Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes

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  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    ~1fl~_~H i g h l i g h t ' s C h i n e s e G o u r m e t C o o k i n g


  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    t~:J't j ;:~Jii i !J~$-Ji ' ;ff i5R~5R!t1i J\IHfipJi~ iflj~n&,~~ffA : *>E jI .j;iE P~1T : lli\:l't:JtIU j'~ iE 'iJ11 'H N0j';'jti!JtJ!:: ~ ; j t il J i 1 O ! l !l i !% I Z ! 3 J '9 : 1 ' l I ! e 31j!;.~~1i : (02)7049633 (-ht'lUTELEX: 26229 HILIT.ll!Il*~~'it'1: 0107369-6:l1tN'lHc : mlltNilHI,"i"1:il1387 ' l I ! e .llO .:l't~ 'it'1 : HILIT 00055 )j-!JiIjl.lil. ,me010 .ISBN (1 l>I~~~1i!) ('i') 0-914929-66-6(9E ll! ! : ..'i''Ii'RIl>I76!'f3}'l 25BfnltN. 'i''Ii'RIl>I77!'f6Fl1B =1tN

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  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    i~7't0jJtl)tR~*3iUIlliIW ' B'I'lH*flli7'

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes



  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    .:E~.g-:ltIDti7.tMajor Nutrient Content:

    iJ IU ',* 'i" I :.l*~~ffi%~~ 0Seasonings:1 teaspoon salt, X l teaspoon MSGf l i l : i : l < :1 . W *jilli 'E ~ J i3\7}~ i5 ti'J ' ' lfl'l'lfjjWii,~i* : -",,,,i'ff-,,fo'j7J,< ' tl '::/iliJi5tttFll':illUji')...:i$:1--.._..20-j,j 'f#~ffl{

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    torN:Jl'ZR~Ei'*1l'll4*' R'El(l'!1'R~Ei') 12~' 1'!tJli!i3;;;', i i i ' J > 1 p 2 ""' (4507)-1:1'7) ' / i I U I l* ' " (Ei'@,900)3') 2ffi' ij/ill'iEil6:k1'10Ingredients:4 aheet.s dried beancurd skins (semlcircu.arlv-shaped) , 12 pieces fresh beancurdskins, 3 dried black mushrooms, 2 pieces gauze (1 Yzx lYz square feet), 2 sec-tions hemp rope (each 3 feet long), 6 tablespoons oil

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  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes



    Hf3t:wlii5(:*:)6~' !!i:'wiT!:,DZ0005\>: ,iYtLiIll5:;\::;ru; 0Ingredien ts:6 large dried black mushrooms) 5.2 ounces large abalone mushrooms, 2.6pounds small green leafy vegetables (green-stemmed flat cabbage), 5 table-spoons oil


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    Nutrient Content:

    Wl'I,*H:a)!~&rEBIY2*~" t;gl*~" ~F*;:~" i9Kt;;76*;lEI;; 0@ :t::a1 ')f l* " J;; , liM 'iE Ill* J> t 0Seasonings:CDIYztablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, Y z teaspoonMSG

    @l tablespoon cornstarch, 1 teaspoon sesame oilfitti* :1.""""U""wc",,*i5'IB! 2 ,Hl", '**; j! jg ft .. f& i5 tM lW * l il !'\ 'i l' d ; rJ J I!

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    tH'i-';g~l:!9iI.' E ' l'lW ' i'iIll'li1lil ' W J+i ( ~ ! I i ! 1 * ) Il'l " ,.2 j(J1 i;' 'iE 2 ;i< J1 i; , 1 '\I 'iii5m 'J16~20~ , ;;t:E 'l~ 1 j(J1 i; ' fY tL iE I3sj(i1 t 0Ingredients:1 square beancurd, 2 tablespoons chopped water chestnut, 2 tablespoonschopped carrot, 2 tablespoons chopped preserved mustard root (or sourcabbage), 8 tablespoons oil, 16~20 dried black mushrooms, 1 tablespooncornstarch, 2 tablespoons green beans

    jpepito3: l111&

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    i m J " * * ' f 'WB~~%*~'~~Vz*~'.Ys*~'~Yz*~'~BroYz~~o'Ill'iilllYz~~' fllj l*~,, ,",, 3A~'~Ys* Jj\" ,.Yz*~0Seasonings:C D Y J teaspoon white pepper, 7 teaspoon MSG, % teaspoon salt, ). f teaspoonsugar, 1 f tablespoon cornstarch

