Hiding data, content and technology in real world games

techonology based real world games Jaggeree /think /help /create /work hiding data, content and technology in real world games


Talk I just gave at Ogilvy Gamelab day... Will edit notes a bit better later

Transcript of Hiding data, content and technology in real world games

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techonology based real world games


hiding data, content and technology in real world games

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social content

play data

techonology based real world games



I work in the intersections of these things here, by day I work a lot in open data and in looking at how we can improve services built on data, often through play, lots of the social games I make are about data gathering if you dig deep enough or understand how people realate to things

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some core forces at play

we’ve got more ability to locate people and objects than ever before

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and people are key, not just data points, we need to stop seeing massive data sets en masse but more individually

for me seeing pedestrianised times square was interesting, how you can see individual people breaking existing relationships with built environment... could have watched groups and individuals for hours here, on the outside you just saw lots of people being a bit bemused and then enjoying it

making things which look at behaviours is really interesting to me

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and we have these things with us all the time, things that Matt Jones calls ambient sensors

know where you are, what you’re doing if you tell them, which way you’re pointing them and through extension can know how far you’ve walked/run, how warm it is, what your pulse is and what your blood sugar is

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social games are everywhere

social games are all around us, like Playfish’s games

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social games of electing politicians

and Obama’s iphone app with a high score table for call totals

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social games of watching politicians

and the guardian’s mp’s expenses game

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I like play...

and they’re fun and take in stuff from real life games and playful experiences

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my first console

first experience of games

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this is what you could play if you tuned your telly to it properly, glorious black and white

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paddles FTW

but so easy to play...

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game controllers should have less buttons than this

sorts of games I hate are the ones with controller pads with as many buttons as this

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or this...

sorts of games I hate are the ones with controller pads with as many buttons as this

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games are more fun/easy to playwith more natural controllers

we all know people play most naturally when they can use natural gestures

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current obsession

we all know people play most naturally when they can use natural gestures

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kids get gesturalinterfaces

my son who is 2 gets the iphone interface totally, including multitouch swiping, tilting... in fact he gets annoyed when displays like those at the London Transport museum don’t swipe

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making playfulgesture based things


and when I was at Mind Candy we made sure that Moshi Monsters was gesture based, wiggle the mouse to tickle, click on them to poke them, drag food onto them

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not my septuagenarian parent’s game consoles

and if you get all this right, everyone will play... my parents are DS lite owners and addicts and they’re in their 70s... I can’t keep up with what they’re playing

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Terra Future 09techonology based real world games


even easier with every dayobjects: SMS, Twitter

so we like making data and information collecting games with services like SMS and Twitter, agree with Alice that bidirectional SMS is tricky all the while the operators charge us 4p per message, but you can design around

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play is an importantsocial construct

half the world’s population lives in cities now and in tower blocks like this

very asocial and if you ask almost anyone they really don’t notice the built environment too well

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photo: David Cushman

this has important implications for society and also for advertising, if people don’t notice the environment they’re in, they’re probably not going to see your adverts

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We’ve built a game which tries to surface this built environment and make you see unusual things

it merges this interest in built environment with collecting data and also meeting new people and its really low tech

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but it surfaces beautiful things you’d never normally see

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or are just things of beauty like these old doors in a glass facade

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treasure huntI spy

end of schoolholiday essay+ + hidden geo


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we’ve combined some fun things, a treasure hunt / I spy game which you play using your mobile, which generates a list of everything you’ve seen at an event (in a end of school holiday essay style), with geotagging and analytics

your mobile number is the tracking cookie

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A game of finding things and making lists of them

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we call the game And I Saw...

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We put easily removable stickers on things

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and you text in the codes you see (instructions on the sticker)

Very easy to play. Very lowest common denominator SMS is ubiquitous and works really well at festivals where 3G dies and not everyone understands GPS or mobile internet

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scarcity, abundance and friends

Jaggeree/think/help/create/worktechonology based real world games


and we build them an essay of everything they’ve seen... in the style of a kid’s end of summer holiday essay, it’s why the game is called And I Saw... “I went to the zoo and I saw lions and tigers and elephants and...”

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We know where we’ve put markers as we have a GPS trace of us walking the course, we know how long we take to move between places too..

