Highlights Brochure 2012

www.ifm.com Highlights 2011/2012

Transcript of Highlights Brochure 2012

Page 1: Highlights Brochure 2012





Highlights 2011/2012

Page 2: Highlights Brochure 2012


Shaping automation.

The name ifm electronic stands for a large

range of different sensors and systems for

automation technology. For more than

forty years the family-managed company

has been researching, developing and

producing with the aim of optimising

technical processes.

With industry and application know-how,

ifm electronic successfully provides system

solutions that are both innovative and

economical. A range of more than 7,800

articles ensures the flexibility required to

meet the customers‘ demands. From an

individual sensor to the matching accesso-

ries to a complete system solution.

The ifm group of companies is present in

over 70 countries with more than 4,300

employees and looks after more than

100,000 customers from the various indus-

tries. We take being close to the customer

very seriously. Service visits in the event of

questions or requests, support for installa-

tion or set-up have become a standard for

us. Your satisfaction drives us on.

ifm electronic – a reliable partner for

implementing your projects.

The ”electronic route card“for conveying and production.

RFID system withProfibus DP interface.

pages 16-17

Tight and sealed dueto the unique profiled

sealing ring and vibrationprotection. M8 connectors.

pages 20-21

New level sensor,ignores foam and build up.

Hygienic point levelsensors.

pages 8-9

For every application.The safest bet when

the going gets tough.Full-metal inductive

and magnetic sensors.

pages 4-5

IO-Link data storage –quick and easy.

IO-Link Memory Plug.

pages 12-13

Page 3: Highlights Brochure 2012


Product Highlights for 2011/2012.

The vision sensor forobject inspection.Visual assessment of variablefeatures of objects.

pages 6-7

Current is now orange.Power supplies made byifm electronic.

pages 18-19

A breath of fresh air in pneumatics.Monitoring of compressed airin robotics and handling.

pages 10-11

The bus at a glance:The fast connectionfrom AS-i to Profinet.

pages 14-15

Page 4: Highlights Brochure 2012

Full-metal sensors, T, R, C and S series

Full-metal sensor of the C series –developed for use under extremeinfluences such as oils, coolants andvibration. The suitability for the appli-cation is checked by a tough test pro-gram. The sensors are subjected toextreme mechanical shocks and vibra-tions.


For hygienicand wet areas

For industrialapplications

For oils andcoolants

For every application.The safest bet when the going gets tough.

Installed in welding applications, thesensor of the R series detects the posi-tion of the metal target. Its non-stickcoating makes it resistant to weldspatter. Already subjected to theimpact test in the development stage,it withstands the harsh conditions ofthe metalworking industry.

A full-metal sensor of the T seriesmonitors the valve positions in a dairy.Successfully carried out temperatureshock tests prove the reliability of thesensors in this industry. Further testscheck, among others, ageing andmaterial resistance.

Every applicationhas specific re-quirements forsensors.

Therefore, ifm hasdeveloped threeseries of full-metalinductive sensorswhich are opti-mised for the re-quirements ofdifferent environ-mental conditions.

The new non-flushfull-metal sensorsfrom ifm stand outthanks to highsensing ranges of6 to 25 mm – notonly on steel but

also on stainlesssteel, even withsmall targets.Further excellentcharacteristics in-clude an extremelyhigh temperaturerange up to 100 °C,the protectionrating IP 69K, aspecial non-stickcoating or a cor-rection factor ofK = 0.

The connectors ofthe ecolink seriesare ideally compa-tible with the full-metal inductivesensors and to-gether form asealed system.

Full-metalinductive sensors.

