Hi Ti jyl...you do riistlcatliiB, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, wheeling, climbing or In vololy...

HF HM . i tk -- u i i- - ll -: ; -- I '.I", Vol. V. II. I., J., 1897. No. 52. miry Hi Ti jyl HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ea ffft B e m h iiav me jr i:n S IBS HSlUjyi TO S0UI SUGAR FACTORS, IMPORTERS OF General Merchandise AND OOMMISSION Agents, for Lloyds, Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line, British &Foreign Marine Insurance Co., Northern Assurauco Co. (Fire and Life), Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Pioneer Line of Paokets from Liverpool. Telephone 92. H. E. McINTYKE fc BRO., Bast corner fort fe king sts. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, ProYisiotis and Feed Now and Fresh Goods received by ovcry packet Irom California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish. CS- - Goods delivered to any part of the City -- & IRf.ANn 'PR ATM?. BIM.iniTTRn 'PfHV riTTOKT it! M'PRWTl Oceanic Steamship Company, TIME TABLE: The Fine Passenger Steamers of This Liuo Will and Leave This Port as Hereundor. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: MOANA JULY 29th AUSTRALIA AUG. 17th ALAMEDA AUG. 20th TREATMENT sixty-thre- e Troatmout. Magoon, Manager. connection the sailing of thf steamer?, prepared to to intending through by any from Franoisco, all tho States, and New York by all European further apply Irwin Co. Oceanio S. S. Camping Season is' Coming YOU GET OUT INTO THE wo can bo with you. The memory of n d lardor in year jiamp will holp the enjoyment of the scenery picturesque or majpsiio, as It to the oyn. 'llio climate genial, brnolng, rejuvenating will bo aided by good groceries.- - Whatever you do riistlcatliiB, hunting, fishing, rid- ing, wheeling, climbing or In vololy reposing our goods aro tho best and accompaniments. 'The season for thlrton of and in upon us. All tho world, tukos an outing oneu a voar-- if it doesn't, it ouelit fo. While making np your mind where you will go, put those placos mind's ovo: ON Lahalna, Wai-kap- u. Makawao, liana, Kulu, Kahulul, Haiku, Makona. ON KAUAI Hanaloi.Hanapopo, Lilmo, Koloa, Waimoa, Nuwillwill uad Kawal-ha- ON HAWAII Kllauea and -- maut. iho raluy olty, Kapapaln, Koalnko- - kaa Ilav ana Lludloy'H Sanitarium, l'una, Komi, Lunpalioo- - hoc and Ilamakua. ON OAIIU-Woll- dkl. Tantalus, Puo-waln- a, Ulympus or Louhl Makapuu and Mokapn, Wninnao, l'earl Harbor, Kemoud Grovo, Moanalua and Manoa. Tho Islands of Lanal, Molokal, Kahoo-law- o and Nlihau. LEWIS Jk CO, HAS THEM ALL Telephono 210. Froo dollvory twloo dally Subscribe for The Independent, cents per mouth, iitWiBa a i MMjaccB M6wr s . . B A A A U A Arrive , , " MHHt&OH.A.N'TS P. O. Box 145. FOR FRANCISCO: AUSTIt ALI A JULY 28th MARIPOSA AUG. 19th AUSTBAL1A Aug. 25th Hagey Institute HONOLULU, H. I. ITOU THK OF Alcoholic, Morphine, Cocoaine AND OTHER Kindred Diseases. 136 Beretanla Slreot, between Emma 4 Fort Private carriage entrance on lane, Emma street, opposite Chinese Epis copal Uhurcli. Ono hundred and per- sons have boon successfully treated from Novombor, 1890, to May 80, 1897. arrangements made for pationts from the Islands or from abroad or for private treatment. Soparato Oottago for Medical Ad-vic- o and Pationts under treatment have free ueo of tho Sooial Olub Parlors. DIRECTORS: Alox. Young, Prosidout; W. It. Castlo, Vico-Prosi-do- J. A. Treasurer: A.V. Gear, Secretary S. Sorimgoour' Auditor. gjSST For further information, ap- ply to ROBT. SWAN SORIMGEOUIt, Offlnn Tol. 700. Wlfl-fi- m eod In with above tho Ageuts are issue, passengers, coupon tiokets railroad San to points in United from any steamship lino to ports. For particulars to Wm. G. & LIMITED. General Agents Company. WHEN MOUNTAIN appeals boating, mountain nocessary thought action before your MAUI-Haleak- ala, Halemon- - Dr. Waiplo, Koliala, CO SAN HAWAIIAN Opium, Satisfactory It. The Bono of tho Sandwich Islands, Men live, breathe and havo their being who swell with alleged patrio- tic pride, no doubt, at the magnifi- cent achievement of tho great Re- public of America in annexing Lepor Land, known as Hawaii, or the Sandwich Islands. But tbo unbiasod historian who is fearless and inUlli-go- nt will dosoribe this job, if con- summated as tho vilost, most despi- cable deod chargod to tho historic account of Undo Sam. The sneak- ing, dishonorable method and con- spiracy (for bribor's gold) by which tho little hereditary dynasty was overthrown at Honolulu under tho perfectly ridiculous foreign 'policy of Bnn. Harrison's Administration, wherein the diplomatic agont of this Nation accredited to the Queen's Government with tho revolutionary conspiracy and was actually supported iu the treacher- ous outrago and infamy by a war vessel of our navy, is tho blnckest publio act. which can be charged against this Republic in all its his- tory. The nasty disgrace and pusi-lanimi- ty of it cau never be effaced from our escutcheon. It was theft, brigandage, piracy, all rolled into ono, garnished with cowardly treachery that would bring a blush to the cheek of a Comanche or a Bashi Bazouk. , And now, the final chapter in this dark and damning deod of perfidy and dishonor is seeking consumma- tion at the hands of this Govern- ment. To our surprise, the execu- tive branch of tho Government has yielded to those sordid commercial influences tho Leper Land trust and the Senate will be asked to con- summate aud confirm the work of highway robbery. It is announced (aud whoever heard of such high- handed assumption?) that if tho Constitutional approval of the Se- nate is withheld, the conspirators aro prepared to attempt to "annex" these far-of- f and undesirablo islands by indirection. Of eourso that is absurd. There isn't the remotest evidence that the bona fide citizens and peoplo of Hawaii desiro to aban- don their homo citizenship and be- come citizens of this Nation. The brigands who violently captured and appropriated that Government havo had the hardihood to offer a treaty of "annexation" that fails to provide for a diroot vote of tho native peoplo there, to ascertain thoir wishes, And the scheme of infamy is further manifested by artiole ! of tho "treaty of annexation," which is in those words: "Tho further immigration of Chi- nese laborers into tho Hawaiian Isl- ands is hereby prohibited until Congress shall otherwise provide. Furthermore, Chineso persons of tho classes now or hereafter exoludod by law from, ontoring the United StateB will not be permitted to como from tho Hawaiian Islands to other parts of tho United States, and if so coming shall bo subject to the samo penalties an if ontoring from a for- eign country." One would suppose that if a separate country renounces its here- tofore autonomy or allogionco atul becomes annexed to aud a part of this Republic, tho people, the citi- zens of tho annexed laud would be- come oitizons of the adopted Na- tion. Otherwise they would have uo citizenship a .voritablo instauco of "a man without a country." If these Ohiuese citizens of Hawaii aro by this process of annexation divostod of Hawaiian oitizouship aud acquire citizenship of tho United States, will thoso wisoaores who formulatod that mysteriously and wonderfully created treaty please explain how undor our Con- stitution citizens of ono Stato or Territory cau bo prohibited from migrating to any othor part of this Nation's domain! The disinterested American citi zen unconsciously asks. What in thundor do wo want with Hawaii anyhow? The entire job is ono of uiouoy- - grabbing engineered by commercial schemers by one of tho Sugar Trusts and alliod mouoy-gettin- g combines. Washington Chronicle. an, DUBINESO LOCALS. Bluo Sorgo Suits well made for $7 at Kerr's. Mens Hato at 25 and 35 cents each at Kerr's. Mens Suits ready to wear at $1.25 the suit at Kerr's. All Silk Neckties, made up and to tie 2 for 25c. at Korr's. ' Big reductions in Cbildrens trim- med hats for ono week only at N. S. Sach's. Childrous trimmed sailor hatft in all colors only 50 cents at N, S. Sanh's. "Historical Truths" may be had at 827 King street, if applied for early. Although tho edition Was considered largo enough for all de- mands tho books nro already be- coming rather searco. Paddy Evan is now assisted by popular William Carlisle at or Saloon, where Seattle Beer is always on draught and othor stimu- lants furnished. Pointers on all .sporting events can be had, free of charge from tho athletic managor of tho Anchor. Buffalo Boer has proved its im- mense popularity at tho Hoyal, Paoi-fi- o and Cosmopolitan Saloons. The celebrated Pabst is also rotaiuod there in draft or in bottle. Tho in- terchangeable check system that has proved such a convenience to the patrons ot tuese popular resorts is also in vogue. . There is only one placo whore tho proper drink cau be obtained when loyal Americans celebrate, "Annex- ation" aud the Fourth of July. Pomery Soo. aud Gold Lac, are the special brands of Champagne served by the Royal Annex. Come on, you annexationists, and let the corks fly, and the wine flow. Ono ounce of prevention is better than ton ounces of euro. Tho Em- pire boasts of infallible remedies agaiust the varioloid. Wieland beer ou draft beats vaccination, and Doctor Charlio Andrew presides over tho finest s'took of 'remedies" that cau bo found in town. All for medi- cinal purposes and cash. Ned Doylo at tho Cosmopolitan is recommending the celebrated Put- nam's Blackberry Brandy, a tonio which is unrivalled, assisted by Jim Thompson formerly of tho S. S. Australia an excellent "half and halt" is servod to tho thirsty customers of tho Cosmopolitan P. HORN, The Pioneer Bakery Dread, Pies, Cakes ot all kinds fresh every day. Fresh Ice Croam mado of the Best Wood, lawn Cream In all Flavors. Tbo "Inest Home-mad- e Confectionery. nn.tf thus, lindsay! Jeweler. IS PREPARED TO Manufacture and Repair All kinds of Jewelry. FIRST-OLAS- S WORK ONLY. 500 Cnvftllntliltne. Vnri Fit. tf THE8E MOONLIGHT NIGHTS. Whon Luna lights Our tropio islo hi id sea Just take his tip Go pet a dip At Lono Branch, Waikiki. Bathing parties ran obtain special ac- commodations; clean suits- - ami proper treatment Trnmcars pass the door. 0. J. SHERWOOD, Proprietor Long Branch llaths. NOTICE. F. HORN AND H. HORN, WILL MRS. bo responsible for any dobts incur- red in their names without their writton order. Honolulu, July V IR07. 24-- tf Wiider's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. 0. L. WIGHT, Prcs. S. B. KOBK, Bee Oapt. J. A. KINO, Port Snpt. Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE, Commander, Will lenve Honolulu at 10 a. h., touching t Lahalna, Maalnea Flay and Mokena Iht samo day; Mahukeno. Kawalbne and tho following day; arriving at HUo the samo afternoon. LEWK8 HOKOMJLU. ARRIVES HONOLULU. Friday July R0 ? not-da- July 27 l'i'osdtiy...,Aus! 10 1'ridav Am. ft Friday AuiiIO Tuobday Auk 17 Tucbtfay Ahr31 Friday Aug 27 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Sept 7 Tuesday Sept 21 FfUh'y Boptl7 Friday Oct 1 Tuesday Sept 28 Tuesday Oct 12 Friday Oet I Friday Oct HI! 'iuebday Oct It Tuesday ....Nov a Friday Oct 29 Friday Nov Vi I'ueBday Not 8 Tuo'day .... NovlM Friday Nor 1 Friday Dec 'J Tuesday NoVSi Ttifwlay ....DeoU Friday DeoU Thursday Deo 23 Tuesday Deo 31 Friday Doc 81 Returning will leave Hllo at 8 o'clock a. m , touching at Laupahoehoe, Mahn-kpn- a and Kawaihao same day; iiokena. Maalnea J!oy and Lahalna the followine day; nrrivitif at Honolulu tho afternoons of '1 ueiduys and Fridays. ia Will call at Pohoikl, Puna, on trips marked . jtor No Freight w 111 be received after a. m. on day of bailing. The popular route to the Volcano is via HUo A Kood carriage road tho entiro dis- tance. Round trip tickets, cororinc alf expenses, $.50.00. btmr. OLAUDINE, CAMERON, Commander, Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at C r. u. tpuoh ng at Kahulul, Hana, Hamoa and Kipahulu, Maul. Returning arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, once each month. SX No Freight will be received after i r. m. on day of sailing. This Company will roserves tho nght't'o make changes in tho time of departure and arrival of its Steamers without notice and it will not bo responsible for any conse- quences arising therefrom. " Consignees must be at the Landings to receivo their freight; this Company will not hold Itself responsible for freight after It has been landed. Live Stock received only at owner's risk. This Company will not be responBlblo for Money or Valuables of passengers unless placed in the care of Pursers. t7- - Passengers aro requested to pdr'-cha- Tiokets before embarking. Those failing to do so will be subject to an addi- tional charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent. OLAUS BPBEQKELS, WM. Q. IBWIN. Glaus Sprec&els & Co., HONOLULU "Stn Francisco Agents. THE NEVADA DANK OF SAN FIUNCISGO DRAW EXCUAtiOK ON SAN FRANOISCO-T- he Nevada Bank of San Francisco. LONDON-T- ho Union Bauk of London Lt'd. NEW YORK-Amerl- can Exchange Na- tional Bank. OHIOAGO-Merch- auts National Bank. PARI- S- Comptoir National d'Esoompte de Paris BERLIN Dresdnor Bank. HONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong Koi)g&tshanghalRankln.'CorporatIon. NEW 55KALAMD AND AUSl'RALIA- - Bank of Now Zealand. VIOIORIA AND VANCOUVER-Ba- nk of British North America. Transact a General Banking and Exchange Business, Deposits Rocolvcd, Loans made on Ap- proved Heourity. Comniorcia' and Travel, ers Credit Issued. Bills of lCxcnunge bought aud sold. Oollootiona Promptly Accounted For WJ-t-