    @1Y2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, 3 tablespoons stock, Y 3 teaspoonMSG, 7 3 teaspoon salt

    litti*'1.HlEil'UA*4!Jm",,!"~,,,,l5'Hlj- , ~POJ~f*'ilt 0

    Method:LWash the beancurd, water chestnut, car:rot, and preserved mustard root,then chop 'finely and combine with seasoning C D .

    2.Heat up 4 tablespoons of oil in a wok, then stir-fry the chopped ingredientsfor 1jf minutes. Remove.

    3.Remove the mushroom stems and place in a bowl of cold water; soak for 2hours. Drain the mushrooms, then squeeze dry and coat the inside of each onewith a little cornstarch. Fill the mushrooms with the prepared filling, press-ing down firmly with the palm of the hand. The filling should be slightlyrounded, not pressed flat. Garnish each mushroom with 1 or 2 beans.

    4.Heat the 4 tablespoons of oil in a wok; swirl oil around to coat the entirewok, then add the mushrooms, filling side downwards. Fry till golden brown.Turn the mushrooms over very carefully and add seasoning @. Cover andsimmer for 1 minute, arrange the mushrooms on a serving dish and pourliquid over mushrooms.

    iil:E'l>,",,*l:'l! Vegetarian DisheiPepit'2j:EIIll1,

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    Mn:T IR ~ 2* :! 7i ~ fY tJ i:iF E5 ::* ::;l! !;; '"f ,I liffJ? l~ L lm ~ ;tiI~ LH --IY z* f! t 0Ingredients:2 squares beancurd, 5 tablespoons oil, 1 piece fermented red beancurd, :% table-spoon liquid from fermented red beancurd


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    IDlil,,*n,*~l Yz*~ " l~jJ\%~WE " []*f;Yz*~ "ana 2*~0_S_easonings:lYz' tablespoons sugar, Y s cup water, Y z teaspoon MSG, 2 teaspoons sesame oilflit;""1.~RJljtAflCli!i*"'il'l.~35H'HiH~~' i I lO'i iz"7]

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    HH'ilB frJO IY2f~ , l!! l!4fl'l ' ""ilB H{'\\ ' icP illilB 4:;1cru; , ,* !liiYs:;lcru; , U lWW lJj! ;yil'f '1'.(~'il' C .x :i '! 'W I ) 0 'i l'f 0Ingredients:~ taro, 4 . . . . . . . . . , 5 cups oil for frying, l } f you-tiao (deep fried batter sticks), 4 table-spoons oii,:>;3ablespoon chopped garlic, some chopped red chili peppers, somechopped green onion (or several slices of green pepper)

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    iVlJ,*fl'cIX1@ '5 fYs~ Jtffi" ~~2{1m "~Vz*;l ID;;; "Yj>:lli:l.E13V z*~ ~ m*..}it 0:mo1ffi1

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    tt'4 'i 'fiI*3~4,* ' ! ! f iI" ,J ii! i300051 : ' ij- 'jI[ilE 4:;k :J1 l; , * ;l'i;i* \Yz1 l& 1lii ' A ffiiffiYz:iJ1 l;0Ingredients:3.-......4mall green leafy vegetables, 10 ounces abalone mushrooms (or any largefresh mushrooms), 4 tablespoons oil, Y z cup stock, Y z teaspoon sesame oil

    jpep ito ::E lIIIi: lI. '

