportunities in different segments for foreign investors in Hong Kong. Studying International Business will translate into a bright career prospect as both mainland and foreign investors have a great demand for Hong Kong talents with a winning combination of language proficiency and knowledge of Western and Chinese business cultures. What are the special features of this programme? • The broad coverage of the programme provides graduates with flexible articulation pathways to degree programmes in different disciplines. In 2016, the articulation rate of the programme was over 90%, with 60% for UGC-funded degree programmes offered by PolyU, CityU, HKBU, HKU, and HKUST. With a global mindset, international business skills and knowledge about different cultures, graduates have a competitive advantage in further study and career development. • Graduates can apply for the position of Cultural Representatives with Disney Florida US for a 12-month employment contract to gain international work experience. • Students can gain international exposure through various overseas study tours, internships, company visits and guest talks from business leaders of multinational enterprises. Programme website: www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/prog/ad_ib Associate in Business (Marketing) 8C108-MK Programme Leader: Dr Carmen Sum ([email protected]) Why should students choose Associate in Business (Marketing)? Marketing is an essential function in all businesses and organisations. It helps organisations generate sales, build customer loyalty and sustain long-term profitability in order to outperform others in an increasingly competitive market. The art and science of marketing has now evolved into relationship marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing, data- driven marketing, content marketing, and influencer marketing. Students can arm themselves with the principles and practices of marketing in the business world through studying the 8C108-MK programme. This programme will introduce to students basic marketing concepts and applications for organisations. They can learn how marketers use segmentation, targeting, positioning, product design, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and integrated marketing communications to win customers from competitors. Students will be trained to keep their mind open and think creatively. What are the special features of this programme? • Under the Marketing Professional Series, a host of activities such as seminars, workshops, guest talks by experienced marketers, and service learning are offered to strengthen students’ practical knowledge. • Industry-sponsored competitions, mentorship programme, internship opportunities and other student activities are arranged to enhance students’ competitiveness for further studies and employment. Programme website: www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/prog/ad_mk 工商業副學士(國際商業) 8C108-IB 課程統籌: 蔡嘉敏博士 ([email protected]) 為甚麼要選讀工商業副學士(國際商業)課程? 香港是亞洲最受歡迎的國際商業城市。2016年, 母公司在海外或中國內地的駐港公司數目增至7,986 間 ,再次證明香港發揮了獨一無二的作用,是內地 公司邁向國際的重要途徑,也是外國投資者開發內地 龐大市場的必經門戶。隨著中國開放經濟及金融市 場,以及推動「一帶一路」的計劃,香港將繼續擔當 「超級聯繫人」的角色,協助中國改革經濟之餘,亦 為香港的外國投資者提供很多不同行業的營商機會。 修讀國際商業的學生,就業前景良好,因為國內及外 國投資者對於具備良好語文水平、又熟悉中國及西方 營商文化的香港專才,需求甚殷。 這個課程有甚麼特點? • 課程內容廣博,畢業生可以升讀不同學科的學士 學位課程。2016年,本課程的升學率超過90%, 其中理大、城大、浸大、港大及科大提供的教資會 資助課程佔60%。 • 畢業生將具備全球化思維及國際商業技能,認識 不同文化,無論升學及就業均具優勢。 • 畢業生可申請擔任美國佛羅里達州迪士尼樂園的 文化大使,為期12個月,汲取國際工作經驗。 • 同學可參加海外遊學團、實習、公司探訪,以及 跨國企業領袖的嘉賓講座,拓寬國際視野。 課程網址:www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/prog/ad_ib 工商業副學士(市場學) 8C108-MK 課程統籌:沈嘉敏博士 ([email protected]) 為甚麼要選讀工商業副學士(市場學)課程? 對所有公司及機構來說,市場營銷都是重要功能,可 促進機構的銷售額,維繫顧客的忠誠度,以及保持 長期盈利能力,從而在競爭日益激烈的市場中壓倒對 手。市場營銷的學問與技巧已演變為關係營銷、數碼 營銷、社交媒體營銷、數據驅動營銷、內容營銷及影 響者營銷。 修讀8C108-MK課程,同學可學習到商業世界的市場 營銷理論及實務。本課程為同學介紹市場學的基本概念 及在機構中的應用方式。同學亦可了解營銷人員如何 利用市場劃分、目標、定位、產品設計、定價策略、 分銷渠道及整合營銷傳播,贏取對手的顧客。本課程亦 會為同學提供訓練,學習保持開放態度及創意思考。 這個課程有甚麼特點? • 藉著「市場營銷專業系列」的各項活動,包括研 討會、工作坊、資深市場營銷人士講座及服務學 習等,加強學生的實用知識。 • 同學有機會參加企業贊助的比賽、師友計劃、企業 實習及其他學生活動,加強升學和就業的競爭力。 課程網址:www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/prog/ad_mk -

