High Notes #17 - 2nd December 2013

Vol. 49 Issue #17 2nd December 2013 The year that was...


Marist College North Shore newsletter

Transcript of High Notes #17 - 2nd December 2013

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Vol. 49 Issue #17 2nd December 2013

The year that was...

Page 2: High Notes #17 - 2nd December 2013



A reminder that the final Fee Statement for the year was due early September. If you still have not finalised your account, please contact the Office on 9957 5000.

Mark BrooksBusiness Manager

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Friday evening I was pleased to attend the annual P&F Christmas drinks. This year the event doubled as a farewell to me as I am completing my term as Headmaster of Marist College North Shore. The function was very well attended with 200 parents gathering in the La Valla Hall. The fabulous finger food was prepared in the Hospitality kitchen by several mums under the leadership of Mrs Elizabeth Byrne.

I was very pleased to be able to move around the group and chat. The community atmosphere of Marist College North Shore is something that I know I will miss when I leave the College. I was also very surprised and appreciative of receiving the very special and thoughtful gift of a miniature “Heart of Mary” which contains the name of all the 1400 students who have attended Marist College North Shore during my six years of Headmastership. I will take this with me and treasure it for many years to come and I will pray daily for the community of Marist College North Shore.

On Thursday all volunteers to the school were invited to a special Thank you lunch. It was well attended and it gave an opportunity for our band of volunteers in the canteen, learning support, the uniform shop and the P&F to sit and chat as they enjoyed the sumptuous lunch prepared by students and teachers.

Our Faith Formation section of this edition reports on the special ceremony held at St. Mary’s Church North Sydney in which eight of our students received the sacraments of the Catholic Church welcoming them to the Church Community. I congratulate these boys and I appreciate the support that was given them by their parents, the parish and Mr Michael Dela Cruz who prepared them over three school terms.

This is our second last of our High Notes for 2013. In this edition and the next several important dates will be listed that parents need to take note of both for the end of the school year and for the beginning of 2014.

Mr Forrester’s column contains details for each year level and a clear outline of the activities and dates of finishing for each year level. Also two emails have been sent out by me about Parent/Teacher Interviews

and the opportunity of meeting with the teachers at short interviews should parents need.

The Office will open for business on Monday 20th January 2014 and the Year 7 students begin school for their further orientation on Wednesday 29 January 2014. All other Year groups will begin on Thursday 30th January. With the North Sydney Swimming Pool booking constraints, our school’s Swimming Carnival is set for Friday 31st January. While that first week is a very short one for the students, the activities that will take place will provide them with the opportunity to start work immediately. It is important that all students be at school on the correct dates to get the required information from teachers. Students who start later will find that they will miss information necessary for them to begin the school year in an organised manner.

As you can see from the articles in this High Notes there are a variety of events that can engage your son here at Marist. It is very satisfying to see students make a decision to get involved and to strive to excel. This commitment helps teenagers believe that they can make a difference in the world and they take that attitude with them after they leave school. Please realise that these activities are only possible because of the generosity of the staff who spend a good deal of their time making sure that these extra things are in place.

Thank you and God bless.

Br Peter Corr, fmsHeadmaster

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Last High Notes, an address by Alec Morgan (9 Salta) at a recent assembly was featured. It provided an outstanding reflection for what it means to be a part of Solidarity. His definition included Solidarity having a connection with ‘being out of your comfort zone’. I thought it was a fitting description of the importance of service, a key element that is discussed and lived here at Marist. My observations are that students involved in Solidarity truly value and see the significance of walking in others shoes. They have a deep appreciation of forming right relationships. Compassion and empathy are qualities that are formed when taking that risk when stepping out of your normal routine.

Furthermore, the challenge that was put forward to all students was to ensure that to find the depth of your capacity in dealing with life’s situations you need to at times stretch yourself. Taking on a different challenge to learn new skills will inevitably build talents and abilities to work in a variety of situations.