Transcript of Hi Ti jyl...you do riistlcatliiB, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, wheeling, climbing or In vololy...

Page 1: Hi Ti jyl...you do riistlcatliiB, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, wheeling, climbing or In vololy reposing our goods aro tho best and accompaniments. 'Theseason for thlrton of and in upon



. i

tk -- u





-- I


Vol. V. II. I., J., 1897. No. 52.


Hi Ti jyl


ea ffft B e mh iiavme jr i:n



General MerchandiseAND

OOMMISSIONAgents, for Lloyds,

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line,British &Foreign Marine Insurance Co.,

Northern Assurauco Co. (Fire and Life),Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,

Pioneer Line of Paokets from Liverpool.

Telephone 92.

H. E. McINTYKE fc BRO.,Bast corner fort fe king sts.


Groceries, ProYisiotis and FeedNow and Fresh Goods received by ovcry packet Irom California, Eastern

States and European Markets.

Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.CS- - Goods delivered to any part of the City -- &


Oceanic Steamship Company,

TIME TABLE:The Fine Passenger Steamers of This Liuo Will and Leave

This Port as Hereundor.




sixty-thre- e




connection the sailing of thf steamer?,prepared to to intending through by any

from Franoisco, all tho States, andNew York by all European

further apply

Irwin Co.Oceanio S. S.

Camping Season

is' Coming



wo can bo with you. The memory of nd lardor in year jiamp will holp

the enjoyment of the scenery picturesqueor majpsiio, as It to the oyn. 'llioclimate genial, brnolng, rejuvenatingwill bo aided by good groceries.- - Whateveryou do riistlcatliiB, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, wheeling, climbingor In vololy reposing our goods aro thobest and accompaniments.'The season for thlrton of and

in upon us. All tho world, tukos anouting oneu a voar-- if it doesn't, it ouelitfo. While making np your mind whereyou will go, put those placosmind's ovo:

ON Lahalna, Wai-kap- u.

Makawao, liana, Kulu, Kahulul,Haiku, Makona.

ON KAUAI Hanaloi.Hanapopo, Lilmo,Koloa, Waimoa, Nuwillwill uad Kawal-ha-

ON HAWAII Kllauea and-- maut. iho raluy olty, Kapapaln, Koalnko- -kaa Ilav ana Lludloy'H Sanitarium,

l'una, Komi, Lunpalioo- -hoc and Ilamakua.

ON OAIIU-Woll- dkl. Tantalus, Puo-waln- a,

Ulympus or Louhl Makapuu andMokapn, Wninnao, l'earl Harbor, KemoudGrovo, Moanalua and Manoa.

Tho Islands of Lanal, Molokal, Kahoo-law- o

and Nlihau.


Telephono 210. Froo dollvory twloo dally

Subscribe for The Independent,cents per mouth,

iitWiBa a i MMjaccB M6wrs

. .