Transcript of HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC ·...

Page 1: HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC · 如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。

September 2017 Vol. 17 二零一七年九月 第十七期





目4 5

HKCC International Business Case Awards (IBCA) HKCC 國際商業個案大獎

6 Comic Teacher漫畫小老師

8 Business Dim Sum商管點心

3 Challenge Yourself自我挑戰

7Guessing Game有獎競猜遊戲

2 Celebrity Talks名人講座

Associate in Business (International Business) 8C108-IBProgramme Leader: Dr Theresa Choi ([email protected])

Why should students choose Associate in Business (International Business)?Hong Kong is the most popular city for international business in Asia. In 2016, the number of business operations in Hong Kong with parent companies in overseas countries or the Chinese mainland climbed to 7,986. This reaffirms Hong Kong’s unique role as the major springboard for mainland companies to go global, and the gateway for foreign investors to tap the massive China market. With China’s opening up of its economy and financial markets and the Belt and Road initiative, Hong Kong will continue to be the “super-connector” helping the nation’s economic reform, which in turn generates a lot of new business opportunities in different segments for foreign investors in Hong Kong. Studying International Business will translate into a bright career prospect as both mainland and foreign investors have a great demand for Hong Kong talents with a winning combination of language proficiency and knowledge of Western and Chinese business cultures.

What are the special features of this programme? • The broad coverage of the programme provides graduates with flexible

articulation pathways to degree programmes in different disciplines. In 2016, the articulation rate of the programme was over 90%, with 60% for UGC-funded degree programmes offered by PolyU, CityU, HKBU, HKU, and HKUST.

• With a global mindset, international business skills and knowledge about different cultures, graduates have a competitive advantage in further study and career development.

• Graduates can apply for the position of Cultural Representatives with Disney Florida US for a 12-month employment contract to gain international work experience.

• Students can gain international exposure through various overseas study tours, internships, company visits and guest talks from business leaders of multinational enterprises.

Programme website: www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/prog/ad_ib

Associate in Business (Marketing) 8C108-MKProgramme Leader: Dr Carmen Sum ([email protected])

Why should students choose Associate in Business (Marketing)?Marketing is an essential function in all businesses and organisations. It helps organisations generate sales, build customer loyalty and sustain long-term profitability in order to outperform others in an increasingly competitive market. The art and science of marketing has now evolved into relationship marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing, data-driven marketing, content marketing, and influencer marketing. Students can arm themselves with the principles and practices of marketing in the business world through studying the 8C108-MK programme. This programme will introduce to students basic marketing concepts and applications for organisations. They can learn how marketers use segmentation, targeting, positioning, product design, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and integrated marketing communications to win customers from competitors. Students will be trained to keep their mind open and think creatively.

What are the special features of this programme?• Under the Marketing Professional Series, a host of activities such as

seminars, workshops, guest talks by experienced marketers, and service learning are offered to strengthen students’ practical knowledge.

• Industry-sponsored competitions, mentorship programme, internship opportunities and other student activities are arranged to enhance students’ competitiveness for further studies and employment.