The following information are the details for the final weeks:

Year 7, 8 and 9

Week 9: (Mon 2nd December - Fri 6th December)Normal week of classes.

Week 10: Wednesday 11th December Champagnat Gold at Balmoral Beach. Students will be bussed to and from the venue. Further details will be sent home in a letter. This is a compulsory event for all students.

Thursday 12th December: School will conclude for the year on this day for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 after our Christmas Liturgy at approximately 12pm.

Year 10

Week 9: (Mon 2nd December - Fri 6th December)A letter was issued to all students last week explaining the arrangements for an alternative program.

The last day for Year 10 is Friday 6th December and students will be dismissed after the assembly at approximately 11am.

Year 11

Week 9: (Mon 2nd December to Fri 6th December)

Wednesday 4th December: English Oral Assessment Tasks. Students only attend school at the time they have been given for this task.

Thursday 5th December: Champagnat Gold Event at Balmoral Beach

Friday 6th DecemberNormal school day. Year 11 students finish school for the year at 3:20pm.

David ForresterDeputy Headmaster

Students make a dash for it in last year’s Champagnat Gold

Page 4: High Notes #17 - 2nd December 2013


On Sunday 24th November, I was very fortunate to watch two students become members of the Catholic Church and six other students undertake the sacraments. What a wonderful time for these students to enter into the Church, a Church that is undergoing massive changes under the leadership of Pope Francis.

Since his appointment in March, Pope Francis has spoken about making the Church a Church for the poor. On 26th November, he released his first writing entitled ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ (‘The Joy of the Gospel’), which outlines his vision and plan for the Church. Pope Francis says, “I prefer a Church which

is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security.” So what does this mean for us? It means that we must stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, not to sit back and watch but to engage with those on the margins of life and help enrich their lives through our action. Jesus was very clear in his message of a countercultural, living Church.

One way we get to do this at the College is through our St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal, which has once again highlighted the generosity of families and community of Marist North Shore. For example, I was asked by Chanel House Coordinator, Ms Kathleen McGrath, to come to the front office to collect a parcel for the Appeal. It was in fact not one parcel but three boxes of Lego. This generosity is not a one-off but a regular occurrence from the students and families of Marist North Shore. I hope this continues for the remaining weeks of our Christmas appeal. As we enter the season of Advent, I encourage you to embrace the season of Joy and the coming of our Saviour to find time for prayer and reflection, to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of all walks of life and to enjoy having a Faith.

As Pope Frances writes, “there are Christians whose lives seem like Lent without Easter,” he said, adding that the Christian message should not be “a catalogue of sins and faults” and should be about striving for “the good of others”. Embrace the season of Advent with joy and hope and look to do good for others.

Stephen VersteeghActing Director of Faith Formation

Advent Blessing


the spirit of Christmas which is Peace...

the gladness of Christmas which is Hope...

the adoration of Christmas which is Joy...

and the heart of Christmas which is Love...

be yours now and tomorrow.

Page 5: High Notes #17 - 2nd December 2013


On Sunday 24th November, eight students were initiated into the Catholic Church to conclude the three-term long Sacramental Program for 2013. The group consisted of Layton Chu, Riley Sanders Khalil Schrieber, Ethan Cook, Ben Challenger, Kaiya Melbourne, Luke Hills and Daniel He. Layton and Riley received all four sacraments (Baptism, Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation) while the others received either First Holy Communion, Confirmation or both.

The ceremony was celebrated at St. Mary’s North Sydney during the weekly 6pm Youth Mass. Fr. Daven Day presided over a unique experience with around 500 parishioners in attendance to witness our students receive the sacraments. The boys were involved in the Mass by reading the second reading, the Gospel and their own prayer intentions that they created earlier that week. Fr. Daven even invited the students to surround the altar table in preparation for Communion. Overall, parents, godparents and parishioners enjoyed the atmosphere of the evening helping the students feel welcomed into the church.