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Full-metal magnetic sensors MG , MF · 3-wire PNP / NPN




Type Con-nector

Full-metal inductive sensors IE, IF, IG and II · 3-wire PNP / NPN











T seriessensing range


R seriessensing range


C seriessensing range


C series K = 0sensing range


3 b, 6 nf

5 b, 12 nf

10 b, 25 nf

2 b*

4 b*

6 b*

2 b*

12 b*

2 b

3 b

5 b

2 b

10 b

2.5 f

4.5 f

Further information at www.ifm.com/gb/full-metal-sensor



60 referred to an M4.0 magnet

70 referred to an M4.0 magnet


T series, IP 68 / 69Ksensing range


S series, IP 65 / 67sensing range


60 referred to an M4.0 magnet

70 referred to an M4.0 magnet

*also available as 2-wire PNP / NPN cable units

Magnetic sensorsfrom ifmelectronic are usedfor non-contactdetection of posi-tions, e.g. of mag-nets and pigs.The sensors candetect magnetsthrough materialslike stainless steel,non-ferrous metal,aluminium, plasticand glass.

Due to the GMRtechnology themagnetic sensorsfeature very longsensing rangesand high switchingfrequencies.Therefore, theycan be used in par-ticularly demand-ing applications.

The sensors areavailable in M12and M18 cylindri-cal housings withconnector.

Full-metalmagnetic sensors

Magnetic sensors in the food industry:Through a stainless steel pipe thesensor detects the magnet in a siliconepig.



T series:Completely sealed for hygienicand wet areas – the full-metalsensors of the T series have beenspecially designed for use in thefood industry. The ecolink EVTconnector forms a sealed systemtogether with the sensor.

R series:Robust and resistant to mechani-cal stress – the full-metal sensorsof the R series are designed forthe metalworking and automo-tive industries. The sensing facewith a special coating lets weldspatter roll off. Weld slagresistant nuts and cables makeecolink EVW the perfect partnerfor sensors.

C series:Resistant to oils and coolants –the full-metal sensors of theC series are ideal for use in themetalworking industry. The oil-resistant ecolink EVC connectorensures a higher operationalreliability due to the vibrationprotection with end stop.

S series:The standard magnetic sensorsfor industrial applications.Thanks to the full-metal housingand protection rating IP 67 thesensors can also be used in roughenvironments.

Full-metal inductive andmagnetic sensors.

Page 6: Highlights Brochure 2012

Vision sensor O2V


For industrialapplications

Assessment of variable featuresof objects and scenes.

While commonvision sensorscheck parts on thebasis of definedcontours (like theefector dualis con-tour sensor O2D)the new O2Vvision sensor com-pares on the basisof variable featu-res.

Instead of a de-fined contour theuser determinesrelative featuresused by the sensorto assess an objector a scene.

Within adjustabletolerances the sen-sor determinescharacteristics suchas the area of anobject (number ofpixels), the innerand outer objectsize of an irregularobject geometry,roundness or com-pactness or thenumber of availa-ble holes.Furthermore, thegrey-scale valuescan also be usedfor assessment.

The O2V visionsensor is reliablyused for the full /empty control oftransport and pro-duction vessels.The photo on theright shows, forexample, 100 %empty control of achocolate mould.

Check objects for presence,size, position or completeness.

The vision sensor checks the presenceof adhesive labels or imprints, such asproduction or best before date.The sensor also detects colour markssuch as mounting points or defectmarks – applied by machine or by hand.

Dual-sheet detection for automatedgripper systems as is frequently usedin the automotive industry is just aspossible as the counting of sheets orfastening clips. Due to their varyingreflections it is difficult to representthem by means of a contour.

The object inspection unit checks thepresence or position of weld seams,weld spots or areas which went bluein variably degrees due to the highwelding temperature. Even irregularlyapplied materials such as glues orgreases are detected.

Object inspection forpackaging, production andquality control.

Page 7: Highlights Brochure 2012

20 x 14

46 x 32

28 x 20

61 x 44

15 x 11

36 x 26

77 x 56

20 x 14

68 x 50

140 x 100

40 x 30

130 x 100

270 x 200

80 x 60

320 x 240

640 x 480

200 x 150

640 x 480

50 75 100 200 400 1000 2000

1280 x 960

400 x 300

Operating distance /field of view size


Vision sensor O2V

outer andinner widthand height

Assessment features, which can becombined to ensure visual object inspection.

