high voltage part 4

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Transcript of high voltage part 4

  • 8/9/2019 high voltage part 4


    We had only been got ten minutes. I walked in Edward behind me.

    " Nurse sent us back" Edward said before I could even open my mouth.

    Sir nodded and we both took are seats. Most people in the class was

    fantasizing about me and Edward. I ever heard some of the lass talk to

    each other about how close Edward was to me. How he was never like

    that to anyone. Interesting. I heard a snap. I looked up Edward's jaw

    was clenched his fists into balls.

    " What's wrong" I whispered to him.

    " That lad over there. Listen" he pointed to a blonde haired boy. He was

    daydream by the pose of his body he looked bored. I listen carefully.

    Gross. I cannot see Edwards problem though. He was fantasizing about

    what he would do to me. If I could be sick I would. I looked at Edward

    his eyes were filled with hate.

    Like he wanted to kill him. What a odd reaction.

    " Give me your hand" I ordered to him. He looked at him then gave me

    his hand. I held his hand and closed my eyes. I was thinking about a

    mental mind block. I opened them again. " Better" I whispered.

    " I cant hear him"

    " I know. Mental mind block"

    " You can do that. Wow. You have to teach me" he smiled.

    " Of course I will" I smiled back.

    I hadn't noticed I was still holding his hand when I heard some people

    thinking about it. I guessed with both heard the same think as we let

    go at the same time. " Sorry" I whispered to him. He just chuckled. " I

    guess were the hottest new couple" he whispered to me. I rolled my

    eyes. "I think we would have to be on a date first" I chuckled back. "

    True. That can be arranged "

    " Shut up" I laughed quietly and pushed him away. He smiled at me. I

    smiled back.

    I wish I knew what he was thinking. I would give anything to know

    what was inside of his head. We where both silent after that. Every so

    often I would head girls giggle but it didn't bother me. It was 5 minutes

    till the end of the lesson and sir had said we could pack up early for

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    being so good. After I packed my books away into my bag I noticed a

    small group of lads and lass form. After a few minutes talking between

    themselves one of the girls came up to me. She smiled at me. I smiled


    " we were wondering if you wanted to have lunch with us" her voiceworried me. She must me so scared at my reaction.

    " I would love too" I replied I was always polite she smiled back at me

    then at Edward her mind ran away from her after that. She joined the

    others where there was some giggles and some high fives. Odd. I

    turned to Edward.

    " Why don't you have lunch we me and my family" Edward offered. I

    heard some people think in the group that I would so sit with. Some of

    the lads wanted to kill him. And very violently. I wanted to kill them

    myself but I didn't let it bother me for the time being. I smiled at him. "

    No. its okay I already have a lunch date" I heard some gasps as some

    people heard me turn down Edward Cullen. Oooft. " O. so it is a date

    then." he asked rasing his eye brow.

    " Yes lunch. " I smiled at him again.

    " Well if I knew that sooner then I would have ask you first. So we can

    be the hottest new couple." what was he saying.

    " What?" I was shocked

    " You're the one that said a couple implies a first date" he chuckled.

    " why do I even bother" I sighed.

    " Is that a no then?" he asked

    " Yes Edward its no" I rolled my eyes I heard more people talk. I

    noticed that all the boys where getting there hopes up. Edward leaned

    over to whisper something in my ear.

    " I will get you sooner or later" I made sure my voice was very low sono one could hair me. " In about hundred years" I laughed quietly. He


    " That's a date then" he said out loud.

    " Your impossible" I sighed "Cada enamorada" I hoped Edward didn't

    know what that meant. Falling in love. With a vampire who is like a

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    brother to the man I saved. Who is like my brother. Yikes.

    The bell went and I quickly grabbed my thinks I started walking to the

    next class. I noticed Edward was walking beside me. Very close. Then I

    saw I a big tall dark haired guy walking. I listened careful to his

    thoughts he to was a vampire. Emmett.

    Nice catch there Edward I heard him think the halls where quite still.

    " He didn't catch anything Emmett" I shouted over to him. He looked at

    me in surprise. I smiled at him. The halls where busy so he didn't get a

    chance to reply. I looked at Edward he looked like he was in pain. "

    What's wrong"

    " So many minds thinking disgusting thoughts. I just cant deal with it. I

    just want to kill them all." I held out my hand he took it. " You will have

    to guild me to class" I whispered to him. I closed my eyes. I heardpeople talk about us holding hands. I just let it trail. I started building

    blockades in Edwards mind. Keeping the babble out. Making sure that

    he could take the barricades down himself. If he wanted too. I made

    sure he could hear his family and Keith. I closed down ever door. I

    winced a few times as I heard people talk about me in a vial way. I

    took a deep breath then pushed myself out of Edwards mind. It took a

    second for me to recover he takes a lot out of you. I got to my next

    class I noticed Edward was still holding my hand. He pulled my arm so I

    was closer to his body. I learned over to my ear.

    " Thank you" he whispered then let go of my hand. I turned into the

    class I noticed yet again everyone what staring at me. Most people had

    noticed me walking with Edward Cullen I have to say I am impressed

    by the amount of girls that had fallen for him luckily he could hear

    there thoughts anymore. With I guess would be a good thing to him. O

    maybe it was just a good thing that I can tune them out.