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    3:.:~~*nX:fxtMajor Nutrient Content:

    lim,*N:CD~l*~ , '!!iElll;k~ , mfYz;k~ , ,*fflYz*~ 0@::kB:roYz;k~' iilf7J I D ! 0 ~D~FJ;:~OJ'i!!*i1 '

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    HH:,~~j\ll'!11OO' lWiWi'ffl} ' i 'I l 'T1'Jl'3:kJi'l;; ' 'l";~JmlJ;Il' l i iT1'.;Z3:;1,Ji ' I ; ; ' l'i,,~JmEi:6,*, ff*WZ'l\fli!iilliil: 0Ingredien ts:1 potato, 3 tablespoons fresh diced kelp, 1 square beancurd, 3 tablespoons dicedsour cabbage, 6 sheets dried beancurd skin, some salt pepper

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    '~'if./$t:f$tMajor Nutrient Content:

    1 0 0 ' * * - ' 1 - :CD !iil'l:ii\'l!I;; '# J lf!J ,;X " '" MW l I.l'B Y z iIF !< I; 0@'lll'Y z iIF l!I;; , m tl:ii\'l!I;; , ,*fWYz*~ , bf,f,. iE!l2*"" 0@Jii!ii1'B6x!

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    UN'0iJ0'll'5;:n:*:JIl;;, iPtLiffi4:*:11'!;' i 1 ! ! : ! l ' l l * m o , ;f,i'ilii!!!J1YzIlliiWll' ~5Jiflii'ilYzIlliili!1l' iMOH: i ' Y j Yo i l k J l l ; ; , mj 1 i[lU6~ 8 c\1 1 !' 1 j[lii 'ilO " ,z , * e , , " '& * Z * ! i '! ; ; 0Ingredients:1 tablespoon hair-like seaweed (fa-tsai); 4 tablespoons oil, 1 tablespoon greenonion (finely chopped), 1Y z cups dried beancurd knots, X i teaspoon bakingsoda, IYz cups stock, 1 carrot (cut into 6~8 pieces), 10 straw mushrooms, 2tablespoons cornstarch paste


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    iJil.*H.! .U*~ , ,,*fflYz*~ , ,Jltl*~ , O Jl1@ .1'SYz*~ 0Seasonings:1 teaspoon salt, Y 2 teaspoon MSG, 1 teaspoon sugar, ~ teaspoon pepperttti:*'1. iM'Jl>fflii'l'*llti(1JIO:5t.,.tii:m;mfllOffl 02 ti'ff,\\AiEll ' 7'Gl'fi@:)i',,"P1'!i'WA 'f-"'*", ' ii1'n10fD~~i;\l;-i!'il'!'!l:3:5t>ii! ' 'fll'mA0Ilil"*:f'f' :1 ;li:J il; , iM'Jl>i l tOJl lii ! ' rJ5tTxa1'S1;]3ZNP'Ufjloi!!: 0Method:1.Soak the seaweed in water for 10 minutes; drain.2.Heat the 4 tablespoons oil in a wok. Stir-fry the chopped green onion,then add the beancurd knots, baking soda and stock. Bring to a boil andsimmer for 3 minutes. Next add the seasonings, seaweed, carrot. and mush-rooms; continue to simmer for 2 minutes more. Thicken with the cornstarchpaste then transfer to a serving plate.

    (,"itt ,'f-'Jl!*",jfD~n1'S'U1i"l'1i7t",,3:5t'" , J!i.:':li5\;i\'Iil'ffD;l'tflEi':tf4-raltP"',' "*,,,~~,,"0Note:The flavor of this dish is improved if the beancurd knots are thoroughly rinsed _after cooking in the baking soda for 3 minutes-

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    Hfif:::* ::mT41~" *Bm5-._6*~ ... iYtrli'EBYzMBiWB0Ingredients:4 eggplants, 5..........tablespoons cornstarch, Y 2 cup oil