Further information at www.ifm.com/gb/object-inspection

outer andinner radius

area innumber of pixels

horizontal andvertical coordinateof the object’scentre of gravity

orientation indegrees


homogeneity, minimum,mean and maximumgrey-scale value

objects or holesin the object

size ofthe object

position ofthe object

shape factorsof the object




Robust:Compact metal housing with theprotection rating IP 67 and atemperature range of -10...60 °Cfor harsh operating conditions.

Flexible:Extensive assessment parametersfor a wide range of applications.32 scenes with up to 24 differentobjects can be saved in the unit.

Cross-linked:Ethernet process interface(TCP/IP, Ethernet IP) for imagetransmission and connection tothe controller.

Stand-alone:Camera, lighting and evaluationin one unit.

User-friendly:All parameters can be set con-veniently via the menu-guidedparameter setting software.

The vision sensor for thevisual inspection of objects.

Page 8: Highlights Brochure 2012


New level sensor,ignores foam and build up.

For hygienicand wet areas

For hygienic areasand viscous media

Point level sensor type LMT

Especially hygienic: the surface charac-teristics of the PEEK tip of the sensor isRa < 0.8 μ. Adherence of dirt andresidues of media is hardly possible.

Using the default setting the sensordetects certain media but not theirdeposits or foam. Even for viscous andsticky products the LMT point levelsensor provides reliable operation.

In the food indus-try deposits andfoam often makereliable limitdetection difficult.With the hygienicpoint level sensorLMT they can besuppressed.

Therefore the LMTsensor can reliablyprovide full orempty signals oftanks and ensurerun-dry protectionof pumps.

The better alternativeto the vibration fork.

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1 Welding adapter

cylindrical, G 1/2

2 Varivent adapter

type F with DN25 and1" or type N withDN40 (1,5")

The modularadapter conceptprovides highlyflexible installa-tion. The sensorcan be integratedin the process viadifferent adapter

types such ascylindrical weldingadapters, clampand pipe fittingsor Varivent orvibration forkadapters.

Variable in theprocess.



3 Vibration forkadapter

G 3/4 or G 1

4 LMTpoint level sensor

sensor tip PEEK

The flush sealing isachieved withoutO-ring. The PEEKtip of the sensor isin direct contactwith the adapter.This avoids dead

bands and con-tamination.Approvals such asEHEDG and 3Acertify the foodconformity.

Sealing conceptPEEK to metal.

IP 68 /IP 69K, III

Protectionrating / class

-1…16 0…85 /150 (1h)G 1/2 hydrous media*

Max. processpressure


Applications Mediumtemperature



LMT point level sensor · 4-wire PNP · output function NC/NO complementary

0…100 /150 (1h)

oils, fats,bulk materials* -1…16G 1/2 IP 68 /


Further information and a *detailed media list at www.ifm.com/gb/lmt

Convenient:Default setting at the factorymakes adjustment to the mediumunnecessary. Easy selection fromthe media list.

Food-grade:Hygienic design without cornersand edges. Maintenance-freesealing concept without deadbands.

Standardised:Tested and certified. Approvals to3A, EHEDG and conformities toFDA, EC1935/2004.

Polished:High-quality housing materialssuch as stainless steel and PEEK.High protecting rating, nocorrosion of the housing due tocleaning.

Insensitive:Suppression of deposits andfoam, even for viscous and stickymedia.

Easy:Complementary output, noreversing of the polarity or pro-gramming necessary.Direct connection via wiredconnection cables.

Hygienic point level sensor withcomplementary output.

Page 10: Highlights Brochure 2012


A breath of fresh air in pneumatics.Monitoring of compressed air in robotics and handling.

For industrialapplications

Pressure sensor type PQ

The new pressuresensors of the PQseries preciselymeasure thepressure in thenegative pressurerange and over-pressure range inpneumatic appli-cations.

The compact andlight housingprovides variousapplication op-tions, in particularin robotics andhandling.