P. O. Box 145.



Hagey InstituteHONOLULU, H. I.



Morphine, CocoaineAND OTHER

Kindred Diseases.

136 Beretanla Slreot, between Emma 4 Fort

Private carriage entrance on lane,Emma street, opposite Chinese Episcopal Uhurcli.

Ono hundred and per-sons have boon successfully treatedfrom Novombor, 1890, to May 80,1897.

arrangements madefor pationts from the Islands orfrom abroad or for private treatment.

Soparato Oottago for Medical Ad-vic- o

andPationts under treatment have

free ueo of tho Sooial Olub Parlors.

DIRECTORS: Alox. Young,Prosidout; W. It. Castlo, Vico-Prosi-do-

J. A. Treasurer: A.V.Gear, Secretary S. Sorimgoour'Auditor.

gjSST For further information, ap-ply toROBT. SWAN SORIMGEOUIt,

Offlnn Tol. 700. Wlfl-fi- m eod

In with above tho Ageuts areissue, passengers, coupon tiokets

railroad San to points in United fromany steamship lino to ports.

For particulars to


General Agents Company.




boating, mountain



before your

MAUI-Haleak- ala,

Halemon- -

Dr.Waiplo, Koliala,







The Bono of tho Sandwich Islands,

Men live, breathe and havo theirbeing who swell with alleged patrio-tic pride, no doubt, at the magnifi-

cent achievement of tho great Re-

public of America in annexing LeporLand, known as Hawaii, or theSandwich Islands. But tbo unbiasodhistorian who is fearless and inUlli-go- nt

will dosoribe this job, if con-

summated as tho vilost, most despi-cable deod chargod to tho historicaccount of Undo Sam. The sneak-ing, dishonorable method and con-

spiracy (for bribor's gold) by whichtho little hereditary dynasty wasoverthrown at Honolulu under thoperfectly ridiculous foreign 'policyof Bnn. Harrison's Administration,wherein the diplomatic agont of thisNation accredited to the Queen'sGovernment with thorevolutionary conspiracy and wasactually supported iu the treacher-ous outrago and infamy by a warvessel of our navy, is tho blnckestpublio act. which can be chargedagainst this Republic in all its his-

tory. The nasty disgrace and pusi-lanimi- ty

of it cau never be effacedfrom our escutcheon. It was theft,brigandage, piracy, all rolled intoono, garnished with cowardlytreachery that would bring a blushto the cheek of a Comanche or aBashi Bazouk. ,

And now, the final chapter in thisdark and damning deod of perfidyand dishonor is seeking consumma-tion at the hands of this Govern-ment. To our surprise, the execu-tive branch of tho Government hasyielded to those sordid commercialinfluences tho Leper Land trustand the Senate will be asked to con-

summate aud confirm the work ofhighway robbery. It is announced(aud whoever heard of such high-

handed assumption?) that if thoConstitutional approval of the Se-

nate is withheld, the conspiratorsaro prepared to attempt to "annex"these far-of- f and undesirablo islandsby indirection. Of eourso that is

absurd. There isn't the remotestevidence that the bona fide citizensand peoplo of Hawaii desiro to aban-

don their homo citizenship and be-

come citizens of this Nation. Thebrigands who violently capturedand appropriated that Governmenthavo had the hardihood to offer atreaty of "annexation" that fails toprovide for a diroot vote of thonative peoplo there, to ascertainthoir wishes, And the scheme ofinfamy is further manifested byartiole ! of tho "treaty ofannexation," which is in those words:

"Tho further immigration of Chi-

nese laborers into tho Hawaiian Isl-

ands is hereby prohibited untilCongress shall otherwise provide.Furthermore, Chineso persons of thoclasses now or hereafter exoludodby law from, ontoring the UnitedStateB will not be permitted to comofrom tho Hawaiian Islands to otherparts of tho United States, and if socoming shall bo subject to the samopenalties an if ontoring from a for-

eign country."One would suppose that if a

separate country renounces its here-

tofore autonomy or allogionco atulbecomes annexed to aud a part ofthis Republic, tho people, the citi-

zens of tho annexed laud would be-

come oitizons of the adopted Na-

tion. Otherwise they would haveuo citizenship a .voritablo instaucoof "a man without a country."

If these Ohiuese citizens of Hawaiiaro by this process of annexationdivostod of Hawaiian oitizoushipaud acquire citizenship of thoUnited States, will thoso wisoaoreswho formulatod that mysteriouslyand wonderfully created treatyplease explain how undor our Con-

stitution citizens of ono Stato orTerritory cau bo prohibited frommigrating to any othor part of thisNation's domain!

The disinterested American citi

zen unconsciously asks. What inthundor do wo want with Hawaiianyhow?

The entire job is ono of uiouoy- -

grabbing engineered by commercialschemers by one of tho SugarTrusts and alliod mouoy-gettin- g

combines. Washington Chronicle.an,DUBINESO LOCALS.

Bluo Sorgo Suits well made for $7at Kerr's.

Mens Hato at 25 and 35 cents eachat Kerr's.

Mens Suits ready to wear at $1.25the suit at Kerr's.

All Silk Neckties, made up and totie 2 for 25c. at Korr's. '

Big reductions in Cbildrens trim-med hats for ono week only at N. S.Sach's.

Childrous trimmed sailor hatft inall colors only 50 cents at N, S.Sanh's.

"Historical Truths" may be hadat 827 King street, if applied forearly. Although tho edition Wasconsidered largo enough for all de-mands tho books nro already be-

coming rather searco.

Paddy Evan is now assisted bypopular William Carlisle at or

Saloon, where Seattle Beer isalways on draught and othor stimu-lants furnished. Pointers on all.sporting events can be had, free ofcharge from tho athletic managor oftho Anchor.

Buffalo Boer has proved its im-mense popularity at tho Hoyal, Paoi-fi- o

and Cosmopolitan Saloons. Thecelebrated Pabst is also rotaiuodthere in draft or in bottle. Tho in-

terchangeable check system that hasproved such a convenience to thepatrons ot tuese popular resorts isalso in vogue. .

There is only one placo whore thoproper drink cau be obtained whenloyal Americans celebrate, "Annex-ation" aud the Fourth of July.Pomery Soo. aud Gold Lac, are thespecial brands of Champagne servedby the Royal Annex. Come on, youannexationists, and let the corks fly,and the wine flow.

Ono ounce of prevention is betterthan ton ounces of euro. Tho Em-pire boasts of infallible remediesagaiust the varioloid. Wieland beerou draft beats vaccination, andDoctor Charlio Andrew presides overtho finest s'took of 'remedies" thatcau bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash.

Ned Doylo at tho Cosmopolitan isrecommending the celebrated Put-nam's Blackberry Brandy, a toniowhich is unrivalled, assisted by JimThompson formerly of tho S. S.Australia an excellent "half andhalt" is servod to tho thirstycustomers of tho Cosmopolitan


The Pioneer BakeryDread, Pies, Cakes ot all kinds fresh

every day.Fresh Ice Croam mado of the Best Wood,

lawn Cream In all Flavors.

Tbo "Inest Home-mad- e Confectionery.nn.tf

thus, lindsay!Jeweler.


Manufacture and RepairAll kinds of Jewelry.

FIRST-OLAS- S WORK ONLY.500 Cnvftllntliltne. Vnri Fit. tf


Whon Luna lightsOur tropio islo hi id seaJust take his tipGo pet a dip

At Lono Branch, Waikiki.Bathing parties ran obtain special ac-

commodations; clean suits- - ami propertreatment Trnmcars pass the door.

0. J. SHERWOOD,Proprietor Long Branch llaths.


F. HORN AND H. HORN, WILLMRS. bo responsible for any dobts incur-red in their names without their writtonorder.

Honolulu, July V IR07. 24-- tf

Wiider's Steamship Co.


0. L. WIGHT, Prcs. S. B. KOBK, BeeOapt. J. A. KINO, Port Snpt.

Stmr. KINAU,

CLARKE, Commander,

Will lenve Honolulu at 10 a. h., touching tLahalna, Maalnea Flay and Mokena Ihtsamo day; Mahukeno. Kawalbne andtho following day; arriving at

HUo the samo afternoon.