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    ID1;!,,*n,m~w~~~~'ru*~~~~'''*~~~~'fi~~~,~m~*~o@~Ml*~ " Q:rrnl: :* ::Jtt . . ~~:;~lj,(~ " ~4Yz*~ --m;;re%-*~ 0Seasonings:C D Y o teaspoon pepper, Y z teaspoon xanthoxylum seed powder, Y z teaspoonMSG, Y z teaspoon salt, Y z tablespoon green onion (finely chopped) 1 tablespoon dark vinegar, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon stock, Y ztablespoon garlic (finely chopped), Y z tablespoon sesame oil

    tIi l: i:!1'1.jffiri'lU1

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    HN:'l";liIlll;2:kJJl!' 'NU:;,MIJ(2-3tlL ' "",*",~f,Jj(3-43'i: ' iPtiLiill-4:kilt 'iIT""'.ol/if11%:k~'~Ja~*ltl~(*']3*!1t) ,iflj'7l

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    .=E.~g~$;f5tMajor Nutrient Content:

    "~ '* tif ,'! l! 'IY z;F J< !; , t! 1H :;'< :J

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes



    HH:JiiZE I~E i:4,* ' li 'E J.6}',- , tL ll'l 't '1 l'750}\'; , YFiB 31 i1A \0Ingredien ts:6 packs beancurd skin, "2.5 ounces fresh basil, 4 sheets dried beancurd skin, 4--.....-5 cups oil for frying

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    iiJlj,**4 ,CD'!l!lP!\Jlt ' *Jlt2~l't ' ,*ffl}i~11t 0!il!l:fiS2:*:l't 'tef7jd}i:*:l't (

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes



    Ingredients:3 fresh bamboo shoots, 12 dried black mushrooms, 4 tablespoons oil

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    liIll'*N'~%~~~.~2*~~~mY2*~~.Yz*~oSeasonings:% teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, Y z teaspoon MSG, Y z tablespoonsugar1 IR i* ,1.tJrW,*Ei' 'i'lU*og'l': ' "iJ:fU~= ; !f\I:Aili!7.k~205t>!!13tjjl'!@ , ffll,bMjtl)j( ; j'I'j'W~Yz05t;:;;:[fJ""!t 02.'l!r!ii5Wdl''*w ' fflil'l'7.k!il'i2d'8~2:1&!liW~= (J 'G"T1' l ; JJ) 03. i'Y~AiIB ' 1l'UTt'rm' ' J -O J *)c Py 37 )- >!! ' j'I'j'!f\I:AW!ii5' liIll"*W,&-'YO'fI1w!ii5ftJlT1l'li'Y , ;1( \1&I]Dli i l f,- r"F"T:fr :3> 0


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    H*~- :~S

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    ..=E~ft"mt'f7.t-Major Nutrient Content:

    ilIliIi1'4:CD!l!iW%liItl' ]i[slflill ''illO%,*,," , i:Nll'il!Jl:f::,,"' i\JlWW%,*,,"' 7l

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    :/TN''iiZR ff;l;E i:1 6'* ' IN ilU IX : ' *Y :ffilJ:ll! ' J jffi* "llt,< ]60 Z,:$t 0Ingredients:16 sheets dried beancurd skin, 1 brush, 1 piece gauze, 20" string

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    ~~1tt'.GX;15fMajor Nutrient Content:

    ~~ ,,*1"f ,(j)\!lIiiElJ4:km:, Wlf.Ii*Ill}jl!4:km:, *J1i2Yz:km:, E'l!f101*m:, ,,*~Yz*m:, ~Yz*m:, Miffi1:k!ld;o*",,~2Wlilii ' 'ilfirll3:kJlt ' ,,*~l:k!lJ; , tt:1;l:8F:- ' ~f5E1:kF:- Seasonings:(j)4 tablespoons soy sauce, 4 tablespoons mushrooms (finely chopped), 2 Y ztablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon five-spice powder, Y z teaspoon MSG, Y z tea-spoon salt, 1 tablespoon sesame oil