The piezoresistivesilicon measuringcell is insensitiveto liquids (e.g.condensed water)and deposits thatmight occur in thesystem.

Furthermore, itguarantees verygood accuracy.Vast setting op-tions and theversatile displayallow fast andsimple adaptationof the sensor tothe application.

Despite its manyfeatures, the pres-sure sensor has anunbeatable priceconsiderablybelow EUR 100.

Pneumatics undercontrol.

It can be fixed to a DIN rail using therobust DIN rail clip, which is securedagainst inadvertent movement.The sensor is screwed to the clip.

The sensor can befixed to flat sur-faces and profilesusing the two drillholes on the front.

Flexible installation – on aDIN rail, thread or profile.

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The slanteddisplay can beconveniently readfrom the front orfrom above.Furthermore, itcan be electronic-ally rotated by180 degrees.

The display colouris selectable: redor green.

For example: inthe acceptablerange, the mea-sured value is dis-played in green, it

turns red when aselectable switchpoint is exceeded.

This provides anideal overview inparticular wherethere are fastmovements, forexample if thepressure sensor ismounted on aslide or mountingarm.

The pressure isalways in view.


2 programmable switching outputsno/nc or 1 switching output no/nc anddiagnosis.

Installation with an optional doublenipple with 1/8" thread is even easier.Using this nipple, the sensor can befixed to the pipe or air-ducting plateand aligned at the same time – quicklyand easily.


Min. burstingpressure




2 programmableswitching outputs no/nc

or 1 switching outputno/nc and diagnosis

G 1/8

Meas. rangerel. pressure


Output Permissibleoverl. pressure



Pressure sensor PQ

Further information at

Compact:Small dimensions and lowweight – ideal for applications inrobotics and handling.

Resistant:The silicon-resistive cell measuresbetween -1 and 10 bar.

Clear:The slanted and electronicallyrotatable display enables idealreadability from almost all in-stallation positions.

Evident:The situation-dependent displaycolour enables an evaluationwithin a fraction of a second,even if the sensor is moving.

Easy installation:Whether free-standing mounting,mounting on a profile, DIN railmounting or direct fixing to thepipe: secure fit of the PQ isalways ensured thanks to themounting holes and accessories.

Adaptable:Two programmable switchingoutputs or one switching outputand one diagnostic output pro-vide flexible adaption options.

With the new compactpressure sensors.

Page 12: Highlights Brochure 2012


IO-Link data storage – quick and easy.

For hygienicand wet areas

For industrialapplications

IO-Link Memory Plug

When used inconjunction withIO-Link sensors,the memory plugreads and storesdata and para-meters.

It can be installedoutside the criticalzone so that theparameters areprotected andquickly accessibleeven when thesensor has beendestroyed.Especially formachine operatorswho have not yetused an IO-Linkmaster this unit isan easy, time-saving and low-

cost alternative fordata storage.

The parametersare automaticallyexchanged be-tween the memoryplug and the IO-Link sensor. If theparameters of asensor are chang-ed, the memoryplug detects thisand automaticallyupdates itself.Thus, the machineoperator hasalways stored thelatest sensor para-meters. For servic-ing, you just haveto connect thesame type of sen-sor and the memo-

ry plug loads auto-matically the stor-ed data to thesensor duringconnection.There is no com-munication be-tween the sensorand the memoryplug during oper-ation of themachine.The sensor signalsare linked throughwithout beingchanged.

Thanks to the non-volatile memorythe memory plugcan be reconfig-ured as often asrequired and isre-usable.

Easy data storagefor IO-Link sensors.

By means of FDT-Container and IO-LinkInterface the memory plug can eitherbe written or reset to its factorysettings, i.e. the stored parameters aredeleted. Further, the memory plug canbe set to the ”Write Protected“ or”Read Write“ mode.

Sensors with the same parametersetting can be programmed even priorto installation in the plant. By meansof copying the data, possible errorsof a new parameter setting can beprevented.

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Without data set(empty)

Factory setting, nodata set available

in the unit.