This Mass concludes the Sacramental Program for 2013 where students were given an invitation to explore their Faith in depth. Students took time off from their normal classes to participate and learn about the significance of the sacraments and to reflect how the beliefs of the Church relate to their own lives. Special thanks go to the parents and godparents for their consistent support they have shown and to the parish staff, including Fr. Daven and Edwin Galea for making the ceremony a success.

Michael Dela CruzSacramental Program Coordinator


The students surround the altar in preparation for their First Holy Communion


On Wednesday 27th November Year 9 participated in a workshop called The Locker Room, which explored traditional concepts of what being a male means in society. Students were given the opportunity to go beyond the stereotype of being a male and explore what type of impact they want to have as a male on the world.

The Reach Foundation employs young people to empower youth through thought-provoking and interactive activities. They also offer leadership training through local centres. Please see their website for further information: www.reach.org.au

The students engaged really well with the program and gave some good feedback:

“...It was fun and very relatable and also put me out of my comfort zone. I have more confidence, feel better about myself and I feel closer to people...”

“...It made me more aware of my actions and that I am not alone...”

“...The workshop got everyone involved and no-one had to be put down for what they thought - I feel good and think we as a year group are now closer...”

Dawn RussellCollege Counsellor

THANKYOU!The Learning Support Department would like to sincerely thank the students in Year 9 & 10 who volunteered throughout 2013 as Exam Helpers. Their commitment and generosity is appreciated by both the staff and students at our school.

Ms BrouggyLearning Support Coordinator

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Congratulations to Dennis De Caires (12 Moore) for his selection into the highly prestigious ARTEXPRESS exhibition.

Dennis created a video for his HSC Visual Arts Body of Work tilted ‘Silence Yourself’, which Dennis explains, “explores the growing disconnect between people and their environment. In this age of multiple technological distractions it is becoming increasingly difficult for the individual to be mentally present. Perhaps through depicting suburban environs in a surreal, ambiguous manner, the viewer can be forced to approach them from a purely aesthetic viewpoint, unguided by preconceptions. Perhaps through eliminating all this random noise we can begin to reconnect with our surroundings on a deeper level”.

Dennis’ selection into the ARTEXPRESS exhibition is a testament to his creative flair, collaboration with his teacher and deep critical and conceptual understandings. Congratulations also to Ms Kathleen McGrath who taught and mentored Dennis in Year 11 and 12 Visual Arts.

I wish Dennis and his fellow Visual Arts classmates all the best with their creative endeavours.Dennis’ film ‘Silence Yourself’ can been seen at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery 1 February - 16 March 2014 & the Goulburn Regional Art Gallery in 24 July - 23 August 2014.


Dennis showcasing his work at the Year 12 Soiree earlier this year


As the school year closes, I am busy preparing for the 2014 Music Tuition Program. Part of this process is re-enrolling students who were part of the Music Tuition Program this year. Students will receive both a printed application for enrolment and an emailed copy for parents to fill in and then return to Ms O’Brien. The aim of the re-enrolment is to give the Music Tutors accurate numbers so they can plan their teaching load for 2014 and also as an opportunity for reflection and conversation about the commitment required to be involved the Music Tuition Program for the students.

One of the key aims of the Music Tuition Program is to encourage students to set goals and participate in the AMEB Examination. On Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd December Sam Pellegrino (Guitar Tutor) has prepared thirteen students for their Guitar Advancing Examination. I wish the following students involved all the best and congratulate them on their commitment to rehearsal and advancing their musicianship:

Nathan Culhane (8 Salta)James Parker (9 Chanel)Mark Overstead (10 Kelly)

Alan Russell (10 Salta)Andrew Cipriano (9 Moore)

David Arnold (10 Salta)Dante Vivanco (7 Moore)Leon Blackford (8 Chanel)

Jason Ko (8 Moore)Jarrod Parchi (8 Moore)Lachlan Keen (9 Salta)Isaac Choice (7 Kelly)

Jesse Langford (7 Salta)

This year over twenty students were involved an AMEB Exams and I hope numbers will increase in 2014.