    @2 cups stock, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon rock sugar, 8 slivers lico-rice root, 1 slice cinnamon

    ttti*'1.H"'(j)*4:i'i'~l3.rui'i"'jltC!li;;"*t4 ; H"'~Sf?R\*207l-Ji!i!1&jIj)(ft!i:irliitt-~j}1Ii1fl c2.lfJl-"Uz:E:IIlI!li:Ifl/J,,ffiU)6*J/4j',,"I*~~' !i'lJ,i!1lff:E:lIlIE

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    tj~N~i!tlwJfL225R: " ?ctiEB2*i1 " *:E I= 7551 " :tYill1rr3*~ " ~~~J= 'J " *i%~:~*J!t 0Ingredients:8 ounces raw gluten, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 3 tablespoons oil, 2.5 ounceswood ear fungus, a few slices ginger, 3 tablespoons stock


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    Wl!IflM4,i;_I:*~ -.~l~*~..7 K m Y z ~ J f t 0Seasonings:1 teaspoon salt, 1Y z tablespoons sugar, Y z teaspoon MSG1i&:i*'H' I 'f : ': t?i1 l !i il ti1L l li li ll lGl t\i ! ' !ll~iEl!lili!r{'20:5Hli! '1&AJ\,~1L:5H!I\Ii'J1FiEI!cp1FYz:5t"'"lkM>~' iIlO,rz;iEI!f:fr

    2, *:EftIJ,*iMJll ' 6ti'll ' tlJJjJG30:5t 5l',1JJt 03, :/7,HilJAiEl! mA*:Ef1t ' M!I(lIft!ill:/7Y~* ' l 'l '1& ;m1F I tF I i'J J ( l! iilt if DW l! I~ * 'h i. tJ> '1iMk1l'Ij;m~i%l!1J!JD~jf,1'1!tl~2:5t"'~P"f'iiil;tt 0

    Method:1.Tear the pieces of gluten into small bits and marinate them in the soy saucefor 20 minutes. Heat some oil in a pan and deep fry the bits of gluten overhigh heat for 30 seconds. Remove and drain.

    2.Trim the fungus, wash it, then cut it into 1" square slices.3,Heat the oil in a wok, then add the fungus and ginger; stir, fry for a shortwhile. Add the gluten and the seasonings; stir-fry a few seconds more. Pourin the stock and simmer with the lid on for 1-""""2minutes. Transfer to aserving dish.,

    ililiitt ,~*:Ef;z7};)'I'''f!JDAfJ,j![Dl, 'AIllll':>iJ&J:Ril!''''l' ' J;_(ocJ:R"']I!If0Note:Cucumber and carrot may be added to liven up the appearance of this dish.

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    t;j"t~'N3?R3750%' ",">SUI'!' *l"P:;J;:"iH1;IJ)"Cl 'Iillmlifi)"C810ft 'ij-'tLiEil4:;J;:~ ,;!j(mYs*~' )'i'ti%iJ;1/5mIDil0Ingredients:13 ounces white Chinese cabbage, 1 bundle bean thread noodles, 4 tablespoonsoil, Y o teaspoon greed onion (finely chopped), 1 large wood ear fungus (sliced),10 slices carrot, 1/5 cup stock

    _ ~ j~gito~~~

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    iim,*1'I-:Iii(ji%,*~ , 'II'l'i!I31>f*~ , ,*f.ii>f'*~ , m:l,*~ 0Seasonings:% teaspoon salt, l Y z tablespoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, )f teaspoonMSGi I i l < i1 < :1 .;j'S"R *~9J! ' 6t~, WJj!i; 3 05 :l-J;t~ ; ",-re1 'Iif ';-*cpi5UTS"RGlI I1 JOIl l! ;J :- yo

    3.;tmi:{,g"'-1>i ' ~U"lO'; :&1ll iJ '*14I' i ' ;J: -Y: ' ;J"J '1JO'il!:ij.1J"'17H!iiiUPOJf,,"~0Method:1.Throw out any old withered cabbage leaves, then wash and cut into 1" longpieces.

