hibridna priroda pragmatike

UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA FACULTY OF LETTERS DEPARTMENT OF BRITSH AND AMERICAN STUDIES PRAGMATICS Core Course Target population: 4th year students Specialization: Romanian (major) – English (minor), Distance Learning programme Course designer: Senior Lecturer TITELA VÎLCEANU Course description The course focuses on current approaches and methods in the complex field of pragmatics. Apart from the bulk of theory, students are provided seminar tasks or home task assignment in order to understand that pragmatics is concerned with the relation language-user of the language and that communication is embedded in the cultural context. The course basically intends to raise and train linguistic and cultural awareness, i.e. to develop pragmatic competence. Course objectives to make students aware of the status of pragmatics in the framework of linguistic sciences and in the universal frame of human communication; to make students understand that pragmatics is an interdisciplinary science; to expose students to a variety of tasks in order to develop reflective thinking of pragmatic factors in communication Course content 1. The hybrid nature of pragmatics Definitions of pragmatics Towards a unified science 2. Speech Act Theory Austin’s constative vs. performative utterances Felicity conditions Speech-act schema 3. Co-operation and conversational implicature


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Transcript of hibridna priroda pragmatike

UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVAFACULTY OF LETTERSDEPARTMENT OF BRITSH AND AMERICAN STUDIESPRAGMATICSCore Course Target populato!: 4th year students Specialization: Romanian (major) English (minor), Distance Learning programmeCourse "esg!er: Senior Lecturer TITELA V#LCEANUCourse "es$rpto!he course !ocuses on current approaches and methods in the comple" !ield o! pragmatics# $part !rom the %ul& o! theory, students are pro'ided seminar tas&s or home tas& assignment in order to understand that pragmatics is concerned (ith the relation language)user o! the language and that communication is em%edded in the cultural conte"t#he course %asically intends to raise and train linguistic and cultural a(areness, i#e# to de'elop pragmatic competence#Course o%&e$t'es to ma&e students a(are o! the status o! pragmatics in the !rame(or& o! linguistic sciences and in the uni'ersal !rame o! human communication* to ma&e students understand that pragmatics is an interdisciplinary science* to e"pose students to a 'ariety o! tas&s in order to de'elop re!lecti'e thin&ing o! pragmatic !actors in communicationCourse $o!te!t+# he hy%rid nature o! pragmatics De!initions o! pragmatics o(ards a uni!ied science,# Speech $ct heory $ustin-s constati'e 's# per!ormati'e utterances .elicity conditions Speech)act schema/# 0o)operation and con'ersational implicature 1rice-s 0ooperati'e 2rinciple 0on'ersational 3a"ims 4on)o%ser'ance o! con'ersational ma"ims 0on'ersational implicature4# Strategies o! politeness he !ace management 'ie(- positi'e politeness- negati'e politeness- !ace)threat acts typology5# 2resupposition 2ragmatic presupposition 2resupposition triggers 2resupposition !eatures6# Dei"is 2erson dei"is Empathetic dei"is 2lace dei"is ime dei"is Discourse dei"is Social dei"isB%lograp()7ro(n, 2#, Le'inson, S#0# +89:# Universals in Language Usage. Politeness Phenomena#0am%ridge: 0;20ottom, D#, +88:#Text and Culture. The politics of Interpretation.3inneapolis:;ni'ersity o! 3innesota0ruse, $# ,earer .aceNegat'ee"cuse than&ingPost'eapology cryingNegat'ereKuest complimentPost'ecomplaint %oastingI8d 4e eternally grateful if you did that for me.&e loo' for$ard to dining $ith you.4# Do the .$ on record (ith redressi'e action (positi'e politeness)# his (ill in'ol'epaying attention to the >-s positi'e !ace %y, e#g#, e"pressing agreement, sympathy orappro'al#E#g# I8m pretty sure I8ve seen him 4efore.&e are favoura4ly impressed 4y your performance.I must tell you that I li'e your dress very much.5# Dothe.$ onrecord, (ithout redressi'eaction, %aldly# hisstrategicchoiceisli&ely to appear in the !ollo(ing situations: emergency cases, tas&)oriented situations(instructions), the .$ is in the hearer-s %est interest, po(er di!!erential is great, thespea&er decides to %e ma"imally o!!ensi'e etc#E#g# Mind the stepF2es( you may use the dictionary.3ive me your pen.Ta'e careF%ave a ca'e.2oliteness strategies ha'e not only 'er%al realization, %ut also non)'er%al e#g# gi'ing agi!t, stum%ling, etc>arris (+8:4) suggests that thedis!unction%et(eentheinstitutional status)%asedreKuirementso! !aceandthemoreindi'idual sideo!!acein'ol'edinthenotiono!