Friday July R0 ? not-da- July 27l'i'osdtiy...,Aus! 10 1'ridav Am. ftFriday AuiiIO Tuobday Auk 17Tucbtfay Ahr31 Friday Aug 27Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Sept 7Tuesday Sept 21 FfUh'y Boptl7Friday Oct 1 Tuesday Sept 28Tuesday Oct 12 Friday Oet IFriday Oct HI! 'iuebday Oct ItTuesday ....Nov a Friday Oct 29Friday Nov Vi I'ueBday Not 8Tuo'day .... NovlM Friday Nor 1

Friday Dec 'J Tuesday NoVSiTtifwlay ....DeoU Friday DeoUThursday Deo 23 Tuesday Deo 31

Friday Doc 81

Returning will leave Hllo at 8 o'clocka. m , touching at Laupahoehoe, Mahn-kpn- aand Kawaihao same day; iiokena.

Maalnea J!oy and Lahalna the followineday; nrrivitif at Honolulu tho afternoonsof '1 ueiduys and Fridays.

ia Will call at Pohoikl, Puna, on tripsmarked .

jtor No Freight w 111 be received aftera. m. on day of bailing.The popular route to the Volcano is viaHUo A Kood carriage road tho entiro dis-

tance. Round trip tickets, cororinc alfexpenses, $.50.00.

btmr. OLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at C r. u.tpuoh ng at Kahulul, Hana, Hamoa andKipahulu, Maul. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, once eachmonth.

SX No Freight will be received after ir. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will roserves tho nght't'omake changes in tho time of departure andarrival of its Steamers without notice andit will not bo responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom. "

Consignees must be at the Landings toreceivo their freight; this Company willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterIt has been landed.

Live Stock received only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responBlblo for

Money or Valuables of passengers unlessplaced in the care of Pursers.

t7-- Passengers aro requested to pdr'-cha-

Tiokets before embarking. Thosefailing to do so will be subject to an addi-tional charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.


Glaus Sprec&els & Co.,




SAN FRANOISCO-T- he Nevada Bank ofSan Francisco.

LONDON-T- ho Union Bauk of LondonLt'd.

NEW YORK-Amerl- can Exchange Na-tional Bank.

OHIOAGO-Merch- auts National Bank.PARI- S- Comptoir National d'Esoompte de


Koi)g&tshanghalRankln.'CorporatIon.NEW 55KALAMD AND AUSl'RALIA- -

Bank of Now Zealand.VIOIORIA AND VANCOUVER-Ba- nk

of British North America.

Transact a General Banking and ExchangeBusiness,

Deposits Rocolvcd, Loans made on Ap-proved Heourity. Comniorcia' and Travel,ers Credit Issued. Bills of lCxcnungebought aud sold.

Oollootiona Promptly Accounted ForWJ-t-

Page 2: Hi Ti jyl...you do riistlcatliiB, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, wheeling, climbing or In vololy reposing our goods aro tho best and accompaniments. 'Theseason for thlrton of and in upon










15 1






(Exonjit Sunday i

At "Brltn Hull." JtoniH Blront


Per Month, anywhere In tho Ha- -

wnllnu Islands ? fiO

Por Year . 0 00Per Year, postpaid to Foreign Cou-

ntries.... 8 00

Payable Invariably in Advance.

F. J. TESTA, Proprietor and Pub-lisher.


W. HORACE WHIOHT, Assistant'Editor. .'

Residing In Honolulu.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. i, 1897.


Tho Annexationists nro clutchingat straws again. This timo thoypublish a letter from dilso CaHsarMoreno to hio fortnor protege,Eobort Wilcox, which read a fol-


"Mr doar Wilcox:"I always potprird wiitiiiK to"

you benausri 1 ileum! to give youexact information.

"This morning I liad a jontfwith Senator O. K. Davis,

Chairman of the Coinmitlee on For-eign Relations of tho SonnU, whopositively told mo that 'tho dio iscast,' and Hawaii will bo anuoxod.

"We spoko about Hawaii andaud Senator Davis appeared

to bo well informed about tnftu andthings in Hawaii, and wo spoke atlength about you.

"Senator Davis is ouo of tho mottprominent Senators, and is friendlyto the Hawaiiaus, and his name andperson ought to be popular aud re-

spected among all of you nativeHawaiians.

"I am sorry dooply sorry thatthe Hawaiians will loso their poli-tical autonomy for tho blunders ofothers, aud it appears to mo to bethe fatal fate of tho Hawaiian rulersto bo misled by small men at homeand abroad.

"You and othor prominent Ha-waiians should form a League forthe purpose of persuading all thonativos, as the die is cast, to voto forannexation to tho United Statos,

"Tho idea that the native Hawai-ians will bo treated by tho UnituriStates in tho samo manner that thoIndians are treated in America insimply absurd, and tho Hawaiianswill enjoy all tho rights and privi-leges of any othor Amorican oitup u,irresnootivo of raco and color ororeed.

"You should inform all your coun-trymo- u

in public meeting andthrough tho press, in tho Hawaiianand English languages, of this pros-pective, and on their part tho abori-ginis- ts

of Hawaii must bo loyal citi-zens to the groat American Re-public.

"Bo assured that Prosidont Mc-Kinle- y

and tho great Amoricanpoople will troat tho Hawaiians asthey deserve. I heard those vorywords from tho month of the philo-sopho- r

Senator Davis, in whosohands and wisdom tho annexationtreaty is entrusted.

"You and qthors accept my sug-gestions, and you may in a nearfuture rondor valuablo services toyour race aud country.

"From the never changing friond."Cklso Caesar Moreno."

The Star writor pretends to lookupon tho adherence of Mr. Morenoto the annexation causo as a wonder,while ho is no doubt honestly won-

dering how much tho HawaiianCommissioners had to pay for tholotter. Tho Star writor then goeson to say:

"Another tnith ho ouunoiatos is,that tho Hawaiian will bo treatedwoll as a oitizon of tho UnitodStates. This has novor uoedod cor-

roboration, but, coming from thosourco it does, tho corroborationwill be of value in Hawaiian eyes.Undoubtedly it will bo a wise thingfor tho Hawaiian to declare JiimBelf,fully and freoly, on tho side of an-nexation."

This oxtraot from tho Star onlygoes to bIiow howlittlo tho annex-

ationist knows about tho Hawaiianpeople. Mr. Moreno's "corrobora-tion" will havo uo more value in thoeyes of Hawaiiaus than would that


of 1. O. Joneo, W. It. Castlo, W. O.Smith, L. A. Thurston, W. A. Kiu-no- y

or S. B. Dole, or any otlur oftho annexationist who wont in forannexation for two ceuls a poundon sugar.

The Star's equally disinterestedadvicu for the Htwaiian "to declarehimtolf, fully and freely, on the sidoof annexation" will full on vars thatlake ;uty advice Irom such a eouroowith mtspiciou. The Hawaiiaus willbo heard from in duo timo, .and thenMr. Moreno aud tho Star will realizethat they havo novor understood theHawaiiaus.


William A. Kinucy, who won', toWashington at tho instauco of Mr,Dole, says as tho result of his mis-

sion: -

"Tni administration has so ar-ranged tho Hawaiian question thatit will bo brought up at tho open-ing of Congress in Decombor. As Iunderstand it uo commission will boappointed, as everything will bo intho shapo'of arguments. It is mycandid opinion that the dobato ontho annexation proposition will con-tinue for soveral woekS in tho Sen-ate before a final voto iR taken. Thodebate on thn treaty will bo secret,but n gist of wha' is said is iuvnri-al.l- y


Wo can understand that Presi-dent Mi Kinley profors not to letthn ontsido world know tho Hawai-ian case as it, will bo presented bytho opponents of annexation, for itwill proscnt a page in history thatAmericaus will havo causo to blushfor.


Is it not rather strotching thochords of international comity forour Oligarchical Government, as itis tormed in the United States andabroad, to assume that a treatywhich has not yot been ratified byeither of tho party-signatori-

thereto is a valid obligation, andpractically a component part of tholaw of this soveroign aud independ-ent land. Tho actions of our rulerssavor too much of tho autocraticdespotisms of Russia aud Germanyaud oven in tho latter country thopooplo aro objectiug to tho Em-peror's will.


Attoulion is called to an interesting articlo from tho London Globe,winch is published on our outsidopages to-da- Professor Aloxaudor,our local historian of internationalfame, may be pleaed to read thohitherto unpublished extracts fromLieutenant Tarloton'a lotters in con-

nection with former cessions of theseislands to Great Britain.