If you have any questions about the Music Tuition Program please do not hesitate to contact me: [email protected]

Wishing you and your family a happy and holy Christmas,

Carolyn O’BrienHead of Creative & Performing Arts

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ENGLISHTom left the room with a sigh. He found a sunny spot among some flowers and lay down. He wanted to please his teacher, but didn’t want to lose his talent for imagining…

The flowers turned into people, soldiers fighting for glory. Their swords clashed and made amazing sounds. Tom thought: this is where I belong – not in the world of maths or homework but here where everything is fine.

But everything was not fine. Tom didn’t notice the butterfly coming towards him and it flew right into his face. Now, any other five-year old might have got a shock – but Tom was in one of his deepest and most vivid trances. He did not see a butterfly, he saw a beast, a snarling, terrifying beast with yellow eyes and a huge mouth. The tongue was blood-red and moved as if it had a life of its own. As it landed on his nose, the creature latched onto him, sucking his energy away. Tom tried to scream but could only whisper. He tried to run, but his legs felt like stone. His body grew cold until finally, out of breath, he collapsed.

An ambulance arrived, and Tom was transported to the nearest hospital.

‘He’ll be alright,’ a paramedic reassured the principal. ‘He just fainted from fright.’

‘Fright?’ replied the principal, startled. ‘Are you sure?’

‘No, we’re sure that Tomas Simm fainted due to fright. It’s not uncommon, when a person witnesses something frightening, for the body’s nervous system to be affected, causing a drop in blood pressure which can lead to fainting.’

‘But the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and even the butterflies are out! What could possibly have scared him so?’


This year Marist North Shore students entered the Write 4 Fun writing competition. Students had free choice to write a short story about anything. We had many students that entered but one of our students stories really grabbed the attention of the judges. This story was from Isaac West (10 Kelly). Isaac’s story, Flowers of Despair was chosen as one of fifteen finalists out of 12,500 entries. This is a remarkable achievement by Isaac. We congratulate him on this and I hope that you all enjoy reading his story.

Each student has the chance to enter this competition and we encourage as many to do so. Look out for the posters next year and write a story, submit and you never know!

Janette DurandHead of English


Tom gazed out the window at the dew that covered the lush green grass and allowed his eyes to drift over the sky. It was the perfect day. A butterfly flew low over the ground but Tom did not see a butterfly. He saw, or rather imagined, a dragon. A huge dragon with scaly black skin and a whip-like tail. It swooped low, breathing fire and devouring the blades of grass which, in Tom’s mind, took the form of soldiers trying desperately to fend them off. You see, Tom was no ordinary five-year old; he didn’t like running around. He liked sitting and dreaming about magical worlds and fantastic beasts, goblins, fairies or anything he wanted; it was his little hobby. He became so adept that he imagined things without trying; he even began not to see the real things. However, it sometimes got him into trouble.

‘Tom!’ yelled the teacher. Tom looked down. It was maths. He hated maths because it involved no imagination: Three plus six equals … He had no idea how to answer, so went on to the next question but couldn’t do that either, and found himself drifting away.‘Right, since the school yard is so interesting, go out until you’re ready to concentrate!’ exclaimed the teacher.

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Wednesday 25 December 2013 Ron Dyer Centre, 42 Ridge Street

North Sydney NSW 2065

Your help will make a difference.For the fourth consecutive year, Father Tony Smith S.J. is hosting a celebration for community members who are otherwise unable to celebrate Christmas in the company of others.

Volunteers will be preparing an enjoyable day with a warm welcome, a sit-down lunch, traditional festivities, music and entertainment, plus a small gift.

Organising such an event is not a simple task. We therefore invite volunteers and sponsors to call 8918 4101 or email [email protected]

A small team has already started work but many more volunteers are needed to:

contact various organisations to inform and invite guests

serve and host guest tables

greet guests, prepare food, plate, clean, etc.

procure donations of non-alcoholic drinks, food and/or financial sponsorship ($35 per guest).