Programme website: www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/prog/ad_mk

工商業副學士(國際商業)8C108-IB課程統籌: 蔡嘉敏博士 ([email protected])

為甚麼要選讀工商業副學士(國際商業)課程?香港是亞洲最受歡迎的國際商業城市。2016年, 母公司在海外或中國內地的駐港公司數目增至7,986間 ,再次證明香港發揮了獨一無二的作用,是內地公司邁向國際的重要途徑,也是外國投資者開發內地龐大市場的必經門戶。隨著中國開放經濟及金融市場,以及推動「一帶一路」的計劃,香港將繼續擔當「超級聯繫人」的角色,協助中國改革經濟之餘,亦為香港的外國投資者提供很多不同行業的營商機會。修讀國際商業的學生,就業前景良好,因為國內及外國投資者對於具備良好語文水平、又熟悉中國及西方營商文化的香港專才,需求甚殷。

這個課程有甚麼特點?• 課程內容廣博,畢業生可以升讀不同學科的學士

學位課程。2016年,本課程的升學率超過90%, 其中理大、城大、浸大、港大及科大提供的教資會 資助課程佔60%。

• 畢業生將具備全球化思維及國際商業技能,認識 不同文化,無論升學及就業均具優勢。

• 畢業生可申請擔任美國佛羅里達州迪士尼樂園的 文化大使,為期12個月,汲取國際工作經驗。

• 同學可參加海外遊學團、實習、公司探訪,以及 跨國企業領袖的嘉賓講座,拓寬國際視野。


工商業副學士(市場學) 8C108-MK課程統籌:沈嘉敏博士 ([email protected])

為甚麼要選讀工商業副學士(市場學)課程?對所有公司及機構來說,市場營銷都是重要功能,可促進機構的銷售額,維繫顧客的忠誠度,以及保持 長期盈利能力,從而在競爭日益激烈的市場中壓倒對手。市場營銷的學問與技巧已演變為關係營銷、數碼營銷、社交媒體營銷、數據驅動營銷、內容營銷及影響者營銷。修讀8C108-MK課程,同學可學習到商業世界的市場 營銷理論及實務。本課程為同學介紹市場學的基本概念及在機構中的應用方式。同學亦可了解營銷人員如何 利用市場劃分、目標、定位、產品設計、定價策略、 分銷渠道及整合營銷傳播,贏取對手的顧客。本課程亦會為同學提供訓練,學習保持開放態度及創意思考。

這個課程有甚麼特點?• 藉著「市場營銷專業系列」的各項活動,包括研


• 同學有機會參加企業贊助的比賽、師友計劃、企業實習及其他學生活動,加強升學和就業的競爭力。



Page 2: HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC · 如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。

Theresa ChoiHKCC regularly organises Celebrity Talks for students, aiming to enrich their insights, provide them with more learning experiences, update their knowledge, let them learn more about real-life cases, and help them establish networks with the community through getting in touch with industry practitioners and public sector professionals.

Dr Angela Lau, Regional Vice President of NU SKIN Greater China, was invited to deliver a talk to our students on “How to develop effective international business strategies?” on 11 April 2017. Dr Lau not only shared some interesting stories in the business world but also critical factors of success and essential strategies for excelling in international business.

Many students participated in the Student Reflection Competition after attending the inspiring talk. The following is the reflection of the champion in the competition:


香港專上學院定期舉辦名人講座,藉此豐富同學的識見及學習經歷,讓他們汲取最新的知識及了解真實個案,並給予他們更多機會接觸 業界專才及公營部門的專業人士,拓寬人際網絡。

如新大中華區域副總裁劉明欣博士於2017年4月11日應邀到HKCC,發表題為「如何制定有效的國際商業策略?」的演講。劉博士不但 分享了商界的趣事軼聞,亦講述成功的要素及在國際商業環境中 突圍而出的重要策略。

講座結束後,多位學生踴躍參加聽後感想寫作比賽。以下為冠軍 文章:

Champion: Jian Jing-hong Year 2 student of Associate in Business (International Business)What are the important criteria for making an international business successful? The talk presented by Dr Lau from NU SKIN can definitely answer the question. Being a business student, I surely know effective marketing strategies, including pricing, products, distribution and promotion, are crucial for business operations. From the case of NU SKIN, I now understand that outstanding products, a positive social image and high employee loyalty are also essential factors of a company’s success.

