hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word:...

Hidden Arrows Vision blazingtrees.org/dreams Destiny Dreams Project The Destiny Dreams project is an initiative of Blazing Trees, to innovate resources for dream and vision storytelling, interpretation, and discipleship. As our Lord Jesus gives dreams and visions to our team through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are mapping them into visual art, storyteller videos, and discipleship lessons along with Scriptural interpretation and spontaneous prayer. Vision Overview James received this vision for a friend serving Jesus on a one year mission to India in 2019. He prayed, asking Jesus to teach him how to pray for Tre and received this vision. The Hidden Arrows vision illustrates the discipleship pathway into sustainable kingdom growth. Following Jesus is not about our knowledge, education, spiritual gifts, or leadership skills. The mark of a true disciple is steadfast faith & enduring perseverance through suering. We are all hidden arrows in our Heavenly Warrior’s quiver. Scenes & Scriptures As you explore this vision, spend time reading through the Scripture passages and praying for understanding from the Holy Spirit. What next steps of faith does our Heavenly Father want you to take as his anointed son or daughter? Scene 1 - Vision Valley (Romans 4:16-17) Scene 2 - Transformation Mission (Romans 12:1-2) Scene 3 - Glorious Sword (Hebrews 12:1-3) Scene 4 - Living Fields (John 4:34-38) Scene 5 - Fruitful Streams (Isaiah 44:3-6) Scene 6 - Discipleship Seasons (Mark 4:26-29)

Transcript of hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word:...

Page 1: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Hidden Arrows Vision blazingtrees.org/dreams

Destiny Dreams Project The Destiny Dreams project is an initiative of Blazing Trees, to innovate resources for dream and vision storytelling, interpretation, and discipleship.

As our Lord Jesus gives dreams and visions to our team through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are mapping them into visual art, storyteller videos, and discipleship lessons along with Scriptural interpretation and spontaneous prayer.

Vision Overview James received this vision for a friend serving Jesus on a one year mission to India in 2019. He prayed, asking Jesus to teach him how to pray for Tre and received this vision.

The Hidden Arrows vision illustrates the discipleship pathway into sustainable kingdom growth. Following Jesus is not about our knowledge, education, spiritual gifts, or leadership skills. The mark of a true disciple is steadfast faith & enduring perseverance through suffering.

We are all hidden arrows in our Heavenly Warrior’s quiver.

Scenes & Scriptures As you explore this vision, spend time reading through the Scripture passages and praying for understanding from the Holy Spirit. What next steps of faith does our Heavenly Father want you to take as his anointed son or daughter?

• Scene 1 - Vision Valley (Romans 4:16-17) • Scene 2 - Transformation Mission (Romans 12:1-2) • Scene 3 - Glorious Sword (Hebrews 12:1-3) • Scene 4 - Living Fields (John 4:34-38) • Scene 5 - Fruitful Streams (Isaiah 44:3-6) • Scene 6 - Discipleship Seasons (Mark 4:26-29)

Page 2: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Vision Valley Scene 1

Illustration - mountains, sunrise, grassy field, river, fruitful tree, archer, bow & arrow

Interpretation - This scene illustrates a disciple of Jesus who has a vision for God’s kingdom to come to their community. The fruit tree & river illustrate that the disciple is walking with Jesus and bearing spiritual fruit in their own lives, but they want more. The archer aiming the arrow illustrates a disciple who sets their sights on God’s heavenly kingdom, power, & glory coming to their land: a big vision for a great future that begins with aiming a single arrow.

Revelation - The promise comes by faith, so that it may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring; not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all. As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed, the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not. (Romans 4:16-17 NIV)

Page 3: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Transformation Mission Scene 2

Illustration: earth, stars, galaxy, arrow, falcon, rocket

Interpretation: This scene illustrates the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual transformation of a new disciple. The archer in the last scene is a disciple maker, and this scene is the first fruits of a new disciple. An arrow transforming into a falcon illustrates new life. A falcon transforming into a rocket illustrates power and anointing. Traveling into space illustrates discovering and beholding God’s glory in creation and transforming out of the world’s culture into Jesus’ heavenly culture. The journey into space also illustrates dying to the flesh & sin, and becoming more like Jesus; emptying of self and filling with the Holy Spirit.