Tho Hawaiians and thoir truofriends may find food for thoughtin tho letter of Bishop Turner, auAfrican, published in tho BostonTranscript, and which will bo foundon our first page iuissue. Tho loiter may also possesssome interest for Mr. Dole audthose planters who profess a desiroto colonize negroes in Hawaii; fortho Bishop advises tho negro "tolleo from tho wrath to oomo"othorwiao tho Uuitod States of Am-


Wo congratulato oursolves andcondole with our frieuds, tho an-

nexationists, on thoir acquisition ofColso Cio-ia- r Morouo to thoir hire-ling ranks. For tho benefit of an-

nexation malihiuis wo may statothat Moreno has such a savoryrecord in Hawaii (to say nothing ofabroad), that when he was a Minis-to- r

of tho Crown for a briof hour,the people rose en masse to lynch'him, and all tho foroign represent-atives protested ogainst his appoint-ment, and ho oscapod from thovicinity of tho Catholic Church by

woll, novor mind how. Tho iuflu-onc- o

of Moreno aud our friendRobert Wilcox iu theso days overhouost Hawaiians amounts to nil.Wo aro ploasod that C, O. M., thoorslwhilo haiiger-o- of Washingtonlobbies, has joined tho devil and hispartner,


Tho total number of deaths re-

ported for the month of July,1897, was 59, distributed as follows:tinder 1 year 10 KroiuaOioO.Krom 1 toC 8 Krom-IOtofi-

From 6 to 10 0 Krom CO to 00.Krom 10 to 110 0 Krom W) to 70.,Krom 20 to SO 8 Over 70

Males 32 Females '11

Havnllns 3S Great JJrHain. 1

Chinese 8 Unitoil Stntci ... 1!

I'ortugucso 0 Othor Ntttioiialties :i.Tnpanoso 7

Total.'..... M)Unattbtideil 16

ts 3


July, 1803 .10 July, 1890July, 18'lt ISIJuly, 1897 .69July, 1305 45


Accident Kovor, Typhoid... 4Aecitoi Gangrene 1

llronohltts ..,. IIotiuirrhaKO ... 3Ueriber! Heart Disoase... 3Convulsions. . Inanition . 2

.Consumption , UldAru.uerooritis , , ParalysisDiphtheria PanorcatltlsDrowned PneumoniaDebility PoritonitisDrouny Trismus .

Diarrhcea ...., Unknown 0Kever


Wards ,. 1 3 4 fi OutsidoDea-h- s 0 15 13 10(ll 0

Annual death rato per 1000 for month '.'3.C0llnwaiiuus hU 05Asiatics , 1800All other nationalities 08.47

O. It. Kky.noi us,Aent Hoard of Health.

2U!V STOKIES ltl3TOI,D.Certain members of tho Chamber of

Commerce were discussing tho abilityof Gerniiuis to drink beer, and ono ofthem offered to wager that any Teu-

ton out of n crowd at work on a build-ing near by could drink n gallon oflager without stopping. The party ap-

proached a sturdy-lookin- g stone m.r-so- n,

and the sporting man asked:"Will you drink a bucketful of beerif I pay for it?" The mason thoughta minute. "Veil, I drink it if I can.I don't know.thougli, if I can. You

wait a minute." lie disappeared into1'ort, street, but returned a mo-

ment Inter, smiling. "All right," liesaid, "I vns ready." They went intonn adjoining saloon and the Teutondrang the gallon of lager without a

wink. Coming back to his mallet and

XUUtV. JJII1UJ1 IIM14 v,.iv

clilbol, he said: "I vns not sure if Icould drink a pail of beer or not, so

I vent Into The Criterion and tried u

glass of Jtnlncr first."



foro existing hetweon A. 8,and H. J. Mncdonald for tho iir.irtlco oflaw under the firm namt of Humphreys.t Alnodonald liai been dissolved. Mr.Humphroys will occupy tho olllfea at cor-ner Kinj! and Hethcl Stieo's, and will at-

tend to ill civil mattors now in tho handsof tho firm


Honolulu, August 4, 1817, 05,-- 1 w


ITiJtOM O. K X'UA.'0 AT II,X' Kapahulu Kanch, Wni- - 4&?Aikiki, n inickskin colorod Hoi- - XiPA'stfir Heifer, no brand' A QJZ.5suitable reward will be p'tldlor us return. 051-2- w


HOUSE IN A URAL-th- yA locality within 20minutes wnlk of tho PostOlllco. Mustcontain Parlor,3 barge lledrooms, IMning Itoom, andusual otllre, and rent mutt he moderateSlope of Punchbowl or Makiki preferred.

oilers t "J" Inilcpendcnt Olllco. 0."0-l- w


TTUTKNISHKI) I'll UN- - .. 11... J?.

JL. lilt IJISUI'U liUUSU, A Ul- - iiTA Jlor, Dining lloom, To 11 ,Dtdrooms. Kitchen. Hath AVietc, u'l In Jlrst ela's condition, Biabloroom Hiid Servants' qmirtcrs; inelegant condition, l.ooitloii upper l.lllhaStreet; possession givon Aug 1. Apply atIndependent Olllco. (UO-- tl


'JOA DESI IlAllId: TKN1 nuiit, a beautiful resi-

dence furnished throughoutsituated at tho IVuinsulaGood boating OIojo to the llnllro.iil. Forfurther particulars apply to

J. O OA11TEK, J 11,nt tho Dunk of Dishop & Co



A COTTAGi: ON KINGex. Strcot, KulaokaliuaPlains, containing sixrooms, wllli outhonsps between tho residences i f tho lion A. itosaand T 11. Walker, Esq and lately occupiedny li. riioel Artesian water lain on.For furtlitr partlcnlass, apply to

ABUAHAM KiUlS'ANDEZ.Honolulu, July 15 1807 Tclo. S0.

a.- -r

lul.The Proprietor

Corsets at 25 Cents" per pairDimities, 10 yards for One DollarBrown Cotton, 30 inches wide, 20 yards

for Ono Dollar20 yards for 1.00





Leaving thcfrmmwwma

Ginghams, GlovesLinen

Embroideries, Embi

Timely Topics.

Honolulu, Aug. 3, 1807.

THe Kewalo Bicyclo Trackis at last a reality and "not adream," thanks to the energyand enterprise oE Mr. Desky.Tho track is fast approachingcompletion, and all will wantto try isbiiew on it. This issure to occasion a run on bicy-cles, and in anticipation ofsuch a run we have quietly,laid in a good stock of TR1-BUX-Jil

BIOYULES thanwhich there is none better inthe market. The TRIBUNEis now recognized in theUnited States as the BEST,it is the favorite with all thesociety people and businessmi'ii of San .Francisco, andour own American Ministerrides one. Recent advicesannounce a cut in prices oflower grade wheels, but thehigh grade wheels still sell

nt the former list price.We have niiide better arrange-ments with the

avc are enabled tosell the Tribune Bir-ycle- s atlibt price $100 and invito allintending purchasers of wheelsto come and inspect our stockbeforo going cNe where. VVe

have Ladies and Gentlemcns'Road Wheels, Racers and allmodels manufactured by thecelebrated Black

Co. We alrio carry the" " ColumbusJuvenile" for boys and girls,"U and II and"Zimay," which ate sold ex-

ceedingly cheap.-- -

T((8 Hawaiian Hardware Co,, L'o


e iitry

Damaged 50c. per pairand Pillow Casing:



35To Old. Stools, E-verytliii-ig HT&w !

The Slaughter - will commence on



BEGINNING WITHLadjes lloo in bundles, of 0 pairs for 25 Cents.Figured Jiiconets, 10 yards for Ono DollarWhite Cotton, 30 inches wide, 10 yards for 1.00Bedspreads, 90 Cents- - cashGauntlet


The Slaughter willMONDAY M







commence on

Queen St., Honolulu



Page 3: Hi Ti jyl...you do riistlcatliiB, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, wheeling, climbing or In vololy reposing our goods aro tho best and accompaniments. 'Theseason for thlrton of and in upon




I- -T'




Fanehon at the IheattHnight.

Mods ready made pants nt il perpair at Kerr a.

The Board of lluallh should meetthin afternoon.

Oarl Rhodes hni boon appointeda Custom House liippuetur.

Tho" Criekot Olub has soloctodThursday aftornonn for town prac-tice.

A Regimental Drill lias beonordered to take place ou the 12th ofAugust.

0. M. Popper is in town represent-ing a syndicate of Americau annex-ation newspapers.

Whon a man determines to savethe country, ho first picks o.ut a se-

cure place for himself.

Tha sohoouarNorma took sup-plies fortho men working on thenowroad from Mhkua.

Orioket match botweon the Pen-guins and Houolulus this afternoonat the old bisebll Kround.

Mr, W.N. Armstrong has officiallytakou charge of the editorial depart-ment of the Commercial Advertiser

. Baud ooncert at Thomas Squarethis evoning. The vacation beginsnext week, and then the drums willtake a rest.