    2.Soak the bean thread noodles in cold water till soft, then cut them into 1Y z l /lengths.3. Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the green onion for a while; add the fun-gus and carrot; stir-fry for 1 minute. Put in the white cabbage and stir-fryfor a few seconds more.4.Add the bean thread noodles, stock and seasoning ingredients, mix well.Cover and simmer for 1 minute. Transfer to a serving dish.

    fiiiIH: :Jltfi;:IW

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    ;itN;",,*3*, 0Ill1lil1ill;\\!t\' ; j ' ' ' ' ' * * ! R ' m * * , 7f'::!HIi\1'l-Jiiili i l l l i l ' '!ll'Yzjt\'>'!;;, WiEIll * r \ \ i 0Ingredients:7 . i cup carrot shreds, 7 4 " cup cucumber shreds, 3 4 cup bamboo shoot shreds, . x icup wood ear fungus shreds, X teaspoon salt, 3 sheets dried black seaweed, 4~5 cups oil for deep frying


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    W i J I I l< N :CD!Ii 'mU I'5l'2:*:Ji ! t i i lf7Y.l Yz:*:Ji! t 0C)lY! li Iil ll 3: *: il 't ' i il f7Y .3 :* :J i! t' "*1'1'IYs,,*,,,,, :* :aN 2;!Fil't' i'E j;jJFIB Yz;!Fil't' i> ill:illl17f*~ 0

    Seasonings:C D 2 tablespoons flour, H f tablespoons water@ 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 3 tablespoons water, Y s teaspoon MSG, 2 teaspoonscornstarch, 1f teaspoon xanthoxylum seed powder, lYz tablespoons oil

    f tO C i~ :1 .l 'fCDif4il Jl lJ "if /&mG: j\ \I jif 4 ; i f4op7'G l'f /> ill :i ll lAWl ' : .l :: l'I i; 8 ;. , MO.&ffiit.,;JfflII\llif4iMI,o

    3.l'f,* 5i:> l'IiJ)tA -t:B -AA likJ1 tFilllop , ffl op * 1tF5:B -~~PO J~g , /ilij~illlf 04 .l Ilz fU] Jl lt ,*5 i:> l'I ii j',l j- t;J Jl ii it i: ' ~ t.l :: i. !i) fS f~POJ f" "f r 0Method:1.Mixseasoningrj) to form a paste. Combine seasoning@ thoroughly. Heat theoil in a wok and add seasoning @. Bring to a boil then pour out into a dishto use as a (lip.

    2.Mix the shredded ingredients and salt together; divide into 3 equal parts.Place each pile on a sheet of seaweed and roll it up. Seal the edge with theflour and water paste.

    3.Heat oil till moderately, hot then deep fry the rolls for 5 minutes. Drain themand slice diagonally; arrange on a serving plate. Serve with the dip.

    fili'itt :l)iti'lH i\)fSfmO JJ.O ...(7t:5 utJo'iili'J i'i'''i ' ~ ii't:B -1"l1lilltE ,** .l::fm g , 1iIlB~'" 02 ~""%]' fOJ t JOA. i '- "**fD" '** 0Notes:1.Each of the shredded ingredients can be mixed separately with a little saltthen laid art the seaweed sheets color by color to give a more attractiveresult.

    2.Non-vegetarians can use some shredded pork and egg as well.

    IDli i*~gRl!I! Vegetarian DiShefpepit~~lIII_1'lt

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    MN::nIDM !It :l 'l :J ;! l ;4 'NJIO ' t i'17 ]

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    ~'*tij- ,z!lilil1,f1Y2:;k:m;, liiltiill1:;k:M;' '!lliill1Y2:;k:M;' '111%1F!