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Terra Future 09techonology based real world games


So the data actually becomes web analytics for festivals in 3d - x and y and time with the phone number acting as a tracking cookie. We can use this to help festivals understand crowd flow and in/out points and the players just have a good fun thing to do where they can socialise and see things they’d never spotted before

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we love it when players try and hack the game, like a player photographing an interactive display at Hide and Seek showing where things may be

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and when people ask for lots of stickers and cover themselves with it

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and stick them to bins

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we also love it when businesses get involved and people discover them... good for both sets of people

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and when people turn it into a social thing... one team in the Hide and Seek game created a meta game within the game

we’d said we’d give a prize for who photographed the most things, uploaded them to Flickr with the numbers hidden, one team did that but took it further, always trying to get a stuffed toy into the pictures.

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4.5 things per person on average seen in Thames Festival game, about 15 things per player in Hide and Seek one, difference between a community of interest and an everyday audience, however top players in Thames Festival game were seeing a similar number of things to Hide and Seek game and many people just wanted a free balloon at Thames Festival

if you build this sort of thing into your events or campaigns you can build in quite strong engagement

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We’re also kind of interested in Twitter... microblogging/persistent

We’re interested in where and how people use it and also in how they describe things on it, how much precision there is in their messages and responses

We’re interested in this as there is clearly an interesting need for listening tools, both for brands and organisations and also for services like the 311 service in the US

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merge microfiction andgameplay

techonology based real world games


Story telling and personal involvement in story telling are fascinating too, like Japanese mobile phone fiction

Can you merge in microfiction, choose your own adventure, pervasive games and twitter, we think you can

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collaboration with David Varela, game has a story arc, a set of missions and also had an endgame... players could also be put in jeopardy (not physical)... we’re planning to play it again with more “NPCs” and bigger missions at Hide and Seek

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part of Hide and SeekBond, James Bond sandpit

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So we were asked to produce a game about James Bond for a pervasive games festival as part of their Cubby Broccoli season

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weaving in real world objects

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And we wanted to weave in real life objects like this toilet door graphic we added red dots to and turned into an assasination target

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follow M to join the game

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Game play is simple, follow M, who follows you back and DMs you

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M sends missions as DMs

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M then sends you on missions as DMs, remember, it’s a game about spying and DMs are hushed whispers

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players DM their solutions back to M

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The players then DM their solutions to the missions back to M, keeping their answers secret

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Posted on May 2, 2009by wiilassie

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players send in twitpics

techonology based real world games


Sometimes their DMs contain Twitpic links if we’ve told them to photograph something

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active listening robots and a custom contol deck

techonology based real world games


We have some automation tools, robots which sit talking to the Twitter API and deciding whether the player’s messages have fulfilled the missions and sending them on new ones.

We also have a custom game control panel where we can look at messages which we can’t categorize and act on automatically

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surfacing game activity on twitter

techonology based real world games


Instead of spamming back into the players stream we surface the game activity on a separate twitter account... player’s stream stays as their own.

Here we’re surfacing it about 20 foot tall with a projector on a wall at the BFI using a hacked up copy of Twistori

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why am I telling you this?

playadvertainment with real friends

techonology based real world games


could be significant part in advertising/marketing/engagement

video may be the majority component of the bits delivered, that’s just because of the sheer number of bits for a single second of video

majority of web useage is search, email, social sites - bidirectional at the very least, user driven in reality, Digital Britain is in my opinion very wrong as it’s talking more about push to the user, users are wanting to push themselves a lot and are also not in a space where they just want to be receivers

services are the key

push from the centre is probably a 20th century aberration, will always exist but will have a slightly lesser impact...

use herd nature of social games and social proof to engage and promote your things

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techonology based real world games


I’m going to leave the last words to Matt Webb from Activate

“I think it starts with your friends you know, making entertainment with them, having dinner with them, playing music together.”

Open air games are a great thing to do with friends either competitively or as teams

I think that making them playable with natural interfaces with SMS/Twitter and including easy to approach themes such as treasure hunts and problem solving/espionage can really bring them to a mass market audience

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All of this not entirely made by me


Chris [email protected]:jaggeree

techonology based real world games