Revelation: I urge you brothers & sisters, in view of God’s mercies, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God: this offering is your true and authentic worship. Do not conform anymore to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and discern what God’s will is: his good, pleasing, and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2 NIV)

Page 4: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Glorious Sword Scene 3

Illustration: earth, hurricane, stars, galaxy, rocket shell, sword, and spinning sword

Interpretation: This scene illustrates the decision every disciple must make: will I depend alone upon the Holy Spirit to lead me and guide all my decisions? After the rocket reaches space, the rocket turns around, and the shell breaks open, revealing a sword inside. The sword illustrates how the key to sustainable faith & abundant life is God’s Word: a relationship with Jesus. Once a disciple fully commits to God’s Word, they are strong, prepared for spiritual battles ahead of them illustrated by the hurricane.

Revelation: Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. (Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV)

Page 5: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Living Fields Scene 4

Illustration: shining sun, mountains, streams, underground well, dead trees, sword blade, broken handle, farmer, seeds

Interpretation: In the vision, the sword plunged deeply into the soil. Upon impact, the sword handles broke off leaving only the blade underground. This scene illustrates the living harvest fields of every community. Wherever we make disciples, others have gone before us in the past sowing prayer and the Word. Our mission endurance is strengthened by their foundation. The dead trees illustrate the lack of faith we see in others. The streams illustrate the Word & Spirit moving all around us working in unseen ways.

Revelation: Jesus said, “My food is to do what the One who sent me wants me to do and to finish his work. You have a saying, ‘Four more months till harvest.’ But I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields ready for harvest now. Already, the one who harvests is being paid and is gathering crops for eternal life. So the one who plants and the one who harvests celebrate at the same time. Here the saying is true, ‘One person plants, and another harvests.’ I sent you to harvest a crop that you did not work on. Others did the work, and you complete it.” (John 4:34-38 NCV)

Page 6: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Fruitful Streams Scene 5

Illustration: clouds, snow, mountains, fruit trees, streams, underground water, archer tree, roots, flames

Interpretation: This scene illustrates the purpose of discipleship. The hurricane in an earlier scene was scary, but in the vision it became a snow storm. The falling snow illustrates blessing & purity. The streams bring living water to the land to produce new life: rebirth in Christ. God’s heavenly kingdom baptizes this region with his love & favor. The archer tree illustrates a discipleship movement that produces disciples who are spiritually mature, because they rest & grow in Jesus, and they are prepared for warfare.

Revelation: “‘For I will pour water on the thirsty land and rivers on the dry ground. I will pour out My Spirit on your children, and will bring good to your descendants. They will grow like grass in the fields, and like poplar trees by the rivers.’ This one will say, ‘I am the Lord’s.’ Another will call on the name of Jacob, and another will write on his hand, ‘I belong to the Lord,’ and speak the name ‘Israel’ with honor.” The Lord, the King of Israel and the One Who saves and frees from sin, the Lord of All, says, ‘I am the first and the last. There is no God besides Me.’” (Isaiah 44:3-6 NLV)

Page 7: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Discipleship Seasons Scene 6

Illustration: mountain valleys, arrows & flame, dead trees, falling sword, sowing farmer, archer trees & river

Interpretation: The final scene is a summary of the vision. Disciples do not mature in one day or life season. Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey through many changing seasons. The three arrows & fire illustrate the goal of discipleship: to grow a warrior on fire for God. How do we get there? The dead trees illustrate a spiritually-dark people or place: hard soil that requires love, prayer, and patience. The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates discipleship: guiding other disciples to know and love God, to daily receive seeds sown into our own souls. The archer tree illustrates harvest time: a mature, anointed leader who draws strength from Jesus the Living Water.

Revelation: Jesus said, “God’s kingdom is like seed thrown on a field by a man who then goes to bed and forgets about it. The seed sprouts and grows - he has no idea how it happens. The earth does it all without his help: first a green stem of grass, then a bud, then the ripened grain. When it is fully formed, he reaps - harvest time!” (Mark 4:26-29 MSG)

Page 8: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates
Page 9: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates
Page 10: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Hidden Arrows Vision Leadership Lessons

1) Impossible Vision: In Luke 18:27, Jesus says, “Whatever is impossible for man is easy for God.” The Great Commission requires a generation of disciples who live by faith and receive visions from God: visions only he can accomplish.

2) Renewal Lifestyle: 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “We are all being daily transformed into Jesus’ image with ever-increasing glory.” We need disciples today fully devoted NOT to Jesus’ mission but to Jesus himself: a daily walk of freedom & friendship with our Companion & Counselor.

3) Bound 2 Christ: Ruth 1:16 says, “Where you go I will go, where you stay I will stay. Your people are my people, your God is my God.” We need disciples truly satisfied with Jesus alone, not depending on anyone or anything else, not striving to produce mission success, but resting in the Spirit.