- i

Katie Putnam will play Lena, theMadcap, at the Saturday maftnto,and T)0 ami 25 cents will bo the prices.Seats aro now on 3alo.

Company II will meot on the 23 1

inst., to elect a Second Liuutouant inthe place of E. Il.li Wolters, who3acommission will expire.

The St. Louis football team willmeet at the Drill Shed at 7:30 p. in.to mako arrangements to practicefor tho coming football season.

Iter. Dr. H. H. Hoyt, of Sacra-monto- ,

will fill the pulpit of CentralUnion Church during tho absenceof Rev. D. P. Bimio in Japau.

Tho Foreign Oflioo ha3 rouognizadMr. Goo Kim Fui as Chinese Con-sular Agent and Mr. Wong Kwai asAssistant Consular Agent Con-gratulations.

Tho barkentine W. H. Dimond,Nilson master, arrived last evening18 days from San Francisco with850 tons of gonoral morcliandise forWin. G. Irwin & Co.

S. J. Macdonald has withdrawnfrom tho law firm of Humphreys& Macdonald. Mr. Humphreys willoccupy tho offices on tho coruor ofBethel and King streots.

The Independent extends its sym-pathies to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. R.King ou tho loss of their daughterMabel, who died after-noon of acute pneumonia.

Tho American ship Commodore,Davidson master, arrived from SanFraucisco last evening after an 11days run. She is consigned to Win.G. Irwin & Co. for sugar for NowYork. '

Among tho contributors to Sat-urday evening's Cricket ClubSmoker will be Thoo. Wolff, H. F.Wiohman, Ernest Ross, Chester A.Doyle, It. L. Scott, Gus Murphy andDr. "Sinclair. ""

The monthly meeting of theHagey Social Club will bo hold onSaturday evoning. As matters ofthe gravest importance to tho Clubare to be discussed, overy member isrequested to bo present.

It is stated that tho Portuguesehave already raised a fund of over$600 for a new pull, but the difficultyis to find an auohor man. Thoman who is reputed to havo lost thematch has been absolutely oloarodof any charge of dishonesty.

An Anniversary,Thirty-si- x years ago on tho dth of

August our esteomod fellow citizenOharluR J. McCarthy arrived in Bostou. Whether ho took up his resi-

dence in tho "hub" of tho Universevoluntarily will novor bo knowu.Ho left the Athous of the East aftera four years' residence and travelledtowards tho West, eventually land-

ing in Honolulu, llore he has boonknown as foroman of a fire com-

pany; eeorotary of a legislature; aNoble, and lately as a major,

"What is muoh bettor than all thohonors tho community has poured

'onto him, is everyone, knows him asa gentlomau and a jolly good follow,and that his numerous friouds wishhim many happy roturns of the day.

Aloha, Majnrl How luoky you gotout of Boston boforo you bocamo amissionary!


Very Auoflptubly Presonted LastKvonhir nt tho Opora Housn.

As a comedy drama Lena, thoJladcap is attractive not so muchfor its-ow- n merits for they are notnumerous, as a play, m for tho facileopportuuttie it presents to KatiePutnam to display hor fresh andtersatile talent?. Sho certainly is abright, pretty, witty, charminglyclover little iugonue, who thorough-ly diops into her character as ahealthy heartful piece of loving per-versity. There are stronger cap-abilities in hor than this rathermediocre play affords, and probablyin Fanolion, which is to bo givon to-

morrow night, they will be display-ed to a greater degree. Suffice itthat last evening Miss Katie kept horaudience in excellent good humorwith her hoyden-maidenis- h fun, andher other-side-of-hea- rt sentimental-ity strongly eulistod their sympathyHorMuging was well rocoivod, andeven tho very ehostuutly "AlabamaCoon" met with a hearty encore.

It is difficult for theatrical entre-preneurs, ignorant of tho fact thatHonolulu, in comparison with itssize, po!aei.es hittlriouie and music-

al amateur talent of a very highorder, and many travelled peoplewho havo heen tho best class of pro-

fessional performances, to catersatisfactorily to tho different grades,of tho conditions of Hawaiian life.To give us what we really needwould bo too costly for any manago-niou- t,

and to givo us absolutemodiocrity is not proGtablo to thoplajers. Katie Putnam's companypresetm the happy medium. Ifthey nro not good enough to createa sonsatioii, thoy aro yot amplyclover enough to give a very light,braiu resting, and pleasing evening'sentertainment and Katie herself is

well worth tho price of admission.Tho theatre is cool, cozy and com-

fortable, the staging abovo theaverage, and Burger's string orches-tra all that could be desirod.

Lena, the Madcap will bo repro-duced at Saturdiy's matinee whon acrowded homo may safoly bo anti-


A Bull Fight.

Officers of the Philadelphia andMaiion havo challongod a numberof gentlemen in tho town to play amiteh gamo of baseball on Mondaynext.

Tho ladies will watch tho ovontwith the deepest iutorost; tho grandstand will bo crowdod; and it is

rumored that Marshal Brown is

busy issuiug police commissions toa number of ladie3 who aro iutorost-o- d

in preventing cruelty to animals.Lieutenant Elliott will bo tho

Captain of tho officers' team and Dr.Nichols has ohargo of tho Honolulunine.

Tho tailors aro busy making ap-

propriate suits for tho players andthere has been a considerable advance in tho price of wadding want-

ed for "log stuffing" purposes.The Philadelphia band will bo in

attendance and appropriate musicwill be played whon Elliott and histeam get off thoir base3. TheQuintette Olub will possibly bo pre-

sent and sot tho teeth of the audi-onc- o

ou edge whon Dr, Nichols auclhis men are caught on tho fly. Bet-

ting is very lively. Tun Indei'endent is stakeholder for a very rashbet. between one of tho gallantpUyors and a fair lady. Tho slakos

iiuiueis lor home more biniimr siniu'B,

Overend- - Williams.

Harry Overond, tho popular Dopu-t- y

Shoriff of Honokaa, Hawaii, wasmarried last Wednesday to MaryWilliams oldest daughter of Attor-ney Charles Williams.

Tho woddiug was very privato,only tho relations of tho contrac-ting parties being prosout. Theceremony took place at tho rosi-donc- o

of tho father of the brido,and tho Roy. L, Byrdo officiated,

Tho brido has boon a favorltopupil of St. Andrew's Priory nudwas recently a teacher iu HonokaaGovornmout school. Sho is veryaccomplished nud charming youngHawaiian and hor numerous friendssend their congratulations to herand her hubbaud,


A Caso for tho Oharltnblo.

For thoso who believe that charitybegins at homo before its foothinginfluence permeates abroad, we arerequested to present a caso for in-

vestigation. It appears that a Mox-ica- n

named Andrew Aguar, employ-

ed as carpenter at tho TramcarWorks', left by tho last Australiadeserting his wjfo and six childrenand another one almost in esse leav-

ing them in destitute circumstances.Thoy rosldo ou Pensacola streetnext to Audrew Brown. Neighborlyfoundry mou haro been assistingthem with food, and thero is a Bet

of carpenter's tools that can be dis-

posed of. And then . It 1b alsostated that 1 of the children, thooldest being a girl of 13, aro sickwith sore throats, and that theirmedical attendant (we supress thoname) has declined to furnish thornwith any moro modiciuo unless it is

paid for. Tho unfortunate womaniB a Portuguese who speaks butlittle English. Honolulu is nearerthan TImbuotoo, Japan or thoSouth Soas.


Kino In this city, Augusts, 1897,Mabel, daughter of G. W. R. andAmy L. King, agod 13 years.

Relatives and friends of tho familyaro invited to attend tho funeralfrom tho residence of her mother,Nuuauu street, at 1 p. m. to-da-


And Hor Oomody Company.

Repertoire for this Week: ,

Xhuitidoy Evening


Saturday Matineo


Saturday Evoning


&ST-- Mutince Vrices, 25 and CO Cents.

fW" Boms tor tho wcok can bo securednt Wall-Nicho- Company.


DNDKUSIGNIII) HAYING BEENTHi: appointed by tho Honorable JohnW. Kama. Circuit JiKtgo of tho SecondJudicial Circuit, as Administrator of thoEstato of W. H. Daniels of Wniluku, Alanl,deceased, therefore, notiuo is hereby givento nil persons having uy claims aguinstthe said Estate to present the same dulynuthenticnted withlu six months from datoto tho niidorslgncd at hlsollico in Wniluku,or they will be forever barred, and all thoseindebted to tho said Ksiato nro requestedto make immediate payment of tho samoto tho undersigned at his Law Ollico inWniluku, Maui.