    (A.N i was goin to stop there but i haven't updated so i decided agianist

    it :) u guyz r so lucky ily

  • 8/9/2019 high voltage part 4


    brother has gone home I was afraid I would have to sit on me own" I

    shrugged. I knew that Jasper would never allow it but still I had to

    make and effort. Try to be friendly anyway.

    " Why did your brother go home?" she asked in a timid voice.

    " Well. My brother isn't every well " I smiled at her. I felt bad for lying

    but I was only to protect our secret. I could not say he was about to be

    in a fight with Jasper and tear each others throats out. Of better yet

    they were vampires interesting.

    " Do you feel okay?" Jessica asked.

    " I am not 100% I wont be getting anything to eat a lunch but I will still

    sit next to you if you don't mind" I smiled half heartedly.

    " It is okay I totally understand. Of course you can still sit with us" .Nothing was interesting I just started listening to others mind. I wanted

    to see what people thought of me. I was surprised how offer Edwards

    name came up a lot mostly in the minds of the lads it was filled with

    hate. Although once or twice I did hear how lustful and handsome he

    was from males. I cant wait to tell him. It was hard to contain my

    laughter but I thought it would be better laughing in class for know

    reason. Or logical reason people might think I am mental. It was at the

    end of the lesson when I was interrupted my Jessica talking to me.

    " You and Edward seem close" like it was a statement .

    " No. not really I hardly know him"

    " You seemed to be getting along with him fine in biology" she giggled.

    " not really. He was just telling what I missed in biology"

    " But you were holding hands" he giggled again.

    I held out my hand and placed my other hand around.

    " Yes. He was showing me what I missed" I ran my fingers along the

    bone. " The blood vessels and the nerves" I smiled at her.

    Why couldn't it be more juicy. More fun. Why did it just have to be

    boring. Edward Cullen though. wow. Gossip. I need some gossip.

    Her mind trailed off to a point where I had to block the mental pictures

    out before I did throw up. The bell went so I stared walking towards my

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    next class. I was to caught up in the minds of others I didn't notice

    Jasper and Alice was beside me.

    " Bella ?" Alice ask as I walked along. I shook my head to get it clear. "

    Sorry. Spaced out." I shook my head again. They both laughed. " What's

    funny" I was puzzled.

    " Edward gets the look sometimes" Alice giggled. I raised at eye brow.

    How is that funny. Yes another mind reader but I seriously just didn't


    "What ever. I still don't think its funny" I told them.

    " Bella. What did you do to Edward he seems happier more relaxed"

    Jasper asked me.

    " Not much. He will tell you later" I smiled at them.

    I finally got to my class. I think it was French I blanked out after. I was

    like a haze. It was cloudy. Jumping from one mind to the next just

    trying to get into a mind of a human again making sure I don't slip up.

    Body language and everything it was interesting to know that so little

    go on in this town that people don't know about. But there were little

    things. Things that were not important like birthdays. Couples. Lovers.

    Who has done who behind bins. But bigger secrets like the Masen and

    Cullen's they had not a clue about. Amazed at how the human mind

    really truly worked. I was abit shocked at the time when I heard the

    bell go and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to find it was

    Jess. I smiled at her.

    " Come on then. Before all the good food gets taken" he laughed. I

    followed her to the table were her friends were sat. I smiled as a sat

    down. Most of the lads minds were blurred. They couldn't think


    " This is Isabella. But call her bella" Jessica introduced me. " This is

    Mike. Seth. Anna. Preston and Josh" she pointed out each of the

    members of the group. Mike was short and blondish hair. Seth wastanned with freckles and black hair. Anna she was petite with blond

    curl hair. Like big ringlets. Preston was pale with a mucky blond hair.

    Josh was bigger than the other a muscular he clearly worked out a lot.

    I smiled at each other of them.

    " No lunch today Bella?" Mike asked.

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    I shocked my head " I don't feel very well. Best to leave me" I smiled at


    " Hope your feeling better soon Bells" Seth said.

    " Thank you" I smiled at him. As soon as I smiled I heard Josh's mindclick Seth was getting more attention than he was and he didn't like it.

    " So Bella where is your brother" Josh quickly asked.

    " He is in worst shape than me so he has gone home" which was true

    he was in worst shape than me. He was very violent. But I didn't feel I

    needed to mention that.

    " well I hope he feels better soon" Anna told me. She blushed a little as

    she said it. She clearly like him. I just hoped for her sake he didn't like

    her. Now that would be deadly. I smiled at her. Thinking it was sweetthat she cared about him. At least she didn't have these sick fantasises

    like most people did. Over by the Cullen's table someone way thinking

    about me. I bet she isn't even a really vampire. Look at her she is too

    tame. She doesn't even stick out in a crowd. I turned my head slowly. It

    was Emmett I looked at him for abit. I turned around to face the group.

    " Would you excuse me for a minute. I have to sort a ride home" I

    smiled at them. They nodded at a got up. I walked towards the Cullen's

    table. I sat opposite Emmett.

    " Too tame am I?" I asked him. He looked confused.

    " Don't stand out in a crowd. I blend in?" I titled my head. Just then

    Emmett jump slightly.

    " Oops. My bad" I whispered to him. The others where laughing. Even

    Rosalie. He shot a look at me.

    " O I have something to tell you" I turned to Jasper. I got up and

    whispered in his ear so know one else can her me.

    " Edwards being turning a few heads. From the same gender" I couldn'thelp up laugh. Jasper burst out laughing to.