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    HN:J[~6000%' Ml

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    : : t = . .g.Jfff :Major Nutrient Content:

    ilfflj',*H'1@l0'O'f ' :mgzil\'Ji'1 ' '**;1I>";il\'"" 0Seasonings:some salt, 2 teaspoons sugar, 7 . : . i teaspoon MSGfIil:i*'1 . : < ;: * lI li tf j~B ' :J ?R 'L . 'fD~ -= r -i TMEi< l'i 5t ' ~ 1&m - 'F i~S 'R i 5 tN l l Il tl 'm ; $U* 'L . ,- j- :5 t*ljjj:~ll:.o

    2 . R lI1 i:tlJ llI< : 3 0 :5 t:sL Jo/N n ,m jf,ff if"J"""~ , )O _ '(Ili! jJ< ~"" l:5 tO lil ' m ;l@ iI:lJ* 7l< -i:S 03. jtIJoR~"'Li!I!0'O'fi-t-I!!li:tlililfiii:ilBfD~];l'iR-- 04. P Y . " ' " " , , , , , , ,iliUS*Ji'1iE1l ' 7'ciliUTR~"'L ' ~ilBJIII\*w ' l"iIEOfflIi9KJI4wT ' I lOW: ;> ;

    *J'!'pyt!fl!o] , :iJOl!il'*)4-?iU 0 1lJl!il'1&WTR~ , lil* 2~ 3:5 t0 lil ' jfIT ::t:S& 7l< -1 ;J?RI lOOJi* , i t 0

    5 . O ~ '* 'it ' i \jc~~ :iJO i9K f,! ;)OX I;l;i9K ' **wm Jlll(~ - j-:5 tO JD , ~O~~*i:SpyiElljfi;}j)(,JiWltiEllIlUw,*JE i"0

    Method:1.Wash the amaranth, discarding the .tough stalks and old leaves. Lightly rubthe leaves during washing as this softens them.

    2.Cut the beancurd into l-inch cubes. Put the cubes in a strainer and parboil inboiling water for 1 minute. Remove and drain.

    3.Smash the red fermented beancurd and mix with chopped garlic.4.Heat the oil in a pan: stir-fry the fermented beancurd and garlic mixture.Add the seasonings and amaranth; mix evenly. Cover the pan and simmerfor a while. Remove the lid and add the beancurd, let mixture boil foranother 2~3 minutes. Thicken the liquid with cornstarch paste. Transfer toa serving dish.

    5.MSG is added to enhance the flavors in this vegetarian dish. The dish willalso taste better if you replace half of the oil with sesame oil.

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    t:fn,i'J"C,'B5R (xl l'i'1il' 1ii>i;;;'ii!Z400Si:, :t:Ei:ro7.k3xJ1t, ,,"mll'WWil' icPlli:iEil5x"'"Jll:~Yzx""oIngredients:1 large Chinese cabbage, 1.5 ounces dried flat fish, 3 tablespoons cornstarchpaste, 1 cup stock, 5 tablespoons oil, 1 cup oil for frying, J . f tablespoon ginger(finely chopped)

    .-- jpepito: l11111

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    ~~ft~IiX:1f}Major Nutrient Corrtentc

    j j J i j i P I C t i I - ''!I'!17f1F-ru;, ml7f:kru;, 'l!l'llll'l:kru; 0Seasonings:lY z teaspoons salt, Y z tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon aromatic vinegarItti'!.< ,1.1 ' ! . ,G 'B5Ri9i :~!k I j*""~, 1;iJg!(;:kft-ig;;~~ 02 . f fil" '1 ! Zf flm l t,,\a 'J ~ if fi~ 1 :I \ ( if fiO f '" J* ! \'1 \:a ~ 1 j1 :l\! 1 i\1 " 1j* ) :lz:"ljm~, i*"" , l I i I ! l !1l !1Bot 'F f fi lJ l1 t ff lS 'J if fiOf ': :fF1 tl l!B ' i&l !! 'i .t " "Of ' "J !B*~I ') ~ iJ l! 'I 'I ' 0