NU SKIN, a multinational personal care company, emphasises advanced scientific research on anti-aging products. Undoubtedly, providing high-quality and differentiated products for customers is the foundation of its success. Moreover, the company has actively contributed to the community through various ways, for example, raising funds for children. All these endeavours live up to Nu Skin’s mission – being a “Force for Good”. Most surprisingly, the company considers employees its greatest asset. Truly, employees are the backbone of the company, but I was amazed by the unbelievably pleasant working environment and comprehensive facilities of the company. Apart from motivating employees, the company strives to build up a family-like atmosphere with trust and care to retain talents.

It is always worth looking into different businesses and learning from their strengths. It is not just about revenue and profit, but also how companies can satisfy their staff and customers. The case of NU SKIN allowed me to think about the issue practically and to apply knowledge in a real business world. This inspiring talk also facilitated my study by enhancing my critical thinking skills and business concepts, which will be very useful for my future study and career pursuit.


國際企業需要具備甚麼重要條件才會成功?如新企業劉博士的 演講充分解答了這個問題。我是商科的學生,當然明白有效的 市場策略,包括價格、產品、分銷及宣傳均對企業運作非常 重要。如新的例子更讓我認識到成功企業應具備的要素:出色的產品、良好的社會形象,以及忠誠的員工。

如新是國際個人護理公司,著重以先進的科學方法研究抗衰老 產品。提供高質素及與眾不同的產品絕對是它成功的關鍵。 此外,如新亦積極以不同方法回饋社會,例如為兒童籌款。這些行動都貫徹了如新的使命:凝聚「善的力量」。不過,最令人 意想不到的是,如新視僱員為企業的最大資產。僱員當然是企業的重要支柱,但我想不到該公司會為員工提供如此愉快的工作 環境和完善的設施。如新這樣做,除了推動員工努力工作,亦 致力營造大家庭的信任和關愛氣氛,以留住人才。

我們值得花時間了解不同企業的運作,學習各家企業的長處。衡量企業是否成功的準則不單限於收入及利潤,還應包括企業如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。這場演講啟發了我,令我加強思考分析問題的能力,並加深對 商業概念的認識,有助日後在學業及事業上的發展。


Celebrity Talks 名人講座

Page 3: HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC · 如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。

* These are suggestions only. There could be several approaches to the same case.

* 以上分析僅供參考。同一個案可以從多個不同的角度分析。

1. What is a “blue-chip stock”?

2. What are “emerging markets”?

3. What advice would you give Sandy on how to achieve her goal?

1. A blue-chip stock is a stock of a large, well-established and financially sound company that has operated for many years. It is also known as a cornerstone stock with a very good financial background and active trading in the market. A blue-chip stock typically has a market capitalisation in the billions, and is generally a market leader or among the top three companies in its sector.

2. Emerging markets are broadly defined as nations in the process of rapid growth and industrialisation. These nations are transitioning to an open market economy with a growing working age population. Examples of these countries are Brazil, Chile, and Mexico.

3. Sandy can invest in a monthly contribution plan of a blue-chip stock through a bank. Besides, she can consider living with her mother to save the rental. As her income is still within the limit for a single individual under the current Home Ownership Scheme (HK$26,000), Sandy can apply for a flat under the scheme.

1. 甚麼是藍籌股?

2. 甚麼是新興市場?

3. 為了讓珊迪達成目標,你會給予她甚麼建議?

1. 藍籌股指信譽卓著、財政穩健及經營多年的大公司 股票,不但有非常好的財務背景,而且在股票市場交易活躍,所以亦稱為股票中的基石。藍籌股一般市值達 數十億元,通常是該行業的市場領袖或首三位的公司。

2. 概括來說,新興市場指正在快速發展和步向工業化的 國家。這些國家正逐漸轉型為自由市場經濟,而適齡 工作的人口亦不斷增長。新興市場的例子有巴西、智利和墨西哥。

3. 珊迪可以在銀行以月供形式投資藍籌股。此外,她可 考慮與母親同住,以節省租金。由於珊迪的收入仍低於居者有其屋計劃的個人入息限額(港幣26,000元), 因此亦可申請認購這個計劃提供的單位。






Challenge Yourself 自我挑戰

Case study can help you develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and train you to apply knowledge practically in different real-life business situations. They are commonly used by business schools around the world.