Statuses and characteristics of the memory plug:

With data set(full)

A valid data set isavailable in the

memory forwriting of units of

the same type.


After successfulstorage of the data

the unfilteredsensor signals are

transmitted tothe higher-level


Write Protectedmode

The Write Protec-ted mode perma-nently stores therequested data setof the sensor. Inthe status ”full“ itis possible to writethe data set fromthe memory plugto units of thesame type.

Read Write mode

A memory plug inthe Read Writemode stores thedata via IO-Linkwhen the supplyvoltage has beendisconnected andreconnected andsensor data hasbeen changed.

The memory plugis appropriate fordifferent sensors –even manufac-turer independent.Only prerequisite:the IO-Link inter-face.

The memory plugcan be used,amongst others,with the followingIO-Link sensorsfrom ifm:

Flow sensors ofthe SI5 series

Pressure sensorsof the PP75, PI2and PN2 series

Temperature sen-sors of the TN, TRand TP series

AS-Interfacemodule AC5225

Universal use.

L:52 x W:25 x D:18



-25...80 IP 65 / IP 672 4.8; 38.4; 230

Baud rates




IO-Link Memory Plug



Easy:Parameter setting of new unitsin case of a replacement withoutany further tools, software ormenu operation.

Efficient:Error-free copying of a data setto a great number of units of thesame type. Automatic check fortype consistency.

Automatically:Storage of current parametersimmediately after power on ofthe supply voltage or after dis-connecting and reconnecting thesensor in the Read Write mode.

Safe:In the Write Protected mode datacan be stored only once, after-wards it can be only read.

Convenient:Recovering data from the mem-ory plug in case of unintendedchanges of the data set in theIO-Link sensor.

Evident:Two brightly shining LEDs toindicate the current status andcharacteristics.

Tried-and-tested:Process connection via ecolinkM12 connection technology fortoolless installation. Vibrationprotection against loosening incases of shock or vibration.

The IO-Link Memory Plug.

Further information at

Page 14: Highlights Brochure 2012


The bus at a glance:The fast connection from AS-i to Profinet.

For industrialapplications

Profinet gateway

The central ele-ment is a graphiccolour display.Thanks to its un-ambiguous picto-grams and a menustructure forpractical use itallows quick andintuitive set-up,operation anddiagnosis. Furtherto four navigationbuttons there aretwo context-sen-sitive softkeysdirectly below thedisplay. For eachAS-i master thestatus of all 62possible AS-i

addresses can beseen at a glance.The user seesimmediatelywhere a periphe-ral fault (markedyellow) or a confi-guration error hasoccurred. For thelatter a differenceis made betweenstatus of all 62possible AS-iaddresses ”slaveprojected but notpresent“ (markedred) and ”slavepresent but notprojected“ (redwith grey border).


Operation can be done completelyvia the integrated web interface.The menu structure is the same as onthe unit. The dynamic web pages arecompletely transmitted via the HTTPport 80 so that there are no problemswith firewalls.

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Further information at

The display provides informationabout type and quality of the voltagesupply. Further to the exact voltagevalue and a possible earth fault, itshows the symmetry of the potential-free AS-i voltage.

The flexiblevoltage supplyensures low-costintegration intoyour application.The gateway canbe operated viaAS-i powersupplies, DC powersupplies, or a com-bination of both.What is new is thepossibility tosupply AS-i linesas well as thegateway from onepower supply. Forthis, ifm electronicoffers the optionaldata decouplingmodule which issimply connectedto the right side ofthe gateway.

It allows supplyfrom an AS-ipower supply aswell as from a24 V DC standardpower supply.The latter enablescable lengths upto 50 m per AS-iline.

Innovative conceptfor the voltage supply.

Gateway Pwr. supp. (AUX)

AS-i pwr. supp. 1

AS-i pwr. supp. 2

AS-ipower supply 1

AS-i pwr. supp. 2

AS-i line 1

AS-i line 2

Possibilities of voltage supply

Option 1 Option 2

Power supply(AUX or AS-i)

Option 3


Low-cost supplyfor all AS-icomponentsfrom only one(standard)power supply.