Contact us today! We are grateful for your support of our community members by helping them to participate in this memorable Christmas Day event.

Remembrance, Consolation & Hope - 2013This service is open to all those who have experienced the loss of a child. We come together to mark our enduring love for these children, to share the sadness of their loss and to offer compassion and understanding to others who grieve.

Families will be invited to record their childʼs name in a book of remembrance which will be kept in the Mater Hospital Chapel. Refreshments will be provided following the service.

Graham Long, Pastor of the Wayside Chapel and father of James will officiate and Vanessa Gorman, director/producer on Australian Story and mother of Layla will be our guest speaker.

Children are welcome and should remain quietly seated with their parents throughout the service.

Music:   The Café at the Gate of SalvationDate:   Friday 6th Dec 2013Time:   7.30pm but please be seated by 7.20 pm.Place: St Maryʼs Catholic Church, Miller and Ridge St,   North Sydney (Parking is available along Miller Street and in    the car park adjacent to the church)RSVP  for catering purposes to Darleen or Jenny on Tel - 9900 7675

During the service photographs of the children or other associated images will be shown. If you would like to provide a digital image please email it to Deb de Wilde at peterbarr@bigpond by November 29th. Any queries please call Deb on 0412 514 996

2013 North Sydney Community Carolsin conjunction with

2013 North Sydney Community Carolsin conjunction with

Special guest artists

✴YellowKat ‘Christmas Show’

✴The Jitterbugs Christmas Spectacular

✴Meet Santa & the Christmas Fairy Princess

✴Kids craft corner

Carols performed by

✴North Sydney Girls High School Choir and Orchestra

Special guest artists

✴YellowKat ‘Christmas Show’

✴The Jitterbugs Christmas Spectacular

✴Meet Santa & the Christmas Fairy Princess

✴Kids craft corner

Carols performed by

✴North Sydney Girls High School Choir and Orchestra

twilight food fair twilight food fair

Friday 6 December 6.30pm to 9pm

Civic Park(Adjacent to Stanton Library)

Miller St, North Sydney

Friday 6 December 6.30pm to 9pm

Civic Park(Adjacent to Stanton Library)

Miller St, North Sydney

Wet weather hotline: 9936 8272 Wet weather hotline: 9936 8272

Come early and enjoy a picnic or buy dinner at the Food Fair

Come early and enjoy a picnic or buy dinner at the Food Fair

Page 9: High Notes #17 - 2nd December 2013


Tom Schramko (11 Chanel) competed for Marist College North Shore on Sunday 24th November at the Independent Schools Annual Rowing Regatta at Sydney Internation Regatta Centre.

Tom was very proud to, as we are of him, to represent the College at this event. Tom was also lucky enough to have his coach come back from an international training camp to assist him in competing at this event.

Tom has been putting in an increasing amount of training and practice as his participation in the sport reaches great heights. It is then of no surprise that Tom won the final of the Schoolboy Single Scull (2000m) with a time of 7:29.47; a solid twenty-one seconds ahead of his next competitor.

We congratulate Tom on his emphatic win!

Tom head and shoulders above the rest!

CANTEENParents, please be advised that from Wednesday 29th January, 2014 there is be a price increase on selected items at the canteen. This is in line with the CPI and suppliers adjusting their prices.

I thank you for your understanding.

Shelley KemsleyCanteen Manager

Marist College North Shore P & F

Second Hand Text Book Sale

Saturday, 7th December 9 am – 11 am La Valla Hall

Payment for books is by cash and EFTPOS

(Visa & Mastercard only) Personal cheques will not be accepted

Book collection day for all Year Groups:

Friday 6th December 2013 8 am – 11:30 am - La Valla Hall Foyer

11:30 am – 3 pm - La Valla Hall

Marist College North Shore P&F

Second Hand Book Sale

Saturday 7th December

9am - 11amLa Valla Hall

Payment for books is by cash and EFTPOS(Visa and Mastercard only)

Personal cheques will not be accepted.