A. N, KEPOIKAT,Administrator of tho Edtuto of W. H.

Daniels.Wnllaku, Juno 10. 1807. 010-- 5t onw


rpHIJ UNDEHSIQNItll HAYING BEENJL duly appointed by tho Honorable JohnW. Knlua, circuit Judge of tbe m'UUUUJudicial Circuit, ns Administrator of theEstate of Joseph 11. Whltford.of Wniluku,Mnui, do 'eased, therofore, noiieo is here-b- y

given lu nil vmons having liny claims10 sumoih from

Unto to tho undersigned ut Ills law ollico insaid Wnlluku.or they will bo forovorbnricd,and nil those Indebted to tho Raid Estutonro requested to niato Immedinto piyiifiitof tho tamo to tho undersigned at his saidlaw ollico, A. N- - KKl'OIKAl.Administrator of tho Estate of Josoph It,

Whllford.Wniluku, July 0, 1807. 03.1-- 5 onw


IS HEUEliY G1YEN THATtho umlorslgnoil bus this day boon

Administratrix of tho Estate ofJohn Cnmnoho, decoded, of Honolulu.Island of O.ihu, Hawaiian Islands, and nilcreditors ore hereby notllled to presenttheir claims duly authenticated, nnd withproper vouohors, If any oxlst, even if thoclaim Is secured by mortgage, nt tho ollicoof A G, Correa, 'Mi Merchant Htreot, Ho-nolulu, within six mouths from date or bofoievor barred. And nil persons Indebtedto tho said Estno are requested to mnkoimmediate payment of said Indebtednessto A. G. Correa, nt his otHce.

EMHEUNA OAMACHO,Administratrix Estuto of John Camncho,

deceased.July 20, 1807. 03!M onw

K tho mldKstnto to, l,VBist presentgloves.'' We would like to bo imtllenticaiod within six montl



wwwaiimwMMMm WWMMWW


Founded, 1792 Cash Capital, $3,000,000Oldest Firo IiiBuraiictt Company in tho United States.Losses paid since organization over - - $00,000,000.


Established, 1S59. .... Capital $5,000,000.Tnsurnnco offoctod on Buildings, Goods, Ships, and Merchandise

03fF For lowest rates apply to

EC. LOSEGoueral Agout for tho Hawaiian Islands.



Improved- - Planters HoSolid Cast Stool Eve and Blado Forged Entire.




VACUUM OILS,The Standard ol Merit.



A Large Assortment of General Hardware.


AV1NQ I1B1JX THIS DAY AV- -H liulnted bv Her Mniestv tho Onoetil)onger, Kaiilolnnl, at Ajjent (Kenohlkl;of tho l'Mshorles of Hiinauma and Awawn-uial- n,

obtalnod by her undor Lease fromtho Trustees of tho 1). P. Illshop Es'nte,extending from Makapnu Point to ICokoHead to tho south of this Island, I here-by warn all persons from ilshing in ortrespassing upon tho sumo without llrstobtaining permission. Anyone disregard-ing this notico will bo prosecuted to thofullest extent of the law.

AVM. AUJJ).Honolulu, July 23, 1M)7. 017-l- m

J. T. Watertaonse.

There are three brands ofJams and Jellies known to be

absolutely pure. Crosse &BlaelcAvells, Morton's andCode, Elfelt & Co. Duringthe pure food erusado in Cali-

fornia the goods of the latterpaseed every inspection andnow come out of the factoryspecially stamped ' 'PureFood.-'- ' Wc havostock of these goods and offerthem to the public at very low

prices.Our grocery department is

full to the brim with reliablegood's and our prices are lowenough as to draw commentfrom other dealers. We buyfor cash in quantities to suitthe demand and consequentlythoy are always fresh.

"Vo handle the celebratedAlbeit boneless sardines andthe Palace brand of. slicedbacon, two articles for thotable that are unexc elled.

Wo carry a full line of tabledelicacies, English and Amer-ican and promptly fill orders.Prompt delivery in all caseswhether in person or by tele-

phone and careful "attentionpaid to the selection of goods.

J. T. Waterhouse.QUEEN STREET.

.r,- -


ve NoDeadStock !

Nobody has yet saidthat we have, so wo make theassertion as a preface to thestatement that the largest andbest assortment of china andcrockery ever brought to Ho-nolulu is on our shelves. TheBiunhilda brought a share ofit and the invoice is pleasingeveryone. The shapes are thelate&t ideas of the Englishpotters nnd the decorationssurpass anything we have everhad.

Toilet Sets, .


Flower Pots,Seed Pans.

The toilet sets arohandsome enough to invito aman to give up the idea ofputting a stationary washstand in his new dwelling.The ewers and basins are largoand elegant, bettor than oldmakes.

Our stock of glasswareis complete. Tumblers andgoblets, plain, figured or cut.Flower pots aro useful herobecause this is a fern country.Wo have all sixes and shapes.

WU-4-,Von Urtli, Block.


11KINO NO LOXQEIl Apublic resort, this Proprietress will be

glad to lok tho whole or part (with board,if desired,) to privato lamllioa wishing nhealthy Bummer resort. For terms, ad-

dress P. O. Hox IMS, or on tho promises.015.1m.

Ring up 811, if you have anythingto nay toTn lvnPRNrKrr,

Page 4: Hi Ti jyl...you do riistlcatliiB, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, wheeling, climbing or In vololy reposing our goods aro tho best and accompaniments. 'Theseason for thlrton of and in upon

JUST ARRIVEDA now lot of tho MneM

Musical Instruments.Autoliarps, Guitars, Violins, Etc.

Also n now lnvolco of tlio Celebrated

Westermeyer Pianos.Spoclally manufactured for tlio tropical

- olliiinte, Bucond to nono,


On tlio Hawaiian Islands during tlio lastyears.



General Merchandise.

Also tlio choicest European and Amori-ca- n

Beers, Ale, Wines & LiquorsAT M08T IWABONA11LK mfCES,


CoTHor King A. Bethel Streets.

fACtiiAPI iV

321 & 323 King Btreet.

The Leading .

Carriage and

Wagon ftoufactarer.. ALL HArSItlALS OH HAND . .

Will furnish everything outside steamboats and hollers.

Horse Shoeing a Specialty.


ruMTUOHK C07. P. O Box 32L


Carriage Manufactory,128 & 130 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER.


Orders from the other IslaudB in BuildingTrimming, Painting, Etc., Etc.,

promptly attended to.

W. V. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West).

Win. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED')

Wm.B, Irwin Presidents ManagerOlaus Sprockels nt

W. M. Giflard Secretary & TreasurerIheo. 0. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AQBNTB OF THE

Oceanic Steamship Comp'yOf Bun Krnnniwo. Cat.


I Metropolitan Meat Go.


G. J. Walleb, - - .Mahaoeb.

Wholesalo andRetail . . .


Navy Contrnotorn

a v

A. Family Hotol.T. KHOUSE, - Prop.

Per Day ? 2.00Per Week 12.00


The Best of Atteudanco, the Best Situation

me. pin co.



San Francisco, Cal.

BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS..Philadelphia, Ponn., U 8. A.

NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO.,IManf. "National Chiio Shredder'1).

New York, U. S. A.

N. OHLANDT its CO.,San Francisco, Cal.


CS2-- tf Ban Francisco, Cal.

Occidental Hotel.Corner King and Alakea Streets,


Mrs. A, S0HMEDEN, Proprietress,

Itooms Etisuite and Singlo, withBoard, from $5 50 per week, accord-ius- r

to requirements of tho guests,with Hot nnd Gold Baths.

Tho only Promenade Roof Gardenin the city. GEO. CAVENAGH,

Manager.3T Telephone : : : 054.



General Business Agent


Conveyancing in All Its BranchesCollecting nnd All Buninoso

Hatters of Trust.

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Plumbing, Tin, Copper and SheetIron Work.

iICing Street, Honolulu.


ATTORNEY- - AT-- Jj aw.

Kaahnmauu Street, Honolulu.


- Frank Brown, Manager.

98 ami 50 Mml,t,l Bln.1, Knnolnln W, T.


Dealers in Louder and Coal andBhildino Materials of

All Kinds.