Efficientmethod for thedecentralisedstructure.

High operationalreliability even in

cases of shortcircuits on an

AS-i line.

RT device class B M4


AS-i masterprofile

AS-i Profinet gateway · voltage supply via Combicon connector

M4RT device class B








AS-i 1.1

AS-i 1.2

AS-i 2.1

AS-i 2.2

AS-i 3.1

AS-i 3.2

Everything at a glance:A graphic colour display ensuresa clear overview and easy oper-ation.

From safe to low-cost:The flexible voltage supplyconcept offers versatile integra-tion possibilities.

Operation via the internet:Whether parameter setting,diagnosis or firmware update:if required, the gateway can beoperated completely via theinternet.

Fast transmission:The powerful hardware guaran-tees transfer times of less thantwo milliseconds.

Certified technology:The Profinet class B certificationguarantees the user real-timecapability of the gateway.

Double port:The integrated 2-port Profinetswitch enables a line topologyfor Profinet.

With the ifm Profinet gatewayfor AS-Interface.

Page 16: Highlights Brochure 2012

RFID system with Profibus DP interface

The ”electronic route card“for conveying and production.

ifm electronic hasdeveloped a newRFID system inparticular for pro-duction and con-veying.

The robust evalua-tion unit has aProfibus-DP inter-face. The inte-grated web serverenables easy para-meter setting viathe web browser.

The requirementsof harsh industrialenvironments aremet by a stablemetal housing, awide temperaturerange and the

high protectionrating IP 67.

The new RFIDevaluation unitDTE100 has fourantenna connec-tions which canalternatively beused as digitalI/Os. The antennasare connected viastandardised M12connectors.

The standard pinassignment of theI/O connectionsensures thatcommon sensorsor actuators aredirectly connectedand powered from

the RFID evalua-tion unit.In addition to LFtransponders withup to 2-Kbitmemory, the pro-duct portfolio ofifm electronic alsocovers HF trans-ponders with 16Kbits as FRAM ver-sion which can berewritten an un-limited number oftimes.

RFID system with evaluation unit,antennas and transponders

The LF or HF read/write antennas in anindustrially compatible housing aresimply connected to the evaluationunit via a standard M12 connector.


For industrialapplications

Page 17: Highlights Brochure 2012

Further information at www.ifm.com/gb/dte100

RFIDevaluation unit

RFID antenna 125 KHzRFID evaluation unitProfibus DP EU/ETSI,4 switching inputs

or outputs

Antenna/frequency range


RFID system with Profibus DP interface

RFID antenna 13.56 MHz

ID tag 256 bits

Transponder/memory size

ID tag 2048 bits

ID tag 16 Kbits FRAM

ID tag 896 bits

60,depending on

the tag



Web browser


All connections are for standardM12 connectors. Current is also directlysupplied via an M12 connection.The wide range of accessories such asProfibus connection cables and ter-minating resistors facilitate the systemset-up.

Clear:Status display via LED andintegrated web server.

Flexible:Connection of RFID antennas ordigital inputs/outputs. Antennaand transponder combinations ofsome bits to several Kbytes.

Easy:Connection of the antennas withunshielded standard cables of0.3 m to 20 m.

Integrable:Function blocks enable easyintegration into the higher levelautomation or process control.

Certified:The Profibus DP certificationguarantees interoperability inautomation technology.

Robust:The protection rating IP 67meets all requirements for harshindustrial environments.

Convenient:A vast selection of accessoriesfacilitates the system set-up.

The new flexible RFID system with integratedProfibus DP interface.

The RFID systemplatform is widelyused in productionfor identifyingtools or monitor-ing productionsteps.

Data can be savedand read in thetransponder as onan electronic routecard.

Further applica-tions can be foundin quality assur-ance, in the auto-motive industry as

well as in automa-tion and convey-ing.