Sandy works as an officer in a bank with a monthly salary of HK$25,800. Her mother lives in Kowloon, but Sandy rents a studio apartment at HK$11,000 a month in Tai Po. She wants to save money to buy a flat soon for self-occupation. However, as a new beginner in investment without much prior knowledge, she is afraid of taking risks. Most of her friends have encouraged her to invest in a blue-chip stock though few have recommended her to invest stocks in emerging markets. Feeling frustrated, Sandy does not know what to do.

珊迪是銀行主任,月薪港幣25,800元。珊迪的母親住在 九龍,而她租住的開放式單位卻在大埔,月租港幣11,000元。珊迪想儲錢購買單位自住,但她是投資新手,對投資沒有甚麼認識,害怕承受風險。大部分朋友都鼓勵珊迪 投資藍籌股,但也有幾位朋友建議她投資新興市場的 股票,這令珊迪感到苦惱,不知如何抉擇。

Case AnalysisBenjamin Wong


Page 4: HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC · 如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。

Kiki Chan

HKCC International Business Case Awards provides a platform for business students to excel in their analytical, problem solving, critical thinking, and presentation skills as well as exposing them to a wide spectrum of international business issues. Through this activity, students not only can apply business and marketing theories to a real case, but also understand business environments in overseas markets.

This year, Pousada de Mong-Há in Macau was selected for studies with the research topic “The Impact of Hotel Website on Travellers’ Purchase Intention.” To enhance students’ understanding of the real business environment and let them practise research techniques and skills, students visited Pousada for three days. Prior to the trip, they had conducted secondary research and a survey in Hong Kong to gather the background information of Pousada and understand the relationship between a hotel’s website and customer purchase intention. During their stay in Macau, students visited organisations, attended guest talks and conducted on-site research. On the last day of the trip, the finalist teams presented their findings and recommendations to Pousada’s Director and guest judges.

The winning team found several existing features of Pousada’s website leading to customer purchase intention. One of the features is that the hotel’s website provides a clear price list of different rooms for potential customers to compare. Also, a simple and tidy website layout gives a clear pathway to relevant information in different languages. The provision of “Guest Column” allows users to get more information about the hotel from the feedback of other hotel guests.

The winning team also proposed suggestions on Pousada’s website in a bid to create a positive image so as to persuade customers to place the hotel in their evoked sets and subsequently increase their purchase intention. First, Pousada should create a more colourful, informative and interactive website by adding appealing photos and videos about the hotel such as its restaurants and room facilities, and adding an online reservation platform for users to make reservations at their convenience. Second, Pousada should foster its image as a green hotel. The Gold Award of the Macao Green Hotel Award received by the hotel indicates that it has adopted a series of measures to save energy and enhance its guests’ environmental protection awareness. Third, Pousada may consider providing more comprehensive contents on its website, for example, information about nearby tourist attractions, the opening hours of the hotel’s facilities, and its restaurant’s special menu. Fourth, the hotel may strengthen the credibility of the “Guest Column” through the following ways:

(i) To provide alternative ways of communication, the hotel may put the phone number and email address in a more prominent place on the website

(ii) To establish social media channels for customers to express their opinions on the hotel

(iii) To set up a Loyalty Club Scheme to retain loyal customers. The website can also include features such as “Sign-up”, “Log-in” and “Subscription for Updates” for members to download the latest information of promotions.


HKCC International Business Case Awards HKCC 國際商業個案大獎

Page 5: HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC · 如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。

































Members of the Gold Award Team (Winner of the Best Presentation Award): Au Suet-yi, Fong Yun-shing, Tse Ki-ki and Wong Wai-yan獲得金獎(最佳匯報獎得主)的隊伍成員:區雪怡、方潤誠、謝琦琪、黃慧欣

Page 6: HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC · 如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。

Comic Teacher漫畫小老師Kate Law 羅佩欣、Jamie Lo 盧小琴


Through the Comic Drawing Competition, not only can the participants elaborate business theories or concepts by drawing comics, other students can also learn more through the drawings. The following is the champion’s entry: 在漫畫小老師比賽中,學生藉手繪漫畫, 深入淺出解說商業概念,也讓其他同學 透過漫畫一同學習。以下是今期的冠軍 作品。

瀏覽英文版本,請掃瞄二維碼。 For English version, please scan the QR code.