U U vvell kno'vii lint the Sand-

wich Islands wero lakon possesionof in tho imiuo of the King of Eug-lau-d

by Capt. Cook ou their discov-

ery by him iu 1778. Tho formal an-

nexation of tho islands took place,howovor, in 1791 by Vancouver, whowrote, iu explanation of tho stopswhich ho doemod it his duty to tako,that, although ou well understoodprinciples "no disputo could havearison as to tho priority of claimthat England had to tho SandwichIslands," ho yot considered "that thovoluntary resignation of these terri-torio- B

by tho surrondor of the Kingand people to tho power and auth-ority of Great Britain might prob-ably bo tho means of establishing anincontrovertible right and prevent-ing any altercation with other Statoshereafter. Under theso impressionsand upon due consideration of allcircumstances, I felt it an incum-bent duty to accept for tho Cmwnof Groat Britain tho proffered ces-

sion." What followed upon thisresolution its told iu some privrteand unprintod lettora of tho lateAdmiral Sir J. Walter Tarloton, K.C. "B,, A. D. O, which have beenplaced at our disposal. LiouteuantTarloton writes that tho formal ces-

sion of thi islands were made by KingTamaahuiaah and his principalchiefs on board tho Discovery onFebruary 25, 1791, in the presenceof Vaucouvor, Lieutenant Paget,commanding tho Chatham, and alltho oflicors of tho Discovery. Heproceeds:

"Mr. Pagot lauded, accompaniedby Eoino of tho officers, displayedtlio British colors, and took posses-sion of tho inland (Owhyee as ft wasthen callod) iu H. M.'s name in con-

formity to tho inclination ofand his subjects. On

this ceremony being finished a salutewas fired from both vessels, and aninscription on a shoot of coppercommemorating tho event wasplacod iu a conspicuous situation onthe King's house. Those fond offinding out coincidences havo beenpleased at tho discovery that thelate provisional cession was madeon the anuivorsary of this to Van-

couver, viz., Fob. 25, 1813."It should hero be stated that

Lieutenant Tarleton'a letters werewritten in tho year just named. LTo

was at that time a first lieutenant,on service in tho South Pacific, and82 yoars of age, and had, even thou,the reputation of being a very smartofficer.

Tho American missionaries, fromwhom tho Sandwich Islanders hadreceived instruction in Christianity,appear to have used their influenceamong them against England. Lieu-tenant Tarloton mentions particu-larly a certain Mr. Judd, "a man oflow origin, but consummate cun-ning, and concealing under the mostabject oxterior excossivo ambition,who," ho eaye, "holds completelytho reins of Government, directingthe King, who is a woak creaturo,in any course ho thinks proper.""This," ho adds, "was the state ofaffairs whon we arrived here. Grossnets of oppression towards Britishsubjects and of partiality towardsAmericans whereby tho Englishwore placod bolow tho footing oftho favored nation, had long calledfor the prosenco of a man-of-war- ."

Mr. Charlton, the British Consul,went to England to .lay tho griev-ances of thoBritish subjects beforeLord Aberdeen, then Minister ofForeign Affairs; but "no sooner hadho departed than his property wasattacked and taken poseessiqn of bythe Government as the site of a cus-tom house for an alleged debt owingat Valparaiso, and tho person onwhom ho dovolvod his duties wasuot rocognized." "Lorcl GoorgoPaulot," tho writer proceeds, "de-manded au intorviow with tho King,but was roforred to tho aforesaidMr, Judd. Certain demands, whichLieutenant Tarleton alludes to asboiug alroady known, wero madoupou tho King. Then follows astory whloh romindB us too pain-fully of events that havo happenedin lator years. Tho proceedings oftho commaudor on tho spot worodisavowed, and tho native King's

authority reestablished. Writingfrom Honolulu on the 5th of August,L'Hiitounut Tarleton rays:

"Tho schooner wo dispatched toJ.he Admiral no. sooner reached himthan ho sot off iu has to for this place,where he arrived ou tho 25th July.His first proceeding was to issue adeclaration saying that ho had cometo inquiro into tho demands whichtho King had found it impossible tocomply with, and to ascortain Ifthore was really a necessity for thecession that had boen mado to LordG. Paulet, Tho next thing wohoard was that a treaty had beensignod by tho King and Admiral(which treaty had boen drawn upon board tho Dubliu ou hor passagefrom Valparaiso, iu which tho isl-

ands wero given back to His Majastytho former cession was put on oneside, and the native flag was to be

ou the following Monday.This was accordingly done, with allpomp and circumstanco that couldpossibly bo lent to it. Hero wo aretherefore, 'eating dirt' before twoAmerican Commodores and a cor-

vette, very much to tho satisfactionof Mr. Judd nnd his party. LordGeorge has run tho risk that all mondo who act on their own respon-sibility."

Tho writer remarks subsequentlythat it was annoying to know thatthe iBlauda wero not given back "totho natives, but to tho Americans."

Iu a later letter (tho ouo justquoted from having boon hurriedlyfinished), Lioutenaut Tarloton ex-

plains how Lord Goorgo 'Pauletcame on tho scene. In consequenceof accounts which had reached thoGovernment, ho was sent in thoCarysfort to inquire into tho statoof affairs, and to demand redress onsoma points that had been specific-ally mentioned. He anchored offthe harbour at Honolulu, Februoiy10, 184U. Negotiations for thoredress of English grievances fol-

lowed his arrival, but "insurmount-able difficulties" woro said to havooccurred, aud .then tho King pro-posed a provisional cession of thoislands of Queen Victoria. Lieut-(uan- t

Tarloton.had not been able todnfiuo "the preciso rock on whichthey split," but ho believed it to haveleeu concerned immediately withthe proceedings connected with thobankruptcy of a certain British sub-jsc- t.

The King was really, however,ho believed, influenced iu desiringto place his country under Englishrule by fear that the French, whohad just taken forcible possessionof Tahiti, would make a descontupon tho Sandwich Islands. Lieut-enant Tarloton excuses himself frompassing judgment ou the proceed-ings which ho records, but ho goosso far as to say, "Much will dopendon the policy of tho British Govern-ment, which I cau only hopo willbear out my captain, particularly asI consider the trausfer of tho isl-

ands to some foreign Power asmerely a question of time, as it ap-

pears to mo impossible for them toretain their indepondonce, notwith-standing tho plausible theories ad-

vanced by tho missionaries on thatsubject." Tho proclamation of Ad-

miral Thomas, by which the annex-ation was disavowed, is set out atlength, aud in commenting upon it,Lieutenant Tarloton observes ineffect that all its eloquence was butwasted words, since it would uoverroach tho King at all, but "go intoMr. Judd's ooat-pooket- ." LondonGlobe.

A lady, who is an accomplishedteacher of muBic, desires to givelessons to a few pupils at theirhome, at 50 couts a lesson. Address,tho editor of Tub Independent. '

TWO REASONSWhy people como long distances to huy at


3?alama GroceryREASON 1 Bccniu ooiio imstomor tolls

anothor how much tlioy havo savoii hydealing at this llyo and let II fo establish-ment.

REASON tlio saving fromtheir Brocory-hl- ll helps thoin to pay thehouso rent.

If you don't huliovo what our customersay just glvo us a call una ho convlncod.

Hay ecncl 3-ra,i- n

HARRY OANON,l'ulania Grocery,

TEL. 765 Opposite Railway Depot

uef EjDnsra

First-clas- s Canoes With Experienced

Native OanoeistsMay bo obtained ou five minutes no-

tice at any hour iu tho dayfrom tho


gW TickotP, $1 per hour for eachperson, to bo obtained from tho

"Hale Oiwi'(W. W. Dimond's storo, vou Holt

Block) or at any of tho popularbeach resorts or by telephone "56"on week days or "921" on Sundays.Oano&o stmt anywhoro on tho Boacb.

r8t-- tf

rcnauts teiiange8. I. SHAW, Proprietor.-"- "

Corner King and Nuuunu Btreota.

Choice Liquors;AND.

Fin Besrss

SW-- TELEPHONE 4111. --tSli

lmpiF Saloon,, Corner NGnanu nnd Hotel Bts.

GmitLKs W. Andrews - - Manager.


Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP.

Rainier in Bottles.

Handmade Sour lashA SrKUIAI.TY.

Bruce Waring & CoM

Real Estate Dealers.603 Fort St., near King. .

building lots,houses and lots, and

Lands For Sale"-- Parties wishing to dispose of their

Prnrwrtloq. nr tnvltflrt to mil nn no.

Hawaiian GrownOysters.

Tho above dolicnoy oan now boprocured in euch quautitios as re-

quired upon leaving orders with

H. E. Mclntyre & Bro.307-- tf


JOHN PHILLIPSHas romoLd his Pluinhlng Buslneso from

King street to tho premises on

HCotel StreetFormerly oonupled by "Wnvon


Horse or DogIS SIOK

Call on A. It. ItOWAT, D. V. 8.mi 0(Hn(l,ib Btanleii. tf





-- I