Easy use and flexi-ble parameter set-ting allow the userto solve each iden-tification task pre-cisely and withoutany problems.

Solve applicationtasks precisely.


Page 18: Highlights Brochure 2012


Current is now orange.Power supplies made by ifm electronic.

For industrialapplications

Switched-mode power suppliesBasicLine and ClassicLine

Über die beidenfrontseitigenBohrungen lässtsich der Sensor aufebene Flächen undProfile schrauben.

Despite the high performance, theslim switched-mode power suppliesonly require little space in the controlcabinet. The control cabinet remainscool due to the low heat loss.



Low-cost powersupplies generallyprovide the userwith no additionalpower. This is arisk for the opera-tional reliability incritical supply situ-ations, e.g. uponstart of the plant.To exclude thisrisk, the plant op-erator normallyhas to use a morepowerful powersupply.

The new ifmpower supplies aredifferent. Theyprovide an ”intelli-gent power reser-ve“. At a 1.5-foldnominal load thepower suppliescan provide ”extracurrent“ for 5 s,and for a longertime in case oflower overload.This additionalpower allows diffi-cult loads to start(motors, DC/DCconverters).

Intelligentpower reserve.

Premium qualitymade in Germany:The new switched-mode power sup-plies ”made byifm“. The typesBasicLine in acompact plastichousing andClassicLine in arobust metalhousing are avail-able. Both designsonly require littlespace on the DINrail, because oftheir slim housings.

The applicationshowever are ver-satile: The primarypower suppliesprovide sensors,actuators, control-lers but also com-plex loads such asmotors or DC/DCconverters withcurrent.

After power on,the power suppliesstart, even with-out minimum load,and are, of course,short-circuit proofand overload pro-tected.

They ensure astable output vol-tage at differentloads and fluc-tuating input vol-tages. This guaran-tees operationalreliability andmaximum plantuptime.

Two LEDs and aDCok output indi-cate and signal theoperating states.

The units can beused worldwidedue to their wide-range input andcULus approval.


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single phase 100...240 AC

single phase 100...240 AC

24 DC / 2.5

24 DC / 5.0



single phase AS-i

single phase AS-i

24 DC / 2.8

24 DC / 4.0


[V / A]

HousingNominal voltage




single phase 100...240 AC

single phase 100...240 AC

24 DC / 1.2

24 DC / 2.5



single phase AS-i

single phase AS-i

24 DC / 1.0

24 DC / 1.9

Switched-mode power supplies BasicLine AS-i

Switched-mode power supplies ClassicLine AS-i

Switched-mode power supplies ClassicLine

Switched-mode power supplies BasicLine



ifm electronicoffers its ownswitched-modepower supply ver-sions for the AS-interface fieldbussystem. Due to theintegrated datadecoupling bothdata and supplyvoltage for theAS-i slaves and theconnected sensorscan be transferredvia one single two-wire cable.Data decouplingensures balancingof the AS-i voltageand thus an op-timum noise im-munity of the AS-isystem.

In addition to thestandard short-circuit protection,overload resis-tance and no-loadprotection, theAS-i power sup-plies have aconstant currentcharacteristic thatallows the user todrive high capaci-tive loads uponstart-up behaviour.

Otherwise, theyhave the samepowerful charac-teristics as the new24 V DC powersupplies.

Voltage supplyfor AS-Interface

Further information at

Extra power:Intelligent power reserve of50 % for at least 5 s withoutvoltage dip.

Universal:Wide-range input,single phase 100...240 V AC

Well stowed:Robust metal housing or compactplastic housing.

Cool:High degree of efficiency of upto 90 %, therefore only minimumcontrol cabinet heating.

Tolerant:Mains buffering dependingon the version up to 450 ms atnominal voltage.

Informative:Operating status signalled byLEDs and DCok output.

Bus-compatible:Special versions for the AS-i bussystem.