The following are the three winners: 三位得獎者如下:

Champion 冠軍: Kwok Yan-tung 郭恩桐

First runner-up 亞軍: Chan Lok-man 陳樂汶

Second runner-up 季軍: Cheung Wing-kei 張詠淇

Page 7: HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC · 如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。


Janet Ho、鄭少斌

The Young Executive (Volume 16) 年青行政人(第十六期)Guessing Game: Which of the following countries are NOT members of the Group of Seven (G7)?(Answer)

a) Thailand and e) Korea

The following are the 5 winners: 五名得獎者如下:1. Ko Ling-cheung (Hong Kong Community College) 高嶺翔 (香港專上學院)2. Li Chun-yeung (Hong Kong Community College) 李鎮揚(香港專上學院)3. Li Wing-shuen (Hong Kong Community College) 李穎璿(香港專上學院)4. Ng Sum-yi (Hong Kong Community College) 吳心怡(香港專上學院)5. Woo Tsz-ki (Hong Kong Community College) 胡梓琦 (香港專上學院)

An email notification will be sent to the above winners in October 2017 for collection of the $100 book coupon. 得獎者將於2017年10月獲電郵通知,領取100元書券。

Please e-mail the answers with your particulars to [email protected]. A total of 5 winners will each be awarded a $100 book coupon*. 請將答案及個人資料,電郵至[email protected]。 五名勝出者將各獲100元書券*1) Full name in English and Chinese 中英文姓名2) ID card number (the first 4 digits) 身份證號碼(首四個數字)3) School and class attending 學校名稱及就讀年級4) Email address 電郵地址5) Contact number 聯絡電話

Deadline for entry: 31 December 2017 截止日期:2017年12月31日

* Lucky draw will be held if more than 5 participants get all answers correct. * 若有超過五名參加者答對全部問題,將抽籤決定得獎者。

Guessing Game 有獎競猜遊戲 :

Which of the following countries are APEC members?以下哪些國家是亞太經合組織成員?


e) f)

b) c)




Page 8: HIGHLIGHTS 本期要目 - PolyU HKCC · 如何滿足員工及顧客的需要。如新的例子令我從實際的層面 考慮這方面的問題,並將書本知識與實際的商業情況結合起來。

The Young Executive 年青行政人

PolyU West Kowloon Campus: 9 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon 香港理工大學西九龍校園: 九龍油麻地海庭道9號Hotline 熱線 : (852) 3746 0123 Fax 傳真 : (852) 2994 8721 / 2625 4159 Email 電郵 : [email protected]

Hong Kong Community College, an affiliate of PolyU, is a non-profit-making company limited by guarantee. 香港專上學院為香港理工大學附屬機構,是一間非牟利擔保有限公司。

甚麼是變革管理?葉媛媛我們生活在一個千變萬化的環境。變化多端的勞動力、日新月異的科技發展,以及不斷變化和競爭激烈的全球市場,都驅使機構回應市場的 各樣轉變。為了生存,機構都需要一套成功的變革管理系統來回應或 適應變化。盧因的三階段變革過程模式是一個普遍用作管理改變的 方法,它包括三個步驟:


在實施變革時,經理要面對變革過程中的障礙。機構的成員可能造成 變革的各種阻力,例如他們可能會表達不滿、消極怠工、增加出錯或 失去工作動力。這些行為或會對機構造成不良影響,故此經理需要謹慎計劃,並採取合宜的策略去應付變革的障礙。

參考資料: Robbins, S., & Judge, Tim. (2015). Organizational behavior (16th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

為何公司有盈利仍會倒閉?謝穎儀要找出答案,就要先了解顯性成本和隱性成本的分別。顯性成本是指 可見的實際支出,例如生產成本及薪金開支。銷售收入減去顯性成本後的餘額稱為會計利潤。一般而言,當我們說公司賺錢或蝕錢都是按這 會計利潤的公式來計算。


試想想,假若你辭去月薪港幣$20,000元的工作,花了幾年時間於兆萬中心經營一間玩具店,但每月平均利潤卻只有約港幣$5,000元, 你應該 繼續經營這玩具店嗎?