4) Seasoned Patience: Hebrews 11:13 says, “They saw beyond the horizon the fulfillment of their promises and embraced it from afar.” We need disciples who trust God to know what is best, and not require him to do anything; disciples who are patient and trust God’s sovereign timing.

5) Next Steps Wisdom: Galatians 5:25 says, “If the Holy Spirit is living in us, let us be led by Him in all decisions.” We

need disciples who walk with the Holy Spirit, who listen to our Good

Shepherd’s voice. We need disciples who can guide others in discovering the will of God by listening to the Holy Spirit, so that all mission strategies & plans are drawn out of worship

and prayer rather than manmade systems & structures.

Page 11: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

Hidden Arrows Vision Story

I saw a vision of hidden arrows. The Lord took me to a valley surrounded by mountains. The air was crisp, clean, and clear. I was standing by a brook flowing through the middle of the valley channeling fresh, pure water from the mountain heights. Nearby, I saw a beautiful fruit tree with an intricate network of roots above ground diving into the soil, with several roots reaching into the brook. Presently, I saw an archer appear, a trained warrior ready for battle but at his ease. He drew an arrow out of his quiver, aimed into the sky, and released.

In the vision, I rose with the arrow in the sky. I could see gravity pulling the arrow back to earth as it tried to climb ever higher. Right at the moment the arrow was about to stop and begin its descent, Jesus transformed the arrow into a falcon. The falcon flapped its wings with the same goal of climbing as high as possible. At the moment the falcon had reached its peak and was about to pass out from exhaustion, Jesus transformed the falcon into a rocket. The rocket blasted out of earth’s atmosphere into space where I could now see stars and spinning galaxies.

Now, all the fuel in the rocket was gone, and it began to float in space without propulsion. Jesus turned the rocked around so it now faced directly back at our planet. Then, the rocket casing broke in half, and the shell drifted apart revealing a giant sword inside. Jesus slowly pushed the sword back towards earth, and gravity began to pull the sword back into the atmosphere. The sword began to slowly spin, picking up speed and rotation until it was a blur resembling the shape of the same rocket that had left the atmosphere. As the sword plunged back to earth, I saw a hurricane forming in the distance, slowly growing in size and moving in the direction of the sword’s descent path.

Page 12: hidden arrows vision - WordPress.com · 2019. 11. 19. · The falling sword illustrates the Word: growing in knowing Jesus. The farmer sowing seeds on the sword blade illustrates

The sword hurtled downwards so fast it was hard to keep up. Normally the atmosphere would burn up the sword, but in the vision, the sword remained untouched, untarnished by the journey. The sword plunged into the earth, the impact snapping the sword handles off, so that only the sword blade & grip remained buried deeply in the soils of the same valley from which the archer had released the arrow. The valley had changed, and I saw dead trees everywhere, but the air was still clear and the sun was now high in the sky shining brightly.

A farmer appeared in the distance and walked slowly to the blade buried deep in the earth. He carried a large, heavy bag of seeds on his back. When he reached the sword blade, he filled up the hole between the blade and the surface of the ground with all the seeds in his bag. Then he left. I saw streams of water from the high mountain summits appear and flow down into the valley, soaking the earth and forming a deep well of water that flowed beneath the sword blade so that the tip of the blade was touching the water.

Normally when a hurricane or storm comes to town, it is a scary event and brings high winds, a deluge of rain, lighting and thunder, and great destruction. In the vision, Jesus transformed the hurricane into a snow storm with light snow falling all around the valley. The snow covered the mountains and valley with a blanket of fresh snow, but it was not cold, just soft and peaceful. Then, I saw Jesus transform the dead trees scattered throughout the valley into healthy, fruitful trees. I was astonished by what grew out of the sword blade covered in all the seeds: a tree with flames for fruit and a fully-mature archer warrior buried in the tree trunk wearing a crown and holding a bow and fistful of arrows.

During the final part of the vision, I witnessed a time lapse of the whole vision story. The Lord took me up high into the air to look down upon five different valleys scattered

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throughout the mountain range. In the center valley, I saw three arrows rising out of the ground on fire but not being consumed or burned up by the flames. To the south, I saw a valley full of dead trees. To the north, I saw a valley where the sword was plunging into the soil. To the west, I saw the sword blade buried in the ground, and the farmer sowing seeds into the hole. To the east, I saw the archer warrior tree with fruit made of flames and roots feeding upon pure water mountain streams.