24 V DC switched-mode power supplieswith an intelligent power reserve.

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Tight and sealed due to theunique profiled sealing ring and vibration protection.

ecolink M8 connectors, T series

Industrial M8round connectorsare a standard intoday’s automa-tion technology.Applications inwet areas howeverhave been largelyavoided so fardue to the poorsealing.

The reason is theuse of O-rings.They are notsuitable for theseconnectors, be-cause they rarelyachieve the re-quired ingressresistance for rea-sons of design.

A further problemwith conventionalM8 connectors: inapplications withstrong shocks andvibration thecoupling nuts areinsufficientlyprotected againstunintended loos-ening.

In contrast, thenew ecolink M8connectors areingress resistantup to IP 67, IP 68and IP 69K, fur-thermore theyhave a shock andvibration resistantfitting.

The connectors are100 % compatibleand fit on all stan-dardised M8 plugs.Installation is donemanually. Manualtightening of thenut is sufficient toguarantee a highprotection ratingand a high shockand vibration resis-tance.

M8 connectors forhighest demands.

The unique pro-filed sealing ringlies against theinside of theconnector. Like afillet, the diameterincreases and endsin a plane supportsurface. The pro-filed seal is firmlykept in its positionby the metal ringand is thereforecaptive. The result:protection ratingIP 67, IP 68 andIP 69K.

Incomparable. Radially andaxially ingress resistant.

Standard solution for industrial appli-cations: the C series with PUR cable isalso resistant against oils and coolants.The T series for hygienic and wetareas, however, has a PVC cable andhousing as well as a coupling nutmade of stainless steel.

1 ecolinkProfiled sealingring

The innovativeprofiled sealingring seals radiallyand axially. Theseal always liesideally againstboth sealing areas.

2 Conventionalseal

When tightening,the O-ring seal isoften excessivelypressed and forcedapart. The connec-tor is not tight.



For hygienicand wet areas

For industrialapplications

For oils andcoolants

T series, EVT

C series, EVC

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A metal ring withsaw tooth contour

protects the nutagainst unintend-

ed loosening incase of shock and


Socket Cable Connector

3-pole 4-pole

EVT, EVC* connector · 3-pole

EVT, EVC* connector · 4-pole


The new ecolinkM8 connectorshave a unique

profiled sealingring which exactly

fits against theinner surface and

front of the deviceplug, providing an

even contactpressure. So, the

IP67 / IP 68 / IP 69Kratings are for the

first time perma-nently achieved

with M8connectors.

T series, scale 4:1

EVT:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT:2, 5, 10, 25 m

EVC:2, 5, 10 m

EVC:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

EVC:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

EVT:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT:2, 5, 10, 25 m

EVC:2, 5, 10 m

EVC:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

EVC:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

EVT with LED:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT with LED:2, 5, 10, 25 m

EVC with LED:2, 5, 10 m

EVC with LED:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

EVT:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT:2, 5, 10, 25 m

EVC:2, 5, 10 m

EVC:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

EVC:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

EVT:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 m

EVT:2, 5, 10, 25 m

EVC:2, 5, 10 m

EVC:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

EVC:0.3, 0.6, 1, 2, 5 m

*in the pictures you see the T series EVTwww.ifm.com/gb/ecolink-M8Further information at

Application:Unique in the market – theT series for hygienic and wetareas and the C series for oils andcoolants as well as standardapplications.

Ingress-protected:The innovative profiled sealingring – dimensionally stable andcaptive – provides the highprotection ratings IP 67, IP 68and IP 69K.

Secure:The saw-tooth type vibration pro-tection ensures that the nut doesnot become loose unintentionallyin case of shock and vibration.This is proven in tests with 750 gand 1 million cycles.

Manual mounting:Manual tightening of the nutguarantees the high protectionrating as well as a high shockand vibration resistance.

Visible:Transparent black housing foran optimum visibility of the LEDeven in bright lighting conditions.

Standardised:The connection technologyconforms to the M8 standardEN 61076 and is thereforecompatible with all commonM8 connectors.

M8 ecolink connectors –now also for hygienic and wet areas.

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A passion for

QualityA passion for


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