What is Change Management?Eunice ChanWe are living in an ever-changing environment. The driving forces for organisations to respond to those changes may include the changing nature of the workforce, technological advancements, and a changing market with keen global competition. In order to survive, organisations must be able to respond or adapt to changes through successful change management. Lewin’s three-step change model is a popular approach to managing changes. This model includes three steps:1. Unfreezing: making efforts to overcome resistance to change or move away from the status quo2. Movement: transforming or changing the organisation from the status quo to a desired end state3. Refreezing: stabilising changes to make them permanent by balancing driving and restraining

forcesThe challenge facing managers in implementing changes is managing resistance. Organisation members may engage resistance efforts in different ways such as voicing complaints, reducing productivity, increasing mistakes or losing motivation. All these may have negative impacts on organisations, so managers need to plan carefully and adopt appropriate strategies in overcoming resistance.

Reference: Robbins, S., & Judge, Tim. (2015). Organizational behavior (16th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Why does a Company Close Down even though it Earns Money?Aggie CheiTo answer the question, we need to understand “explicit cost” and “implicit cost”. An explicit cost is the direct payment made, such as production costs and wage expenses. Normally, people talk about profit and loss of a company based on the calculation of accounting profit, which is the subtraction of the total revenue from the total explicit cost. An implicit cost, however, is an opportunity cost for the use of the owner’s resources, such as the wage of his/ her original job and the interest income of initial capital from the bank forgone. When the owner decides to close the business down, he/ she is considering the economic profit (i.e. the subtraction of the total revenue from the explicit and implicit costs). According to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), accountants cannot record implicit costs in their book. Therefore, it is possible to have accounting profit but economic loss if implicit costs are taken into account. If you quit your job with HK$20,000 per month and run a toy retail shop at CTMA Centre for several years, while you can earn around HK$5,000 per month only, should you continue to run the shop?

Management 管理

Accounting and Finance 會計及金融

Hospitality Management 酒店管理






變異:服務和表現的變化取決於服務環境和參與服務的雙方,即酒店 職員和顧客。

Distinctive Characteristics of Hospitality Industry Rachel LamIn addition to accommodation and food and beverages, another significant part that a hotel provides for guests is services. This, to a large extent, involves intensive interactions between a hotel employee and a guest in a service encounter.A service encounter, also known as a “moment of truth”, refers to a period of time during which a guest interacts directly with any aspect of the organisation, especially a hotel employee. The guest evaluates the service and forms an opinion on the quality of the hotel. The “moment of truth” exhibits the following distinctive characteristics of the hospitality industry:Guest participation in the service process: Guests play an active part in the service process which is influential to the service performance of the hotel and its employees.Simultaneity: Services are delivered and used simultaneously. For example, a front office associate welcomes, checks in and escorts a guest to the guest room.Intangibility: Services are intangible ideas and concepts. Guests get benefits from the nature of performance.Heterogeneity: The variations in services and performance depend on the service context and the service participants – the hotel employees and guests.


Business Dim Sum 商管點心


Editorial Consultant 編輯顧問:Mr Pong Tsang 曾振邦先生 Editor 編輯:Dr Theresa Choi 蔡嘉敏博士 Assistant Editor 助理編輯:Ms Janet Ho 何蕙雯女士

Contributors 撰稿:Ms Eunice Chan 陳佩儀女士、 Dr Kiki Chan 陳愛娜博士、Ms Aggie Chei 謝穎儀女士、 Dr Theresa Choi 蔡嘉敏博士、 Ms Janet Ho 何蕙雯女士、

Ms Rachel Lam 林千華女士、 Ms Kate Law 羅佩欣女士、Ms Jamie Lo 盧小琴女士、Dr Carmen Sum 沈嘉敏博士、Dr Benjamin Wong 黃蔭勳博士

Translators 翻譯:Chan Si-yin 陳思恩同學、 Mr Chris Cheng 鄭少斌先生、 Ip Wun-wun 葉媛媛同學、Jim Tsz-wun 詹梓渙同學、Li Man-ha 李雯霞同學