Book collection day for all Year Groups:

Friday 6th December 20138am - 11:30am - La Vall Hall Foyer

11:30am - 3pm - La Valla Hall

Page 10: High Notes #17 - 2nd December 2013

CANTEEN2 Dec: Linda Fung, Debbie Jenkins, Liz McGuire, Izabel Silva-Lindsey, Veronica Valderas3 Dec: Deborah Brown, Jacqueline Moran, Colin Wilson, Theodora Manos4 Dec: Sam Adderton, Lisa Brink, Marlana Collins, Erica Keri, Lyn Radovan5 Dec: Rosemary Burgess, Cathy Hamilton, Johanna Huskins, Jacki Krahmalov, Nikki Verhoeven, Jenny Winter6 Dec: Anne Christiansen, Karen Ferguson, Suzanne Fraser, Sandra Garratt, Peta Turner9 Dec: Maria De Caires, Julie Moriarty, Jo Nicholls, Lyndal Jenney10 Dec: Stephanie Lainey, Andrea Morgan, Chris Saunders, Antoniette Raynal11 Dec: Leanne Bishop, Ann Catanzariti, Margie Morgan, Katharine Watts12 Dec: Suzanne Devine, Julie Gaidzkar, Maureen McKee, Sandra Robinson, Anton Singh, Kasumi Tucker13 Dec: STAFF DAY

UNIFORM4 Dec: Helen Briggs, Megan Sturrock, Tracy Pitts, Tracey Cummins11 Dec: Donalda Brown, Maureen McKee, Talin Boghossian, Anne Haron

VOLUNTEER ROSTERS LOOKING AHEAD2 Dec: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Moore)4 Dec: Uniform Shop open Solidarity - Matthew Talbot Marist Solidarity Christmas Gathering5 Dec: Year 10 & 11 Champagnat Gold6 Dec: LAST DAY FOR 2013 - YEAR 10 & 11 ONLY Solidarity - Sandwich Making (Moore) Solidarity - Surry Hills (Chanel)7 Dec: P&F Second Hand Book Sale11 Dec: Year 7, 8 & 9 Champagnat Gold Uniform Shop open Solidarity - Matthew Talbot12 Dec: LAST DAY FOR 2013 - YEAR 7, 8 & 9 (12.00pm)17 Dec: Parent/Teacher Interviews (9.00am - 1.00pm)18 Dec: HSC Results released Parent/Teacher Interviews (12.15pm - 3.30pm)19 Dec: College closes for 2013 (12.00pm)20 Jan 2014: College Office reopens for 201421 Jan: Uniform Shop open22 Jan: Uniform Shop open28 Jan: Year 11 Peer Support Training29 Jan: Year 7 Orientation30 Jan: ALL STUDENTS RETURN FOR 201431 Jan: College Swimming Carnival7 Feb: Allwell Catch Up Testing10-12 Feb: Year 7 Camp10 Feb: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Salta)11 Feb: Year 9 Reflection Day P&F Meeting14 Feb: Year 7 Instruction Mass Solidarity - Surry Hills (Kelly)


The Uniform Shop has entered into a fundraising venture with Ascent Footwear and Athlete’s Foot Chatswood Westfield. For every pair of black leather school shoes and/or sport shoes purchased, $5 from each sale is forwarded on to the College. All you need to do when purchasing is mention the school’s name!


A quick reminder if you are ordering uniform via email that they must be received by end of school each Monday for collection by your son lunchtime Wednesday. Please remember to provided the following information when ordering:

• Your Name and contact number• Your Son’s Name• Name on Credit Card• Credit Card number (16 digits)

• Card Expiry Date • The correct size of each item you are ordering.

I am unable do to email orders for School Blazers as these require a fitting. There is an up-to -date price list and credit card form on the school website.

June MitchellUniform Shop Manager