&indness correlates (ith on)record 's# o!!)record strategies o! politeness#hree !actors are in'ol'ed Ncalculated to determine the (eight o! the .$: the social"sta!$e%et(een>andS, >-spo+ero'erS, andtheran&o!,posto!# 2ositi'epoliteness strategies are addressedto>-s positi'e !ace (ants andare descri%edase"pressions o! solidarity, in!ormality and !amiliarity# E#g# e"aggerate interest in >, sympathize (ith >, a'oid disagreement4egati'e strategies con'ersely are addressed to >-s negati'e !ace and arecharacterized as e"pressions o! restraint, !ormality and distancing#E#g# %e con'entionally indirect, gi'e de!erence, apologizeFearethuscon!ronted(ithpolitenessstrategiesandmar&erso!di!!erent status:%eha'iour strategies (e#g# gi'e de!erence) are mi"ed (ith linguistic strategies (e#g#nominalize) (see Dde, +8:8)# Some are counta%le (e#g# intensi!iers), some grada%le (e#g#nominalization), some can trans!orm a negati'e into a positi'e strategy (e#g# contractionand ellipsis)#7ro(n and Le'inson interestingly state, ho(e'er, that @politeness is implicated %y thesemantic structure o! the (hole utterance, not communicated %y ?mar&ers@ or?mitigators@ in a simple signaling !ashion (hich may %e Kuanti!ied@ (+8:9:,,)# TAS-S AND TOPICS FOR DISCUSSIONCo,,e!t o! t(e .ollo+!g se!te!$es ! ter,s o. t(e Polte!ess Pr!$ple 4PP/a!" o. t(e ,a7,s o. polte!ess:a" A! &e8ll all miss 3eorge and Caroline( $on8t $eD:! &ell( $e8ll all miss 3eorge.b" P! Someone8s eating the icing off the ca'e.C! It $asn8t me.c" - I $ouldn8t mind a cup of coffee.- Could you spare me a cup of coffeeDd" A! %er performance $as outstandingF:! 2es( $asn8t itDA! 2our performance $as outstandingF:! 2es( $asn8t itDe" A! "o you li'e these apricotsD:! I8ve tasted 4etter.f" Please accept this large gift as a to'en of our esteem.g" I8m terri4ly sorry to hear that your cat died.h" This is a draft of chapter G. Please read it and comment on.i" :asil8s $ife is in hospital!2ou/ust lie there$ithyour feet upandI8ll goandcarry youupanotherhundred$eight of lime creams6#" In a very expensive gourmet restaurant( a notice reads! If you $ant to en/oy thefull flavour of your food and drin' you $ill( naturally( not smo'e during this meal.%o$ever( if you did smo'e you $ould also 4e impairing the en/oyment of otherguests.PRESUPPOSITIONPresuppositionmay %e rightly considered as one o! the most contro'ersialconcepts in pragmatics# =riginally, the term (as restricted to re!erence, %ut it soone"panded its scope# 2resupposition is another type o! implicature* unli&econ'ersational implicature (hich is situated, presupposition is dependent, to a higherdegree, on the linguistic !orm o! the utterance# Le'inson (+8:/: +69):) dra(s our attention to the t(o distinct uses o! the termpresupposition: as an ordinary term and as a technical one# he !ormer is attached toany &ind o! %ac&ground assumption against (hich the utterance ma&es sense or isrational, (hereas the latter is restricted to ?certain pragmatic in!erences orassumptions that seem at least to %e %uilt into linguistic e"pressions and (hich can %eisolated using speci!ic linguistic tests (constancy under negation)@# $s seen !rom thede!inition, Le'inson is cautious in identi!ying the nature o! pragmatic presupposition#2resuppositions re!er andremainconstant i! the sentences arenegated(theysur'i'e the negation test)# Sur'i'al o! the negation testdistinguishes presupposition!rom entailment# Let us no( !ocus on more comple" sentences:Sue denies that she sa$ Mary yesterday.Dts negation reads:Sue does not deny that she sa$ Mary yesterday.he presuppositions that hold true under negation are:- here are t(o identi!ia%le persons Sue and 3ary (proper names), respecti'ely*- Sue sa( 3ary yesterday#$nd they are triggered %y the 'er% to deny# here!ore, the Kuestion arises: Fhat arethe linguistic e"pressions that engender presuppositionM Le'inson (+8:/:+:+)4)discusses Garttunen-s (+89/) collection o! /+ presupposition triggers$ and considersit ?thecoreo! phenomenathat are generally considered presuppositional@#Dn!act,Le'inson pleads !or a loose de!inition o! presupposition, i#e# presupposition (hich isnot characterised %y %eha'iour under negation alone# Dn (hat !ollo(s, (e shall caterthis use!ul chec&list (although in a simpli!ied 'ersion):+# De!inite descriptions (Stra(son, +85 didn8t see the man with two heads E there exists a man $ith t$o heads.,# .acti'e 'er%s (Gipars&y and Gipars&y, +89+):to 4e a$are that( to 4e glad that( to 4e proud that( to 4e sad that( to 4e sorry that( it isodd( to 'no$( toreali@e( regret/# Dmplicati'e 'er%s (Garttunen, +89+%): to 4e expected to( forget( to happen to( manage( ought to6 Fhat Stalna&er (+89/) calls presupposition re