    3.l~ ".H Iib !l\\! ii1 \ ' t&T i 9> tL if fi !l \\! li :l \'i 'l 'w i Jt l'1 [ ~m l l~ 'l !l ' ' 1 \ ii l~~ l ji Jt 1 '! .'G , * jJDA i 'l ih l1 ;I lP1 JD l! \l:" ,~ I! IJ J" P , " "'? R 7\.'3 c~ < 7ffililO lli1 \Il" :b DA :k *~ I! T! tiI! ll! j,$8 'J ,ffil" ..m ' l 'l '1 !I JJ ,l9 -'! ti 1JD iJ tO l iJD* :MI 'U i ;P~B J ' l 'l 'i *T*E r~7 Jd ;J xm f IUPg! (; 0

    4. l li>tE' l i l'

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    HH:i l' ii l' IIBj:i l! l !! l ' i1>j' j) 'iE!l6: :k:Ji ll ; 0Ingredients:1 Chinese cabbage, 6 tablespoons oil1lMif:1!i 'iE.' Z::k:Ji ll ; , !Il!C ,8::k:!>!; 'll'\)

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    3:.~~~mtffi-Major Nutrient Content:

    i#iH4 'F-\lI1i%.liilllii ' 4iOJ3;k~ , i!'ll;k~ , lliiifS3;kJill; , \l!!2*~ 0Seasonings for Soup:% cup stock, 3 tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon wine, 3 tablespoons flour, 2teaspoons salti ; J i , J ' * * ' f 'Mw(Yz*~' "*1'IlYz*Jill;, m;i*~, 1l1i!'lIt-Yz;k~' 7.:s:ffrl;kJill;' l,foItilll2*~ 0Seasonings:Y z teaspoon pepper, Y z teaspoon MSG, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 1 tablespoon gingerwine, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2 teaspoons sesame oil1 1 i ! c i ' l i '1-El"c.,

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    :I:H4 ''i'l'lil.i4~5"" *:E[3.", !li!iiil'il'li3ili'IT' iJBR~6~7tj):, l%i!tJO;,F)-lF)-' :TI:WRl/Z;4F)-'MllI1':lJ""J'3Z (i;'J]m305t)!nF)-) 'ili'i'E'>R"'#!l, =ER3:kJi!!; 'iiiI'illli'i' B~4~6i [ ; l i , t'r1ffl,j'3Z ' ;;\'f,iJB1;kJlt ' 19>tLiffi5:kJlt ' i~Wlil.i*Yz1Wli'Iil 0Ingredients:4-J.i dried black mushrooms. 3 wood ear fungus, 3 fried gluten rolls, 6~7pieces deep fried beancurd (cut in triangles), 1 slice vegetable squid, 4 slicesspiced dried beancurd, Y z small carrot (sliced into Linch pieces), X i : broccoli, 3tablespoons green beans, 1 section lotus root, 4...........water chestnuts, 1 smallbamboo shoot, 1 tablespoon chopped garlic, 5 tablespoons oil, Y z cup waterused to soak dried black mushrooms


  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    ::t.~~.$:ffi-Major Nutrient Content:

    i l J i j , * * ' ! - ,~1fiiEYo*m; , 1!I!1=:J>!;aiiEPi"m; , q;fcfflYo'ffi 'm; 0Seasonings:Y z tablespoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon sesame oil, Y z teaspoonMSGfIXl'I1,1.1'!f?ii!i~7_K2;N" ,$;'i'i

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes



    ttflf ,'1'i!l\lW" , /,H"z:iEIl6:*Jj!j;'=1l:3:*J

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    j/jl(i* ,1 ."" ill.* 'iiI ':& ~' M%ill.""n ilW J$i:Il '! II 'f t, ~ *If ''i ''ff llilf* l:! !~ il 'J25H !l! ' ~ 1 i! i:m ~iI l: i1 iZ7.kIJt' j jZ i'Ei ll .P

  • 8/3/2019 Highlight_s Chinese Gourmet Cooking Vegetarian Dishes


    "VitY;iUI! Vegetarian Dishes' lit4-ml! Pork & Beef Dishes 1,~~UI!Chicken & Duck Dishes ;~~HI! Seafood DishEils ;tHUI! Tonic Dishes

    ~,~;!~ Dimsum Dishes